Once again about the speed of the car. Once again about the speed of the car Bugatti Chiron - the fastest car

Once again about the speed of the car. Once again about the speed of the car Bugatti Chiron - the fastest car

Vehicle speed.

1. Vehicle speed in Russian Federation governed by the Rules traffic(section 10). According to the rules V the parent must drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, taking into account the traffic intensity, the features and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of travel. The speed must allow the driver to constant control behind the movement of the vehicle to comply with the requirements of the Rules.

If there is a danger to traffic that the driver is able to detect, he must take possible measures to slow down until the vehicle comes to a halt.

2. The speed of movement of cars is brought in the Rules to drivers of various categories of transport in the context of its permissible values ​​in settlements and outside settlements. In summary speed indicators are shown in the table for clarity.

vehicle type Outside built-up areas In settlements
Motorway Other roads In the locality Living sector
Motorcycles 90 km/h 90 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Passenger cars and trucks with licensed maximum weight up to 3.5 tons 110 km/h 90 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Cars with a trailer 90 km/h 70 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons. 90 km/h 70 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Intercity and small-seat buses 90 km/h 90 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Other buses 90 km/h 70 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Trucks when transporting people in the body 60 km/h 60 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Vehicles for organized transportation of children 60 km/h 60 km/h 60 km/h 20 km/h
Vehicles when towing other vehicles 50 km/h 50 km/h 50 km/h 20 km/h
Vehicles carrying bulky, heavy and dangerous goods At a speed not exceeding the speed established when agreeing on the conditions of carriage.

3. Vehicle speed is the most frequently violated indicator of road safety. The responsibility of car drivers for exceeding the established speed is provided for by Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and is established in the form of fines and deprivation of a driver's license:

3.1. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 40 kilometers per hour - entails the imposition administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

3.2. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 40 but not more than 60 kilometers per hour - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred roubles. Repeating this administrative offense shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred roubles.

3.3. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 60, but not more than 80 kilometers per hour - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

3.4. Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 80 kilometers per hour - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of six months.

3.5. Repeated commission of an administrative offense, provided for in paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4, entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in case of fixing an administrative offense by employees working in automatic mode special technical means, having the functions of photography and filming, video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

4. The speed of vehicles and the value corresponding to the speed stopping distance. Regularity - the higher the speed, the longer the braking distance, the higher the probability of getting Negative consequences from speeding.

With an initial braking speed for a passenger car of 40 km / h, the standard braking distance of the car will be 15.8 meters (GOST R 51709-2001 "Motor vehicles. Safety requirements for technical condition and methods of verification", at an initial braking speed of 50 km / h, the braking distance will be 23 meters, at a speed of 70 km / h, the braking distance will be 43 meters, at a speed of 90 km / h - 69 meters, at 110 km / h - the braking distance will be 100 meters, at 130 km / h - 138 meters, at 150 km / h the braking distance will be 181 meters. And this is on dry pavement.

The method for determining the stopping distance of a car depending on the initial braking speed is given in

5. The speed of vehicles is fixed by radar. The federal target program "Improving road safety in 2013-2020" provides for equipping with systems automatic control and detection of violations of the Rules of the Road of the road network of cities and other settlements, roads of regional and municipal significance by at least 3936 complexes in 2016-2020 (2540 complexes have already been delivered in 2013-2015).

The following complexes are used to automatically record violations of traffic rules:

Stationary complex Radar Strelka ST 01 (KKDDAS). The complex is equipped with a unique video recording camera capable of tracking a violation at a distance of up to 1 kilometer. At the same time, an automated stationary device, unlike other radars, tracks not one intruder car, but the entire traffic flow at once.

Radar Arena– mobile and stationary complex for video recording of traffic violations. mobile version instrument fixed on a stable tripod and installed on the side of the roadway. Stationary complex is fixed on a pole or support near the road and can function continuously. The power supply allows you to do this for a long time. Data from the radar is transmitted wirelessly to a computer located at a stationary post. The ARENA radar covers three traffic lanes, can determine the speed of not only approaching, but also receding vehicles.

The main characteristics of the radar: the maximum speed of vehicles - 250 km / h, the minimum - 20 km / h. The maximum distance between the radar and the computer receiver in line-of-sight conditions is 1.5 kilometers. Possibility of recognition of state license plates. Work in the evening and at night. The presence of the function of culling frames Bad quality. Possibility to indicate the time, date, violation parameters on the photo. The capacity of the disk allows you to hold several thousand photos High Quality. The complex allows you to take pictures of the car at the time of speeding. The quality of the resulting photos is excellent.

