Filled full tank. Why you shouldn't fill up with a full tank

Filled full tank. Why you shouldn't fill up with a full tank


It would seem, what can cause difficulties during refueling? Experienced drivers can blindly perform all the actions, while beginners - not quite. In this regard, it is still worth considering the question of how to refuel correctly.

How to refuel at a gas station

Refueling should be done immediately after the fuel level mark drops to ¼. If you miss this moment, then all the sediment, turbidity and small particles will fall into fuel system which will adversely affect the operation of the vehicle.

So, first you need to determine what exactly to refuel. All fuel is divided into three categories: diesel fuel and gas. For the latter option, there are special gas stations, so we will not consider it.

Most cars run on gasoline, while diesel fuel is mainly used by drivers of new European and Asian foreign cars. New cars, released, for example, 10 years ago, drive. If you have a car Soviet-made, you can fill in the 92nd.

The next step is choosing a good filling. Not once have you heard, for example, from relatives, complaints about bad gasoline and as a consequence, bad job cars. If you neglect this moment, refueling at the first gas station that comes across, then you may also encounter such a problem. Ask friends or colleagues for advice on where they prefer to refuel.

Next, look at which side you have the fuel filling hole. It can be on the right or on the left. This is necessary for the correct entry into the territory of the gas station. Please note that if you drive up to the column from the wrong side, then most likely you will have to turn around outside the gas station, since there is often one-way traffic there.

How to fill up a full tank

So, when we stopped at a gas station, stop near the right one. Then open the fuel tank filler. IN modern machines this is done from the salon. We advise you to read the manual for your car. The only thing is that very often the lever is located in the steering wheel area.

Be sure to activate the parking mode if you have an automatic transmission. Otherwise, turn off the machine completely, according to safety regulations.

Myself filling nozzle may have various modifications. In this regard, on some devices, the fuel supply button must be held all the time, while on others it is enough to press it once. It is best to ask a gas station worker to help you. When the ordered tank capacity is full, carefully pull the gun out of the mouth so as not to spill gasoline on clothes or on vehicle.

Video - how to refuel at a gas station

Some lesson on correct refueling presented in the next video.

Thus, refueling correctly is a simple matter. The main thing is to adhere to the above rules and guidelines.

I foresee smiles filled with sarcasm more than catalytic converter ceramic components and precious metals. Oh, the first of April, I don't trust anyone! Well, I do not. Everything that will be discussed below is serious, like the face of Steven Seagal. Therefore, let's figure out how to properly refuel a car, which side to get up to the gas station column, how to insert a filling nozzle and how to build relationships with tankers.

Why go to the gas station?

A car, as you know, is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Luxury is a full tank of gas. Looking into the sad eyes of credit Solaris and Captures, I understand that the feeling of a full tank is practically unknown to them. And yet, even their owners sometimes (on payday) stop by for a gas station. So, how do you know when it's time to refuel?

Sign one: fuel level readings. If its arrow (or the number of sticks-divisions) tends to zero, gasoline runs out. Not every motorist can accurately understand how much gasoline in liters is left in the tank (especially when it comes to just the same “sticks”). But in many modern cars there is a wonderful device - on-board computer. It can show not the remaining fuel in liters, but the distance in kilometers, how long it will last. And if “50 km” is written there, this does not mean that this gasoline can be stretched by 150 km by reading mantras. Yes, of course, there is a reserve. But it's best not to drive.

Sign two: caught fire signal lamp fuel level. It's already bad sign. It may be enough for 50 kilometers on the highway, maybe for five around the city in traffic jams. And if there is no gas station nearby, then everything is bad.

Sign three: the car stalled. If at the same time the light is on, then the gasoline has definitely run out. At all. And this is already very bad: firstly, now you have to look for this gasoline somewhere, and secondly, it harms the fuel pump injection cars. And all due to the fact that the fuel pump is right inside the tank, it is immersed in gasoline and cooled by it. If there is no gasoline, then the pump heats up more than necessary, which reduces its resource. By the way, for the same reason, you should not ride “on a light bulb”, there should always be ten liters in the tank.

What are we going to pour?

Listen to the sound of a car engine before you go to the gas station. If the engine rumbles perceptibly and persistently, then it is most likely diesel. In this case, you need to fill it only with diesel fuel (solar oil, that is). We will talk about diesel fuel separately - today we will talk mainly about gasoline.

