Seeing water fountains in a dream. What does it mean if you dreamed of a fountain

Seeing water fountains in a dream. What does it mean if you dreamed of a fountain


The dream interpretation deciphers a dream with a fountain very favorably. New positive emotions, a prosperous life, fresh ideas await those who see a miracle created by human hands. To find out in more detail what the fountain is dreaming of, you need to take into account the accompanying circumstances.

Miller's predictions

The psychologist deciphered clean and sparkling jets hitting the sky as enrichment. If you are sick, then the dream book portends recovery. Perhaps events will occur that will cheer and amuse.

But to fountains dried up or filled with musty water in a dream, Miller gives the opposite interpretation: in reality, significant losses are expected, and the disease will begin to actively progress.

Yes mom

Why dream if the fountain is shrouded in haze? For a woman, this plot portends a deception. Most likely, a man does not love you, trying to achieve some of his goals with the help of personal relationships.

A source shining in the moonlight, the dream book deciphers as a warning. The girl will lose her head from love and get into trouble. And if in a dream it dried up, then the flared passion will quickly fade away.


For the strong half of humanity, the dream book interprets the image of the fountain in a completely different way. A complex and unusual design means: you play on the verge of a foul and risk losing everything.

If in a dream beer or wine splashes instead of water, then you will achieve a high position and honor.

Washing the body in the pure water of the source means: the most daring plans will come true.

Why dream of a fountain drying up before our eyes? Problems with potency and failures on the love front.


Often the image characterizes the subconscious thoughts of a person. The source is clean - it means you are full of vitality and creativity.

A dry fountain is interpreted by the dream book as internal exhaustion. Stagnation and deterioration of well-being will lead to additional difficulties at work. In addition, the plot indicates the predominance of material gain over spiritual enrichment.

Water quality

The dream book advises to pay special attention to liquids. What was she like? If muddy slush was beating from under the ground, the dreamer will face severe trials. Muddy splashes on your clothes and face? Get ready for challenges in the workplace.

Why dream of a fountain with crystal clear spring water sparkling in the sun? Triumph and the beginning of a new life.

Blood splatter has an extremely negative meaning. The dream book prophesies tragic events with loved ones or relatives.

Bargain shopping

Such a miracle as a singing fountain portends fun, relaxation and noisy entertainment.

Was it sprayed by a whale emerging from the abyss of water? Get the right quality item. If the animal is close, then this will happen one of these days. But if it is difficult to distinguish it from a distance, the seers advise to be patient.

Enjoy life

On hot summer days, in reality, many people do not limit themselves to admiring the fountain, but prefer to cool off in it. But what does this portend in a dream? To swim means not to limit actions by outdated principles, to give yourself freedom, to breathe deeply.

Attention to others

Felomena's dream book deciphers the beautiful multi-tiered design of the fountain as happy changes in personal life and business. If in reality you have problems, they will soon be resolved.

Do fish swim on the bottom? Minor quarrels and misunderstandings are possible. But with care and tact, conflicts can be quickly resolved.

Interpretation of sleep Fountain in Miller's dream book

To dream of a fountain with clean jets sparkling under the sun means prosperity, intoxicating joy, pleasant trips. To see the fountain through the haze, as if in a fog, portends that you will encounter insincerity; and in matters of the heart you will fail. A dried up and broken fountain is a sign of misfortune. If a young woman sees in a dream a sparkling fountain in the moonlight - this dream promises her a whirlwind of reckless entertainment, which will end in very dramatic events.

Fountain according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a functioning fountain, it means that a surge of feelings and emotions that you managed to miss in order is waiting for you in the very near future. Perhaps there is a meeting ahead of you with a person whom you have not seen for a long time or with whom you have recently left much to be desired. A broken, inactive fountain is a sign that you should not count on the upcoming date so much. There is a possibility that it will not go quite well - the possibility of a quarrel is very high. Several fountains that you saw in a dream - it is impossible to pull longer; you have long needed to make a choice, and for some reason you still can’t do it.

The meaning of sleep Fountain in Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you bathe in the jets of a fountain, then your desire to relax is understandable, but, unfortunately, it is unlikely to come true. The authorities will interfere in every possible way with your rest, believing that you currently have a lot of work. Seeing an old ruined fountain in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream portends loneliness.

Dream Fountain in an intimate dream book

The fountain, iridescent and sparkling in the rays of the sun in your dream, portends the joys of love, pleasure and a renewed passion. If the trickles of water in the fountain gradually dry up, this is a sign of approaching quarrels and conflicts with a partner.

