Regulations on the admission of vehicles to operation. Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the obligations of officials to ensure road safety

Regulations on the admission of vehicles to operation. Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the obligations of officials to ensure road safety

Tolerance Vehicle to operation. Malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited

Vehicle registration and license plates

Identification marks of the vehicle

Conditions for the admission of the vehicle to operation. Inspection

Wheel and tire problems

Vehicle registration and license plates

(Basic provisions for the admission of the vehicle to operation and the duties of officials to ensure safety traffic, items 1, 2)

The document, which we will briefly call the Basic Provisions, is published under the same cover as the Rules of the Road. It defines the requirements for the technical condition, equipment, equipment of vehicles, as well as the availability of the necessary documents for them. We will not need all the points of the Basic Provisions, but only those that are directly related to drivers and owners of vehicles. The duties of officials to ensure traffic safety will be left to be studied by the mentioned officials.

Let's start with the fact that only vehicles that are duly registered with the traffic police or, as the people say, registered are allowed to participate in road traffic. At the same time, it is supposed to register not only new vehicles, but also vehicles that have been in operation in the event of their resale or re-registration to another owner (individual or legal entity). The registration process includes entering information about the vehicle and the passport data of its owner into single base data, which, if necessary, can be used anywhere in the country in the subdivision of the State traffic inspectorate, at the traffic police post, etc. In addition, registration includes checking the documents provided by the owner of the vehicle, “reconciliation of numbered units”, during which the traffic police officers find out whether the numbers stamped in the factory on the body and other parts of the vehicle correspond to those indicated in documents for it. This is done in order to make it difficult for attackers to legalize previously stolen and resold cars. For the same purpose, the registered vehicle is checked against the database of wanted vehicles.

For the owner of the vehicle, registration with the traffic police ultimately means obtaining state license plates and documents for the vehicle, allowing you to safely operate it without fear of misunderstandings during checks on the road. The main document that accompanies the vehicle throughout its life - from the first sale to write-off - is the vehicle passport, or in short - the title. When buying, selling, re-registering a vehicle, changing registration data, as well as when deregistering due to disposal, appropriate entries are made in the TCP, allowing you to trace the entire life path of your iron horse. These records are certified by signatures and seals confirming the legality of the registration actions performed.

The TCP is a document that must be handled with care for many years. It is supposed to be kept not in the car or in the wallet, but at home or in the office, in a safe place. For permanent use, the owner is simultaneously issued a second document, which is called a vehicle registration certificate. Unlike the PTS, the driver must have the registration certificate for any trip. It is presented to traffic police officers along with a driver's license.

The registration certificate has the form of a laminated card, on one side of which information about the vehicle is indicated, and on the other - information about its owner. In fact, the certificate is a certified extract from the TCP, reflecting the current condition and ownership of the vehicle. Therefore, when reselling or donating a car, as well as when replacing a body, engine, repainting in a different color, changing the name or place of residence of the owner, etc. the old certificate of registration is subject to destruction, and another is issued in return, with new entries.

From the moment the vehicle is registered, it will always be possible to identify the owner using its license plate using the database, check the vehicle for theft, find out where it is insured, and get a lot of other useful information. And if someone wants to change the license plates on a stolen car, he will most likely fail, because the information about the brand, color, body and engine numbers entered into the computer will not match the features that the stolen vehicle will have .

According to paragraph 1 of the Basic Provisions, the vehicle should be registered within ten days from the date of its purchase. At the same time, it does not matter whether the purchase was made at a car dealership, "from hand" or the vehicle was imported from abroad. Prior to registration, the owner should carry with him a document confirming the legal acquisition of the vehicle. If there have been changes in the registration data of the vehicle or its owner (for example, the owner has replaced the car body or registered at a different address), the new information must also be entered into the database, the TCP and the registration certificate.

To register a vehicle, you need to stock up necessary documents, a list of which can be found in any registration department of the traffic police or on the Internet. These documents necessarily include an OSAGO insurance policy, which must be purchased before contacting the traffic police.

Any person can be registered as the owner of a vehicle, including those who do not have driving license. It is this person who will undergo further technical inspection, pay transport tax, and be responsible for violations detected by an automatic photo or video camera. On behalf of the owner, powers of attorney can be issued to perform various actions with the vehicle up to its sale or donation. The number of such powers of attorney is not limited.

The obtained license plates must be installed in the designated places in front and behind the vehicle (on motorcycles - only in the rear). This is stated in paragraph 2 of the Basic Provisions. For failure to comply with this requirement, for driving with non-standard or unreadable license plates, as well as for trying to hide or modify the letters and numbers of the license plate (for example, in order not to pay a fine for incorrect parking), Article 12.2.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a very serious punishment.

Vehicle identification marks

(Guideline, paragraph 8)

Paragraphs 4 - 7 of the Basic Provisions set out the requirements for technical equipment trucks designed to transport people, training vehicles, bicycles and horse-drawn vehicles, and paragraphs 9 and 10 - requirements for towing devices and their designation. If you wish, you can study these points yourself. We are more interested in paragraph 8, which tells about the identification marks of vehicles (Fig. 21-1). These signs, placed on the windows or external surfaces of individual vehicles, distinguish them from the general flow and inform other drivers about non-standard dimensions, design features, the nature of the cargo being transported or the limited speed of movement.

In addition, the corresponding identification marks may indicate that the vehicle is involved in the organized transportation of a group of children, that a student, a novice, or a deaf-and-dumb driver is driving, for whom it is pointless to give sound signals, since he will not hear them anyway.

Installation of identification marks on those vehicles for which they are intended is mandatory. Only two signs are placed voluntarily, at the request of the driver. These are the identification marks "Doctor" and "Disabled". It should be noted that the mere presence of the "Disabled" sign on the vehicle does not give any privileges - it is important that the disabled person of group I or II be present on board as a driver or passenger. Benefits will also apply if the identification mark "Disabled" is not installed on the vehicle. At the same time, articles 12.4.2 and of the Code of Administrative Offenses provide for a fine of 5,000 rubles for the unauthorized installation of the “Invalid” identification mark on a vehicle without a permit issued by the traffic police, as well as for driving such a vehicle. and confiscation of the identification mark.

Conditions for the admission of the vehicle to operation. Inspection

(Basic provisions, paragraphs 3, 11)

In order for the vehicle to be safely operated, it is required that it be technically sound, comply with established standards and regulations, and that all documents for it be in order. If these conditions are not met, then the State traffic inspectorate has grounds for prohibiting the operation of the vehicle.

Issues related to the prohibition of exploitation are not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are a great many malfunctions that can occur and periodically occur on any vehicle. Some of them are dangerous, others are not. Some of them are immediately visible to the naked eye, others can only be detected by specialists using diagnostic equipment. There are malfunctions that allow you to continue driving on your own, and there are those that you can only leave in tow or a tow truck. Many malfunctions are completely eliminated during the repair, but in some cases it is impossible to restore the original state of a part or unit. Completely without faults, that is, in perfect condition, there is a very small part car park- as a rule, these are vehicles that have just left the factory assembly line.

Figuratively speaking, technical operation vehicle is nothing more than a gradual process of turning a brand new car into a pile of rusty scrap metal. Therefore, there is nothing surprising and unnatural in the occurrence and existence of certain "diseases" at different stages of the vehicle's life. The only question is how to separate a harmless breakdown from one that can lead to dangerous or costly consequences. Paragraph 3 of the Basic Provisions refers to such consequences as traffic accidents, as well as the harm that the vehicle can cause to the environment. It is according to these two criteria (traffic safety and ecology) that they separate malfunctions with which operation should be prohibited from those with which you can continue to drive unhindered. In other words, if the identified malfunction of your vehicle can in no way become a direct or indirect cause of the accident, excessively pollute the air, soil, create increased noise, etc., then you can safely ride with it until you yourself want to eliminate it. Otherwise, the car owner must eliminate the problems that have arisen. The list of such problems was developed by specialists and approved along with the Rules of the Road. It is called the List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or in short - the List of malfunctions.

The technical condition of the vehicle is supposed to be periodically monitored during Maintenance However, not every driver conscientiously fulfills this requirement. Traffic police officers and representatives of departmental technical supervision services are not able to catch on the road every vehicle traveling around the country and check its serviceability. Therefore, the law provides for a mandatory technical inspection of all registered vehicles. The fact of passing the inspection is confirmed by the diagnostic card. not passed in deadlines inspection will not allow you to reissue the policy compulsory insurance civil liability, which must be carried with you during any trip and presented at the request of traffic police officers.

Don't pass technical inspection there are two ways - to miss the deadline for it, or to come to it with malfunctions that pose a threat to traffic safety or environment.

