Car theft methods, how to prevent car theft. Ways to break car locks and prevent car theft

Car theft methods, how to prevent car theft. Ways to break car locks and prevent car theft

Having bought a car, everyone thinks about how to protect it from theft. Theft in our country is on a grand scale, and there are many people who earn a living in this way. Among them there are simply aces in their field who can almost any car. And the task of the security system is to deliver as many problems as possible to such an ace, to make sure that even the most hardened ace would spend a lot of time on “neutralizing” the anti-theft. When hijacking, time is one of the main factors. To design a complex to protect your car, you need to imagine how cars are stolen. In fact, there are not so many ways:
1. You are standing at a traffic light, a person gets out of a neighboring car from the passenger seat, comes up to you and starts asking how to get to Muhosranskaya Street, comes to the door. You open the glass good-naturedly, begin to explain that two blocks after Govnozhuisky Lane, you need to turn right, towards Kislodrishchenskaya Square ... and he leans over, imperceptibly for you, puts his hand on the lock handle, then, seizing the moment, sharply opens the door, here out of nowhere, a burly man appears. They throw you out of the car, get into it and calmly leave at the green traffic light. And you were left without a car, in the middle of the road. Then run to the police, here, they say, they stole it. And your car has long been versed in some kind of service or settled in a shell, waiting for its buyer.

2. You recently bought a car, equipped it with a good alarm system with all kinds of sensors and gadgets. But you don’t have your own garage yet, you don’t want to pay for parking or there is no space on it, and you are forced to park your car under the windows. And now the weather presents a surprise: it's pouring rain, it's snowing, it's so foggy that you can't see your own nose, or something like that. And suddenly, for no apparent reason, at 12 at night, when everyone had already gone to bed, an alarm goes off on your car. You get dressed, run with the gas key, prudently at one time placed under the pillow, so that it is always at hand, to your car. And what do you see? But nothing. There is not a soul around, but your car blinks, the siren roars, and all this happens at midnight under your windows. Finding no explanation for what is happening, you press the right buttons on the keychain, return to the crib. And suddenly, half an hour later, familiar sounds again. What's happened? Again, a key is taken out from under the pillow, some clothes are thrown over the mortal body, and to her, dear. And there again nothing. From the windows of the house you can already hear the screams of the awakened residents, mostly obscene. Looking down, soaked through with rain, you return home again. It's one in the morning, tomorrow you have to go to work, or rather, already today, you want to sleep... Go to bed, fall asleep, and suddenly wow-wow... Angry, you run to the car. The key was left under the pillow, only panties and slippers were worn, well, maybe the wife’s bathrobe thrown over in a hurry, for the wet state of which, after jogging in the rain, this very wife will arrange another scene for you tomorrow, sorry, today. “Two o’clock in the morning, your mother,” shouts of indignant neighbors are heard, bits, bottles, used condoms, everything that comes to hand at such an hour is flying towards your car from open windows. And you, scolding the manufacturer of the alarm, the one who installed it for you, throwing obscene expressions at the address of the "heavenly office", disarm the car, go home, go to bed and instantly fall asleep. The night flies by. Morning. You get up, go to the window, glance in the direction of your car and freeze. There is no car.
3. You are going to the market, to the store with your wife and children. Your ears have already wilted to listen to the chatter about dresses, blouses, dolls, cars and so on. One thought: “I wish all this would end soon.” You are looking for a place to park for a long time, finally, in the courtyard of a neighboring house, you find an empty space between a crowd of cars, squeeze into it, unload your household, close all doors, trunk, check everything, go around the car again, press the button on the key fob . "Pi-i-ik" - the car "got on the alarm." You go to the market, shopping, the whims of children, in the end it gets boring. All! You walk to the car with full bags, kids hanging in your arms, wife talking about what you bought or didn't buy today. Come to the place, and there is not your Volga at all, but some kind of rusty "penny", but at least the six hundredth Merc! You begin to frantically remember whether you left your car here, run around the neighborhood, leaving your bags and cursing this market, clothes, wife, everyone, everyone, everyone, running around the neighboring yards, but alas, a miracle does not happen. Your car disappeared without even winking at you with a red brake light.

