The hardest logic puzzle ever. The most difficult traffic rules

The hardest logic puzzle ever. The most difficult traffic rules


Exam tickets traffic rules categories A, B, M are used to pass the theoretical part of the qualifying exam in the traffic police. The preparation kit consists of 800 questions (40 tickets of 20 questions).

To successfully pass the exam and receive driving license in the traffic police it is necessary to solve a ticket consisting of 20 random questions. In this case, no more than two errors are allowed. For each mistake made, the examinee receives 5 additional questions. Max Time to pass the theoretical exam - 20 minutes.

5 additional questions per bug in 2017:

Starting from September 1, 2016, when passing examination tickets, the new technique. For each mistake made in the main part of the exam, the driver candidate must answer 5 additional questions.

The "5 extra questions per error" mode is enabled by default. To disable it do the following:

  • Click on the "Menu" button with three horizontal bars at the top of the tickets.
  • Click on the "Settings" button.
  • Uncheck the box "5 questions per error mode".
  • Click on the "Save" button.

The new regime will take effect immediately after you open a new ticket.

If you wish, you can turn off the mode with additional questions and take the test according to the rules that were in effect on the official exam at the traffic police until September 1, 2016.

Attention! Do not try to cram the numbers of the correct answers or make cheat sheets. On the real exam in the traffic police, the same questions are used, but they appear in random order. So you will not be able to get any benefits from cheat sheets.

Marathon SDA - 800 questions SDA 2017

Marathon SDA is a special mode that allows you to pass all 800 exam questions in sequence. You can enable this mode from the exam tickets menu:

Passing the exam in marathon mode has the following features:

  • A driver candidate must solve all 800 questions.
  • You have 800 minutes to pass the exam (13 hours 20 minutes).
  • To successfully pass the exam, you need to make no more than 2 mistakes.

In practice, all 800 questions can be solved much faster. If you spend 3 minutes on each ticket, then all exam questions will be resolved in 2 hours. So it is quite possible to complete a marathon in 2-3 hours.

The online marathon solution allows you to repeat all the questions the evening before the exam.

Passing the exam in the "Marathon" mode is quite difficult, but if you managed to do this, then you are perfectly ready to pass the theory at the State Automobile Inspectorate!

100 most difficult questions on the traffic rules exam in 2017

The "Toughest 100 Questions" mode contains questions in which driver candidates most often make mistakes.

Difficult questions are selected according to the following scheme:

  • For each question, the number of errors made in that question is counted.
  • The number of errors is divided by the total number of answers to this question. This is the so-called rating.
  • In the "100 difficult questions" mode, 100 questions are selected that have highest rating, i.e. the highest percentage errors. These questions are displayed in random order.
  • Similarly, questions are selected for the "100 easiest questions" mode. The only difference is that the questions with the lowest rating are selected.

You can start the modes "100 difficult" and "100 easy" from the exam tickets menu:

Preparation for the qualifying exam in the traffic police

The traffic police qualification exam consists of three parts:

  • Theoretical part.
  • Circuit - practical part.
  • The city is the practical part.

You can prepare for the theory test online right on this page. The initial preparation for the circuit can also be done online. To do this, I recommend that you read a series of articles "Handling the circuit with a half kick." As for the city, you can find tips on passing in the article "How to pass the exam in the traffic police the first time."

If you would like to receive exam tickets in printed form, you can download the printable file here.

1. Does a person experience pain when his head is cut off?
Answer: yes, it does. A medical study conducted in 1983 concluded that no matter how quickly an execution is carried out, several seconds of pain are inevitable when a person loses his head. Even when using the guillotine, which is considered one of the most “humane” means of decapitation, severe pain cannot be avoided, which will last at least 2 to 3 seconds.

