Fines for "Plato" can not be paid. New edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: fines for "Platon" It is better not to violate

Fines for "Plato" can not be paid. New edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: fines for "Platon" It is better not to violate

Freight carriers who have not paid for travel on federal highways within the framework of the Platon system will not be charged yet, the Ministry of Transport said. The department, together with the State Duma, has already developed amendments that reduce sanctions for companies from 450,000 to 50,000 rubles. The decision was made after large-scale protests against Platon and a letter from business ombudsman Boris Titov to Vladimir Putin.

Drivers of vehicles owned by Russian carriers will be exempted from fines for violations of paying the fare for a vehicle with a maximum permitted weight of more than 12 tons, the Ministry of Transport said. such violations. Until these amendments are adopted, no fines will be charged from drivers of Russian vehicles for such violations.” Thus, based on the agency's statement, only truck drivers are exempted from sanctions (previously fines for them were 40,000 rubles). However, a source in the Ministry of Transport assured Kommersant that in fact no one would be fined at all, neither individuals nor legal entities (for them, the fine prescribed in the law is 450 thousand rubles for the first violation and 1 million rubles for repeated). According to Kommersant's information, now the Ministry of Transport and deputies in this moment they are discussing a compromise option: officials propose to make a single fine for legal entities and individuals (50 thousand rubles for the first violation and 100 thousand for the second one), deputies - 10 thousand rubles. Yevgeny Moskvichev, head of the State Duma Transport Committee, told Kommersant that the document would be considered at a plenary session on December 1-2. “In December, as soon as the president signs it, the amendments will come into force,” he told Kommersant.

Recall that the toll collection system (SVP) for the passage of 12-ton trucks along the Platon federal highways was launched on November 15. With the help of the SVP, Rosavtodor (the customer of the system) wants to collect 40 billion rubles annually. from truck owners causing damage pavement and direct this money to road construction. The system has sparked widespread outrage from companies and truck drivers, who have staged several protests over the past month. Against this background, the Ministry of Transport first replaced the fixed tariff of 3.73 rubles / km with a differentiated one (1.53 rubles / km until March 2016, 3 rubles / km until 2018, then 3.73 rubles / km), and also ordered to apply fines for non-payment of travel only in the Moscow region until May 2016. The Ministry of Transport made additional concessions after two events: yesterday, truckers held another protest rally (during which one of the activists died, as Kommersant reported, and business ombudsman Boris Titov turned to President Vladimir Putin with a request to put Platon into test mode In his letter, he reported, in particular, on the losses that business incurs due to SVP, and the fines that are actually applied not only in the Moscow region, but also in the Kaluga region.

The head of the interregional trade union of professional drivers, Alexander Kotov, in an interview with Kommersant, called the decision of the Ministry of Transport half-hearted. “We demand to completely turn off Platon’s equipment,” he told Kommersant. “Until the system is turned off, protests will continue, but they will be moved from roadsides to the ground in order to exclude tragedies, as in the Tver region. I have already sent a corresponding appeal to all the participants of the action.”

“Undoubtedly, this initiative is correct and expected,” Procurement Director told Kommersant transport services FM Logistic Andrey Popov.- We see the optimal solution to introduce a moratorium on fines for carriers for the period from November 15 to January 15, 2016 inclusive.” He also noted that the confusion around "Plato" arises from conflicting information coming from different sources. For example, a statement by Deputy Minister of Transport Yevgeny Ditrikh that fines would only work in the Moscow Region was posted on the ministry's website on November 11, but then deleted. “The official statement of the Minister of Transport, Speaker State Duma, or the Prime Minister, on a temporary moratorium on fines, until all problems with Platon are eliminated, - says Mr. Popov. - Whatever representatives of the system say, this does not mean that transport companies No problem. The reduction in the amount of the fine appears to be adequate and acceptable to the market.”

Ivan Buranov

Business Ombudsman Boris Titov asks to postpone fees from trucks

The first week of operation of the toll system freight transport"Platon" confirmed the worst fears of the business. So, major manufacturers and food vendors reported supply disruptions of up to 30% of goods. Kommersant has learned that business ombudsman Boris Titov has already intervened in the situation, proposing to President Vladimir Putin that the system be put into test mode for a year.

Drivers who, due to work duties, drive heavy vehicles are familiarized and included in the Platon program. It provides different tariff plans and payment options for the convenience of transport owners. If payment is not received, then the problem of fines becomes acute. It remains to figure out who will be fined, in what amount and for what. And most importantly - where to find out about it, how and where to pay it.

