Lightning McQueen in real life. What models are the cars from the cartoon "cars" based on?

Lightning McQueen in real life. What models are the cars from the cartoon "cars" based on?

  • We will search among the characters of the fandom

Character groups

Total characters - 107

Axle Accelerator

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Police officer. Accelerator is always among the first volunteers required for the escort and additional security of the Piston Cup races. He accompanied Lightning McQueen and Mack part of the way to California.

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Airship. Al takes pride of place in life. He is holding huge posters of Lightyear Tire, the sponsor of Piston Cup racing, in the air. He is happy that work brings so much into his life. interesting events. In addition, he always has the most the best place on the races!

Antonio Veloce Eccellente

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Ferrari Schumacher's best friend. This wealthy Italian owns one of the best gas stations in Italy. All representatives of high society come to him to refuel for the best fuel, and just chat with friends.

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Artie began by commentating on local races in Wilmington, Delaware, where he caught the attention of the executives of a well-known sports channel. His ability to not only accurately, quickly and completely describe the race, but also turn it into a story amazed them. And now he's a Piston Cup race commentator.

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Blue plane from Italy.

Barney Stormin

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Professional writer in the air. His work requires not only aerobatics skills, but also knowledge of grammar.

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Journalist. One day, when Bert is recognized as a true abstract artist, he will become known to the whole world. In the meantime, he is forced to earn a living, like a paparazzi. By the way, paparazzi in Italian means "a huge mosquito".

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The paver that McQueen was sentenced to work on. It is the only inanimate car in the film.

Bob Cutlass

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The race commentator is obviously a reporter. Works with Darrell Cartrip. The model of this hero is generated from many car brands.

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Pride of the Squadron "Flying Mounts". Echo friend. They just have outstanding abilities for military affairs, they also just love racing. They are good friends of Dusty and are always ready to support him. McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet.

Brent Mustangburger

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The machine, as well as in the cartoon "Cars 2" is a news anchor and race commentator.

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Rider #11 - Has been racing longer than any other competitor. He is the oldest and wisest of all riders. Bulldog remembers the pre-GPS days, when racers trusted their gyroscopes to navigate the stars. When it comes to racing, the Bulldog always says: "Great flying and sportsmanship." Although every year the Bulldog is getting older and older, but at the races he proves that he has not lost his skill yet. At first, like everyone else, he treated Dusty negatively, but after Dusty saved him, he became friends with him.


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Firefighter, mini wheel loader with a circular saw.

Valerie Veate

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Traffic Analyst. On her way to Portland for a new job, she stopped by the town of Radiator Spring for gas. Immediately Valerie was fascinated by the town! However, she noticed some traffic problems and offered her services to the local city council. Since then, she has lived and thrived in Radiator Springs and devises a plan to expand the city and preserve its historically unique character.

Vern Taxi

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The owner of the Verna Taxi organization and its only employee. He shows tourists the country of oil and gas, then takes them to a tasting in Northern California, and then escorts them safely home to the Garage and Breakfast Inns.


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A universal helicopter, a flying crane to which a container with liquid is attached. The wind blower is a former forester, his role is an Indian, a bearer of "natural" wisdom.

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Street racer.

Its main pride is a huge spoiler rising high above the road.

IN primary school Vintets' outrageously inappropriate tuning didn't conform to the school's strict codes, which got him into a lot of trouble. Now, Vintets makes life more beautiful by designing paint jobs for famous cars in his honest workshop.

And when his passion for art began to bring him income and fame, and not trouble, he found new way find yourself in trouble with a gang of street racers.

Bruiser Bukowski

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Mechanic on the Chico Hicks team for 10 years now. Before getting into big sport, he and Chico went to the same school and to the same drama club. Bouncer Bukowski is Chico's number 2 fan, and that's only because CHICO himself is number one!

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Husband Mini. He and his wife love to travel, but the problem is that they don't know where they are going. Despite their great love of travel, they have a very weak sense of orientation in the area. Because of this, they constantly fornicate in forests, mountains and deserts. And Ven is so stubborn that he'd rather drive the extra 100 miles than ask anyone for directions.

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Lightning McQueen's agent, who did not appear directly in the film, spoke on the phone.

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A small Italian forklift works for Luigi. Like his boss, he loves Ferrari and dreams of working at a real racing pit stop. To prepare himself for this, he trains at night changing tires on a wooden frame he made himself. One day he dreams of setting a world record for changing tires. The ultimate tire changer (able to change all four in 10 seconds). Favorite phrase: "Pit stop!".

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battered rusty orange car AMC Gremlin brand.

Many years ago, it was discontinued due to its unattractive design, calling it a wreck.

Graham harbored a grudge against the whole wide world, which led him into the cruel world of international espionage. Graham and his accomplice Acer became henchmen of the insidious villain Professor Zundapp.

The next task was to sabotage the World Grand Prix race. By mistake, Graham and Acer mistake Mater for an American agent on a secret mission.

Gangsters get on Matru's tail to prevent him from revealing their plan.

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Ramon's regular customer. She just left his Bodyart studio with new flames. Now she is waiting for a date with an old friend, where she will look her best!

Dudley Spare

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Octane Gain Sponsor Mechanic

Dudley has been a friend of Billy Oilchanger since childhood. And when Bill became a racer sponsor Octane Gain, then his friend Dudley became one of his main and faithful mechanics. They never part.

