Do-it-yourself anti-theft products. Simple anti-theft devices

Do-it-yourself anti-theft products. Simple anti-theft devices

Do-it-yourself anti-theft - it's not difficult!

Look at the photo below, it just shows a homemade mechanical anti-theft device that is easy to make with your own hands.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such an anti-theft for a car. In fact, this is just a bracket with holes (ears) for fixing with a conventional padlock.

The only difficulty in the manufacture of such a mechanical anti-theft system is the need for a welding machine to make a “heel” with which a home-made anti-theft device does not allow an attacker to press the car pedals.

In general, mechanical anti-theft systems are the most reliable. Especially if they are made by a very non-standard method. It is impossible to get around such a do-it-yourself car anti-theft. You can only break it. However, it is not so easy to do this, because in order to break this anti-theft system, it is necessary either to break the lock or saw through a curved metal plate.

The padlock is strong enough, it is not possible to knock it down with a sledgehammer blow or with the help of a crowbar - as there is no room for a good swing. It’s the same with a saw for metal - you won’t really turn around. Of course, you can drill the lock cylinder or use the "bumping" method to open it. However, car thieves do not go into such areas of knowledge; usually “burglars” specialize in this.

By installing such an unusual homemade anti-theft device, you will make your car "problematic", and car thieves prefer to problem cars do not contact. If they cannot manage in 10 minutes, they prefer to leave such a car and look for a more pliable "victim".

Of course, in a Lamborghini or Mercedes, such an anti-theft unit will look wild, but it is unlikely that the owners of such cars will read articles on how to make an anti-theft device with their own hands. :)

Jenny comments:

going to start

Victor comments:

Nonsense! It moves up. does not fit snugly to the pedals ... It must be detachable and with two locks

Artem comments:

Viktor, open your eyes! Below this homemade anti-theft the support is installed - hell, where will it move!

Michael comments:

It's a "thing"!!! I think on inexpensive car this self-made will justify itself. The hijacker has a lot of trouble with her.

Gennady comments:

I think if a protective box is built on top of the lock and if the entrance to this box is made from the side of the floor ---- feeling for the lock cylinder with a key - putting your hand inside ---- then I can argue with anyone --- do not open the lock and knock down by definition. Just figure out how best to implement the idea ....

Alfred comments:

simple and reliable way. From the wire leading to the minus of the reel, a tap is made to a toggle switch hidden in the cabin. 2nd end from the toggle switch to ground. This option cannot be overridden. To get around such a secret, you need to find the indicated wire in the bundle and cut it.

Vandal comments:

Excellent, Alfred! Thanks for the idea, I'll make myself such a secret.

Demon comments:

right now, mini-grinders with batteries in bulk.

Alfred comments:

On older cars, an additional wire was installed from the negative terminal of the reel, it is brought into the passenger compartment and connected to the mass of the car through a hidden toggle switch. When the toggle switch is on, the engine will not start.
On new models of cars, the same hidden toggle switch breaks the power supply circuit of the electric fuel pump.
Tested on many machines by me personally. Even in the service, fixing this “malfunction” takes a lot of time. Installing all this on your own is not a problem and does not require expenses (toggle switch and wire).
All blessings.

Alfred comments:

I want to add about the wire with the toggle switch. This method was invented by Soviet skilled drivers before the 1941 war.

Every car owner is afraid that his car will be stolen. That is why we spend a lot of money on insurance and anti-theft systems. Unfortunately, even the most expensive alarm systems do not provide 100 percent protection. So why then buy an expensive security system if it's not 100% effective? Yes, it's not logical.

In most cases, an inexpensive electronic car alarm will do. Theoretically, by installing an inexpensive security system on a car, we slightly reduce the safety of the car. But what to do? How to increase the protection of the car in this case? Fortunately, there is a simple but very effective solution. Few people know, but every driver can make his own anti-theft device in a short time, which will be very cheap.

In order to protect the car from theft, you need to install in the car in advance faulty relay fuel pump. To do this, you must find a faulty fuel pump relay at a junkyard, or deliberately break a new one, making it inoperative. You can also drive up to any car service and ask the car repairmen for a faulty relay.

If your fuel pump relay is currently not working well, then this is the best time to buy a new one, and use the old one for additional protection cars from thieves. The purpose of protection is simple. When you leave your car in a parking lot, you remove the good fuel pump relay from the car and replace it with a bad one before you leave.

