Color Carthage Vesta Cross. Glacial or classic white

Color Carthage Vesta Cross. Glacial or classic white


Car Lada Vesta is one of the most popular among model range AvtoVAZ. This is explained modern design, numerous security systems, auxiliary devices for comfortable driving. The colors of Lada Vesta also correspond high level model equipment. Some shades appeared for the first time with the release of this particular car. And this is the merit of the new management of the Togliatti concern.

Painting bodies Lada Vesta comes with modern technologies. First, a layer of high-quality primer is applied to the galvanized metal using cataphoresis. This process of metal treatment prevents the effect of corrosion on it.

On a note!

Paintwork applied to the treated body, reliably protects it from small chips and scratches and guarantees corrosion resistance for 6 years. This coating is not afraid of any weather, including exposure to road chemicals.

Color spectrum

When buying a car, among the many wishes for a car, the question arises: what color to choose? And it's not easy to answer. The color scheme of Vesta Lada is represented by ten different shades, each of which is good in its own way. Of the entire range of colors, only one is represented by the usual two-layer enamel - glacial, the rest - the so-called metallic. Each color has its own individual code A that represents a specific location in the color palette. Representatives of AvtoVAZ have repeatedly announced a possible increase in the variety of colors and shades. On this moment Lada Vesta is available for sale in ten colors.

Body colors Lada Vesta:

  • phantom (496);
  • glacial (221);
  • black pearl (676);
  • pluto (608);
  • lime (366);
  • krypton (372);
  • angkor (246);
  • carnelian (195);
  • platinum (691);
  • blues (492).

On the official website of the model, all Lada colors Vesta. The color names correspond to a certain color of the car. When choosing each of them, you can choose the one you like best. Photos of the body color of Lada Vesta clearly demonstrate what a sedan will look like in different colors.

When choosing a particular color coating, you should consider its cost. Paint code 221 is offered free of charge. Lime looks the most unique and unlike other colors, so its choice will cost the buyer 35 thousand rubles. This considerable amount justifies itself - it is impossible not to notice such a car in the stream of others Vehicle. For other metallized coatings, you will have to pay extra to total price auto another 12 thousand rubles. When choosing a paint on the AvtoVAZ website, photos in different colors change, which makes it easier to find the right option.


The name of the coating speaks for itself - smoky blue with a metallic sheen fascinates with its twilight beauty. This category of paint goes well with the business look of the car. can choose for himself as a respectable person, and a representative of the youth.

Glacial or classic white

This color scheme is offered free of charge for any vehicle configuration. It is a snow-white enamel applied in two layers and does not have a metallic sheen. looks moderately bright and stylish. As a contrasting addition to this body shade, black alloy wheels and a roof that will make the car look more sporty.

Black Pearl

One of the most popular car colors of all time is classic black. This coloring gives solidity to any car. has paint code 676. The pearly sheen of the coating lives up to its name and makes others turn around at a passing car.



The color of carnelian is the name of a natural stone that has a rich red or pink color. This is exactly what the representative of AvtoVAZ turned out to be. The juicy shade of the body looks very expensive and beautiful. will not go unnoticed on the streets big city.


The color platinum is one of the most popular among modern cars. It looks advantageous in any light and, compared to other colors, dirt and dust are the least noticeable on it. Goes well with any discs and accessories. Such a machine is designed for a buyer of any age and gender.


The color blues, like the musical style, have a unique charm. The soft dark blue shade looks very beautiful and elegant. designed for people who are self-confident and know their worth.

The Lada Vesta sedan has already been evaluated many times and from various angles, offering a comparison with competitors, a review technical innovations or discuss the results of the test drive. But there was practically no mention of the variability of the color gamut, so we propose to fill this gap.

Color spectrum vesta sedan approved only preliminary and in the future will be regularly replenished with new shades, the total number of which can reach up to 20. At the same time, we note that almost all colors will receive a metallic effect, which simply did not exist in the Russian auto industry before. However, this is not all that Lada Vesta is going to surprise in terms of body color. For example, they paint a novelty using a completely new technology for AvtoVAZ using cataphoresis, which makes it possible for the first time in the history of the Volga auto giant to extend the warranty against corrosion to 6 years.