Darrell Cartrip

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The prototype of one of the greatest racers in the history of NASCAR Darrell Waltrip.

Darrell is a former Piston Cup racer and he knows what victory is worth! He comments on the races with Bob Cutlass, adding various humorous comments. And when the starting flag goes up, he shouts one of his favorite phrases that are written on his wing: "Bugity, boogie, boogie! Let's ride guys!"

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Career sponsor of Lightning McQueen. Brother Rusty. The brothers are very kind and love to help old and rusty cars just like they love to joke. That's why they invented Rust Oil, which may not make an old bumper look like new, but it will at least relieve the itching and burning sensation of a rusty finish.

Dusty Crophopper

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A small plane that serves big hopes in the literal sense of the word. A corn grower by profession, he dreams of participating in the world air rally. But there are some obstacles on the way to his dream - his motor is not designed for such large-scale competitions, and Dusty himself is terribly afraid of heights. But with the help of his friends, Dusty's dream can come true and he will take part in the biggest adventure of his life. In the first part, on the orders of Chukha, he called himself Jet Reactivation. At first sight, he fell in love with Ishani (although he had seen her before on the screens).

Duff Wreck

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One of the car-witnesses of street racing hooliganism, after which McQueen falls out of the trailer. The Duff Wrex puts out a lot of steam, which is not surprising since he is a diesel car. Most of his time is spent in the gym to be a strong car and not let anyone down! But when it comes to the real deal, Duff gets as shy as a four-cylinder car.

Dexter Hoover

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A car that kicks off the Piston Cup race. As a kid, Dex dreamed of becoming a racing car, but a 4-cylinder pickup truck is definitely not designed for this. However, Dex still found a way to practice his favorite sport. He went from a flag seller in the stands to an honorary place in the car that gives the Start in the race! He waves the flag beautifully, gracefully and with a special feeling. Only Dexter can do it so skillfully.

Derek Dobbs

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Ramon's friend came to Radiator Springs to work with him. Derek did not only paint and restore cars, he also did murals. So, for example, he created a very impressive inscription on one of the stores in the city "Radiator Springs is a happy place."

Jay Limo

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Famous TV presenter, host of The Jay Limo Show. Jay Limo liked to travel a lot around the country and perform comic performances. One day his talent was noticed and he was offered a job on television.

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A truck that Lightning McQueen mistook for Mack.

Jeff Gorvette

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One of the biggest American racers. Having traveled many miles racing tracks USA, Jeff decided to move from his hometown of Vallejo, California to Indiana to be closer to the racetracks. Despite his young age, Jeff has a huge number of awards that no one can compare with. His number of victories is unparalleled among racers, so he also becomes a worthy participant in the World Grand Prix.

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Loves music and has a built-in audio system.

From an early age, Devon was interested in music. He was an avid collector of audio recordings and a talented student at the East Coast Conservatory of Music. Once, at a friend's party, Devon met a gentleman named Vintets, who, being an expert in car tuning, matched him with a suitable color and improved his audio system.

Since then, Devon began to call himself DJ DJ and became part of a gang of street racers.


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Pickup 4X4, commander of the fire landing. Young woman.

doc hudson

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Judge at Radiator Springs. One could call him a country doctor (mechanic) if he were not That-That-Hudson-Hornet. Almost half a century ago, he remained the absolute champion of the Piston Cup for 3 years in a row (and such things are not forgotten), until he had an accident, as a result of which he was forced to quit sports. Doc Hudson is always calm and strict, and nothing can upset him. He never skids either on pavement or on a country road, and if he accelerates slowly, this does not mean at all that he cannot go fast.

Only Doc Hudson can talk about the ins and outs of Piston Cup racing and prepare Lightning McQueen for the competition.

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Forklift, owner of the cafe "Flight Liters". She is the best mechanic in the area and a friend of Dusty, so she hopes that all his dreams will definitely come true. Although he understands that being possessed by a dream is dangerous. No matter what happens, she is always ready to help Dusty in difficult times.

Dale Earnhardt Jr.)

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Cameo of the famous racing driver Matt Kenseth, participating in NASCAR in a Chevrolet..

Racing car number 8 Dale Earnhardt Jr. A good racer, his idol is Mr. King.

Dale hasn't been wasting time on small wins or promotional presentations since winning the Piston Cup in NASCAR in 2000. . He has a huge following thanks to his driving style and charisma. He also won the Piston Cup Most Popular Driver award. But when he is alone, he becomes an ordinary guy who likes to spend time in a cozy circle among friends and family.

Dash Boardman

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Photographer never misses a good shot. Once he skidded and he accidentally found himself face to face with the famous racer Spider Dangerford. Not missing his chance, he took an exclusive photo and got an autograph. Since then, he took note of how to achieve interesting pictures.

My name is not Chuck

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The auto mechanic who was the last to leave Lightning McQueen's team. He firmly believes that the better tires a rider has, the faster he drives. Therefore, his motto is: "Change earlier, change more often!"

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Racer number 6 is the reigning Asian champion. She comes from India, so she is beautiful, but ruthless in the sky. She is world famous for her talent and high competitiveness. Thanks to these qualities, she has over a billion fans, including Dusty, who turned to her for help. Exotic and mysterious Ishani is always full of surprises and always claims only the main prize. I fell in love with Dusty not as a fan, but as a hero.


