Rating of the fastest cars of this year. What is the most powerful car

Rating of the fastest cars of this year. What is the most powerful car


That is hallmark fast cars? The presence of a limited edition, fabulous prices, beauty and of course a powerful engine. It seems that there will never be a limit to the speed capabilities. Already quite achievable by almost all manufacturers is considered to be a speed of 450 km / h, and they continue to strive to reach new heights.

Increasing competition between the most major manufacturers cars are observed from year to year. Everyone wants to be the best among the best. There is no such auto giant that would not try to produce a car with exceptional speed characteristics. The use of the latest technologies in their manufacture and the involvement of the best design forces raise the cost of these cars to a height unattainable for a simple man in the street. However, this does not prevent these works of the automotive industry from attracting attention. The rating below shows the cars that belong to the category of the fastest.

10th place. Ferrari EnzoEn reaching speeds of 350 km/h

At the beginning of the dozen, which collected the super-fast cars of the world in 2016, was located Ferrari Enzo En, which is in third place in the ranking of the most expensive cars. It has a V12 engine with a volume of six liters and is capable of developing a power equal to 660 horsepower. To reach a speed of one hundred kilometers Ferrari EnzoEn enough 3.6 seconds, and the maximum speed developed by the car reaches 350 km/h. In the process of creating the model, the technologies used in the construction of Formula 1 participants were used. And this in itself already guarantees the reliability and practicality of the supercar. You can buy it for 670 thousand dollars. Only 399 copies of this model run on the roads of the whole world.

9th place. Lamborghini Aventador LP70 - 350 km/h

Ninth place in the top ten belongs to the Italian Lamborghini Aventador LP70. It uses a V12 engine, whose volume, equal to six and a half liters, allows you to develop a power of 700 Horse power. The maximum speed of the supercar is 350 km / h, while the engine makes about 5500 revolutions in one minute. Up to a speed of one hundred kilometers, the Lamborghini Aventador LP70 accelerates in 2.9 seconds. The model uses mechanical box gears with seven steps. To overcome a hundred kilometers, you have to spend seventeen liters of fuel. The car weighs relatively little - only 1575 kilograms. To purchase a Lamborghini Aventador LP700, it will be necessary to prepare 690 thousand dollars.

8th place. McLaren F1 - 390 km / h

In eighth place is the McLaren F1. The release of the first model was carried out in 1993, thanks to the active participation of its developer Gordon Murray. This car belonged until 2005 absolute record speed. Speed modern model is equal to 390 km/h. Super fast racing car manages to reach a speed of one hundred kilometers in 3.2 seconds. An eight-cylinder engine with a volume of 6.1 liters develops a power of about 1104 horsepower. Such a monster costs 1.15 million dollars. A total of 106 units were produced.

7th place. Saleen S7 - 399 km / h

Seventh place rightfully belongs to the super fast car Saleen S7 from America. It is the only and one of a kind unique model, considered one of the fastest in the world. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is an independent development, which is based on none of the stock cars. Saleen S7 complete powerful engine with a turbocharged volume of seven liters, capable of developing power equal to 750 horsepower. The fixed speed limit is 399 km/h. Acceleration to hundreds of cars is carried out in 2.8 seconds. The car is valued at six hundred thousand dollars. Single copy This model was made in 2006.

6th place. Koenigsegg CCXR - 402 km / h

Koenigsegg CCXR was produced by a Swedish company for four years from 2006 to 2010. Due to the fact that the car has a lightweight body, it is able to move at a speed of up to 402 km / h. The V8 engine, whose crankshaft rotates at a speed of 7200 rpm, develops a power of 1018 horsepower. It takes 2.9 seconds for a car to reach a speed of one hundred kilometers. The engine is driven by a special biofuel, which will need to spend twenty-two liters to overcome the distance of a hundred kilometers. The weight of this car is also very small - 1280 kg. For the cost of the model big influence provides a complete set of its delivery, and therefore it can vary from five hundred thousand US dollars to one and a half million.