The sedan has two classic colors of the “non-metallic” type, but with more early models concern, the novelty is united by only three shades, but the rest will be completely new. This can be safely considered another feature of Vesta, which significantly distinguishes it from its predecessors and demonstrates how AvtoVAZ's strategy is changing in terms of bringing a new model to the market after Bo Anderson came to the company's management.

Great variability

The choice of colors for the body of the Lada Vesta was carried out very carefully. AvtoVAZ marketers actively studied the market and offers of competitors, a survey was conducted among motorists, continuous consultations were carried out with partners in the Renault-Nissan concern. As a result, at the start of sales, the novelty received 10 basic options coloring.

We have already said above that of the usual colors for the old models that came off the VAZ conveyor, only three colors remained: white (“Glacial”), black (“Black Pearl”) and silver (“Platinum”). The “classic” company will be made up of a dark gray shade (“Pluto”), brown (“Angkor”), blue (“Blues”), dark green (“Krypton”), gray-blue (“Phantom”), red (“ Carnelian") and exclusive bright green ("Lime"), due to which the price of Vesta will rise by another 19,000 rubles.

Next year (tentatively closer to spring) several more colors will be added to this list, among which are purple (Amethyst), bright blue (Mystery) and bright yellow (Lemon). At the same time, of all the shades voiced above, only white and bright yellow are devoid of the “metallic” effect. It is also worth noting that all colors (with the exception of the three classic ones) are used for the first time both on Lada cars and on cars of the Renault-Nissan concern.

What do the experts think?

According to experts in the field of car design, the selected color scheme is quite successful and should contribute to the growth of sales of the new sedan by attracting an additional audience. For example, the bright yellow shade "Lemon" is considered feminine and is able to attract the close attention of young girls to the new product, for whom it is important to look not only modern, but also stylish on the road.

The exclusive color "Lime" also belongs to the list of shades popular with young people, which will undoubtedly increase the proportion of buyers under the age of 30. The bright blue shade of "Mystery" should also become very popular among the youth, giving the car an additional elegance that allows it to stand out on the road.

special color

Separately, I would like to highlight the shade "Phantom", which received the effect of a chameleon, due to which the color of the body changes depending on the viewing angle. A similar coloring technique is used on VAZ models for the first time, which also makes Lada Vesta a unique product of the domestic auto industry.

However, this is not all that VAZ workers are going to surprise the Russian public, which is unusual for an abundance of innovations. Already today, along with traditional body painting methods, AvtoVAZ designers are developing various options combined coloring using two contrasting shades. Not so long ago, the public was shown a version of a sedan with a white body and a black roof, which immediately received high marks from designers and positive reviews admirers of Lada. In the future, several more combined options are expected to expand the color gamut, but it’s worth considering right away that with such a color, the price of Vesta will inevitably rise.

Summing up

The variability of colors for the new Lada is amazing today. When next year the entire color palette is finally approved, and a sufficient volume of cars ready for sale appears in dealerships, then it will be possible to loudly and without hesitation declare that the domestic concern AvtoVAZ has reached a previously unattainable level in terms of bringing a new model to the market. In any case, the proposed range of shades is already attracting increased media attention to Vesta, which means it will also attract new buyers.

In 2015, the Lada Vesta car was seen by all the inhabitants of the country. The car was presented in ten colors, some of them appeared precisely thanks to Lada Vesta. So, let's take a look at what are the most popular colors for Lada Vesta.

Lada Vesta color palette

Of the entire color range of Lada Vesta, only one of them is represented by the usual two-layer enamel - this is the glacial color of Lada Vesta. But all the other colors of Vesta are presented in the form of a metallic.

Each paint is equipped special code, which defines one or another place of paint in the automotive palette. So, the VAZ management has repeatedly stated that it will increase the diversity of the palette. And now ten color solutions have become possible at once.

So, all the colors of Lada Vesta are as follows:

  • Lada Vesta in krypton color;
  • Lada Vesta lime color;
  • blues;
  • body colors Lada Vesta in the form of silver platinum;
  • cornelian;
  • Pluto;
  • black Pearl;
  • glacial;
  • phantom;
  • ankgor.

On the official website, the Lada Vesta color range is presented in full. In this case, their names correspond to a certain color of the car. When choosing a car body, you can choose the color you like.

