The largest cranes in the world. The largest cranes giants of special equipment

The largest cranes in the world. The largest cranes giants of special equipment


Large-scale human creations are always amazing. People have learned to build high-rise buildings, extract minerals from the bowels of the earth and accumulate atomic energy. But how exactly are global structures built? What governs heavy beams and vaults? And it concerns real heroes - cranes. Consider what is the largest crane in the world today and how it is used.

Leader among truck cranes.

Undoubtedly, the most impressive and powerful truck crane is the German creation LiebherrLTM-11200-9.1, commonly referred to as the "Mammoth". In 2007, the largest crane of this type was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The main power of the "Mammoth" is hidden in its arrow, which has eight telescopic sections. These are the largest length indicators in the world that exist today. In order for the colossus to move and stand stably, it has nine main axles, which are controlled by eighteen wheels.

The load with which the crane has to work most often has a weight of 363 tons. Permissible load capacity at additional installation special units- 1200 tons. The largest wheeled crane is designed to operate at a height of 180 meters, but its capabilities are reduced. Max load, raised to such a height with the arrow extended to the maximum, is 1.3 tons.

Technical characteristics of the largest crane in the world Imagine a huge colossus with an incredible boom, the length of which exceeds all imaginable and unimaginable parameters. How to keep such power? How to make the most big crane Liebherr still lifted such loads? This requires strong support.

Located under the main boom big system, which performs a counterbalance. It is a base weighing 22 tons, on which ten plates of another 10 tons each are installed. The crane works thanks to the 6-cylinder engine with a power of 240 kW. average speed when driving - 12 km per hour. Despite its powerful capabilities, the crane itself only weighs 220 tons. Using the Liebherr Crane According to the Germans, this colossus is most often ordered for large-scale construction in Europe and the Middle East. The most a big problem is transportation. Even overland, it takes at least 20 trucks to move all the components. The installation of the crane takes from 8 to 10 hours. In Europe, the largest wheeled crane is widely used for the installation of wind turbines. The truck crane can often be found on construction sites of solar batteries and high-rise buildings, TV towers and bridges. The colossus is controlled by a whole group of operators who monitor the load and general indicators on monitors, excluding even slightest mistake or error. The world's largest Liebherr crane can be used wherever maximum lifting capacity is required. Its big advantage is that, unlike its giant competitors, it is very mobile. The unit is often used in military sphere for mounting experimental objects.

Caterpillar giant.

The people of China never cease to amaze. Chinese manufacturers claim their LR13000 is the largest crawler crane that can travel on its own. Its maximumcapacity - 3000 tons, although in 2011 the developments of the same Chinese were presented to the world in the construction of a new crane with a lifting capacity of 3600 tons. The only caveat is that such a huge load can only be lifted by 12 meters.

In fact, the height of the work is much greater. Such cranes are widely used in the construction of oil and chemical plants. Also, the construction of dangerous parts of nuclear power plants is not complete without them. The most interesting thing is that the LR13000 does not use a counterweight during its operation. Its design resembles a deployed arrow, which ensures stability. Powerful cables installed on both sides can provide a lifting capacity of up to 62 tons each. And the hook lifts the equipment to the height of a 74-story building.

Modern Titan.

Ever wondered what is the largest lifting capacity of a crane? It's very hard to imagine, but the highest weight a car can lift is 20,000 tons. Twenty thousand tons! This is 660 wagons or 21,000 Lada cars!

It is difficult to imagine even the place where a crane can be used. A Chinese company is engaged in its construction, and the structure itself is motionless, that is, it does not involve transportation. The purpose of its existence is the construction of oil wells in the depths of the sea. For this, a crane is specially erected on the provided platforms, which are then simply removed. And after that, "Teysun" (that's the name of the modern "Titan") begins to mount the borehole. To date, the most famous specimen is working in Shandong province. It took 10 years to build it, but already at its opening, the crane set a record - 20,133 tons at a height of 30 meters above the water level.

Huge tower crane.

German company Wolffkran has created the world's largest tower crane. His model is identified as 1250V. The maximum crane can lift 60 tons, but not on a fully extended boom. With such a load, its capabilities are reduced to 11 tons, because the maximum boom radius reaches 80 meters. The world's largest crane, immediately after the presentation to the public, went to his first job - to build a hydroelectric power station in Germany. Today, it can often be found in the process of working at facilities on all continents of the world.