4. You are driving around the city on business and suddenly notice that a car has pulled up behind you. You go to the left, and she goes to the left, you go into the yard - and she goes there, you go to the gas station - and she pours gasoline, you go into the tent for cigarettes - and she is right there. No action is taken, it just follows you and that's it. One fine moment you turn right and she goes straight ahead. For some time you look around, cautiously looking at the neighboring cars, looking among them for the one that strictly followed you. “Well, I’m suspicious,” a thought arises. Calmed down, you go home for lunch, tell your wife a chilling story over soup. Full and satisfied, go out into the yard and freeze ... The car has disappeared.
5. You are driving along the Nikulino - Morgunovo highway. The drive is long, driving for more than one hour, a natural desire arises. Just fifty meters from the road is a small forest. And nature is good, and no one will look at the process from the road. Stop, close the doors. There is a lot of pressure on the valve. You go with a quick step to the fishing line, start the process, suddenly you see how some “nine” stops near your car, a peasant runs out of it, opens the door for a moment, gets into the car. You are already running, on the move trying to refuel your unit into place, and in the meantime your car is leaving, accompanied by that “nine”.

The vast majority of cars get stolen one way or the other, and much of the blame lies with the owner. As the saying goes:
-Where were you looking?
-What could I do?
-Here's what.
In the first case, when you were thrown out of the car, you had to quickly get the alarm key fob out of your pocket and activate the “panic” mode (we’ll tell you what it is later when we write about alarms). The car would have yelled, blinked and would not budge, and the hijackers would have had no choice but to get out, and quickly. Or it was possible to close all the locks and talk to them through a slightly lowered glass. If they knew how to get to Mukho-sranskaya street, that would be the end of it.

In the second case, it was necessary, firstly, to equip the car with a gas valve or an immobilizer, even if it was very simple. At night, and in the rain, no one wants to dig into the engine, besides, you can’t do without a lantern, and the light from it from the window will be oh, how clearly visible. Or you could just lock yourself in the car and sleep there, since you couldn't foresee it.
In the third case, it was necessary to park the car in the nearest paid parking lot, there are such places near all markets. Cars are rarely stolen from parking lots. Or equip the car with a serious immobilizer.

In the fourth case, one had to realize that nothing in this world is done just like that. If a car is behind you, it means that it needs something. And most likely - this is the code of your key fob transmitter. As soon as the desired was achieved, the code was robbed (the technical term means read), the car left, and after you relaxed for a minute, left the car unattended, it was removed from the alarm and stolen. If you notice that you are being followed, firstly, do not leave your car unattended, if you need to park, then use paid parking lots.
If you are a smoker, take a piece of paper with foil out of a pack of cigarettes, wrap it around the key fob, then arm and disarm the car from the alarm, being very close to it. The foil acts as a screen and greatly reduces the signal reception range of the transmitter located in the key fob. By doing this, you will complicate the task of hijackers. Chocolate foil will work too.

You can and even need to stop near some cop and start a conversation with him about this car, that it constantly cuts you off, creates an emergency situation, let someone check their documents, otherwise they behave like drunks on the road. The cops are just thrilled, because the fine for drunk driving is large, and you can lose your rights, but it won’t hurt them to cut down extra money. Well, write down the number of the car, it's natural.
And finally, the fifth case. It was necessary not only to close the locks, but also to activate the entire security system, install a lock on the steering wheel, pedals, etc. A simple single-relay immobilizer will easily protect your car from theft in this simple way. Remember, in order to open and start the car, ten seconds is enough for a trained person.
Meanwhile, there are a few rules, following which, you can reduce the number of encroachments on your car. They must be introduced into the habit, try to always perform. Here are the rules:

  • When driving, always wear a seat belt, it will be more difficult to throw you out of the car.
  • Always close the door locks when you are in the vehicle, at least on the driver's side. Clicking on the soldier is not difficult, but opening the door from the outside is a problem.
  • Never leave any items in the car, empty or full bags, purses, even empty bottles. Lovers of easy money will not mind pocketing what is badly lying, and then you will have to repair the car.
  • Get into the habit of carrying your alarm key fob in your pocket instead of on your key ring. Firstly, you can always turn on the “panic” mode, and secondly, if a pickpocket deprives you of your car keys, he is unlikely to be able to get into it unnoticed.
  • Park your vehicle only in well-lit, well-visible areas.
    Whenever leaving the car, even for a minute, install all the mechanical security devices you have and set the car alarm.
    Have in the car or carry with you some kind of protection against intruders (gas spray, baseball bat, mother-in-law hunting knife, etc.)
  • Do not tell your friends how the security system of your car works.
  • Do not keep documents for the car, and even more so rights, in the car.
  • Never leave your keys in the ignition if you need to wipe the glass, or fill a can of gas, or anything like that.
  • Do not put stickers attached to the alarm, radio, etc. on the glass, do not make it easier for the hijackers and do not tempt the thieves. True, if the advertising of the manufacturer of your "cartoon" is more expensive for you than your own car, then you are welcome.