The essence of the violation

Plato provides for the collection of payment to compensate for the damage delivered by a vehicle weighing more than 12 tons to the road surface of federal highways. The name of the system is associated with the phrase "fee per ton". Funds that come from the work of Plato go to the adjustment of roads. Applies not only to trucks heavy vehicles but also for buses.

Plato system

The fine for driving without Plato is divided into several categories:

  • The vehicle is moving on federal roads with a broken or disabled personal device. This includes cases where there is no on-board unit or the route map is not properly drawn up.
  • A personal device was not assigned to the vehicle at all, but this does not prevent the vehicle from moving on major roads.
  • The car is moving on the wrong route, road, or on a date different from the one on the route map.
  • The vehicle continues to move after all the money transferred as payment for the use of the road has been spent on the account.


All traffic police fines according to Plato are imposed in accordance with Article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If a heavy vehicle falls within any of the criteria listed above, then Plato is considered absent. Both the owner of the vehicle and the driver of a foreign carrier who drives this vehicle and violates the rules will have to pay a fine for the absence of Plato.

Important! The driver of a domestic company who knows about the violation is obliged to inform the owner and regulatory authorities. In any case, no penalty is imposed on him.

What is the penalty for the absence of Plato in 2018?

For domestic and foreign carriers, the fine is the same - 5,000 rubles. If the violation was committed again, then the amount of the fine for Plato doubles and will already be 10,000 rubles. There are no exceptions for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Important! If you pay the issued receipt within 20 days, the amount will be reduced by 50% and amount to 2,500 rubles for the first violation and 5,000 for the second.

The fine is issued by the State traffic inspectorate, which stopped the car and checked the presence and performance of Plato. It is also allowed to register a car using photo or video recording. In this case, the penalty comes as a result of studying the materials.

The fine cannot be issued for certain categories of cars:

For everyone else, the system works properly and charges for each kilometer traveled. In case of violation, an administrative penalty is imposed in the form of a fine.

How does the penalty come

If there is a fine for poor-quality work with the Plato system, a receipt for payment will be sent to the post office, the postman will bring a delivery notification. In addition, you can see the presence of punishment on the website of the State Services, where not only the amount payable will be displayed, but also the date and time of the violation of the law. The owners of the enterprise are also notified by mail (most often to legal address organization) or email.

How to check fines according to Plato?

You can go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and go first to "Online Services", then to "Services of the Traffic Police". To check for fines, you need to enter government number vehicle and the license number assigned to state registration. To check the fines according to the Plato system, you can also go to your personal account.

How to pay?

When the receipt for paying the fine is already on hand, you can contact any bank, but it is better to go to a partner bank. This credit institution will not have a high percentage of commission. You can use mobile banking or personal account.

Payment of fines

If you need to report a violator

You can report a violator who is obliged to use the Plato system in the same way as any other traffic violation. To do this, you need to refer the application to the traffic police authority, on the territory of which the offense occurred. It is advisable to attach a USB flash drive with photos or a recording from the DVR, where the place and state number of the heavy truck will be clearly visible.

You can send a letter with a statement, which indicates the essence and place of the violation of the law, attaching a flash card with a photo or video recording of the violator to it. You need to send a letter to the address of the territorial traffic police department in whose jurisdiction the violation occurred. The letter must include the applicant's details, contact information and mobile phone for contact if needed. On the Platon ru website, some traffic police fines come from third-party applicants.

Another option to report a violation is to send a request through the "electronic reception" on the traffic police website. You will need:

  • Fill out the form: Full name and place of residence of the applicant, address Email and phone.
  • Fill out an application. It indicates that the applicant asks to investigate the fact of violation of the law, the date of the violation and the place and date of the application are affixed.
  • Evidence is attached. It is desirable that there be a photo or video of the offense. An application without evidence is unlikely to be successfully completed. If a video is attached, then it is necessary to cut out several freeze-frames from it, where the state number of the car is clearly visible.

After receiving the application, the traffic police begin the proceedings. The owner is set heavy vehicle and evidence is taken, the driver who committed the violation is identified.

If the fact of guilt is proven, then the case is transferred to the court, where a decision is made on an administrative penalty. If the fact remains unproven within 2 months, the applicant is contacted and notified of the closure of the administrative case.

