What does the quality of life depend on? The value of the quality of life in the encyclopedia japan from a to z The quality of human life why does it appear.

What does the quality of life depend on? The value of the quality of life in the encyclopedia japan from a to z The quality of human life why does it appear.


What could be more important than the quality of our life?

Number of years lived? Don't think.
If every next day is similar to the previous one, and there is nothing new and fresh in life, this is not life! This is already existence. When the days are similar, they merge and it seems that life has flown by like one day. Ask 70-80-year-olds about it, they will confirm!
Of course, the quality of life is important in the present moment and is determined by how a person feels. How healthy, how happy.

What is quality of life?

There is a difference between quality and standard of living.
Standard of living- this is the DEGREE of SATISFACTION of the physical, spiritual and social NEEDS of people.
The quality of life is STATE. The state of health (physical, mental and social well-being), the ability to have freedom of choice, self-affirmation, the quality of human relationships.

A person who is internally free, able to enjoy the world, love and create, has a high quality of life.
Of course, the quality of life depends on the standard of living of a person.
The quality of life also depends on the goals that a person sets for himself, it is associated with the efficiency of life in a broad sense.

And they say that the quality of our life depends on the quality of our communication. How and with whom do you communicate?
Omar Khayyam once said:

  • To live life wisely, you need to know a lot.
  • Two important rules to remember to get started:
  • You'd rather starve than eat anything
  • And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.

Quality of life is a concept related more to the inner world. To what a person thinks of himself. However, as inside, so outside, “as above, so below.” Man's thoughts create the world in which he lives. How satisfied are you with your life? Well, if not completely, if you still want "something like that ...". There is room to grow!

So what determines the quality of life? Having a car or a fur coat? Or maybe how interesting life is for you? Do you get up in the morning with the anticipation of something new, or this day promises to be as gray as thousands of others before it?

Improving the quality of life depends on the person himself. But only on condition that he takes responsibility for his life. Only then can he manage its quality.

How to take control of the quality of life?

Hello everyone.

What determines the quality of human life? Let's figure it out together. The concept of quality implies a lot of benefits, and efficiency, and much more. But there is one quality that, in principle, makes a person a person.

Quality of life (overview)

I asked this question and immediately an image of a banal answer arose in my memory - a man must build a house, give birth (although where to him) a son (heir), plant a tree and ... what else?

And the woman? To give birth to children, look after the household, educate, create comfort in the house ... And that's all? Unless you can add, please her husband. And where is the meaning? What is the point in procreation, in the continuation of the life of the human species on Earth?

Moreover, if possible, bring benefits to society, the planet, the whole world. But what's the use? In addition to all this, religion tells us that a person comes into the world in order to strengthen faith in God with unceasing prayer. And where did she come from, such a relaxed faith? But this is a digression.

The question arises, why does God need faith and prayer? We do not even understand who he is, because he is so great that he does not hear us poor ones, just as we sometimes do not hear what all sorts of insects squeak about. No, we are told that God is great, but His love descends to us in the form of God's punishment and retribution.

Well, everything is clear here, a person, not having time to be born, falls into a terrible sin, just because he was born. Here the question is put differently, who gives birth to a person? And this is a woman who, by definition, is guilty that she seduced Adam, which means that all her offspring are mired in sins.

Again a small digression. We need to concentrate, otherwise we are talking about complex things, and jokes are inappropriate. But I want to find, understand what is the quality of human life? Is it really only in unceasing prayer and in a life that goes on for itself?

Man and animal. What is the difference?

Is it so? After all, I am not an animal or a plant, but I am a conscious being and quite intelligent, I would compete with God, show off my dexterity and intelligence, but they tell me that God does not need your mind, prayer, obedience and asceticism are needed. I decided to understand what distinguishes a person from animals, what can I do, animals can’t?

I thought for a long time - I'm not an animal, although the bodies are similar in their structure and I understood, because this is elementary. Let's compare. I feel, animals also feel, but I am intelligent and animals are not.

