Priora or grant which is better. Domestic auto industry: which is better - viburnum or prior? Power parameters and aesthetic data

Priora or grant which is better. Domestic auto industry: which is better - viburnum or prior? Power parameters and aesthetic data

Everything you want to know about Lada Granta Liftback. Lada Priora liftback. Lada Priora liftback. Lada priora liftback

Exterior - appearance

Lada Priora Sedan

Interior - interior overview

Lada Priora Lux Salon

Price and quality

  • electric power steering;
  • heated seats, etc.



  • DRL/GO P21/5W 12V/21W/5W.

Lada Granta:

  • Dipped beam (H7).
  • Far (h2).
  • Turn signal lamp PY21W 12V/21W.






Opinion LADAvodov

Lada Priora Sedan

My opinion

Based on experience, I can answer the question of which car is better - Lada Granta or Priora. When acquiring, I leaned towards the second option, due to the higher cost. Plus, it is positioned as the flagship of the domestic automotive industry. There is not much space in it, but it can safely be called a B-class.

Initially, the goal of improving the version of the 10th family was invested in the creation of Priora. And Grant is a cheaper version of Kalina, which replaced the Zhiguli. This is a simple budget car, improved for modern roads.

From all of the above, we can conclude that a VAZ production car is like a lottery. In each model, a successful or problematic option may come across. Priora is a model that has been proven for decades, while Granta is a more modern car, assembled using new technologies. And, judging seriously by the technical characteristics, then in terms of the latest versions, the Grant surpasses the Priora in many criteria, and in cost, including that for some today is one of the main selection criteria.

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Lada Priora liftback. "Granta" or "Priora"

Lada Granta or Priora - which is better? Comparative characteristics and reviews of owners, photos, videos.

Each person at least once in his life faced with a choice - which car to take: domestic or foreign, used or new ... If you choose from options available at a cost, then the Russian auto industry will come to the rescue, which also gives reason to think about the choice . In addition, favorable prices will be taken into account in the future - regarding maintenance, repair and replacement of parts.

Just recently, the leading manufacturer AVTOVAZ has improved most of the models, and also released new ones, which are gaining more and more popularity every day. To help buyers with the choice, I decided to discuss on the topic - which is better: Lada Granta or Lada Priora. According to the latest statistics, these are the best-selling cars of this company. These models differ from the well-known Lada Kalina and from each other, so let's look at what exactly.

Exterior - appearance

First, let's look at external data. Priora has a traditional body shape, similar to the previous version. After restyling in 2014, she acquired improved headlights, a bumper and rear dimensions.

Lada Priora Sedan

Granta has now acquired youthful stylish forms, reminiscent of a foreign car. Improved running lights, bumpers and headlights. In this category, you can give it preference.

Interior - interior overview

If we take Priora as an example, then the interior has changed for the better. In the cabin, modern soft-look materials were used.

Lada Priora Lux Salon

While the plastic dashboard looks cheap in Granta. But it has a more spacious interior.

Price and quality

In this comparison, which is better than Priora or Grant liftback, the second option wins, since today the new Priora without add-ons costs like Granta in a luxury configuration. This difference in price was achieved thanks to the new design, which uses fewer small parts. This is what helped reduce the noise.

Priora for all models has two trim levels: Norma and Lux. Grants also has a third one - Standard, which is the cheapest. At the same time, inexpensive configurations of the first model are better equipped than those of the second. But their cost is much higher. But there are practically no differences between expensive trim levels. They include:

  • front airbags;
  • electric power steering;
  • multimedia system with on-board computer;
  • heated seats, etc.


This criterion is of most concern to domestic motorists, so we will analyze in detail all the available parameters.


If you choose from cars which is better - Grant or Prior regarding light, then opinions are divided here. Granta wins in the dipped beam category, while Priore has a good high beam. She also has an advantage in the structure of the headlight - the lamps for different light are installed separately, so this makes it easier and cheaper to replace in the future. The full specification looks like this.

  • DRL/GO P21/5W 12V/21W/5W.
  • Low and high beam h5 12V/60W/55W.
  • Turn signal lamp PY21W 12V/21W.

Lada Granta:

  • Dipped beam (H7).
  • Far (h3).
  • Turn signal lamp PY21W 12V/21W.

For both brands of cars, regardless of the body - liftback, sedan, sport or hatchback - the ground clearance is the same - 16 cm.


What Grant is better than Priora is the volume of the trunk.

In the first case, it is equal to 520 liters, in the second - 430. But if you fold the back sofa, then this figure increases to 700.


If you are thinking about what is better to buy - Priora or Grant, then opinions are also divided on this characteristic. The first model is bought due to its good handling. Due to the increased stroke of the steering rack, it becomes more "obedient". In the sports version, the suspension has been significantly improved. The second option is taken by those who appreciate comfort. Grants have fewer turns from lock to lock, in comparison with Priora - 3.1 versus 4.1. It is also more rolling in corners and is perfect for older drivers. Accelerating over 120 km / h, it will not feel very good. Although this is the last, therefore, a more modern development of the creators.


If we compare which is better - Grant or Prior with respect to engines, then in reality they are almost the same. But my personal opinion is that the 16-valve Granta is faster than the opponent (especially in the "sport" version - this was also proven on test drives).

There are only two positions in the Priora lineup - 98 and 106 hp, while two more have been added in the Grant - 82 and 87. In addition, they are equipped with a soundproofing system.

The fuel consumption declared by the plant also does not differ much - about 9-10 liters in the city, and six - on the highway.


Choosing from two - Grant or Prior - which is better, with respect to this characteristic, the first option wins the championship. I declare with confidence that the new cable gearbox outperforms the old prior one.

This is a modernized version of the gearbox from the VAZ-2108, which, although noisy, gives a clear backstage operation. Transfers can be turned on literally with the little finger. In Priora mechanics, and in Granta there is a choice - mechanical, robot and automatic.

Opinion LADAvodov

It was also interesting to get acquainted with the personal experience and reviews of car owners in different bodies - hatchback, liftback, sedan or sport - as to which car is better: Priora or Grant. Here opinions are divided. Many, having bought a Grant, claim that it is of better quality. With it, you need to go to the service for relatively minor breakdowns much less often (according to some users). The good news is that it was the car that came to the MOT, and not attracted it. Most often, malfunctions of small units occur: stove, generator, power window, etc. The price of Grants is lower, the exterior suits many. The only thing that whistles brakes. Even in the service, this is already considered normal, since this is observed in almost every model.

Regarding which is better - Priora or Grant, the reviews were different. Many speak well of the fact that there is more room in the Granta's cabin, especially for the legs. It is roomy, comfortable to fit and pleases with a large trunk. This is especially true for those who need it at work, and in everyday life too. Grants has a rich package, plus a new platform. There are large doors, as in Kalina station wagon or hatchback (video is presented below).