As a result, in the event of an attempted car theft, attackers will face a problem. Your car won't start. The reason is that the engine will not receive fuel due to the fact that a broken relay will not start the fuel pump. Accordingly, the spark during the start of the car will have nothing to ignite.

If you do not have a non-working fuel pump relay, we will tell you and show you how you can make a fuel pump anti-relay from a working relay that can confuse intruders at least for a while.

Step 1: Locate the fuel pump relay in the car

The first thing you need to do is find out where in your car the relay that controls the fuel pump is located in the fuse box. To do this, open the fuse box (if you don’t know where it is, you can find it in the user manual or in the book for the operation and repair of your car, which you can buy on the Internet or in a car shop) and using the same car repair book (perhaps that information about the fuse block diagram is also in the instruction manual vehicle) determine which relay is connected to the fuel pump. Once you have found the relay, remove it from the fuse box.

Step 2: Locate the Fuel Pump Relay Power Pin

The easiest way to find out is to use control light or special tool(for example, an indicator screwdriver with a light that lights up when an electric current passes through the circuit).

Using an indicator screwdriver, you should check each connector on the fuel pump relay to find out which prong powers the relay.

Remember or write down those contacts on the fuse box board that do not supply power to the fuel pump relay. It is easy to find out with the help of an indicator screwdriver. If there is no power on the contacts, then the lamp inside the screwdriver will not light up. Check all the contacts on the board into which the fuel pump relay is inserted. Remember the contact on which the light in the indicator screwdriver lit up. This is exactly the connector through which power is supplied to the relay.

Do not forget that power is supplied to the fuse box only when the key is turned in the ignition switch. Remember that if you don't insert the ignition key into the lock and turn it, you won't be able to figure out which pin on the fuse box powers the fuel pump relay.

Step 3: Break the Fuel Pump Relay

Now it's time to spoil the working relay of the fuel pump by removing one "leg" from it, through which power is supplied. To do this, you just need to break off exactly the “leg” of the relay that is inserted into the power contact, which we determined using an indicator screwdriver.

The "leg" of the fuel pump relay is very easy to break. Just move it from side to side and it will break.

Now in your hands effective remedy against car thieves. If you install such a non-working fuel pump relay, then due to the fact that the relay will not receive power on the fuse box board, the car engine will not start.

This good anti-theft device really reduces the chances of your car being stolen. After all, the hijackers will not be ready for such problems with starting the engine. Yes, of course, professional car thieves will probably establish the cause sooner or later.

But for this they need more time. And in combination with a regular car alarm, as well as with an additional electronic security system, your secret relay will possibly force intruders not to contact your car. It's no secret that car thieves steal cars that can be stolen in a short time. And when faced with an unforeseen problem, they are likely to prefer to retire.

This simple and cheap way to protect your car from criminals will always come in handy. Especially if you left the car in an unfamiliar area. By installing a non-working fuel pump relay, you will be much calmer while your car is in the parking lot.

Yes, of course this device is not very convenient. After all, every time before the trip you will have to change the faulty relay to a working one. But, nevertheless, this additional obstacle to criminals can stop car thieves and can actually save your car.

Ideally, of course, for optimal protection of the car, you need to use a set of protective anti-theft systems. For example, using a standard (factory car alarm), an additional anti-theft security system, mechanical protection(for example, a lock that blocks the brake pedal, gearbox or steering wheel), as well as a secret fuel pump relay, you really significantly increase the burglary resistance of your car and significantly reduce the risk of theft.

In conclusion, we would like to note once again that there are no stolen cars. Remember that even the most expensive car security systems do not guarantee you 100% protection against theft. So why overpay for expensive security systems when you can use ordinary inexpensive car alarms, mechanical protection and a fuel pump anti-relay to get about the same level of car security that you get when installing expensive anti-theft systems.

Iron friend on wheels performing indispensable assistant in any situation. Therefore, drivers try to protect the car from theft as much as possible. In principle, there is no one hundred percent security system that gives a full guarantee of the safety of the car, but you can approach the issue wisely and install a proven comprehensive protection, which will minimize the risk of theft of the unit.

