Fines for tires out of season. Is it possible to drive on winter tires in summer and what is the penalty? Different tires on a car axle

Fines for tires out of season. Is it possible to drive on winter tires in summer and what is the penalty? Different tires on a car axle


The State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction recommended on Tuesday the lower house of parliament to adopt in the first reading in the amount of 2 thousand rubles for the use of car tires out of season.

On October 21, the bill will be submitted for consideration by deputies of the State Duma at a plenary session. Let's remind, earlier the government of the Russian Federation in an official response also supported the document. As deputy Sergei Ten, one of the drafters of the bill, explained, the requirements for tire tread depth are approved by the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

If it comes into force, a fine will threaten those car owners whose tire tread depth installed on their cars does not meet these standards from December 1 to March 1. In other words, we are talking about sanctions for using summer tires in winter. At the same time, according to the parliamentarian, a fine can also be issued for the use of winter tires with a high degree wear. At the same time, the amendments concern the use of studded tires in summer period- from June 1st to September 1st. The fine for this will also be 2 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the bill takes into account regional specifics. In particular, it is assumed that the regional parliaments will be able to revise the terms of the winter period of operation of tires towards an increase, but not a decrease.

The use of spikes in the summer will end with a fine of 2 thousand rubles

At the same time, the deputies found several flaws in the document, which they ordered the developers to eliminate by the second reading. Thus, the draft law does not contain a time frame for the entry into force of its provisions, as well as a rule providing for the authority of regional authorities to change upward the terms for banning the use of winter tires.

This bill still has a huge number of shortcomings. And the main one is that in the Rules traffic, in the application for admission to operation of vehicles, the requirement is prescribed only for the tread depth. They do not talk about the requirements for the seasonal use of tires (summer or studded). Yes, these requirements are spelled out in the regulations Customs Union, but they do not appear in the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation. That is, if the law is passed, there will be nothing to punish.

According to the regulations, tires with a tread depth of less than one millimeter for passenger cars cannot be used. In winter, when driving on a snowy or icy road, it is forbidden to use tires with a tread depth of less than 4 mm.

It is really possible now to bring responsibility for this into the Code of Administrative Offenses. However, the ban on studs in June, July and August, as well as the ban on the use of summer tires in December, January and February, is written only in the technical regulations of the Customs Union. TO Russian Rules road traffic, these requirements are not relevant yet.

As Vyacheslav Lysakov, the first deputy head of the Committee on State Construction and Legislation, told the RG correspondent, first of all, amendments to the Rules should be adopted. The Code of Administrative Offenses does not establish the rules of relationships, it establishes responsibility for their violation. Rules must be established first, and only then responsibility for them.

Some drivers still believe that it is safe to drive on winter roads on summer tires is quite safe, because road services the city constantly monitors the condition of the road surface. However, this is of course not true, which is confirmed sharp rise accidents on the roads at the first ice. That's why From January 1, 2015, you can already get a fine for summer tires in winter in the amount of 500 rubles. The traffic police of Russia warns drivers about this. True, from a legislative point of view, there are problematic places.

The State Traffic Inspectorate refers to Art. 12.5 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It states that a fine is indeed provided for driving a vehicle that, in accordance with the provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation, cannot be used on the roads.

And the amendments to these provisions are really valid from January 1, but the changes do not say anything about the need to operate the car only on tires that correspond to the current season. The amendments concern only sufficient tread depth., and also explain the concept of "winter tires".

What the new amendments have prepared for drivers

The content of these amendments is such that the inspector can now not only pass a penalty for summer tires in winter, fined the driver for 500 rubles, but also for winter tires, already very worn out, with a residual tread depth of 4 mm or less. Recall that for the summer given parameter corresponds to 1.6 mm. However, the fine for summer tires and "bald" tires does not always threaten the driver. The inspector, at his own discretion, may confine himself to a warning, without drawing up a protocol.

On January 1, 2015, another document came into force - the technical regulation "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" of the Customs Union, which already stipulates that all winter period, i.e. from December to March, all vehicles must be operated only on winter tires. In summer, respectively, driving on studded tires is also prohibited. The document provides for the possibility of changing the service life of winter tires upwards by decision of local authorities.

