If you drink wine every day, what will happen. What will happen to your body if you drink wine every night? Your heart becomes healthier

If you drink wine every day, what will happen. What will happen to your body if you drink wine every night? Your heart becomes healthier

Drinking one glass of wine a day brings various health benefits.

Rich in Antioxidants

Grapes have high levels of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation ().

Since red wine has more antioxidants than white wine, drinking red wine can increase blood antioxidant levels to a greater extent than drinking white ().

In fact, one 2-week study in 40 adults found that drinking 400 ml of red wine daily increased antioxidant status ().

Higher antioxidant status is associated with a lower risk of disease. For example, drinking red wine has been associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, both of which are associated with oxidative stress ().

May help fight inflammation

Wine contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Chronic inflammation is harmful and can increase your risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and certain types of cancer. Therefore, it is best to prevent this type of inflammation as much as possible ().

Chronic inflammation can be reduced through diet, stress management, and exercise.

Many foods can reduce inflammation, and wine is considered one of them.

Research shows that a compound called resveratrol in wine has anti-inflammatory properties and may provide health benefits ( , ).

One study in 4461 adults showed that moderate wine consumption was associated with a reduced inflammatory response ().

Participants in this study self-reported their level of alcohol consumption. Those who consumed up to 40 grams of alcohol per day experienced less inflammation than those who did not drink ().

What's more, in a study of 2,900 women, those who drank a glass of wine daily had significantly lower levels of inflammation compared to women who abstained from alcohol ().

On the other hand, other studies have shown that red wine has a less impressive effect.

A study in 87 adults with an average age of 50 found that drinking 150 ml of red wine daily caused only a slight decrease in inflammatory markers compared to abstaining from alcohol ().

While research is promising, more research is needed to better understand the anti-inflammatory properties of wine.

May Benefit Heart Health

Studies show that people who consume moderate amounts of wine have lower rates of cardiovascular disease ().

Researchers believe that the high concentration of polyphenolic antioxidants in red wine may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and metabolic disease ().

Some studies show that drinking red wine can lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease ().

However, other studies show that drinking a glass of red wine every day does not lower blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure or those who already have heart disease ().

Moreover, wine can interact with blood pressure medications ().

In addition, excessive alcohol consumption can have negative effects on heart health, including increased blood pressure and a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease ().

Scientists have not yet reached a definitive conclusion about whether moderate wine consumption is good for heart health. Research in this area is ongoing ().

Other useful properties

Drinking wine in moderation can also provide other health benefits:

  • May benefit mental health. An occasional glass of wine can reduce the risk of depression. However, excessive alcohol consumption can have the opposite effect, increasing the risk of this condition ( , ).
  • May promote longevity. Studies have shown that drinking moderate amounts of wine as part of a healthy diet can increase life expectancy due to the high antioxidant content of wine ( , , ).
  • May promote the development of friendly gut bacteria. Recent studies have even shown that red wine may promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which may improve markers of metabolic syndrome in obese people ( , ).


Some research suggests that drinking wine in moderation provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that can improve gut microflora and heart health, mental health, and longevity. However, most research has focused on red wine.

What Type of Wine Provides the Most Benefits?

Many people wonder about the differences between red and white wine.

Unfortunately, more research is needed on white wine, as most of the research analyzing the benefits of drinking wine has focused on the health benefits of red wine.

Red wine has been widely recognized for its high concentration of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grape skins ( , ).

In fact, red wine contains 10 times more resveratrol than white wine ().


Red wine is likely to provide more health benefits than white wine. However, more research is needed, especially for white wine.

Potential Harm

Excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful. Drunkenness and drinking large amounts of alcohol is associated with negative health outcomes ( , ).

Excessive alcohol consumption poses several health risks, including an increased risk of certain cancers, diabetes, heart, liver, and pancreas disease, and unintentional injury ().

A recent analysis of studies has shown that the optimal daily intake of wine is 1 glass (150 ml) for women and 2 glasses (300 ml) for men. Drinking this moderate amount of wine is linked to health benefits, while drinking more can negatively impact your health ().

*One drink equals 1 glass of wine (150 ml).

Keep in mind that while drinking wine in moderation can provide health benefits, it's important to consider the overall quality of your diet. An unhealthy diet can outweigh the beneficial effects of a daily glass of wine ().