What is mind? This is the ability to think, analyze and make decisions using your sharp mind, and not according to the law of God or something else.

Thought knows no barriers, it is outside of time and above space, it does not depend on anything. They will say how it is, don't people think within the framework of the same laws? Soapy. But do they think? They who think within the framework of all sorts of laws, stereotypes, and traditions are not thinkers, they are sources for filling the same canons and stereotypes with energy. Okay, let's be ethical and call such people just perfect bipedal mammals, a kind of predators. Of course, such people and the quality of life is determined, do not become animals.

Who will teach them to think, these two-legged ones, they have no time, they need to build a house, build an heir, plant a tree and take a place in the cemetery. And not everyone is given poetry to write or invent something, or create something.

Yes, no one will teach them, because you must first want to become a reasonable person. But a man was born a man, which means he must develop the ability to think, otherwise he would have been born some kind of animal or plant, at worst, a unicellular amoeba, so that the quality of life of such a biped corresponds to the status.

What is the quality of life for a person

I wrote all this in a vulgar style to show what the quality of a person's life depends on, I'll pay attention - the Man. The quality of life of animals, for example, depends on what use they bring in nature, what is their purpose in the laboratory of universal life.

Nature is unique and there is nothing superfluous or lacking in it, it is unique in everything except man. There is something in a person that even determines nature, and this is human thought, which is not subject to any earthly laws.

So it turns out that the quality of human life is determined in the development of thinking, in the development of human thought, and this sphere is outside the fundamental laws of life, because this is the prerogative of the creator himself, and not of creation. So they determined the quality of human life, it is to learn to create, through the mastery of thought, to create first on Earth, and then in heaven, in the control of thoughts.

Let's summarize the preliminary results - the quality of human life in the ability to think, from the mind to wisdom, from wisdom to the spirit of understanding, from the spirit of understanding to the creation of new creations.

About human thought

We are told that there is a higher and a lower in the world, but what is it and how? Of course, everything that is mortal on Earth, and even the Earth itself, because solid and perishable is the lowest, and what is in heaven, that is, the divine spheres, is the highest, but where these divine spheres are is not supposed to be known, because it , higher, knows no earthly limitations.

What is this? It is amazing, if we consider human thought, then it is the highest, over which the laws of the dense world are not dominated. Does she have limitations? In esotericism, it is called the higher mental world, and again it is not clear where this world is. But I will say differently, within the framework of modern symbols, thought is a field form of life, look at physics for what a field is.

But besides the mental, there is the spiritual world, and that's where the path is ordered for a person, because he is sinful, well, or unworthy in terms of the quality of his life.

Stop, isn't a person the bearer and producer of the Spiritual nature? Thought is the creation of the Spirit, the bible says - “In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” ... How! The Word of God is the place of origin of thought, the first impulse of consciousness to the desire to create.

Isn't man a Thinker, that is, a creator of thoughts, a creator of the Word? After all, he is the creator and creator of the same thoughts and ideas, which he later embodies in life in the form of products, words and masterpieces of beauty. But how can he, the bearer of the Spirit of Truth, compete with God?

Man is the bearer of the Highest, his source

Compete with God! Here is the key phrase. To compete in something, you need to have such opportunities, and a person has them. God hid in the bowels of man, and we are looking for him everywhere. Here in animals there is life, but there is no God the Creator, therefore there is no reason for them to compete, they cannot create a Word that ...

But a person can, and this is the meaning of human life, to learn to think, to create, and the quality of human life depends on this. And I’ll add a little, the concept of thinking does not mean ignoring feelings, because the quality, fullness and beauty of thoughts depends on feelings, but these are already private issues that need to be sorted out during life.

Here I only touched on the issue of the quality of human life. But before writing further, I will give a short text that defines the meaning of human life and the quality of this life. I don’t know the author of this quote, everything was too long ago ... but I thank you in advance. We have a gift, the development of which determines the quality of life.