Avtodoria system. It consists of interconnected chambers located along long sections of the road. The system determines the speed of the car on a section with a length of 500 meters to 10 km. Avtodoriya works with the help of GLONASS/GPS receiver and optical technologies that help it to recognize violators' license plates along the entire tracking path. In addition to measuring the speed of vehicles, Avtodoria also monitors the observance of lanes, and is also equipped with a car search program.

When evaluating a car, as you know, among other qualities, consider the highest speed developed by the car. Although this indicator is not the most important for a car, its value is very large. First of all, it is speed that distinguishes the car from other means of trackless land transport. The highest speed, along with other traction indicators, is the basis for the dynamic calculation of any new car and determines its average speed, selection gear ratios in system power transmission and engine operating modes, the power of the designed engine, the economic characteristics of the car, the design of the brakes, steering, etc. Therefore, it is very important to establish what maximum speeds designers should strive for when designing cars, what speeds should be calculated for the roads being laid.

There is an opinion that the prospects for increasing top speed cars are unlimited, that the improvement of the car and roads, as well as the gradual adaptation of the human body to movement from all high speeds allow for great speeds. Development progress automotive technology seems to confirm this opinion. Over a relatively short historical period of time (about 50 years), the highest speed of a passenger car increased from 30–40 to 90–180 km/h for conventional machines and from 100 to 200-300 km/h for record racing, and on some cars speeds exceeding 600 km/h have been achieved.

Rice. Top speed domestic cars is steadily increasing.

The highest speed of domestic trucks since about 1930 has increased from 40-50 to 65-70 km / h, and since then it has not changed much, the speed of intercity buses is steadily approaching the speed of cars.

The speed allowed in cities, taking into account safety requirements, has quadrupled (for example, in Moscow for passenger cars - from 20 versts 1 per hour in 1910 to 80 km / h at the present time).

The "theory of infinity" of the speed of a car would be acceptable if we consider the highest speed of a car only in terms of the capabilities of technology (automobile and road) and the adaptability of the human body to different conditions. However, the main initial indicators for determining the characteristics of any new car are economic indicators. So, one of the main discussion topics at the beginning of the development of the automotive industry was the topic: "What is more expensive - a horse-drawn carriage or a car." The topic was removed from the agenda only after the car reached a certain degree of perfection, primarily in terms of its economic indicators, including.

If we approach the assessment of the qualities of a car with economic side, to consider it in connection with other modes of transport, the prospects for increasing its maximum speed seem to be different than when taking into account some constructive and physiological possibilities. Careful scientific analysis also shows that a gradual quantitative change in speed leads to the need for a radical qualitative change in the factors associated with this:

  • acceleration (when accelerating the car and decelerating when braking), since the acceleration limit for the human body still exists
  • road arrangements

It is possible to draw a conclusion about expedient expedient values ​​of the speed of movement of overland trackless transport. At the same time, it would be a mistake to assume that the speed limit will be an obstacle to the development of the car or that the car will become unnecessary. Just like horse-drawn transport, which still occupies a very definite place in the national economy, the automobile will take its place, yielding the task of overcoming long distances at high speeds to other modes of transport.

There is no doubt that the car must be to a large extent universal and with the future development of roads:

  • it must maneuver at low speed in urban traffic and parking lots
  • develop high speed on suburban highways
  • overcome obstacles in cases of deviation from highways

Hence the general requirements for the car:

  • its relatively small size
  • the presence of spring and shock-absorbing devices
  • the possibility of changing the speed within a significant range with relatively simple mechanisms for this
  • famous

To this should be added the obvious need for sufficiently strong and rigid (for cargo or passengers) with seats, devices for entry and exit, ventilation, heating, sound and heat insulation. Here, the energy source is deliberately bypassed, since it is assumed that it, in one form or another, is necessary for any transport machine.

A review of these requirements helps to determine the real conditions for reducing the resistance to movement of the vehicle. Even with high pressure in tires (about 3-4 kg / cm ^ 2, in cars and 5-6 kg / cm ^ 2 for trucks) and with excellent road surface, the rolling resistance coefficient cannot be significantly reduced. As noted above, until recently it was believed that this coefficient depends little on the speed of movement. Experimental data show that with an increase in speed from 100 to 200 km/h, the values ​​of the rolling resistance coefficient increase depending on the tire pressure by 50-150%.

The possibilities for lightening the car are not unlimited. Even with the use of particularly light materials, but with the observance of reliability requirements that increase with increasing speed, the weight of the car can hardly be reduced by more than one third against the existing one. The coefficient of air resistance K even with a drop-shaped body, with full recession of wheels and other parts (taking into account the possible elongation of the body, carried out without weighing the car and worsening its patency) will be 0.013 for a passenger car. For a truck with an onboard platform and improved cab and plumage shapes, this coefficient will be at least 0.06, and only if a streamlined van-type body is used, will it decrease to about 0.03. Finally, the efficiency of power transmission, obviously, cannot be more than 0.95, and with the introduction of liquid and other automated power transmission systems, even less.