Based on statistics, every 10 seconds a vehicle is stolen in the world. Most of them have never been returned to their owners. Experts say that the problem can be circumvented by insurance or a guarded parking lot, but as practice shows, the owners of parking lots do not bear responsibility for a stolen car, and insurance payments only partially cover the cost of a car. In addition, one cannot rely on specific anti-theft systems, since there is little reliability about their work. Each manufacturer of alarms and immobilizers claims that only its device is the most reliable. As a result, the competent hands of the hijacker open them in no time.

auto opening

The topic, as you can see, is very delicate and it is difficult to say exactly what exactly will help save vehicles from theft. Some drivers believe that modern protection is useless and make their own "secret devices", while others blindly believe and say that certified products that have been tested are more effective and efficient. When choosing anti-theft systems, you should know that their cost should be at least 5-10% of the price of the vehicle itself. You can install them yourself, consider the available components.

From year to year protective devices improved and modernized, new more complex combinations appear. The following types are popular today:

  • electronic anti-theft systems (EPS);
  • mechanical (MPS);
  • satellite (SPS);
  • radio search (RPS);
  • biometric;
  • transponder.

Electronic and mechanical systems it is possible to insert it into the car with your own hands. The last four types cannot be installed independently. Technologies are complex and require certain knowledge during installation. We will analyze in detail each type of anti-theft equipment.

Don't forget to lock your car

Electronic means of protection

EPS is in everyone modern transport. They are reliable and easy to operate. All electronic systems operate on the same principle - unauthorized access attempts are recognized. Due to the presence of many sensors, the EPS detects interference in time, cuts off the fuel supply or breaks the ignition circuit. To figure out how to protect the car from theft? Consider the following electronic means:

Some vehicles have an electronic anti-theft system in basic configuration. In addition, if there was no anti-theft, and later you decided to install the system, the center's specialists can advise on additional service functions. These include: remote start of the ignition, control of the lock with a remote control, remote switching on of any kind of light, opening one door when the other doors remain locked.

Mechanical anti-theft systems

Differ in strength and huge variety, although they have long gone out of fashion, since modern cars stuffed full of electronics, including anti-theft. TO mechanical means relate:

Attention! Using one blocker is ineffective. It is rational to mount several anti-theft installations along the way.

Satellite and radio search anti-theft systems

Both are included in electronic means protection. In other words, these are "bugs" discreetly attached to the seat or headrest. Transceiver products are controlled by an electronic system and keep all sensors under control. Let's consider the difference between them.

Mobile app control

Radio search. They work by autonomously transmitting a signal to the owner's phone and to the dispatch control center. This direction finding station operates around the clock monitoring the location of vehicles. At the moment of unauthorized interference, the received burglary signal and the location of the vehicle are redirected by the center to the duty department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. The advantage is the ability to locate the loss in enclosed spaces and underground parking, as well as independence from mobile networks. Minus in a small radius of distribution.

Satellite. With the help of a GPS receiver, the location of the car is determined anywhere in the world. The downside is that the attackers have learned how to jam the GSM signals they send. Besides, satellite systems may not see vehicles in underground areas. For this reason, the combined satellite-radio search system "AutoLocator" is gaining popularity.

Transponder and biometric anti-theft devices

These systems operate on the principle of electronic protection.

Transponder, another variety (EPS), and since the principle of response is different from other products, they should be considered separately. Transponder devices are placed directly in the car, and react only to the owner's chip. An installed transmitter transmits scanning coded signals at a constant frequency. If the key labels do not match, the system blocks access to control the machine. The microchip is individual, and the tag algorithms are endless. To start the engine, it is necessary to check the microchip and only after that the transponder gives a pass to control the machine.

Comprehensive theft protection

Biometric carry out access to the management of the car using the unique data of the owner as an identification code. They can be: iris, retina, voice, fingerprint or palm. The most common are fingerprint readers, which are mounted in car handles in the form of miniature scanners. Sometimes similar systems installed in the front panel of the machine.

The upgraded model of the device can now perform a number of anti-robbery functions. For example, the “alarm finger” parameter, for which you need to program a fingerprint of some kind. If the owner is suddenly attacked, then he brings to the scanner monitor designated as an “alarm finger”. After that, the auto system is blocked for a while.

As you can see, some one hundred percent protection against vehicle theft on this moment simply does not exist, even if the number of protection systems in the above material is impressive! Therefore, the question: how to protect a car from theft remains still relevant. In such a case as protecting a car from theft, “busting” does not happen. Therefore, it does not hurt to add a few home-made solutions to high-tech bells and whistles.

