Off-road tuning 4x4. High-quality tuning of SUVs is the key to success

Off-road tuning 4x4. High-quality tuning of SUVs is the key to success

This situation began to develop with the adoption of changes in Technical regulation customs union. car tuning it was not welcomed in it before, and since 2015, almost any intervention in the structure can be interpreted as illegal. So how to legitimize the improvements made so as not to lose the opportunity to exploit own car?


Oil was added to the fire by the fact that no one explained to tuning lovers how exactly they should act now. All 2016 for ordinary motorists and various car clubs passed under the sign of the struggle for their rights - according to the results active action traffic police Businessmen installing HBO on the Gazelle, and street racers, and jeepers became “violators” ... It is real to legitimize the modifications of your car, but those who have gone through this procedure often describe it in expressions like “seven circles of hell”. The Internet was once again flooded with videos about communicating with the traffic police: this time their main topic was the “hunt” for tuning enthusiasts - and comments like this:

“This law has two goals. The first is to get a whole network of bureaucratic and business feeders through the legalization of tuning and customization. Secondly, and this is vitally important, modern cars are built for two or three years, after which they completely fall apart ... Well, or to such an extent that it is cheaper to buy a new one than to repair the old one. To do this, the manufacturer introduces changes that are frankly sabotage into the generally normal design. As a rule, such flaws can be eliminated, but now they are trying to ban it! This is actually a declaration of war on car owners: "this is no longer your car, you just rented it for three years and have no right to make changes to it." Do you get it? This law is a noose for the “Kulibins”, of whom there are many in Russia, and who not only change the design, but also independently make cars better than professional manufacturers.”.

How are things now in 2017? We began to unfold this tangle with one of the largest groups - it is also one of the most affected by recent changes in the regulations. Today we will talk about tuning SUVs.

From tuning companies

To begin with, we went to the company F design(Tolyatti), which has been working on the development of domestic and foreign SUVs– these guys have several tuning packages of their own for Lada 4×4 and Chevrolet Niva, and participation in the creation of various factory special versions of these cars, as well as a whole range of tuning elements for Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Jeep, Subaru and cars of other brands. Director of the company Ruslan Fedik and Deputy Director for Development Oleg Fedik answered our questions.

K .: On the Internet, you can find videos where people show traffic police inspectors certificates from tuning companies that allow the installation of specific non-standard equipment on specific model car. Is the presentation of such a certificate legally binding? And does F-Design have similar certificates?

Ruslan Fedik: When these changes in the technical regulations came into force, we turned to the traffic police for clarification - we asked what the client needs to officially register the changes? We were told that we needed a certificate of the enterprise, a certificate for the product and a certificate for the installation itself. If there are three certificates, a person goes to the traffic police, presents them and reports what exactly he wants to change in the car. They tell him a formal “yes”, he comes to us, installs the parts and goes to register the car back to the traffic police.

Sergei Rodin and his team tried to go through this procedure - we made them a whole folder of documents for the traffic police. There they were told that everything was really so, there was an order, but the procedure was not fully spelled out, so they recommended to go simply with a package of certificates. We have certified the plant, equipment, installation works, and all customers to whom we install or sell parts, we provide our certificates. So far, there has been no such thing that someone has shown our certificates, and the traffic police have questions.

K .: What if a person independently modified his SUV - installed, say, a bumper or thresholds of his own design?

Oleg Fedik: If you "invented" some part that is subject to certification, you must contact the certification body - NAMI or another government organization with an accredited laboratory. There, guided by the technical regulations, they give permission to use the part and issue a certificate valid on the territory Customs Union. Next, you need to register the changes with the traffic police: the procedure, in general, is well known, but few people manage to go through it - apparently, private traders have about the same problems as we do.

R.F.: Scroll additional equipment large and constantly updated with new products, so it is sometimes difficult for technical supervision employees to determine the degree of compliance with their regulations - hence, obviously, the problems that arise during registration.

O.F.: When we started working on the updated regulations, we received many certificates again or updated the existing ones. Now almost all products that we produce have valid certificates of conformity with the technical regulations of the Customs Union or rejection letters indicating that the part does not need certification.

Q: What is covered by the certification? How about the notorious "kenguryatniks", for example?