If we take the above approximate data and calculate, for example, a five-seater car (+125 kg for luggage, tools and radio), it becomes clear that such a car will need an engine with a capacity of about 100 hp to reach a speed of 200 km / h. s., for 250 km / h - 190 liters. s., for 300 km / h - 320 liters. s., for 400 km / h - 800 liters. s., for 500 km / h - 1300 liters. With. This calculation is made on the assumption that the weight of the car mechanisms is the same for all cases considered. However, their weight depends on the engine power. Given this circumstance, the above "super-ideal" figures (except for the first one) will increase to about 220, 385, 1100 and 2500 liters. With. The fuel consumption will, of course, correspond to the consumed power.

A similar calculation can be made for a streamlined truck with a carrying capacity of 4 tons.

One can argue about the accuracy of the above calculations, but even if, for example, we completely neglect the own weight of a car and assume that only passengers (in a weightless body on weightless wheels) will miraculously move along the road, then in this case for a speed of 500 km / h would require an engine with a capacity of up to 1000 liters. s., and the weight of the engine itself would double the indicated value.

This is the value of the resistance to the movement of the car on the road.

Rice. Power consumption of a perfectly streamlined passenger car (left) and a streamlined van (right).

Meanwhile, today humanity has vehicles that require engines of much lower power to achieve such speeds. These are airplanes. It is possible to draw a comparison between a modern 5-seat car and a light aircraft according to the graph.

Rice. At speeds over 200-250 km/h, an airplane is more profitable than a car.

One of the lines on the graph connects engine power points for various specific 5-seater aircraft, corresponding to the highest speed of these aircraft. The remaining lines show the engine power required to achieve various speeds by vehicles such as the M-20 "Pobeda" and M-21 "Volga" and the aforementioned "ideal". The last line intersects the first at a point related to the speed of 230 km / h, the remaining lines are located much to the left. This means that at speeds over 230 km/h, an airplane is more economical than a car. The diagram does not take into account the prospects for aircraft improvements, which would lower the considered intersection points and move them further down and to the left.

Thus, we can conclude about the economically feasible values ​​of the highest speed of middle-class cars. These values ​​for passenger cars of other classes (in comparison with the corresponding aircraft classes in terms of capacity and speed) differ little from those given.

On the subject raised, it is natural to expect objections in the sense that the car has advantages over the aircraft, as it delivers passengers directly to their destination, works in urban conditions, etc. These advantages compensate to a certain extent for the increase in costs associated with achieving high speed. However, a car capable of both high speed and city ​​traffic, must be equipped with a number of complicating devices (transmission, devices for regulating suspension stiffness and tire pressure), which increases its cost.

Further, in order to accelerate the car to high speed, a path measured in hundreds and even thousands of meters is needed. Shortening the path and acceleration time is possible only within very small limits, since the human body perceives too sharp acceleration painful. As a result, a particularly high speed can only be used on long hauls, i.e., under conditions when an airplane completely replaces a car. The same applies to intercity buses. Comparing aircraft to car, it is difficult to prove the advantage of an airplane in terms of comfort, but when comparing an airplane with a bus, they can be considered equivalent in terms of comfort, especially when you consider that both an airplane and a high-speed intercity bus are not adapted to deliver passengers directly to their destination.

Determining the appropriate top speed for trucks requires a different approach. Some stabilization of the maximum speed of trucks noted above during recent years not random. Due to the variety of goods transported, methods of loading and unloading, the widespread use of trucks in agriculture, you have to use an open onboard platform on a truck as the main body type. Thus, the limits of improving the streamlining of the truck are narrowed.

In addition, for the conditions in which a truck is used, in many cases, a simplification of its design is required, the absence of an abundance of facing panels, usually associated with a streamlined shape.

A flatbed truck and, in particular, dump trucks and other types of vehicles unified with it must be adapted to travel not so much at high speed as in difficult road conditions, which results in the choice of certain parameters of the power transmission and other vehicle devices. The combination of these parameters with the parameters of a high-speed car would inevitably lead to a significant complication of the car and to a decrease in its technical and economic indicators. Thus, there is no reason to expect a significant increase in the maximum speed of trucks general purpose.

IN special position there are mainline road trains designed to move mainly along roads of a favorable profile and with a very large radii roundings. Main road trains can be, for reasons of streamlining, elongated and provided with a streamlined body, without too strict consideration of maneuverability. Loading and unloading points can be organized in relation to the low maneuverability of road trains, which in any case provide more convenient conditions for loading and unloading than aircraft and railway train. As a result, it is possible that the creation of mainline freight trains, designed to travel at particularly high speeds, will be fully justified. In practice, based on considerations of road construction, traffic safety, unification of road trains with intercity buses, the speed of long-distance road trains should be approximately equal to the speed of cars and intercity buses.