The timing of the inspection is determined by the age of the vehicle. For a new private car, they are 3, 5 and 7 years from the start of operation. Passenger cars over seven years old are subject to an annual inspection.

When checking the technical condition and equipment of the vehicle during the inspection (such a check is called instrumental control), not a single malfunction listed in the List that we talked about above should be detected. If such malfunctions are detected, the owner of the vehicle will receive a diagnostic card with a list of technical parameters that need to be corrected. After repairing the vehicle, he will have to come back to the instrumental control point to complete the check.

According to paragraph 11 of the Basic Provisions, in addition to malfunctions that threaten traffic safety and the state of the environment, and an inspection that has not been passed on time, the reasons for prohibiting the operation of the vehicle are:

Illegal equipping of vehicles with special signals and color schemes, as well as hallmarks taxi car;

Lack of numbers or installation of fake license plates;

Illegal or unregistered in the traffic police change the factory numbering of the body, engine and chassis;

Lack of a valid OSAGO insurance policy.

Prohibition of operation and prohibition on further movement

(SDA, paragraph 2.3.1)

As a rule, the driver is not to blame for the fact that his vehicle, which successfully passed the technical inspection in due time, suddenly broke down during the trip. It would be unfair for any breakdown to force him to spend the night in an open field next to a “dead” steel friend, waiting for technical assistance or a tow truck. Therefore, for a person who is in similar situation, there must be some reasonable way out of the situation, not contrary to the established rules. The procedure for the driver in cases where a malfunction occurred during a trip is prescribed in the second chapter of the traffic rules.

According to clause 2.3.1 of the SDA, the driver of a broken vehicle is obliged to stop and try to fix the problem on the spot, and if this is not possible, move to the place of repair or parking in compliance with the precautions. This is the meaning of the concept of prohibiting the operation of the vehicle - you are given the opportunity to get to the garage or car service on your own, provided that the malfunction that has occurred does not cause an accident, however, the Road Traffic Rules do not provide for the ability to drive further with existing malfunctions. It is not a fact that if this requirement is violated, traffic police officers will quickly pay attention to your faulty car and they will issue a fine, but sooner or later you will still have to undergo a technical inspection and eliminate all the accumulated problems that will be definitely detected during the instrumental control. And if an accident occurs before the due date of the technical inspection due to the technical condition of the vehicle, the driver will punish himself more than any traffic inspector.

At the same time, there are five most dangerous situations in which no one can guarantee the prevention of an accident, even when driving to a repair or parking place with minimum speed. In these cases, the driver is generally prohibited further movement on the vehicle. The most "terrible" malfunctions are listed in the same paragraph 2.3.1 of the Rules. Among them were:

Faulty working brake system(it, unlike the parking brake system, is actuated by the brake pedal);

Faulty steering;

Defective hitch;

Not included in the dark and in conditions insufficient visibility headlights and taillights;

A windscreen wiper that does not work during rain or snowfall, providing the driver with the main view. On a left-hand drive vehicle, this is the left wiper; on a right-hand drive vehicle, it is the right wiper.

It is easy to imagine what driving with such malfunctions on a real road can turn out to be. If you have such problems, you have little chance of safely reaching even the nearest car service. What to do if you find yourself in a similar situation? First, don't panic. With the wiper inoperative, you can wait until the rain or snowfall stops, and then move to the place of repair or parking on your own. In the event of headlight failure and parking lights movement to the place of repair is allowed during daylight hours with normal visibility. If the coupling device malfunctions, you still have the opportunity to disconnect the trailer, hide it in a secluded place and pick it up after repairing the coupling device (of course, if you have a car with a trailer, and not a multi-ton road train). And only in two cases - with inactive brakes and steering - will it be necessary to call a tow truck or tow, and towing a car with such malfunctions is possible only by partial loading.

Malfunctions of the brake system and steering

(List of malfunctions, section 1)

Now we are finally ready to turn to the Fault List. To consider it in detail, you need to have at least a minimal idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe device of the car and the operation of its components. If you don’t know anything about this at all, then it makes sense to read the article How a car works before continuing our lesson. Don't worry, it's not too long and not too boring.

The list of malfunctions consists of seven sections, and the very first of them is devoted to the brake system. What is required from the brakes of the vehicle in the first place? They must ensure a quick stop of the vehicle in case of danger, that is, act effectively enough. Checking the effectiveness of the service brake system should be carried out on a special diagnostic stand, which is a very complex electronic device. If there is no such stand, then the effectiveness of the brakes can be assessed by indirect methods - for example, by measuring the stopping distance of the vehicle after emergency braking is applied under artificially created conditions. So, at a braking start speed of 40 km/h on a smooth, clean, horizontal asphalt concrete surface, the braking distance of a passenger car loaded to the maximum permitted weight should not exceed 15.8 meters. Under the same conditions, the permissible stopping distance of a truck, bus and road train is 19.9 m. summary GOST requirements " Vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and verification methods”, referred to in paragraph 1.1 of the List.

Almost all vehicles of category B are equipped with a hydraulic brake system, in which the necessary pressure in the brake mechanisms is created by a brake fluid specially poured into the car. If this fluid leaks, there will be nothing to act on the brakes, and this can lead to partial or complete failure of the brake system. This is a very dangerous malfunction, with which it is forbidden to move even to the place of repair or parking. It is mentioned in paragraph 1.2 of the List. You can check the brake fluid level in a special tank under the hood of the car. In addition, when this level falls below the permissible value, the red brake system malfunction lamp lights up on the instrument panel - this signal should never be ignored during the trip.

Items 1.3 and 1.4 of the List regarding pneumatic brakes can be omitted. Pneumatic brakes controlled by compressed air are used only on big trucks, buses and trolleybuses.

Requirements for the state of the parking brake system (or " hand brake”, as the people say) are set out in paragraph 1.5. When leaving his vehicle on an uphill or downhill slope, the driver must brake it in such a way that it does not roll down the mountain in his absence. Of course, the steeper the slope and the greater the mass of the vehicle, the greater the risk that the parking brake will not cope with its task. Therefore, its effectiveness must meet two requirements:

A vehicle with a full load is securely held on a slope of up to 16% inclusive (in this case, the tilt angle is approximately 10 degrees);

An equipped passenger car is kept on a slope up to 23% inclusive (tilt angle - 14.4 degrees).

Full load corresponds to the maximum permitted weight, and a vehicle in running order means a car with a driver, but without cargo and passengers, filled with fuel and all necessary working fluids, with tools, accessories and a spare wheel. Thus, a car in running order is always lighter than a car with a full load, and therefore must be held by the same parking brake on a steeper slope.

The second section of the List is steering. Its condition as a whole is estimated by the amount of steering play. The total backlash, referred to in paragraph 2.1 of the List, is a small steering angle at which the front wheels remain stationary. This angle should be no more than 10 degrees for a car, no more than 20 degrees for a bus, and no more than 25 degrees for a truck.

Steering parts connected to each other are a mechanical chain connecting the steering mechanism with the front wheels of the vehicle and consisting of levers and rods. If this chain is disconnected anywhere, then the vehicle will no longer obey the steering wheel with all the dangerous consequences that follow from this. Therefore, all connections of levers, rods and other parts of the steering must not only be securely tightened with nuts, but also fixed in such a way that none of them could spontaneously unscrew on the way due to shaking and vibration of the car. This requirement is set out in paragraph 2.2.

The design of many cars and buses provides for the possibility of adjusting the position of the steering wheel, which can be adjusted to the height and figure of the driver. This is convenient, but we must remember that after the steering wheel is set to the optimal position, the steering column (that is, the axis on which it is mounted) must be rigidly fixed, otherwise, at the most inopportune moment, the "steering wheel" may slip out of your hands, and the vehicle will lose control. If the steering column locking device is defective, the vehicle must not be operated.

The steering system may include a power steering system that makes it easier to turn the steering wheel and improves safety in emergency situations. If you purchased a car with power steering, then paragraph 2.3 of the List imposes on you the obligation to maintain it in good condition throughout the life of your vehicle.

With which of the following faults, further movement is prohibited? With those that will not allow even at low speed to quickly stop or fit into a turn if necessary. This applies to such malfunctions as brake fluid leakage, total steering play that is much higher than the allowable value, disconnection of steering parts, power steering failure, in which the steering wheel becomes too tight. With other malfunctions of the brakes and steering that are on the list, only the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

Wheel and tire problems

(List of faults, section 5)

The third most important vehicle system responsible for preventing accidents is its wheels and tires. Their malfunctions are listed in the fifth section of the List. Insecure wheel mounting and improper tire condition can lead to the most unfortunate consequences on the road. Therefore, any self-respecting driver should systematically monitor their condition.