R.F.: Anything that is out of scope vehicle, requires certification. For example, on Lada 4×4 we install a winch without going beyond the dimensions of the car. There is no such mounting option on the Chevrolet Niva, so we offer options for a removable winch.

K .: It turns out that it is the same with the winch - it should not protrude beyond the bumper?

R.F.: In the variant of a removable winch, it can, but only outside public roads.

O.F.: And everything that comes next allowable dimensions, just not certified. These kenguryatniks, which were previously mounted on top of the bumper, you will not legalize in any way now. Absolutely forbidden.

K .: And luggage racks, snorkels ...

R.F.: Everything is in the rules allowable heights, lengths and other parameters describing, in particular, the safety of pedestrians. All products, in order to be certified, must fall within the established tolerance fields.

K: Probably one of the most popular off-road modifications- body lift...

O.F.: We received a rejection letter from the certification body for our design of the lift kit.

K .: And non-standard tires are probably the most painful issue, people on the Internet just panic ...

R.F.: Yes, they panic because allowable size wheels must be specified in the type approval of the vehicle. At one time, Bronto (another company engaged in off-road tuning and the construction of special vehicles - ed.) received approval for the Lada 4 × 4, which indicates the size of the wheels of a larger diameter. They tested on braking distances, rollover, noise level. For Lada 4×4 and Chevrolet Niva, we recommend a 29-inch wheel, it is optimal for prepared cars - with appropriate reinforcements and body modifications. On vehicles prepared by us, installation of wheels bigger size carried out at the discretion of the owner.

K .: And yet, what should private traders do in such a situation? If a person who is friends with with my own hands and head, independently modified his SUV, where should he go?

O.F.: Go to US. Send a request and get permission - not for a series, not for production, but for specific car, on changes in the composition of the car.

R.F.: Or they won’t give it to him - they will send it for revision. But the scheme, in theory, looks exactly like this, because I know: seriously modified off-road vehicles, the so-called “squatters”, are really being driven to Moscow and they are testing there ... When the changes to the technical regulations came out, this situation was very clearly observed in Moscow and even on Far East - everyone was stopped in a row and obliged to remove improvements. Muscovites say that now the attention of traffic police officers to power bumpers, emergency lighting equipment and other things has somewhat weakened, and motorists have again begun to retrofit their cars.

It was at that moment that one of the Moscow clubs of amateurs hover cars there was an interest in plastic power bumpers, which are not inferior in functionality to metal ones, and they turned to us. We have developed for them front and rear bumpers with the possibility of installing winches. This kind of bumpers are now gaining popularity, as they are very similar to regular ones, which favorably affects the appearance of the car. At the same time, due to the material from which they are made, they are slightly inferior in strength to metal ones, and they are significantly superior in corrosion resistance. Well, not so striking.

K .: It turns out that the changes in the regulations even gave rise to a new direction of off-road tuning - as always, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped?

R.F.: Well, yes, we have been planning to do this for a very long time, for four years already, but everything did not reach our hands - and here it so happened that the “turnover” became smaller, and the moment was right. Now we are planning the same for other cars - in particular, the Chevrolet Niva.


So, if you decide to modify your SUV on your own, you need to contact the state certification body to obtain the appropriate permission, and then file the changes with the traffic police. In theory your action plan looks like this:

But in practice, people often encounter difficulties - they need to visit US and the traffic police several times, and each time the next permission signature may be refused. In addition, what about those who are not going to make improvements, but have already made them? In what cases can a person count on the approval of the authority conducting the examination, and in what cases - definitely not? We sent these and other questions to the Center for Technical Expertise of FSUE "NAMI", with the specialists of which a separate interview will be organized. Now you can draw up a scheme of actions, which is based on the above.

How to act

If you are going to modify your SUV yourself:

  1. Carefully study the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union in the most recent edition (at this moment- as amended in 2016) - to represent what can and cannot be done.
  2. Contact the traffic police for a referral for an initial examination.
  3. Apply to FSUE "NAMI" for a primary examination.
  4. Refine the car.
  5. Apply to FSUE "NAMI" for a final examination.
  6. Contact the traffic police and then - to the MREO.

If you have already modified your car:

The beginning of the action is the same, and if at the first point you find that your “kenguryatnik” does not climb into any gates, shoot it. Contact the traffic police for a referral for examination at FSUE "NAMI". Further - 4 and 5 points from the list, which is higher.

