How to properly maintain a new car. Cold running in production, is cold running really done by the manufacturer

How to properly maintain a new car. Cold running in production, is cold running really done by the manufacturer

Breaking in a car - very milestone in the life of every person who was able to realize his dream and buy a new car. As a rule, such car owners are faced with a huge amount of advice from various "experts", so it can be difficult to figure out exactly how to break in a car. We will really consider effective methods break-in of a new car.

Myth #1 is that new cars simply don't need to be broken in. But in reality, do not forget about the laws of physics. All components that interact with each other must undergo some adaptation. If this point is not taken into account, the engine, gearbox and other vehicle components may operate with too high loads. As a result, the life of these elements will be greatly reduced. Yes, and the consumption of fuel, oil and other fuels and lubricants usually increases.

Some car dealership employees say that automakers are already doing a “cold” break-in, so cars do not need a “hot” break-in (which is what we will talk about in our article). Unfortunately, everything is far from being so simple. Although power units do go through such a run-in at the factory, this is just one of the methods for detecting defects. Therefore, you should not forget about the “hot” running-in in any case.

Proper car break-in

  1. First of all, we advise you to forget about the speed capabilities of your iron friend. You need to protect the car from loads during the first 1-1.5 thousand kilometers. All actions of the driver should be as smooth as possible. That is the meaning of the break-in.
  2. New engines do not like long-term operation in a certain crankshaft speed range. For this reason, it is not recommended to drive at a stable speed for a very long time during break-in. At the same time, do not forget about the gentle operation of the engine. It is necessary to find something between a stable speed and sharp acceleration / deceleration.
  3. Most engines are recommended to be used in the range of 2-4 thousand rpm. Experience shows that it is in this range that you can achieve the lowest fuel consumption. It is also undesirable to overclock overdrive when the tachometer needle drops below 2000 rpm. This mode of operation of the motor cannot be called sparing.
  4. Engine braking or prolonged idling of the engine does not contribute to proper break-in of a new vehicle. You should not carry too much luggage in the car, it is also not worth driving to the dacha with a trailer for the first thousand kilometers. The fact is that in the event of an unforeseen situation (for example, you can get stuck in the mud), you will have to seriously load the engine and gearbox.
  5. Regularly check the amount of oil and other fluids. Periodically look under the car to detect a leak in a timely manner. This will help you avoid unnecessary repair costs. various systems auto. In the trunk, it is advisable to carry a bottle of engine oil to top up if necessary.
  6. Checking the oil level should be done a few minutes after stopping the engine. The machine must be on the most even surface, otherwise the measurements will be inaccurate. Need to pull out oil dipstick, wipe it with a piece of cloth, and paste it back. Then the probe must be pulled out again (after a few seconds). The dipstick has MIN and MAX marks. If the level drops to the MIN mark, add oil. The distance between the above marks corresponds to 1 liter of oil. After adding the oil level should not exceed the maximum mark.
  7. Breaking in a car is more than just breaking in the engine. The remaining nodes are no less important. For example, you need to be careful with a manual transmission. Do not release the clutch pedal too quickly. All elements of the gearbox should be well rubbed together.

Do not forget about the passage of "zero MOT". Specific information about when exactly you need to come to the dealer should be given to you at the car dealership. This is very important procedure, which helps to detect various defects in a timely manner and eliminate them. Also, experts check the condition of various fluids.

How should a new car be properly broken-in in winter? And does it need to be done at all? Probably, before moving on, it makes sense to immediately answer the second question: running in is required for every car, regardless of its “coolness”. If you do not fully consider all the nuances that relate to the technical characteristics, then this important process due to the fact that the machine has a large number of rubbing components and parts that are interconnected by working surfaces, in the process of which the required gaps and distances appear.

How to break in a new car?

Running in a new car in winter is the first movement of a car in the conditions of its subsequent operation, therefore it must be done with special care. It is necessary to run the car from 2000-2500 km and certainly in gentle conditions, and not to drown the "trigger to the floor". If the car's course is moderate, then both new parts and assemblies are correctly run in among themselves, and when the speed crankshaft reduced to almost zero, or vice versa, very high, then, of course, the parts are not rubbed in as they should, and, accordingly, in the subsequent breakdown of the running gear, the owner of the car is provided. It must be said that in the process of running a car in winter, it is also necessary to carefully monitor the amount of oil, since the mechanisms and parts of the car require a larger amount of lubrication than usual driving.