The safety of people on the highway and the condition of the roadway depend on the timely payment of the system and the repair of roads. If roads are not repaired in a timely manner, and trucks constantly break them, then very soon not a single federal road will be of high quality. Therefore, it is correct to monitor and report violators.

Changes in legislation

Until 2016, the fine reached 40,000 rubles, but in 2017 it was significantly reduced. In 2018, the fine for the first hit is 5,000 rubles, for a second hit - 10,000 rubles.

Important! There is a restriction, which means that during the day, repeated penalties cannot be applied to the same vehicle. A day later, the violation is considered repeated if it has not been eliminated.

Since 2018, a fine can be imposed not only for non-working software, but also for its incorrect work. A draft law is being discussed, according to which the fare without the Platonic device will initially be 20,000 rubles for both owners and drivers.

Another piece of news is that a bill is being prepared that would soon the project will be transferred to Rospotrebnadzor. It is expected that this organization will have the authority to collect fines. There has not yet been official confirmation of the start of the transition, it is not so easy to transfer the entire system under the control of another department, in addition, the bill is only at the stage of discussion.

How to avoid fines

Fine for driving on a federal highway without a paid route map or in non-compliance with it, only a Russian organization or a driver of a foreign carrier can. But the domestic company has the right to transfer the fine to the driver if the violation was the result of his incorrect behavior. It is legally impossible to fine a driver, but the organization for which he works can collect the amount of the fine from his salary. The latter will simply receive payment for his labor not in full, he himself will not have to pay or check anything.

Route map

To avoid the imposition of a penalty, you need to replenish Plato's balance in a timely manner and control the period for which the deposited funds are enough. This can be done by both the organization and the driver himself. There are no cases in which a fine will not be imposed on the organization for failure to comply with the requirements.

The Plato system is designed to raise funds for permanent repair federal roads. The fact is that heavy trucks with their weight worsen the condition of the road surface with every kilometer traveled. The government has found a way out - domestic organizations and foreign carriers are required to register in the system and pay for their transportation at the rate.

And replenish the balance. And for accounting Money the operator will generate a settlement record. The scheme of payments in the system is advance. Thus, you first deposit money, and then, as the car moves along federal highways, the operator will debit the corresponding amount of the fee from the settlement record.

However, please note that there is no fee for:

  • vehicles that are designed specifically to transport people (except for cargo-passenger vans);
  • vehicles that are equipped with devices for supplying special light and sound signals and used for the work of special services: police, ambulance, fire brigade, emergency services, etc.;
  • vehicles that are designed to transport military weapons and equipment.

Many people wonder if there are fines for the absence of "Plato"? And how big a fine for Plato will have to be paid in 2017? Yes, for the movement of heavy trucks on federal roads common use without paying a fee, administrative liability is provided. A violation for which the owner of a heavy truck will have to be held liable is considered to be:

  • driving a car with a disabled or faulty on-board device, and a fine will be charged for driving without Plato;
  • movement of the car without issuing a route map;
  • the movement of the car at a different time, a different date or on a new route that is not stated in the route map;
  • if there are not enough advance funds on the balance of Platon's settlement record, a fine is also provided.

For owners of heavy trucks, as well as for drivers of vehicles owned by foreign carriers, same sizes fines:

  • at the first violation - 5000 rubles;
  • in case of repeated violation - 10,000 rubles.

How to check fines in the Platon system?

Many vehicle owners are concerned about the question: do fines come for Platon? Yes, they come. If special technical means photographing and video filming (cameras) recorded a violation, then the police (traffic police) will bring the violator to justice.

Please note: if the offense was recorded during the day not once, but twice or more, the owner of the car is not held liable for the second and following cases violations. That is, if the violation was recorded by cameras, for example, on November 21, 2016 three times, you will pay a fine to the Platon system for only one offense - you do not need to pay for subsequent offenses that you committed during the day. Now the issue of the need to fine for all violations recorded within one day is being discussed, but so far no decisions have been made on this issue.

Also, a person who has committed an offense when entering the territory of Russia is exempted from administrative liability if, at the time when the case of the offense is being considered:

  • the length of the distance that the car actually drove after crossing the Russian border without paying a fee was no more than 50 km;
  • payment for the harm caused highways federal value such a car, made in the prescribed manner.

Not everyone knows that fines can be avoided: on the official Platon website there is information that the payment of the fee can be postponed for one calendar month. This can be done if the heavy truck has been registered in the Platon system for more than 2 months, the car and its owners live in Russia, the owner of the car has no fines for non-payment, and for six months before that he had no debt to pay.