The price of such a crane is simply sky-high. Any, even the most high-budget project, is unlikely to be able to afford to buy and transport a high-altitude crane. Therefore, the Germans are willing to arrange leasing. This increases the popularity of the unit and makes it more and more accessible to construction sites around the world.

The largest floating crane.

The immensity of the sea depths forces engineers to design more and more technological innovations. Again, China is leading the way. Their largest floating crane is known as the DLV4000. From the bottom of the sea depths, he is able to lift a load weighing up to 4400 tons.

Where can such cargoes be, you ask? Of course, in the places of oil and gas production. It makes more sense to lower the DLV4000 hook once than to do it a hundred times, but with a smaller machine. In addition, the world's largest offshore crane is capable of doing its job in hard-to-reach places, on dangerous shelves or in frosty conditions. It remains only to imagine the size of this giant. The length exceeds 174 meters, and the width is 48 meters. It is powered by 7 diesel engines, which have their own power plant. The crane can work continuously for 60 days, but such overheating should not be allowed. The craft can lift the submarine, as they say, with one finger, and not even blink.

We have all seen how cranes work, helping people to erect high-rise buildings and various structures. However, have you ever seen such a huge crane that is simply amazing in its size? Some cranes even managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records. What is it - the largest crane in the world? And what other cranes claim such a title?

The largest truck crane

Undoubtedly, the leadership among truck cranes belongs to the German crane LiebherrLTM-11200-9.1, which is also called the "Mammoth". This giant is even listed in the Book of Records. It is a self-propelled boom crane equipped with a telescopic boom. The boom is located on a 9-axle chassis with 18 driving wheels. The auto-extend boom consists of eight sections and is the longest in the world.

The standard model of this truck crane can lift 363 tons of cargo, however, when installed special equipment the carrying capacity increases to 1200 tons - the boom can withstand this load weight at a reach of 2.5 meters. The machine can lift the load by 180 meters, but in this case the maximum weight of the load can be only 1.3 tons.

The truck crane engine is an 8-cylinder unit for 680 Horse power running on diesel. As a counterweight, the weight of which is 202 tons, 32 plates are used, having same size. When such a counterweight becomes small, a special hydraulic equipment for balancing.

This "colossus" is used for large-scale construction (for example, heavy equipment, large ships) and when installing wind turbines. It takes approximately 8-10 hours to assemble a truck crane - most of the parts are brought in by trucks, the number of which is at least 20.

largest crawler crane

Here you can see the models crawler cranes Chinese companies - SCC86000TM (Sany) and XGC88000 (XCMG). The release of cranes that can lift up to 3600 tons, the companies announced in 2011. But there is already a Zoomlion ZCC3200NP crane, also from Chinese manufacturers.

It has a lifting capacity of 3200 tons, which is 200 tons more than the German crawler crane Liebherr LR13000 (it can lift a load of 3000 tons).

largest tower crane

Among tower cranes, Wolffkran's 1250V model is a giant. The value of the maximum load moment of the crane is 1500 tons, this giant is characterized by a lifting capacity of 60 tons. The maximum radius of the boom is 80 meters, and the load at the maximum radius, it can lift a weight of 11 tons.

This big crane immediately after the presentation went to his first job - to build a hydroelectric power station in Germany. The crane manufacturer claims that today it is very popular in many countries of the world (Europe, America, Australia, the Middle East). No more than 15 such cranes are produced per year, and the price for them is formed depending on the configuration, but still the cost is incredibly high. Therefore, in order to save money for customers, manufacturers even offer this crane for rent.

largest floating crane

The Italian company Monfalcone created a large crane for work on water - Saipem Mikoperi7000. It is one of the huge floating cranes (more precisely, these are two cranes working together), the deck of which can be compared in size with two football fields.

This "hard worker" can lift any drilling rig or vessel weighing up to 14,000 tons. The crane can work on the water surface for several months, about 300 specialists work on it - for them, the floating crane even provides canteens, cafes, a cinema and a hospital.

You can also note the floating crane Chinese company– DLV4400. As the name suggests, this crane has a lifting capacity of 4,400 tons. It is characterized by the presence of 7 diesel engines. The floating crane is 174 meters long and 48 meters wide. This giant can stay on the water surface for at least 60 days. It employs 250 people. It is used for lifting sunken ships and for offshore construction.

The largest stationary crane

Crane Chinese made able to lift a load weighing at least 20,000 tons. So, he can lift about 20,000 cars or 420 units of heavy vehicles. The height of this mighty crane is 133 meters, the distance between spans is 20 meters. This "colossus" is an excellent assistant for a person in the construction of tankers and oil platforms.