If a car moving on high speed, a wheel comes off, it can damage other vehicles, roll onto the sidewalk or shoulder, and knock down a pedestrian. For the vehicle itself, the loss of a wheel means a skid, and in some cases, a rollover, since low-lying suspension parts can catch on bumps in the road. Particularly dangerous is the break in the fastening of one of the front wheels.

The wheel is attached to the hub - the part that rotates on the front or rear axle of the car. Due to the rigid connection, the wheel rotates with the hub as one. For this, several holes are located in the central part of the flat rim in a circle. Bolts are threaded through these holes, which are screwed into the threaded holes on the hub. The second option - the rim is put on studs protruding from the hub and having an external thread. After that, the wheel is fastened with nuts (Fig. 21-2). If the nuts or bolts are tightened unevenly or not tight enough, then the rim begins to move relative to the hub during rotation, and after a while the threads of the bolts or studs may be cut off by the edges of its holes. Violation of fastening even at one point is enough for the load to be distributed to the remaining bolts (studs) and ultimately lead to their breakage. As a result, there is a risk of losing the wheel.

Keep in mind that the wheel cannot be fastened with any kind of bolts or nuts - they must be in contact with the disc with their entire clamping surface. Therefore, when replacing rims or wheel fastening elements, it is necessary to select bolts or nuts that exactly match the profile of the rim (Fig. 21-3).

No less dangerous is the destruction of the wheel under a moving car, which can occur due to the formation of cracks and other defects in the rim.

Clause 5.3 of the List does not allow the operation of vehicles with:

Missing at least one wheel bolt or nut;

There are visible violations of the shape and size of the mounting holes (in other words, the holes in the rim were once broken due to poor wheel mounting);

There are cracks in the discs and wheel rims.

In addition, it is not allowed to break and damage the studs or bolts that fasten the wheels, as well as damage to their threads.

On many cars wheel disks closed decorative caps, so the driver can not control the fastening of the wheels. However, a poorly fixed wheel always makes itself felt. It is impossible to ignore such signs as vibration of the vehicle and extraneous metal knocks in the area of ​​​​a particular wheel. They can be called different reasons, but in any case, you should, without delay, contact a tire shop, where you will be helped to identify and overcome the malfunction that has arisen.

The safety of tires is determined mainly by two factors - their durability and the condition of the tread. If the tire is not strong enough, it may burst when hitting a sharp object, causing the car to lose control, change direction against the will of the driver, and then end up in a roadside ditch or on oncoming lane. Installing on a vehicle helps to reduce the risk tubeless tires, in which air is pumped directly into the tire (Fig. 21-4). If such a tire is damaged, the air does not come out instantly, but within a few minutes, and the driver, sensing something was wrong, has time to smoothly slow down and stop in a safe place.

From wheel impacts on uneven roads and curbs, from tension and compression loads, from driving with low tire pressure, their wire or polymer base - cord - can collapse, and then even hitting a small sharp object will be enough to break the tire and rapidly release air from her. This process can be provoked by the defects listed in paragraph 5.2 of the List, or the conditions named in paragraph 5.4. To prevent this from happening, the driver must avoid strong impacts when overcoming bumps, avoid overloading the car and strictly maintain the air pressure recommended by the manufacturer in each tire. At least once every six months, tires should be carefully inspected, all foreign objects should be removed from the tread recesses, and if damage is found, they should be removed in a repair shop without delay.

When the wheel rubs against the road, the tread wears out, and over time the tire becomes “bald”. Having lost most of its protrusions and recesses, it is less likely to come into contact with small bumps on the road surface, especially if the road is slippery (Fig. 21-5). This leads to slippage during acceleration and loss of control when cornering and braking. Therefore, paragraph 5.1 establishes the permissible levels of residual height (or, in other words, residual depth) of the tread pattern, upon reaching which the tire must be replaced. It is easy to remember these rules. For motorcycles (vehicles of category L) with the smallest wheels and tires compared to other vehicles, the allowable remaining tread height is 0.8 mm. With summer tires cars(vehicles of category M1) and trailers for them, this value is twice as large, that is, 1.6 mm (if we are talking about summer tires). When winter tires are installed on the vehicle, they can be worn down to a residual tread height of 4 mm.

To enable the driver to check tire wear without special devices, manufacturers equip them with wear indicators - special elements recessed into the tread exactly to the above depth. When traces of friction on the asphalt appear on the indicators, this means that the limit of tire wear has been reached.

When braking on a slippery road, it is important that the right and left wheels of the vehicle (and ideally all four wheels) decelerate at the same time and with the same force. Otherwise, every time there will be conditions for a side skid, which, despite the efforts of the driver, turns the vehicle across the road. The same inhibitory effect can be achieved only if, in addition to brake mechanisms, the tires of the right and left wheels of the car behave the same way. To do this, their design must match, physical properties, dimensions and tread pattern, as described in paragraph 5.5 of the List. And if the installation of different tires on the front axle than on the rear is still allowed (although not recommended), then on the right and left wheels of the same axle, the tires should be similar, like twin brothers. At the same time, spiked tires that improve the behavior of the vehicle on ice and rolled snow may only be installed as a set - on all four wheels of the vehicle.

We add that a prudent driver usually has two sets of tires - winter and summer, and every autumn and spring he “changes shoes” for his car. You can save a little by installing the so-called all season tires, but you need to remember that they were created for operation in those parts where the air temperature does not fall below +5 degrees all year round. In the Russian climate, such tires will work worse in summer than summer tires, and in winter - worse than winter ones.

If you buy tires for all four wheels of the car at the same time, and not in turn, you immediately get a lot of advantages. Firstly, in this case, they will initially be the same, which means that your car will be less subject to skidding. Secondly, during operation they will have approximately the same wear, which is also important on a slippery road. Thirdly, you will be able to plan in advance the date of purchase of the next set of tires and save money for their purchase. Fourthly, you will take care of your tires, because if one of them fails, then it will not be so easy to pick up exactly the same one in addition to the remaining three.

Malfunctions of the engine, lighting devices and wipers

(List of malfunctions, sections 6, 3 and 4)

The inclusion in the List of malfunctions of the "Engine" section is dictated by environmental requirements. According to the List of faults, the engine must not pollute the surrounding air in excess of allowable rate and create increased noise (clauses 6.1 and 6.5). The fulfillment of both conditions depends on proper ventilation of the crankcase of the engine and the exhaust gas system, consisting of a silencer, exhaust pipes and a catalytic converter (paragraphs 6.3 and 6.4). It is also not allowed to leak fuel (paragraph 6.2), which can ignite at any time, especially when it comes to gasoline. Fuel for diesel engines(diesel fuel) is less dangerous in terms of fire, since it ignites only under certain conditions.

Clauses 6.1 and 6.5 of the List refer to the data given in GOST R 52033-2003 (exhaust gas composition for gasoline engines), R 52160-2003 (smokiness of diesel engines) and R 52231-2004 (external noise level), however, be familiar with the requirements of these documents simple driver not necessary. If the measuring device (gas analyzer or smoke meter) is connected to the exhaust pipe of a running engine, then the arrow or indicator should be in the “normal” position. If this does not happen, then the engine power system requires adjustment, which is performed by car service specialists.

Finally, as long as your running engine sounds exactly like any passing car, you don't have to worry about noise levels. But when you hear that the volume or tone of the sound has changed, you will have to look for and eliminate the cause of the malfunction.

The third section of the List imposes requirements on the state of external lighting devices. We have already partially studied these requirements together with the 19th chapter of the Rules. Drivers who keep them clean, replace burnt-out light bulbs and damaged diffusers in a timely manner, and periodically control headlight adjustment and the operation of external lights do not have problems with lighting devices. Incorrectly adjusted headlights not only significantly reduce the visibility of the road, but also dazzle other road users, creating an immediate risk of an accident.

Recall that you should not dismantle lighting devices that seem superfluous to you, and add those that are not provided for by the design of the vehicle. It is necessary to replace failed lighting devices with exactly the same ones, unless they are discontinued. You should absolutely not change the color of any exterior lights on either side of the vehicle. And, of course, if by law you are not entitled to flashing beacons, sirens and color schemes - do not try to equip your vehicle with them for the sake of a joke. This will be considered a violation of paragraph 7.8 of the List and will entail a very serious administrative responsibility.

Windshield wipers and windshield washers, which are mentioned in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of the List, provide the driver with an overview of the road in inclement weather. If dry dirt settles on the windows (this usually happens when the air temperature is below zero), then the wipers cannot cope with their duties, and then the windshield washers come to their aid. They must be not only functional, but also refueled. necessary quantity washing liquid that does not freeze during the cold season. Only in this case you will receive final result- cleaned windshield. Otherwise, the windshield washers are considered inoperable.