Interpretation of sleep Fountain in an esoteric dream book

A jet fountain is a harbinger of passionate love, a storm of feelings and emotions. The more unusual the dreaming fountain was (it had sculptural details, multi-colored jets, etc.), the more diverse and hot the feeling; the more powerful the jets, the stronger the passion will be. A drip fountain portends negative emotions generated by betrayal or resentment.

Fountain according to the dream book of L. Morozova

If you dreamed of a fountain - to tears; wash your hands, face in the fountain - you will work hard, but all this will pay off over time; admire, start a fountain in a dream - your hopes will come true.

See also:

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 15th day of the month. Dreams that occurred on the night of today will come true soon and very auspiciously.

Today is the 21st lunar day. The dreams that I had on the night of today are very accurate.

Today is Sunday. Day of the Sun. Sunday, talks about what can warm our hearts, bring happiness, make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and boundless creativity. Sunny dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities, or, conversely, obscure joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting acquaintances with unusual abilities. Perhaps with a colorful sunny dream strong love will come to you or you will reveal a talent in yourself that you did not suspect. A beautiful dream calls for active creative activity. But a stingy Sunday dream warns of the approach of a bleak, empty period and calls for the search for positive aspects in any troubles. A mean Sunday dream can also speak of a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

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FOUNTAIN - Miller's Dream Book

If you saw in a dream a fountain from which clean jets sparkling in the sun are splashing, then prosperity, intoxicating joy, and pleasant trips await you.

If you saw a fountain through a haze, as if in a fog - such a dream portends that you will encounter insincerity, and failure awaits you in matters of the heart.

A dried up and broken fountain is a sign of misfortune.

If a young woman sees in a dream a sparkling fountain in the moonlight - this dream promises her a whirlwind of reckless entertainment, which will end in very dramatic events.

FOUNTAIN - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see in a dream a clean fountain with sparkling rainbow jets - you will actually provide your family with everything you need, a secure life every day will bring you joy.

You dream of a fountain, which is as if in a fog - you will suspect insincerity in some person, then you will hear cruel words from your loved one.

It is as if you are standing by a fountain at night and see the moon reflected in the water - you will soon suffer because of your own recklessness.

You see an abandoned fountain in a dream - misfortune will happen to you.

There is dirty water in the fountain - someone will hurt your honor with an insulting word.

FOUNTAIN - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Great joy is a surprise.

FOUNTAIN - Slavic Dream Interpretation

With clean water - service; with dirty - offended honor; with wine - a luxurious life.

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Sometimes in dreams we see really beautiful images that captivate the imagination and leave pleasant emotions at the moment of awakening. However, their interpretations are not always unambiguous - good dreams can promise good luck and positive emotions, but they can also warn and warn about something. To understand why the fountain is dreaming, it is worth opening the dream book and checking all the details of the dream with it.

Most often, a fountain in a dream is an auspicious sign that portends positive emotions, pleasant moments, well-being in various areas of life, joy and prosperity to the person who sees it. However, the interpretation of sleep is not always built in such a positive way.

If there was no water in the dreaming fountain, such a night vision symbolizes time wasted. The efforts that the dreamer makes to any business will not be appreciated. In order not to get into trouble, it is worth thinking three times before starting something.

A fountain with crystal clear and transparent water is an auspicious omen that promises a sleeping person a string of joyful events. Most of the impending problems will resolve themselves, new doors will open. For lonely people, such a dream promises a pleasant acquaintance.

If you saw a plentiful amount of dirty water in a dreaming fountain, be vigilant, as intrigues are woven around you. It is worth being careful, both in remarks and in the actions performed. One wrong move can seriously damage your reputation. Floating garbage does portend betrayal in the circle of loved ones.

A fountain with frozen water represents chilled feelings in reality. You should not break off a romantic relationship because love is no longer as strong as it used to be. These difficulties may be temporary, and overcoming them together will strengthen the union.

Interpretation of the dreamer's actions

The correct interpretation of a dream is built not only around the object of sleep. It also depends on how the sleeping person interacted with him. To fully understand the essence of the dream, it is worth knowing not only what it means to see a fountain in your dream, but what your actions with it mean.

  • A walk near the fountain dreams of peace and serenity. There comes a bright strip, during which you can safely relax and unwind.
  • If in a dream you are standing under a fountain - in real life, the people around you feel your authority and respect your positions and beliefs, listen to your words.
  • Admire the bright, colorful musical fountains - expect a fun event in real life. Most likely, a pleasant friendly meeting will take place, it is possible to meet new people.
  • Throwing coins into vodka is an opportunity to go on a trip and visit your favorite places. A trip can radically change the dreamer's character for the better.
  • Drinking water from a fountain if it was clean is an opportunity to find a simple solution to a complex problem. If the water was dirty, the dreamer got confused in his thoughts and this makes him nervous.