Theft tools The first, of course, is a hacking tool (or toolbox). For example, the lock of the classic "Lada" is not difficult to open with a metal ruler, but Volgovsky can simply be broken if you insert a strip of hard metal with a welded or screwed lever into the keyhole and turn this very lever, experiment on the neighbor's GAZ-24, you will see how easy it is. Also, if you have simple windows, the glass can be lowered a few centimeters using a curved hook. Some Volga owners, when they forgot the keys in the lock and slammed the door, managed to lower the glass and open their car with an ordinary plug. If the car has power windows, this number is unlikely to pass. The lock of the Volga hood for the hijacker also does not pose a big problem, it is elementary to open it with two screwdrivers, lift the hood with one, push the other into the gap formed, feel the tip of the lock. R-time! and done. True, hijackers rarely use screwdrivers, mostly professionals and professional, specialized tools.
Do not think that the regular anti-theft system in the form of a steering lock will stop the hijacker. The fact is that the part that locks the steering wheel is made of silumin and simply breaks if you turn the steering wheel with great effort. The second tool is hydraulic tongs. You will install the anti-theft “mulk” in the form of a hook from the steering wheel to the pedal longer than the hijacker will remove it with hydraulic tongs. As you may have guessed, with such tongs to bite the shackle of the castle - just spit.

The third is a can of liquid nitrogen. This thing is needed for quick cooling of anti-theft locks that are not amenable to hydraulic tongs, due to oversized dimensions or inconvenient location. As you know, at low temperatures, the metal becomes brittle, so a multilock or pedal lock treated with liquid nitrogen shatters after the first blow to it with a hammer.
The fourth is a can of mounting foam (macroflex). If you fill the car alarm siren with such a thing, the sound from it will be barely audible. The fifth is a power tool. Often, for various anti-theft mechanical devices, it is easier to drill a lock cylinder or cut a shackle than to process everything with liquid nitrogen and break it.

The sixth is a grabber - a device for reading a code from a key fob-transmitter. In our age of computers, special receiver-transmitters and a laptop are used as such a device. The signal from the key fob transmitter is received, processed, the necessary sequence is found out, and it becomes possible to generate a code that disarms the alarm. At the right moment, the hijacker will connect the transmitter to the laptop, press a couple of buttons, get into your car and drive away.
Seventh - a set of electrical tools. It is no secret that most anti-theft devices block the circuits of the engine ignition system and the EPHH system. Some wires need to be cut, some connected ... Without a tool, this is difficult to do.

Eighth - "SPIDER". This is a set of wires, sometimes with integrated devices (pulse generator, switch), which acts as the wiring of the ignition system. It would be necessary to tell about this thing in more detail, few imagine, even alarm installers, that all the "bells and whistles" and electronic blockers are easily neutralized using this simple device. Therefore, among the hijackers, it is damn popular. Consider some options for "spiders" used to steal the Volga with a 402 engine (hereinafter, we will consider the means of stealing and anti-theft in relation to the Volga 31029 with a ZMZ 402 engine). So…
The first, simplest and one of the most common is a wired "spider" on crocodile connectors. You can connect it simply and quickly, and you can eliminate possible "surprises" left to the hijackers by simply biting the ends of the regular wires of the car's ignition system.

The second is a copy of the first, only with a switch. When making home-made anti-theft systems, installing interlocks and pulse breakers, most make structural changes to the switch. And again - time, connect three contacts less. The third is the ignition system, usually electronic with a pulse generator. Such a shaitan-box, from which wires stick out ... The advantage of such a "spider" is its complete autonomy. Regardless of the design changes you make to the ignition circuit, such a “spider” will allow you to start the engine and drive. It is enough to put the wires on the candles, hook up to the battery, ground, starter, EPHX valve (often, in order to exclude this system, they put a piece of tube instead of the valve or remove the hose from the valve and connect it to the carburetor, excluding the EPHX valve from the fuel supply circuit) . Let the ignition timing be wrong and the fuel consumption is greater, because the car is able to independently get to the place of sludge.
Often, professional hijackers also carry a canister of gasoline equipped with a hose for connecting to a gasoline pump. Such a thing is needed if a valve is installed in the gas pipeline that shuts off the fuel supply. If such a valve is installed after the gas pump in front of the carburetor, it is not difficult to open it or exclude it from the system, because everything is in sight, but if it is somewhere in the gas line or near the gas tank, then you don’t have to waste time searching, just connect a can of gasoline to the gas pump. Three liters is enough for a car to travel ten kilometers.No related posts.

Keeping up with the times is not only fashionable, but also profitable. With a deep understanding of this thought, all criminals live, including hijackers. Of course, there are still enough villains who steal “iron horses” the old fashioned way, but, as a rule, a modern criminal keeps his finger on the pulse and, together with car owners, studies on the Web both methods of theft and protection methods that are not yet controlled.