Remember that if the windshield wiper, located opposite the driver's seat, does not work at all, you are prohibited from further movement during rain or snowfall. In dry weather, as well as in cases where the windshield wipers operate in the wrong mode, only the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

If with the help of windshield wipers and washers the driver provides a normal view of the road to himself, then such a device as a mudguard seriously makes life easier for the driver riding behind. A rubber or plastic guard behind the wheel throws back dirt flying out from under the wheels. Driving behind a vehicle that lacks at least one mudguard, you will immediately feel that your windshield gets dirty faster. The operation of the vehicle, even with one missing mudguard, is prohibited by clause 7.5 of the List. There is no point in postponing the elimination of this minor but unpleasant malfunction, since you still won’t pass the inspection without a mudguard, and until then, every day you will create inconvenience for other drivers moving along the same road with you.

Other malfunctions and conditions that prevent the operation of the vehicle

(List of faults, section 7)

The seventh section is devoted to other structural elements of the vehicle. The list of malfunctions includes missing or broken glass and rear-view mirrors (paragraph 7.1), inoperative sound signal, faulty body and cab locks, traffic jams fuel tank, inoperative mechanism for adjusting the driver's seat, faulty speedometer, inoperative glass heating and blowing devices (paragraphs 7.2 and 7.4). The sides of the truck body must be securely locked. The anti-theft devices provided for by the design of the vehicle must be operational. Such devices are called immobilizers - they block the steering wheel and other controls when trying to steal a car. However, if due to a malfunction of the immobilizer, you, the legal owner of the vehicle, jam the steering wheel at full speed, this will cause an accident. Usually, in addition to the factory system, car owners additionally install car alarms and other anti-theft devices. Their performance, as well as switching on and off, is a personal matter of the owner of the vehicle.

Clause 7.6, which prohibits movement with a trailer in the event of a failure of the coupling device, we have already considered. First of all, it concerns road trains, and drivers of cars with a trailer must comply with the following requirement: safety cables or chains that do not allow the trailer to separate from the car if the coupling device itself breaks must be connected and securely fastened in the places provided for by the design.

Clauses 7.9, 7.10 of the List and partially clause 7.5 impose requirements on the availability and performance of the so-called means passive safety– the belts, head restraints and rear guard of the truck. Unlike active safety devices aimed at preventing accidents, these devices reduce the severity of the consequences if an accident does happen.

There must be no visible defects on the seat belts. They should lock securely and immediately when you try to pull the belt forward sharply. Adjustment of seat belts must exactly comply with the requirements of the Vehicle Owner's Manual. If the belt has once been in a serious accident, it must be replaced forcibly even in the absence of external damage, otherwise it will not perform its functions next time.

The head restraint, mounted on top of the seat back, saves the driver and passengers from a fracture of the cervical vertebrae during a strong rear impact, when the vehicle is thrown forward, and the heads of the people sitting in it back. The head restraint must also be adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

The rear protection device is not installed on passenger cars - it is only used on trucks and is a steel beam that is attached behind the car below the level of the body. This beam absorbs the impact in a rear-end collision. Thanks to the protective device, the front part of the car is subjected to deformation. In such cases, the impact energy is absorbed by the bumper, front fascia and engine (Fig. 21-6, top). If this saving beam had not been under the truck body, then the blow would have fallen on the windshield, and in the next moment - on the heads of the driver and front passenger (Fig. 21-6, below).

So far not included in the list of faults mandatory requirement about the presence of airbags that protect the driver and passengers from hitting the steering wheel, control panel, doors and body pillars. Nevertheless, such pillows have saved more than one thousand lives. Therefore, it would be better if, when purchasing a car, you save on something else. When driving a car equipped with airbags, you need to remember that no foreign objects should be placed on the plastic panel that covers the airbag. You should also clearly know that airbags really protect the driver and passengers only when interacting with a fastened seat belt. If a person is not fastened, then a pillow that shoots in a split second with a very great strength may cause serious injury to the face, head and chest.

Motorcyclists have their own means of protection in case of an accident. Paragraphs 7.16 and 7.17 of the List require the presence and serviceability of safety bars that protect the motorcyclist in the event of a fall, as well as steps for the passenger to prevent the foot from getting into the rear wheel, and handles that allow him to hold on while driving.

We have already said that it is not allowed to leak brake fluid from the hydraulic system and fuel from the car's power system. Paragraph 7.13, in addition, prohibits operation in case of leakage of any working fluids - from engine oil to electrolyte in the battery. First, the environment suffers. Secondly, without working fluids, various vehicle systems cannot function normally. Therefore, if you find a characteristic puddle with iridescent stains or a specific smell at the place where your car was parked, then you will have to refuse the trip. First of all, it will be necessary to determine what, from where and with what intensity follows. After that, either you can fix the leak on the spot, or you will have to call a tow truck.

Paragraphs 7.15 and 7.18 of the List do not need additional comments. Clause 7.14 concerns vehicles with a gas supply system. Paragraphs 7.11 and 7.12 do not apply to category B vehicles. You can skip them or study on your own.

It remains to look at paragraphs 7.3 and 7.7 concerning additional equipment and vehicle equipment. Not only on the day of passing the technical inspection, but also at any other time, the car must be equipped with three mandatory items: a first aid kit equipped with a set of medicines, a sign emergency stop and a fire extinguisher with a capacity of at least 2 liters. In addition to these three positions, category C trucks and buses with a GVW of more than 5 tons are equipped with two wheel chocks, which are placed under the wheels on slopes, as well as during repairs.

The requirements of paragraph 7.7 regarding the equipment of the vehicle do not apply to motorcycles without a side trailer for the simple reason that they do not have a place to place items of equipment. In addition, a broken motorcycle, unlike other vehicles, can always be manually rolled off the road, and in case of fire, if the fuel tank is in danger of exploding, you can escape. Therefore, a motorcyclist does not really need an emergency sign and a fire extinguisher, and medicines can be borrowed from other drivers. At the same time, if the motorcycle has a sidecar, then there is a place in it to store the most necessary things. The most necessary in this case is considered a first-aid kit and an emergency stop sign.

Prudent drivers, in addition to the listed items of equipment, usually carry a tow rope with them, spare wheel, jack, tool kit, lantern, snow brush and sand container (incl. winter time), and on long trips - also a metal canister for fuel. Although you will not find any mention of these items in any document related to equipment, such gentleman's set” can be very useful when solving problems that arise on the road.

Many motorists are characterized by a very common human weakness - they love to improve and decorate their favorite iron brainchild in a variety of ways. Someone hangs soft toys on the glass, someone darkens (tints) the glass, someone indulges in catchy stickers, and some turn the outer surface of the body into a picturesque canvas. These and similar actions are not prohibited if the condition is met - additional objects and images do not restrict the driver's view. In the previous edition of the List of malfunctions, it was also said that they should not injure road users, in particular, in an accident. For example, the running deer, which once adorned the hood of the Volga car, was abolished for the reason that when it hit a pedestrian, it could inflict additional injuries with its sharp horns and hooves. So, before you “ennoble” your car, think about whether your improvement will become a source of additional injuries for pedestrians, passengers or for yourself in the event of an accident?

A separate note to paragraph 7.3 of the List regulates some aspects of "decorating" activities. In particular, the use of sun blinds or blinds is allowed on the rear window of a passenger car. But since it will no longer be reflected in the salon mirror traffic situation behind the vehicle, and the curtain you hung, it is necessary that the exterior mirrors on the left and right fill in the missing information. The technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles, replacing the outdated GOST "Safety glass for land transport. General Specifications”, allows glass tinting, provided that the light transmission windshield, front side windows and front door windows is at least 70%, which corresponds to their 30% tint. The rest of the glass can be darkened as you like, but the use of mirror tinting is not allowed, because it can cause other road users to be blinded by sunlight or headlights of another vehicle.

As you can see, the Fault List has nothing against improving the comfort of the driver and passengers, if this does not cause side effects that threaten traffic safety.

Summing up what has been said, we recall once again that the operation of the vehicle according to technical reasons may be prohibited only in those cases that are reflected in the List of malfunctions, and further movement - only in five specially stipulated situations. If your vehicle has a malfunction that is not mentioned in the List, you can drive with it until you yourself want to fix it.

For the operation of the vehicle with malfunctions of the brakes, steering and coupling device, in the event of which further movement is prohibited even to the place of repair or parking, the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability under Article 12.5.2 in the form of a fine of 500 rubles, as well as the detention of the vehicle and its evacuation to penalty parking. For driving with other malfunctions included in the List, the driver is threatened with a warning or a fine of 500 rubles without detaining the vehicle (Article 12.5.1 of the Code). The same punishment is provided in cases where the number of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere, or the permissible noise level, as well as in violation of the established requirements for glass tinting. This is stated in articles 8.23 ​​and 12.5.3-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Articles 12.1 and 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, consisting of several parts, provide for punishment for the operation of unregistered vehicles and for violation of the requirements for the installation and condition of license plates. They provide for various fines ranging from 500 to 5,000 rubles, and for more serious violations - deprivation of rights for a period of 1 month to 1 year.