So who are you, the person who carries the Creator and the entire Creation within you? Why are you coming to Earth? Can he find the Creator within himself, free him from all divine and devilish shackles, and begin to create with his own skill, the power of the Creator and the beauty of Creation?

I think that I have answered the question posed, what is the quality of human life - in the development of thinking and thought and in finding the Creator in his Creation.

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Elena Vetshtein

"Yes", "No" and quality of life

We all pretend to live well, striving for a certain standard of living. Each of us has a certain set of components that determines what level of life he has reached at the current moment in time. Someone compares himself with a neighbor, classmate, deputy. For most, this is important. But there is one more significant indicator - the quality of life. Unlike the standard of living, which assesses its conditions and characteristics, the quality of life indicator includes a personal assessment based on the person's own degree of satisfaction with these conditions and characteristics.

Thus, the quality of life is an expectation that we all strive for in thoughts, dreams and fantasies. But for the vast majority, this expectation is very different from reality. Reality beats expectations.

And with age, the gap in the account increases significantly ...

I am interested in the quality of life from the point of view of the possibility or impossibility of its achievement by each specific person, what are the reasons for the discrepancy between expectations and reality and the conditions that help narrow this gap.
Let's start with the reasons.

The abundance of available information determines a very high level of expectations and belief in one's own uniqueness. Two groups can be distinguished here.

First group- the lack of a global view of what is happening, in which actions and results are clearly subordinated, hinders the implementation of one's own ideas. In other words , there is no strategy, but there is an excessive obsession with details, which serves as an excuse not to do the main thing.

Second group- people who are endlessly looking for their destiny. Behind these searches, one’s own meanings are lost (or they are replaced by the search for “one’s own” life path). As a result, life develops according to other people's scenarios as a set of unrelated episodes stretched out in time.

Time passes, but ambitions are not satisfied, life achievements are below expectations, and one day there comes a moment of enlightenment, which is accompanied by a strong dissatisfaction with one's own life.

Exists only two exits from the current situation.

First- feel sorry for yourself, blame your loved ones, circumstances and the whole world, shifting responsibility for your own inaction and missed opportunities. This method will give some relief for a while. He shifted responsibility - he felt like a victim, he turned from the accused into the victim, but the desired quality of life was never achieved. Notice how many whiners are around!

This method works like a painkiller pill, bringing temporary relief, but not curing the cause.

Second the way is to run at a faster pace, closing the gap between what you want and reality. But for this you need, firstly, to honestly answer yourself the questions: “What is a high quality of life for you personally?”, "; second, learn to talk to yourself.

It was hard for me to learn to say no. I remember how popular during my student days were publications about how important it is to learn to say “No” to other people who claim someone else's personal space and time. Recommendations were offered on how to overcome the psychological barrier and delicately say “No” to another. But I don’t remember any recommendations on how to learn to say “No” to yourself.

What is "No" to yourself?

Any inner growth is impossible without pain and overcoming. As in the development of muscle strength, it is important not just to perform monotonous mechanical work, but to progressive planned load, so in personal growth, in order to overcome your own ceiling, it is important to learn how to acquire, consolidate and build up new skills. To do this, it is worth saying “No” to your own numerous weaknesses.

It is difficult at first, but as you master the new rhythm of life, values ​​also begin to change. At the same time, we often feel too sorry for ourselves in the current moment, and our inner permissiveness does not allow us to break into a new orbit.

Just as a huge number of those who lose weight go astray at the sight of another rich bun, so those who are trying to achieve a different quality of life again fall into the captivity of old patterns of behavior.

Saying "No" to a bun today does not mean a complete ban on buns for life. But in the beginning, being strict with yourself is never superfluous. She is the key to success.

“No” to everything that makes you weaker and more vulnerable, while “Yes” to new opportunities that open up, even if they require you to leave your own zone. “Yes” to any activity, instead of boredom and excuses about being too busy.