How to check fines for Plato? You can do this in the system in the same way as you can check any other administrative fines behind traffic violation, for example, on the website of the traffic police.

Draft relevant law 1 has been posted by the Ministry of Transport of Russia on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulations for independent anti-corruption expertise. The Ministry proposes from July 15 this year to increase the fine for non-payment of travel in the Platon system to 20 thousand rubles. instead of the current 5 thousand rubles. (part 1 of article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). It is intended to cancel existing fine in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. for the repeated commission of the specified offense (part 2 of article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Note that the fine for this violation is paid by the owner of the vehicle, and if it belongs to a foreign owner, the driver of the truck.

You can find out what losses incurred by the victim are subject to compensation under OSAGO from the material “Protocol on an administrative offense committed by the driver” in "Home Legal Encyclopedia" Internet versions of the GARANT system. Get full access for 3 days for free!

Recall that since April 15 this year, the preferential coefficient in the Platon system has increased by 25% and amounts to 0.51. Thus, for the run of one km of track on federal highways for heavy vehicles with a permitted maximum weight over 12 tons you need to pay 1.91 rubles. (Clause 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2015 No. 1191 “On Certain Issues of Charging Payments for Compensation for Damage Caused to Public Highways of Federal Importance by Vehicles with a Permissible Maximum Mass of Over 12 Tons”).

Law on fines from January 1, 2016

For all motorists in one-sixth of the world New Year started with good news. On January 1, 2016, the “Law on Fines” came into force, thanks to which drivers had the opportunity to pay only half the fine for traffic violations. And the remaining 50% of the amount will be “forgiven” for the timely repayment of this penalty.

Waiting for changes

As it was already dubbed by the common people as “the law on fines”, which was signed on December 22, 2014, but officially gained legal status only now. However, this in no way upsets motorists. The main thing is that now these amendments have legal force. There have been talks about taking such measures by the state for a long time, they were widely discussed in the press, discussed by experts, and ordinary citizens All that remained was to wait, and finally, they waited. However, first things first. What has changed in connection with the entry into force of the Law on fines from January 1, 2016?

What has changed

Behind the dryness of legal facts, it is difficult to immediately grasp the main meaning. Therefore, let's explain plain language layman. From now on, if you're breaking the rules traffic, are ready to immediately pay a fine on the spot or pay it within twenty days from the moment it was issued by the employees of the state traffic inspectorate, then half of the money will not be required from you. This will be a kind of discount for realizing your guilt in the violation and agreeing to compensation for harm to society.

Thus, as noted in all the official speeches of the deputies of the State Duma, the Federal Assembly and the Government, the state wants to stimulate the timely payment of fines for administrative offenses. And before that, such fines had to be beaten out almost by force, sending letters to the work of a traffic offender or applying other disciplinary measures from the public. And it turned out that no one really wanted to pay voluntarily. It was easier to hide, ignore payment notifications, than to come and pay the fine.

Now, on the first day of January, everything changed. The state gave motorists a choice - either pay in full, or plead guilty and pay on time. For this, the legislator provided for a period of three weeks, this time is quite enough to make a payment and sleep peacefully.

By the way, regarding the filling of the protocol on administrative violations, legislative adjustments were also made. In accordance with them, now the documents must contain information about the violation committed, the driver who became the culprit and the amount that he can pay according to new procedure collection (payment) of fines from January 1, 2016.

The choice is yours

Those. a person can choose to pay half in cash on the spot, or within 20 days from the date of delivery of a certificate for payment. Or still pay the debt to the state in full. There is no doubt which of the options any Russian person will choose. It makes no sense to pay in full if you can save. And he prefers to pay immediately. As they say, a person has less headaches, and the state benefits. And on the roads, too, there may be fewer violations. So hope the traffic police, who positively perceived the innovations.

Drunk driving will not be forgiven

However, it is also worth mentioning one more point of the “Law on fines”. The discount that a violator of traffic rules can receive does not apply to all types of administrative action. There are violations that do not fall into this category. These are, for example, driving a car without proper registration, driving while intoxicated, handing over a car to a drunk person, refusing a medical examination, or drinking alcohol after an accident. It is believed that any violations that are somehow related to the use of alcoholic or narcotic substances, the fine cannot be canceled or reduced. The amount of fines for exceeding speed limit, passing on a red light, exit into an oncoming lane on a one-way road.