5th place. SSC Ultimate Aero TT - 426 km/h

SSC Ultimate Aero TT is the brainchild of the company Shelby Super Cars. The power of one of the fastest cars in the world is 1183 horsepower, which, coupled with 7200 rpm, allows you to accelerate to a speed of 425 km / h. The volume of the V8 engine is 6.8 liters. A feature of the SSC Ultimate Aero TT is that it absolutely cannot be refueled with regular gasoline. Its engine runs exclusively on special fuel, which is sold only by the car manufacturer. Only twenty-five of these models have been released on world roads. Fans are willing to pay more than 650 thousand US dollars for it.

4th place. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport - 431 km/h

For 2.2 seconds Bugatti Veyron Super Sport accelerates to a hundred kilometers per hour. The maximum speed developed by the car is not equal to 431 km / h. The car has an engine with a volume of eight liters, which has a turbocharger. Its crankshaft makes 6000 revolutions in one minute, developing a power equal to 1200 horsepower. Fourteen seconds are enough to accelerate to a speed of 300 km / h Bugatti Veyron. There are only twenty-five of these models in the world, each costing $1.7 million. This makes this model one of the most expensive in the world.

3rd place. Koenigsegg Agera 2016 – 440 km/h

The top three in the ranking of the fastest cars is opened by a model Koenigsegg Agera 2016 made in Sweden. With a five-liter V8 engine sporty racing monster gets power equal to 1115 horsepower, having 73,000 rpm. The upper speed limit is at 440 km/h. No more than 2.9 seconds is required for this car to accelerate to 100 km / h. Overcoming a hundred kilometers, the engine consumes 14.7 liters of fuel. You can buy it by paying a little more than 860 thousand euros. The manufacturer stopped production of this model after the twenty-fifth copy rolled off the assembly line.

2nd place. SSC Tuatara - 443 km / h

The SSC Tuatara is equipped with a V8 Twin Turbo engine with a volume of seven liters. The highest power limit is 1350 horsepower. To reach a speed of 100 km / h, he needs 2.5 seconds. A maximum speed indicator supercar SSC Tuatara is 443 km/h. The car uses a seven-speed gearbox which can be either semi-automatic or manual. SSC Tuatara is produced by Shelby Super Cars from America. The presentation of the model took place in 2011. "Flyer" really claimed for some time to register on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest car.

1 place. Hennessey Venom GT - 450 km/h

The first place in the ranking of the most high-speed cars world belongs to the Hennessey Venom GT from Texas. From the seven-liter V8 engine, 451 horsepower is transmitted to the wheels. The Hennessey Venom GT accelerates to 100 km/h in 2.4 seconds. From standstill to 320 km / h, the car accelerates in 12.8 seconds, and this is a record figure for cars in this class. The speed limit was fixed at around 450 km / h. The speed monster is equipped with a gearbox with seven steps. The company plans to produce about ten such machines every year. Now the company plans to create even more fast car, which will be called Venom F5 and will accelerate to 466 km / h.

Even at the end of the last century, it was hard to imagine that a car could accelerate to 250 kilometers per hour, and at the same time not crumble into parts. In our time, such a figure is ridiculous. After all, even mass-produced middle-class cars take this bar without much effort, what can we say about exclusive supercars.

Our editors were interested in the question of what will be the most fast car in the world in 2016. Therefore, we have compiled a kind of rating, consisting of cars that amaze with their speed, beauty and technical characteristics. We are pleased to present you this top, consisting of both production models, as well as exclusive ones. But, we did not take into account the machines designed specifically for racing tracks.

The fastest car in the world 2015

You need to start with the car that became the fastest last year. Unfortunately, now it is no longer produced, as the company decided that in a year it had lost its exclusivity and popularity.

We are talking about the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Supersport. It was first shown to the public in 2010. He attracted the attention of consumers not so much with his appearance like a really unique motor.