Friendly airship. He started his career when he started commentating on races on the radio. Now his talent was appreciated in higher circles, and he got the opportunity to host a weekly show on a sports channel.

Kori Turbowitz

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Reporter for the RSN Network channel.

Corey started her career as a voicemail announcer for telephone operators. But her lines, "You have... three new messages," were said in such a special way that she instantly became number one on Bay Area radio and became one of TV's leading Piston Cup reporters.

Coriander Widetrack

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A spectator from the Piston Cup races.

The young eyes of Coriander are directed far into the sky. She and her friends are big fans of Marco the fighter, their only dream is to meet their idol someday.

Kathy Copter

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Reporter helicopter. When it comes to racing, Kathy is the trusted "Eye in the Sky". She reports all the news in the first minute, there is no one better. She moves like a police helicopter and is very confident in chasing moving cars.

In 2017, Pixar and Disney released the last part of the animated cartoon "Cars" to the world cinemas. Is it true, the last part, unfortunately, could not become a good project, unlike the first m / f and other popular studio tapes. Nevertheless, this cartoon is still popular. He is loved by millions of children around the world, as well as a huge number of adults.

Especially those who are interested in cars. Do you think the characters of "Cars" are fictional cars or copied from real cars? Let's find out.

Lightning McQueen

The character Lightning McQueen is the star of this cartoon franchise. Do you think this children's car is a pure fantasy of cartoon artists and authors? After all, this hero is clearly not like any car in the real world. If you didn't recognize Lightning McQueen, he real prototype, then here is the official answer of Bob Pauli, who was one of the artists of the animated series "Cars".

"For the protagonist of Cars, we took the best American cars ever, from the Ford GT40 to Dodge Charger. Mixing several styles, we got a beautiful main character, who was given the name "Lightning McQueen".

Drawn from this original

But the most recognizable styling of the Lightning McQueen is the Chevrolet Corvette C6 lines."


Unlike Lightning McQueen, it's much easier to guess what car the Cars character Mater is based on. Especially for those who are familiar with American cars. Guessed? For those who do not know: Mater was created on the basis of the Harvester tow truck (International Harvester company).

Doc Hudson

"Doctor Hudson", or simply "Doc", is an animated, anthropomorphic retired racing car that appeared in the 2006 movie "Cars" as a doctor and local referee. This character is based on the legendary Fabulous Hudson Hornet, which is recognized as one of best cars racing.


Sally Carrera is one of the main characters in Cars. She lives in the town of Radiator Springs, works as a lawyer there, and also owns a motel.

The artists behind the creation of the Sally were inspired by the 996-series Carrera.


At the very beginning of the Cars story, Luigi owned a tire shop in Radiator Springs. But he ended up becoming a member of Lightning McQueen's team. By the way, the name of the character speaks of his Italian origin: Luigi is Italian.

As a result, we can conclude that the artists when creating Luigi were most likely inspired by an Italian car.

Lightning McQueen aims to prove that he is the fastest car, win the Piston Cup and get sponsored by Dinoco. McQueen's sponsor is the Rust Company). Rides number 95. Looks like a red sports car, stickers instead of headlights, blue eyes. The film begins with the final race of the season. Before the last round, the three leaders shared the points equally. In order to win the season, the participant must win the last race. In Her, McQueen takes first place along with King and Chick Hicks. The final race between the top three should take place in California in a week. On the road to California, Lightning McQueen coaxes his truck, Mack, into driving all night non-stop. Mack agrees, but falls asleep on the way. Yes, so tightly that he does not notice how, due to shaking, the trailer door opened and the illustrious champion ended up on the highway. Waking up, he rushes in a panic to look for Mack, but, finally confused, turns the wrong way and ends up in a God-forgotten place called Radiator Springs. Fleeing from the police, unintentionally breaks the whole road. The next morning, by the general decision of the inhabitants of the town (and mainly Sally), he is sentenced to working out - repairing the road. Thus, the world famous racing champion is forced to repair the road, harnessed to Bessie's asphalt paver.

For the first time, McQueen makes a nasty road in a hurry. He is ordered to change it. Almost all of his day was spent cleaning up the bad road. For 5 days of work, he falls in love with Sally. During his time at Radiator Springs, Lightning felt truly happy and free for the first time. He not only finds love, but also finds a true friend in person, a mentor in person and many glorious cars always ready to help. In the early days, he wants to get out of there as quickly as possible. But in the end, it remains for one more day, and only the reporters who have come and all those with whom his previous life was connected take him away from here.

In the final race, he was already at the finish line when he saw that Chico Hicks "hooked" King, and he flew off the track. Then McQueen stops and helps King cross the finish line. His loss as a result turned out to be more important than victory.

Lightning McQueen is a real racing car. Lightning fully justifies its name - it flies along the track like lightning, and sometimes even faster. A year ago, he was one of the "gray horses", and in the new season - the idol of millions. More than anything, Lightning loves racing: he sees it in his dreams, he can talk about it for hours and is ready to train from morning to night. Sometimes it may seem that the rest of the world does not interest him at all, but this is not so. Life in the town of Radiator Springs opened his eyes to many things. Now Lightning knows what true friendship is and that anything can be sacrificed for it - even the cherished Piston Cup.