Simplified car alarm scheme

Simple homemade anti-theft protection

Option 1. It will easily scare away the punks, but is not suitable for deceiving experienced hijackers. Car alarm simulator - snags. Requires an LED, two wires and an alarm simulator that has a cigarette lighter plug. We install and turn on the product in the cigarette lighter.

Option 2. As you know, immobilizers and alarms can be bypassed with a code grabber. Therefore, passive protection was invented, nullifying the theft attempt. This thing is called “fake car marking”, which is a set of numbers and letters printed on visible places of the vehicle. You can make the marking yourself and attach it with glue, if there is no time, you can purchase ready-made stencils. Seeing the marked windows, headlights and other numbered places, the hijacker simply does not want to waste time replacing components and will pass by.

Option 3. This device is based on the features of the VAZ "classics", that is, a gasoline pump. When the manual priming lever is pressed all the way down, the unit cannot pump fuel, as the balancer holds the diaphragm in extreme position, not allowing her to make a working move. It is necessary to make a device that will fix the lever in the lowest position.

Scheme of an anti-theft device for 2 relays. One is 5 pin and the other is 4 pin.

Option 4. A piece of cloth electrical tape is placed in the nest high voltage wire ignition coils. Install the wire in place and remove the slider from the distributor to divert attention. Since the process of such a trick is laborious, it should be done only when a long parking is planned.

Option 5. We make a “secret” from a toggle switch, an engine compartment lock and two wires. We purchase the necessary components. We connect the wires with one end to the switch, and the other to the fuel pump, injection system to candles, etc. After pressing the valve, the car will no longer start, even if the thief understands what's wrong, there will be a lock under the hood. You need to place the button discreetly and in convenient location. In addition, you can increase the protection by creating a closed chain of two buttons. We put one on dashboard, which includes dimensions and headlights, the second is installed in the cabin. During the hijacking, the offender will press the button located in the cabin, but the attempt will not be successful, since the second button hidden in plain sight will not be activated.

Option 6. You can mount a fuel line valve under the hood near the fuel pump or near the gas tank. Please note that in the first case, the tap crashes precisely in the area between the gas tank and the pump, because the gasoline pressure in the area after the pump is high - fuel may leak through the tap. This device is based on the fact that when the intake pipe is connected to the atmosphere, the engine cannot work. Therefore, the design is a valve mounted on the wall of the inlet pipeline. It is worth considering that the size of the tap hole should be from 5 mm. When the valve is in the open state, the engine will not start.

Secret (Relay + Thyristor)

Option 7. You can swap wires suitable for any other candles. As a result, when starting, the engine will not start from untimely sparking.

Option 8. Another option is how to protect a car from theft with your own hands by simulating a malfunction of the engine or wiring. We open the circuit by installing a toggle switch on a regular relay. In parallel with the standard relay, we put the relay from the timers. We hide the toggle switch under a plug or in another inconspicuous place. That is, when the engine is started, the car starts, but after a while it goes out, since power is supplied to the switched off toggle switch.

After buying a long-awaited car, many motorists begin to think about its safety, or rather, how to protect the car from intruders. Unfortunately, in our time, the problem of theft and robbery of cars is not a rare phenomenon. Therefore, each car owner should take care of the installation in advance reliable system protection. Now there are many anti-theft systems, car alarms, etc. Such diversity existing systems auto protection gives rise to many controversial issues regarding their effectiveness. Let's take a closer look.

So what is anti-theft system?
In other words, this is car protection, which provides for a set of alarm, anti-theft, security and protective equipment installed on vehicles in order to provide protection against unauthorized entry by intruders. If we divide anti-theft systems according to the principle of operation, then four main types should be distinguished:

  • Electronic car alarm
  • Electronic devices (immobilizers, "secrets")
  • Mechanical devices (blockers, locks)

Vehicle protection must be effective and meet modern requirements integrated security. It must also perform as efficiently and reliably as possible all the tasks assigned to it, both in a parked state and in a car in motion. Now let's talk about each of the above types of anti-theft systems.

Electronic car alarm

If you are going to buy an alarm, then it is better to buy latest models famous brands. They usually update their range at least once a year, responding to the latest technological trends. If the alarm has an additional immobilizer, then this only increases the level of protection. In addition, you can install a standalone system. If an intruder tries to neutralize the alarm, the self-powered siren cannot be quickly turned off. Modern alarms can not only report unauthorized entry, but also start the car and warm it up. In addition, in the event of a theft, the alarm can report the location of the stolen vehicle. patrol cars via satellite communications. In the event of a theft, the alarm can also simulate intractable malfunctions.