The color scheme of the sedan is made in the following colors:

  • crystal white "Ice";
  • red color Lada Vesta sedan "Carnelian";
  • brown "Angkor";
  • one of the most popular colors of Lada Vesta is gray-beige "Carthage";
  • green sedan Lada Vesta "Lime";
  • deep blue and unusual "Blues";
  • another color palette Lada Vesta sedan is a gray-blue shade "Phantom";
  • color metallic gray Lada Vesta "Pluto";
  • pure black tone "Black Pearl";
  • silver platinum.

Let's analyze several colors from the Lada Vesta collection

One of the most outstanding options is the Phantom. Actually, the name of the color here speaks for itself - it is a smoky blue, reeking of metallic and captivating with its nobility. This Lada Vesta paint color gives the car a noble appearance. Meanwhile, both a representative of youth and a respectable person who has his own business can pay attention to him.

When choosing the body color of Lada Vesta, everyone is offered classic white as the base shade. At the same time, painting in glacial is completely free. This is a snow-white enamel that does not have a metallic sheen and is applied in two layers. This car looks stylish and bright at the same time. And as a contrast, alloy wheels and a roof can be used here, allowing you to make the overall image of the Vesta more sporty.

So which option is better to choose? If you love the classics, but do not want a sparkling white car, then what color is the best choice for Lada Vesta? Perhaps, the best option becomes classic black. This tone is sure to give solidity to any car. "Black Pearl" is issued under the number 676. And it got its name due to the pearly sheen, which makes passers-by turn to look at the car.

Also, the color palette of Lada Vesta suggests the presence of such an option as "Pluto". This is a deep, very rich blue that is complemented by metallics and as a result acquires a unique tone that changes depending on the viewing angle. Best of all, this option is suitable for courageous people who are self-confident and not afraid of such deep shades.

In the same colors as ordinary Lada, Lada Vesta SW is also produced. There is also stylish Lada Vesta coriander, and rich red, which attracts attention with its rich hue, and dark blue, which amazes with its depth of tone, and, of course, the standard crystal white is also present! That is, the palette completely coincides with those shades that are present in the sedan category.

Consider the most popular solutions of this class.

Perhaps the brightest and most saturated color is "lime". According to many Internet portals, this option is the most successful, and this can be fully explained. Such light green car will always be noticeable on the road. This coloring is rightfully considered the most youthful. And, of course, the most popular among women. By the way, the price for painting in this color is the highest.

Another popular option is Krypton. If you remember, that was the name of the planet in the Superman comic book, on which the radioactive substance kryptonite was located, glowing bright green. But, even despite such a bright option, a car painted in green color, still looks strict and restrained. It turns out that this is a universal color, suitable for almost any car.

Another color applicable in this line is Angkor. This is the name of one of the most ancient temple complexes located in Cambodia. Accordingly, the color turned out to be just as mysterious and beautiful.

The rich chocolate tone, gradually turning into metallic gray, has still not left anyone who has seen it indifferent. If the brown Lada gets under the sun's rays, then it becomes golden yellow. This effect of transitional shades is called a chameleon and is obtained by mixing several shades at once. As a result, the owner of the car gets a car that shimmers with all shades of brown.

In the SV cross car, the variations are somewhat different from the two previous models. So, here are presented not only the above colors of Lada Vesta SW, but also "Mars". It's bright and vibrant Orange color Lada Vesta, which is ideal for people who prefer bright shades of ripe fruit.

Also, for those who do not like everyday dark shades, the company offers to pay attention to the shade "Carnelian". It got its name from the stone of the same name, which also has a pink or red color. This is exactly what turned out to be the SV cross of a saturated tone “Carnelian”. Such a bright and juicy tone of the body looks very beautiful and rich. On the streets of a big city, the red Vesta will definitely not go unnoticed. Well, for those who prefer more conservative shades, an excellent option in the usual white color is suitable.

The Lada SW cross in platinum also looks good. This is a shade that is one of the most popular for all cars. Not only does it look advantageous in almost any lighting, but also, unlike all other shades, dust and dirt are practically invisible on it. In addition, this color goes well with almost any accessories and discs. And, of course, it is suitable for any gender and age.