How are cars stolen today, and by what methods to defend themselves?

How to avoid theft organized with the help of a code grabber?

For the first time in our country, the theft was committed back in 1896 - it was then that the first car in Russia, presented to Nicholas 2, disappeared. This incident marked the beginning of a profitable criminal business, which, unfortunately, has been successfully operating to this day.

The methods of theft are constantly changing, as are the methods of protection. One of the most popular “tools” of hijackers is codegrabbeR . A device similar in appearance to an ordinary mobile phone, a Tetris toy, or even a car key fob.

How does this happen?

The scheme is simple: the alarm is turned off by scanning through exact code selection . With the help of a special device called a "codegrabber", an attacker intercepts the radio signal of the car's key fob (through a primitive enumeration) and then uses it again to easily, quickly and painlessly turn off the alarm.

How to protect yourself?

There are two ways to protect your car from malicious manipulation by a thief:

  • Antiscanner. This option in your alarm system provides instant detection of an attempt to access the code and subsequent blocking of the radio signal.
  • dynamic code. Also an effective protection option. In this case, the key fob code is dynamic, and each press of the owner on the button is accompanied by a code change.

In addition to the above described method of hijacking, there is a more tricky one - this is the process of stealing an “iron horse” through code grabber with code replacement . This device is capable of bypassing rolling code protection. The result is the receipt of all key fob commands, including both the current one and the previously unused one.

How to deal with this type of theft?

There is an exit! The commands to turn your alarm on and off are simple assigned to different buttons.

But that's not all! The hijackers succeeded here too, introducing into the "work" algorithmic code grabber .

With its help, the alarm is turned off by recognizing specific pressed buttons on the key fob.

It would seem that it is impossible to defend yourself, but no! Your attention - the latest coding system called " dialog code ". It was created on the basis of the “friend/foe” scheme.

Scheme of work: after the system receives a signal, a check is made to determine whether it was sent from its own remote control. Moreover, the check does not occur once, as before, but several times. If the responses to system requests are identical, the command is executed.

The advantage of this protection is that no known code grabber can reproduce such a dialogue.

How to determine that your car is being hacked by scanning?

The first symptom is key fob problems . If your key fob "suddenly" stopped functioning normally, does not allow you to turn on the alarm the first time and generally behaves strangely, then it's time to reconsider your views on car protection.

Ways to break car locks and prevent car theft

The most primitive method of theft from the existing mechanical ones is breaking the door (every 5th case). True, in most cases, the owners of domestic cars suffer from it.

It is not difficult to get into the car by this method, and there are a lot of ways to open the lock.

For example…

  • With the help of a wire slipped (quickly and accurately) under the glass seal or a ruler followed by a “hook” of the lock blocker.

Protection method as simple as the opening method: any metal plate is installed inside the door, which will prevent the interlock pin from engaging. Or even simpler: you can change the classic lock to a five-wire one and install at least the simplest alarm.

  • Through the gap between the doors (like the Zhiguli 10th model, until 2003).

The defense, again, is simple: we block access to the gap with a wire or insulating tape.

  • Bumping. In this case, the lock is opened without noise and dust, without destroying its structure. The scheme of action is a blow to the pins of the mechanism and a simultaneous force directed to the core using the already existing key blank.

Protection options: selection of a different cylinder (approx. - frame, disk); using a frame with pins; the use of protective pads to protect the end of the core; application of additional interactive recognition elements in the cylinder.

  • Pick-gun. With this tool, the pins are set and the cylinder is rotated.

Protection Options : similar to Bumping.

  • Destruction of the core body in the area of ​​the hole for the fixing screw.

Protection options: use of armor plates; the use of a cylinder mechanism that does not protrude more than 3 mm above the surface.

  • Drilling out the cylinder body and subsequent removal through the resulting hole of all remnants of pins / springs. After that, the lock can be opened without problems with a classic flat screwdriver.

Protection options: the use of protective special overlays (coded, armored, magnetic); cylinders with inserts made of heat-strengthened metal.

  • Hacking with the help of "chemistry". That is, pouring acid into the very core of the lock to dissolve the pin springs and then lightly opening the lock with a screwdriver.

Protection options: the use of overlays (magnetic, coded); the use of cylinders with pins in the upper / body area or with secret elements.

Of course, there are many more options for opening the lock. But measures taken in time(by the way, approximately similar for different types of autopsies) will allow, if not prevent, then at least complicate the “work” of the criminal.