Others like Priora more - in terms of equipment and engine power. Her fans tend to think that Granta has more visits to the service. But many consider the price of Priora to be too high as expected. Although it is simply dictated by modern realities. Foreign cars have also risen, like everything else in this world. The restyled versions have already acquired all the necessary elements - a short steering rack, a cable link and other things that are so praised in Grant.

Lada Priora Sedan

Also, many prefer the appearance of Priora, while in the second Lada they do not like the shape of the stern, especially in liftback, hatchback and sedan bodies. Priora looks more modern, so it can be called a youth option. Convenient for both the driver and passengers.

My opinion

I myself have been the owner of Priora for two years. In two years on a new car, I skated more than 30,000 km. During this period, there were a lot of minor breakdowns, but for all the time she never got in the way. The battery sat down once, through my fault - the ceiling lamp did not turn off.

Based on experience, I can answer the question of which car is better - Lada Granta or Priora. P


Priora hatchback or Grant hatchback: model characteristics

Currently, cars of the Volga plant are increasingly popular with motorists. And this is an understandable fact, since the cost of this brand is much lower than that of a foreign one, and maintenance is quite simple. And also, if necessary, you can get any components and spare parts in a short time.

Buyers often face the problem of choosing: which car is better and more modern - Priora Hatchback or Grant Hatchback. These models are especially popular among other Lada cars, and the choice often falls between them. Such a solution only at first glance seems simple, but in fact, these almost identical models have a number of individual properties.

And more recently, the AvtoVAZ plant began producing the Lada Granta Liftback model. This is Granta's novelty, tuned to a foreign body model and having exterior advantages over other cars on the Russian market. But we are talking about the choice between Priora and Grant in the back of a hatchback.

If you miss the fact that Grant and Priora have a decent difference in cost, they still have common characteristics and there are quite a lot of them, which makes the choice very difficult. Therefore, the main assistant here should be exactly a comparative analysis and individual feelings of the buyer.

Inside, outside and under the hood

The interior and exterior is the first thing that catches the eye of the buyer in the showroom. It is he who is evaluated in the first place when choosing models. Comparing Lada Priora or Lada Granta with foreign cars, you can see that their appearance is much poorer and more modest. What is now being done in Russia has long ceased to be produced abroad, although this is not surprising, the Soviet auto industry has always acted more as a catch-up rather than an advanced link in the automotive industry. And the Hatchback body is increasingly being replaced by the Liftback variant.

Grant hatchback looks more solid than its rival Priory. A more modern and beautiful design shows it in a favorable light. The difference in age (the Grant was released 4 years later), of course, affects the appearance of the car, as there is a more modern approach and obsolete body parts have been removed from the design.

However, in terms of interior decoration and convenience, Priora Hatchback maintains leadership. The interior of the Priora uses better material and more comfortable (albeit outdated) seats.

Technical characteristics are the main ones for a motorist when choosing a vehicle. Engine power, fuel consumption and many other criteria are taken into account. Priora and Grant are practically equipped with the same power units, and their difference depends more on the configuration than on the model, which cannot be said about the gearbox.

Grant hatchback is ahead of Priora, especially the modifications of the last years of production. This is due to the fact that they began to install improved mechanics on Grant, which surpasses the outdated checkpoint on Prior. It is distinguished by a more convenient switch, easily amenable to commands, as well as the absence of vibration, which has practically become an indispensable feature of the Soviet automobile industry.

The fuel consumption of both Lada models is the same, and this is due to the similarity of engines and their characteristics. However, the newer Granta model is better adapted to the roads and improved, so you should not be surprised if it still surpasses its rival in fuel consumption by 1-2 liters.

Automatic transmission is a separate issue. Since Lada Priora has not yet acquired an “automatic”, lovers of such a transmission will prefer to choose Grant. But you should not hope for a simplified life, since automation is still an innovation in the Russian automobile industry, and therefore you can expect more problems from automatic transmissions than from old, but true mechanics.

The condition of the suspension for Priora and Grants is the same. In modern models, it has been improved and is highly reliable. But still, the Grant is a more modern model and its suspension will be newer and more perfect. This plays a significant role in car repair or tuning. It is easier to find and replace a modern part than to find an alternative to an outdated model.

Price offers and packages

An analysis of the cost of models will help you get closer to deciding which one is better to take. Considering that the Priora at the price of the minimum configuration costs the same as the Lada Granta in the “luxury” configuration, you can immediately prioritize. And really, why pay for an empty Priora, if for the same money you can take yourself a fully stuffed Grant and be happy if you are satisfied with all the characteristics?

Lada Priora is a more ergonomic model. She has already earned herself a "name" and earned respect among young people. The model is also popular with a minimum configuration, and this is due to the possibility of easy tuning. Since the car has already been well studied by users, it is possible to sculpt both a unique sports car and an excellent country "wagon" from it.

Of the shortcomings of the Priory, racks should be noted. But part of the blame for their rapid wear and tear can be blamed on the quality of the roads, and besides, the racks on the Priora are not so expensive. Therefore, even if, with terribly poor operation, they “fly” in 5-6 years, they can be easily obtained and replaced.

The “luxury” package is presented with the presence in the car of power steering, air conditioning, ABC system, with power windows and airbags for the passenger. The “norm” package differs from the first in the absence of rear automatic windows, fog lights, alloy wheels and, of course, parking sensors.

Lada Granta attracts buyers with a fairly quiet engine, due to the presence of modern and high-quality sound insulation. Engines Grants develop power of 80, 90 and 98 horsepower, depending on the configuration. Improved dynamics and aerodynamics have reduced the acceleration time of the car to 100 km / h to 12 seconds. Salon Lada Grants is made in European style and is distinguished by special comfort and silence.

Here the buyer is offered a wider choice of trim levels: "norm", "standard" and "luxury". A more capacious trunk is a clear advantage, as our car owners, in the old fashioned way, strive to put almost a whole sofa in a passenger car. Well, if jokes aside, then 500 liters is quite an impressive volume for a hatchback class car.

Of the shortcomings, the driver will notice a small crack after a few thousand kilometers and the absence of an engine temperature sensor. But there are no complaints about safety. Some are also captivated by the later date of the start of production of the car. After all, the Russian mentality has developed in such a way that everything released later than the previous one will be much better, and everything that is taken from Europe in personal experience will be much better. But why is the price of Priora still higher? This is already a question of pricing and the so-called "secret of the company."

What to choose?