The above calculations cannot be extended to vehicles intended for permanent operation in urban environments (with frequent stops, turns, maneuvering), i.e. by taxi, city buses, cars for delivering mail, for servicing the distribution network. Even under the condition of hardly feasible (and hardly expedient) reorganization of all city streets with the creation of intersections at different levels, one way traffic, widening the roadway and subject to improved acceleration and deceleration of cars to the limits allowed by the physiological properties of passengers and the driver, the speed in cities, in practice, will not exceed 100 km / h. This value of the highest speed, obviously, is optimal for urban means of transport.

As a result, two values ​​of the rational maximum speeds of cars are determined:

  • for general purpose trucks, city buses and taxis - about 100 km/h
  • for general purpose cars, intercity buses and road trains - about 200 km/h

The cars of the first group have reached the target, since this is not connected with a radical reorganization of all streets and roads, as well as the cars themselves. Further development of these machines will follow the path of improving their other qualities: weight, ease of control, comfort, traffic safety.

The increase in the speed of cars of the second group will depend primarily on the improvement of roads. Obviously, the development of both cars and roads will continue to go hand in hand.

With all the perfection of the future car and with all the adaptability of the future person (not a record holder), for the mass movement of cars at speeds of about 200 km / h, new types of highways will be required, very wide, straight and completely isolated from oncoming and any other traffic. Each direction of traffic must have at least four lanes, two for cars in each group, taking into account possible overtaking.

Unlike other cars, racing and record-breaking cars that pursue sports goals and the goal of testing new mechanisms and materials under conditions of increased stress must develop in the direction of ever more high speeds. Cars of the highest class must have a certain reserve not only of power, but also of speed.

Anyone who makes a hasty conclusion from this analysis that the car is approaching the limit of its development will make a big mistake.

There is no doubt that modern designers can provide cars with almost any speed. However, their main attention should be paid to achieving the economy, durability, safety, comfort of high-speed vehicles, as well as increasing the convenience of driving and maintaining them.

The intended values ​​of the highest speed should be achieved by the cheapest means:

  • need to reduce the weight of the car
  • improve its flow
  • increase the efficiency of the power transmission

When creating high-speed cars, designers will face new challenges. These include dealing with:

  • noise and vibration
  • lateral stability of vehicles, especially against aerodynamic forces
  • path visibility
  • reduction of energy losses due to oil agitation in the power transmission system
  • and etc.

If some of the issues listed have already been developed to some extent as a result of design and testing racing cars while others require a completely new approach. So, special attention will have to be paid not only to the streamlining of the body itself, but also to reducing air whistle; not only the size of the windshield, but also the quality of the glass (the need for a special optical characteristic of the glass is not ruled out), etc. Each of these tasks, as well as the definition of their complete list, deserves detailed independent consideration.

First of all, you need to understand that speed limits can be:

A). global;

b). Local;

V). Special.

Global speed limits.

Speed ​​limits, which are global in nature, apply to the entire road network of the country. And these restrictions are well known to you.

This and the notorious 60 km/h- on roads in settlements.

This and 90 km/h- on roads outside built-up areas.

This and 110 km/h- on highways.

Finally, it is known to all 20 km/h- the speed limit in residential areas marked with appropriate signs, as well as in any yard.

At the same time, on any section of any road, using signs or markings, you can enter

local restrictions ,

moreover, both in the direction of decreasing and in the direction of increasing the permitted speed.

This is a section of the road outside the settlement, and if not for the sign, you could move at a speed of 90 km / h.

But the sign is standing, and now, starting from the place where the sign was installed, the maximum allowed speed is 40 km/h.

This is the third transport ring in Moscow, and as in any locality, the maximum speed limit on this road is 60 km/h.

But on this site they allowed a sign 80 km/h

On this stretch of road, on the right lane, speed mode normal - no more than 90 km / h.

But on the left lane, the speed limit is unusual! Of course, as on any road outside the settlement - no more than 90 km/h.

But at the same time, it is necessary - at least 50 km/h.

You have just been driving at a speed of 90 km/h. But there are markings on the road, and from this place - maximum 60 km/h!

TO special restrictions speed can be attributed to the following cases.

First, it's towing.

In accordance with the Rules, the maximum permitted speed when towing motor vehicles is 50 km/h.

Moreover, this rule is valid on all roads (both in settlements and outside settlements).

Secondly, this is a movement with a trailer.

On roads outside populated areas, the trailer “takes away” 20 km/h from global limits.

It should be understood as follows:

When driving on the motorway without a trailer - 110 km / h.

When driving on a motorway with a trailer - 90 km / h.