How harder and longer to open the lock, the more likely it is that the annoyed hijacker will leave "without salty slurping", without having time to complete his dark deed.

Neutralization of a regular immobilizer - how to protect your car from theft?

There is no need to explain to car owners the meaning of the work of a regular immobilizer: with the help of this device, a ban on starting the engine works in the absence of a key fob.

Moreover, both its location in the car and the bypass methods are known to the hijackers:

  • Replacing the standard engine control unit with another, reflashed.
  • Downloading your own program , which does not request a chip in the key, through the diagnostic connector.
  • And programming a new chip , through which the "home" immobilizer is turned off.

How to protect a car?

The output is an additional immobilizer. This 3-component device is a kind of surprise for the hijacker. His location in the car is unknown, and he does not give himself away at all.

Device advantage - in the impossibility of turning it off in the usual ways. That is, signal imitation is unrealistic, and the label itself is protected by the dialog code.

Of course, the hijacker can try to dismantle the blocking relay, but this will take too much time, given that the search area for the device is the entire machine.

Neutralize satellite systems - prevent car theft!

About 90 percent of all stolen cars (according to insurers) with the presence of a satellite system are returned to their owners. The remaining 10 percent say goodbye to their "iron horses" due to the hacking of such a system.

How does this happen, and how to protect the car?

Jamming GSM broadcast

With the help of a powerful "jammer" popular among hijackers, communication channels are suppressed, and the transfer of information about the car is blocked. Such jammers are easily purchased by criminals on the Web at an affordable cost, and the choice of these devices is very wide.

How to fight?

The method of protection is very simple and effective. A special option present in the MS-P GSM range is link monitoring. With its help, a regular check of the connection between the GSM-pager in the car and a special server is carried out. The device from the car sends a signal to the server at regular intervals, confirming the security of the car for the server.

If there is no control signal at the right time, the server concludes that a jamming attempt is possible, and the owner of the machine receives an alarm message.

The car owner can assess the reality of the threat by competently and timely responding to these circumstances.

car theft there is nothing but his theft. Under embezzlement Unlawful seizure of someone else's property for the purpose of converting it in one's favor or disposing of it as one's own is understood. If the organization detects the fact of theft of a car, the organization must file a statement on the fact of theft to the police. (Criminal Code Article 166)

The subject of the crime are a car or other vehicle. Other vehicles include tractors and other self-propelled vehicles, trams and trolleybuses, as well as motorcycles and other mechanical vehicles. Other motor vehicles, in particular, include machines that perform not only transport, but also other functions, such as agricultural (harvesters), road (motor grader, asphalt paver), etc. Motor vehicles must be self-propelled, i.e. have an independent engine. Vehicles not equipped with an engine (bicycles, horse-drawn vehicles, etc.) are not recognized as such.

Taking possession of a car or other vehicle (hijacking) is expressed in its secret or open removal from its location (parking lot). The vehicle can be located in any place specified by its owner or an authorized person: in a garage, car park, on the street, on the territory of an enterprise, etc. Parking may be permanent or temporary.

The car or other vehicle must be someone else's, i.e. the perpetrator must not have any rights or permission to use it. Unauthorized use of the vehicle by any of the owner's family members or other persons who were previously allowed to take the car without requiring the owner's additional consent does not constitute a crime.

The subject of the crime may be sane persons who have reached the age of 16. A person who arbitrarily used the vehicle assigned to him for personal purposes is not the subject of theft.

Hijacking - Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Illegal possession of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft

1. Illegal possession of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft (hijacking) is punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by arrest for a term of three to six months, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.

2. The same act committed:

a) by a group of persons by prior agreement;

b) repeatedly;

c) with the use of violence not dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence, - shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of three to seven years.

3. The deeds provided for by paragraphs 1 or 2 of this article, committed by an organized group or causing major damage, are punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of five to ten years.

4. The acts provided for by the first, second or third parts of this Article, committed with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence, are punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of six to twelve years.

Automotive theft.

If the car is stolen for the purpose of theft, then, depending on the method of committing the theft, this act falls under the relevant article of the Criminal Code - Article 158 (theft), 161 (robbery) or 162 (robbery) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Very often, attackers hunt for certain types of vehicles (truck with van, prestige cars, speed cars, etc.), which they then use in their criminal operations, as well as steal on order. Their attention is focused on any car that is not locked or easily opened: the choice falls mainly on the one that takes less time to steal. Another issue is things in the car.