Well, for those who prefer the depth of tones, great option will be the shade "Blues". This color, like the musical style, has its own special, unique charm. This shade, both strict and soft, looks very elegant and beautiful. blue car will be the best option for those who feel confident behind the wheel and know their worth.

Codes and names of colors

Lada Vesta color codes are numbered as follows:

  • Purely White color is issued under number 221, and this is the only two-layer enamel that is produced without metallic and is completely free for the car owner.
  • Blood red carnelian is available under code 195.
  • If you would like to paint your car in Brown color"Angkor", then know that its number is 246. The composition also includes metallic.
  • Another metallic option is the grey-beige Carthage. Issued under the number 247.
  • For lovers of dark blue shades, Blues is an ideal option. It also has a metallic finish and is issued under the number 492.
  • The grey-blue dusted "Phantom" clearly contains a certain mystery. It is available under the number 496 and, like almost all other shades, has a metallic in its color.
  • For lovers of a pure gray hue, Pluto with a metallic, produced under the number 608, was specially developed.
  • One of the deepest shades is Black Pearl, also available in metallic. Paint number - 676.
  • If you prefer silver shades, look no further than 691. This color, additionally dusted with metallic, makes a lasting impression.
  • Another non-transferable option is metallic silver under the name "Platinum"; issued under the number 691.
  • Only the Cross model is available in orange. And this metallic shade is called "Mars" and is available at number 130.

As you can see, the choice of shades here is more than enough. And in all these tones it can be painted domestic car.

Choice and surcharge for color

The only free shade is white, produced under number 221. For all other colors of Lada Vesta, the company takes an additional charge. So, for example, the shade "lime" is the most unique and unlike all other tones, so you will have to pay 35 thousand rubles for it. And even though this is a considerable amount, it is impossible not to stare at such a car when passing by it.

As for all other shades, the manufacturer takes much less for them, namely 12 thousand rubles. On the official website of AvtoVAZ, you can see how the car will look in a particular solution, which greatly simplifies the choice of a car.


As you can see car factory properly prepared for the release of cars and offered several palette solutions for car Lada Vesta. And what kind of shade to choose - it's up to you.

The shades of body colors in which Lada Vesta goes on sale are constantly updated. Their number in the future can reach twenty or more. Most body colors have a metallic effect, and this is an innovation and a discovery for Russian car industry. But besides this, Lada Vesta has many surprises in painting and is able to surprise even absolutely skeptical people.

Currently applied to Lada Vesta new technology painting, using cataphoresis, which significantly strengthens the coating and therefore Lada Vesta is guaranteed to be protected from corrosion for six years from the date of purchase. This is an absolute innovation for AvtoVAZ, which deserves the status of a small sensation.

Lada Vesta has only two body colors that do not fall under the "metallic" category. Three colors are the same as previous models, while the rest are new. Such a categorical change in the color scheme in the new model indicates a change in AvtoVAZ's policy with the advent of a new leader.

Great variety of shades

This time, the manufacturers of Lada Vesta spent a lot of time and effort choosing the main body colors in which the car will be presented. The company's marketers have done a great job of studying modern market and analysis color features competitor cars.

Repeatedly conducted surveys among car owners and potential target audience. In addition, AvtoVAZ managers consulted in detail with partner companies - Renault and Nissan. As a result, at the moment release Lada Vesta received ten color variations:

  • three colors were inherited by Vesta from previous models - white, black and silver;
  • the new collection was complemented by a dark shade of gray - "Pluto";
  • brown color - "angkor";
  • blue color - "blues";
  • dark green, dubbed "krypton";
  • gray-blue color shade - "phantom";
  • red color - "carnelian";
  • green - "lime" - a unique body color, for which you will have to pay a little more than for other shades.

In 2016, it is planned to release and put on sale new color variations of the Lada Vesta car. Among them will be purple (“amethyst”), as well as yellow (“lemon”) and blue (“mystery”).

New shades of Lada Vesta will have a metallic effect. Almost all colors are experimental, since they were not previously used by either AvtoVAZ or foreign colleagues from the Renault-Nissan association.