Many are wondering what kind of gasoline to pour: Normal-80, Regular-92, Premium-95 or Super-98. Those who remember the 80th (and even the 76th) gasoline do not need our advice: these people still know why there was a wet rag on the Moskvich's gas pump and how to make a needle valve of the carburetor float chamber from a disposable lighter.

With other gasolines, everything is more complicated. You can, of course, rewrite a couple of articles from Wikipedia about gasoline, but we will not do this. Today is the time for life hacks, so here is life hack number one for you: the brand of recommended gasoline is indicated in the instruction manual for your car! Yes, that's right, you can check it out.

If this booklet is already lost in its original sealed form, then here is life hack number two: open the gas tank flap and look at it inside- they usually also indicate the gasoline used. So, let's say you find out that AI-95 needs to be poured into the gas tank of your car. And here comes the most important question: how to do it right?

When to go to the gas station?

Not everyone knows that you need to call at the gas station correctly. The point is that the vast majority modern cars there is only one tank and one filler neck (yes, UAZ owners, smile). Accordingly, you need to drive up to the column with the right side - the one where there is a gas tank hatch. And here, too, many cannot (and even more often do not want to) do this as expected. Okay, here's life hack number three: on the fuel gauge there is an icon in the form of a gas station column. This is the side on which the hose is drawn, on the other side you have the gas tank hatch.

Everything is much worse when a professional ram pulls up to the gas station. The one who knows perfectly well where his gas tank is, but does not want to stand in line and brazenly breaks towards the traffic pattern on the territory of the gas station. You see, he's in a hurry. No one likes such car owners, in hell they will forever change candles for along with “sidewalls” and “second row”. Unfortunately, standing up against the flow and interfering with the rest, they usually only spoil their karma, and not their face.

Anyway. Let's say your wife is giving birth in your car, you need to refuel as quickly as possible, and only the opposite side of the column is free. What to do? In most cases, the length of the hose is enough to stretch it behind the car and refuel without any problems. Doing this is also undesirable, and not all gas stations allow this, but if you really need it, then you can.

So, we have already figured out how to determine the need for refueling and how to drive up to the column. Now we will learn how to open the gas tank hatch.

What does the hatch say

There are two traditional ways to open the hatch: with a button from the passenger compartment and simply by pressing the hatch. If you just stole a car and do not know how to open the hatch on this particular car, then this is a real disaster. Try first to put pressure on it with your hand - if it does not open, then you will have to look for the button.

Now consider the situation a little more complicated: winter, frost, and the hatch is frozen. What to do? There are two options. The first one is to pick out. The second is to search alternative way. On some vehicles, it is possible to open the gas tank from the trunk. To do this, there is a handle on the side of the hatch, connected to the lock with a thick fishing line or something like it. If you pull the handle and at the same time try to loosen the hatch, it will open. By the way, the same method is also used if there is no reaction to pressing the button (for example, in the event of a wiring, actuator or button failure).

Oddly enough, the hatch is needed not only to close the cork with a neck. It has several more functions: you can hang an unscrewed neck plug on the hatch and even determine whether the car has been repainted (sometimes this is possible). How does the sunroof allow you to do this? Everything is very simple: often paint is selected on it to restore the paintwork, and for this it is removed and given to paint selection specialists. Why is this knowledge useful?

Suppose you are going to buy used car. Look at the hatch bolts (if any): if they show traces of contact with a screwdriver, then it was definitely removed. And they do it only for the selection of paint, which should alert. By the way, this is the fourth life hack.

What to do with the gas cap?

The gas tank cap, of course, needs to be unscrewed. As I said, it is best to insert it into a special place, often provided on reverse side hatch. And in no case should it be placed on the trunk lid of a car. Firstly, you can forget it there, and secondly, gasoline will definitely leak from it onto the metal of your car. Therefore, if I see that the tanker unscrews the cap and tries to put it on my trunk, I start yelling at him. First, be polite.

By the way, the cap should prevent theft of gasoline from your car. It's no secret that we still sometimes drain gasoline. For example, about ten years ago I tried to use a lid with a combination lock. And they stole it along with gasoline. It's a shame so far. If it has not been stolen from you yet, then I strongly recommend drying it sometimes, and treating it with some kind of defrosting liquid in frost: thieves, if they want, it will not hurt, but if it freezes, you will have to dance with it.

How to fill in gasoline?

It would seem: insert the gun and pour! And here it is not.

First, we take the right gun (that is, with necessary gasoline). Now, yes, we insert it into the neck and pour it. How much is too intimate a question. But general recommendations is still there. And there are two of them: do not pour too little and do not pour too much.