If you are not going to do the modifications yourself:

  1. Make sure the company where you are going to modify your car has certificates state sample- on the enterprise itself, on products and on its installation.
  2. Refine the car.
  3. Obtain all necessary certificates from the company.
  4. If necessary, present certificates to traffic police officers.

It is likely that the ending of the last scenario will change over time and develop into several understandable steps - when the “modified according to certificates” car can be registered without any problems by making the appropriate marks in the documents. However, for now, everything is as it is.

Not only SUVs

It is clear that as a result of the changes that we talked about today, there should be less outright handicraft on and off the roads, which is great. But for experienced off-road fans, life has definitely not become easier lately - and the reason for this is a lot of white spots and bureaucracy in the registration procedure. By the way, no less controversy now arises around the refinement of cars "for sports", as well as around the seemingly harmless installation of HBO. Therefore, we will definitely return to the topic of car tuning and the compliance of tuning results with the law.

Autotuning novelties are amazing. Masters sometimes make specialists and professionals in this field of activity really surprised, however, experts are most delighted with visiting specialized exhibitions, which present tuning options latest models various car manufacturers. They will be discussed in this article.

Tuning UAZ hunter

The car UAZ 315195, more popular as "Hunter" is a full-fledged Russian SUV off-road. In 2003 he replaced old model UAZ-469 and is successfully operated to this day. As practice shows, all Russian SUVs famous for their technical specifications, reliability and patency, but in no case appearance. Therefore, many Hunter owners often wonder about "restyling", or the so-called external tuning cars.

Do-it-yourself forwarding trunk for the Niva

The article discusses the assembly and installation of a removable expeditionary trunk on the Niva. From what materials is it better to make a trunk, what tools to use? Step-by-step instruction explains in detail all stages of welding and assembly of structural elements. You will also learn how the installation of the cargo compartment wags on technical specifications car.

VAZ 2121 - tuning Niva

Do you have a VAZ 2121 and a desire to improve it? After reading the article, you can learn how to properly tune the Niva, taking into account all the features of the car. A representative of this line can be easily turned into full SUV with relevant driving performance, by simple transformations.

Photo tuning UAZ and some recommendations

Suffice it to recall such off-road cars as Hunter, "Loaf" or Patriot. Russians buy these cars for comfortable country trips, long journeys and even for racing. It is not surprising that the owners of UAZ cars tend to tune them - they are ready to do everything so that the car is comfortable and modern. What are the photos of tuning the UAZ salon!

Tuning UAZ Patriot for the city or for country trips

UAZ Patriot - a huge SUV Russian production. Many motorists appreciated its bright appearance and at the same time low cost. However, the owners Russian jeep find more and more options for tuning their car, wanting to make the UAZ Patriot even better both externally and in terms of its internal filling.

Tuning photo UAZ Loaf: creating a stylish and modern car

This article will reveal the main directions and possibilities of tuning the UAZ 452 and 3909 models. The main attention will be paid to processing in the exterior, improving power unit, creating comfortable conditions in the cabin of the bus and installing additional equipment necessary for off-road travel.

High-quality tuning of SUVs is the key to success

Off-road tuning - quite a noteworthy solution that can turn your vehicle into perfection - will literally create an elegant but formidable monster, comfortable and functional at the same time. However, it is worth noting that the SUV is distinguished by a number of features and properties that are important for the owner to take into account when performing tuning both in the studio and on their own.

What you need to consider when tuning this class of car

Initially, it is important to pay tribute to the issue of the chassis, a number of operations that can increase its capabilities. It is worth considering that the chassis must provide excellent control so that the driver can respond in a timely manner even to the most minor changes conditions when crossing various bumps, or in rally conditions. Installation deserves special attention. rigid springs into the suspension, which contributes to a significant simplification of driving.

Fairly modern and practical option will be installed in the design of two-section units. The peculiarity of the unit is the presence of two types of springs, the first of which is the lower one, made soft. The upper spring is securely installed, which is made in complete opposite- increased rigidity.

What will enable the use of such a node? Such a solution will significantly improve the contact of the car wheels with pavement, along which it moves, which will also eliminate the process of wheels hanging over the surface itself.