The unit received 16 cylinders. Each of them brought its own turbocharger with a cooling radiator. Therefore, the car can accelerate to 431 kilometers per hour. This is also due to the power of 1200 horsepower. The first hundred on the speedometer appears in 2.5 seconds.

But its cost, in contrast to the technical characteristics, will please not everyone. Basic equipment without additional "bells and whistles" will cost buyers $ 2.8 million.

By the way, there was a lot of controversy around the record of this model. After all, the speed limiter on a production car is set within 415 kilometers per hour. To break the record, you have to remove all restrictions that are responsible for the safety of the driver. The machine at that moment becomes almost uncontrollable.

Rating of the fastest cars in the world in 2016:

— Vector Avtech WX8 HPRV. The car was the company's fourth attempt. The first three did not see the light of day due to lack of funding. But, as soon as the model appeared, by the way, it happened in 2008, it immediately got into the rating of the fastest cars, and it still stays there. This is possible thanks to her excellent technical specifications.

The power of the 7.8-liter engine is 1250 horsepower. Also, a so-called drive compressor is installed here. By 2020, it is planned that the company will release a similar hypercar, but with a capacity of 2,000 horsepower. He must overcome the speed of 480 kilometers per hour;

- We assigned the third position to Koenigsegg One: 1. This Swedish car produces 1360 horsepower. This, by the way, is equal to its mass. The maximum speed is 440 kilometers per hour, and the car accelerates to hundreds in 2.8 seconds. Only six such copies were produced in the world. Hypercars are designed with Scandinavian precision. They cost from 2.5 million dollars, which is quite a lot even for such powerful model. But, the price is justified by the fact that almost all the details here are exclusive. For example, chassis. But the twin-turbocharged engine was purchased from Ford;

— Hennessey Venom GT is in second position. This car, immediately after its announcement in the world media, was purchased by the vocalist of the Aerosmith group. The engineers designing it took the lightweight Lotus Exige body as a basis and powerful motor from Chevrolet Corvette. Thus, it turned out to be a really large supercar.

The engine received two turbochargers. Its power is 1182 horsepower. The maximum recorded speed of the car is 440 kilometers per hour, and acceleration to hundreds is possible in 2.4 seconds. And he has already been named the fastest in the world from production cars. The latest modification will go on sale in the middle of this year, and the maximum cost is 1.1 million dollars. At first, the models will be assembled by special order, and then everything will depend on their popularity.

First place in the ranking of the fastest cars in the world in 2016

Devel Sixteen got the first position and rightfully took the place of the fastest car in the world in 2016. Its name fully corresponds to the technical characteristics. This model can be called "devilish". Created it in United Arab Emirates which is not strange. After all, it is here that the number of billionaires per square kilometer simply rolls over. And, by the way, they plan to make it serial. So far, only the concept has been presented to us. But, motor power and some technical side are already known.

For example, the engine received as much as 5,000 horsepower and 16 cylinders. The model accelerates to the first hundred in 1.8 seconds, and its maximum speed is 560 kilometers per hour. That is, by given parameter the car may well compete with some aircraft. Nothing is known about its cost yet, as well as about the release date.

The most powerful exclusive concepts of the world in 2016

It is worth starting this rating with Keating TKR. The car was developed back in 2009, but things did not go beyond loud statements in public that the model would soon become serial. It was created by British engineers who equipped the concept with an 1832 horsepower engine. At the same time, the maximum speed of 419 kilometers per hour is ridiculous, and manufacturers recognize this. But, acceleration to hundreds in 1.78 seconds is impressive. The declared cost was to be 250 thousand pounds sterling.

Let's continue our TOP of yet unrecognized cars with a car called Mosler MT900 GTR XX "Landshark". It should cost from 329 thousand dollars, which is quite a bit. This is one of the affordable supercars that accelerates to 490 kilometers per hour. At least it would accelerate if it went on sale. The car reaches hundreds of kilometers per hour in 2.5 seconds. Its weight is minimal, and therefore, the developers claim that with a significant refinement, the motor helps to develop up to 600 kilometers per hour.