Doc Hudson

Doc Hudson could be called a village doctor (mechanic) if he were not That-That-Hudson-Hornet. Almost half a century ago, he was the absolute champion of the Piston Cup for 3 years in a row, and such things are not forgotten. Doc Hudson is always calm and strict, and nothing can upset him. He never skids either on asphalt or on a country road, and if he accelerates slowly, this does not mean at all that he cannot go fast. Only Doc Hudson can talk about the ins and outs of Piston Cup racing and prepare Lightning McQueen for the competition.

Sally Carrera

Sally is a charming Porsche 911 from Los Angeles. A few years ago, tired of the hectic city life and lawyer work, she moved to Radiator Springs to start life anew. Now she spends all her free time on returning the forgotten and deserted town of Radiator Springs to its former glory. And she will definitely succeed! Sally is Lightning McQueen's girlfriend. They have known each other not so long, but it seems that this is love! Real.


Voiced by Sergei Kuznetsov in the Russian version.

Meter is a native of Radiator Springs and a local celebrity. Still - after all, he is "the best back rider in the world"! Meter loves his job very much - he is a tractor and can pull any car out of any of the deepest ditch or from prickly cacti. What could be more beautiful than pulling cars! Meter will always find something to do - for example, at night he goes to "scare tractors", that is, to overturn sleepy tractors under the nose of Frank's giant harvester. And on weekends, the Meter, along with all his numerous relatives, participates in survival races, where the goal is to drive over potholes and potholes to the finish line, and how to hit a friend on the bumper is a sign of friendship and respect.


Voiced by Sergei Byzgu in the Russian version.

Prototype: .

Luigi (Tony Shalhoub) - the cutest 1959 Fiat 500. A friendly emotional Italian, owner of Casa Della Tires, wears a chignon. His cherished dream is to see the real one. Guido helps him work in the store.


Voiced by Elena Ternova in the Russian version.

Ramon's wife, also a Lowrider and owner of a gas station.


Voiced by Valery Solovyov in the Russian version.

Prototype: .

An old warrior, Radiator Springs serves as an alarm clock, saluting the national flag every morning to the solemn sounds of the national anthem.

Sarge (Paul Dooley) - World War II veteran, 1942 army jeep, maintains the Voentorg Tent, where he keeps military equipment and weapons. Constantly at odds with the slob Fillmore.


Voiced by Nikolai Fedortsov in the Russian version.

Sheriff (Michael Wallis) - woe to those reckless drivers who will meet a bulky 49 Mercury Cruiser that has gone on duty.


Voiced by Aleksey Guryev in the Russian version.

Fillmore (George Carlin) - hippie minibus VW Transporter T1 60s, preparing his organic fuel and amuses himself with playful bumper stickers like “Sorry for my exhaust. I eat vegetarian fuel." The only car with a front number plate imitating a goatee.

Chico Hicks

Prototype: .

Unfortunately, the world of big sports and high speeds is not always cloudless. Chico Hicks has been racing for over twenty years and always remains second. Previously, King, the King of the Road, always came first, and now it's Lightning McQueen. From constant failures, Chico became embittered at the whole world and envies everyone. A year ago, Chico meanly received the Piston Cup, but this did not bring him consolation - all the stands and even the judges were on the side of Lightning McQueen. To win this season, Chico Hicks will give anything and go to any crime.


Prototype, possibly: Chevy Impala`67.

A typical Lowrider running a paint shop in Radiator Springs, part-time husband of Flo.

Ramone (Cheech Marin) - Flo's husband - Chevrolet Impala'59, who touts his molds and his own paint shop. But since he had no one to paint, he devoted himself to daily changes. He will gladly color the newcomer who has appeared.


Prototype: Richard Petty's car - "Superbird" or "Roadrunner", and in the same blue coloring and 43rd number. Voiced by himself.

The King (Richard Petty) - A '70 Plymouth Superbird also known as the Strip Weathers, a legendary racer. A multiple winner of the competition for the Piston Cup, he will not miss his luck. The young recruit idolized him.


Guido is Luigi's assistant.

Guido (Guido Quaroni) - A small Italian forklift works for Luigi. Like his boss, he loves and dreams of working on a real racing car (that's the only word he knows in English).

"Cars" cause delight in any child. It is difficult to find a boy now who is not fond of cars and does not watch stories about Lightning McQueen. Not in vain, after the successful showing of the first part, the directors filmed a sequel.

About what

The heroes of the cartoon "Cars" regularly find themselves in dangerous or funny situations. They are very friendly with each other and come to the aid of each other at the first call. The plot of the story is based on the life of cars of different models.

Their images to the smallest detail correspond to real cars. The protagonist is a successful racing car in bright red. Lightning McQueen one day finds himself in a new place for him and collides with old models of cars.

Initially, he cannot find a common language with them and puts himself above everyone else. But over time, the racing car has new values ​​in life, and it completely changes in relation to others.

When it came out

Viewers were able to get acquainted with the characters of the cartoon "Cars" for the first time in 2006. American history has won the hearts of children from all over the world. It became difficult to find a child who would not like to have a copy of Lightning McQueen at home.

About $120 million was spent on the production of this cartoon. The main character is named after two famous people - cartoonist and racing driver McQueen.

The number "95" on the car was not chosen by chance. It was in 1995 that the popular "Toy Story" first appeared on the screen.