Prior or Grant - the choice is more symbolic than some kind of technical. Almost identical cars with minor differences, created at the same enterprise. It is captivating that Lada Granta is 4 years younger than Priora, but an older, more experienced and already proven car can still give odds to the younger generation.

Fewer parts in the Grant may have been the reason for its cheapness. This also simplifies the design of the car, reduces weight and improves driving performance. Grant, as mentioned above, is a relatively new model in the automotive market, and no one yet fully knows how it can behave. This uncertainty and lack of knowledge scare buyers. Adding fuel to the fire is the price, which is perceived as "cheaper means worse."

Significant factors when choosing a car between Lada Granta hatchback and Lada Priora hatchback will be both the operating conditions and the purposes for which the car is purchased. For example, girls and women prefer to choose a car with an automatic transmission and a more modern look. For summer residents, it is advised to purchase a Lada Grant because of the roomy trunk. Priora suits young people, lends itself perfectly to chic tuning and, as a transforming robot, can be converted into a car with an individual character.

Significant information for choosing a car will also be the fact that for Priora at the moment it is much easier to get inexpensive used spare parts. But for Grants, you will have to look for either new ones or analogues from foreign cars that have already been in use, since the analysis of these cars is just beginning to take off.

As for the used Lada Grant and Lada Priora, here all the characteristics mentioned above are no longer valid, and it is necessary to compare solely by performance. For it doesn’t matter where the motor is better if one of them has already been moved three times, and it doesn’t even matter which gearbox, automatic or mechanic, if the first one becomes faulty immediately after signing the contract of sale. Each motorist makes a choice for himself, and therefore it is up to him to decide what to drive in the first place.

"Grant" or "Priora" - which is better? Comparative characteristics and reviews of the owners of the "Grant" and "Prior" ::

Currently, vehicles manufactured by the Lada company are very popular among the population of the Russian Federation. This is a domestic company. It produces a considerable number of car models, in connection with which people who decide to give preference to the company's products often wonder whether Grant or Priora is better.


The choice of our compatriots is determined by a number of parameters. The first and, I think, the most important is, of course, the price of the car. Compared to foreign cars, Lada products are not so expensive. Yes, and components, spare parts for cars on the market can be found much easier. They will also come out cheaper than for foreign-made cars. It is worth noting that in all this variety of models sold, a special niche is occupied by those two cars, which we, in fact, will talk about throughout the article. These two vehicles, according to statistics, have become the best-selling copies among all models. It is possible that you just decided to buy a Lada. And here, logically, the question arises before the buyer. "Grant" or "Priora" - which is better? There is nothing strange in this, and we will try to deal with each of the cars in the most detail, find out its advantages and disadvantages. These two models have a lot in common. It is interesting that they are at the same time in quite different price categories. And this clearly does not play into the hands of the choice between the two cars. So the only method that will help us answer the question of whether "Grant" or "Priora" - which is better, will be a detailed analysis with all comparisons for similar types of car characteristics.

Comparison of external and internal appearance

At the very first stages of a detailed comparison of two cars (and we are talking not only about deciding whether the Lada Granta or Priora is better), you must first of all pay attention to their interior and exterior. Perhaps someone will not agree with this, but this is not a personal opinion, but simply a statement of fact obtained from surveys of motorists.

So, if we took one of these models as a basis and tried to compare each of them with foreign-made cars, then most likely both models would fail. Here, of course, much depends on the foreign "opponent". But again, based on foreign standards, we can safely say that in terms of its appearance, the Grant is much closer to the conditional bar than the Priora.

Thus, we are already beginning to form the prerequisites for answering the question of which is better: "Priora" or "Grant-liftback". Indeed, the latter looks quite nice compared to the other model. Although the “Priora” is far from a miss, it still lacks something in the fight in the “Grant”. Previously, some experts compared three models at once. They tried to answer the question of what is better: "Kalina", "Grant" or "Priora". The results were highly expected. But the topic of our article is somewhat different, so we will not be distracted by the analysis of the issue of three models already.

First conclusions

So, “Granta” has a more modern, more beautiful design than “Priora”. It is worth noting the fact that both models have a certain basic configuration. And such a complete set of the first car costs much less than the second. Here it is already unambiguous to say that in its appearance the Priora (although it is simply impossible to say that it looks terrible) is still inferior to the Grant. It seems that the scales at this moment should tilt in favor of the latest model, but nothing of the kind is happening. The fact is that in terms of seats, the Priora will be much more comfortable. You need to take into account the quality of the material from which they are made. Thus, “Lada Priora” equalizes the score. And we will continue to consider the characteristics of these two cars to find out which is better: Priora or Granta-sport.

Analysis of the technical equipment of cars

Probably no one will argue with the fact that many people, when choosing a car, pay special attention to the study of the so-called “fuel efficiency”. That is, attention is drawn to how much fuel an automobile engine consumes. These two models are equipped with almost the same engines. The manufacturers of the concern decided on such an interesting move.

If we take both cars in the same configuration, then in terms of technical characteristics, we are unlikely to notice any special differences between the models. However, it is worth saying a few words about the gearbox that the Lada Granta has. It is certainly better than that of Priora. The fact is that today a newer version of a manual gearbox is built into this vehicle. It surpasses the previous one, if not in all parameters, then in the overwhelming number of them, for sure. Switching between gears has become much more convenient. Vibration almost completely disappeared somewhere.

Complete set

If we take two identical configurations, then in terms of fuel consumption, these car models will practically not differ. If you are among the motorists who prefer the automatic transmission, then most likely, like many of your like-minded people, cast your vote in favor of the Lada Grants. Let's not forget that the "Prior" does not have an automatic gearbox. Whether this is a plus or a minus is not for us to figure out. Both models can boast of the fact that they have a fairly reliable, high-quality suspension. But, no matter how reliable it is, Lada Granta will still have it better, since the model itself entered the market later than Priora. So, the suspension was developed by designers and engineers improved. So let's sum it up. Grant has a certain advantage in terms of technical characteristics. But in general, the models differ insignificantly from each other. Therefore, the advantage can be written not as a whole point, but only as a half. Next, we will consider how the cost of cars in different trim levels correlates, in order to then answer the question of what is better to take: "Grant" or "Priora".

The next stage of comparison

Of course, a review of the technical characteristics, as well as their step-by-step comparison, is an excellent move, which in some cases allows us to draw preliminary conclusions, to prepare a preliminary result of the entire comparison. But relying on the opinion only about them will not be entirely correct. Therefore, at the very beginning of the article, the topic of the external and internal appearance of cars was touched upon, and now we will try to answer the question of whether Lada Granta-liftback or Priora is better, based, among other things, on information about the vehicle configurations presented on market.