In addition, some people should abstain from alcohol, including minors, pregnant women, and people taking certain medications ( , ).


While drinking wine in moderation can have health benefits, drinking too much alcohol can have negative health effects. Certain people and populations should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Should you drink wine to stay healthy?

Studies have shown that drinking moderate amounts of wine along with a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for your health ().

Studies have shown that the optimal daily dose is 1 glass (150 ml) for women and 2 glasses (300 ml) for men. This regimen is part of the Mediterranean diet and has been linked to health benefits and disease prevention ( , ).

Although studies show that drinking a glass of wine has several potential health benefits, these effects can also be obtained through a healthy diet.

In other words, if you haven't drunk wine before, you don't need to start just for the health benefits.

For example, a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fiber, legumes, fish, and nuts is already high in antioxidants and helps prevent heart disease ().


While a daily glass of wine may benefit your body, you can get the same health benefits if you eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods.


  • Research shows that a glass of red wine every day is good for you.
  • It provides the body with antioxidants, may extend lifespan, and may help protect against heart disease and harmful inflammation, among other beneficial effects.
  • Interestingly, red wine is likely to have higher levels of antioxidants than white wine. However, more research is needed to better understand which types of wine provide the most benefits.
  • Nevertheless, it is important to remember that drinking wine is not healthy for everyone and is not necessary. You can get the same benefits by eating a healthy diet.

Is it possible to drink wine every day without harming the body? You have probably seen interviews in which cardiologists and therapists note the benefits of dry red wine. Especially often such rumors come from abroad, where it has almost been proven that a glass of alcohol every evening will prevent the appearance of sclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, solve sleep problems and improve the quality of life. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. And before you start drinking wine every day, you need to weigh the pros and cons. You independently make a decision that will affect the psychological comfort, mental and physical health.

The myth about the benefits of red wine came from the fact that in the Mediterranean countries, where it is customary to drink this drink regularly, people live long. Do not forget that the longevity of the population of these countries is due to their type of food and climate. The Mediterranean diet, with its abundance of salads, herbs and vegetable fats, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. But the gifts of the cellars played a role in this. In the early 2010s, scientists and corporations took this issue seriously and conducted studies that helped to sort out the pros and cons of daily drinking.

The benefits and harms of wine: scientific evidence

The theory says that dry red wine is good for the heart. There is a so-called French paradox, which is the low number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases in this country. France is famous for its wine production, and it is customary to spend an evening here with a glass of good drink. However, good health can be attributed to a combination of positive factors, such as low stress levels and low sugar content in meals. And what dry facts, proven by biology and chemistry, are there really?
The benefits of wine are due to the fact that it contains resveratrol and polyphenols. The first substance was discovered not so long ago, and it can be considered useful only theoretically. Resveratrol is considered an anticancer drug, but treating cancer with wine is like hoping to clear kidney stones with mayonnaise. The damage that you do with regular drinking will negate all the possible benefits of the antioxidant. How much wine is good to drink per day to get the right dose is unknown.
Polyphenols, volatile substances, are responsible for the characteristic color of red wine. They have anti-cancer effects, but only in animals and only if they are obtained directly from grapes. The technology of making wine is such that the berries go through several stages, during which the polyphenols are destroyed. That is, including grapes in the diet from time to time (do not forget that there is a lot of sugar in it) and drinking wine every day are not the same thing. Food will be good, but wine is doubtful.

How wine affects the whole body

The harm of regular drinking of wine is the formation of dependence. You get used to its relaxing effect and imperceptibly increase the dose. This is how real alcohol addiction develops. To understand whether you are at risk, as well as to realize whether it is harmful to drink wine every day, is not an easy task. It is difficult to evaluate yourself from the outside, but it is somehow a shame to turn to a specialist if you have fallen in love with wine that is harmless at first glance. If you drink every day, you like it and put other things aside, then this is an occasion to think.
But not only the human psyche suffers from alcohol on a regular basis. Alcohol is a poison for all body systems. No matter how much it comes in, it still has a negative effect, gradually destroying the cells. You will notice symptoms in the first week of regular drinking. The appearance, quality of sleep will gradually worsen, mood swings will occur, even if you decide to use the drink as an antidepressant. Guilt suffers:

  • skin (allergy);
  • respiratory tract (bronchospasm, exacerbation of asthma);
  • brain (migraines);
  • stomach (indigestion and constipation);
  • liver (light and medium lesions);
  • nervous system (excitation, tremor or, conversely, drowsiness).