The first advice applies to more or less fresh cars: the electronics do not always correctly evaluate small amounts of fuel, and the level sensor starts to go crazy. This may well be familiar, for example, to the owners of new Dusters. Well, the second advice is for those who pour down the neck: why? It’s very rare, but it still happens that the same level sensor doesn’t like it, and it’s easier to drop gasoline on the paint near the hatch, which does not benefit the paintwork.

So, we pour gasoline and look at the counter of liters / rubles. Sometimes disputes arise: to measure in liters or rubles? Refuel for a thousand or 30 liters? To be honest, I do not understand the meaning of the disputes. Maybe you have some thoughts on this?

The most important thing is to correctly pull the gun out of the tank. No matter how much you shake it, a few drops from it will still flow onto the car. The main thing here is not to rush and carefully drain all the remnants from the hose into the tank. Let me insert a phrase of my friend, in which he apparently put the results of many years of observation: “A properly shaken hose saves 7 g of fuel for every 8,769 kg of refueling.” I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the calculations, but the main thing here is that these seven grams get into the tank, and not on the paintwork.

Tanker: friend or foe?

Recently, the cult of tankers has begun to grow in our country by leaps and bounds. It is clear that any gas station networks I want to attract customers, and the service is a good bait for many. What are good and what are bad tankers? Well, firstly, disputes often arise: whether to give them a tip. Here I can’t advise anything - it all depends on your generosity, interest in their services, mood and availability of small things.

But the second question is much more significant. Somehow it so happened historically that we are all not always sure about the quality of Russian gasoline. It's one thing when you refuel for a long time on proven large gas station networks. And if it is also not a franchise (which, in fact, is rare), then in general beauty. But if you had to fill up gasoline somewhere on the highway at a very muddy gas station, then concerns about fuel quality are well founded. And in this case, I still sometimes use own hand: if at least a little bit of gasoline is dropped on it, then you can pay attention to the following.

Gasoline, if it is good, evaporates completely, after it there should not be any greasy traces. If there is even the slightest hint of a trace of fat after evaporation, then it is better to postpone refueling until the next gas station: this one may not bother much with fuel storage, and diesel fuel containers are used to store gasoline. Well, or vice versa. In a word, there is a risk. But it is often impossible to determine it if all the manipulations are carried out by the tanker. So it is likely that sometimes it makes sense to get your hands dirty. Of course, this does not apply to proven gas stations near the house.

What else do you need to remember when refueling?

Everything is simple here: we don’t shine a lighter into the tank, we don’t leave a filling pistol in the neck and we don’t try to leave with it, we don’t forget to pay for gasoline. We smile at the checkout (preferably, but not necessary), but we don’t smile at the one who climbs out of line, but look at him frowningly and accusingly (also not necessary), we help the ladies behind the wheel, carefully count liters and rubles and don’t let ourselves be shortchanged . Even today - the first of April, April Fool's Day.

Do you pay gas station attendants?

What would be better, fill your car with 5 liters of gasoline every day or fill a full tank at once? The second option is convenient in that once having refueled to a full tank, then it will be possible to drive and not think about the fact that there may not be enough gasoline for soon.There is no savings from refueling the tank every day at 5 liters, but at the same time you will have to go to gas stations more often.

Attention! If you fill up 5 liters every day, then over time this will lead to wear of the fuel pump.

If there is too little fuel left in the tank, it will begin to “grab” air, which will lead to its rapid breakdown, its motor may burn out. And saving on refueling, you risk getting to replace the fuel pump, which is quite expensive even for domestic cars not to mention foreign cars.

My principle is this, I fill up a full tank as soon as the emergency amount of gasoline lamp gives a signal. When such a fuel lamp comes on enough to drive about another 30 - 40 kilometers at a normal pace. But in this case, you should not delay with refueling. Let me tell you one incident from my life. One motorist lit up such a light bulb, and she ignored it. And calmly rode on, thinking that there were still a couple of liters of gasoline in the tank. And this amount of fuel was exactly enough for her to get home without any problems. The next morning the car just wouldn't start. She had to urgently look for a few liters of gasoline in order to pour into her gas tank. This, as you understand, is a hassle that no one needs, and the nerves spent are hardly worth such savings on refueling.

Why did this happen

Firstly, you should not completely trust the arrow of the remaining fuel in the tank, this is an ordinary information indicator that cannot show the exact amount of fuel. Information on it is needed only to approximately calculate the remaining fuel within plus or minus 5 liters.