In general, about the price ratio

So, the cheapest version of the "Priora" will cost about the same amount as the "Grant", presented in a luxury configuration. If someone still does not understand what is at stake, we will try to explain a little more accessible and in more detail. If we take the above-mentioned “Grants” package, then it will have an electric power steering, air conditioning (which has recently been very important in the summer, especially in the South of Russia, where the temperature jumps up to 50 degrees during the day). Also, the “Grant” will have a built-in airbag. But if we take Priora for the same money for comparison, you simply won’t see all these elements in it, since they are not there. With similar "gadgets" "Priora" will cost much more.

"Priora": advantages and disadvantages

If we analyzed the models separately, then the latter, of course, could have several strengths. It is enough to remember that the Lada Priora is ergonomic. Evaluating it on a five-point scale, you can give a four. And confident and strong. Among our youth, this model is in considerable demand. Its production, as you know, started a few years ago, in 2007.

But car racks are a real minus of the model. Considering how unreliable roads are in our country, the racks are simply falling apart. If we pass a verdict on the basis of some general parameters, then it should be noted that in this regard, the Lada Priora is not bad. There are many buyers of the model at the present time. Priora is supplied to the market in two trim levels. These are “Normal” and “Lux”. The first includes front power windows, on-board computer, airbag, headlight range control. The second has the same elements, but air conditioning is added to them, as well as ABC, EBD. There is a noticeable discrepancy between the trim levels and in the appearance of the cars. The luxury model has fog lights, alloy wheels, parking sensors.

"Grant": advantages and disadvantages

And the Lada Granta is equipped with an engine that produces much less noise. This is achieved through the use of modern sound insulation modules in the design. The Lada Grants line is represented by three modifications, the engine power of which is, respectively, 80, 90 and 98 horsepower.

The interior of the car is carried out, one might say, in the European style. It is distinguished by its characteristics, namely a high level of silence and driving comfort. The production of the model started not so long ago, only in 2011. The device of the previous car, Lada Kalina, served as the basis. Already next year, three trim levels appeared on the car market under the names “Lux”, “Standard” and “Norma”.

The trunk of the "Grants" is more spacious than that of the "Priora". Its volume is 500 liters. But the model has its drawbacks, like every car. Having traveled several thousand kilometers on this car, all drivers are faced with the fact that the transport begins to crackle corny. There is no sensor that shows what temperature the engine has.

Who is Grant suitable for?

But in terms of safety, the car meets absolutely all standards and requirements. Entering a turn, moving at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, is difficult. Often people from 30 to 59 years old buy a car. But if, again, to answer the question of which is better: "Priora 2" or "Grant", based on average characteristics and facts, then here the answer is obvious: "Grant". The model turned out to be very successful, you can not argue with that.

Which is better: “Grant” or “Priora”? Owner reviews

Almost all owners note that the technical equipment of Grants will be better than that of its rival. Very often Priora has problems with the pump. Since the "Grant" was developed later, it is not at all surprising that the car has been technically improved. Many drivers who had previously used Kalina as a car moved to Grant, citing its advantages.

Which is better to choose - Lada Granta or Priora? Comparison and reviews

Often people who decide to buy a car face a difficult choice. Which car is better domestic or foreign? New or already used? Which car is the leader or, on the contrary, is not very popular? Let's try to understand this difficult situation and give novice car owners some practical advice.

Unfortunately, the next round of the economic crisis has led to the fact that the leading popular brands of foreign cars have become practically inaccessible to the average Russian buyer. And he more and more often began to turn his eyes towards domestic auto products.

As a result, interest in our cars has increased, and sales have begun to grow steadily. Moreover, right on time, the leader of the Russian car industry AVTOVAZ launched several new models on the market and made major updates to existing ones.

We can safely say that the most purchased cars in 2015 were the Lada Granta and Lada Priora models. Let's take a closer look at these machines, compare their prices and features. Let's determine what is better than Priora or Grant?

By what parameters will we compare Grant and Priora?

By and large, each of these models occupies its own niche in the car market and comparing them is probably not ethical enough. But it is precisely this question that constantly worries our audience.

So Lada Priora is a logical continuation of the tenth model already discontinued. Its logical modification, the outlines of which clearly appear in the silhouette of Priora. And Lada Granta was conceived and was executed as a completely new car, designed to replace the outdated "classics" on the market. Let's meet consumer demand and look for the answer to the question: "What is better than Grant or Prior?" just by comparing these cars.

Appearance comparison

Let's start, as usual, with the appearance of cars. Let's see what options for the interior and exterior are offered to us. Priora has the outlines of a classic sedan, a bit like its predecessor. The shape of her body, unfortunately, can no longer be called modern, it is most likely more traditional.

Despite the restyling of the model in 2014, the body has not undergone major changes. Priora received new headlights, a new bumper and rear dimensions. The car looks better, but not by much. But inside there were more drastic changes.

New materials of the “soft-look” line were applied and the interior began to look much richer. Although the old problems remain - if you have impressive dimensions, then you will be a little cramped in the driver's seat.

But Grants has more than enough space, the interior is spacious and comfortable. The picture is spoiled by cheap plastic from which the instrument panel is made.

I want to talk about the appearance separately. It is modern, stylish and interesting. The car has swift contours, original headlights and bumpers, new running lights. And Lada Granta, produced in a liftback body, is practically indistinguishable from a good foreign car. Comparing Grant or Prior, which looks better, of course, Lada Grant wins.

Comparison of trim levels and prices Grants and Priors

Now for the packages and prices. Lada Priora is the only car in our country that is available in four body styles - sedan, hatchback, station wagon and coupe. If you are a fan of station wagons, then Priora has no competitors.

Grant is not available in this body. It is represented on the market by a sedan, liftback and sports car. If Priora has two complete sets of Norm and Lux ​​for all models, then Grants has also added the third (cheapest) Standard.

Interestingly, inexpensive Priory equipment is much better equipped than similar Grant equipment. But they also cost significantly more. But in the Lux trim levels, the differences in the issue of Prior or Grant practically disappear.

The same set of expensive options includes electric power steering, front airbags, heated seats, a modern multimedia system, an on-board computer with many functions, and much more.

And again, Lada Granta in the most expensive configuration Lux costs 10-15% cheaper than the same Priora. This is achieved due to the fact that the design of the Lada Grant significantly reduces the number of small parts used in the assembly of the body.

Hence the reduction in the noise level, and the elimination of all sorts of rattles and squeaks that bothered the previous vase owners. The presence of a wide variety of equipment is a huge plus for the Lada Grant, since the car becomes available to almost everyone, the main segments of the population.