The main provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety:

1. Motor vehicles (except mopeds) and trailers must be registered with the traffic police ... or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, within the period of validity of the registration plate "Transit" or 10 days after their purchase or customs clearance.

3. The technical condition and equipment of vehicles participating in road traffic, in the part related to road traffic safety and environmental protection, must comply with the requirements of the relevant standards, rules and guidelines for their technical operation.

8. Identification marks must be installed on vehicles.

"Road Train"- in the form of three lanterns orange color… - on trucks And wheeled tractors... with trailers, as well as articulated buses and trolleybuses;

"Thorns"... - behind mechanical vehicles with studded tires;

"Transportation of children"…;

"Deaf Driver"... - in front and behind mechanical vehicles driven by deaf-mute or deaf drivers;

"training vehicle"... - front and rear of mechanical vehicles used for driving training (it is allowed to install a two-sided sign on the roof of a car);

"Speed ​​Limit"... - on the rear side of the body on the left of mechanical vehicles carrying out organized transportation of groups of children, carrying bulky, heavy and dangerous goods, as well as in cases where the maximum speed of the vehicle is technical specification below the traffic rules determined by paragraphs 10.3 and 10.4 ...;

« dangerous goods»

When carrying out international transportation of dangerous goods ... - in front and behind vehicles, on the sides of tanks, and also, in established cases, on the sides of vehicles and containers;

When carrying out other transportation of dangerous goods ... - in front and behind vehicles. Signs are applied to the identification mark, characterizing the dangerous properties of the transported cargo.

"oversized cargo"- in the form of a shield ... with red and white alternating stripes applied diagonally ... with a retroreflective surface;

"Slow vehicle"- in the form of an equilateral triangle with a red fluorescent coating and a yellow or red retroreflective border ... - behind mechanical vehicles for which the manufacturer has set a maximum speed of not more than 30 km / h .;

"Long Vehicle"... - behind vehicles, the length of which, with or without cargo, is more than 20 m, and road trains with two or more trailers ... It is allowed to install two identical signs ... symmetrically to the axis of the vehicle.

"Beginner Driver"... - behind mechanical vehicles (with the exception of tractors, self-propelled vehicles and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

At the request of the driver, identification marks can be installed:

"Doctor"... - in front and behind cars driven by medical drivers;

"Disabled person"... - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, carrying such disabled people or disabled children.

Vehicles may be equipped with an identification mark "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", which is a conditional identification mark, in the form of two lights with blue lights, operating in a flashing mode, located no higher than the dipped beam headlights in the front of the vehicle used to ensure safety objects of state protection.

Automobiles, buses, road trains, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, tractors and other self-propelled vehicles, if their technical condition and equipment do not meet the requirements of the List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited ...;

Vehicles that have not passed the state technical inspection in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation ...;

Vehicles equipped without an appropriate permit with the identification mark "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals, with special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces that do not comply with the state standards of the Russian Federation, without registration marks fixed in the established places, having hidden, fake, changed numbers of units and assemblies or registration marks;

Vehicles whose owners have not insured their civil liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited:

1.5. The parking brake system does not provide a stationary state:

Vehicles with a full load - on a slope up to 16% inclusive;

Cars and buses in running order - on a slope of up to 23% inclusive;

Trucks and road trains in running order - on a slope of up to 31% inclusive.

2.1. The total steering play exceeds the following values:

Passenger cars and trucks and buses created on their basis - 10 degrees;

Buses - 20 degrees;

Trucks - 25 degrees.

3.1. The number, type, color, location and mode of operation of external lighting devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle design.

Note. On vehicles discontinued from production, it is allowed to install external lighting devices from vehicles of other makes and models.

3.2. Headlight adjustment does not comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

3.3. Do not work in the set mode or external lighting devices and retroreflectors are dirty.

3.4. There are no diffusers on the lighting devices or diffusers and lamps are used that do not correspond to the type of this lighting device.

3.6. Installed on the vehicle:

In front - lighting devices with lights of any color other than white, yellow or orange, and retroreflective devices of any color other than white;

Behind - reversing lights and lighting of the state registration plate with lights of any color other than white, and other lighting devices with lights of any color other than red, yellow or orange, as well as retroreflective devices of any color other than red ...

4.1. Windshield wipers do not work in the set mode.

4.2. Windshield washers provided for by the design of the vehicle do not work.

5.1. The remaining depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators) is no more than:

For vehicles of categories L - 0.8 mm;

For vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1 mm;

For vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;

For vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2 mm.

Residual tread depth of winter tires intended for operation on icy or snowy pavement, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with the signs "M+S", "M&S", "M S" (in the absence of wear indicators), during operation on the specified coating is no more than 4 mm .

5.5. Tires of various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, chamber, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and retreaded, new and with a deep tread pattern are installed on one axle of the vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.

6.1. The content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases and their opacity exceed the values ​​established by GOST R 52033-2003 and GOST R 52160-2003.

6.5. The permissible level of external noise exceeds the values ​​established by GOST R 52231-2004.

6.3. The system of release of the fulfilled gases is faulty.

6.4. The tightness of the crankcase ventilation system is broken.

7.2. Sound signal does not work.

7.4. The locks of the doors of the body or cab, locks of the sides, provided for by the design, do not work cargo platform…, fuel tank caps, driver seat adjustment mechanism…, speedometer…, anti-theft devices, glass heating and blowing devices.

7.3. Additional items have been installed or coatings have been applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat ...

7.7. Missing:

On a bus, passenger car and truck, wheeled tractors - a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign in accordance with GOST R 41.27-2001;

On trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons and buses with a permitted maximum weight of more than 5 tons - wheel chocks (there must be at least two);

On a motorcycle with a side trailer - a first-aid kit, an emergency stop sign in accordance with GOST R 41.272001.

Note to clause 7.3

Transparent colored films can be attached to the top of the windshield of cars and buses. It is allowed to use tinted glass (except mirror glass), the light transmission of which corresponds to GOST 5727-88. It is allowed to use curtains on the windows of tourist buses, as well as blinds and curtains on rear windows passenger cars with external rear-view mirrors on both sides.

7.8. Illegal equipping of vehicles with an identification sign "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals, or the presence on the outer surfaces of vehicles of special color schemes, inscriptions and designations that do not meet state standards of the Russian Federation.

7.9. There are no seat belts and (or) seat head restraints, if their installation is provided for by the design of the vehicle or the Basic Provisions ...

7.10. The seat belts are inoperable or have visible tears in the webbing.

7.13. The tightness of the seals and connections of the engine, gearbox, final drives, rear axle, clutch, battery, cooling and air conditioning systems and hydraulic devices additionally installed on the vehicle.

7.15. State register sign vehicle or the method of its installation does not comply with GOST R 50577-93.

7.18. Changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the traffic police ... or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7.16. Motorcycles do not have built-in safety bars.

7.17. On motorcycles and mopeds there are no footrests provided for by the design, transverse handles for passengers on the saddle.

Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses:

Article 12.1, part 1

Driving an unregistered vehicle

- entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles.

Article 12.1, part 1.1

Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for by part 1 of this article

It entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 5000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months ...

Article 12.2, part 1

Driving a vehicle with unreadable, non-standard or state registration plates installed in violation of the requirements of the state standard, with the exception of cases provided for in part 2 of this article

Article 12.2, part 2

Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in the places provided for this, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates equipped with the use of materials that prevent or hinder their identification

Article 12.2, part 3

Installation on a vehicle of knowingly false state registration plates

It entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 2,500 rubles; for officials responsible for the operation of vehicles - from 15 thousand rubles to 20 thousand rubles; for legal entities - from 400 thousand rubles to 500 thousand rubles.

Article 12.2, part 4

Driving a vehicle with knowingly false state registration plates

- entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 6 to 12 months.

Note. The state registration mark is recognized as non-standard if it does not meet the requirements established in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation, and unreadable if reading is not provided from a distance of 20 meters in dark time day of at least one of the letters or numbers of the rear state registration plate, and during daylight hours of at least one of the letters or numbers of the front or rear state registration plate.

Article 12.2, part 2

Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in the places provided for this, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that prevent the identification of state registration plates or allow them to be modified or hide

It entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 5000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Article 12.4, part 2

Installation on a vehicle without an appropriate permit ... identification mark "Disabled"

It entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 5,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense; for officials responsible for the operation of vehicles - 20,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of an administrative offense; for legal entities - 500,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense.