List of characters from the Cars cartoon series

There are quite a few characters in this story. Sometimes it's hard to remember everyone. Parents are often looking for the next car in their child's collection and cannot figure out which character is missing.

The list of characters from the cartoon "Cars" will help you choose the right gift for a lover of this story:

  • Lightning McQueen - a red racing car (the main character);
  • Doc Hudson - mechanic;
  • Mater - tow truck;
  • Sally Carera - Porsche, hotel owner and former lawyer;
  • Poppy - truck;
  • Chico Hicks - green racing car;
  • King - a blue car, the main character's rival;
  • Sheriff - policeman;
  • Hose - fireman;
  • Michael Schumacher - Ferrari prototype.

There are other cars in the city - "Ford" Lizzy, who is in love with the main character, Rusty Fred (an old sedan) and many other cars.

Features of Lightning McQueen

Two cars became the prototype for this character at once. The front part went to the main character from the Chevrolet Covrette, and the back part from Dodge Viper. Lightning McQueen was a famous race car driver and loved himself very much. The machine constantly monitors its appearance and wipes every speck of dust from all sides.

But in the life of the racer there are big changes, he finds himself in an unfamiliar city, where ordinary old cars live. By the will of fate, McQueen finds himself behind bars in the provincial town of Radiator Springs.

There he meets other residents and at first constantly gets into trouble. Due to the ambition and boasting of the racer, his new friends are poorly perceived. But over time, they prove to him that happiness can be found in ordinary car joys. It is here that the main events unfold and many new characters meet. At this moment, the audience is wondering what the names of the cartoon characters "Cars" are. Because it's hard to keep track of everyone.

In response, McQueen advises his friends on how to breathe new life into an old abandoned city. New acquaintances are happy to help the red car get back to racing. In one of them, McQueen held the lead to the last, but suddenly he saw that King was in an unpleasant situation and he needed help. The rider sacrificed the victory and escorted to the finish line.

The heroes of the cartoon "Cars" taught the selfish red car kindness and true friendship. Thus, McQueen changed his life values ​​and became the darling of the city of Radiator Springs.


The tow truck has lived in this village all his life. Almost every resident knows him. The master can pull any car out of the pit. In the evenings, the tow truck has fun turning over the sleeping tractors.

The master used to be a famous stuntman. He skillfully rides with the help reversing. On weekends, the car participates in local races. Cars that are not afraid of dirt and rough roads come here to compete.

Very often, as a sign of respect during the race, cars hit each other in the bumpers. Mater became McQueen's best friend. He saw himself in his youth. It was this car that accompanied McQueen to important races for him.

Judge Doc

The car is sedate and self-confident. He never skids on the roads, because Doc clearly follows the rules of the road. The prototype of the hero was the "Hudson Hornet" 1951 release.

At one time, Doc was a champion in the Piston Cup races. So he told McQueen all the secrets of the event. The judge gladly prepared the red car for the races.

The Hudson Hornet maintains law and order in the city. He doesn't let you break the rules. traffic even to your friends. Doc gladly took part in McQueen's plans to restore the city, because he believes that old cars should live in cleanliness and comfort.

Sally Carrera

Charming blue "Porsche 911". She used to live in a big city. But vanity and crazy movement are not in the nature of the car. One day she decides to leave the metropolis and go to the province. So the Porsche ended up in Radiator Springs.

Sally is a lawyer. In her spare time, she helps the local government solve city problems. The car takes care of itself and tries to fully develop. With the advent of McQueen in the city, Sally lost her peace. Porsche fell in love with a red car.

After a while, she realized that it was mutual. The machines had real feelings for each other. This is how love was born in Radiator Springs. The main characters of the cartoon "Cars" experience real human feelings.

The directors used the names well-known firms during the production of this story. For example, Apple, Dinoco, Goodyear. The developers only changed the first letter in the company name.

The Ferrari was voiced by Michael Schumacher. This character in the cartoon was named after him. Some characters from other stories were also used. For example, in one of the episodes you can see sparrows from the cartoon "Angry Birds".

Stories from the life of cars are closely related to real events that occur with certain brands of cars. For example, when talking with Doc, McQueen finds out that the car had an accident in 1954 and tied up with sports.

In life, it ceased to be produced precisely during this period after a series of successful games. The specified brand of cars, as well as the heroes of the cartoon "Cars", successfully took part in various competitions.

The numbers of Lightning McQueen have the designation A113. This combination is taken for a reason. At the California School of the Arts, cartoon production classes take place in a classroom with this designation. And many graduates of the institution use these numbers in their work and thus pay tribute to the teachers and the educational institution.

Some phrases from the cartoon belong to famous personalities. For example, Mohammed Ali's favorite expression becomes the saying of the protagonist of the cartoon "Cars". Names and plots are also intertwined with other films.

For example, the main line in the cartoon is very reminiscent of Doctor Hollywood. McQueen became the prototype of the protagonist, who along the way finds himself in a provincial town, where he is forced to stay in order to work off the damage that he caused during the accident.

The list of characters in the cartoon "Cars" is striking in its diversity and plausibility of images. The directors and animators did their best to put human characters and habits into the iron heroes. It was also an original approach to place the eyes on the windshield of the cars, unlike other animated cars, with which they were painted instead of headlights.