As professionals say, during the break-in process, the car should not move at the same speed for a very long time. It is best to do alternate speed modes, since it is in this moment and the smoothness of movement is formed, as well as the efficiency of the engine. If this is not taken into account, in the following we will talk about reliable operation car is no longer needed. Moreover, at the initial 2500 km, you should not try a car for speed while driving in urban conditions, since at the first stage the car is simply not intended for these roads.

Many inexperienced car enthusiasts think that they allow parts to get used much faster when the car accelerates strongly in places and sharply press the brake pedal. But this option, on the contrary, has a very negative effect on the entire state of the chassis of the car, since jerky acceleration and rapid braking only loosen and loosen this knot.

Among non-professional car owners, the question “is it necessary to run in new car V winter time? There is a strong opinion that only the car engine must be run-in, but in reality, any element that takes even a small part in its movement needs this run-in. This can be explained by the fact that a car is like a kind of organism in which all parts are interconnected, therefore a careful attitude must be manifested in relation to each node and to each detail.

Running in a car in the winter: where, and how?

When purchasing a car, a happy owner can immediately forget about its primary operation on busy city roads, since the car will move quite hard and will not differ in significant maneuverability. Experienced car owners call this condition engine braking. It is for this reason that it is necessary to run in a new car in places remote from city roads, where traffic lights are not installed, and where there is no significant flow of vehicles that move in different directions.

It is best to do a break-in in the winter on holidays or weekends, since in this case the driver will not have to rush, this will allow you to “get acquainted” with the operation of the car. Yes and in holidays in distant areas, other cars drive much less than on weekdays.

How to break in a new engine?

As mentioned above, every node and part of the car must be run-in, but running-in the engine of a new car is most important. It's just that the engine is the heart of any car, so its initial work must be especially accurate. Only a well-run engine will not create any failures in the future. The "life" cycle of an illiterately run-in engine is only 40% of common work motor, the components of which were correctly lapped.

Today, however, certain manufacturers of engine parts make them so well that they operate under ideal conditions when the car leaves the assembly line. But this quality is also required in running-in, since any part must first be tested for its ability to work, and only then for endurance.

At the end of all of the above, we can draw a definite conclusion: running a new car in winter will be required for any car - domestic or foreign, and the more and more correctly this rather simple process is carried out, the the best performance get the car. Attentive and careful attitude to the four-wheeled "horse" at each stage of operation will provide an opportunity to truly enjoy every trip.

You have bought a car. And not some second-hand there, but literally yesterday (well, maybe a little earlier ...) that came off the assembly line vehicle. The joy of the acquisition causes a certain euphoria, and in your thoughts you are already rushing to top speed somewhere on the horizon. And suddenly - stop, all this driver's idyll collapses to the ground. The reason is banal - you seem to be able to reach the horizon, but you can’t at full speed. And the point here is not only in constructively incorruptible cameras for automatic recording of violations. In the way of your fantasies stood ... running.

Does a modern car need a break-in?

We turn from fantasies to facts and reading instructions. So, today there is a strong opinion that technical level products of the main automobile concerns so high that most modern models does not need to comply with the break-in regime and is ready for full operation from the first kilometers. I will not hide, some technological platform under this opinion is available. Moreover, a car that, at the tenth kilometer of a long life path (mileage), has developed the maximum speed possible for this model, most likely will not stand in the middle of the road with a jammed engine.

But then it's time to look into the manual (as they usually call technical guidance attached to each car) and read about the permissible operating modes for the first 1500-3000 kilometers. And believe me, all these restrictions and a special “post-break-in” maintenance were invented for a reason. The "fate", "health" and "longevity" of the car largely depend on the thoroughness of the running-in in the future. No matter how modern and technically perfect it may be. Moreover, if the manufacturer officially declares that the car they have released does not need to be run-in, then you need to understand: they simply considered (most likely, quite reasonably) that the harm caused to the new car by non-optimal operating modes is so insignificant that you should not scare an unprepared buyer with some kind of break-in modes. But we do know. And therefore, for a new car, the regime is needed, if not “break-in”, then at least “sparing”. Or, in other words, even if the manufacturer does not require adherence to strict break-in rules, it is still better to follow some restrictions.

What's not to like about a new car?

Contrary to a fairly widespread belief, the engine of a new car should not be introduced into the "big life" through long work at one turn. The fact is that during such a running-in of the motor, a “highly specialized” grinding of parts occurs. Subsequently, when rolled in this way power unit start operating in normal mode, its secondary running-in (and, accordingly, additional wear) takes place, taking into account fundamentally changed conditions.