Important! If you don't have the skills and experience to install an alarm, don't try to do it yourself, as you might just mess it up. Trust the installation of car alarms only to specialists.


Immobilizers- these are special electronic devices designed to protect the vehicle. These devices have undeniable advantages:

  1. Compact concealed installation
  2. Implementation in many of them automatic control without much effort from the driver
  3. Providing effective logical or discontinuous multi-channel blocking.

With an explosive blockage, the ignition circuit, starter is broken. A logical blocking affects the program on-board computer or motor controller. Due to the fact that burst locks have a variety of multi-channel, they are a powerful anti-theft device. The logical blocking is rather a regular function of the car. It is performed in the same way and this is its disadvantage.
There are powerful security and anti-theft complexes such as "Black Bug Super", which combine both the alarm and the immobilizer. Naturally, such systems cost a lot of money. It’s easier to buy a separately affordable immobilizer and a middle-class car alarm. Modern immobilizers can be divided into groups, according to the type of electronic key and the nature of control:

  1. Group 1 - contact devices:
  • Group 2 - contactless devices:
    • Transponder
    • radio controlled
  • Group 3 - special devices
  • Among contact immobilizers with a chip tablet Dallas Touch Memory DS1990A (DTM) it should be noted the company "Polar Wolf", which released a series of immobilizers Spirit, Pwi, NEXUS with electromechanical and digital blocking relay. This company of the same name also produces anti-theft "secrets" with contact management from one or two buttons. Anti-theft "secrets" provide protection against theft, not allowing you to start the car engine, unless a special secret PIN code is entered. Let's talk about popular models immobilizers.
    First, it is anti-theft "Secret" Spirit 1. It is installed in the wiring harness. The connection is made using a dozen wires. Management is made by two buttons. This system has two interlock circuits. Among the advantages, small size, ease of control, and the secrecy of the installation is important..
    Next comes Spirit 3 immobilizer. This device is controlled by a Dallas DTM. Installation of this device is carried out in wiring harnesses.
    Immobilizer PWi-45 MVI housed in a standard relay housing. The control is carried out by a Dallas DTM key. Blocking is carried out by an additional external relay. Lock output current 10A. This device has MVI (Matrix Verify identification) dynamic code. Thanks to this code, the protective properties have been increased, which do not give a chance to use the stolen electronic key, key imitators or electronic copiers.
    A powerful immobilizer is Spirit-52MVI. The main advantages of this device should be called protection against selection of the EC code, control authorization of the car owner using a button, protection of doors and the ignition circuit, the presence of a powerful output for the siren and an increased number of PIN codes with a distinction between short and long presses. But there are also disadvantages, namely, the multi-stage procedures of learning and programming modes require increased attention from the installer and the car owner.
    Immobilizer WOODOO WD-800. Model WAIT-UP (A) is equipped with digital relays, and model HOOK-UP (Z) with a blocking current of 20 A.
    Immobilizer WOODOO WD-860/870. Depending on the model, this device is equipped with digital relays WAIT-D or HOOK-DZ (wire 10/X1).

    Radio controlled immobilizers are considered less popular. main reason this is the possibility of intercepting and reproducing control commands, since control is carried out using a key fob transmitter that sends a radio command.

    Mechanical devices

    Mechanical anti-theft devices for cars are usually divided into two classes:

    • lock class
    • blocker class

    These devices have only one common property- locking mechanisms with larvae that open with keys. Locks are a special design that is permanently installed and firmly fixed in the car.

    blockers- these are interchangeable devices that are installed without much difficulty in the working position directly by the driver. Undoubtedly, the ease of installation of the blocker is a pleasant advantage of this device.