Warnings to help prevent theft:

    install an anti-theft device in the car (and never forget to turn it on), a blocking device for the steering column or gearshift lever, an audible alarm, a device that interrupts the supply of fuel and current;

    never leave the ignition key in the car, even during short stops;

    do not leave car windows open; always close the doors and the hood with a key;

    leave the car only in a lighted area: near a store, kiosk, etc.;

    do not park your car near the cinema, it is easy for an attacker to make sure that you have entered the cinema and that he has almost two hours of time at his disposal;

    use paid parking;

    remove from the car interior all items that can attract the attention of a thief (car radio, radiotelephone, suitcases, bags, camera, etc.) and cause burglary;

    never leave documents for the car in the cabin;

    always have with you the recorded numbers of the car, technical passport, etc.;

    mark in some inconspicuous place (chassis or any other place of the car) your own data and chassis number in order to identify it if the police find the stolen car;

    make a double alarm: this will save the machine, the attacker, having partially turned off the device, will be sure that the trap has already been neutralized, and may abandon the plan if he sees that it is necessary to continue the operation;

    when buying a used car, you should change the keys and, if possible, anti-theft devices;

    Another important circumstance is that the car must be insured. It has long been said that "the miser pays twice." If you are destined to lose your "steel horse", you can at least compensate for the cost of the loss. However, it makes sense to insure (in a reliable and trusted company) not only a car, but also other property. 14

14. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated February 17, 94. "On measures to strengthen the fight against criminal encroachments on vehicles"

To prevent theft and theft of cars, owners need to secure their property as much as possible.

First of all, you should insure the car and install an alarm in it. Leaving an iron horse unattended near shops or in unguarded parking lots, you must remember that lovers of easy money can follow your car, especially if the car is of a popular brand and new. Today it is not so easy to make money on a new car, and therefore many people buy it on credit, while insuring against theft. As practice shows, this is the most effective way of insurance in recent times. But do not forget that the safest thing is to foresee all possible ways of theft and exclude them in advance.

It is time, finally, to think about the safety of your property, because, as practice shows, the bulk of this kind of crime occurs through the fault of the car owners themselves. In recent years, the number of vehicles has been growing - and accordingly, the number of thefts has also increased. As practice shows, auto thefts are mainly committed at night, from the yards of apartment buildings. When leaving a car near work, a store, a bank, or at home, one should not forget that a criminal can be attracted to everything that is in the car. Even if the thing does not represent any value, you can pay with broken glass. Therefore, when leaving the car, be sure to take all valuables with you. In parking lots near shopping centers, park your car in places that are in the view of video cameras. Never leave your car open, even if you went out for a minute, for example, to buy something at a stall. Be especially careful if a puncture or other malfunction was reported to you by a nearby driver, or you were asked for help and you need to leave the passenger compartment.

To avoid becoming a victim of car thieves, police officers offer a few simple tips:

  1. do not leave the keys in the car, even if you leave it for a few seconds. When leaving the car, even for a short time, turn on the existing alarm and other security equipment;
  2. without leaving the car, check if the doors and windows of the car are well closed;
  3. if you need to leave your car overnight, choose a well-lit, visible, crowded place. Do not leave the car in vacant lots, in places with dense vegetation. Place it close to the wall of the house or closer to another car to make it more difficult for a criminal to get into it;
  4. to increase the reliability of your car's protection, install an additional power source for the anti-theft alarm, depriving the criminal of the opportunity to de-energize the sound system, install a secret valve that shuts off the fuel supply from the gas tank;
  5. do not keep screwdrivers, pliers, pieces of wire in the cabin of a car parked for a long time, which a criminal can use to start the engine without an ignition key;
  6. do not leave things that catch your eye in the car, it is better to take them home, in extreme cases, cover them. It is not recommended to leave documents and securities in cars. Radios, tape recorders, TVs are best taken with you;
  7. when you park a car for a long time, it is best to put it on blocks, and in cases where the car is covered with a tarpaulin for a long time, it is necessary to periodically check what is under it (sometimes another car stolen by criminals may be under the tarpaulin);
  8. in places of spontaneous parking of motor vehicles, night duty should be organized from among their owners;
  9. stick a poster on the glass stating that the car is protected by an anti-theft device (but without its name), which may force the criminal to look for another object of criminal encroachment;
  10. use special nuts and bolts to fasten the wheels to make it difficult to remove them in the usual way: increasing the time to remove the wheels does not suit the criminal;
  11. use special marking of car parts, including windows;
  12. if possible, install a double degree of protection (alarm and anti-theft) - this will save the car. Not every attacker, having disabled one device, will want to continue his plan, finding that he will need more time to disable the second. Remember that when installing an alarm or performing other work, you must not leave the machine unattended. So you make it impossible for unscrupulous people to make a duplicate of the keys or pick up the keys to the alarm;
  13. Last but not least, when buying a used car, be sure to change the door locks, ignitions, and anti-theft device.