Also, during the break-in period, avoid sudden acceleration and engine operation at speeds close to maximum(the instructions most often indicate the permissible speed depending on the mileage), as well as push-pull movements, that is, with a sufficiently large load at minimum speed.

It is believed that the operation of the engine during the break-in period, and even after it, is most optimal in range from 2 to 4 thousand revolutions. And even the optimal “break-in speed” is called - 90-110 km / h. But it is only partly true. Characteristics modern motors(and cars in general) are so different (I'm not talking about the difference between gasoline and diesel engines) that it would not be entirely correct to indicate indiscriminately the numbers of the general “correct” range. It can be said in more general words: the tachometer needle, if possible, should move in the middle part working area scale, and the "desired" speed will depend on the total gear ratio transmission and outer diameter of the drive wheels.

Particularly difficult operating conditions and, accordingly, running-in should also include movement in large cities with their broken rhythm and endless traffic jams, as well as frequent and short trips, during which the engine simply does not have time to reach its normal operating mode.

But, as they say, not by a single motor - during the break-in process, if possible, avoid and hard braking(of course, if we are not talking about emergency braking). The fact is that during the first few hundred kilometers there is a “burn-in” not only of the engine and transmission. At the same time, numerous parts of the brake mechanisms “learn” to work together smoothly.

During the break-in period, you should not get carried away using the “cargo” capabilities of the machine (even if in the agreed technical specification limits). As for towing a trailer, in a number of instructions, towing an unrun-in car is directly prohibited.

A new car cannot be used in the same way as a car with high mileage. The thing is that it has completely new components that have been assembled into a single system, and it needs preliminary grinding. Breaking in a new car is a simple and mandatory task for every car owner.

Only experienced drivers know what is best to do with a new car. However, for those who get behind the wheel for the first time, especially a new car, not all the secrets of driving a car are known. If you are wondering how long it takes to break in a new car, then this article will help you. Together we will certainly deal with this issue.

What it is?

Running in a new car is the very first movement of a car, so this should be done with the utmost care. It is recommended to start the run from 1500-2000 kilometers, and in a very careful mode. No "pedal to the floor"! When the car moves smoothly, all its components will work correctly and calmly with each other. If the crankshaft speed is reduced to zero or too frequent, then the parts have not rubbed in correctly. This is the reason a large number various problems associated with the chassis.

It is also worth noting that during the break-in period of a new car, it is important to carefully monitor the volume of oil, because parts and assemblies will use it for lubrication in much larger quantities than in a standard situation.

What speed is needed?

If you are interested in the speed when running in a new car, then it should be a quiet car, always at the same pace. It is recommended to change periodically speed mode, because it is at this moment that the efficiency of the engine is determined, as well as the smoothness of its course in the future. If this is not taken into account, then you cannot be completely sure of the reliability of your car.

How many km is the break-in of a new car? For the first 2000 kilometers, it is best not to experience the maximum speed capabilities of a car by driving on street roads. At its early stage, the car will not be completely ready for this.

Common misconceptions

Many car owners believe that the nodes will get used to each other much faster if you accelerate rapidly, and then slow down sharply. However, this method will only negatively affect the condition of the running components of the car. This is due to the fact that jerky acceleration and rapid braking only loosen the entire system, breaking it.

Also, some inexperienced owners often ask how long it takes to break in a new car, and are surprised when they find out that this is quite a long time (1500-2000 kilometers need to be driven). This is due to the fact that many believe that only the engine is subject to break-in. Nevertheless, this procedure is necessary for all components of the car that are somehow involved in the movement of the car. A car is like a big organism in which every detail is connected to each other, so try to take good care of all the elements of the car.

Where and how should the break-in be carried out?

After purchasing a car, a happy owner can forget about such an important task as running in a new car. However, after a short drive on a busy city street, you can notice how heavy and with little maneuverability the car moves. Experienced drivers this is often referred to as "engine braking". The first trips by car are best made on the highway, remote from the city, where there are not a lot of traffic lights and a stream of cars that move in different directions.

The correct running-in of a new car is carried out on a day off, because then there are much fewer cars, which means that the driver can, without rushing, enjoy the trip, better comprehending the operation of the car.