Until the moment when the Law on Fines was adopted and amendments to the Code on administrative offenses entered into force, there were fears among drivers that the minimum fines of 500 rubles would have to be paid in full, regardless of the payment deadline, but this information was not reflected in the document.

The Retroactive Force of the Law

But there was another fact. According to the new law on fines, from January 1, there are back side legal document. It concerns those who committed traffic violations and he was fined in December 2015, for example. In this case, drivers have the opportunity to jump into the last car and pay with a 50% discount in January 2016, if the total payment period does not exceed 20 days.

Better not break

In general, changes in the payment of fines from January 1, 2016 caused a positive reaction from motorists and the public. And this is definitely good sign that problems on the roads may become less and extra fines you do not have to write to the traffic police inspectors. It is better to do without them and follow the rules of the road.

All traffic rules changes since July 2017

changes since July 2017

WITH July 1, 2017 issue an OSAGO policy single agent principle

July 1, 2017. The check basket of spare parts, materials and standard hours did not change then, that is average cost spare parts remained at the same level.

Pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes in OSAGO from July 1, 2017

July 1, 2017

January 1, 2019

July 1, 2017

First car" can be individual under the age of 30. It is assumed that when buying a car Russian assembly worth up to 1450 thousand rubles, the state will compensate the buyer for 10% of its value. Member of the support program family car

The ban on the transportation of children by buses older than 10 years from July 1, 2017

On January 1, 2017, Decree No. 652 of June 30, 2015 "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government" was to come into force. Russian Federation in terms of improving the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses. According to the document, from January 1, 2017, only a bus could be used for the organized transportation of a group of children, from the year of manufacture of which no more than 10 years have passed, which corresponds to the purpose and design technical requirements for the carriage of passengers, is allowed to participate in road traffic in accordance with the established procedure and is equipped in accordance with the established procedure with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS satellite navigation equipment. However, the ban on transporting children on buses older than 10 years has been moved to July 1, 2017 of the year.

In May of this year, the State Duma spoke about the need to lift this ban, but the relevant documents have not yet been adopted.

July 15, 2017

Before July 1, 2017

New rules for transporting children from July 10, 2017

  • Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to travel on back seat car

Deprivation of rights for a return through a continuous line from July 10, 2017

The KP correspondent got a job in a taxi company and honestly turned the steering wheel on weekends [infographics]

Yandex and the Moscow City Hall signed an agreement on the introduction of unmanned vehicles

Plato: fines

Owners of trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 12 tons must make payments to the Platon system as compensation for damage caused by their vehicles to federal roads (Article 31.1 of the Law of November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ). Moreover, such payments general rule paid in advance. That is, you first need to transfer a certain amount to the system as an advance payment, and then send the transport along the route.

And if the owner of a freight transport refuses to deposit money into the Platon system, he cannot avoid fines. The Code of Administrative Offenses has a whole article devoted to fines for Plato 2017.

Penalties for Plato in 2017

For the movement of the trucks named above along federal highways without paying a mandatory payment to the Platon system, an administrative fine of 5,000 rubles is provided, which will be imposed:

  • or to the owner / owner of the vehicle, except for vehicles owned by foreign carriers;
  • or on the driver of a vehicle owned by a foreign carrier (part 1 of article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In case of repeated commission of these violations, a fine of 10,000 rubles will be collected from the same persons. (part 2 of article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Moreover, if during the day in different places through photography or video recording automatic mode if several violations were recorded in relation to the same freight vehicle, then the owner of the car is not held liable for the second and subsequent violations - fines are not issued for them (clause 2 of the Note to Article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

As you can see, the penalty for the "absence of Plato" is not so small. And you should not count on the fact that your unpaid car on the roads will not be detected, so that you can avoid a fine. It won't work!

How to find out about fines for driving without Plato

After the Platon system was launched at the end of 2015, many truck owners began to worry about the question: are fines coming for Platon? It turned out that yes. Violators, that is, those who did not make a mandatory payment to Plato, on federal highways detect automatic means of fixation - in other words, cameras. And then the traffic police issues fines to carriers. In this matter, the traffic police and the Platon System Operator, which registers the owners of freight vehicles, receives payments from them and transfers them to the budget, act together.

If the competent authorities issue Plato fines to you, how to check them? In the same way as any other administrative fines for traffic violations, for example, on the traffic police website.