We deliberately do not give specific prices for a particular model, but try to show the main trends, because for different sellers the price gap can be very different from each other. We conclude that the comparison of Grant and Prior, with regards to pricing policy, again remains with Grant.

Specification Comparison

When asked what is better than Lada Grant or Priora in terms of technical characteristics, the opinions of car owners are almost the same. There are not so many fundamental differences between cars - they are equipped with the same engines and almost the same gearboxes.

The Priory lineup is represented by two engines of 98 and 106 hp. with a manual gearbox, and Grant has four engines - 82 and 87 hp are added, and the box is represented by mechanics, a robot and an automatic machine.

Discussions on eliminating the eternal shortcomings of Priora receive much more attention - repair of racks and electric power steering. Although, according to the manufacturer, they are eliminated in the restyled version of Priora.

The really serious technical problem of Priora is that when the generator belt breaks, the valve bends. And it was not possible to solve this problem in the new engine 21127, which was developed for the updated Priora. It seems that the problem will never be solved, since there are persistent rumors that Priora has been produced for the last year.

Three years of operation of the Lada Grant did not reveal such serious problems (general), the solution of which must be sought by the whole world. The exception is the generator bearing, which often fails. Deciding for yourself Lada Grant or Priora which is better, you need to have all of the above in mind. And our sympathies are again on the side of Grants - she is fresher and more technologically advanced.

The opinion of owners about cars

In a separate line, I would like to dwell on the comparison of which is better than Prior or Grant liftback (hatchback). Because this question is very common in various automotive forums. The liftback is just a kind of Grant, its next modification, and not another car. Naturally, in appearance it completely surpasses Priora, and in terms of technical characteristics they are quite similar.

Studying the opinions of users on the network, which is better than Priora or Grant, reviews can be divided into several categories. Most give preference to Grant, although they are afraid of her novelty. Others stand on the positions of Priora, motivating them with vital reliability. And there are still others, whose opinion boils down to one thing - a VAZ car is like a lottery lottery, you will be lucky and you will not know problems. And if you're not lucky, no model will help.

Comparison of sports modifications Grants and Priors

When comparing Priors and Grants, one cannot fail to mention sports models. If the sports Priora is a logical continuation of the classics of the model, then the Granta Sport can claim the title of a car with its own new face.

Here and a new sports suspension, and an improved gearbox, and adjustable camber. The appearance of the car is distinguished by an aggressive character, swift modern contours. Conducted numerous test drives of Priora against Grants showed that if the usual Granta loses to Priora in terms of dynamics, then in the sports version of the Granta it is much faster.


Summing up what to choose Granta or Priora, we can say that in our comparison, Lada Granta still looks preferable. It is fresher and more modern and has a wider range of trim levels. But, ultimately, Priora or Lada Grant is up to you to decide. Read, think, choose.

VIDEO weak points Lada Granta

Which is better: Lada Priora hatchback or Granta liftback

Very often, when choosing a car, future car owners ask themselves which car to give preference to, including the nuance whether a foreign version is better or whether it is worth paying attention to a fellow countryman. Let's understand the issue.

Taking into account the fact that the crisis has slightly knocked down the high turnover in the car sales market, it would be fair to clarify the point that more and more car owners are opting for Russian-made vehicles. So, which is better - Grant or Priora? If you think about it, both of these models are good, each in its own way. In theory, Lada Priora is quite similar to the tenth model, which has already ceased to be produced. But Lada Granta was released in order to bring something new to the Russian car industry market, for people who are tired of the classics that have long bothered everyone. But, nevertheless, we will not immediately put the car on a pedestal if it is newer, so let's get started.

Grant or Prior?

There are already four body options for Lada Priora, which distinguishes it from many other cars, because this is the only brand in Russia that has so many body variations and other features. Grant cannot boast of such a variety of bodies, but it has a set of rather expensive options, electric power steering, for example. Although, the same can be said about the Priore. In terms of equipment, Priora is insignificant, but it stands out against the background of Grants, because it is equipped inexpensively, but effectively. But if Priora has only two configurations for all models, then Grants also has a third, the most affordable for purchase, which is called Standard.

Which option is better and where to stop - we are trying to figure it out

  • The Priory lineup is represented by two engines of 98 and 106 hp. with manual transmission. What can not be said about Grant, because this type of car has as many as four engines, and the gearbox is not only mechanical, but also represented by a robot and an automatic machine, which is very convenient, you see.
  • But making a comparison between these albeit similar models, but still slightly different in nuances, it is worth mentioning sports models. Priora in a sporty style is a direct continuation of the classic version of the car, but the Granta Sport stands out in this regard, as it is thought out a little differently. Grants have a new sports suspension, a completely improved gearbox, and a more fashionable aggressive look. It is worth noting that Priora loses a little to her opponent in agility, which has been proven by numerous tests.
  • Strictly speaking, Grants' interior is slightly worse equipped. The seats are not as soft and comfortable as we would like. The landing is less comfortable than that of the Priora, which characterizes the Grant as a model designed exclusively for moving around the city.
  • If we take both of these cars in the same configuration, then in terms of technical indicators we are unlikely to find serious differences between the models. But it is worth saying a few words about the gearbox that Lada Granta has. It is certainly more excellent than that of the Priora. The thing is that now the most updated version of the manual gearbox is built into the provided vehicle. It exceeds the previous one, if not in absolutely all characteristics, then in a huge number of them, that's for sure. Switching between gears has become much more comfortable. The vibration has almost completely disappeared. So which is better, Lada Granta or Lada Priora? The next measure of comparison would be that:
  • The trunk of the Grants is many times larger than that of the Priora. Its size is equivalent to five hundred liters. However, the model also has its shortcomings, like any car. After passing a certain number of thousands of kilometers on the provided car, all drivers are faced with the fact that the vehicles just start to crack. There is simply no meter that indicates what temperature the engine has.
  • If we touch on the topic of security, then it is better to choose Grant, since this model meets all the quality standards. Agree, it is quite difficult to fit into a turn at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and Grant copes with this task perfectly well.
  • Almost all car owners notice that the technical equipment of Grants is slightly better than that of its competitor. Quite often, Priora has difficulties with pumping. Since the Grant was invented later, it is not at all surprising that the kart was modified in a technical version. Almost all the drivers who had previously used Kalina as a car moved to Grant, citing her superiority as an argument.

We compare all the pros and cons

To begin with, it should be said that Lada Priora is considered an adherent of the B-class, but Grant belongs to the C-class. Their bodies differ significantly in the first place in terms of volume. The grant is the most massive, especially for the universal version of the car, which is not always excellent in the conditions of the city. In city traffic jams, Priora looks more advantageous. It fits perfectly into the tightest parking spaces. Therefore, if your task is to continuously move around the city, then it is best to take Priora. For people who often need to transport a large amount of cargo, Grant is more suitable.