Engine break-in nuances

As we said earlier, every node and component in the car should be subjected to the break-in process, however, special attention must be paid to the engine, the heart of the car. This is a very important component of the car, its operation should be as careful and careful as possible. Only a properly run-in engine will allow you to enjoy your trips without any problems without worrying about any unforeseen failures.

The "vital" energy of an incorrectly broken-in engine will be only 30% of its true potential, if you did everything right. It should be noted that recently many manufacturers automotive engines do their job as accurately and perfectly as possible, so that a new car can move optimally right after the assembly line.

Nevertheless, even such excellent quality cannot avoid running in, so new parts must first be tested for performance, and only after that - for endurance.

Unwanted idling

The idling of the engine deserves special mention, which is undesirable for a long time. Almost any instruction that comes with a new car will tell you about this. It indicates that the operation of the engine on neutral gears- This difficult conditions use of the device. You will certainly be able to see such a record not only in foreign models, but also in the documentation for domestic representatives of the automotive industry.

Cold running

It should also be noted that most of the major manufacturers cars on the territory of the plant also carry out a cold run-in. This means that the engine and transmission are pre-checked before they are installed inside the car. However, this is carried out without urban load. Each element of the car brake discs, suspension, pads and more, needs such adaptation.

No wrap needed?

You may be told by dealers that the break-in process is not required condition but only a recommendation for use. Some even claim that maximum load by car can be carried out immediately after leaving the salon. Nevertheless, this is an important step, ignoring which can hit your pocket.

Checking the brake system

Breaking in the brakes is the simplest part and the easiest. Why do they need to be rubbed at all? If you put in completely new pads or even discs, you will need more than a dozen, or maybe hundreds of kilometers, so that the layer at the top begins to wear off, and the planes begin to “stuff” for subsequent normal operation. Surely, many car owners have noticed more than once the black dust that appears on newly installed pads.

They have a top layer that is softer and wears off during the first 150-200 kilometers. In no case should you perform sudden or prolonged braking so that the surface is erased evenly and evenly.

Disks do not have such a layer, they immediately begin to function. However, there is also no mirror that fills friction lining. So the lapping process will still be useful. For full disclosure and maximum efficiency, the brakes need 200 kilometers of careful treatment. Nothing complicated.

Transmission run-in

It must be clarified that the transmission is not just an automatic or mechanical box gears, but the whole system put together. These are also bearings, shafts, seals and much more.

As you can see, there are enough components rubbing against each other. It is clear that driven bearings are already perfectly lapped, because they are produced using special technologies and with necessary tolerance roughness. Nevertheless, there are microns that are worth running in the car during its use.

The gearbox consists of a large number of all kinds of gears, friction discs and other components, which, of course, are tested in the factory. Nevertheless, the load is selected for the necessary “hundredths”, and the gears fill the “mirror” at the points of engagement. To get it evenly and there were no deflections, try not to do the maximum load.

For automatic transmission, it is necessary to break in the upper layer of the friction disc and gears with shafts, however, it is strongly not recommended to overheat the device in the first 500 kilometers.

Test drive after overhaul

According to practice, running-in is needed not only for a new car, but also for an engine that has been overhauled. According to experts, such motors need hard processing, but in the first 3000-4000 kilometers it is best not to overload them. During the first run-in, it is desirable to add exactly imported oil, which after the first 2000-3000 kilometers will need to be changed, as well as the used oil filter. Although the break-in procedure for a new car is the same as for a refurbished model, the latter almost doubles the break-in period for components.

What needs to be done for this?

  1. Fully charge your battery so that the engine can start easily. Moreover, it is necessary to fill in engine oil to the very top of the dipstick highest quality. It is also worth considering that pouring oil into oil filter is prohibited, because it can form airlock. The motor, after oil is poured into it, does not need to be started immediately. Wait at least a quarter of an hour for it to drain into the pan.
  2. In machines that do not have fuel pump, pumping fuel is carried out manually.
  3. The engine is started using a starter, and it is also necessary to control the amount of oil on the sensors dashboard.
  4. If the pressure indicators are at the normal level, then the engine can be warmed up to a mark of 93 ° C. Then turn off the engine and let it cool down to 40 ° C. The next time you need to warm up Idling. Such repetitions must be performed from 20 times.
  5. Then comes the process of running the engine on increased speed, during which you need to increase them every minute. For example, for three minutes, hold the indicator at 1000 revolutions, then for four minutes be at 1500 revolutions and then follow the same principle.
  6. At this stage, you can already go on the road. The speed of your trip should not exceed 70 km/h. How many kilometers does a new car break-in take place? You need to be as careful as possible on the first 500 kilometers, monitor the operation of the engine. Overloading during this period is strictly prohibited. As soon as you overcome this distance, you can increase allowable speed up to 90 km/h.
  7. As soon as this run is completed, change the filter and oil, and tighten all threaded connections.