Secondly, the gasoline balance meter is actually inert. For example, if you drive for a long time on the highway, try turning off the ignition, and then turning it back on. You will be very surprised, since the fuel arrow may no longer show you such a value, not already so rosy. This is all due to the fact that the reading of data regarding the remaining fuel in the gas tank is not entirely in real time, but a little late, because. This sensor has its own inertia. Otherwise, digital fuel gauges operate, which take data directly from the engine control unit. But still, you should not trust such measurements either, since they calculate the amount of fuel not from a gas tank, but from their own calibrations, which, due to incorrect calculations, can affect the accuracy of the measurements obtained.

Thirdly, we must not forget that the car is able to move quietly even when there is no fuel in the tank at all, but it still remains in the fuel lines and the pump. As in that example with the motorist. She just drove on the remnants of gasoline, and after turning off the car, the fuel glass back into the tank. And the next day, the fuel pump simply did not have enough gasoline leftover to pump it into fuel lines and nozzles.

From all of the above, I can conclude that it is not worth driving with a constantly lit remaining fuel light. Better refuel big amount gasoline so that there is always at least 5 liters left. So you can extend the life of the fuel pump and save your nerves.

What is the best way to fuel a car

IN winter time You must try to fill the gas tank to the full mark. This is due to the fact that when the gas tank is empty, it becomes more likely for the accumulation of condensate from the water due to the temperature difference in winter. The more water is contained in the gas tank, the worse the car will drive, since water is not combustible. Then in the spring you will have to remove water from the gas tank using car chemicals or alcohol.

Advice! When refueling to a full gas tank, it is necessary to take into account not only the volume of the gas tank itself, but, in addition, filler neck. As an example, with a passport tank volume of 41 liters, it can actually fit 45 liters.

Do not forget about the underfilling of gasoline at gas stations, use the services of only proven gas stations. Having saved on refueling with cheap gasoline, you can get into a very expensive engine repair. Quite often there were cases when the car after refueling drove only 100 meters, and then the car stalled. The verdict is simple - overhaul engine due to refueling low-quality gasoline.

At the gas station, it will not work to confuse gasoline and diesel hoses, since they have different diameters. So do not even try to fill the car with other fuel. But such cases do happen, and often enough.

In our country, they are at a historical maximum, which, of course, upsets millions of motorists, for whom every extra ruble in the cost of fuel is another blow to the family budget. It is logical that after another sharp increase in the cost of fuel in our country, many car owners are seriously thinking about how to save money by reducing fuel consumption. There are many tips and suggestions among car enthusiasts for saving money by reducing fuel costs. Most of them concern various ways to reduce vehicle fuel consumption. We have already written about many of them on the pages of our online publication.

But there is another interesting theory of fuel economy associated with incomplete filling of the tank. The idea is that by not filling up a full tank of fuel, you reduce the weight of the car, and hence the fuel consumption. As a result, it turns out that you can theoretically save money by spending less money on gasoline. But is it? Let's figure it out.

In theory, everything is always beautiful and perfect. But, alas, often most of the theories turn into nonsense in practice. To understand whether it is realistic to save fuel by filling, for example, exactly half instead of a full tank, you need to remember not only school mathematics.

half a tank of gas vs full

On the one hand, everything is correct. in any car is simple: the less the car weighs, the less force and power the engine needs to move, which, accordingly, affects fuel consumption. And now the main questions that interest millions of motorists: how much fuel can be saved in this way, and is the game worth the candle?

To answer these questions, you need to calculate fuel economy in detail. So, let's say your car consumes an average of 8 liters per 100 kilometers (for most cheap cars with a small engine today this is a typical average consumption fuel).

Of course, the final fuel consumption of your car depends on many factors. That is why every day it can be different. After all, the final consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel is influenced by driving style, the number of passengers in the cabin and the amount of luggage, weather(including humidity, wind speed and even barometric pressure), fuel quality, traffic situation on the road, quality pavement, the quality of the components used in the car (especially engine oil, filters and liquids), weight rims, rubber wear and many other factors that indirectly affect the efficiency of the machine.

But most of all in a serviceable new car depends on its weight. That is why many automakers have long begun to reduce the weight of their products, reducing the thickness of the body metal, abandoning the use of cast-iron suspension elements and heavy engine blocks and switching to lighter aluminum.