From the cartoon "Cars", in this article we found out. Now fans of history will be able to safely collect new heroes in their collections and enjoy new series.

And therefore, as you probably already guessed, today we will talk about the cartoon "Cars". And so, for starters, new cars from Cars 3!
We meet! Jackson Storm, Representative newest generation cars, wins Lightning McQueen at the very beginning of the series.

As such, the prototype of Jackson Storm does not exist, but there are still cars that look like this character.

Nissan Concept 2020 Vision Gran Turismo.

Nissan's 2020 VISION GRAN TURISMO concept car was born from the dream of a group of young designers Nissan Design Europe. They set out to create virtual car, which would only exist in their design and in video games. However, this idea was so successful that it was noticed by a team of engineers. technical center Nissan in Japan. The concept has passed technical expertise and simulator testing. It turned out that the new concept car was very promising, and soon a magnificent 3D model was born.

Koenigsegg Agera r.
Here is another model. Under the hood of the Agera R is a 5.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 adapted to use biofuel. The machine holds lateral g-forces of 1.6g. The weight of the car is minimal, thanks to a carbon fiber body and an aluminum honeycomb fuel tank. The mass is 1330 kg with a weight distribution of 45/55.
Gear shifting - 7-speed automatic with electronic differential lock. The car's top speed is limited to 375 km/h, as the fitted Michelin Supersport tires can only handle speeds up to 420 km/h. However, development engineer Christian von Koenigsegg claims that with more durable tires and no headwind, the Agera R can reach 440 km/h (273 miles) on a straight track.
up to 200 km/h: 7.8 sec
up to 300 km/h: 14.53 sec
0-200-0 km/h: 12.7 sec.
The second, a character from the cartoon cars3, or rather the second car, which at the end will be the winner of Jackson Storm, is Cruz Ramirez.

McQueen's young instructor and racing coach, as well as a big fan of his.

A smart trick, in the finale of the cartoon "Cars 3"

Lotus Elise 2017

Prototypes Cruz Ramirez, according to the magazine "Screaming"))

Ferrari F12 Berlinetta

The F12berlinetta uses a 6.3-litre naturally aspirated 65° V12 engine like the Ferrari FF. Now it is the most powerful engine among Ferrari cars. The F12berlinetta engine has been designed to be more efficient and powerful than the 599. The engine management system is equipped with the Ferrari HELE start-stop system to reduce fuel consumption at idle.
Ferrari reports that the F12berlinetta is able to complete the Fiorano track in 1 minute, 23 seconds - 1.0 seconds faster than the Ferrari 599 GTO; 1.9 seconds faster than the Ferrari Enzo; 2.0 seconds faster than the 458 Italia and 3.5 seconds faster than the 599 GTB.

Main characteristics
Transmission type 6 manual transmission
Rear drive
Engine capacity, cc 7000
Engine type V8
Curb weight, kg 1437
Weight distribution front / rear % 50.7 / 49.3
Maximum power, hp 512 / 6300
Maximum torque 637 /
Specific power hp/ton 356
Power per liter 73
Acceleration 0-100 km/h 3.9
Acceleration 0-200 km/h 11.9
Acceleration 0-300 km/h 41.8
Maximum speed, km/h 320
Lateral acceleration g 1.3
Time 0-402 m / km / h 11.4 /
Time 0-1608 m / km / h 29.3 / 281
Time 0-160-0 13.8.

Miss Crumb (eng. Miss Fritter) - carmageddon; school bus- A monster who is a fearsome figure and legend of the Thunder District survival race.

Recognized all over the world - the American school bus. For a long time produced by Ford.

Exhaust is Doc Hudson's former mechanic and leader of the team that helps McQueen train for the Florida 500.

Prototype car "Exhaust" - Hudson Pickup 1947.
And yet, this character also has a prototype man.

Smokey was inspired by Smokey Unique, the legendary NASCAR mechanic and engineer. He is the author of not only many technical solutions, but also not quite legal tricks, the disclosure of which more than once contributed to the rewriting of the technical regulations of the races.

Sterling Silver is a wealthy business car who runs Rustproof's elite training facility.

Cadillac escala concept. Is there a similarity? Judge for yourself.


The animation hero is a racing car nicknamed "Lightning" McQueen, who lives on high speed. At the beginning of the cartoon, during the Piston Cup, due to damaged tires, he finishes at the same time as Chico and King, so the judges organize a decisive race in the state of California. Heading there, McQueen falls out of the trailer carrying him in his sleep. Hoping to catch up with the trailer, he gets lost along the way, breaks every possible rule, and ends up under arrest in a provincial town located on Highway 66 called Radiator Springs. There, the racer meets other cars: the tractor Metre, the tattoo artist Ramon, the judge Doc (who turns out to be a famous racer in the past), an Italian sales car named Luigi and the beautiful Sally Carrera. All of them become Lightning's friends, helping him see the meaning of life in simple "car" joys, and not just in the ongoing race for success and fame. McQueen helps his friends breathe new life into the city, which has disappeared from all road maps, after a modern highway has been bypassed. He made it to California and led the race, but stopped to help King, who was knocked out by Chico Hicks, drive to the finish line. Chico Hicks became champion, but Lightning McQueen did a good deed.

Cars from the cartoon "Cars"

Prototype: a hybrid of two cars (Chevrolet Corvette and Dodge Viper).