Article 12.5, part 4.1

Driving a vehicle on which the identification mark "Disabled" is illegally installed

It entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 5,000 rubles with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense.

Article 12.5, part 1

Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2-7 of this article

- entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

Article 12.5, part 2

Driving a vehicle with a knowingly defective braking system (except for the parking brake), steering or coupling device (as part of a train)

Article 8.23

Operation by citizens ... of cars, motorcycles or other mechanical vehicles, in which the content of pollutants in emissions or the level of noise produced by them during operation exceeds the standards established by state standards of the Russian Federation

- entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

Article 12.5, part 3.1

Driving a vehicle on which glass is installed (including those covered with transparent colored films), the light transmission of which does not meet the requirements of the technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles

- entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

Requirements for the condition of lighting devices:

Requirements for the technical condition of vehicles clearly regulate the number, type, color and mode of operation of each lighting device. It is not allowed to dismantle external lighting devices, install additional lights that are not provided for by the design of the vehicle (with the exception of retrofitting older vehicles with lighting devices that meet current requirements), change the color of lights and reflectors, or the mode of operation of lighting devices. Such amateur activity can mislead other road users or lead to their blindness. Both that, and another creates prerequisites for commission of road accident.

According to paragraph 3.6 of the List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, only white, yellow or orange lighting devices are allowed on the front of the vehicle, and only red, yellow or orange lights on the rear (with the exception of backlighting rear number and reversing light). Front reflectors can only be white and rear reflectors can only be red.

Punishment for illegal use of special signals

The Code of Administrative Offenses pays serious attention to the illegal use of special signals and the illegal application of color schemes of vehicles of operational services. Severe penalties in the form of a fine of 5,000 rubles and deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 2 years, provided for in Articles 12.4. ". Please note that even if you did not install special signals, did not turn them on while driving, but only got behind the wheel of an illegally equipped vehicle, then you are already threatened with deprivation of rights to long term, and for the pleasure of "indulging" on the road with a flasher or siren, this period is additionally increased.


Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the obligations of officials to ensure road safety

1. Power-driven vehicles (except for mopeds) and trailers must be registered with the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation within the period of validity of the registration plate "Transit" or 10 days after their purchase or customs clearance.

2. On motor vehicles (except for mopeds, trams and trolleybuses) and trailers, registration plates of the appropriate type must be installed in the places provided for this, and on cars and buses, in addition, it must be placed in the right bottom corner windshield in the prescribed cases license card.

On trams and trolleybuses are applied registration numbers assigned by the respective departments.

3. The technical condition and equipment of vehicles participating in road traffic, in the part related to road traffic safety and environmental protection, must comply with the requirements of the relevant standards, rules and guidelines for their technical operation.

4. A truck with an onboard platform used to transport people must be equipped with seats fixed at a height of 0.3 - 0.5 m from the floor and at least 0.3 m from the top edge of the side.

Seats located along the rear or side boards must have strong backs.

4.1. In buses used for the carriage of passengers in interurban traffic, seats must be equipped with seat belts.

5. A motor vehicle used for driving instruction must be equipped with additional clutch pedals (except for vehicles with automatic transmission) and brakes, a rear-view mirror for a training vehicle and an identification mark "Training vehicle" in accordance with paragraph 8 of these Basic Provisions.

5(1). A vehicle used as a passenger taxi must be equipped with a taximeter, have a color graphic scheme on the body (side surfaces of the body), which is a composition of contrasting color squares arranged in a checkerboard pattern, and an orange identification lamp on the roof.

6. The bicycle must have a working brake, steering wheel and sound signal, be equipped with a retroreflector and a lamp or headlight (for driving at night and in conditions of poor visibility) in front of a white color, in the back - with a retroreflector or a red lamp, and on each side - an orange or red reflector.

7. horse-drawn wagon must have a serviceable parking brake and wheel chocks provided for by the design, be equipped in front with two retroreflectors and a white lamp (for driving at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility), in the rear - with two retroreflectors and a red lamp.

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

"Road Train"- in the form of three orange-colored lamps located horizontally on the roof of the cabin with gaps between them from 150 to 300 mm - on trucks and wheeled tractors (class 1.4 tons and above) with trailers, as well as on articulated buses and trolleybuses;

"Thorns"- in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the apex upwards with a red border, into which the letter "Ш" of black color is inscribed (the side of the triangle is not less than 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles with studded tires;

"Child Transport"- in the form of a square yellow color with a red border (width of the border - 1/10 of the side), with a black image of the symbol of the road sign 1.23 (the side of the square of the identification mark located in front of the vehicle must be at least 250 mm, behind - 400 mm);

"Deaf Driver"- in the form of a yellow circle with a diameter of 160 mm with three black circles with a diameter of 40 mm applied inside, located at the corners of an imaginary equilateral triangle, the apex of which is turned downwards - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by deaf-mute or deaf drivers;

"training vehicle"- in the form of a white equilateral triangle with the apex upwards with a red border, into which the letter "U" is inscribed in black (side not less than 200 mm, border width - 1/10 of the side), - in front and behind motor vehicles used for training driving (it is allowed to install a two-sided sign on the roof of a car);

"Speed ​​Limit"- in the form of a reduced color image of road sign 3.24 indicating the permitted speed (sign diameter - at least 160 mm, border width - 1/10 of the diameter) - on the rear side of the body on the left of motor vehicles engaged in organized transportation of groups of children carrying large-sized, heavy and dangerous goods, as well as in cases where the maximum speed of the vehicle according to the technical characteristics is lower than that specified in paragraphs 10.3 and 10.4 of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation;

"Dangerous Goods":

  • when carrying out international transportation of dangerous goods - in the form of a rectangle measuring 400 x 300 mm, having an orange reflective coating with a black border no more than 15 mm wide - in front and behind vehicles, on the sides of tanks, and also, in established cases - on sides of vehicles and containers;
  • when carrying out other transportation of dangerous goods - in the form of a rectangle measuring 690 x 300 mm, right part of which, 400 x 300 mm in size, is painted orange, and the left one is painted in White color with a black border 15 mm wide, - in front and behind vehicles.
  • On the identification mark are applied designations characterizing the dangerous properties of the transported cargo;

"oversized cargo"- in the form of a shield measuring 400 x 400 mm with red and white alternating stripes 50 mm wide applied diagonally with a retroreflective surface;

"Slow Vehicle"- in the form of an equilateral triangle with a red fluorescent coating and with a yellow or red retroreflective border (triangle side length from 350 to 365 mm, border width from 45 to 48 mm) - behind motor vehicles for which the manufacturer has set the maximum speed no more than 30 km/h;

"Long vehicle"- in the form of a yellow rectangle with a size of at least 1200 x 200 mm with a red border (width 40 mm), having a retroreflective surface, - behind vehicles whose length with or without load is more than 20 m, and road trains with two or more trailers . If it is impossible to place a sign of the specified size, it is allowed to install two identical signs with a size of at least 600 x 200 mm symmetrically to the axis of the vehicle.

"Beginner Driver"- in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image exclamation mark black color 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (with the exception of tractors, self-propelled machines, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

At the request of the driver, identification marks can be installed:

"Doctor"- in the form of a blue square (side 140 mm) with an inscribed white circle (diameter 125 mm), on which a red cross is applied (height 90 mm, stroke width 25 mm), - in front and behind cars driven by medical drivers;

"Disabled person"- in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and the image of the symbol of the road sign 8.17 in black - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, carrying such disabled people or disabled children.

Vehicles may be equipped with an identification mark "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", which is a conditional identification mark, in the form of two lights with blue lights, operating in a flashing mode, located no higher than the dipped beam headlights in the front of the vehicle used to provide security of objects of state protection.

9. Warning devices for the designation of flexible connecting links when towing motor vehicles must be made in the form of flags or shields measuring 200 x 200 mm with red and white alternating stripes 50 mm wide with a retroreflective surface applied diagonally.

At least two warning devices must be installed on the flexible link.

10. The design of a rigid towing device must comply with the requirements of GOST 25907-89.

  • cars, buses, road trains, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, tractors and other self-propelled vehicles, if their technical condition and equipment do not meet the requirements of the List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited (according to the appendix);
  • trolleybuses and trams in the presence of at least one malfunction according to the relevant Rules for technical operation;
  • vehicles that have not passed the state technical inspection or technical inspection in accordance with the established procedure;

Note excluded. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2012 N 254.

  • vehicles equipped without an appropriate permit with the identification mark "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals, with special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces that do not meet the state standards of the Russian Federation, without reinforced on established places of registration plates that have hidden, fake, changed numbers of units and assemblies or registration plates;
  • vehicles, the owners of which have not insured their civil liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • vehicles that have on the body (side surfaces of the body) a color graphic scheme of a passenger taxi and (or) on the roof - an identification lamp of a passenger taxi, if the driver of such a vehicle does not have a permit issued in accordance with the established procedure for carrying out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis ;
  • vehicles equipped with flashing yellow or orange beacons that are not registered with the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (with the exception of vehicles carrying bulky cargo, explosive, flammable, radioactive substances and poisonous substances high degree danger).