    Checkpoint locks

    The main function of the gearbox locks is to block the gear lever, which will prevent the car from being stolen under its own power. car with manual transmission attackers will be forced to tow with the clutch disengaged. Well, what about automatic transmission, in which case the lever is locked to the Parking position.
    The first series of gearbox locks was a lock and a horseshoe arc made of high-strength steel, for example, the model Mul-T Lock. She blocked the shift lever. The installation of this design provided for fastening the lock body to the bracket, which was installed under the bottom of the body with the help of shear bolts.
    Then, to replace this design, a lock appeared with a gearbox drive lock using a pin, for example, brands such as Bear-Lock,Defend-lock,Barracuda and Dragon.The good thing is that each car model has its own individual lock design, which allows the use of standard bolts and holes. Installation of locks on average can take 1-2 hours.
    As for the anti-theft devices on the pin type gearbox, such as Barrakuda SL, then this device can be installed in regular places, i.e. no additional welding, reaming is required. Design of this type made in the form of a frame. The presence of hard closed circuit increases the mechanical strength of the structure and perfectly protects the lock from intruders.

    Hood locks

    The most common hood lock with cable drive. It is protected by a strong metal braid. The lock larva, which is located at the end of the cable, is located in the passenger compartment. And at the second end of the cable, a locking pin with a slide is fixed. In order to close the lock, it is necessary to press on its larva, after which the locking pin comes out of the slide and locks the hood bracket. The lock can be opened with a key. The hood locks also differ in cable length, namely: 1.07 m (3.5 ft), 1.52 m (5.0 ft), 1.83 m (6.0 ft), 2.12 m (7.0 ft).

    Additionally, some castles have electrical circuit to block the ignition. If you are faced with the choice of taking the castle from this additional function or not, then ... Take it! You will not regret it!

    Main trade marks hood locks: Mul-T-Lock, UltraLock, Bear-Lock, Saturn, Sentry, Titan.
    There is also an electromechanical device Defen.Time, which has fundamental difference from wire locks. This device has an even more powerful locking mechanism in the form of a hook and pin. Its position is controlled by an electric drive.

    Steering locks

    The undisputed leader in the production of steering shaft locks is an anti-theft device "Guarantee" Flim company. This device does not block the steering wheel itself, but its shaft on which it is installed. The lock includes a special clutch and a powerful rod, in which the latch and the lock cylinder are located. The protective cup and washers rotate, thereby providing maximum protection for the drilling of the mechanism. The locks of the Flim company have a very reasonable price and no less reasonable quality. And the place where the lock is installed simply makes it impossible for an attacker to use it for hacking metalwork tool because there is no free space.

    Ignition locks

    The body of locks is mainly made of alloy steel. Locks "Bison", "Barracuda" and "Garant Bastion" Designed for VAZ vehicles and completely replace standard ignition locks. The lock "Garant Bastion" has a high secrecy of the lock larva, as well as protection of the starter against re-closing. The original design of this lock allows you to transfer the vehicle for maintenance, start and warm up the engine without an ignition key, this eliminates the copying of the key.

    Door locks

    These devices are designed to protect the opening of doors by an intruder. With the spread of electric drives, the design of a door lock with remotely controlled pins was developed. The door lock (blocker) of the company Defen.Time gained popularity. The principle of operation of this blocker (lock) is as follows. When locking the doors, additionally installed electric drive pushed the pins out of the door into the openings of its opening, blocking the opening. Usually the lock is installed only on driver's door, and when protecting all doors, you need to install 4 additional electric drives. But there are also drawbacks to this design. Firstly, the need for additional holes in the body for pins and, secondly, additional power consumption when closing / opening.

    Steering wheel locks

    The mechanical anti-theft device on the steering wheel is similar in its properties to the steering shaft lock, since the main task of both designs is to block the vehicle from starting to move. Traditionally, the design of the steering wheel lock includes a wheel rim catcher, a metal bar and a lock-type lock. The metal bar rests on windshield or on the front panel.

    It must be said that this anti-theft remedy is not effective, it can only scare off intruders, since this device looks good from the outside of the car. But in combination with other anti-theft devices, it can be useful.

    Pedal locks

    The main task of the anti-theft device on the pedal is to block the clutch and brake pedals of the vehicle. They are installed and locked at the bottom of the pedal assembly, which is extremely inconvenient. Despite the fact that the car pedal locks are massive, they are often overcome by intruders, sawing the pedals themselves, or simply removing them from the axle. There is also a kind of blocker steering wheel-pedal. It is more adapted for easy and fast installation.