However, the “Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation” do not yet have a clause introducing a ban on summer tires in winter. Accordingly, it is still illegal to charge a fine for this violation in Russia. However, representatives of the traffic police explained their position. Starting from the new year, drivers will be fined only for driving on “bald” tires, and it doesn’t matter if they are summer or winter. But the traffic inspectors will closely monitor the seasonality of the wheels and, apparently, so far only warn drivers about the inadmissibility of driving in winter on summer tires.

Contradictions of laws bring confusion

Recall which tires are legally prohibited to operate . Minimum depth tire tread should be:

  • 0.8 mm for motor vehicles;
  • 1 mm for trucks up to 12 tons and trailers for them;
  • 1.6 mm - passenger cars and cargo weight up to 3.5 t;
  • 2 mm for buses;
  • 4 mm for all winter tires.

Thus, a paradoxical situation has arisen - when driving in winter on summer tires with a tread, the depth of which fits into the prescribed norms, the inspector will only confirm this fact, formally having no reason to issue a fine.

This means that truck drivers who create slippery road many kilometers of traffic jams will not bear any responsibility at all, but a motorist who is only slightly skidded on winter tires with a tread depth that almost falls short of the prescribed value will be fined.

Reasons for inconsistencies in legislation

This happened due to the fact that legislators did not consider amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which would regulate liability for violations of the new technical regulations. In this case, the problem of trucks slipping on slippery slopes, might disappear. However, for now the legislative framework does not resolve this issue. Yes and by by and large it is not clear what to do with these trucks, because a set of winter tires is very expensive for them and can cost the owners the price of a new “passenger car”.

However, inconsistencies may soon be resolved, and not so long ago initiatives were discussed, driving in winter on summer tires, in accordance with which would be punished with very large fines. Initially, it was proposed to impose a fine of 5000 rubles, then - in 2000 rubles. However, in 2019, a driver can be fined only 500 rubles so far., and then if the latter does not defend the rights. Nevertheless, remember that summer, especially “bald” tires in winter turn the car into an unguided projectile, which is extremely dangerous on the road.

Russia is a country with a pronounced change of seasons, which, of course, affects driving in general and automotive rubber in particular. In anticipation winter season we will tell you when it is time to change the tires, what kind of fine threatens those who like to drive on tires out of season, and what prevents us from complying with the law?

○ Why don't car enthusiasts change tires?

Russians are known for their craving for fast driving, but not always safe. One of these risks is associated with the use of tires out of season. It happens by different reasons. Some are forced to save money by the crisis, others do not want to stand in the seasonal queues of tire shops, others simply do not plan to put new kit being ready to throw away the old one.

Whatever reasons prompted you to leave tires out of season, there can be only one plus, and that is very conditional - savings on tire services. There will be many more cons, including material ones.

First and most main disadvantage out-of-season tires - a decrease in the controllability of the car, and thus the safety of the driver and passengers. At the first spring sun, the already soft winter tires begin to warm up from the warm asphalt. The rubber becomes viscous, and the car's handling decreases, with hard braking the car will easily be dragged forward, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

Harder summer tires in winter give reduced traction and the car simply “wears” on the road, which in itself is not safe.

The second problem is increased wear. GOST installed minimum height protector passenger car at 1.6 mm, but you should not fall short of this, buying a new kit already at 2 mm. Using tires out of season will bring the purchase costs closer.

At correct use a set of rubber will last up to three years, but if you do not change it, the wear rate will increase on average three times. Studded tires serve well in the cold season, but with the establishment of heat and complete cleaning of asphalt from ice, the studs simply fly out of it, forcing you to buy a new set to next season. In addition, on summer road spikes lengthen braking distances creating the risk of an accident. But even non-studded winter tires, warmed up by the summer sun from their softness, wear out three times faster.

The reasons why you shouldn't skimp on a tire change are clear, so when is the right time to get it done?

○ Terms of transition to winter and summer tires.

Let's start with what this moment in Russia there is no full-fledged law that has come into force that obliges to change tires as such, or establishes the timing of such a replacement. In the US and Finland, shift dates are rigidly set. If the inspector notices the car “shod out of season”, the driver will be fined.

In Russia, there is a technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles, which prohibits the use of:

  • Studded winter tires in June, July and August.
  • Summer tires on any vehicle wheel in December, January and February.