Chevrolet Corvette is a two-seater rear-wheel drive supercar produced by Chevrolet since 1953, the first American sport car.
In 1953, at the Motorama exhibition, two-door coupe Chevrolet Corvette is a brand new car for America. He had a fiberglass body on a metal frame, mounted on tubular frame, in-line six-cylinder engine with a capacity of 152 liters. With. and a volume of 3.8 liters and a two-speed automatic transmission Powerglide.
In January 2004, at the Detroit Auto Show, the Corvette C6 was presented with convertible and coupe bodies, which received the latest 6.2-liter engine developing 437hp. In 2008, the model gained an upgraded transmission, new body color options and improved interior trim, a new exhaust system and wheel design

Dodge Viper is a sports car made by Dodge. Production started in 1992.
The car appeared at the end of 1988 in the Chrysler design studio. In 1989, the car appeared in metal as a concept car at the North American International Auto Show. The concept was first given the name Copperhead (as one of the species of rattlesnakes in the United States is called) because of its characteristic appearance. The name was then changed to Viper, but all engines for the car have since been labeled "Copperhead". In January 1992, deliveries of the Dodge Viper to dealers began.
In 2008, the engine was modified and received a power of 600 hp. at 6000 rpm, the valves were also enlarged, the combustion chambers and the valve timing system were changed. The new Tremec TR6060 has been replaced with a Tremec T56 gearbox. New Michelin Pilot Sport 2 tires make the car more neutral in corners. IN rear axle GKN viscous coupling installed. Another notable change was the redesign of the exhaust, electrical and fuel systems.

Prototype: Hudson Hornet.

Hudson Hornet was produced by Hudson Motors from 1951 to 1954, and from 1955 to 1957 by American Motors.
Hornet was introduced in 1951 model year and was based on a "step-down" design. This type of construction was a body and frame combined into a single structure with a bottom built between the vehicle frame. Together with a lowered center of gravity, the Hornet had a sleek and stylish look, and was designed to comfortably travel six people.
All cars were equipped with a 5.0-liter 6-cylinder in-line engine, it developed 145 hp. With. at a torque of 373 Nm. and 3800 rpm and was equipped with a two-chamber carburetor. In 1954, the car was redesigned, received a curved Windshield and updated rear lights, modern interior and dashboard. Cars were still equipped with a 6-cylinder in-line 5.0-liter engine.

Prototype: Porsche 911 Carrera.

The Porsche 911 is the most successful production version of the scheme with a rear-mounted air-cooled 6-cylinder boxer engine with a capacity of 130 hp. With.
Porsche 911 Turbo - the most advanced and fast model. Thanks to two turbines, the horizontally opposed six-cylinder engine has increased to 480 hp. With. power, and maximum speed is 310 km/h. The updated front of the Porsche 911 resembles the headlights of the "eyes of a beetle" older generation. The interior was also redesigned using the strict lines of previous generations, while looking modern and original. Like its predecessors, the car has all-wheel drive.

Prototype: 1957 Dodge Power Giant

Power Giant pickups became a continuation of Dodge's C series. The wheelbase of this series was used without major changes in small trucks and vans. Changes in the design of the car were made annually, but were limited only to the installation of sheet metal on the cab. In fact, the pickup truck body, which was new in mid-1955, was used well into 1975. For 1957 pickups, other important new features were full hood opening, power brakes, power steering, tubeless tires, a 12-volt lighting system, and a LoadFlite button for automatic transmissions.

Prototype: .

Fiat Nuova 500 is a car produced by Fiat from 1957 to 1975.
In July 1957, the Nuova 500 was introduced to the public, named after the pre-war popular Fiat 500 Topolino, and was presented as a practical and cheap city car. Equipped with a 479cc air-cooled twin-cylinder small engine and only 3 meters long, the Fiat 500 is considered one of the first cars in the city car class.

Prototypes: Isetta (front) and Messerschmitt Kabinenroller (rear).

Isetta - a passenger car produced in the post-war period, a representative of a particularly small class. The Isetta was one of the most successful "micro" cars produced at a time when cheap transportation over short distances was essential. Thanks to the bubble windows and the shape of the egg, it became known as the bubble car, and other similar vehicles later borrowed this name.
Early 1950s Italian company Iso SpA manufactures refrigerators, small three-wheeled trucks and motor scooters. The owner of the company decided to create a small car for mass consumption. The stylists are said to have designed the car by combining two scooters side by side, adding a refrigerator and forming a teardrop-shaped result. In 1952, engineers developed a small car that used a scooter engine and named it the Isetta.

Messerschmitt. Leading company in the aviation industry of Nazi Germany. But this is during the war, and after its end - complete desolation. The winners imposed a complete ban on the production of aircraft in Germany. The company was dying, and the production of cars helped it survive.
The first Kabinenroller KR-175 had nine horsepower, managed with one cylinder, had a length of 2,820 mm, and a width of 1,220 mm. Gradually, the KR-175 was replaced by a more advanced model - the KR200. One cylinder, 10.2 "horses" the same dimensions as the KR-175. The weight of the KR-200 was 230 kg.

Prototype: Dodge Regent show model.

The first Dodge Regent was released in 1951 and was a four-door classic sedan. This model was produced until 1960, and every year there were various changes, most often related to the engine. Starting in 1954, a radiator grille appeared in the series, and in 1955 - automatic transmission gears and a roomy, more comfortable interior. This model was not particularly popular, so their release was not large, and due to constant model changes, it is difficult to find two similar Regents.