One study by Ricardo Inc recently looked at the effect of weight on fuel economy. So, it was found that each increase in the weight of the car by 43.5 kg increases fuel consumption by an average of 1-2%. This figure does not take into account excess vehicle weight such as roof racks, trailers, bicycles or strollers.

Suppose our car has become heavier by 43.5 kg. Accordingly, fuel consumption, according to the study, should increase by 1-2%. Let's take the maximum increase in consumption for convenience of calculation. As an example, consider a car with a 60 liter fuel tank and a factory specification fuel consumption of 8 l/100 km (assuming the weight of the car without taking into account the weight of fuel - as a rule, many car manufacturers cheat in this way, calculating the weight of fuel with a minimum amount of fuel in the tank ). Naturally, by pouring fuel into the tank, we increase the weight of the car. Accordingly, with a full tank, the weight of the machine will increase significantly.

By how much will fuel consumption increase if you pour a full tank into the car?

It has a density of about 720 g/l. The weight of a full 60-liter tank of gasoline is about 43.2 kg. Now let's calculate how much the fuel consumption of the car will increase if you fill a full tank.

As a result, it turns out that fuel consumption will increase from 8 l / 100 km to 8.16 l / 100 km (1 + 0.02 x 43.2 / 43.5).

That is, when you drive a car, the consumption of the car according to the specification will be approximately 8 l / 100 km (in our example, we do not take into account the various factors that we indicated above that affect the final fuel consumption). With a half-filled tank, fuel consumption will be approximately 8.08 l/100 km. With a full tank, consumption, as we have already said, will increase to 8.16 l / 100 km, as the weight of the car will increase.

At first glance, everything is extremely simple and clear: refueling a car with less fuel is beneficial, since fuel consumption is actually reduced. But, again, this is a theory that still needs to be proven in practice.

There are also pitfalls in this theory. So, you need to take into account that, filling a full tank, we stop at the gas station less often. This is especially important when driving on the highway for long distances. Accordingly, than less fuel we will fill the tank, the more we will lose time by stopping at the gas station.

In our example, when we filled up half of the 60-liter tank, when driving a long distance, we have to call in for an additional gas station. And that's too much time. But on the other hand, we save by filling half the tank, about 0.08 l / 100 km. In fact, this savings is visible by simply counting the values ​​that we obtained using ordinary school mathematics. But this is not the exact meaning.

The fact is that as the fuel level in the tank decreases, the weight of the car decreases during our trip. Accordingly, fuel consumption is also reduced.

In order to calculate the exact fuel savings as the weight of the car decreases due to lower fuel levels in the tank, simple mathematics will no longer work for us. To solve this problem, we need to use a differential equation to calculate the exact benefit of filling half a tank instead of a full tank of fuel. To do this, our calculation should show how much extra distance our car will travel if we fill in half a tank instead of a full one.

So, when filling gasoline into a 60-liter tank with a fuel density of 720 g / l, if you fill in only 30 liters of fuel, you will drive the most 3.5 kilometers.

But for some, this extra path will be significant. If you count the extra kilometers per year with a normal annual mileage, then fuel savings can really be tangible for some car owners.

This is all well and good, but there is one obvious disadvantage: when filling up half of a full tank, we will have to make an additional visit to filling station. And that's too much time.

Therefore, for a fair comparison, we also need to find out how much time we lose or, conversely, save (after all, it takes half the time to fill half the tank) for additional refueling.

Let's assume that we were driving at an average of 40 km / h - this is lower than the average maximum speed limit in cities and on country roads. But we took this figure for a reason, since traffic jams can often form on the roads, and from time to time we have to stop for other reasons (traffic lights, arrivals at the store, etc.). Therefore, we take exactly 40 km / h as a basis.

So, how much time will we save if we fill up only once instead of twice? It turns out that by filling only half the tank, we will not only be able to drive 3.5 kilometers more, but also save an average of 5 minutes of time. That is, even with two gas stations, we will save about 5 minutes for the entire journey (taking into account that gas stations are quickly serviced and there are no queues).

As you can see, refueling only half a tank gives an extra 3.5 kilometers and 5 minutes of saved time. Not much.

The situation is somewhat different. Diesel fuel weighs more than gasoline. Therefore, a full tank of diesel fuel, of course, weighs more than the same full tank of gasoline. But on diesel cars the effect of weight on efficiency is less pronounced than on gasoline cars.