If, nevertheless, your car was stolen, immediately contact the police: the sooner you turn to professionals for help, the more likely your car will be returned. An hour, two, three after the hijacking is already a lot. As a rule, hijackers prepare garages (so-called sedimentation tanks) in advance, which they expect to reach in 2-3 minutes. Stolen cars are usually kept in cesspools for 1-2 months, after which they are driven to another region or dismantled for spare parts. After your immediate appeal to the police, the “Interception” plan is introduced: information about stolen vehicles is transmitted to all regional police departments, traffic police posts are set up accordingly, several traffic police crews in a free search make detours of garage cooperatives and parking lots. The percentage of detection of such crimes in "hot pursuit" is high.

Do not forget that in addition to the right to property, each owner has an obligation to ensure its safety. If you worry about the safety of your property in time, this will become the most effective preventive measure. The main thing is not just to provide the least access to your car and create the maximum difficulties for the thief, but simply to deprive unclean fellow citizens of any chance to harm you.

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that you have invested in it. Many of us have put in a lot of effort to get our car. And of course, we definitely wouldn't want someone to steal it without spending a dime. All car owners are afraid of this. It is up to every motorist to take sufficient security measures to minimize the risk of car theft. Unfortunately, of course, there is no 100% protection against potential intruders. But, nevertheless, there are the most effective ways to protect your "beloved horse" from the hands of potential thieves.

1) Garage for your car

According to statistics, most thefts occur on the street in free, open parking lots near the house, near shops, shopping centers, etc.

And this is logical, since the hijackers most often look for their "victims" in open parking lots near the house and in parking lots near the shopping center. But the most frequent thefts are usually recorded at night. Knowing this can greatly reduce the risk of your car being stolen.

That is, if your car is not parked on the street, then the likelihood that it will be stolen is minimal. Therefore, it is obvious that one of the best solutions to protect your property will be to park the car at night in the garage. This will protect your car from theft as much as possible.

For most car enthusiasts, this means that you have to rent. Yes, this is definitely not the cheapest way to protect your machine from intruders. However, you should be aware that paying for a garage is another investment in a car. Only this time it's an investment in the security of your property. After all, you must agree that it is better to pay for renting a garage, reducing the risk of theft to a minimum, than to lose a car.

By the way, in most cases, the garage fee will in any case be cheaper than the Casco policy. Although for some cars, the cost of an annual garage lease will be less profitable than buying a policy. Here, of course, everything depends on what city or other locality you live in and what kind of car you own.

Naturally, if you own a car that is popular with car thieves, then the cost of a Casco policy will be huge. In this case, it is easier to rent a garage.

Please note that when deciding whether to rent a garage, give preference to guarded garage complexes in which normal security guards work.

Remember that the more reliable the security of the garage complex, the less the risk of stealing your car.

You understand that with today's choice of cars on the streets, attackers most likely will not try to steal your car from a secure garage. They will most likely give up on this idea. It will be easier for them to steal a car on the street in an unguarded place.

In any case, it's up to you. Naturally, leaving the car in the garage is not very convenient, because you still need to get to the garage. After all, it is rare when a garage complex where you can rent a garage is located next to our place of residence. So weigh all the pros and cons and decide.

2) Do not lose or give your car key to anyone

It turns out that many car thefts are due to the irresponsibility of the owners themselves. For example, it is not uncommon for a car to be stolen using the native original key. How? The owners had lost their car key shortly before the theft.

The fact is that motorists often lose the keys or key fob from the alarm in the parking lot near the house or in the store. For example, the key can simply fall out of the pocket at the moment when we take something out of it.

Naturally, it will not be difficult for intruders who have found the key to your car to check in the district which car the found key fits.

What to do if you still lost your car key? Yes, of course, usually you will have a second set of keys or key fobs left in this case. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything.

Your task in this case is to deactivate the lost or key fob in the car as soon as possible so that potential hijackers cannot use the keys to steal your car.

If we are talking about a regular key to the door lock or ignition key, and if the car is not equipped with an electronic chip (immobilizer), then in case of loss of the key, change the cylinder in the door lock or ignition lock of the car as soon as possible.

If we are talking about a key with an electronic chip or you have lost the key fob from the alarm, you need to deactivate the sure one in the car’s computer as soon as possible, since intruders who find the key / key fob to your car can open it and steal it.

To deactivate the key / key fob, you need to contact the official dealer technical center, or a company that specializes in car security systems.

Another effective method to reduce the risk of car theft is not to give the key or key fob from the alarm at car washes and dubious car services. The fact is that in such places your key / key fob can fall into the hands of intruders who can make a copy of both the key itself and an electronic copy of the chip.