Orca Engineering SC7 is a Swiss supercar. The company has released only 7 such copies and is not going to continue, since it no longer exists. It was liquidated due to low demand for its models. The car accelerates to hundreds in 2.6 seconds, and the maximum speed is 400 kilometers per hour. It was created long before when global companies began to compete for the first place in the ranking of the fastest cars, that is, in 2003.

SSC Ultimate Aero XT Edition is an analogue of the Bugatti Veyron. This car is faster and cheaper. The maximum speed is 439 kilometers per hour. Up to a hundred, the car accelerates in 2.56 seconds.

Ariel Atom V8 500 accelerates to just 275 kilometers per hour. Pretty modest, especially for a supercar. But, its other parameters are amazing. For example, with a power of 275 horsepower, the car can accelerate to hundreds in 2.5 seconds. The British car achieves this performance thanks to its very low weight and perfectly balanced center of gravity. In total, about 25 pieces were produced in the world.

Another worth mentioning is the SSC Tuatara. The car turned out to be spectacular in appearance and powerful in terms of characteristics. Up to a hundred kilometers per hour, the model accelerates in 2.8 seconds. The maximum speed is 431 kilometers per hour. The model was released by the American company Shelby Supercars. An engine with a capacity of 1369 horsepower was installed under the hood with a volume of 6.9 liters. And yet, not only the technical side is striking, but also fuel consumption. For a hundred kilometers, the car consumes 70 (!) Liters of gasoline. Therefore, it is probably cheaper to buy a helicopter.

Many people are interested in fast cars, so they are probably also interested in what are the fastest cars in the world. As a rule, these cars have great design, but with all this, and just a fabulous cost. So, we look at the TOP 10 fastest cars in the world.

10 Ferrari Enzo Let's start from tenth place, namely the Ferrari Enzo, which has a V12 6.0 L engine, as well as an F-1 style electro-hydraulic gearshift, with a power of 660 "horses" at 7800 rpm. Acceleration of this car in 3.6 seconds. 100 km/h, at top speed acceleration 350 km / h. This car is an Italian supercar, invariably one of the fastest, most powerful and beautiful cars in the world.


9. Lamborghini Aventador LP700. Ninth place belongs to car Lamborghini The Aventador LP700 is priced at $367,000. This car was named after the popular bullfighting animal in Spain. It has a 6.5 L V12 engine, as well as 700 hp. Lamborghini Aventador LP700 looks like a fighter jet, and the acceleration is 100 km/h in 2.9 seconds, the maximum acceleration speed is 350 km/h.


8. McLaren F1. In eighth place is another famous car- McLaren F1. This is a very fast car. The engine is located centrally in relation to the chassis. The first model in 1993 was developed by Gordon Murray, he used hydrocarbon materials, and in order to reduce total weight car. The highest speed of the car is 390 km / h, acceleration to 100 km / h takes 3.2 seconds. Engine power - 550 hp


7. Saleen S7. Seventh place - Saleen S7, is America's high-tech supercar, belongs to the fastest cars. The car has a turbocharged engine with a power of 750 hp. The greatest development of speed is 399 km / h, the speed is 100 km / h in 3.3 seconds.


6. Koenigsegg CCXR. Sixth place belongs to the car Koenigsegg CCXR. This car is produced by a young Swedish company. The body is made of lightweight aluminum, which greatly facilitated the weight of the car. This allowed the 1018 engine to run at 7200 rpm. reach a speed of 402 km/h. Acceleration up to 100 km / h. happens in 2.9 seconds. This car meets all environmental standards, because it operates on bioethanol with an approximate fuel consumption of an average of 22 liters per 100 km.


5. SSC Ultimate Aero TT. Fifth place - SSC Ultimate Aero TT. This fast car, or rather, a sports car, costs more than $ 500,000, has 1183 hp under the hood, 7200 rpm, a maximum speed of 425 km / h, accelerates to 100 km / h in just 2.78 sec. The car is quite comfortable, has leather interior, navigation system, in other words, all that, as a rule, is available on similar technical devices. However, in order to refuel the car, you will need to contact the manufacturer, because. normal fuel will not work. For a long time it had the world speed record- 412 km / h. But in 2010, the Bugatti Veyron set its own record - 431 km / h.