Of course, these are not exhaustive rules and it is necessary to focus on climatic conditions specific region. Experts advise to install summer tires not earlier than the temperature is above +5 С / +7 С Before that, night frosts may occur, after which morning frost on the roads is possible. Usually this is March 10 - 15, but in the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory on March 1, spring is in full swing, and in the Magadan Region they will hear about it only by April. This is one of the reasons why the Vehicle Safety Act governing tire replacement is still not working in full force, it is necessary to take into account regional peculiarities. At the moment, it spells out a ban on the use of winter studded tires from May 1 to September 30, and summer tires from December 1 to March 1. Winter non-studded tires can be left for the whole year.

As for winter tires, experts do not recommend delaying the change by more than November 15th. According to statistics, by this time in most regions of the country there is already a high probability of precipitation in the form of snow or ice.

Not prohibited by law all season tires, but when using it, it is important to take into account the climatic factor, if too low temperatures it will not be stable enough, and in too hot summer it will become excessively soft. In addition, it must be marked "M+S", "M&S" or "M S"

○ Penalty for driving with winter tires in summer.

Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain an article indicating the fine for using winter tires in summer, but the possibility of its introduction is already being discussed. The most likely fine at the moment is 500 r. But even in the future, only the use of studded tires will be liable.

But even now the traffic police inspector has the right to draw up a protocol, having found increased tread wear on your car or winter and summer tires on one axis.

Car operation is actually more difficult process than many drivers imagine. You need to know a lot of subtleties, one of which is the use of winter tires. It must be put on when cold weather sets in. Otherwise, the grip of tires with snow at sub-zero temperatures will be very weak, which creates a danger on the roads and increases the risk of getting into an accident. Yes, you can get a tire fine. Therefore, the issue of replacing summer tires with winter ones is very relevant.

In addition, the condition of the rubber and the height of its tread play a role. If winter tires are worn out, they will hold the road worse than summer tires. Naturally, the rules provide for the responsibility of drivers for the use of summer tires in winter time. Many drivers want to know from what date a fine is imposed for rubber, what is its volume and whether studded tires are allowed. We'll talk about this.

What does the law say?

In many media, information was announced that a law would come into force in 2017, according to which a fine for summer tires in winter in the amount of 2,000 rubles would be imposed.

At the moment, technical regulations are already in force, which determine that in winter all cars must be equipped with winter tires. winter months December, January and February are counted. At the same time, the regulations state that all wheels of the car must have winter tires, and not just the front or rear axle as some drivers think.

Paragraph 5.5 of Appendix No. 8 states that the operation of vehicles without winter tires is prohibited in winter. It is also forbidden to use cars with studded tires in summer. Even in this paragraph it is clearly stated that it is impossible to use cars that, although equipped with winter tires, have a residual tread depth of less than 4 mm. Therefore, it is not enough just to use winter tires, they must have sufficient tread depth.

Is there a penalty for winter tires?

Excerpts from the law clearly state that there are certain requirements for tires. They must correspond to seasonality on all wheels at the same time. If the tires do not correspond to the season, then this is regarded as the technical condition of the car, which does not meet the requirements of the rules. Therefore, it is considered a violation. Summer tire fine this case will be 500 rubles.

Penalty for different types of tires on the front and rear axles

Many drivers do not want to spend money on a whole set of winter tires, so they only buy tires for the drive axle - front or rear. And although it is not recommended to do this, many do it.

Of course, there is no specific law or rule that would govern such a matter. However, the technical regulations state that the car must be operated with the same tires on both axles. Failure to comply with this condition will also be regarded as non-compliance with the normal technical condition car, which is fraught with a fine of 500 rubles.

Bald rubber

IN new edition The law defines the requirements for the remaining tread depth on winter tires, which the driver must adhere to. If the pattern depth on winter tires is less than 4 mm, then the driver will again have to pay a fine (500 rubles). It is established by the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In particular, Article 12.5 states that the management vehicle which does not correspond to the normal technical condition or the conditions for allowing the machine to operate, is prohibited. Otherwise, the driver is brought to administrative responsibility and required to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

It should also be borne in mind that the repetition of such a violation will entail an increase in the fine. Therefore, after the first warning by the inspector, it is advisable for the driver to change summer tires to winter ones.

Summer studded tires

If in spring or autumn you drive a car with ordinary winter tires without spikes, then there will be no violation in this case. It's just that such rubber is considered softer, and at positive temperatures, although it provides good grip car with a road surface, but wears out quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in winter, when it hardens a little due to low temperatures.