    Wheel locks

    In general, we can say that this is a good protection. They are mounted in the slot of the rim, and the bar that protrudes rests against the road surface, preventing the movement of the car. The main advantage of this type of blockers is that the hijacker will have to hack the device from outside the car, so it can be easily detected. But there are also disadvantages, and they are quite obvious. Firstly, slow and inconvenient installation, and secondly, the need to remove decorative caps. Among the brands that produce wheel locks, the Italian lock should be noted. Tecnoblock. It is installed in the section of the hydraulic clutch and brake, and is actuated by a key. This design benefits from the need to break open the hydraulic drive, which can force attackers to abandon their intentions.

    satellite tracking system

    A satellite tracking system is one of the most effective ways to protect a vehicle.. The principle of operation of this device is to track the location of the car by satellite through GPS (Global Positioning System). A stolen car can be tracked anywhere in the world. If an attacker attempts to steal a car, the dispatcher receives a signal from the satellite. This is followed by a call to the car owner in order to confirm the fact of the theft. If the fact of hijacking is confirmed, then the task force immediately leaves and detains the hijacker.

    What anti-theft systems are better to choose?

    Each anti-theft device has its pros and cons. Speaking about which anti-theft system is better to choose, first of all, decide how much you are willing to spend. There are, of course, budget options, but basically the prices for these devices are going through the roof. But, remember that it is better now to take care of the safety of your car, since in most cases there will be much more losses from unauthorized entry or theft of a car!

    Simple advice - for more effective protection combine several anti-theft systems at once. Install both an immobilizer and a wheel lock at the same time, for example. Thus, you will double the chances of keeping your car safe and sound.

    Seeing that you have a steering lock and the alarm is flashing, a possible hijacker will most likely not waste his time opening several protections at once, but will simply go to the car where everything is much simpler. But there is also much more interesting and effective method auto protection, although expensive. Airbrushing! This way you can kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, each drawing is unique, the car becomes noticeable, which naturally does not play into the hands of the hijacker. Secondly, the price of the car increases. And thirdly, a car with airbrushing cannot be resold without first cleaning, priming and repainting.

    We bring to your attention a video review of anti-theft systems.

    Homemade anti-theft system for even the simplest and cheapest cars.

    With expensive and modern imported cars everything is clear, for most of them, the anti-theft system and alarm are installed directly at the factory. Well, what about the owners of old foreign cars and domestic cars? It is unlikely that anyone will want to install a heaped and expensive anti-theft on them (and sometimes there is no financial opportunity), since it will probably cost the same as the car itself. But also cheap cars they also steal, for example, young people, to ride, spoil and quit. In this article, we will look at several options for home-made and simple anti-theft devices that will not allow even experienced car thieves who are used to modern security systems to steal any car.

    For many poor car owners, their old and inexpensive car, is of much greater value to them than some fancy Rolls-Royce Phantom for a wealthy banker. But the joke is that to save an old Zhiguli "penny" from hijackers, for example, is almost much more difficult than modern foreign car. Because modern anti-theft systems designed for modern cars are not exactly suitable for old cars (everything can be installed), only to restore it to old car Starting the engine with a modern system is very easy in a few seconds.

    A different approach is needed here, because you need to protect a car from theft that has neither injectors nor controllers. But on the other hand, any car has an electric starter to start the engine, and one of the options for preventing the engine from starting will be used on the starter. Its factory electrical circuit will need to be slightly modified, namely: it will be necessary to disconnect the connection from the starter motor and its retractor winding, and bring their contacts to a separate secluded place and connect to another (additional) relay type SCB 1 - M - 1240. which is connected To security system(alarms). And contacts K 1.1 are connected to the closing contacts of this relay. This can be clearly seen in the diagram.

    And when the relay is disconnected, the hijackers will not be able to start the engine using the starter in the usual way (by turning the key). In addition, seasoned car thieves in a hurry do not waste time finding the right broken wire, but immediately open the hood and climb with a screwdriver to the starter terminals to short them out to start the engine. But with this modified circuit, this will not work, because even with current flowing to terminal 50, the starter retracting winding will still be de-energized. And even if there is voltage on the holding winding of the starter, it is not able to retract.

    And even if some smart hijacker still wants to make the starter spin, and connects the contacts of the starter traction relay with something, then in this case the starter will still start spinning, but without engaging the flywheel crown, because the gear of its drive will remain spinning in place (idle) and will not engage with the teeth of the crown.

    As a result, it will take a lot of time for the hijackers to deal with the electric starter, and in most cases no one will go for it, since time plays in this matter important role. As a rule, such a car is abandoned without starting the engine, why bother with problems, because in the neighboring yard there are cars without these bells and whistles. In addition, hijackers, who are experts in electrics, do not cheap cars, mostly punks like to steal them (to ride, break and throw).