It is forbidden to drink wine during pregnancy and lactation. The stories of women who drank alcohol during pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy child are rather a happy exception. In preparation for conception, exclude alcoholic beverages from your life. Even small doses penetrate directly into the body of the embryo and provoke various diseases.

What happens if you drink wine daily

A bottle of wine is a big enough dose, but what happens if you drink a glass every night? There is a risk that there will be a need to increase the amount of the drink, and this may develop into addiction. But if we assume that everything is limited to this dose, then other side effects will quickly appear.

  1. Sleep problems. Alcohol excites the nervous system, and it does not allow a person to fall asleep and sleep. It will not be possible to fully relax after a glass of wine, as the phase of REM sleep suffers, in which the body relaxes the most.
  2. Dehydration. Alcohol dries out the body, and when it enters the body regularly, it removes water constantly. Even if you drink 2 liters of water a day, permanent dehydration is difficult to prevent. Dryness also affects the condition of the skin, it tightens, acne appears.
  3. Uncontrolled appetite. It can manifest itself both in the form of an increased desire to eat something tasty, and in the refusal of food. A plentiful snack reduces the toxic effect of alcohol, so at first the body asks to add a plentiful dinner to the glass.

Alcohol is a depressant that depresses the nervous system. If at first your daily glass brings you calmness and allows you to fall asleep faster, then over time it contributes to insomnia, anxiety and depression in the morning. At the same time, you have already managed to justify yourself by the fact that there is a benefit in wine, and you do not understand the reasons for the deterioration in well-being.
A person thinks, “I drink wine every day. I won’t get anything from this, because it’s not vodka. ” In fact, alcoholic beverages are not much different from each other if you drink them daily. Of course, if you get drunk, the negative consequences will appear quickly. But if you just relax with a glass in your hand every evening, then in this case you can not do without consequences. You voluntarily constantly put yourself in a stressful state. Keep in mind that the body gradually adapts to the dose, and all effects, especially positive ones, are minimized.

Dry or semi-sweet?

Red wine is said to be healthy. Perhaps it was once so. This is a delicacy product that has been inaccessible to ordinary people since ancient times. But as soon as red wine stepped into the masses, its quality dropped sharply. When scientists talk about the benefits of dry red, they do not mean cheap packaged drinks of strange origin.
Useful substances from grapes fall only into red wine, and from white they disappear. Now let's look at the sugar content in the drink. It is believed that dry red wines are the most difficult to counterfeit, since any dilution or infusion of alcohol will be immediately noticeable upon sampling. Unscrupulous producers prepare semi-sweet wines by mixing the remains of other varieties and adding sugar. Studies have shown that sugary drinks lead to damage to the body faster. Therefore, dry wine is safer.
Only dry red wines were tested for resveratrol content. If you want to experiment with drinking it every day, then choose this variety. No Cahors, Chardonnay and Port are suitable. At the same time, the wine must be expensive enough to exclude the possibility of counterfeiting. Alcohol poisoning is among the most severe and often requires hospitalization.
Having chosen a bottle that satisfies all these qualities, do not forget that the wine begins to deteriorate as soon as it is opened. Starting from the moment of uncorking, the drink comes into contact with air and oxidizes. After 24 hours, harmful iron-based compounds are formed in it, and after another day, the drink loses its pleasant aroma and taste. It can only be used for marinating meat. The very next day, your wine is unsuitable for cancer prevention and everything else. So, you will have to buy a fresh bottle every day. Are you ready for such expenses on an ongoing basis? With this money, you can eat fish, vegetables and fruits every day, which will bring proven benefits to your body.

Dosage issue

Doctors' recommendations do not contain exact data on how much wine you can drink per day. All advice refers rather to daily and weekly doses. They are highly dependent on the characteristics of a particular organism, but usually much less than what we are used to. Even a conventional glass of wine contains two so-called alcoholic units, and no more is recommended per day. After each such call, you need to take a break of several days. In general, doctors discourage drinking on the weekends, but note that it is safer than a moderate daily dose. Of course, you can't get drunk to the point of unconsciousness in any case.
The optimal daily dose of wine for men and women is 50 ml per day. This applies to dry wine, and semi-sweet wine can be drunk a little more. These figures are not a therapeutic dose, but a conditionally safe one. From such an amount of alcohol, the first signs of destruction of the body will not manifest themselves so soon. How many nutrients will remain at the bottom of the glass is an open question.