Building houses is an incredibly interesting process. It is very exciting to watch how huge houses are being built, ornately shaped buildings and entire cities are being created. Human strength is involved in this whole process from beginning to end. However, ignoring the possibilities construction equipment in no way possible. Indeed, without KamAZ, KrAZ, dump trucks, excavators and other machines, nothing would have happened. Well, the most important thing on a construction site is, of course, a crane. Only he is able to carry huge loads to a height. And the world's largest crane might not be able to do that. What it looks like, who created it and what characteristics it has, we will try to find out in the following material.

The largest tower model brought to Russia. German car

The largest tower crane in the world was assembled in China. YONGMAO engineers worked on the development of this giant. They named their brainchild ST80/60. The installation of the heaviest construction plant began in Russian Federation in the middle of June 2014, and ended only on the second of August. General load capacity technology is 40 tons. Makhina immediately liked the builders from Russia. It was planned to be used for the construction of the Nizhne-Bureiskaya hydroelectric power station near Blagoveshchensk.

The crane can lift up to 40 thousand kilograms of cargo. This is the weight of five elephants, two dozen cars, or 11-12 medium-sized giraffes. The world's largest ST80 /60 crane is able to move on rails, thanks to which it can be operated during the construction of the most complex structures.

Another largest on the planet tower model is a unit from Germany, developed by the Wolffkran concern. this model identified as 1250V. The crane is capable of lifting 60 tons, however, on an incompletely extended boom. With this kind of load, the capabilities of the equipment are reduced to 11 tons, since largest radius arrow is 80 meters. As soon as the equipment was presented to a wide audience, it immediately went to work, namely, to the construction of a hydroelectric power station in Germany itself. Now the machine is used in the construction of facilities throughout the Earth.

Transport from the Guinness Book of Records

The world's largest crane was created by the same German scientists. The Liebherr LTM-11200-9.1 is the most powerful and impressive truck crane. In the common people, the car is called quite simply - "Mammoth". In 2007, such a technical invention deservedly got into the Guinness Book of Records. The transport boom, which has eight telescopic sections, hides the main power of the entire structure. These length parameters are currently considered the largest on Earth. Stability and the ability to move "Mammoth" provide nine base axles on 18 wheels.

Often the crane works with a load weighing 363 tons. Maximum possible load capacity with the additional use of special units is 1200 tons. The Liebherr LTM-11200-9.1 is built to operate at a height of 180 meters. However, the capabilities of the model will be reduced in this case. On given height a crane with its boom extended to the limit can lift at most 1.3 tons of cargo.

Machine with caterpillars

The largest crawler crane in the world was built in China. Manufacturers from China have created a model LR13000 able to move independently. The largest load capacity giant reaches three thousand tons. True, the machine can only lift such an impressive weight by a dozen meters.

However, in reality, the height of the work is much greater. Such cranes are actively exploited for the construction of chemical and oil plants. It is impossible to build without the use of such equipment and dangerous parts of nuclear power plants. Incredibly interesting is that during its operation this crane does not use a counterweight. The design of the LR13000 is similar to a huge arrow, which ensures the stability of the entire hulk. Powerful cables are integrated on the two sides of the equipment. Each one guarantees about 62 tons load capacity. The crane hook can lift a load to a height equal to a 74-story building.

Huge floating unit

The immensity of the ocean depths forces scientists to design special equipment of ever larger and large sizes. And ahead of the rest, of course, the Celestial Empire. Its largest floating crane in the world is known to many as the DLV4000. He lifts truly huge loads from the depths of the sea. They sometimes weigh 4400 tons.

Similar weights can be located in those places where gas and oil are produced. It is much more profitable to use the hook of the DLV4000 crane once than to use a smaller machine a hundred times. In addition, the largest floating crane on the planet can operate in hard-to-reach places, in frosty conditions and in the most dangerous shelves. The length of the model exceeds the mark of 174 meters, the width is 48 meters. Seven diesel engines with their own power plant are responsible for powering the machine. The unit is able to work continuously for 60 days, but it is highly undesirable to allow such overheating. A floating facility can easily lift an entire submarine to a height.