12. Officials and other persons responsible for the technical condition and operation of vehicles are prohibited from:

  • release on the line vehicles that have malfunctions with which their operation is prohibited, or converted without an appropriate permit, or not registered in the prescribed manner, or that have not passed the state technical inspection or technical inspection;
  • allow drivers to drive vehicles who are in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic or otherwise), under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state that jeopardizes traffic safety, who do not have an insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner a vehicle in cases where the obligation to insure its civil liability is established by federal law, or persons who do not have the right to drive a vehicle of this category or subcategory;
  • direct tractors and other self-propelled crawler vehicles to drive on asphalt and cement-concrete roads.

13. Officials and other persons responsible for the condition of roads, railway crossings and other road structures are obliged to:

  • maintain roads, railway crossings and other road structures in a safe condition for traffic in accordance with the requirements of standards, norms and rules;
  • inform road users about the restrictions being introduced and about changes in the organization of traffic using appropriate technical means, information boards and the media;
  • take measures for the timely elimination of obstacles to traffic, prohibition or restriction of traffic on certain sections of roads when their use endangers traffic safety.

14. Officials and other persons responsible for the performance of work on the roads are obliged to ensure traffic safety in the places of work. These places, as well as non-working road cars, Construction Materials, structures and the like, which cannot be removed from the road, must be marked with appropriate road signs, guiding and protecting devices, and at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility - additionally with red or yellow signal lights.

Upon completion of work on the road, the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians must be ensured.

15. Relevant officials and other persons, in cases stipulated by the current legislation, in accordance with the established procedure, agree on:

  • projects for organizing traffic in cities and on highways, equipping roads with technical means of organizing traffic;
  • projects for the construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, road structures;
  • installation in the immediate vicinity of the road of kiosks, banners, posters, billboards and the like, which impair visibility or impede the movement of pedestrians;
  • traffic routes and location of stopping places for route vehicles;
  • holding mass, sports and other events on the roads;
  • making changes to the design of registered vehicles that affect road safety;
  • transportation of heavy, dangerous and oversized cargo;
  • road train traffic overall length more than 20 m or road trains with two or more trailers;
  • training programs for road safety specialists, driving instructors and drivers;
  • a list of roads on which training driving is prohibited;
  • performance of any work on the road that interferes with the movement of vehicles or pedestrians.

Note. The text of this document uses special terminology established by the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation.

16. Yellow or orange flashing beacons are installed on vehicles:

  • performing work on the construction, repair or maintenance of roads, loading damaged, out of order and moving vehicles;
  • transporting bulky goods, explosive, flammable, radioactive substances and poisonous substances of a high degree of danger;
  • escorting vehicles carrying oversized, heavy and dangerous goods;
  • providing escort organized groups cyclists during training events on public roads.

17. Flashing beacons of white-moon color and special sound signals can be installed on vehicles of federal postal organizations that have a white diagonal strip on the side surface on blue background, and on vehicles carrying cash proceeds and (or) valuable goods and having special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces in accordance with the state standard of the Russian Federation, with the exception of vehicles of operational services.

18. Issuance of permits for the equipment of the relevant vehicles with identification marks "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals is carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

19. Vehicles that do not have special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces in accordance with the state standards of the Russian Federation may, in established cases, be equipped with a special sound signal and one blue flashing beacon with a height of not more than 230 mm and with a body base diameter of not more than 200 mm.

20. Flashing beacons of all colors are installed on or above the roof of the vehicle. Mounting methods must ensure the reliability of installation in all modes of vehicle movement. In this case, the visibility of the light signal at an angle of 360 degrees in the horizontal plane should be ensured.

For vehicles of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Military Automobile Inspectorate accompanying convoys of vehicles, and trucks, it is allowed to reduce the visibility angle of the flashing beacon to 180 degrees, provided that it is visible from the front of the vehicle.

21. Information about the equipment of vehicles with the identification mark "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons of red and (or) blue colors and special sound signals must be entered in the registration documents for vehicles.

List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited

This List establishes malfunctions of cars, buses, road trains, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, tractors, other self-propelled machines and the conditions under which their operation is prohibited. Methods for checking the above parameters are regulated by GOST R 51709-2001 “Vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and methods of verification.

1.1. The braking efficiency standards of the service brake system do not comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

1.2. The tightness of the hydraulic brake drive is broken.

1.3. Violation of the tightness of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake drives causes a drop in air pressure with the engine off by 0.05 MPa or more in 15 minutes after they are fully activated. A leak compressed air from wheel brake chambers.

1.4. The pressure gauge of the pneumatic or pneumohydraulic brake drives does not work.

1.5. The parking brake system does not provide a stationary state:

  • vehicles with a full load - on a slope of up to 16 percent inclusive;
  • cars and buses in running order - on a slope of up to 23 percent inclusive;
  • trucks and road trains in running order - on a slope of up to 31 percent inclusive.

2.1. The total steering play exceeds the following values:

2.2. There are movements of parts and assemblies not provided for by the design. Threaded connections not tightened or secured in the specified manner. The device for fixing the position of the steering column is inoperative.

2.3. The power steering or steering damper (for motorcycles) provided for by the design is faulty or missing.

3. External lights

3.1. The number, type, color, location and mode of operation of external lighting devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle design.

Note. On vehicles discontinued from production, it is allowed to install external lighting devices from vehicles of other makes and models.

3.2. Headlight adjustment does not comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

3.3. Do not work in the set mode or external lighting devices and retroreflectors are dirty.

3.4. There are no diffusers on the lighting devices or diffusers and lamps are used that do not correspond to the type of this lighting device.

3.5. The installation of flashing beacons, the methods of their attachment and the visibility of the light signal do not meet the established requirements.

3.6. Installed on the vehicle:

  • in front - lighting devices with lights of any color other than white, yellow or orange, and retroreflective devices of any color other than white;
  • behind - reversing lights and lighting of the state registration plate with lights of any color other than white, and other lighting devices with lights of any color other than red, yellow or orange, as well as retroreflective devices of any color other than red.

Note. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to state registration, distinctive and identification marks installed on vehicles.

4. Windshield wipers and windshield washers

4.1. Windshield wipers do not work in the set mode.

4.2. Windshield washers provided for by the design of the vehicle do not work.

5.1. The remaining depth of the tire tread pattern (in the absence of wear indicators) is no more than:

  • for vehicles of categories L - 0.8 mm;
  • for vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1 mm;
  • for vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;
  • for vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2 mm.

The remaining tread depth of winter tires intended for operation on icy or snowy road surfaces, marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with signs "M+S", "M&S", "M S" (when absence of wear indicators), during operation on the specified coating is no more than 4 mm.

Note. The designation of the vehicle category in this paragraph is established in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 N 720.

5.2. Tires have external damage (punctures, cuts, ruptures), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, delamination of the tread and sidewall.

5.3. There is no mounting bolt (nut) or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims, there are visible violations of the shape and size of the mounting holes.

7. Other structural elements

7.1. The number, location and class of rear-view mirrors do not comply with GOST R 51709-2001, there are no glasses provided for by the vehicle design.

7.2. Sound signal does not work.

7.3. Additional items are installed or coatings are applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat.

Note. Transparent colored films can be attached to the top of the windshield of cars and buses. It is allowed to use tinted glass (except mirror glass), the light transmission of which corresponds to GOST 5727-88. It is allowed to use curtains on the windows of tourist buses, as well as blinds and curtains on the rear windows of cars if there are external rear-view mirrors on both sides.

7.4. The body or cab door locks provided for by the design, the locks of the sides of the cargo platform, the locks of the necks of tanks and the plugs of the fuel tanks, the mechanism for adjusting the position of the driver's seat, the emergency door switch and the stop request signal on the bus, the interior lighting devices of the bus interior, emergency exits and drive devices do not work them into operation, a door control drive, a speedometer, a tachograph, anti-theft devices, glass heating and blowing devices.

7.5. The rear protective device, mudguards and mudguards provided for by the design are missing.

7.6. The towing and coupling devices of the tractor and the trailer link are faulty, and the safety cables (chains) provided for by their design are missing or faulty. There are backlashes in the connections of the motorcycle frame with the frame of the side trailer.

7.7. Missing:

  • on buses, cars and trucks, wheeled tractors - a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign in accordance with GOST R 41.27-2001;
  • on trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons and buses with a permitted maximum weight of more than 5 tons - wheel chocks (there must be at least two);
  • on a motorcycle with a side trailer - a first-aid kit, an emergency stop sign in accordance with GOST R 41.27-2001.