We all know a person who loves wine very much, knows how to recognize notes of currant and oak, while everyone else is happy to at least understand what kind of wine they drink. It turns out that the wine snobs are right! It has long been known that this drink is good for health if consumed in moderation. Red wine usually gets the most attention, but studies have shown that white wine can also be beneficial to health. People started drinking this drink eight thousand years ago. Then it was the luxury of aristocrats and priests, but nowadays everyone can afford a glass of good wine. Red protects the body from heart disease. Scientists believe that the antioxidants found in red wine help prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. This is what leads to heart disease. But don't think that the doctor will prescribe Cabernet for you! Doctors are unlikely to advise alcohol, especially if you have a predisposition to addiction. However, if you drink a glass from time to time after a hard day, your body gets a lot of benefits. From dementia to burns, so many problems can be prevented with wine!

You will live longer

If you drink a glass of wine in the evening, you prolong your life. Those who drink wine regularly have a thirty-four percent lower rate of premature mortality than those who drink beer or other alcoholic beverages. Not only do you live longer, you look younger too! Resveratrol, which is found in red wine, has been linked to anti-aging properties. If you don't like wine, you can still get this substance from grapes, blueberries, cranberries, and nuts. Resveratrol activates your body's anti-aging properties, resulting in a longer lifespan. However, it is worth noting that the connection is seen only among those who drink in moderation. If you often drink a whole bottle alone, you will not look younger, but older.

You won't get burned

There is another way a glass of wine can help you look younger. Wine protects the skin from the sun! Studies have shown that the antioxidants in the drink protect the skin from sunburn. When the skin is exposed to harmful UV rays, a chemical reaction begins in the body. It damages skin cells and causes burns. Flavonoids, the antioxidants found in grapes, stop the chemical process that kills cells. Next time at the beach, drink some wine, not a sugary cocktail.

Your heart becomes healthier

It has long been known that red wine protects the heart. Wine contains tannins that protect a person from cardiovascular diseases. Tannins are the ingredients that create dryness. To get the most benefit, drink wines from the southwest of France. Antioxidants in wine also increase good cholesterol levels. If you have high blood pressure, a glass of wine every night can be the perfect way to improve your health. Among hypertensive patients, people with moderate red consumption are thirty percent less likely to suffer a heart attack.

You can avoid diabetes

If you're struggling with diabetes, a glass of wine may help. Moreover, it can even prevent disease. Studies have shown that people who drink wine in moderation are thirty percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. The drink is safe and for those who are already sick, just don't drink more than a glass. Wine is useful not only because it prevents diabetes, it can also prevent some complications.
People with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop heart disease than anyone else. As part of the experiment, a group of patients were offered a glass of water, red or white wine with dinner. After that, the results of the study participants were evaluated. At the end of the experiment, it was found that those who drank wine had higher good cholesterol and better sleep than those who drank water. There are no downsides to drinking wine in moderation.

you will be happier

We all feel better after a glass of wine. The tension of the day disappears when you can relax with a glass of excellent drink and a pleasant conversation with loved ones. It turns out that pleasant emotions extend further than an evening with the family. Drinking wine in moderation may protect you from depression. By drinking two to seven glasses a week, you strengthen your mental state. However, as soon as the habit turns from a moderate into an addiction, the propensity for depression will immediately increase. Alcohol abuse is associated with a higher risk of depression. Limit yourself to a few glasses a week!

You will have a lower risk of developing cancer

We've all heard about how wine affects heart disease, but the data on cancer protection is brand new. It turns out that frequent drinking leads to an increased risk of cancer, unless it's red wine. Moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of breast cancer. The chemicals found in the skin of red grapes lower estrogen levels and increase testosterone levels in menopausal women, and it is this change in hormone levels that reduces the risk of cancer. There are more magical substances in red grapes than in green ones. If you like to drink at dinner, take a glass of pinot noir.

Your brain will be grateful

Too much wine can make it difficult for you to concentrate properly, but one glass with dinner is fine. This helps protect the brain from hemorrhages and clots. People who drink one glass a night are eight percent less likely to have an attack. But don't abuse it! People who drink a lot increase their risk by fourteen percent! In addition, a glass of wine helps to defeat senile dementia. People who drink red wine in moderation are twenty-three percent less likely to have this problem. However, this does not mean that you need to drink wine for health. If you don't drink, don't start. If you already like alcohol, choose wines and do not forget about moderation. It will benefit you!