Prototype: Willys MB.

Willys MB - Army american car off-road 1940-1950s Mass production began 1941 at Ford and Willys-Overland Motors factories in 1941. It is considered the ancestor of unpretentious off-road cars - off-road vehicles.

Prototype: Mercury Club Coupe (1949 model).

The Mercury branch of the company in 1949 released the famous Club Coupe 49 - a classic fastback coupe. The smooth, flowing volumes of the “muscular” car made it very popular and, at a cost of $1979, 301,319 copies were sold in 1949. Designed using the latest plastic ideas, the body turned out so successful that it was produced in almost unchanged form until 1951.

Prototype: VW Transporter T1 minibus.

Volkswagen T1 - a car produced in the 1950s - 1960s by the concern, and was one of the first non-military minivans. The car became a symbol of an entire era and was very popular among hippies, and now it is a huge retro value and is quite rare.
The first generation was launched in 1950. On the assembly line in the German city of Wolfsburg, about 60 cars were assembled daily in the first months. The Transporter inherited the transmission from the VW Beetle, and instead of the center tunnel frame, a load-bearing body was used, which was supported by a multi-link frame. The first rear-wheel drive 4-cylinder engines came to the T1 from the Beetle and had a power of 25 hp. With. Installed on the car drum brakes. The design was distinguished by a huge VW logo and a windshield divided into two parts. There were sliding windows on the driver and passenger doors.

Prototype: Buick Grand National.

Buick- American manufacturer automobiles, a division of General Motors Corporation.
The Buick Regal Grand National is a two-door, five-seater coupe with rear wheel drive RWD. The production of the car began in 1987. The Buick Regal Grand National is powered by a 3791cc turbocharged V6 engine. see The engine is located in front and has a longitudinal orientation. The Buick Regal Grand National also has an MPFI multi-position fuel injection system, an automatic 4-ex step box gears. Volume fuel tank- 68.60 l. Steering- circulating ball bearings with a variable displacement booster. The front suspension is independent. Front and rear brakes drum, with servo amplifier.

Prototype: Chevrolet Impala 1959.

The Chevrolet Impala is an iconic full-size American car that was produced by GM as a model from 1958 to 1985, from 1994 to 1996, and from 2000 to the present. In 1959 Chevrolet Impala becomes a separate model, and the most commercially successful. The model of that year stood out for its imposing design, the taillights were located horizontally and had a teardrop shape. The four-door sedan had a sidewall with three windows and a roof with a rounded back. The four-door hardtop featured panoramic front and rear windows and an unusual flat roof-platform.

Prototype: Richard Petty's racing car - "Superbird" blue and numbered "43".

The Plymouth Superbird is a sports car manufactured by Plymouth in 1970. At first it was planned as mainly racing model, but was also put on the conveyor. Only 1920 cars were produced, making them collector's items. Plymouth Superbird was almost a complete copy of Dodge Charger Daytona, and inside is a Plymouth Road Runner. This model featured a huge spoiler that provided good downforce. True, he acted only at speeds greater than 90 km / h, but he attracted everyone's attention.

Prototype: Mack BC.

In 1927, Mack introduced a new series of trucks, which included a large number of options with a load capacity from 1 to 8 tons, engines from 57 to 128 hp, equipped with 4- or 5-speed gearboxes, main double bevel or hypoid gear. There were also several wheelbase sizes and two types of cabs (open and closed). BC was produced in 1929-1933. and had a carrying capacity of 2.5-3 tons.

Prototype: Ford Model T 1923

Ford Model T, also known as "Tin Lizzie" - a car produced from 1908 to 1927 by Ford motor company. Usually regarded as the first car available. The first Model T was assembled at the Detroit factory on September 27, 1908. The car was equipped with a two-speed planetary gearbox, four-cylinder engine working volume 2.9 liters (2893 cubic meters). A separate cylinder head and pedal shifting also became a design feature. In total, 15 million 175 thousand 868 such cars were produced.

Prototype: Mack tractor Superliner.

In 1977, Mack built its most prestigious bonneted mainline tractor, the RW Superliner, with classic angular shapes and a huge chrome-plated square radiator grille, diesels ranging from 175 to 550 hp. and 6 speed semi-automatic box gears. Since 1985, it has been offered in the second generation "RW II" with a new sleeping compartment.

Prototype: 1992 Mazda MX-5 Miata.

Mazda miata MX-5 is a two-seater small roadster of Japanese origin. It was first shown at the 1989 Chicago Auto Show and immediately gained popularity due to its attractive appearance and ease of operation.
Designers needed to create a modern, safe and light car. This problem was solved using a high-strength steel monocoque body. The excellently designed chassis, low center of mass and good weight distribution allowed the car to keep on the road perfectly.
Miata debuted with a 1.6-liter 120-horsepower engine. In 1994, the engine was updated: the volume was increased to 1.8 liters, and the power was up to 131 hp. 5-speed "mechanics" was the base. At the same time, the maximum speed was about 190 km / h. Miata got into the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling sports car in the world.
Well, perhaps all the most interesting cars from the cartoon "Cars".

There is also a series of short cartoons, the main character of which is. One of the funniest ghost light episodes ever.

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