4. Bugatti Veyron Super sport. In fourth place is the aforementioned car - Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. This miracle of technology belongs to serial supercars, leads in speed characteristics, 100 km / h reaches in 2.2 seconds. The maximum speed, as mentioned above, is 431 km / h. It has a turbocharged engine power of 1200 hp, 6,000 rpm. Thanks to the change in the aerodynamics of the roof, the car received the best streamlining.


3. Koenigsegg Agera 2016 R. The third place belongs to the car Koenigsegg Agera 2016 R. The car from Sweden is simply breathtaking, it cannot leave anyone indifferent! The engine is equipped with a twin turbo, the power develops up to 1115 hp, at 7300 rpm, develops a speed of 440 km / h, however, under certain conditions, top speed is 453 km / h, and acceleration to 100 km / h is carried out in 2.9 seconds. Of the features of this car, one can single out: wheel disks made of hydrocarbon fiber, as well as front and side wings.


2. Hennessey Venom GT 2016. The second place in the list of the fastest cars in the world rightfully belongs to the Hennessey Venom GT 2016. Speed ​​mode of this car is: acceleration of 100 km / h in 2.2 seconds, speed of 422 km / h. Turbocharged engine 1200 hp This car can be safely called a combination of the chassis of England and Chevrolet engine V-8 of America. Features: opening roof, drive to rear wheels. On January 21, 2013, a significant event took place - the Hennessey Venom car was entered in the Guinness Book of Records after setting a new world record for acceleration of 300 km / h in just 13.63 seconds! Prior to this, this world record was held by the Koenigsegg Agera R with an acceleration of 300 km / h in 14.53 seconds.


1.SSC Tuatara. And, the leader of our ranking - SSC Tuatara, is equipped with a 7.0 L V8 Twin Turbo engine, maximum power 1350 hp Acceleration 100 km / h in 2.5 seconds. The maximum speed is 443 km / h, a seven-speed gearbox is available in two versions: mechanical, semi-automatic. This car is the fastest in given class, equipped standard options: power windows, rear view cameras and others.

So, now you know what cars made the list of TOP 10 fastest cars in the world in 2017.

Article about the 10 most powerful cars mobiles in the world, their features and characteristics. At the end of the article - a video of the most powerful car on the planet!

The content of the article:

Humanity has always strived for perfection. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that various records are set every year and perfect masterpieces of human and technological thought are created. Automakers have always been at the forefront of this process. Every year they delight motorists best cars. This article will look at the most powerful machines to date. Their owners really understand what unlimited possibilities are.

The most powerful cars in the world

There will be no cars with less than 1000 hp in this rating. - such cars can no longer be called the most powerful. Leaders in the automotive industry change very quickly. So let's get started. Cars in the TOP will be arranged in ascending order of their power.

This very powerful hypercar will be available to only six lucky people who have 2 million dollars. By the way, the owner of the company, Christian von Koenigsegg, said that the production of one sports car costs more than two million dollars, but the company is making minor losses in order to increase awareness and prestige of its brand.

Most likely, the company's engineers have a good sense of humor, since the weight of the car is equal to its power. The hypercar weighs 1360 kilograms and produces 1360 hp. Only fireballs, dragsters and some racing or record cars. But these machines don't have the luxury of the Koenigsegg One:1.

By the way, the name of the hypercar was invented for a reason. 1360 hp associated with one megawatt of power, which is why the car was named One:1.

One:1 features a number of innovative solutions to increase the performance of the motor and the possible speed. All interior elements are made of carbon fiber. The body is a carbon fiber monocoque with a steel rear frame. There is no plastic, only steel, aluminium, titanium, carbon and other high quality materials.

Up to a hundred cars accelerate in 2.5 seconds, and the maximum speed is 430 km / h.