Inflammatory processes will decrease

One of the reasons red wine is so beneficial to health is that the drink stops inflammation. It is inflammation that can lead to problems such as a heart attack. Resveratrol protects blood vessels and prevents clots and reduces inflammation. You can just eat a serving of grapes. No less useful are peanuts, blueberries and cranberries.

Unfortunately, all these benefits are not relevant for the elderly. In old age, even one glass of wine can be harmful. Studies have shown that people over seventy who drink wine experience heart health problems. This is especially true for women.

How much to drink?

So, it is clear that you need to know the measure, but where is it? For women, a moderate amount equals one glass of wine a day. Men can drink two. After sixty-five, men should drink no more than one glass, and women should drink even less.


An evening glass of red can be good for your health, but don't feel like you have to drink daily. Drinking solely for the sake of heart health is not worth it. Alcohol can cause addiction, which greatly undermines the state of the body.

The positive qualities of the drink largely depend on the method of production, the components of the drink. Red wine is obtained from a dark grape variety, which is called "purple" in wine-growing regions. It must be collected at a certain time of the year (for each variety it is different), so that the ratio of acids, sugars in the berry on the vine is at the required level. Only by following these rules will it be possible to obtain the desired result.

In Spain and Italy, the collection period is called "vendemia", or "vendimia". In the southern part of the hemisphere they harvest from February to April, and in the northern part from July to October. There are special machines for picking grapes, but to obtain elite varieties of wine, everything is still done by hand, carefully picking each berry. The harvest is then subjected to maceration and pressing to produce a must that goes through the following steps:

  • fermentation;
  • filtering;
  • bottling.

Chemical composition

Useful properties of wine are shown only at the moderate use. The drink is high in calories and easily absorbed by the body. One liter of dry wine contains 700 kcal. Dessert sugar-containing wines have higher calorie content. Among the most valuable substances in this alcohol, valuable to the body and having biocatalytic properties, organic acids are called. It also contains:

  • combination of nitrogen and phosphorus;
  • pectin substances;
  • glycerol;
  • sugar;
  • potassium salts;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • vitamins;
  • radioactive substances;
  • rare items.

Tartaric acids have been proven to have high bactericidal properties. Organic acids in wine are present in a bound or free state, while mineral acids are present in a slightly smaller amount. In addition to the listed organic components (succinic, acetic, malolactic, tartaric acid), there are more than 20 amino acids in wine that are beneficial to the health of the human body. The composition contains a lot of amine nitrogen (almost 245 mg / l), which corresponds to the daily minimum.

Fortress and sweetness of wine

Before drinking any alcohol, you should know its strength, and in the case of wine, also sweetness. This is necessary for all people who would like to understand the varieties and consciously choose a drink. Measure the alcohol content as a percentage of the total volume of the liquid. Each variety has its own characteristics:

  • sherry - up to 24%;
  • dry and semi-dry - 9-12%;
  • fortified and dessert - 15-18%;
  • semi-sweet - 18–22%

The benefits of wine

Wine, as already mentioned, contains a composition rich in useful trace elements and vitamins. Red contains proteins, fructose, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, calcium. So you can give 15 reasons to drink a lot and every day:

  1. Anti-cancer effect, due to the regulation of hormonal levels;
  2. Reducing cholesterol levels. Alcohol increases high density lipoproteins, which prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  3. Red wine contains an organic phytoalexin from the group of polyphenols - Resveratrol. The substance has a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microflora;
  4. Regulates the work of the cardiovascular system, preventing the development of pathologies;
  5. Tannins from the composition of the drink preserve and improve vascular tone, strengthen capillaries and prevent an increase in cholesterol in the blood;
  6. The effect of this alcohol on the digestive organs makes it easier to digest heavy and fatty foods;
  7. Stimulates the excretion of oxalates from the body - oxalic acid salts, which provoke the development of urolithiasis;
  8. Increases life expectancy by 34% compared to people who drink beer or other alcoholic beverages;
  9. Flavonoids capable of regulating blood sugar levels prevent the development of diabetes mellitus;
  10. Piceatannol from the composition of red wine breaks down fat cells, eliminating the possibility of gaining excess weight;
  11. Grape drink stimulates the endocrine system;
  12. The habit of drinking in small amounts improves the quality and duration of sleep;
  13. Useful trace elements increase the body's resistance to the harmful effects of microbes and infections;
  14. The processes of metabolism and metabolism are launched;
  15. Thanks to its mild effect on the psycho-emotional state, it helps to avoid stress and depression.