7.8. Illegal equipping of vehicles with the identification mark "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals, or the presence on the outer surfaces of vehicles of special color schemes, inscriptions and designations that do not meet the state standards of the Russian Federation.

7.9. There are no seat belts and (or) seat head restraints if their installation is provided for by the vehicle design or the Basic Provisions for the Authorization of Vehicles for Operation and the Duties of Road Safety Officials.

7.10. The seat belts are inoperable or have visible tears in the webbing.

7.11. Spare wheel holder, winch and spare wheel raising and lowering mechanism do not work. The ratchet device of the winch does not fix the drum with the fastening rope.

7.12. The semi-trailer is missing or has a faulty support device, locks for the transport position of the supports, mechanisms for raising and lowering the supports.

7.13. The tightness of the seals and connections of the engine, gearbox, final drives, rear axle, clutch, battery, cooling and air conditioning systems and hydraulic devices additionally installed on the vehicle is broken.

7.14. Technical specifications indicated on the outer surface of the gas cylinders of cars and buses equipped with a gas supply system do not correspond to the data technical passport, there are no dates of the last and planned survey.

7.15. The state registration plate of the vehicle or the method of its installation does not comply with GOST R 50577-93.

7.15(1). There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On the rules road traffic".

7.16. Motorcycles do not have built-in safety bars.

7.17. On motorcycles and mopeds there are no footrests provided for by the design, transverse handles for passengers on the saddle.

7.18. Changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Portal "Dangerous Goods" - an association of participants in the market of hazardous substances and products.

Annex to the Basic Provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety




(as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2002 N 127,

dated 12/14/2005 N 767, dated 02/28/2006 N 109, dated 02/16/2008 N 84,

No. 87 dated February 24, 2010, No. 316 dated May 10, 2010)

This List establishes malfunctions of cars, buses, road trains, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, tractors, other self-propelled machines and the conditions under which their operation is prohibited. Methods for checking the above parameters are regulated by GOST R 51709-2001 "Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and verification methods."

1. Brake systems

1.1. The braking efficiency standards of the service brake system do not comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

(clause 1.1 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 N 767)

1.2. The tightness of the hydraulic brake drive is broken.

1.3. Violation of the tightness of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake drives causes a drop in air pressure with the engine off by 0.05 MPa or more in 15 minutes after they are fully activated. Compressed air leak from wheel brake chambers.

1.4. The pressure gauge of the pneumatic or pneumohydraulic brake drives does not work.

1.5. The parking brake system does not provide a stationary state:

vehicles with a full load - on a slope of up to 16 percent inclusive;

cars and buses in running order - on a slope of up to 23 percent inclusive;

trucks and road trains in running order - on a slope of up to 31 percent inclusive.

2. Steering

2.1. The total steering play exceeds the following values:

Total backlash

no more than (degrees)

Passenger cars and created on them

base trucks and buses 10

Buses 20

Trucks 25

2.2. There are movements of parts and assemblies not provided for by the design. Threaded connections are not tightened or not secured in the prescribed manner. The device for fixing the position of the steering column is inoperative.

2.3. The power steering or steering damper (for motorcycles) provided for by the design is faulty or missing.

3. External lights

3.1. The number, type, color, location and mode of operation of external lighting devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle design.

Note. On vehicles discontinued from production, it is allowed to install external lighting devices from vehicles of other makes and models.

3.2. Headlight adjustment does not comply with GOST R 51709-2001.

3.3. Do not work in the set mode or external lighting devices and retroreflectors are dirty.

3.4. There are no diffusers on the lighting devices or diffusers and lamps are used that do not correspond to the type of this lighting device.

3.5. The installation of flashing beacons, the methods of their attachment and the visibility of the light signal do not meet the established requirements.

3.6. Installed on the vehicle:

in front - lighting devices with lights of any color other than white, yellow or orange, and retroreflective devices of any color other than white;

behind - reversing lights and lighting of the state registration plate with lights of any color other than white, and other lighting devices with lights of any color other than red, yellow or orange, as well as retroreflective devices of any color other than red.

(clause 3.6 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2006 N 109)

Note. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to state registration, distinctive and identification marks installed on vehicles.

(note introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2006 N 109)

4. Windscreen wipers and washers


4.1. Windshield wipers do not work in the set mode.

4.2. Windshield washers provided for by the design of the vehicle do not work.

5. Wheels and tires

5.1. Passenger car tires have a residual tread height of less than 1.6 mm, trucks - 1 mm, buses - 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds - 0.8 mm.

Note. For trailers, the norms of the residual height of the tire tread pattern are established, similar to the norms for tires of vehicles - tractors.

5.2. Tires have external damage (punctures, cuts, ruptures), exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the carcass, delamination of the tread and sidewall.

5.3. There is no mounting bolt (nut) or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims, there are visible violations of the shape and size of the mounting holes.

5.4. Tires by size or permissible load do not match the vehicle model.

5.5. Tires of various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, chamber, tubeless), models, with different tread patterns, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and retreaded, new and with a deep tread pattern are installed on one axle of the vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with studded and non-studded tires.

(clause 5.5 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2010 N 316)

6. Engine

6.2. The tightness of the power supply system is broken.

6.3. The system of release of the fulfilled gases is faulty.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 N 767)

6.4. The tightness of the crankcase ventilation system is broken.

6.5. The permissible level of external noise exceeds the values ​​established by GOST R 52231-2004.

(clause 6.5 was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 N 767)

7. Other structural elements

7.1. The number, location and class of rear-view mirrors do not comply with GOST R 51709-2001, there are no glasses provided for by the vehicle design.

7.2. Sound signal does not work.

7.3. Additional items are installed or coatings are applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat.

For windshield light transmission see the requirements of the Technical Regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles.

Note. Transparent colored films can be attached to the top of the windshield of cars and buses. It is allowed to use tinted glass (except mirror glass), the light transmission of which corresponds to GOST 5727-88. It is allowed to use curtains on the windows of tourist buses, as well as blinds and curtains on the rear windows of cars if there are external rear-view mirrors on both sides.

7.4. The body or cab door locks provided for by the design, the locks of the sides of the cargo platform, the locks of the necks of tanks and the plugs of the fuel tanks, the mechanism for adjusting the position of the driver's seat, the emergency door switch and the stop request signal on the bus, the interior lighting devices of the bus interior, emergency exits and drive devices do not work them into operation, a door control drive, a speedometer, a tachograph, anti-theft devices, glass heating and blowing devices.

7.5. The rear protective device, mudguards and mudguards provided for by the design are missing.

7.6. The towing and coupling devices of the tractor and the trailer link are faulty, and the safety cables (chains) provided for by their design are missing or faulty. There are backlashes in the connections of the motorcycle frame with the frame of the side trailer.

7.7. Missing:

on a bus, passenger car and truck, wheeled tractors - a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign in accordance with GOST R 41.27-99;

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 N 767)

on trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons and buses with a permitted maximum weight of more than 5 tons - wheel chocks (there must be at least two);

on a motorcycle with a side trailer - a first-aid kit, an emergency stop sign in accordance with GOST R 41.27-99.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 N 767)

7.8. Illegal equipping of vehicles with the identification sign "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", flashing beacons and (or) special sound signals, or the presence on the outer surfaces of vehicles of special color schemes, inscriptions and designations that do not meet the state standards of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 84)

7.9. There are no seat belts and (or) seat head restraints if their installation is provided for by the vehicle design or the Basic Provisions for the Authorization of Vehicles for Operation and the Duties of Road Safety Officials.

(clause 7.9 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2010 N 87)

7.10. The seat belts are inoperable or have visible tears in the webbing.

7.11. Spare wheel holder, winch and spare wheel raising and lowering mechanism do not work. The ratchet device of the winch does not fix the drum with the fastening rope.

7.12. The semi-trailer is missing or has a faulty support device, locks for the transport position of the supports, mechanisms for raising and lowering the supports.

7.13. The tightness of the seals and connections of the engine, gearbox, final drives, rear axle, clutch, battery, cooling and air conditioning systems and hydraulic devices additionally installed on the vehicle is broken.

7.14. The technical parameters indicated on the outer surface of the gas cylinders of cars and buses equipped with a gas supply system do not correspond to the technical passport data, there are no dates for the last and planned survey.

7.15. The state registration plate of the vehicle or the method of its installation does not comply with GOST R 50577-93.

7.16. Motorcycles do not have built-in safety bars.

7.17. On motorcycles and mopeds there are no footrests provided for by the design, transverse handles for passengers on the saddle.

7.18. Changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

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