At the same time, being exposed to the lower spring, the car will sharply press against the surface.

We can give some recommendation, namely: to select a set of springs taken from older models in the family, which, consequently, will reduce the cost of performing such operations, and optimally allow tuning to a fundamentally new level.

Improving the body

Provides for tuning jeeps and operations performed on the body. Present on the market today huge assortment additional equipment, accessories, specially oriented specifically for inclusion in the composition of vehicles of the "off-road" class. Initially, the possibility of installing new types of bumpers should be highlighted, among which the classic “kenguryatnik” takes pride of place.

Among the most relevant solutions are the following:

  • Installation of a trunk in which you can easily store various materials, aggregates, equipment. With them, you can practically go on an exciting trip and get the highest level of convenience and comfort. You can choose the Thule trunk model, which will not cause the destruction of the roof structure.
  • The installation of a new radiator grille, more modern and practical, capable of simplifying the operation of the vehicle as much as possible, is the most relevant solution in complex climatic conditions. There are a huge variety of grating options available, each with a bold style, yet strong and reliable enough to last for a long time without the need for rework. quick replacement equipment.
  • Installation of door sills, which will easily provide an incredible level of comfort while the vehicle is moving, creating the maximum possible conditions for a quality ride. It is worth noting that the installation of overlays can be done even by one's own efforts, it will take only a small part of the time, material costs, which, therefore, will allow you to perform all operations as profitably as possible for yourself.
  • Pasting with anti-gravel film, which is carried out specifically to provide a unique additional protection from the impact of various manifestations environment such as stones, gravel, which in the process of movement can harm the surface of the body, make it necessary to repaint it, cover it with a new layer of primer.

Tuning other equipment

Provides for engine tuning, the process of adjusting and adjusting operating parameters, as a result of which you can count on an increase in productivity, control of various work factors, and others. additional options. Installed new kit sensors, measuring equipment, on the basis of which a general analysis of the performance of engine equipment is performed, various systems and aggregates.

Some types of tuning can be done by hand, for example, drawing a picture on a car through a stencil. If you are interested in high-quality airbrushing or more serious ways tuning - it is better to contact a car dealership.

Initial questions vary depending on the configuration of the tuning option and may be available to anyone who decides to contact the service with this vehicle. Jeep will acquire new look standing out on the road.

Coming from off-road, for which they were originally created, crossovers quickly gained a leading position in the city, becoming real "kings of the roads". On the off-road, they have no equal, and “somewhere down there” they are discussed respectfully, almost in a whisper ... The world belongs to them, and those who are smaller will move!

The irresistibly rushing heart of a sports car, driving the massive body of a crossover - can you imagine a more successful symbiosis? It turns out you can, if your ambitions make you forget about compromises.

We present to you crossover tuning, which significantly changed them for the better - as did the mood of their owners.

Jeep Wrangler. A remake of a classic is always interesting.

Imagine that an ordinary Jeep Wrangler can be turned into a Super Jeep! With the ICON suspension, the car's tread has changed markedly. For starters, he was lifted. ICON Stage raised the car above the road level by 150 mm. Long adjustable transverse rods, long levers, coilovers not only increased suspension travel by a factor of one and a half, but also made it possible to more calmly perceive the inevitable twisting. To protect the suspension from penetration, if the driver "skids", hydraulic fenders were added.

Next, the Jeep "changed shoes" harsh rubber Nitto Mud Grappler (40-inch - almost a meter!), put on XD Series 22-inch wheels. And in order for such “bots” (no less than 15.5 inches wide) to fit, wheel arches have been increased. In order not to cut "live", strong steel (7 mm) Smittybilt wings were installed on the body. They are much wider than the "native" and give more space for a massive chassis.

They obviously forgot something ... For a complete sense of their own superiority, the owners of the Wrangler got rid of the "native" plastic awning, replacing it with the incomparable Wildboar. For the warm season, they left the original soft awning, which can be easily hidden in the trunk.

To make the car look spectacular in the dark, it was equipped with LED headlights Trucklite and Rigid optics. It turned out brilliant!

It remains to add appearance car even more severe. Fab Fours Power Bumpers are perfect for this purpose. The front one is equipped with a kenguryatnik, integrated optics and a winch. Come Up 9.5 is able to pull the Jeep out of any mess. Well, except for the financial difficulties of its owner! The rear bumper was equipped with a powerful gate, which easily carries a huge "fortieth" spare wheel.