If your car is equipped with a keyless entry system, then you must take extra precautions so that intruders do not pick up the key fob signal and relay it using special radio equipment to your car.

To minimize the risk of scanning the radio signal from the key fob to the car's keyless entry system, you must purchase a special key fob storage case that shields the signal emitted from the key fob.

Your task is to wear a keychain in a similar case when you are in a public place: for example, in a store, at work, in a shopping center, in a cinema, etc.

Usually in such places, hijackers look for their victims, in whose cars a keyless entry system is installed.

In addition, we do not recommend storing the keyless entry key fob near the front door of your apartment or house. We also do not recommend storing the key fob next to the window. The fact is that today on the black market there is powerful equipment for sale that can pick up the signal of keyless key fobs through several doors or from a window. So at home it is also safer to store in a special shielding case.

3) Do not store valuables in the car: Especially in plain sight

Do you often forget your tablet in the car and other valuables, leaving them in plain sight? You run a great risk not only that your valuables will be stolen, but also increase the risk that your car glass will be damaged. But that's not all.

In fact, you significantly increase the risk of theft. Why? Everything is simple. According to statistics, most often car thieves decide to steal a car, seeing some valuable item in it. That is, leaving your iPhone in the car, you provoke intruders.

For example, we talked to the operational staff who deal with the hijackers. According to them, in their practice they often meet who, having decided to steal a valuable thing left in a car, then, once inside the car, decide to steal it.

That is, an attempt to steal your valuables from the car often changes the minds of criminals who decide on a big one. So why provoke criminals to crime. Agree it is better to take care that nothing of value lies in plain sight in the car.

4) Don't leave the car running

Many of us have a habit of getting out of the car, leaving it running. This can provoke potential hijackers. Indeed, in this case, only a few seconds are enough for the theft, since they do not need to crack the alarm and start the engine. It is enough to discreetly sit behind the wheel and press the gas.

Especially this risk of theft concerns those drivers who like to keep the engine running at a gas station, near auto shops, etc.

You will not believe it, but in our country thefts are not uncommon right in front of the owner. For example, recently there was a wave of thefts, when the car was stolen right behind the back of the owners. For example, malefactors waited for car owners who, having seen their acquaintances, got out of the car, leaving it with a running engine.

Most of these owners were not afraid for the safety of the vehicle, since communication with friends took place next to the car. But there were several attackers. Further, everything is according to the classical scheme: one distracts, the other gets behind the wheel.

So never get out of the car until you turn off the engine and put the keys in your pocket. Otherwise, you may not notice how literally in front of your eyes your car will disappear around the corner. Be carefull. Remember that criminals are very resourceful and cunning.

5) Choose your parking space carefully

If you do not have the opportunity to park your car in a paid guarded parking lot or in a garage, then you should then take care of a parking space on the street. Remember that not every free public parking spot is safe.

First, of course, it all depends on where you live. If you live in an area with a high crime rate, then of course the risk of your car being stolen from an unguarded parking lot near your house will be higher. In this case, perhaps the best solution would be to purchase a Casco policy with theft protection.

When choosing a parking place at night, give preference to well-lit places, as well as places near shops, banks, ATMs, etc. It is also desirable that the parking place of the car falls into the field of view of some camera.

This, of course, cannot directly protect your car from theft, but, nevertheless, it is significantly reduced, since criminals, as a rule, steal cars in poorly lit places that are not visible from the windows of houses, and also away from cameras.

In particular, when choosing a parking place, give preference to those places where police officers, private security officers, etc. often pass by at night, cruising along certain routes to control various objects.

Thus, you at least slightly reduce the risk of theft.

To conclude, here are some more important tips that can help you reduce your risk of theft:

  • - When leaving the car, always check that you have closed all windows and sunroof
  • - Never leave a second key inside the car
  • - If your car is equipped only with standard factory alarms, be sure to equip it with additional protection systems. It is advisable to install another electronic and mechanical anti-theft system in the car
  • - If you are faced with robbery or robbery (when they decided to steal your car with you), then in no case do not resist. The main thing to remember is that during robbery or robbery you risk your health or even life. Don't provoke criminals. Your life is more important than your car.

If you find yourself inside your car along with criminals, then keep your composure. The likelihood that you will just be thrown out of the car is high. As a rule, criminals will drop you from the car in a place where you will not immediately be able to report the attack to the police.

In conclusion, some world statistics of thefts.

Of course, each country has its own situation with car thefts. But, nevertheless, there are thefts in all countries. It's just that in every country and city, different brands and models of cars are popular with criminals.

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