    Yes, and additional wires from the bottom of the starter go unnoticed, and if someone notices them, then it won’t work to understand what they are for and where they go, by typing, again, it takes time. Patience and nerves usually fail, especially in a hurry, and attempts to start the engine stop.

    Well, what if the hijacker is not one, but several of them. After all, a bunch of people can start a car with a pusher. But to prevent this, it will be necessary to refine the ignition system, or rather the distributor. If you have a car with electronic ignition, as on more recent VAZ cars (eights, nines, etc.), then you will need to modify the Hall sensor wiring, as shown in the diagram on the left. The wiring of the three wires going to the Hall sensor can be changed with as many as six different options.

    The efficiency of the factory electrical circuit will not change during refinement. And after completion, at least one of the electrical circuits will need to be blocked from a secluded place in the cabin. And in the end, an attempt to connect the switch assembly with the ignition coil, between battery and the car's distributor, that is, the tried and tested attempt of the hijackers to start the engine in this way will not work.

    And for the owners of the most simple cars, With contact system ignitions that never had any sensors can be done as described below. Although it will still need to be installed on such machines electronic ignition, which will increase the spark energy (slightly increase engine power), make it easier to start the engine and reduce fuel consumption. It used to be smart electronic system yourself, and now they are already selling ready-made electronics with a Hall sensor and a distributor, which is already being made at the factory just for such machines.

    And if you install an electronic system instead of a contact system, then you will need to modify the wiring of the Hall sensor, as shown in the diagram above. If you still leave the regular breaker contacts, then do as described below (but then you have to look for an inverter, and you still need to install a switch).

    So, on machines with a contact ignition system, instead of the factory wire from a standard breaker, you will need to solder almost the same wiring, but with a resistance (resistor) inside, as shown in the photo on the left (the resistor is soldered to the movable contact of the breaker). The resistor can be masked by putting on it and the entire wire a plastic cambric of a suitable diameter.

    After that, you still need to install electronic switch. Next, you will need to connect a device between the switch and the distributor that shifts the signal phase by about 180 °, and which is called an inverter (see diagram below). And again, it will be necessary to block some kind of chain from a secluded place in the cabin (for example, under a torpedo).

    The modified ignition will work no worse than the regular one. And the factory interrupter, with hidden resistance (under the cambric), will work with the electronic switch. But only the ignition system modified in this way will not work with the coil and give a spark if some kind of hijacker connects to it directly.

    The thing is that the resistance will lower the voltage of the primary winding of the coil by several orders of magnitude, and at the same time, a spark cannot occur. Well, if the attackers still try to connect to the switch input (removing the extra wires), then in this case the spark will finally appear to the delight of the hijackers, only the engine will still not start.

    And the whole joke is that the VAZ electronic switch is not adapted to work normally with the mechanics of the interrupter, and yet it will start to produce spark discharges, but not by opening, but rather by closing the contacts of the interrupter. From this, the moment of flashes will shift by several degrees, but there is no sense in the fact that there is a spark, since the spark does not appear at the right moment when it is needed. Imagine the annoyance of the hijackers - a spark appeared, but the enchanted engine still does not start.

    Well, the last blow to the hijackers will be the installation of some kind of security alarm with a loud siren on your car. This will allow you to lose even more time for stealing, since at first you will need to disable it, and then deal with more serious surprises that you will prepare for them (as described above).

    As a result, any, even the oldest "penny" in your yard will have more chances to stay in its place than some fancy jeep, standing next to and equipped with an ordinary serial anti-theft device that blocks the ignition. Although many caring owners of foreign cars also use a starter lock.

    Yes, I almost forgot: in addition to the safety of the car, the drivers who applied the above homemade schemes anti-theft systems, they will forget about the constantly burning contacts of the breaker and the ignition switch (contact number 50), since the current on these contacts, in the factory version, reached almost thirty amperes.

    For those drivers who are poorly versed in electrics and who cannot implement the simple schemes above, I still advise you to contact some familiar electrician who will help with advice or deed, because the electrical circuits are very simple.

    In conclusion, I hope that many car enthusiasts who do not have their own garage, and who keep the car in the yard, after modifying their car as described above, will finally start to sleep peacefully. After all, the homemade anti-theft system described above is very reliable and at the same time simple; success to everyone.

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