Outside, Grant looks more solid. There are virtually no sporty lines in its features, which makes it a car for serious people. As a rule, this option is chosen by people with vast experience in driving a vehicle. Priora looks the most prepossessing, which is probably why young people love her so much. This model is often made the basis for tuning the body. Both cars are made with all safety requirements in mind. Bodies are made taking into account stiffeners. There are also areas with programmable collapse, which does not overload the cabin and allows less damage on impact. But as a result, they still had a low score in assessing safety. Despite the fact that due to Grant's more efficient airbags, it is considered a safer car.

Priora hatchback or Grant liftback, which is better? Summing up what to choose Grant or Priora, I would like to state that in our comparison, Lada Granta still looks a little better than its rival. It is the freshest and most modern and has the widest set of parameters for a decent car. Only in the final score, Priora or Lada Granta, of course, is up to you to decide. Read, think, think and choose the brand of car that is perfect for you.

Lada Vesta Hatchback or Liftback???

Internet users involved in automotive topics are actively discussing a recent snapshot of a new version of Lada Vesta, one of the most popular cars in Russia, that has recently appeared on the net. The increased interest of the Internet public is due to the fact that a car with a modification of the hatchback body got into the photo lens. It is assumed that this particular model will continue the line of cars from the Russian manufacturer.

Officials first reported about AVTOVAZ projects for the production of LADA Vesta in a hatchback in 2016. However, the model show that took place then was completely closed, so video and photographic materials were banned. In May this year, a new car from LADA Vesta got on a short video. Nevertheless, the fragment with the car turned out to be so short that it was impossible to consider the variant of its body. In this regard, various conjectures appeared, which were even joined by the magazine "Behind the Rulem", which published its assumptions regarding the design of the new hatchback.

The picture of LADA Vesta that has now appeared on the Internet gives reason to think about this type of body. The camouflage fabric carefully hid all the elements of the car's appearance from a prying eye, but left the outlines of its silhouette. They testify that the novelty from AVTOVAZ is not a classic hatchback, but such a body modification as a liftback. It is in this type of body that the Lada Granta is produced.

The picture gives reason to believe that the development of a new version at AVTOVAZ is still ongoing. Among the new details noticed, diode optics should be noted. The manufacturer planned to organize a presentation of the new model in the fall of this year. But specific dates have not yet been officially announced. Perhaps the premiere of the Lada Vesta hatchback will be postponed.

If you carefully pay attention to which cars that drive on our roads, you will notice that most of them are Lada Granta or Priora (except Moscow, of course). These cars differ both in price and in appearance, and each of them has its pros and cons. The purpose of today's article is to help the buyer in choosing between them and answer the question "which is better, a grant or a prior?".

The prototype for this car was the outdated Lada Kalina. The new car received an engine equipped with noise insulation, as well as a more modern design that meets all European standards. Among other things, the grant contains a fairly roomy trunk, the volume of which reaches 500 liters. Nevertheless, if you fold the rear sofa on the prior, you can get not 400, but 700 liters, but with damage to the rear passengers.

This car is most suitable for middle-aged people or pensioners, as it cannot boast of impressive speed characteristics. In addition, among the drivers were noticed complaints about too sensitive control, which takes a long time to get used to.

However, Grant can also be equipped with a 16-valve engine, which is so famous among motorists. This equipment is much more expensive, and it is also inconvenient to use, since the volume of the engine compartment of this car is very small.

Priora is a continuation of the VAZ 2110 car, and, accordingly, was created entirely on its basis. Naturally, the car inherited many qualities from its predecessor. The Priora has good handling and a fairly powerful motor, which allow it to behave well on the track.

Among the shortcomings of the car, one can note a very poor cross-country ability and, like the tenth model, a very dubious build quality. Priora is in good demand among young people.


Perhaps Grant wins in appearance, which has more modern body features and makes this VAZ model revolutionary, which brings it on a par with all foreign cars. Priora, on the other hand, does not have the necessary streamlining and has the same primitive design. Although if we are talking about a new prior, then one can argue, since she received a new front end. In general, this is, of course, a matter of taste.

If we judge convenience, then the grant also wins here, as it has smaller dimensions, which is convenient in cramped urban conditions.

If we talk about the modernity of the interior, then the Prior is much more familiar to most Russian drivers, since it has much more space and the same familiar torpedo with the necessary functionality. The grant is assembled with an emphasis on European design, as evidenced by the special shape of the dashboard and other instrument ergonomics. In addition, the salon grants worked out much more competently, in terms of the appearance of "foreign" sounds.

Power point

Granta is more suitable for city driving, as it has much higher fuel consumption on the highway. This is an interesting and inexplicable feature, since the engines of these cars are exactly the same. Priora wins on the track, both in terms of dynamic performance and consumption.

The grant gearbox is far superior to its competitor, as it uses short-stroke wings that reduce the likelihood of crunches and reduce gear shifting time. In addition, there is a configuration in which it is equipped with an automatic transmission, which Lada Priora clearly cannot boast of.

Lada Granta is equipped with a more modern suspension, which makes the car much softer and more comfortable, but the principle of its operation remains the same.

As you already understood, Grant has much more advantages than Priora. However, in this case, the “new” VAZ may come as a surprise, since all its factory flaws have not yet been discovered, and Priora has become time-tested, which makes it much more predictable.

We hope that this article will help you make the right choice and you can easily determine which is better, a grant or a prior.

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As for these two domestic cars, they are chosen, first of all, for the reason that their cost is much lower than that of most analogues produced abroad. It is already enough given that everyone knows that AvtoVAZ cars are considered good, affordable and high-quality working cars that can be used for small families and business. It is worth highlighting the fact that cars of this production are actively used in government structures of various kinds.

Approximately in the same category are two domestically produced cars, and. Not every person, even those who are actively interested in the domestic auto industry, will be able to answer the question of which car is better. It is for this reason that in order to make a high-quality, correct and reliable verdict, it is necessary to thoroughly study each component of the car.

Starting positions and characteristics

Lada Priora, by the way, is a family car that has been produced for quite a long time. Speaking in more accurate numbers, the car appeared on the domestic market back in 2007. This model replaced the retired VAZ 2110. In 2013, Priora was almost completely redesigned. Thanks to this, several cars appeared at once, with different types of bodies.

  1. The very first model was released in a sedan, since 2007.
  2. Then came the car with a hatchback body, which appeared in 2008.
  3. Universal body type, appeared at Priora in 2009.
  4. The coupe body, which appeared in 2010, is very popular to this day.