2. Why are pineapples so prickly?
The spiky exterior of pineapples seems to contradict the very purpose of the fruit's existence: how can animals get to the sweet pulp that is inside? The fact is that those pineapples that are sold in stores are actually still quite unripe. Animals living in the forests eat pineapples after they are ripe. A ripe pineapple becomes soft, it is already easy to open it, and then the animals eat it. The prickly outer side is found on the fruits of many plants to protect the fruits until they are fully ripe.

3. What are the dimensions of a wormhole?
The mole feeds on worms and other reptiles that enter its underworld. The size of a wormhole depends on how rich in living creatures the land in which the mole lives. Of course, the hole of a mole living under a lush meadow will be much smaller than the hole that a mole will dig that lives in acidic soil. In total, an adult mole can dig a hole, the area of ​​​​which will be more than 7 thousand square meters, building a multi-level network of tunnels, which can have up to 6 levels. The mole digs a hole deep, with various passages and "pantries" in which it stores its prey.
4. If you are wearing black pants or a skirt, does it make your butt look smaller?
Answer: yes, it is. The human eye perceives better light colors, so the outlines of body parts in dark clothing appear smaller. The problem is that it only works when you're looking at the person from behind. When you look at him from the side, the butt shows its true size.

5. Why does nettle sting so painfully?
Stinging nettle causes such a strong sensation of discomfort when touched on the skin because this plant releases a mixture of 3 chemicals when the delicate hairs on its leaves break down on contact with human skin. Against a burn with these acidic chemicals that are part of the nettle, it is customary to use such a remedy as applying a sorrel leaf to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which releases alkali when it is rubbed against the skin. The effectiveness of this remedy is questionable, some believe that the pain is actually reduced because the cool sorrel leaf cools the skin.

7. Why, if you smear a cut apple with lemon juice, does it not darken?
The answer to this question lies in the cellular structure of the apple. When the knife cuts through the peel, the cells of the apple are destroyed, and the air oxidizes the enzymes of this fruit. The process by which an apple acquires Brown color, aims to help the healing process of the cells, as well as make the apple unattractive to animals that would want to eat it. A lemon acid, which is contained in a lemon, slows down this process of changing the color of an apple cut.

8. How fat does a person need to get to be bulletproof?
To do this, you would have to become terribly fat. A bullet of the most common caliber - 9 mm - is capable of penetrating 60 cm of human flesh before it comes to a complete stop. Besides, even if the bullet had lodged in the body fat, the bullet strike would serious damage internal organs, and a person could die from vascular thrombosis.

9. What animals eat wasps?
Wasps are eaten by birds, skunks, bears, weasels, rats and mice. Wasps and bees are eaten by birds of 133 species, which avoid the bites of these insects by crushing them on the trunk or branches of trees. Badgers dig up wasp nests and eat their contents for food, despite the obvious displeasure and resistance of the inhabitants of the nests. Wasps are also eaten by dragonflies, frogs, moths and beetles. The larvae of some species of wasps taste good when fried in oil.

10. Why didn't nature invent the wheel?
Nature invented it, it's just that it was unnoticed until recently. Microorganisms use round discs for locomotion. Bacteria move with the help of "wheels" - they move by attaching themselves to a "wheel" in the cell membrane. This wheel rotates at tremendous speed (up to 100 revolutions per second) and generates electricity that charges the proteins attached to the cell membrane.

What topics of questions baffle even those who have learned the rules traffic?

Are you traveling by car? Take fellow travelers and save!

Evaluation process theoretical knowledge rules of the road - an integral part on the way to obtaining the coveted driver's license. The upcoming exam causes involuntary jitters for almost everyone - after all, there are a lot of questions, and the answers to some of them do not lie on the surface, even with excellent preparation.

It is statistically proven that there are a number of blocks of the theoretical exam that cause the most difficulties. Well, let's try to prepare for the difficulties or just test our strength.

Studies have shown that the most difficult group of issues are situations where traffic control is carried out by a traffic police inspector. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the frequency of such a situation is extremely low. In some regions, experienced drivers have seen a traffic controller a couple of times in their lives. Perhaps, subconsciously, we do not perceive the importance of this section and do not remember it well.