When driving on other roads outside settlements without a trailer - 90 km/h.

When driving on other roads outside built-up areas with a trailer - 70 km/h.

In settlements all vehicles(with or without a trailer) The rules set the same limit - 60 km/h.

Here's how they ask it on the exam:

You can easily deal with these tasks. But there are more difficult problems.

Which cars and in what cases are allowed to drive outside built-up areas at a speed of no more than 90 km/h?

1. Passenger cars when towing a trailer on motorways.

2. Passenger cars and trucks with a maximum authorized mass of not more than 3.5 tons on all roads except motorways.

3. Everyone listed vehicles in the indicated cases.

Task comment

A question from the category of "difficult". But it is not difficult in itself, but because it was asked in such a way - it is not immediately possible to understand what, in fact, they are asking.

And here's what they're asking:

1. Did you know that the trailer "takes" you 20 km / h. And if so, what is the maximum speed we will drive along the motorway in a car with a trailer? (The answer is 90 km/h).

2. Did you know that at the same speed (90 km/h) you can move on a regular road outside the settlement (unless, of course, without a trailer).

3. Did you know that cars and trucks with a maximum authorized mass of 3.5 tons are subject to the same speed limits.

Now about motorcycles.

Motorcycles are subject to the same restrictions as category B vehicles, namely:

- on highways -110 km/h;

– on other roads outside built-up areas, the maximum speed limit –90 km/h;

- in towns -60 km/h

And there is one question about it:

Now about mopeds.

Mopeds generally have a hard limit everywhere - a maximum50 km/h.

And they will also ask about this once:

In addition to the above restrictions, the Rules contain one more very important requirement:

Rules. Section 10. Clause 10.1. The driver must drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, while taking into account the intensity of traffic, the characteristics and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of travel.

Of course, when choosing a speed, the driver must take into account the visibility conditions at the moment.

In principle, 90 km/h is allowed on this road. But not now! If you now move at a speed of 90 km / h, then in addition to being deadly, this is also a violation of the Rules, namely clause 10.1.

In all cases, the speed must be such that stopping way was less than the visibility distance!

Now the visibility conditions are excellent. But look at the state pavement- this is a real ice rink!

And paragraph 10.1 obliges drivers to take into account road conditions when choosing safe speed movement.

And another point 10.1 obliges drivers to choose the speed according to the traffic intensity.

It doesn't matter what the speed limit is here. Now the driver is obliged to move at the speed of the flow, without leaving his lane.

Concluding the conversation about the speed of movement, it is impossible not to mention one more interesting requirement of the tenth section of the Rules.

The driver must not interfere with other vehicles by driving unnecessarily at too low a speed.

Please note - The rules do not prohibit slow driving, as such. The rules prohibit interfering by moving too slowly.

Imagine that the driver is driving down this street for the first time and looking for desired number Houses.

In this situation, moving slowly, the driver does not violate anything.

But now, moving slowly, the driver brown car interferes with other vehicles and therefore violates the Rules (namely, violates the requirements of paragraph 10.5).

And finally, last but not least.

Rules. Section 10. Clause 10.5. The driver must not brake hard unless it is necessary to prevent an accident.

The rules do not contain any restrictions on the dynamic acceleration. You can start as abruptly as you like, literally breaking away.

But braking is allowed only smoothly. Any hard braking is always a danger to traffic, and the Rules allow emergency braking only in emergency cases. At the same time, under emergency The rules understand the situation when it is necessary to prevent an accident.

They won't catch up with us - these are the words that have become the motto for many motorists who cannot imagine their lives without fast cars. How fast? Judge for yourself - almost all of our heroes, who are among the ten fastest cars on the planet, reach the coveted hundred kilometers per hour in less than 3 seconds. And their maximum speed exceeds not only 300, but even 400 kilometers per hour. Impressive! So what are these cars? It's time to get to know them better.

But we emphasize right away that the rating of the 10 fastest cars in the world is very mobile. It is possible that right now another supercar is being born, which in just a few months will officially be recognized as the fastest on our planet. But all this will come later. In the meantime, back to our impressive speed characteristics ten.

10th place - "Ferrari LaFerrari"

And let's start right away with a car that literally revolutionized the understanding of how a supercar should be arranged. Namely, from the Italian "stallion" Ferrari LaFerrari. The Italian hypercar is interesting if only because it has not the usual gasoline, but a hybrid power plant, which ten years ago the creators of such cars did not even dream of. But now the fairy tale has come true. Ferrari LaFerrari significantly outperforms dynamic characteristics all production Ferrari models produced before him.
If the same Ferrari Enzo, which is not without reason reputed to be one of the fastest cars in the world, passes a circle on the track in Fiorano in 1 minute and 20 seconds, then the Ferrari LaFerrari takes a whole 5 seconds less to complete the circle. The advantage is huge. Just as huge and the price is indescribable Fast Ferrari LaFerrari. For a work of automotive art, they ask for almost one and a half million euros. And there is no release from buyers. All 499 copies of the divine LaFerrari have already been sold.