There is not much left: for a comfortable boarding, the car was “gifted” with AMP-Research electric thresholds. It's like you're on board a starship. In order not to scratch their offspring in any way, the owners took rational decision process it protective coating LINE-X. Well, and a small cosmetic procedure: the interior was sheathed with genuine leather, stitching it with white stitching.

As a result, we got a kind of "Jeep for the fun of your ego." Or did he buy his own?

Nissan Navara D40: a great rogue!

The pickup truck was modified for the purpose of daily promenades around the city, and sometimes for trips to moderately difficult off-road sections of moderate difficulty, and for speed race for raiders, and for driving on asphalt.

Besides, SUV tuning should emphasize the characteristics of the owner's character, express his emotions. And they do not always require heaviness and brutality, taking into account the fact that a capacious filling is often hidden behind the external simplicity, and a detailed study is behind the clean lines of the forms. After tuning, the car did not attract the attention of onlookers with unnecessary frills - but it stood out for its obvious self-sufficiency!

First of all, the suspension was replaced: the owner chose the Old Man Emu, which improves the handling of the car, combined with a lift sufficient for serious off-road shoes.

The Nitrocharger Sport shocks and Old Man Emu springs performed just fine on the track, confidently swallowing bumps and beyond. The suspension even allowed the car to jump from low jumps. An indescribable feeling: a heavy car, taking off from the ground hard, lands softly like a cat! On asphalt, the car also showed itself with better side, resembling not a brutal pickup truck, but an assembled sports car.

The car was equipped with Mickey Thompson ATZ 285/75 R16 all-season chassis. This is a little more than the suspension lift allowed. She was lifted a couple of inches, the missing height was made up for by a two-inch body lift. So the owner did without cutting the arches of the chassis and avoided violating the angles of the drives.

Anticipating confident races on the harsh off-road, the owner set to front axle AirLocker from ARB with pneumatic drive. Rear lock the car was already factory assembled. As a result, in addition to blocking, Nissan got a compressor with a capacity of 75 l / min. Given the aforementioned chassis - that's it.

Finally, for the same off-road, the owner brought the snorkel (a device with which the engine can run under water) upstairs - to overcome the fords, and in order to protect the engine from dust. Due to the fact that all decisions were weighed very carefully, and the installation of devices was thought out, the “output” turned out to be a perfectly balanced crossover without visible flaws.

Cadillac Escalade: if you change, then from the inside!

The tuned Escalade, at first glance, is no different from the usual one: the same powerful headlights, LED door handle lighting, a shiny aluminum hood and active curtains. But first glance is often deceiving!

After tuning, Cadillac Escalade 2014 has become much more powerful and comfortable. Instead of the usual engine with a capacity of 420 hp. With. was installed 6-liter with a capacity of 560 liters. With. In parallel, the torque was worked out, which amounted to 740 Nm “at the exit”. The car was installed defect-proof cardan shaft new generation, transmitting torque without any loss.

Additional improvements in the Cadillac Escalade touched the control unit, which has acquired new settings. A worthy place in the tuned crossover was also occupied by a powerful intercooler and a special mechanical supercharger.

Aerodynamic characteristics have also been improved in the original: the car now cuts through the air like a sharpened axe. A tuned car exchanges a hundred in just 6.5 seconds. Top speed modified Escalade is 210 km / h.

Eventually, crossover tuning Cadillac Escalade gave lovers of powerful, big cars in American style another toy.

Mazda BT-50: a tractor driver's dream

Tuning starts with a dream, and a dream starts with aspiration. The desire of the owner to fit the car "for themselves." Mazda BT-50 is an amateur car. In addition, its 2.4-liter engine is frankly weak for selfless racing, and the suspension design leaves much to be desired. The owner of the car in question was not at all eager to turn the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan - he simply improved the characteristics of his beloved car “for himself”.

First of all, the pickup truck was lifted, and the suspension was not lifted. Lifting the body above the frame by 50 mm was enough for the 31-inch chassis to fit into the arches. The dimensions of the chassis were the special nuances of tuning.