If we talk about the age of the model, then in this case there is one indisputable advantage. The fact is that the car has been produced for quite a long time, which means that quite a lot has been redesigned over the years. The last re-release of the car showed that there are practically no significant shortcomings in the work of Priora.

Russian sedan

From a technical point of view, the car is constantly being upgraded and improved in all respects. It is for this reason that buying a new car, which would cause serious technical troubles, is reduced to zero. Moreover, all the most modern technologies and systems are installed in the car, which do not allow it to lag behind in this regard, from new products. Priora in this regard shows quite a decent result.

As for the Lada Granta, no less well-known to domestic buyers, it came to the market in order to replace the already significantly outdated VAZ 2105 and VAZ 2107. It was this car that brought a breath of fresh air to the domestic automobile market. During the existence of this car, he became the owner of two different bodies.

  1. The sedan body was the very first, and it appeared in 2011.
  2. After that, a car with a liftback body appeared in 2012.

Comparative test drives

In order to get an accurate answer to the question of what the old Priora can offer, a much more recent and updated Grant, it is necessary to compare cars in each position. The main parameters have always been indicators of the length, width and height of the car, as well as the size of the wheelbase. In this case, as expected, Priora comes forward, in which the length of the body was 4 meters 35 centimeters, and the size of the wheelbase is 2 meters 49.2 centimeters. In Grant, these figures are much lower. In this case, the length of the car was 4 meters 26 centimeters, and the wheelbase was 2 meters 47.6 centimeters.

Despite the fact that the Grants have a much shorter car length, she was able to provide exactly the same amount of space for rear passengers as the Priora. Due to the fact that Granta has a much more advanced architectural structure, she can also carry small loads. Grant's car with a sedan body has a luggage compartment of 480 liters, but Priora boasts only 430 liters of free space. The situation with the five-door hatchback looks the same way, since the wheelbase in this case has remained unchanged.

  • The length of the Lada Priora is 4 meters 21 centimeters.
  • Luggage compartment - 360 liters.
  • The length of Lada Grants is 4 meters 24.6 centimeters.
  • Luggage compartment - 440 liters.

Judging solely by the dimensions and spatial features, in this case, the newer model of the car looks much more attractive. Father-in-law, Grant bypasses Priora, in all respects. Among other things, Granta has a much more unusual and interesting appearance.

Despite all this, Priora is not even going to give up. After all, this car has one hidden trump card up its sleeve, in the form of a station wagon body, which Grants simply does not have. The luggage compartment in this case already has an indicator of 444 liters. In addition, it is possible to fold the rear seats and increase this figure to 777 liters of free space. This is just an ideal option for people who often need to transport small loads, often traveling to the country and to nature. Alas, he cannot offer such a grant to his buyer.

As for the 3-door coupe, this option also has its fans and admirers. This is a great option for people who love the unusual style of cars.

Power parameters and aesthetic data

Over the past few years, AvtoVAZ has released several updates for their cars at once. It cannot be said that in technical terms there is a direct significant diversity, but the situation in this regard, at least, has moved off the ground. Grant uses 1.6-liter gasoline engines that have two and four valves on the cylinders. The power of such cars was 81 and 120 horsepower. The hatchback will not be able to use the most powerful engine available. It is also possible to choose a car with manual and automatic transmission.

The car is capable of accelerating to 100 kilometers per hour in 9.5 seconds on the most powerful engine option, and in 13.5 seconds on a car running at 81 horsepower. As for Priora, relatively recently, she has another type of engine. A much more powerful analogue of 1.8 liters has the ability to accelerate the hatchback to 100 kilometers per hour in 10 seconds. The torque in this case is 165 Nm. Thanks to this, the engine with a capacity of 123 horsepower can feel quite briskly on the road. In some situations, previously there was a lack of traction for a comfortable ride.

Without a doubt, the car should be chosen based on the overall performance. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each car.

As for Grant, she outwardly looks much more rude and not aesthetically pleasing. Most of the complaints were just the same to the rear view of the car, where the trunk looks like a completely foreign body. However, the situation was significantly improved by Grant's liftback. There is already a much more interesting and high-quality interior, and there is also the opportunity to choose several equipment options.

If we talk about the station wagon and Priora hatchback, they look great. This is a fairly practical version of the car, which does not have inflated lines and other unusual elements. It can be said that this is an ageless classic.

Price policy

Before drawing final conclusions, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with this component.

  1. Priora can be used as a working car, it exists in a variety of modifications and is sold at different prices:
  • Hatchback - 350 thousand rubles.
  • Sedan - 335 thousand rubles.
  • Station wagon - 375 thousand rubles.

Richer versions of cars will cost much more.

  1. Granta is a much more modern class B car model, it costs as much:
  • The cheapest version of a car with a 1.6-liter engine and 82 horsepower will cost 289 thousand rubles.
  • Top equipment - 420 thousand rubles.
  • Sports option - 482 thousand rubles.

Those people who are looking for a car for family trips will definitely choose Priora. However, if you want to get more comfort while driving, then you should pay attention to Grant. Either way, these two cars look pretty good.

Each motorist once, but faced with the problem of choosing a technical means. The reasons are different: prices, modifications, personal wishes, condition, mileage, etc.

Grant, regardless of the modification, was originally endowed with a stylish form. Added DRL, improved lighting, bumper shape, optics. Choice in favor of Lada.


Inside the cabin, the situation looks drastic. After restyling in 2014, the VAZ-2170 modernized the interior, improved the quality of finishing materials, the so-called “soft-look”.

VAZ-2190 looks rather faded in comparison with its predecessor. Simply designed dashboard, dashboard, center channel. Perhaps compensation in the form of a spacious interior covers the previous disadvantage.

Price and quality

In comparison, which is better than Priora or Grant liftback, the “novelty” definitely wins. The basic configuration of Priora is priced equal to the cost of Grants in top-end equipment. Such a paradox of pricing policy is explained quite simply - the minimum number of small components that are replaced by large ones. Thus, it was possible to reduce the noise level, the cost of the machine.

Complete set

The predecessor of the VAZ-2190 has only two configurations: "Norma", "Lux". Grante added one more: "Standard" - this is the most budgetary equipment. But it also looks much better than Priora. The next two modifications of the VAZ-2190 differ little from each other.

Available options:
front airbag;
electric power steering;
on-board computer and multimedia system;
heated front seats.


A criterion that worries most motorists, buyers of the brand. So let's start with optics. The opinions of experts are divided into two opposing camps:

  • VAZ - 2170: high beam quality;
  • Lada - 2190: low beam quality.

Priora's victory is reinforced by the autonomy of each of the socles in optics, which reduces the cost of construction and cost in general.

ride height


Priora hatchback or Grant liftback: the undeniable advantage of Lada Grant in the volume of the luggage compartment. It is 525 liters (700 liters folded). While Priory has only 440 liters.