9th place - "Porsche 918 Spyder"

But the Porsche 918 Spyder can be seen a little more often than the Italian hypercar, as the Germans decided to focus on the model index and produce exactly 918 cars. The cost of each such car is very high. The German hypercar will cost the buyer more than 770 thousand euros. And in the case of the Porsche 918 Spyder, fellow motorists can be amazed not only by the cost of the car itself, but also by its amazing fuel efficiency. The manufacturer assures that under certain conditions, only 3.3 liters of fuel will be enough for him to overcome a hundred-kilometer section of the path. But at the same time, a hypercar from Germany accelerates so quickly that you are unlikely to have time to realize what is really happening - only 2.6 seconds and the treasured hundred is already on the speedometer.
And let the fuel consumption, which claims Porsche company, in real conditions will turn out to be an unattainable dream, but in any case, the Porsche 918 Spyder, if you do not forget that this car can rush at a speed of 345 km / h, is very economical. And all thanks to two electric drives, which, without the participation of a gasoline engine, can accelerate this supercar to 150 km / h. So not only the Italians, but also the Germans have already managed to put on the market over fast car with a hybrid power plant.

8th place - "McLaren P1"

The British are not far behind. The new McLaren P1, in addition to the volume of 3.8 liters, also has electric motors and a block batteries. The McLaren P1 can travel up to ten kilometers on battery power alone, which is replenished every time the brake pedal is pressed thanks to the regenerative braking system. Not a drop of precious gasoline will be used up. But then ... It is worth pressing the accelerator pedal to the floor and after 16.5 seconds the McLaren P1 will reach three hundred kilometers per hour. And the drive doesn't end there. And the British supercar picks up the first hundred kilometers per hour in just 2.8 seconds.

7th place - "Lamborghini Aventador LP700"

All our other heroes have more familiar gasoline power plants. But that does not make them any less fast and interesting. Is it possible to miss the amazing Lamborghini Aventador LP700, which, like a bull during a bullfight, is ready to tear apart everything that comes in its way. And he has every reason to do so.
The 6.5-liter gasoline engine, which, after refinement, develops more than 700 “horses”, simply frightens with its capabilities. Behind the wheel of an Italian supercar, there is a feeling that the frenzied acceleration will never end. What numbers are we talking about? It takes only 2.9 seconds for the Lamborghini Aventador LP700 to dash to 100 kilometers per hour. And also this one. Each of its details is a small work of automotive art.

6th place - Saleen S7

By the way, not only European automotive manufacturers able to create ultra-fast cars. The Americans are also good at this. Take a look at least at the bewitching appearance Saleen S7, which is capable of accelerating to 400 km / h, and overcomes the line of one hundred kilometers per hour after 3.3 seconds after the start. But only the lucky ones will see this supercar in the parking lot near the supermarket. Painfully small volumes of its production.

5th place - "Bugatti Veyron"

And here Bugatti Veyron on unlimited German autobahns meets with enviable regularity. And in other parts of the planet, this supercar, which takes only 3.1 seconds to accelerate to the coveted hundred kilometers an hour, is quite common. And all because to drive a Bugatti Veyron, whose engine power is 1020 Horse power, no more difficult than the usual "charged" hatchback. So this car, whose speed ceiling is 434 km / h, can also be called the friendliest supercar on the planet. And only its cost is by no means friendly. For Bugatti Veyron they ask for at least one and a half million euros.

4th place - "Koenigsegg CCXR"

Swedish supercar Koenigsegg The CCXR is slightly cheaper, but has the same impressive performance. Its engine, which consumes not ordinary gasoline, but bioethanol, develops 1018 horsepower. Combined with light aluminum body this gives a top speed of 402 km/h. And up to a hundred kilometers per hour, a supercar from Sweden accelerates in just 3.1 seconds.

3rd place - "SSC Ultimate Aero TT"

SSC Ultimate Aero TT is even more powerful and even faster. The low-volume American supercar is powered by a 6.4-liter eight-cylinder engine with a turbocharged output of 1,183 horsepower. Naturally, with such a power unit, the SSC Ultimate Aero TT easily overcomes the mark of 400 km / h and stops its acceleration only when the speedometer needle freezes at 421 km / h. They ask for the American "beast" relatively little - about 431 thousand dollars. The same Bugatti Veyron or Ferrari LaFerrari will cost several times more.