When it comes to Porsche tuning, hardly anyone can compete with the German manufacturer 9ff. This wonderful company created the GT9 sports car, which was shown to the public at the Essen Motor Show. All visitors were delighted. It should be noted that the GT9 Vmax model is updated version the previous sports car, which was also created on the basis of the Porsche 911. But the novelty turned out to be more powerful.

The original GT9 modifications had a power of up to 973 “horses”, the GT9-R version generated up to 1120 hp. And the GTR9 Vmax hides a 6-cylinder under the hood boxer engine with a volume of 4.2 liters, which is capable of developing a power of 1381 hp.

Such power makes the wheels spin through a 6-speed sequential box gears. The driver can switch steps using levers located on the steering wheel. Up to a hundred cars accelerate in 3.1 seconds, and after 13 seconds the speedometer will already be 300 km / h. The maximum speed of the sports car is 437 km/h. At the same time, its weight is 1340 kg.

In this car, not only its power is impressive, but also the price. Those who want to have such a "monster" will have to fork out for 895 thousand euros.

American tuning company Hennessey Performance Engineering has unveiled the Venom GT Spyder sports car. This car uses a body from Lotus Exige and Chevrolet engine Corvette Z06. This sports car was created in honor of setting the world speed record (February 2014). Sales started only this year. However, only three copies were produced.

The car is equipped with a 7-liter V8 engine and two turbines. This arrangement allows you to generate power of 1400 hp. The car accelerates to 466 km / h. This is the fastest serial sports car. In February 2014, during tests, the speedometer needle showed a mark of 435.31 km / h, which allowed this car take a worthy place in the Guinness Book of Records.

At the Salon in Geneva. The novelty is equipped with an 8-liter W16 engine, which easily produces one and a half thousand “horses”. At the same time, the maximum speed of the car is 420 km / h. A supercar can accelerate to a hundred in two seconds, so manufacturers are confident that their offspring will become the fastest car in the world, and the exclusive realm of hypercars will soon receive a new king.

To ride with the breeze, the driver will have to use special key, which activates functions that improve the aerodynamics of the machine. Electronics limits the speed of the hypercar to 380 km / h. In the Chiron, you can turn off the cylinders and electrically boost, which, according to the manufacturers, should reduce fuel consumption by up to 20 liters per 100 kilometers on a combined cycle.

The body of the car is made of carbon fiber. Moreover, the developers have made a number of improvements when compared with previous model Bugatti Veyron. Also, the developers have improved the chassis of the car. It can work with different conditions ride.

A total of 500 Chirons are planned to be produced, with a third already sold, despite the fact that the price of this car is very impressive - $ 2.6 million.

If you want to drive a really powerful car, you need to get a very powerful Nissan Alpha 12 GT-R sports car, tuned by AMS Performance. This car cannot be called the fastest in terms of acceleration to hundreds, but it travels a quarter mile in 8.8 seconds. The speed is 275 km/h.

The car tuning company AMS Performance has long been working with Nissan cars. However, the release of the Nissan Alpha 12 GT-R can be called a real peak of perfection.

The Alpha 12 version had the base cylinder head replaced and the engine upgraded. The result of these transformations was a balanced racing sports car equipped with a 4 liter engine. A gasoline car produces 1100 hp. power, but if you inject racing fuel into the tank, the engine power will increase to 1500 "horses"! Up to a hundred hypercar accelerates in 2.4 seconds. And to add another hundred, it will take only 3.3 seconds. At the same time, many racing cars will only swallow the dust from under rear wheels this car.

It should be noted that soon AMS Performance promises to upgrade the engine to 1700 "horses".

Designers equipped Koenigsegg Regera three electric motors, which, together with a 5-liter turbocharged engine, produce 1509 “horses”.

To compensate for the increased weight from the three electric motors, the developers removed the gearbox from the Regera. Remained only main couple with a gear ratio that corresponds to the highest gear in a traditional transmission. When driving in the city low revs the engine-to-wheels connection is cut off, so the supercar drives like a sequential hybrid.