The increased travel of the steering rack increases the Priora's controllability. She becomes more obedient in turns, maneuvers. Odds ratio: 3.1 vs. 4.1, respectively.

Grant, on the contrary, rolls, is ideal for a moderate driving style. Already at speeds above 120 km / h, slight vehicle rolls and a decrease in control efficiency are noticeable. We are talking about a stock configuration, in the "Sport" the characteristics are different.


There are no special differences in the power plants between Grant and Priora, since they are made using identical technologies. In the Sport configuration, the 16-valve VAZ-2190 is faster and faster than its predecessor.
Model range of motors: 82 / 87 / 98 / 106 hp, the last two with additional noise insulation. Fuel consumption in the urban cycle is at the level of 9 - 10 liters, which is within the permissible norm for this class of car.


Despite the identical design of the VAZ-2170 and VAZ-2190 checkpoints, the latter outperforms in performance. The upgraded, modified version of the VAZ-2108 clearly and easily shifts gears. In addition, the Grant is equipped with both manual and automatic transmissions. In Priora, only a variant of mechanics.


In the primary market, Priora is 60-80 thousand rubles more expensive than the basic Lada Granta. The difference in the cost of Priora with mileage from Grants is within 50 - 55 thousand rubles.

Priora hatchback or grant liftback which is better: there is no definite answer, in each case individually.

The build quality factor has a lot to do with it.

For tall drivers, the Granta is ideal, as it provides more space, including in the back row of seats. Priora is still attracted by the power of the motor, a long service life, and fewer flaws.

It is possible that Granta will also take time to improve, and in a few years it will become a favorite.

Today, Lada cars are very popular among motorists. This is due to the relatively low cost, as well as the availability of all components. It is the "Grant" or "Priora" that occupy the first place in the list of cars produced by the Lada plant.

If someone wants to buy a Lada car, but cannot make a final choice between the two models, it is imperative to take into account as many individual features of each vehicle as possible.

Attention! The selection process can be significantly complicated due to the presence of qualitative characteristics common to the two models under consideration.

Options and prices

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the cost of the models under consideration. The cheapest Priory equipment is comparable in cost to the Grants luxury model. If you think about it, for the same price, an airbag, electric power steering, and air conditioning will be installed in the Grant. Priore will not include these devices for the same price.

If we consider the two models separately, we can conclude that the Priora is a very ergonomic model, which, with sufficient confidence, can receive the maximum rating on the usual five-point scale. It should be noted that such a model "Priora" is very popular among representatives of domestic youth.

The negative qualities include a relatively small operational resource of racks, due to the poor condition of domestic roads. In general terms, such a model is of sufficient quality and is in demand among motorists. The Lada Priora model is present on the domestic market in two trim levels:

  • Lux - power steering, lighting system corrector, air conditioning, 4 power windows, central locking, on-board computer, EBD, parking sensors, ABC, airbag in the passenger seat, fog lights, alloy wheels;
  • Norma - on-board computer, central locking, headlight range control, front power windows, power steering, etc.

Lada "Granta" is equipped with a relatively quiet engine. The low sound level in the cabin is ensured due to sufficiently high-quality sound insulation. Lada "Granta" is equipped with three types of engines:

  • 80 l. With;
  • 90 l. With;
  • 98 l. With.

The interior of the Granta model is decorated in a modern European style, and is also distinguished by a significant degree of comfort and high noise protection. This model appeared on the domestic market in 2011, already in 2012 three trim levels were available - "Norma", "Standard", "Lux". The trunk of the "Grants" is more capacious by about 500 liters. Among the existing shortcomings of such a model, the occurrence of cod after the first several thousand kilometers should be noted. If we consider the level of safety, it is Lada Granta that has the highest degree of compliance with European quality standards. However, there may be some difficulty entering a turn when driving at a speed of about 60 km/h. Regardless of the existing shortcomings, the developed car model can be described as quite successful.

Comparison of visual characteristics

Many are interested in the question: what is better: a prior or a grant? At the first stage of choosing a suitable model, the exterior and interior of the vehicle are considered. Naturally, Lada is much worse in terms of visual characteristics, if we compare this brand with expensive foreign cars. However, when considering each car separately, we can conclude that the appearance of the "Grants" can be called quite attractive. Modern design design significantly distinguishes the model from Priora. It should be noted that the price for the basic equipment of the Grant car is significantly lower compared to the Priora. That is why we can talk about the external aesthetic superiority of "Grants".

Attention! Regarding the materials used, as well as the ergonomic properties of the seats, the Priora still has a huge advantage.

Technical analysis

What to choose? Car Lada "Grant" or "Priora"? A huge role in the process of choosing a car is played by gasoline consumption and other performance characteristics of the engine. The manufacturer completed the two models with almost identical engines. All possible differences may depend solely on the selected configuration. "Granta" has an advantage over "Priora" in the choice of gearbox. Today, designers have introduced a completely new manual transmission device into the package, which is many times superior to the previous one. The gear shifting procedure practically does not cause inconvenience, vibration is not observed at all. If the technical characteristics in the cars are similar, the gas mileage in the Grant and Priora models will not differ.

The car Lada "Grant" may be preferred by motorists who want to use an automatic transmission. This is due to the fact that there is no automatic transmission on the Priora model. The suspension is quite high quality and absolutely reliable on both models. It should be borne in mind that Priora gained its popularity in the domestic market much earlier than Grants. That is why the Grants suspension has been updated and improved.

What conclusions can be drawn

After comparing all the qualitative characteristics, the conclusion suggests itself that the Lada Granta is a much better car. It should also be borne in mind that the car was produced later by about 4 years. If we consider the price, Grant is much more affordable than Priora, since a much smaller number of components and various systems are used in the assembly process. As a result, all possible problems that arise during the operation of such a model have long been clear to everyone.

When buying Priora, the car owner does not expect any unpleasant surprises. If we consider the functional features of "Grants", one cannot be completely sure about the behavior of the machine in non-standard situations. If we consider the dimensions, you can see that the Grant has a much wider body than the Priora.

Be that as it may, the decision on which of these two models to choose should be made only by the buyer. Drivers always select a car model specifically for themselves and their taste preferences, as well as driving style. According to some experts, there is no significant difference between the models. These are machines of approximately the same level. That is why, if you want to buy a new car, it is naturally better to pay your attention specifically to the Lada Grant car, which was produced four years later by the Priors.

Naturally, everyone would like to get a lot more useful information regarding the characteristics of these two vehicle models. That is why everyone is invited to watch the video below:

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