The fact is that diesel engines tend to be more efficient than gasoline. In diesel engines, fuel burns more efficiently, which contributes to less energy loss. As a result, as a rule, loaded diesel cars consume slightly more fuel than empty ones. That is why most trucks uses diesel engines. However, filling up half a tank of diesel will save you time when refueling. It's also about 5 minutes.

The larger the tank of fuel, the more you save fuel by filling only half of its capacity

Significant savings when filling only half the fuel tank at the gas station are observed, as a rule, on large vehicles. Take for example diesel SUV 70 Troop Carrier GXL, which consumes an average of 14.3 l / 100 km in the city.

Moreover, significant savings will be observed in time. Since it diesel car fuel economy will be negligible.

So, this SUV is usually equipped with two fuel tanks: 90 l + 90 l.

Refilling these two tanks requires a significant loss of time at the gas station. Filling up only half a tank, you can save 14 minutes of time, despite the fact that you will stop at the gas station more often.

At gas stations, you can often meet drivers filling a fuel tank of 5-10 liters. What is the x benefit? After all, with such a volume of fuel, the red light will almost never turn off, and fuel pump due to a lack of gasoline, air will be sucked in, which can completely destroy the unit.

Why do car owners prefer to refuel at 10 liters?

The main reasons for riding a light bulb are caused by the following circumstances:

  • due to lack of funds,
  • in order to reduce total weight cars and the desire to get rid of excess ballast. This option is worthy of attention only if the vehicle is involved in racing competitions or the weight of a fully filled tank is expressed in impressive numbers;
  • due to a banal malfunction, due to which a large number of pouring fuel is impractical. For example, a crack appeared in the container, through which the excess will simply pour out onto the ground. Many people believe that it is impossible to operate a car with such a defect, but this is not entirely true. For example, if a flaw is found in the upper part, then if there is a small amount of gasoline, the tank will be fully operational. Of course, the malfunction must be eliminated as soon as possible, but in this state the car is quite capable of getting to the service center on its own.
  • most main reason, according to which drivers prefer to fill in fuel in small doses, is the fact that when refueling a full tank, customers do not constantly add 2-3 liters combustible mixture, while in a 10-liter canister, the likelihood of fraud is minimal.

Danger of driving with a half empty tank

Insufficient amount of fuel in fuel tank capable of causing unpleasant phenomena, including:

  • Corrosion processes caused by the presence of condensate on the empty walls of the container, formed as a result of temperature differences. The appearance of rust will quickly lead to its destruction. Moreover, the less will be filled fuel mixture, the more water droplets will be deposited on the metal surface.
  • The accumulation of moisture leads to the appearance of water in the engine, incapacitating fuel equipment and a drop in motor power, which affects unstable operation.
  • Accumulation of vapors in an empty space can cause an explosion on contact with an open flame. In order to prevent this phenomenon, measures are provided in which an adsorber or carbon filter. However, when it is clogged, the container swells, deforms and bursts.
  • When driving off-road, the fuel pump will pump air, moreover, when not enough fuel, attempts to start the engine will destroy the pump.
  • If the car is parked on an incline, then the fuel will drain to the very bottom of the tank, which is why the car will not start.
  • In hot weather at a temperature environment exceeding +25 °C, it is not recommended to fill a full tank. This is due to the fact that fuel from underground storage is supplied at a low temperature, and while driving it heats up and expands in volume by at least 10%.
  • IN winter season you need to fill in a full tank, as condensation will appear, water will drain into the engine and you will have to remove it with alcohol or special formulations. A typical 40 liter tank contains up to 45 liters of gasoline, due to the presence of a neck.
  • It is necessary to add fuel without waiting for the signal of the red light, or immediately after the display lights up. The information pointer does not always correctly inform about the exact amount of fuel and may be wrong within 5 liters. Since the device belongs to the inertial group, the reading of the residues is carried out with a delay. Digital sensors they receive data directly from the control unit, but they also do not inspire confidence, since the calculation is carried out according to the calibration method, which affects accuracy.
  • If there is no fuel in the tank, the car is able to continue moving for some time due to the remaining fuel in the system and pipelines, but when it stops, the liquid will drain to the bottom of the tank, the pump will not be able to pump it back and the car will not start.
  • Gasoline and diesel hoses at a gas station are not really mixed up, they have different diameters.

The problem with underfilling of gasoline does exist, however, at some gas stations there are measuring cylinders that allow you to identify the shortage. If there is a suspicion of fraud, fill in a certain amount of fuel, for example, several times 20 liters each. Read reviews and fill up only at reliable gas stations.

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