Overview of truck cranes

Determine the largest truck crane in the world is quite difficult, as there are several huge models. For example, Zoomlion ZACB01 truck crane load capacity in 2000 tons can safely claim this title. The machine is equipped with four engines of various capacities: 150, 260, 430 and 650 horsepower. Also, the unit is equipped with a telescopic 160-meter boom.

Another largest truck crane on Earth can be considered the special equipment of the Chinese concern XCMG. The transport is called XCA5000. The machine cannot boast of such carrying capacity, like her previous "colleague", however, her capabilities are amazing: 1600 tons. The design is able to move sideways, and this is its uniqueness.

All wheels wheels

The largest wheeled crane in the world can be safely called the Chinese equipment manufactured by SANY, SAC 12000. This unit is an analogue of the previously mentioned LTM-11200-9.1, better known as the Mammoth.

The design of the model has several systems at the same time: safe management vehicle, optimization of fuel consumption, optimization of applied power and adjustment of the wheel system.

This faucet can operate in 15 modes. It also integrates many additional devices, which facilitate the implementation of various tasks. The cost of such equipment starts from 250 million rubles.

Construction equipment from the oldest company

Another world's largest crane, the photo of which you can see in our article, was developed by Terex-Demag, which is the oldest company in this market segment. The brainchild of the AC 1000 concern is large machine, load capacity which is equal to one thousand tons.

The equipment is equipped with a telescopic boom, which is transported separately. This is due to its huge size: it consists of nine sections, and the structure weighs approximately 22 thousand kilograms.

The boom allows you to lift all kinds of loads to a height of 163 meters. For the AC 1000 to work, an additional truck crane is required, designed to assemble all the elements into one design. load capacity of the entire machine should not be less than 30 thousand kilograms.

The work of a whole decade

On the creation of "Teysun" - one of the biggest cranes in the world - it took the engineers a whole ten years. A fixed structure that does not involve transportation was invented in China. The machine is capable of lifting 20 thousand tons of cargo. Used "bison" in the depths of the sea for the construction of oil wells. The crane is mounted on special platforms, which are subsequently removed.

As soon as these works are completed, the giant construction equipment begins to make a borehole. Now such an instance is operated in the Chinese province of Shandong. The unit holds a record in the form of lifting 20133 tons to a 30-meter height above sea level.

Truck cranes are the most demanded type of special equipment in construction. But for the construction of residential or commercial buildings, cranes with not very heavy load capacity- up to 50 t.

Giant cranes are not used as often - they only perform particularly heavy operations, such as installing industrial equipment. They find application in the chemical, nuclear and oil refining industries. Most large truck cranes some of the largest producers in the world automobile factories in China, Germany and the USA.

Terex-Demag Truck Crane

Truck crane joint production USA and Germany Terex-Demag AC-1000 is used in the installation of wind farms and ensure the operation of their engines. Its specifications:

  • load capacity- 1000 tons;
  • length- 22.48 m, width- 3m, height- 4 m;
  • engine power- 480 kW;
  • wheel formula- 18X18X18;
  • maximum speed – 85;
  • boom reach- 100 meters high.

When the truck crane moves on the highway, great harm pavement not applied - the axle load is only 12 tons. To assemble the entire structure, another crane is used with a lifting capacity of at least 30 tons. For the transportation of all equipment (counterweights, outriggers), the truck crane is accompanied by an additional vehicle.

Truck crane SANY

Model SAC12000 Chinese manufacturer SANY has good cross in hard-to-reach areas. Its main parameters:

  • diesel engine power 480 kW;
  • load capacity- 1200 tons;
  • number of axles – 9;
  • maximum speed- 75 km / h;
  • boom reach- 102 meters.

The equipment is provided with control and safety systems, power distribution. There are 15 modes of operation. The telescopic boom is divided into 4 sections. The machine is equipped with four legs, two winches and superstructures.

Crane Liebherr

The German giant truck crane Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 lifts loads up to 1200 tons. The length of the telescopic boom is 100 meters, it consists of 8 sections. Most high angle its rise is 86 degrees. Raised by axial piston motor.

Lifting capacity of the truck crane Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1

Two diesel engines installed:

  • 6-cylinder, 367 hp With.- for the operation of the crane;
  • 8-cylinder, 680 l. With.- for the movement of the chassis.

To organize the work of the crane, the participation of a team of five people is necessary - two operators, two drivers and an engineer.

Other Features:

  • speed- 70 km / h;
  • load moment- 36000 tm;
  • number of axles – 9.

For lifting loads required condition- installation of a counterweight weighing 200 tons.