2nd place - "Hennessey Venom GT"

And here Hennessey Venom GT you are unlikely to buy. This car, which was actually created on the basis of the lotus Exige, well known to lovers of fast cars, was created rather not so that its creators could earn money from its sale, but in order to show the capabilities of the American tuning studio Hennessey Performance Engineering. And they are, it must be said, impressive. No wonder the Hennessey Venom GT even got into the Guinness Book of Records. This happened after the American supercar exchanged the fourth hundred kilometers per hour after just 13.63 seconds after the start, and a few weeks later the Hennessey Venom GT was able to accelerate to 427.6 km/h, which gave him the right to once again get into the famous book records.

1st place - "SSC Tuatara"

The last hero of our magnificent ten is another American supercar SSC Tuatara. The prototype of this car was shown in 2011 in Shanghai, China, after which the SSC Tuatara was demonstrated in the USA, but they could not fix it. mass production. So everyone who wants to buy this particular supercar will have to wait, but for now, console themselves with the hope that the eight-cylinder twin-turbo engine that develops 1350 horsepower can really accelerate this car to the promised 443 km / h by the manufacturer.
If, however, the declared 2.5 seconds of acceleration to one hundred kilometers per hour turn out to be true, then the SSC Tuatara can be safely placed at the top of the ranking of the 10 fastest cars in the world.

Although… Technical progress now moving forward with leaps and bounds. A few years ago about the appearance of hypercars with hybrid power plants didn't even talk. And now they are on the road. So it is possible that in 5-6 years the ranking of the 10 fastest cars in the world will look very different. After all, a production car must someday appear, which will accelerate to one hundred kilometers per hour in less than two seconds and overcome the mark of a maximum speed of 500 kilometers per hour. Which car company dare to take such a bar and is it possible in principle? Place your bets!

Which just did not set speed records on a car. The interest to conquer the track, probably, has always been in the blood of racing fans, from the very moment the cars appeared. And many succeeded.

Absolute result

So, before talking about all kinds of speed records on a car (of which there are many), it is worth mentioning the most important result. The maximum figure was reached in 1997, on October 15th. Then a new, absolute and to this day unconquered speed record for a car was set. 1229.78 km / h - the arrow reached this mark on the speedometer. Andy Green, an Englishman and fighter pilot, became the conqueror of the track. The record was set in the desert The car, of course, was not ordinary, but jet - Thrust SSC.

The track, the length of which was 21 kilometers, was marked at the bottom of a dried-up lake located in the Black Rock Desert. Andy's car was powered by two powerful, turbofan power units from " Rolls-Royce". Each motor was equipped with forced draft. AND general power motors reached an incredible figure - 110,000 horsepower. It is not surprising that Green managed to accelerate to such a mark.

"Pioneers"-record holders

And now you can delve into other topics. So, the first world speed record for a car equipped with an internal combustion engine was set by a man like Emile Levassor. This was in 1985. Then the Paris-Bordeaux race took place. In fact, it was the first speed competition! And Emil won them. His phrase, which he said after the races, is widely known: “It was crazy! I did up to thirty kilometers an hour!” Of course, at that time, at the end of the 19th century, the figures were indeed stunning. True, Emil also died because of his love for racing. In 1987, during a speed competition, he had an accident while trying to avoid a dog. He soon died due to his wounds. But his speed record in a car with an internal combustion engine has forever remained in history.

The following results have been officially recorded. In 1898, a speed of 63.149 km / h was reached. The motorist was Count Gaston de Chasselus-Loba. He then drove an electric car designed by Charles Janto. By the way, this was the first officially registered record.

Distance racing

Already at the end of the 19th century, speed competitions began to be held, in which motorists had to overcome a certain distance. Who was the first, he won, everything is logical. And the first was the 100-kilometer distance. She was conquered by Camille Zhenatzi, a Belgian motorist. And it was April 29, 1899. He also drove an electric car with 40 horsepower. The maximum he reached was 105.8 km / h.

The next distance was 200 kilometers. She was conquered in 1911. And then R. Burman became the winner. It is not difficult to guess that he was driving a car from the Benz company. His maximum car speed record was incredible - 228 km/h! What can I say, not all modern machines some brands can work out such a maximum.

300 kilometers was first conquered by H. O. D. Sigrev. This was in 1927. And its maximum stopped at around 327.8 km / h. Then, in 1932, there was a 400 km race. Malcolm Campbell managed to win. And it was 408.6 km / h.

John Aiston won the 500 km race in a Rolls-Royce Aiston in 1937. He “squeezed” out of the car a maximum of 502.4 km / h. And finally, a thousand kilometers. Garry Gabelich covered this distance in 1970, on October 23rd. His car was rocket car called "Blue Flame". amounted to 1014.3 km / h. Interestingly, the car was 11.3 meters long. The race was held on a dry salt lake called Bonneville.