The easiest way is to close yourself with a shield of banality and the usual course of life, even when life on the palm of your hand brings another chance.

“There will also have to be a lot of work”, “No, most likely, “the game is not worth the candle” - I personally closed the door many times when new opportunities appeared on its threshold. And I did this not because they did not promise a different (better) quality of life, but because it was scary and hard for me to overcome my own inertia, because in general everything was fine.

Life always gives us the right to choose the quality that we ourselves deserve at the moment. But only those who know how to correctly arrange, sweeping away the superfluous, who know how to act, focusing all their energy on what really has value and corresponds to their own goals and meanings, achieve what they want.

If you ever come to the realization that something in your life has not gone according to plan for a long time, that the discrepancy between expectations and reality is too great (in family life, self-realization, health status, appearance), then you again have a chance to take the path of change.

When progress steps forward every day, many people begin to realize that sometimes they want to be alone with themselves. Each of us wants to take a break from the modern world and relax so that no one bothers them. Each person relaxes in his own way, and perhaps someone, on the contrary, follows the latest and wants to keep up with the times. For all such people who want to change themselves a little, the optimus of life will help.

Optimus life - quality of life management from A to Z

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The quality of life is the most important social category that characterizes the structure of human needs and the possibility of satisfying them.

Some researchers, when defining the concept of "quality of life", pay great attention to the economic side, the material security of the population's life. There is also an opposite point of view, according to which the quality of life is the most integrated social indicator.

Quality of life of the population- this is the degree of satisfaction of material, spiritual and social.

A person suffers from low quality and is satisfied with a high quality of life, regardless of the area in work, business and personal life. Therefore, quality is necessary for a person constantly. A person himself strives to improve the quality of life - he gets an education, works at work, strives to move up the career ladder, makes every effort to achieve recognition in society.

The main indicators of the quality of life of the population are:

  • (average per capita nominal and real incomes, indicators of income differentiation, nominal and real accrued average wages, average and real size of the assigned pension, the subsistence minimum and the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, minimum wages and pensions, etc.);
  • quality food(calorie content, composition of products);
  • quality and fashion clothes;
  • comfort dwellings(total area of ​​occupied housing per inhabitant);
  • quality (number of hospital beds per 1,000 inhabitants);
  • quality social services(rest and);
  • quality (number of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, proportion of students in the population);
  • quality (publication of books, brochures, magazines);
  • the quality of the service sector;
  • quality environment, leisure structure;
  • (indicators of life expectancy, mortality, marriage, divorce);
  • security (number of reported crimes).

The system of indicators of the quality of life of the population

Population income:
  • final consumption expenditures;
  • average per capita cash income;
  • income from labor and economic activities of households;
  • the share of contributions in household expenditures;
  • purchase of currency;
  • purchase of securities;
  • real estate;
  • land for personal use;
  • availability of cars for 100 families;
  • household disposable resources;
  • the minimum wage;
  • minimum pension;
  • minimum consumer budget;
  • decile coefficient of differentiation;
  • funds ratio;
  • income concentration coefficient (Gini coefficient);
  • the ratio of the shares of expenditures on food for different quantile groups of the population;
The cost of living:
  • consumer price indices;
  • the cost of all types of services, including household, housing and communal services and services of social sectors;
  • living wage;
Population consumption:
  • expenses and savings;
  • consumption of basic foodstuffs;
  • energy and nutritional value of products;
The main integral indicators of the life of the population:
  • the ratio of income and expenses;
  • the ratio of average per capita income and the subsistence minimum;
  • the value of the conditionally free part of disposable income;
  • Poverty rate:
  • poverty line;
  • the number of people with incomes below the subsistence level;
Provision and coverage of the population with infrastructure facilities and technical means of the sectoral social sphere:
  • the number of consumer services enterprises;
  • number of educational institutions;
  • the number of students;
  • the number of medical personnel;
  • the number of cultural and recreational institutions;
Demographic parameters:
  • number of resident population;
  • age and sex composition of the population;
  • total fertility rate;
  • life expectancy at birth;
  • crude mortality rate;
  • marriage rate;
  • number of households;

living standard statistics

is an economic category. This is the level of provision of the population with the necessary material goods and services.