If the break-in process for a new vehicle or after overhaul was performed incorrectly, then very soon you will begin to notice oil inside the air cleaner, difficulties will begin with starting the engine, fuel consumption will increase significantly, as well as lubricant. Moreover, you will notice a decrease in engine power.

Run-in in winter

How long does it take to break in a new car in winter? This question is asked by many owners of brand new cars and often hesitate to buy a new one. iron horse considering that running-in during this period is impossible. In no case should you be afraid of winter, because any season is suitable for running a car, the main thing is to be able to adapt to different conditions.

Experienced car enthusiasts recommend preheating the crankcase and gearbox before starting the engine. To do this, you can take any a heating element, such as a gas burner, for example. To prevent any unwanted failures in the oil supply, during break-in, try to periodically visit your technical Center for examination. There you can quickly change the oil, change the filter, which will also allow you to get rid of small sawdust that will certainly appear during the running-in of the components.

Moreover, do not forget about the instructions for the car, which always indicate how many kilometers the break-in of a new car lasts, the recommended speed limits on various gears and much more.

If you strictly adhere to all the above recommendations, then you will certainly be able to properly break in your car, thereby significantly extending the duration of its operation. However, it is important to remember that any correct break-in a car will be a waste of time if you do not properly monitor the car and make miscalculations in its operation.

Just as any brand new thing bought “gets used” to its owner, so a car just released from the factory must get used to the owner, and the driver to the car. And to grind, in the literal sense of the word, will be many parts of the machine. Design and impeccable foreign cars, and domestic cars organized on the same principle. The whole car consists of a large number of so-called rubbing pairs - mutually rubbing parts. Therefore, any auto mechanic will tell you how important it is to break in first new car on sparing conditions, save the engine, and only then proceed directly to operation. Perhaps some drivers do not even know that the wheels of a brand new car must first be run in for about 500 kilometers in order to “get used” to the disks, and what can we say about the rest of the details!
Especially in order for the friction force not to have such a detrimental effect on the mechanism, all kinds of oils were invented that envelop the parts with a special film and protect them from premature abrasion. But no matter what magical power they possess machine oils, some of them are not enough to protect the car. For a new machine, one of the important conditions for its further correct operation is her competent running-in. And let the managers and dealers of car dealerships unanimously assure that running-in is not required and the manufacturing plant has provided for this, it is still better to save your “iron horse” and drive 2000-3000 kilometers under certain conditions than to pay for your indiscretion with endless repairs. Experts advise you to follow a number of simple recommendations for running in a new car with automatic transmission, and then any trip will be pleasant and joyful.
Try to avoid running the engine at constantly high or low revs. Also don't let idling engine.
Undesirable braking of a car with automatic transmission, located on manual mode.
When driving around the city, frequent sudden stops and jerks cannot be avoided. This leads to rapid fuel consumption and also adversely affects the operation of the car. By the way, not only new.
Before you start moving, you need to warm up the engine for several minutes (4-5 is enough) at low speeds of 1000-1200. In the automatic transmission, for warming up while driving, it is necessary to set the mode forcibly, which will not allow gear shifting further than the 2nd (with 4automatic transmission) and 3rd (with 6automatic transmission).

For running in a car, the optimal speed is from 80 to 115 km / h. On the track, it would be nice to try out your car, while not accelerating and not gaining more than 3000 rpm. And again, the speed should not be constant, every 10-15 minutes you need to change them. The level of gasoline and oil must be monitored every 100 kilometers. In general, make it a rule to check the level of fluids in the car daily. You can even look under the bottom to see if there are any traces of oil on the pavement.

Regularly inspect the car in case of breakdown, look under the hood, check the tires.
If you really have to drive through busy city streets, try to smoothly press the pedals and monitor the speed - no higher than 2500 per minute.
Take care of your car, do not accelerate sharply with the desire to test the promised high-speed result. An untested car will not be able to reach immediately high results, and such experiments will not do her good.
One thing to keep in mind while running important point- you need to break in the car only on good roads, off-road is not suitable for a new car. The first 500-1000 km. are so important to the engine, so be patient, and you can soon achieve the desired results.

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