Chassis diameter in all-wheel drive car is a constant value, and the size of the front and rear chassis must be the same. And then the owner decided on a bold experiment: a 31x10 R15 chassis was installed in front (disks 15x8, offset - 25 mm), while in the back - 31x12.5 R15 (disks 15x10, offset - minus 40 mm). The rear chassis turned out to be wider than the front by almost 2.5 inches, protruding to the sides on the sides by 100 mm.

Given that Mazda is not a long-wheelbase car, the owner improved the handling of his car through the above-mentioned machinations, increasing its stability. The result was a special configuration, more reminiscent of the device ring racing cars than crossovers.

As a result, the owner got what he wanted: a car for constant long-distance highway “grip” and trips on a good primer.

This determined further decisions on Mazda tuning BT-50. The pickup has a 140-liter fuel tank, which significantly increased the range of its autonomous run. The luggage platform on the roof made of aluminum and power thresholds also came in very handy - purely for practical purposes. But the front power bumper with a kenguryatnik (and additional light) appeared for exterior harmony.

The factory rear bumper was also replaced - since the "native" pickups are not considered bumpers at all. An off-road test of a tuned car showed that a special wheel configuration, at least, did not worsen cross-country performance. On the asphalt and wet road the crossover has become much more obedient.

Lexus LX L60S: a miraculous transformation

The transformation of luxury Japanese Lexus LX 570 in sports crossover, at first glance, it seems crazy. And it seems to someone that the overly representative Lexus looks ridiculous on a par with fast cars! It turned out that this is easily fixable.

To do this, the LX 570 was armed with a compressor, a modified exhaust system and the latest electronic controller. Engine power as a result jumped up to 600 liters. With.(instead of "stock" 383 hp!), and 2.7 ton car beret acceleration to hundreds in 6 seconds.

But weighty arguments are sometimes not enough for persuasiveness - the appropriate appearance is important. The LX L60S owes its massive chin to the tuned Invader Technologies bumper with bright LED illumination. At the rear, the owner decided to tweak the eye-catching dual chrome exhaust by cutting it off.

But what deserves special applause are the wheels of the R22 chassis, through which the multi-piston brake calipers are visible.

The changes also affected the interior, at the mercy of carbon fiber and genuine leather.

Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT-8 WK2 TYRANNOS: Concrete Jungle Predator

Since its inception, Grand Cherokee SRT-8, a kind of symbiosis of Naomi Campbell and a high-speed locomotive, acquired the nickname "scary". No, not in the sense of ugly, on the contrary - handsome: heavy, black, growling! To describe the behavior of this car, it is worth remembering that you need to respond rudely in German. That's exactly the "accent" of the SRT-8.

Time passed, and the Grand Cherokee SRT-8 slowly but surely "passed over to the dark side of the force." I started with a modest stock 420 horses - and away we go: 530, 650, 750, 988! And all in order to become what it is today - a full-fledged Turbo SRT8!

It turned out that it is possible to "aggravate the situation" even more. At least outwardly. The body kit from Tyrannos is one of the most frequently ordered types of tuning among Jeep owners SRT8. Directly some kind of trend ... The body kit provides for a tuned bumper, body extension and other "bells and whistles".

Strict, interesting, aggressive Tyrannos body kit, especially in combination with Renen R22 forged wheels, gives the car sophistication, at the same time turning it into a real predator, confidently crushing the asphalt canvas big city. The new image clearly distinguishes the SRT8 from the general stream of cars.

BMW X6M: double treatment

The tuned BMW X6M SUV is the result of the work of the crazy geniuses at Cam Shaft and PP-Performance, renowned for their special approach to aftermarket tuning.

The main work on the modernization and personalization of the filling of the car was carried out in PP-Performance. In alliance with Vorsteiner, PP-Performance designers wrapped the BMW X6M in a brand new body kit that includes a splitter front bumper, heavy diffuser rear bumper and the lightest spoiler on the edge of the fifth door.

In addition to carbon body kit elements powerful crossover was fitted with an alternative slotted bonnet and was embellished with wide side stripes bearing the design studio's logo.

Immediately, the 4.4-liter eight-cylinder SUV engine “matured” with the help of the Stage 3 package: the exhaust system was completely replaced. The crossover "reflashed the electronic brain", increasing the return to 720 horses. As a result, productivity increased by 165 horses.

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