XCMG Truck Crane

The famous Chinese heavy equipment manufacturer XCMG has released the second most powerful truck crane in the world - a unique model XCA5000. Its feature is the ability to move sideways. This ability is usually used in emergency and non-standard situations. The main scope of this giant is the construction of nuclear power plants.

It has the following technical characteristics:

  • diesel engine 360 horsepower;
  • load capacity- 1600 tons;
  • 9 axles;
  • speed- 80 km / h;
  • load moment– 38000 tm;
  • dimensions- 21.8X3.1X4.

The arrow rises to 105 meters. It is planned to install a lattice extension - in this case, the length will be equal to 126 meters, and a cantilever extension - with it the boom will rise by 165 meters. For this quality, it can be imagined as the highest-rise truck crane in the world.

The truck crane is equipped with a steering servo drive hydraulic type and pneumohydraulic suspension. Installed intelligent systems control, duplicated drive.

Chinese developers to create this masterpiece of construction equipment needed the use of seven types of technologies and registration of 50 patents.

Zoomlion Truck Crane

The well-deserved title of "most big truck crane in the world" holds the ZACB01 model from the Chinese manufacturer Zoomlion.

It is difficult to imagine all the power and greatness of this giant:

  • It has the maximum carrying capacity among the presented leaders - 2000 tons.
  • The mass of the machine itself with all the equipment is 96 tons.
  • The all-wheel drive chassis contains 12 axles.
  • 4 engines installed at once, they have different power- 430, 650, 150 and 260 horsepower.
  • The telescopic boom extends to a height of 106 meters. It has 8 sections.
  • A large truck crane can move along the highway at a speed of 75 km / h.

By most parameters, this truck crane is an absolute champion. So far, no one has managed to get around it at least on one point. Its release was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the engineering company Zoomlion.

The crane is equipped latest systems management and intelligent control. Its application is work in the metallurgical and chemical industries.

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With and without flaws - not produced in Russia

Cranes with a lifting capacity of 600 tons belong to powerful machines, but there are currently cranes in the world whose lifting capacity reaches several thousand tons, the most powerful supercrane has a lifting capacity close to 7 thousand tons.

Most supercranes fall into two categories: fixed with a large slewing ring base and mobile crawler cranes. Both types of cranes have their advantages and disadvantages.

Swivel, which boom structure together with the counterweight rotates in a rounded rail track, are stationary, but they have a large lifting height and reach. The disadvantages of such cranes include the fact that they cannot move with a load, and their installation requires a prepared soil base and even a foundation.

Crawler cranes are easy to move both on the site and from one site to another and can move with a load.

Outrigger cranes such as those made by VersaCrane have the advantage that the bearing capacity of the subgrade can be lower than for other supercranes without outriggers, making them easier to set up on the job site.


Transportation of supercranes is one of the important problems that manufacturers solve already at the design and development stage. Thus, Mammoet designed PTC cranes for delivery in containers on ships, these containers then become a ballast box for the crane. The user is instructed to fill the box with local gravity materials - sand and gravel to obtain the design counterweight.

Lampson breaks down its crane structures to fit on 100 trucks, and the boom sections are not welded but assembled on pins.

Parts of the Bigge Super Crane are placed on 160 trucks.


Supercranes are used for the installation of large-block, heavy equipment at nuclear power, petrochemical, metallurgy and other construction sectors. IN last years taps with heavy regime work began to be actively used for the installation of equipment for wind power plants.

Of the 13 largest cranes in the list (see table) - 9 cranes were introduced to the market for the first time in the last six years, in this short period the maximum lifting capacity of cranes has grown from 2 thousand tons to more than 6.8 thousand tons.

Even 10 years ago, the TC-36000/1 crane with a lifting capacity of 2,268 tons, developed in the USA by VersaCrane, was unique; today it ranks 9th in terms of lifting capacity. Since then, many super cranes have appeared in the category of the most popular lifting capacity of 3 thousand tons, which are mainly used in the construction of nuclear power plants. True, after the accident in Japan in 2011 at the Fukushima plant, the construction of new nuclear power plants in the world slowed down, and the demand for supercranes for these purposes decreased accordingly. But for new generation stations, such as the Westinghouse AP1000 station in the USA, such cranes will be in demand.