The weight of the Koenigsegg Regera is 1628 kg, which does not prevent the hypercar from gaining 400 km / h in about 20 seconds. Up to a hundred cars can accelerate in just 2.8 seconds.

The unique hypercar costs 1 million 890 thousand dollars. It will be released for 5 years. During this time, they plan to make 80 cars. This figure for the Swedes means dominance.

Tuning studio Mansory loves to experiment with the Lamborghini Aventador. And now the restless Germans presented new version hypercar, which was called "Carbonado GT". From an engine of 6.5 liters, the developers were able to squeeze out as many as 1600 "horses"!

Tuners have worked hard on the motor. They equipped the car with innovative pistons, connecting rods, crankshaft and cylinder head. Naturally, a couple of superchargers appeared and were improved exhaust system. This is what made it possible to get an additional 900 horses when compared with the Aventador LP700-4 model. It accelerates to hundreds in 2.1 seconds, and the maximum speed is 370 km / h.

The interior of the car is trimmed with leather in two colors and a lot of carbon fiber. Perhaps that is why the model was called "Carbonado".

The rating of the most powerful cars could not do without a Mercedes. The engine power of this car is 1600 "horses". At the same time, the supercar shows a maximum speed of 350 km / h. Up to a hundred the car can accelerate in two seconds. Weight - 1750 kg. Become the owner of this luxury car maybe a man with two million dollars. That's how much a supercar costs.

Now come the real monsters. In second place is the Dagger GT. Its 9.4-liter engine runs on a mixture of gasoline, methanol and ethanol and is capable of developing 2028 hp. Dynamic characteristics cars are impressive. Acceleration to hundreds takes only 1.7 seconds, while the maximum speed is 483 km / h.

As the developers specified, the car at maximum speed can drive only 6 minutes. The reason lies not in the wear of rubber, but in fuel consumption. During this time, it will fly out into the pipe full tank fuel. With active driving, the supercar spends 20 liters. mixtures per minute.

For this car was built its own platform. The frame was made from chrome-plated steel pipes, and the body was made from carbon fiber. The interior of the car is replete with chic leather trim, carbon fiber and Alcantara.

At the same time, the cost of the heavy-duty Dagger GT is quite loyal - 360 thousand euros.

What do you think, what power does the leader of our rating give out? 2500, 3000 "horses"? Didn't guess! The most powerful to date a car capable of delivering an incredible 4515 hp. Such power is amazing and inspires respect.

The Devel Sixteen Engine Dyno was unveiled at the Emirates Motor Show a couple of years ago. But until now, he surprises motorists with his power.

Engine capacity - 12.3 liters, maximum speed - 560 km / h per hour, acceleration to hundreds - in 1.8 seconds. Such figures are impressive, but it is not clear where such a machine can be used in real life. Few people will be able to cope with driving a car and curb these 4.5 thousand “horses”. However, it is this hypercar that is today considered the most powerful machine on our planet. You can become the owner of the most powerful car in the world for a million dollars, which, by the way, is not so expensive.

Strength and power is admirable and addictive. Especially when it comes to cars. When a person gets behind the wheel, there comes a moment when he wants to get the maximum drive from the car. And it does not matter at all what kind of car he sits behind the wheel. At some point, he begins to want even more. Therefore, most likely, this TOP will change somewhat in the coming years. After all tuning studios no wonder they eat their bread. And cars with 1000 or even 2000 "horses" can no longer be considered powerful machines.

Video of the powerful car in the world - look:

Top 10 fast cars in the world (Top 10 fastest cars 2016 - 2017). In this video you will see just over ten of the fastest cars in the world and amazing supercars. #10fastest #cars #cars

What is the fastest car in the world 2016 - 2017?!