Interpretation for a woman

For a woman, a night vision in which a fountain appeared shrouded in fog or white haze portends deceit and insincerity in a romantic relationship. If this image was illuminated by moonlight, the girl will indulge in a short-lived passion with undesirable consequences. A dry fountain portends the end of a romantic relationship, the fading of feelings and passion.

Interpretation for men

If a man sees in his dream a large fountain of an unusual and interesting design, in real life he takes his happiness lightly, which is why there is a risk of losing it. A fountain filled with an alcoholic drink portends a rich and luxurious life.

An unfavorable omen is a night vision in which the water in the fountain dries up. Such a picture portends intimate failures and a decrease in potency. Swimming in the fountain is a good sign. He promises the person who sees him a happy fate.

Connection with the dreamer's personality

There is a version according to which the fountain in a dream personifies the spirituality of a sleeping person. If the water in it was crystal clear, the dreamer is full of creative energy, vitality and positive energy.

A dried-up fountain portends a deterioration in well-being, standing on a dead center, a decrease in activity. In the values ​​of a person who saw such an image in a dream, material wealth prevails over spiritual fulfillment.

Miller's dream book

According to the interpretation given by this dream book, a fountain with crystal clear water, in the jets of which the sun glare plays, portends a life of prosperity, peace and happiness, exciting travels.

However, there is another interpretation, which refers to a broken, broken, inoperative or dry fountain. If a sleeping person sees one of these images, misfortunes await him ahead.

Freud's dream book

A well-known psychiatrist believed that this image portends a stormy surge of positive emotions, which the dreamer managed to miss for a long time of their absence. Perhaps it will be a pleasant pastime with an almost forgotten person, which will be unforgettable.

An idle or broken fountain indicates that the upcoming date will not go well - it may be worth rescheduling it for a more favorable day. Several fountains indicate that the dreamer urgently needs to make a responsible decision.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

A fountain, the water in which beats with a powerful pressure, rushing jets to the very sky, portends a chance meeting that can turn into a stormy one.

If you do not want the dream to come true, imagine that this fountain has dried up. If you want the fulfillment of a dream, imagine that you are bathing in this fountain.

To dream of a fountain with clean jets sparkling under the sun means prosperity, intoxicating joy, pleasant trips. Seeing the fountain through a haze, as if in a fog, portends that you will encounter insincerity: and in matters of the heart you will fail. A dried up and broken fountain is a sign of misfortune. If a young woman sees in a dream a sparkling fountain in the moonlight - this dream promises her a whirlwind of reckless entertainment, which will end in very dramatic events.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Fountain

A good life awaits you

Dream Interpretation Freud Fountain

The fountain is a phallic symbol. The fountain, from which jets of water beat, symbolizes a good sexual form and the desire to have a child from a loved one. The cascade of fountains symbolizes a large number of sexual partners (possibly potential ones), and also speaks of a craving for group sex. A fountain with a weak jet of water symbolizes the fading of potency. A dry or non-working fountain symbolizes impotence or infertility.

Modern dream book Fountain

Seeing in a dream the transparent jets of a fountain shimmering in the bright light of the sun means the possession of a huge fortune, enthusiastic joy and many pleasant journeys. A fountain in a haze is a sign of insincerity of friends and failures in business and love. Dried fountain - portends misfortune and the end of the time of pleasure. If a young woman sees in a dream the jets of a fountain illuminated by moonlight, then in reality she should be wary of frivolous pleasures that can destroy her happiness.

Intimate dream book Fountain

If you dreamed of a functioning fountain, it means that a surge of feelings and emotions that you managed to miss in order is waiting for you in the very near future. Perhaps there is a meeting ahead of you with a person whom you have not seen for a long time or with whom you have recently left much to be desired. A broken, inactive fountain is a sign that you should not count on the upcoming date so much. There is a possibility that it will not go quite well - the possibility of a quarrel is very high. Several fountains that you saw in a dream - it’s impossible to pull longer: you have long needed to make a choice, and for some reason you still can’t do it.

Esoteric dream book Fountain

Jet - to passionate love, a storm of feelings. The more unusual the F., with sculptural details and multi-colored jets, the more varied and hot the relationship: the stronger the jets, the stronger the passion. Drip - to negative emotions caused by betrayal or resentment.

Dreams for the fulfillment of desires Fountain

a new acquaintance that will happen in an unexpected place will develop into a stormy romance. Imagine a large and beautiful fountain in a park or in a city - it can be either a real fountain known to you or an imaginary one. Summer, hot, the sun is shining. First, you admire the fountain from afar, then you come up to it, sit down on the edge, put your hands into the water, feel the splashes of water and enjoy the coolness. Then go into the water and bathe in the fountain with pleasure.

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