Opinion of specialists in the field of sales

Many designers and marketers believe that the new color solutions that have been adopted for Lada Vesta, including experimental lime, phantom and eggplant, are quite appropriate and relevant. It is believed that the color scheme is perfectly matched, from a professional point of view, and should be in demand among buyers. For example, Lada in lime color is considered a youth, as well as a female option, that is, the manufacturer is purposefully trying to attract a new consumer audience, represented by the fair sex. Lada Vesta, in the lime color option, looks very catchy and stylish, this should attract young girls.

According to statistics, Lime is a very popular car color among young people. Phantom and blue colors are also very popular.


The Phantom color of the Lada Vesta has a chameleon effect, in which the body changes color depending on the angle at which a person looks at it. This technique is an absolute innovation for AvtoVAZ. Vesta "Phantom" is a unique pioneer car in the Russian automotive industry.

Other original colors

In addition to "Lime", "Angkor" and "Phantom" there are several more interesting options coloring for Lada Vesta. Such as, for example, "Eggplant", "Agate" and "Pluto".

Learn more about some of the shades

  • Lada "Eggplant" is a stylish and versatile color option that will suit everyone. The car looks expensive, and at the same time it is felt that it is made with taste. The color "Eggplant" is able to impress every customer from a young man to a pensioner.
  • "Agate" is beautiful colour, decorated in metallic. Lada Agate will appeal to people with exquisite taste.
  • "Pluto" - this is how the manufacturers called the dark gray Lada Vesta. Such a car looks strictly and simply, as opposed to the Lime color model.
  • "Carnelian" is a red Vesta.

New Russian car has a very rich color scheme, which presents options that can satisfy the taste of completely different segments of the population, both young people (Lime) and the older generation (angkor, eggplant). There are options that girls and women will like: red and yellow. As well as universal colors that will suit everyone, such as "Pluto" and "Eggplant".

Coating quality

All bodies of the new Lada model are galvanized, the panels are waxed. The paintwork on Vesta averages 125 microns. Under the paint lies the soil High Quality. Such innovations significantly reduce the likelihood of corrosion and other negative reactions.

Lada Vesta SV Cross 2017 became one of the most anticipated novelties of the domestic author. The model created on the basis of the usual station wagon Lada Vesta SW got on the conveyor on September 11th. Official prices were published on September 19, and start of sales of Vesta Cross will take place on October 25th. That is, you can order and pay for a car even before the start of sales, but a live car will only be available at the end of October 2017.

Today we will tell you the milestones of the creation of the machine, its preparation for production and the history of the model. Actually, the first appearance of the concept of off-road Vesta appeared on one of car exhibitions a couple of years ago. At that moment, sales of the sedan started and the manufacturer had to surprise the public with new projects. The most interesting thing is that Vesta Cross was shown even before the presentation of the usual station wagon, on the basis of which Cross is made. In general, the manufacturer did not drag out the rubber, inspired by the success of his Vesta sedan, sent the station wagon and Cross to the conveyor at the same time.

Design off-road Vesta Cross turned out bright and catchy. In fact, the usual station wagon has become more like a well-knit crossover. Increased ground clearance up to 203 mm, huge wheel disks 17 inch size and aggressive plastic body kit did their job. The car caused a serious stir among Russians. Almost all exterior elements harmoniously fit into the swift silhouette. Spoiler, shark fin roof, cool tailpipes exhaust pipe, original design bumpers and a bright orange body color created a stir among buyers, even before the announcement of the price of the car. Photos appearance look further.

Photo Lada Vesta SV Cross 2017

Salon of the off-road version of the station wagon features bright orange accents. The manufacturer has already used a similar style to create Lada Kalina Cross, for example. Added not only plastic parts, but also fabric inserts in the chairs. But in the case of Vesta Cross, orange was also added to the instrument lighting. Wouldn't such a contrast interfere and did the interior designers overdo it at all? Enough complex issue Because every person has their own perception. As for the equipment of the cabin, everything is here. Heated not only the front, but also rear seats, adjustable steering wheel, driver's seat. Even climate control has become available to buyers. Not to mention multimedia system, rear view camera and other luxury options. See photos of the SW Cross interior below.