Cars / supercars / hypercars:

10 Ferrari Enzo

This is a two-seater supercar, produced by the Italian automobile company in the period from 2002 to 2004. Engine Ferrari Enzo - V-shaped 12-cylinder, naturally aspirated, 6 liters. Max power engine 660 hp, and the torque is 657 Nm. The car is capable of accelerating to 100 km/h in 3.6 seconds, and its top speed reaches 350 km/h.

9. Pagani Huayra.

Pagani Huayra is another representative Italian brand exclusive sports cars. As a power plant, Uyra uses a V12 engine from Mercedes-AMG. This engine develops 700 hp. and 1000 Nm of torque, which allows you to accelerate to 100 km / h in 3.3 seconds and reach a top speed of up to 370 km / h.

9 Lamborghini Aventador

Lamborghini Aventador, succeeded Murcielago in 2011. The car received the name Aventador on behalf of the bull famous in bullfighting. Its 6.5 L V12 engine develops 700 horsepower. The Lamborghini Aventador LP700 is a kind of fighter jet that accelerates to hundreds of kilometers in 2.9 seconds and has a top speed limit of 350 km/h.

8. McLaren F1.

In eighth place is the McLaren F1. The McLaren engine is located centrally in relation to the chassis and developed a power of 627 hp and a torque of 651 Nm. Due to the small mass of the car, the specific power is quite high and is equal to 550 hp / t. This supercar is capable of reaching a top speed of 392 kilometers per hour and accelerating to 100 km/h in just 3.2 seconds.

7. Saleen S7.

The Saleen S7 is America's first hand-built and limited edition supercar. The car has a turbo engine that develops 750 hp. Speeds up to 100 km/h are reached by the Saleen S7 in 2.8 seconds, and the maximum possible speed this car - 399 km / h.

6. Koenigsegg CCXR.

In sixth place is the Koenigsegg CCXR. The engine on regular gasoline develops 806 hp, but on biofuel - all 1018, which allowed the car to reach a speed of 402 km / h. The machine is able to exchange the first hundred in a period of time equal to 2.9 seconds.

5. SSC (Shelby super cars) Ultimate Aero TT.

In fifth place in our ranking is the SSC Ultimate Aero TT - fast sports car worth half a million dollars. The twin-turbocharged car develops 1183 hp and in 2007 it set a top speed record of 412 km/h.

4. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

The Bugatti Veyron Super Sport has a 199 hp engine. more powerful, now he developed 1200 forces and a torque of 1500 N.m. This made it possible to exchange the first hundred in just 2.5 seconds. In 2010, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport broke the world speed record with an average speed of 431 km/h.

3. S.S.C. Tuatara.

The Tuatara is Shelby Super Cars' second supercar. The idea of ​​creating a new supercar came to the company after the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport managed to break the SSC Ultimate Aero TT record and set it at an estimated mark of 431 km/h. Powered by a 1,350 hp twin-turbo engine, the Tuatara is capable of going from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.5 seconds.

2. Koenigsegg Agera R.

Agera R is a modification hypercar Koenigsegg Agera, which is capable of running on both gasoline and biofuels. The twin-turbocharged engine develops up to 1115 horsepower and 1000 Nm of torque, which allows the car to accelerate to 100 km / h in 2.9 seconds and reach a phenomenal speed of 440 km / h. In September 2011 Koenigsegg Agera R set 6 world records: 2 records for acceleration at 300 and 322 km/h. 2 records for braking, as well as 2 records for acceleration / braking.

1. Hennessey Venom GT.

The Hennessey Venom GT is a supercar by the American tuning company Hennessey Performance Engineering. The engine develops 1200 horses with a car weight of only 1225 kg. In January 2013, the Venom GT entered the Guinness Book of World Records with a 0-300 km/h time of 13.63 seconds, breaking the previous Koenigsegg Agera R record by nearly a second. A month later, on the runway of the airbase, the car crossed the mark of 427 km / h, after which its creators began to call it the fastest, recalling that the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport is delivered to customers with a limiter of 415 km / h. A year later, in February 2014, Venom GT overcame the speed mark of 435 km / h, but this result did not make it to Guinness.

Bugatti Chiron

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