Articles and notes

All traffic rules changes since July 2017

Amendments to OSAGO rules, new car industry support programs, new fines, traffic rules amendments: what else changes since July 2017 waiting for Russian drivers - in the material of the portal

CMTPL registration on the RSA website from July 1, 2017

WITH July 1, 2017 year on the official website of the RSA it will be possible to issue an OSAGO policy single agent principle

With the launch of mandatory sales electronic OSAGO a system for guaranteeing the conclusion of contracts was developed. It turns on when technical reasons the consumer fails to conclude a contract on the website of the insurance company. In this case, there is a redirect to the site of another insurer, which is selected for the consumer by the distribution system for TCP number. According to regulatory framework, sales of electronic OSAGO can be organized with the participation of the site of the PCA website. If it is impossible to conclude an agreement on the website of the insurance company, the consumer is redirected to the website of the PCA. The application filled in by the consumer on the insurer's website with all the data entered is also sent there. In the closed section of the PCA website, the insurance company with which it is proposed to conclude an agreement will be determined by the PTS number. Next, the insurance premium is paid to the insurer's account, an agreement is concluded, after which the person receives the policy by e-mail.

The implementation of this scenario will ensure the guaranteed conclusion of OSAGO agreements in in electronic format, will ensure full control over the process by the PCA, reduce the number of complaints and fines for insurers, the union believes.

Prices for spare parts and repairs under OSAGO from July 1, 2017

On June 1, the Presidium of the PCA approved the next update of the directories of the average cost of spare parts, materials and standard hours of work in OSAGO. The next update is planned for July 1, 2017. The check basket of spare parts, materials and standard hours did not change then, that is, the average cost of spare parts remained at the same level.

However, on April 28, 2017, the law on in-kind compensation in OSAGO came into force. “These are serious changes for the market, insurers are reshaping their work, re-signing contracts with service stations, so the RAMI Presidium decided to prepare a draft of the next version of the guides, which will comply with the practice of in-kind compensation in OSAGO. This version of the PCA is planned to be considered before July 1, 2017,” commented Igor Yurgens, President of the PCA.

Let us recall that earlier reference books were reviewed only once every six months.

Pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes in OSAGO from July 1, 2017

The pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes on OSAGO, which was introduced in 2014 for a year, was supposed to expire July 1, 2017. According to this rule, the client of the insurance company, dissatisfied with the payment under OSAGO, had to apply to insurance company with prejudice. Only upon receipt of a refusal in pre-trial appeal, he could apply to the court with a claim.

The mandatory pre-trial procedure for settling disputes in the field of OSAGO began to operate in 2014 for a year, then it was extended on July 1, 2017. However, at the beginning of June 2017, it became known that the claim procedure for considering disputes in OSAGO would be extended until January 1, 2019. The corresponding amendment was supported by the State Duma Committee on the financial market.

New programs to support the automotive industry from July 1, 2017

New programs to support the automotive industry will start working in Russia from July 1, 2017. We are talking about the programs "Family car", "First car", "Russian tractor". Until the end of 2017, it is planned to allocate 7.5 billion rubles for these programs.

According to preliminary data, a participant in the support program " First car» can become an individual under the age of 30 years. It is assumed that when buying a Russian-assembled car worth up to 1,450 thousand rubles, the state will compensate the buyer for 10% of its cost. Member of the support program » family car”can be a family in which there are three or more children under the age of 18. With regard to programs for commercial transport, such as "Russian Tractor" or "Russian Farmer", then they are subsidized up to 12.5% ​​of the cost.

Transfer of the ban on the transportation of children by buses older than 10 years from July 1, 2017

On January 1, 2017, Decree No. 652 of June 30, 2015 “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in Part of Improving the Rules for the Organized Transportation of a Group of Children by Buses” was to come into force. According to the document, from January 1, 2017, for the organized transportation of a group of children, only a bus could be used, from the year of manufacture of which no more than 10 years have passed, which meets the technical requirements for passenger transportation in terms of purpose and design, and is allowed to participate in road traffic in the prescribed manner and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS satellite navigation equipment. The ban on transporting children on buses older than 10 years was previously moved to July 1, 2017 of the year.

However, the ban was again postponed - the corresponding resolution No. 772 was signed by the Government on June 29, 2017. By the signed resolution, the date of entry into force of the requirement for the year of manufacture of the bus used for the organized transportation of a group of children is postponed from July 1, 2017 to January 1, 2018. Decision will allow the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and carrier organizations to complete the renewal of the fleet of buses that will be used for organized transport groups of children, the explanatory note to the document says.