The standard of living is the level of well-being of the population, the consumption of goods and services, a set of conditions and indicators that characterize the measure of satisfaction of the basic vital needs of people.

At present, when the economic systems of countries are being deformed and modified, the main goal remains implementation of the principle of social orientation of the market economy by improving the standard of living of the population.

The system of statistical indicators of the standard of living of the population

As the main complex characteristic of the standard of living of the population currently used (HDI), calculated as an integral of three components: , life expectancy at birth, achieved level of education.

To compare the standard of living in different countries, the following indicators are also used in world practice:

  • Volume
  • Consumption structure
  • Life expectancy at birth
  • Infant death rate

The agreed standard of living for citizens of the Russian Federation is determined by the following key indicators:

  • the volume of gross domestic product per capita;
  • the volume of production of essential goods;
  • inflation rate;
  • unemployment rate;
  • the amount of real income per capita;
  • the ability of the population to invest in themselves and in the economy;
  • the ratio of the subsistence minimum and the minimum wage;
  • the number of citizens with incomes below the subsistence level;
  • the share of public spending on education, culture, health and social security;
  • the ratio of the average pension to the subsistence minimum;
  • human life expectancy;
  • the ratio of births and deaths of the population;
  • the volume of retail trade;
  • deviation of the state of the environment from the standards.

The tasks of statistics on the standard of living of the population

The main tasks of statistics on the standard of living of the population are: the study of the actual well-being of the population, as well as the factors that determine the conditions for the life of citizens of the country in accordance with economic growth; measurement of the degree of satisfaction of needs for material goods and services in conjunction with social conditions and the development of production.

Of particular note is the task of studying the patterns of formation and regional-dynamic trends in the standard of living of the country's population as a whole, as well as in the context of individual socio-demographic groups of the population and types of households.

The basis for building a system of indicators and solving these problems is the materials of macroeconomic statistics, demographic statistics, labor statistics, trade statistics, price statistics. A significant amount of information collected is based on data from financial and accounting reports, the state tax service, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, etc., as well as on materials from special surveys, censuses, and surveys.

Main sources of information are the balance of cash income and expenditures of the population and sample surveys of households.

The balance of monetary incomes and expenditures of the population is built at the federal and regional levels and is the basis for constructing macroeconomic indicators. It reflects the volume and structure of the population's money resources, which take the form of income, expenses and savings. Incomes of the population are grouped in the balance according to the sources of funds and directions of their spending.

One of the types of state statistical monitoring of the standard of living of the population is selective household budget surveys. These surveys make it possible to obtain data for the accounts of the "Households" sector, the distribution of incomes of various groups and strata of the population, and also to reveal the dependence of the level of material well-being of a household on its size and family composition, source of income, employment of family members in various sectors of the economy.

Currently, in accordance with the transition to international standards, new macroeconomic indicators of the standard of living are being introduced according to the SNA methodology. These include gross household disposable income, adjusted household gross disposable income, household final consumption expenditure and actual household final consumption.

Characteristics of the standard of living of the population

To characterize the standard of living, quantitative and qualitative indicators are used. Quantitative - determine the volume of consumption of specific goods and services, and qualitative - the qualitative side of the well-being of the population.

The standard of living is characterized by a whole block of indicators:
  • consumer basket
  • average
  • income difference
  • life expectancy
  • the level of education
  • structure of food consumption
  • development of the service sector
  • housing
  • state of the environment
  • degree of realization of human rights
Top 10 countries with highest and lowest average life expectancy at birth, both sexes, years, 2005 (WPDS)*

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