From here we see that drinking wine once a day is possible not only without consequences for the body, but also with certain benefits.

There is no danger to the body, the habit of drinking is characteristic of many people, but in the indicated quantities and with the indicated parameters of the patient, it does no harm to the body. Many people on holidays and after work relieve stress with alcohol, but are not addicted to it.

The patient sees alcohol as a way out of difficult situations and
resorts to degree drinks more and more often. This stage is dangerous because
any difficult situation in life, this stage can smoothly turn into
the next, which is much more dangerous to health.

At this stage, an addicted person can no longer do without alcohol, but he is firmly convinced that he is able to quit at any time, but not today. Already here complications with the liver and other difficulties with the organs and well-being can begin.

Special treatment and a small rehabilitation course, plus the support of relatives, are able to withdraw from this stage. This stage can provoke very serious problems with the liver and other organs, which will lead to illness for the rest of your life.

This stage is not hopeless, but it requires an extremely serious approach to treatment and a long period of rehabilitation, with regular medical procedures, many drugs and, often, expensive treatment.

Properties of an alcoholic drink

This alcoholic drink has antioxidant properties that prevent the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. For the prevention of atherosclerosis, according to doctors, you can take small doses of red wine. Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption can help maintain vascular health. Red wine has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. It contains a large amount of iron, which is necessary for blood loss, vitamin deficiency and anemia. Dry red wine has the following useful properties:

  • Immunity improvement
  • antimicrobial action
  • blood thinning
  • thrombosis prevention
  • improved appetite and metabolism
  • improvement of gallbladder secretion
  • prevention of caries and tartar formation
  • improved blood circulation
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels

It is worth noting that the French, who are great lovers of wine, rarely have heart disease. And this despite their high-calorie fatty foods, which, in fact, on the contrary, should have a negative effect on the state of the heart. This phenomenon has even been called the "French Phenomenon". According to most scientists who have studied this fact, this is most likely due to the use of red wine.

Seems to never fade away. Drink lovers and connoisseurs defend his honor, focusing on the content of useful substances in the product. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle insist that even a minimal amount of ethyl alcohol is detrimental to the body. Of course, if every day wine is present on the table in an uncontrolled amount, then the benefit from it will be less than the harm. However, with moderate use of a quality product, it can have a beneficial effect on the work of internal systems and organs.

The benefits of wine

A fragrant, tasty drink made from grapes, subject to the rules of preparation, is a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements. But this does not mean that it is useful to drink wine every day, without observing the measure. This is a direct path to alcohol addiction.

With moderate use of wine, it can have a beneficial effect on the internal organ systems:

  • regulates the level of hormones, thereby providing an anti-cancer effect;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • adversely affects pathogenic microflora;
  • improves the work of the heart, blood vessels, prevents the development of many diseases;
  • improves vascular tone, strengthens capillaries;
  • accelerates the digestion of heavy foods, improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • accelerates the withdrawal of ethanedioic acid, preventing the development of urolithiasis;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • breaks down fat cells, preventing weight gain;
  • wine during menstruation, but not more than a glass, helps to relieve tension, reduce the level of pain, discomfort;
  • the drink stimulates the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • starts metabolic processes;
  • helps to reduce the negative impact of stress, avoid depression.

Looking at the list of useful properties, we can conclude that you can drink wine every day in minimal quantities.

The harm of wine

Many do not suspect what will happen if you drink wine every day in unlimited quantities. The first answer is alcoholism. Indeed, addiction develops quite quickly and in the future it will take a lot of effort to get rid of it.

Considering the question of how much drink you can drink per day, experts call the amount no more than 100-150 ml. Exceeding the established norm will result in harm to the body. The product contains ethyl alcohol, which not only provokes the development of addiction, but also has a destructive effect on internal systems and organs:

  • liver tissue is affected, cirrhosis, necrosis develops. The organ may completely stop functioning;
  • increased risk of stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • against the background of alcoholism, malignant formations often develop;
  • brain cells are destroyed, as a result, dementia develops, a person degrades.