Another thing is traffic signs. We see them every day, even without being a car driver, and subconsciously we have known them for a long time.

Exit to a one-way road

The sign indicating the exit to the one-way road, for some reason, causes a lot of difficulties for beginners. Apparently, this is due to the literal understanding of the call to action. Most people think that actions are only allowed in the direction of the arrow, which is fundamentally wrong.

It is necessary to remember the main rule: under the action of this sign it is strictly forbidden to turn around. Other actions are allowed: moving straight, right and left. Do not panic when you see this sign, because it only informs about the beginning of one-way traffic.

Rebuilding and reversals

The topic is difficult primarily because of its versatility and variability. A huge number of absolutely different situations can happen when you need to rebuild or turn around. There is only one way out: you need to clearly know all the signs and types of markings, as well as analyze for yourself as many situations as possible in order to understand the general specifics of actions.

With experience, you will intuitively navigate when and how to perform such maneuvers, but for now the best help in passing the exam is theoretical knowledge.

Legal responsibility of drivers

In this group of questions, the difficulty arises from the lack of visual cues. If everything is logical in some tickets, and markings or a traffic light will help you, then everything is a little more complicated here. There is only one way out - to memorize all the nuances and points that regulate the policy of fines and the level of responsibility.

Actually it is very important point SDA, since everyone should know what happens for non-compliance with the actions prescribed by the rules. Sometimes when you get into an accident or stop your car by a traffic police officer, knowledge can.


I would like to highlight this topic especially, since almost all beginners are lost in similar situations. Roundabout Circulation always saturated, and here it is necessary to clearly understand what actions are required of you in order to freely carry out the maneuver. Departure to the ring and rebuilding initially turns out to be chaotic for everyone.

Of particular difficulty are questions in which situations with an insufficiently expressed ring are outlined. To answer the questions of this topic, it is necessary to clearly understand which signals of the light indicator turn on when entering the ring and which signs are installed. Everything else is regulated general rules and shouldn't cause any problems.

The traffic rules exam is a complex and responsible procedure for those who are going to drive a car. You need to understand that passing the exam - milestone, since both your personal safety on the road and the safety of those around you largely depend on it.

As with the study of any subject, there are more and less easy topics to master. In the SDA, these include the rules for driving through regulated and unregulated intersections, questions on technical device vehicle, and General requirements movement in different situations.

During training at a driving school, the teacher will have to tell and explain everything, as well as sort out controversial situations. But often this is not enough - you just have to learn a lot in order to solve tests correctly. The most difficult questions are tasks in which you cannot think logically. It is almost impossible to guess on their own, if only to guess. The second most difficult questions are the ones that require taking into account many parameters of the road, for example, traffic lights, signs and markings.

What you need to know and how to remember

In total there are 40 tickets of 20 questions, so for those who did not learn the rules, it remains to learn these 800 questions. It is easy to remember them, because most of them are illustrated, i.e. visual memory works.

Such questions that you just need to remember include: driving with a trailer and requirements for it, the meaning of signs, speed limits on various roads, marking designations, rules of passage for railway crossings.

These groups of questions are not so common both on the road and on tickets, because memorizing them is The best way answer correctly. Most likely, when driving on the roads of Russia already with rights, you will not need them. You will simply adjust to the traffic flow.

To memorize these questions, it is recommended to solve them at least 5 times, remembering the answer. This method is considered even more effective than the constant re-reading of the rules. Although the information in them is systematized by topic, remembering it in right moment more difficult.

On the road, you will not need all the rules, so it is not necessary to know everything perfectly, something can be forgotten over time. A separate topic for memorization of questions was the rules of fines and liability provided for certain violations.

This will come in handy when deciding tickets, and in life. Each person at least once, but violated the rules on the road, if not through his own fault, then because of the maneuver of another participant in the movement. This knowledge will be useful to you when you get into an accident or when stopped by the traffic police.

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