Sound speed

And once it was overcome. This was first done by a man named Stan Barrett. This is a professional stuntman from America, who at the time of the event was 36 years old. He set a record in a 3-wheeler. It was called the Budweiser Rocket. By the way, there were two of them. The main engine is a rocket engine with a thrust of 9900 kgf. And the second - RDTT. He had a thrust of 2000 kgf. It was installed in the car in order to use additional power if the main one was not enough to overcome the declared speed.

The race took place at an air base in California in 1979. By the way, talking about speed records on a car, it should be noted that this one was just not registered by the FIA. And all because the rules of the organization say: to fix the result, you need to spend two races in two different directions. This is done to eliminate the slope of the track and the influence of the wind. Stan Barret refused it. He said the record had already been set.

For a thousand miles

So far, no one has managed to conquer the speed limit of 1000 miles / hour. This, it is worth clarifying, is 1609 kilometers per hour. But people who deal with cars do not lose their enthusiasm. They rightly believe that everything is possible, and this too. The designers of the Bloodhound SSC, for example, have a plan for setting a new record. Most likely, the car intended for the race will be equipped with three power units. The first will be a hybrid rocket engine. The second will be the Eurojet EJ200 jet unit, which is used on a fighter aircraft called And the third - V-shaped motor with 8 cylinders from the Jaguar concern. It will, of course, run on gasoline. But used this engine will be used to drive the pumps that pump fuel to the rocket motor and activate the onboard electric generator.

Other categories

Many women also set speed records in a car. Most best result- this is 843.3 km / h. It was reached by an American girl named Kitty Humbleton. And she set a record in 1976, in December. The engine power of her car was 48,000 “horses”.

The maximum that could be achieved by racers driving a car with a steam engine is 223.7 km / h. There were 12 boilers in the car, where the water was heated by combustion. natural gas. Approximately 40 kilograms of water were evaporated in the boilers every minute in this way. The power of the installation was approximately 360 liters. With.

And what about the speed record on a production car? Naturally, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport hypercar is the best in this regard. His figure is 431.072 kilometers per hour! But this is not the limit. After all, the fastest and most dynamic passenger car designed to drive on the roads has become ... Ford Badd GT! He was able to reach the mark of 455 km / h. And this is more than the notorious Bugatti.

Diesel "champions"

Cars that run on diesel engines are often underestimated. So, all stereotypes at the moment destroys JCB Dieselmax. This is not consuming gasoline, but diesel fuel. On it, under the guidance of the same Andy Green, they set a record of 563.418 km / h. It happened in 2006. It is worth recalling that a similar test was conducted in 1973. The result of that year was an order of magnitude smaller - 379.5 km / h.

The fastest stock car working on diesel fuel is a German representative. And this is the BMW 330 TDS. Its maximum is 320 km/h. The unit of this model has 6 cylinders and a volume of three liters. Plus, of course, turbocharging. Motor power is 300 "horses". And the consumption, by the way, cannot but rejoice - only 8 liters per 100 km.

Other results

Above were the speed records by car over the years. As you can see, there are many good results managed to achieve not even in the XXI century. And indeed, it is! For example, recognized released in 1992 year Audi S4. This model is capable of reaching 418 km/h. In any case, this result was recorded during the race on the dry lake Bonneville. Under the hood of this all-wheel drive car was a 5-cylinder turbocharged engine. Its power was modified to 1100 hp. With.

And there was also a speed record for a car with wheel drive. It amounted to 737.4 km / h. And finally, it is impossible not to say about the speed result, which was achieved on a motorized log - 76.625 km / h! It was this indicator that the structure made of cedar logs and automotive parts. The record, by the way, is fresh - it was recorded in 2016.

Russian indicators

Naturally, speaking on such a topic, one cannot help but note the speed record for a car in Russia. On the territory of our country, Lada and Volga are produced - they are still as far away as possible. But still there is some interesting record in history.

It was installed by such people as Oleg Bogdanov, Vladimir Solovyov and Viktor Panyarsky - the team of the magazine "Behind the Wheel". Men in a VAZ-2109 car crossed the whole of Europe in 45 hours and 30 minutes. The start was in Moscow, on Manezhnaya Square. And the “jet trip” ended in Lisbon, not far from the Belen tower. The idea to make such a run did not come spontaneously. It was a response to the Portuguese initiative. In 1986, two Portuguese journalists arrived in the Russian capital from Lisbon. They covered the entire route in 51 hours and 30 minutes. Soviet journalists accepted the challenge and, one might say, won the unvoiced argument.

And there was another case in 2009. A resident of Samara on his "Lada-21099" reached a speed of 277 km / h! The most interesting thing is in a traffic jam, during rush hour, at about nine in the morning! The guy exceeded the speed limit by 217 kilometers. Also a kind of record. Possible, probably, only in Russia.

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