Penalty for Platon from July 15, 2017

The Ministry of Transport posted a draft law that increases fines for non-payers of the Platon system from July 15, 2017 4 times a year - from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

To date, the fine for non-payment of fees of the Platon system is 5,000 rubles for the first violation and 10,000 rubles for a second one. According to the amendments that were previously proposed by the Ministry of Transport, it was also proposed to fine the driver for 10,000 thousand rubles in the event of the first violation, that is, to increase the fine by 2 times. However, the draft of the relevant law, posted by the Ministry of Transport on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulations for an independent anti-corruption examination, provides for an increase in the fine by 4 times at once. The Ministry of Transport proposes to increase the fine for non-payment of travel in the Platon system to 20 thousand rubles from July 15, 2017. instead of the current 5 thousand rubles. (part 1 of article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). At the same time, it is supposed to cancel the existing fine in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. for the repeated commission of the specified offense (part 2 of article 12.21.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Full transition to electronic PTS (postponed to 2018)

The electronic form of the TCP has been introduced on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union since August 17, 2016 in accordance with the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated July 12, 2016 No. 81 “On the formats and structures of electronic vehicle passports (electronic vehicle chassis passports) and electronic passports self-propelled vehicles and other types of technology). All information about the owners of the car from that day is stored in electronic version, in the traffic police databases. When buying a car with hands, you can find out the entire history of its owners. In addition, it will be possible to enter more than detailed information- about maintenance, repairs, etc.

Before July 1, 2017 year, the traffic police was supposed to put these databases in order, after this date it was planned to completely stop issuing paper forms of TCP. However, not all EEC countries were ready for this, so it was decided to postpone the full transition to electronic TCP until 2018.

New rules for transporting children from July 12, 2017

Amendments to the rules for transporting children are contained in Government Decree No. 761, which was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on June 28, 2017.

  • only car seats are now allowed to transport children (the term “other devices” is excluded from the traffic rules)
  • children from 7 to 11 years old can be carried in the back seat both in a car seat and fastened with regular seat belts
  • children under 7 years old can only be transported in a car seat, without exception
  • on front seat children of any age can only be transported in a car seat
  • children under the age of 7 are not allowed to be left alone in the car
  • children under 12 are not allowed to ride on the back seat of a motorcycle

You can read more about all the changes in the rules for transporting children in 2017 in our material.

Deprivation of rights for a return through a continuous line from July 12, 2017

The government approved amendments to the traffic rules, which toughen the punishment for driving on oncoming lane. Now it will be possible to lose the rights for overtaking if the return to your lane is through a solid marking line.

On June 28, 2017, the Government approved new amendments to the SDA, which were published in Decree No. 761 on July 3, 2017. One of the amendments changes the rules for driving into the oncoming lane.

“On any roads with two-way traffic, it is prohibited to drive on a lane intended for oncoming traffic if it is separated by tram tracks, a dividing strip, markings 1.1, 1.3 or markings 1.11, the dashed line of which is located on the left,” this is the text of the amendment to the SDA.

This means, for example, that if a driver started overtaking in a permitted area, and after overtaking returned to his lane already through a solid marking line, he may be deprived of his rights for driving into an oncoming lane.

New terms in the traffic rules of July 12, 2017

Electric vehicle and hybrid vehicle

In order to designate places for charging electric vehicles and ensure the possibility of their parking in such places, new terms have been introduced into the SDA:

Term « hybrid car» now refers to a vehicle having at least 2 different power converters (motors) and 2 different (on-board) energy storage systems for vehicle propulsion purposes.

Term "Electric car"- a vehicle driven exclusively by electric motor and charged with external source electricity.

Dividing line and traffic island

In terms "dividing line" And "island of safety" a mention of tram tracks has been made, which will allow equipping pedestrian crossings in places where both pass and tram rails and the carriageway.

New road signs from July 12, 2017

The specified resolution introduced new road signs in the SDA:

"Zone with restriction of the ecological class of motor vehicles" indicates the place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where the movement of motor vehicles is prohibited:

"Zone with restriction of ecological class trucks» indicates the place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where the movement of trucks, tractors and self-propelled vehicles is prohibited:

  • the ecological class of which, indicated in the registration documents for these vehicles, below the environmental class indicated on the sign;
  • the environmental class of which is not indicated in the registration documents for these vehicles.