Drinking wine with epilepsy is strictly prohibited. Alcohol can trigger another attack. Often everything ends in death. The ban applies to those who are interested in whether it is possible to drink wine with hepatitis. The disease itself destroys the liver, and in tandem with alcohol this will happen much faster.

Wine with gout provokes an exacerbation of the disease. Experts urge those who have this disease to completely eliminate this product. Even a harmless amount of wine in 100 ml for a healthy person can adversely affect the state of health if gout is detected. In the condition of stable remission, it is allowed to drink no more than 50 ml of wine once every few months.

How much is good to drink wine

Understanding how much wine you can drink, you should pay attention to the fact that we are talking about a high quality product. On Trinity, other Orthodox holidays, the drink is always present on the table, however, if it is contraindicated, you should refuse to use it.

Wine contains useful substances, so in small quantities it will not harm the body.

  • A healthy man can consume 200 ml of drink daily - this is 1-2 glasses.
  • For women, the recommended amount is 150 ml, alcohol is much more slowly excreted from the body of the fair sex, providing a long-term toxic effect.

A man can afford 14 glasses of wine per week, and a woman - 9. It is better to drink a drink during dinner, adding fruits and sweets as snacks.

Wine can be useful for colds, at a temperature not higher than 37 degrees. It is worth preparing fragrant. If the disease progresses, alcohol should be categorically abandoned. It will be difficult to excrete from the body. It cannot be called a drug. Rather, it is a preventive measure in the fight against the virus. It acts as a warming agent on the body.

What kind of wine is good to drink

It is generally accepted that it contains much fewer nutrients than red, so it is useful to drink dark varieties of drinks. In the absence of contraindications, it is allowed to drink sweet wines. A person with diabetes can choose varieties with a minimum sugar content.

It is allowed to drink if they are not strong. The percentage of alcohol should be 9-12%. The product must be natural, then it will only benefit, and not harm.

Why You Can Only Drink Red Wine Every Day

Experts recommend drinking red varieties of drinks due to the fact that grape seeds are used in the preparation process. They contain:

  • polyphenols that protect the heart, blood vessels and block free radicals;
  • tocopherols - they rejuvenate the body from the inside and quickly remove toxins. Help fight depression, regulate metabolism. With a lack of this component, there is a violation in the work of internal systems, impotence is possible in men;
  • bones are rich in vitamin C, A, calcium, potassium.

Is it possible to drink fermented wine

If, after opening the bottle, the product remains inside, you should not use it if traces of fermentation are already visible. Taste qualities are lost, fungal infections develop. They can affect the digestive tract. A high content of acetic, tartaric acid causes poisoning.

Some advise adding yeast to the fermented product, sending it to be sterilized. This cannot be done, as well as adding a fermented drink to dishes during cooking. To prevent fermentation, the bottle should be carefully closed after opening, stored in the refrigerator in an upright position.

  • Keep white, allowed 24-48 hours.
  • Red 5 days.
  • and fortified drinks up to 8 days.

Effervescent and artificial drinks are not subject to storage, this must be taken into account.

Can you drink expired wine?

The shelf life of drinks prepared using different technologies is different. Effervescent varieties - punches and champagne can be stored for up to 5 years. Aged collection red wines up to 20 years.

An inexpensive bottled product can be kept at home for up to 2 years. At the same time, if the storage conditions were not violated, then after 2 years, nothing happens to the drink. It does not become toxic, dangerous. The container should stand at a temperature of +10 to +14 degrees in a well-ventilated dark room. If during the opening there is no foreign, unpleasant smell, then the drink can be drunk without fear.

Artificial wines can be stored for exactly the amount of time indicated by the manufacturer. Chemical reactions in an artificial formula can interact with each other in different ways, often an expired drink leads to poisoning. This applies to wines that are labeled "special". If the recommendations are violated, the consequences can be severe, ranging from simple poisoning to the onset of convulsions and loss of consciousness. At the first sign of a deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to call an ambulance. In a hospital, a person will undergo the necessary therapeutic, restorative measures, and the required therapy will be prescribed.

Drinking quality wine in moderation is possible and necessary. The drink is rich in vitamins that heal the body, prolong youth and save from depression. At the same time, do not forget about the insidiousness of the product. It can cause severe addiction, destroy a healthy body and a whole life. There should be a measure in everything, and this also applies to the use of wine, which should not be forgotten during magnificent feasts.

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