However, winter tires can often be fitted with metal studs that provide better grip on snow or ice. But when driving on asphalt, the spikes greatly reduce the grip of the wheels with the roadway and spoil the asphalt surface.

The use of studded tires in non-winter time is a gross violation due to non-compliance with the current standard and entails a fine. As usual, the driver will have to pay 500 rubles.

However, there is an exception to the rule, but it applies only to those regions of Russia where cold climate. Therefore, the use of spiked wheels is allowed not only in winter, but also at other times of the year. However, the driver is obliged to inform other road users about this. To do this, an icon in the form of a triangle with the letter w inside is glued to the glass.

Previously, the law clearly spelled out the number of studs that are allowed to be installed on tires. A slight upward deviation from the norm was also allowed. However, at the same time, the driver had to prove the absence of a high load on the asphalt surface and an increase in the effectiveness of traction. In the amendments that were made to the bill in 2017, these points are generally absent.

Bald wheels

Regardless of what season and what type of rubber the driver uses, there are certain requirements for the tread pattern for both summer and winter tires.

  1. Cars of category L - 0.8 mm.
  2. Cars of categories No. 2, No. 3, OZ, 04 - 1 mm.
  3. Vehicle category M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm.
  4. Cars category M2, M3 - 2 mm.
  5. Winter tires - 4 mm.

Why change tires at all?

It is worth noting that the fine for rubber did not appear out of the blue. It is known that summer tires at negative temperatures they become very rigid. In addition, their tread pattern is not designed for snow or ice on the roads. As a result, the use of such rubber in winter creates a high danger for both the driver and his passengers, and for other road users.

A car with summer tires in winter becomes poorly controlled, its braking distance increases, maneuverability is lost, and grip with the roadway becomes very weak. That is why it needs to be changed.

As for winter tires summer time, then its use also reduces the controllability of the car. Such tires wear out quickly, and their grip on the road at positive temperatures also becomes low due to increased tire melting.

In spring or autumn, there are no specific requirements for rubber, so drivers can use both winter and summer tires. But experts recommend using summer tires, although in many regions they change shoes only in summer, when the positive temperature outside lasts for a long time.


Now you know what the fine for out-of-season tires is. Therefore, there is no need to save on this. Such savings can be offset by fines from the traffic police. In addition, it is in the interests of the driver to provide for himself and his family safe conditions for road traffic. So, if you do not want to pay a fine for rubber, then just change your shoes on time.

Throughout 2015, motorists discussed new bill how winter tires should be used. Whether the law was adopted or not, many drivers still do not know. That is why it is important to understand this issue. Moreover, the violation traffic rules entails the imposition of fines.

winter tire law

First of all, you should understand what kind of law it is about changing tires to winter and what are its main provisions. It is important to know that the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, which was adopted on January 1, 2015, are called this way. It sets out the requirements for safe use transport.

From now on it is forbidden to use winter tires with studs in summer. And, on the contrary, in winter it was forbidden to ride summer wheels. At the same time, the legislation establishes the requirement that all wheels must be replaced at the same time.

However, the winter tire law also has a large number of shortcomings. One of the most significant is the fact that there are no articles in it that would impose requirements on tires used on freight transport as well as on buses.

In addition, it is not entirely clear how the compliance of rubber with the requirements specified in the law will be checked. Only the points have the corresponding powers. technical inspection. However, new vehicles are exempt from this obligation.

Why you should change your tires on time

When figuring out when to install winter tires according to the law, you need to understand why it is so important to comply with the requirements of this regulation. Main goal of development technical regulation is to improve road safety.

Late installation of winter tires can lead to whole line problems:

  • increasing the length of the braking distance significantly increases the likelihood of accidents;
  • a decrease in the speed of movement leads to the formation of congestion on the roads;
  • the car is slipping, because they cannot overcome even not too steep slopes.

Rules for the operation of wheels

The Winter Tire Act establishes certain rules for the operation of tires:

  1. In summer, it is forbidden to use rubber that is equipped with spikes. The ban period is from June to August.
  2. In winter, starting from December and ending in February, you can not drive on cars that are not equipped with winter tires.
  3. All year round you can use a special non-studded rubber (the so-called Velcro). It must be appropriately marked with the letters M and S.
  4. Depending on the climate, local authorities have the right to change the terms of use different types rubber. You can change them only in a big way.
  5. The tread depth in winter should be at least 4 mm, and in summer - 1.6 mm.