Accordingly, there were also signs "End of the zone with the restriction of the ecological class of motor vehicles" And "End of the zone with the restriction of the environmental class of trucks".

plate « Environmental class vehicle" will be used in conjunction with other road signs to restrict the movement of vehicles that do not correspond to the class indicated on the plate.

Service sign "Gas station with the possibility of charging electric vehicles" will be used to mark the charging points for electric vehicles and enable them to be parked.

New requirements for taxis and buses from July 12, 2017

According to the amendments, in order to ensure road safety, the action road sign"Stopping prohibited" is now extended to route vehicles and taxis outside the stop zone route transport. That is, shuttle buses and taxi cars are now prohibited from stopping at places where there is a stop prohibition sign, except for directly stopping points.

Changes for cyclists from July 12, 2017

IN the current edition Cyclists under the age of 14 are not allowed to ride on the road, and adult cyclists accompanying them are not allowed to ride on the sidewalk. The new amendments eliminate these contradictions. Bicyclists are now allowed to ride on the sidewalk or footpath when accompanied by an adult cyclist under the age of 14.

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Penalties for the resonant system "Platon", launched on November 15, were postponed to May next year. The authorities made concessions to truckers who continue to protest against the launch this mechanism. In addition, the State Duma reduced the amount of fines by almost 100 times.

Problematic "Plato"

The situation around the operation of the Platon service remains tense. With the help of this system, Rosavtodor planned to attract about 40 billion rubles. next year. However, protests from truckers forced the government to reconsider the original approach.

"Platon" was created to collect payment from trucks (weight over 12 tons) for the use of routes. This type vehicles causes the greatest damage to the road surface, after which it becomes necessary to repair the roadway. It was originally planned to use fixed cost 3.73 rubles / km. After that, they switched to a differentiated model - 1.53 rubles. until March next year, 3 rubles. until 2018, and after that - 3.73 rubles.

The second high-profile issue was fines for violations of payment within the framework of this system. The initial fines for the first and subsequent violations reached astronomical amounts: 450 thousand rubles. and 1 million rubles. In response to truckers' protests, the fines were reduced to 5,000 and 10,000 rubles, respectively. The collection of fines under the Platon system was canceled until May 2016, including due to technical problems. This position is shared by the Ministry of Transport and Rosavtodor, with the only exception being the Moscow region, where fines will remain in force.

Over the first 12 days of the system's operation, more than 0.5 billion rubles were collected. At the same time, various technical problems at the registration stage, which increased the degree of dissatisfaction of payers. Rosavtodor warned of possible financial sanctions against the concessionaires of the Platon system. The agency continues to check the quality of the mechanism, which began on the third day after the launch.

Positions of the parties

Rosavtodor decided to cancel the fines until May 2016 (outside the Moscow region), but truckers continue to protest against the Platon service.

The financial position of carriers has deteriorated significantly in the context of the crisis. Additional payment for the use of highways may be the last straw that will lead to a systemic crisis, experts warn. As a result, there will be interruptions in the supply of products, which will be felt as stocks in retail chains decrease. Last news confirmed the fears of experts - despite the resolution of the issue of fines, for the first 7 days of the Platon system, 30% of goods were delivered intermittently.

Business Ombudsman Boris Titov believes that it is better to shift the timing of toll collection by 1 year. At this stage, it is better to transfer the mechanism to test mode. At the same time, the question of whether they will be fined for violation of payment according to the Platon system is not so important. In addition to possible interruptions in the supply of goods, there is another problem. After the increase in wages next year, inflation will accelerate by 2.7 percentage points, experts predict.

Experts support the test use of the Platon system in the near future. Not all vehicles are equipped yet special devices, and some carriers are not registered in the service.

The protesters intend to achieve the abolition of this system. Otherwise, truckers will continue to put pressure on the government. In turn, officials need to look for sources of funding. In a crisis, it is necessary to save budgetary funds, including at the expense of funds for improving the quality of roads, which makes the Platon system necessary.

The law on the transfer of fines for payment violations under the Platon system has not yet been adopted until May next year. The State Duma limited itself only to reducing the amount of fines, which will amount to 5 thousand rubles. in the case of the first violation, and twice as much for repeated violations. These measures are half-hearted, according to the carriers. Under the current conditions, Platon will become a threat to the uninterrupted supply of goods. In addition, additional fees will lead to higher prices. In the coming year, this tool is better to use only in test mode, experts say.

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