Carrying capacity, t
RTS-1 40/200-DS
CC8800-1 TWIN


The world's largest Bigge 125D AFRD is a derrick crane with a full swing circular base and an A-bar lifting boom, its lifting capacity is 6803 t with a 91 m boom. When equipped with a standard 171 m boom, the lifting capacity is 3,640 t with a radius of 73 m. The distance between the center of the crane and the outer annular base is 43 m, which limits the minimum reach of the boom to 31 m.

With special equipment in the center to increase the stability of the crane, together with a reinforced concrete foundation, the crane can operate at a wind speed of 64 km/h and remain stable in hurricane winds up to 241 km/h. The power drive consists of five diesel engines total power 2573 kW.

The crane is equipped with a unique automatic system balancing, allowing you to keep the lifting part in a vertical position.

AL SK190

In second place on the list is the AL SK190 crane with a lifting capacity of 4300 tons, manufactured by Abnormal Load Engineering Ltd, a British-based company. (ALE). Crane with a ring base, cable jacks with a lifting capacity of up to 600 tons are used to lift the load, the load moment of the crane is 190 thousand tons.

The speed of lifting the load with jacks is 10 m/h, while an additional high-speed winch provides lifting at 150 m/h.

Two AL SK190 cranes are working in different countries the world - in Thailand and the USA. The first one was produced in 2008, in 2011 the Mega Jack mega-jack system was installed on the second crane, capable of lifting a load weighing 50 thousand tons to a height of 25 m. Both cranes were assembled at the company's plant in Breda in the Netherlands .

130 containers are required to transport each of the cranes.


The SCC36000 crane with a lifting capacity of 3600 tons from the Chinese company Sany is ranked 3rd in the list. The load moment of the crane is 86 thousand tons. With a lifting height of 98 m and a radius of 45 m, the load capacity is 1700 tons.

The double boom crawler crane launched in 2011 is the first entry of Chinese crane manufacturers into the global supercrane market. The crane is manufactured at the Kushan plant in China and has an estimated cost of $40 million.

The undercarriage of the crane contains eight caterpillar tracks, as power unit two diesel engines with a capacity of 597 kW are used. 86 trucks are enough to transport the crane.


The following PTC-140/200-DS cranes from Mammoet in the Netherlands belong to a new generation of Platform Containrized Twin-Ring Crane (PTC) cranes. Two cranes with a lifting capacity of 3,200 tons were produced.

Double ring base cranes vary in diameter from 30 to 41 m. The twin boom and crane components fit into standard ship containers, which are then used as ballast boxes.

The RTS-140 model crane has a load moment of 140,000 t.m, and the RTS-200 crane reaches 200,000 t.m. Preparing cranes for work on a construction site takes three to six weeks.

Two RTS-140 cranes are currently operating in the USA, one RTS-200 model in Brazil.

The Belgian group Sarens Group in 2011 produced a crane SGC-120 with a maximum lifting capacity of 3200 tons with a radius of 30 m and a load moment of 120 thousand tons. m or 130 m.

The crane is equipped with 12 diesel engines, traditional hydraulic winches, and the crane is rotated along the base of a double ring with a diameter of 43 m.

The crane is transported in 155 ship containers, which can then be used as ballast.

The crane is currently working on the construction of an Intel plant in Antel, Arizona in the USA, after which the crane will be relocated to China for the construction of an offshore oil platform weighing 15,000 tons, where modules weighing up to 1,300 tons will need to be lifted.

CC8800-1 TWIN

The Terex CC8800-1 TWIN Crawler Crane with Double Lattice Boom was built in Zweibrücken, Germany.

By the time this crane was introduced, it was the largest in the world in terms of lifting capacity of 3,200 tons. The crane is able to move around the site with a load.

At maximum load capacity at 3200 tons, the crane can lift a load of 534 tons with a radius of 62 m and a boom length of 123 m. Its maximum load moment is 44 thousand tons.

The design of the crane largely repeats a similar crane with a single boom.

The crane is widely used in large facilities all over the world, including nuclear projects, oil refineries, etc.

In 5th place is the Mammoet MSG-80 crane with a lifting capacity of 3072 tons, which was first introduced in 1996.

A faucet with a round base, in which the stroke is finished with Teflon for better glide of the faucet.

Cable jacks are used to lift loads.

With a main boom length of 93 m with a jib of 37 m, the crane can lift a load of 774 tons with a radius of 61 m.

The MSG series crane is slower to operate than the new generation of PTC cranes, but it remains in demand for other outstanding performance.

Read more in the April issue of the magazine.

According to foreign media
BINTI translation

Photo: Construction.RU,,,,

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