Types of winter tires

Usually there are two types of winter tires - with spikes and Velcro. Each of these types of tires has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The so-called Velcro are made of special quality rubber. It is very soft and heat resistant. This allows you to guarantee the best grip on the road. Such tires can be said to stick to the road surface. They are best suited for use in regions with a mild climate, as well as in urban areas. However, the Velcro straps are longer than the Velcro. In addition, they perform worse on ice and snow.

Studded tires are considered the safest. They are great for extreme cold weather. At the same time, excellent grip of studded wheels with the road can significantly reduce the braking distance. Such tires perform well on icy roads, as well as on covered wet snow. Much worst performance for such wheels when operating on wet pavement. However, these wheels also have disadvantages. They are quite heavy and when moving on high speed they make a lot of noise. In addition, the spikes wear out very quickly, fuel consumption increases during their operation.

Service life of tires

Not only is it important, it is also important by law that the tread depth be required level. Therefore, you need to know how long you can use and how to increase the life of tires.

It is impossible to calculate how long the protector will become unusable. This can only be determined during use. Studded tires wear out the fastest. They can be used for no more than three seasons. Velcro can be used much longer. All season tires will last the longest. However, they should not be used under extreme weather conditions: In extreme heat or frost.

Thus, it is impossible to predict how long the tire will come into non-compliance with the law. However, there is a way to extend their useful life. To do this, you should not ride on wheels that are not appropriate for the season.

Tire Category Confirmation

As for the so-called all season tires, there is no information in the law on how to certify such rubber. But manufacturers have found a way out - they issue two categories of certificates for the same tires at once. One confirms the possibility of their use in summer, the other - in winter.

On all winter tires soon there will be a special marking in the form of mountain ranges. Such a badge is an international confirmation that the tires are made of a special arctic rubber, which is designed for use at low temperatures.

What tires are outlawed?

It's no secret that studded car tires spoil pavement. That is why they set standards on how many studs winter tires should contain. Russia supported this law.

The only difference is the number of spikes per linear meter. In Europe, this indicator is allowed at the level of 50. In Russia, it was increased by 10.

Thus, the manufacturer will have to prove compliance with the number of spikes established in the regulations. For this, a specialized test site is traditionally used. To determine if the tires meet the established standards, the car passes a certain section of the road 100 times at a speed of 100 km / h. After that, a strictly defined section of the road is weighed and the result is compared with the weight before the start of the test. If the result fits within the established standards, the tested tires meet the requirements.

To date, the rubber test procedure is widely used in European countries. However, there are no such testing laboratories in Russia.

As a result, it is not possible to check tires for compliance with standards. It turns out that in winter you can use almost any rubber with spikes.

When to change tires?

If you remember the rules for the operation of wheels established in regulatory enactments, the issue, according to the law, will be automatically removed. To avoid disagreements with the traffic police, this must be done before December 1. Back tires should be reinstalled by June 1st.

But do not forget about safety requirements. In accordance with them, it is not always expedient to administratively fixed time in which the transition to winter tires is carried out. The law indicates only recommended periods, but life should be guided by common sense. Here are some tips for changing tires:

  • Winter tires should be put on when the road has been covered with ice several times. It is not always advisable to change wheels for winter ones immediately after the first frosts, which occur in Russia even in September. Keeping a car on a slippery road is not easy. So don't wait too long to replace. summer tires for the winter, waiting for the snow to completely cover the ground.
  • Get rid of winter tires should not be in a hurry. You should wait for the moment when there is no ice on the road even at night.

Punishment for non-compliance with the requirements of the law

Those who do not comply with the law on winter tires will not be punished. The fact is that at the moment fines for untimely replacement covers do not exist.

However, the Code of Contraventions establishes that when using worn car tires The owner is threatened with:

  • a warning from a traffic police officer;
  • a fine of 500 rubles.

At the same time, the employee who detected the offense can choose from these options. In practice, the driver rarely manages to limit himself to a warning. Most often, traffic inspectors issue a receipt for payment of a fine. It can also encourage the car owner to meet the deadlines for changing winter/summer tires. The law is intended to raise the level

Thus, compliance with the new law on the use of winter tires will not only save you from paying fines. By listening to them, you can significantly improve road safety.

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