Photo salon Vesta SV Cross

Trunk Vesta Cross became not only an adornment of the whole car, making the silhouette more harmonious, but also solves a lot of practical problems. Firstly, it is a fairly roomy cargo compartment, with the possibility of transforming the space with the help of the rear seats. The manufacturer has provided special niches and offers a set of nets for attaching things. Do not forget about the roof rails, where you can fix additional trunk boxing. IN general machine ideal for active road trips around our country.

Photo of the trunk of Vesta Cross

Specifications Lada Vesta SW Cross

Despite the hopes of the Russians for the emergence all-wheel drive to West Cross, he won't be there. Vesta modification Cross 4x4 can be quite expensive pleasure, the manufacturer simply will not be able to recoup the cost of introducing all-wheel drive. That's why off-road station wagon in our case exclusively with front-wheel drive. Large ground clearance and good geometric cross-country ability will allow you to feel calm on dirt roads and outings into nature.

Already familiar gasoline engines 1.6 (106 hp) and 1.8 (122 hp) can be combined with both 5-speed mechanical box, so with robotic machine. Perhaps the most dynamic tandem is a 1.8 liter engine with manual transmission. The acceleration of a station wagon with such a power unit to the first hundred takes only 11.2 seconds, and maximum speed is 180 km/h. Agree indicators for serial domestic car pretty decent. If you have nowhere to hurry and the priority is the comfort of driving around the city, then it is better to choose the same 1.8 liter engine with robotic box. Acceleration takes 13.3 seconds, although the maximum speed is 181 km / h.

Structurally, the motors are similar - 4 cylinders in a row, 16 valves, cast iron block cylinders and timing belt. True, the 1.8 liter engine also has a system for changing the valve timing with executive mechanism(phase shifter) on the intake shaft.

The wagon will naturally have front-wheel drive. Steering rack with electric amplifier steering wheel. Front independent MacPherson strut suspension with anti-roll bar roll stability. The rigidity of the body is ensured not only by a good study of the entire power structure, but also the presence of a powerful subframe. By the way, the body itself is galvanized, according to the manufacturer.

Dimensions, weight, volumes, clearance Vesta Cross

  • Length - 4424 mm
  • Width - 1764 mm
  • Height - 1532 mm
  • Curb weight - from 1230 kg
  • Base, distance between front and rear axle– 2635 mm
  • Track front and rear wheels- 1524/1524 mm respectively
  • Trunk volume - 480 liters (to the shelf)
  • Trunk volume with seats folded - 825 liters (up to window level)
  • Volume fuel tank– 55 liters
  • Wheel/tire/rim size - 205/50 R17
  • Ground clearance - 203 mm

Video Lada Vesta SV Cross

First video review and test drive Lada Vesta SW Cross.

Prices and configurations Vesta SV Cross 2017

The minimum price of an off-road novelty is 755 900 rubles. For this money you get practical car with 1.6 liter engine and manual transmission. In addition to the cool appearance in the database, you will find a huge number of options. First, they are 17" alloy wheels, disc brakes, climate control, cruise control with speed limiter, fog lights. There are front and side airbags. A whole set of electronic assistants, as they are anti-lock system brakes with system auxiliary braking, electronic system brake force distribution system electronic control sustainability, traction control and hill start assist. Naturally full power … well, except that the sunroof is not enough. Full list prices and configurations of the machine with different power units attached.

  • 1.6 l. (106 hp), 5MT / Luxe - 755,900 rubles.
  • 1.6 l. (106 hp), 5MT / Luxe / Multimedia - 779,900 rubles.
  • 1.8 l. (122 hp), 5MT / Luxe - 780,900 rubles.
  • 1.8 l. (122 hp), 5MT / Luxe / Multimedia - 804,900 rubles.
  • 1.8 l. (122 hp), 5AMT / Luxe - 805,900 rubles.
  • 1.8 l. (122 hp), 5MT / Luxe / Prestige - 822,900 rubles.
  • 1.8 l. (122 hp), 5AMT / Luxe / Multimedia - 829,900 rubles.
  • 1.8 l. (122 hp), 5AMT / Luxe / Prestige - 847,900 rubles.

For body painting in metallic color, you will have to pay separately - 12 thousand rubles. For the color beige "Carthogen" they will ask for 18 thousand rubles. There are 10 body colors in total.

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