How to strengthen the springs. Gazel frame reinforcement

How to strengthen the springs. Gazel frame reinforcement

car frame - essential element passenger car commercial transport. It is the basis, the skeleton, the "skeleton" to which the units, mechanical components and the body of the Gazelle are attached. Engine, transmission, axles, suspensions, steering present to mechanical properties Gazelle frames increased requirements. Of course, the developers take into account all operational impacts on the Gazelle frame when creating a car project in a design office. But there are exceptions to the rule...

In the photo: By typing in the search engine "Gazelle frame reinforcement" you can see a large number of similar photos posted on the Internet.

In the photo: Clients often turn to our auto technical center "Delta" with a request to strengthen the frame of the Gazelle. For what? Now we will tell you the background of the creation of this service in our car service.

One of the main areas of use of small commercial vehicles is the organization freight traffic. The most common vehicle for this type of activity is the Gazelle. It was this car that became one of the most attractive solutions for small businesses, and an acceptable combination of price, quality and carrying capacity vehicle gave him great popularity.

Repeatedly from the owners of the Gazelle you can hear that this is exactly the car that “feeds” and provides them. And they are right. But it is also important to add that the car “feeds” as long as the loading of the body allows. As soon as the amount of goods transported does not fit in the back, and the carrying capacity ceases to suit, the search for ways to solve this problem begins. Increasing the sides is the easiest solution. But this solution does not allow to significantly increase the carrying capacity, and one has to think about increasing the suspension power.

There is only one way to really increase the carrying capacity of a Gazelle - order spring reinforcement at a car service (price and details). Such work can be done in the service, and if everything is done correctly and professionally, then maximum load by the amount of cargo increases significantly. On average, instead of one and a half tons, you can load up to 3.5 tons. An excellent solution and at the same time at a minimal cost! Visible "sagging" of the body is reduced from 12 centimeters (without reinforced springs) to 5 cm (with reinforced springs).

But where is the pressure of the body loaded to the eyeballs transferred? It is unlikely that the manufacturer laid down such a margin of safety when designing? All weight is distributed to the frame of the Gazelle. However, this distribution is not always uniform. Wrong placement cargo weight during loading leads to an abnormal distribution of the load on the vehicle frame. And the cabin of the Gazelle, which has been modernized by strengthening the springs, rises by 4-6 cm when loading a load of 3.5 tons. The car frame receives enormous loads in places of constant overloads (zones of connections and fastenings of elements).

It is these places that the owner of the Gazelle should pay attention to Special attention and, if possible, reinforce them. Recently, proposals have appeared on the market for repair and maintenance of GAZ vehicles to strengthen the frame of the Gazelle. As the experience of operating a car with reinforced springs and an increase in load capacity shows, it is recommended in without fail reinforce the frame of the car.

Consider the areas of increased load on the frame.

The largest number of calls to our car repair and frame strengthening service is related to the place behind the driver's cab, since it is subject to maximum loads when driving on our "legendary" Russian roads.

To solve this problem, our car service uses a frame reinforcement for the cab. It is installed at the exit of the frame from under the driver's cab.

Technical center "Delta" uses a high-quality factory product. All holes for fastening the channel-amplifier coincide with the holes in the frame.

Please note: the thickness of the channel-amplifier installed by our specialists is not less than the thickness of the Gazelle frame.


As a result of deforming overloads, a crack appeared on the Gazelle frame, the installation of a channel-amplifier prevented the frame from breaking.

Places for installing amplifiers for mounting front shock absorbers.

Amplifier channels are made of high quality metal with pre-pressed holes.

The cost of strengthening the frame is 8850 rubles - together with spare parts. Work to strengthen the Gazelle frame is carried out in the presence of the customer.

Attention! IN given time work to strengthen the Gazelle frame is not performed by the DELTA technical center.

Adds up to about 500 kg. Also, reinforcement is advisable when lengthening the chassis to increase the reliability of the service of the extended base when fully loaded.

Five main and three additional leaf springs are part of the rear Gazelle spring. And in the front suspension of the car, the compression springs mounted on the frame play the role of additional sheets.

To avoid undesirable consequences, increase the total number of sheets of the rear springs in advance, and, if desired, the front ones. This change will bring another plus - the stability of a loaded van or body will increase.

Do not get carried away with the number of sheets added, everything should be in moderation. The shock load can go to more expensive connections or components of the car, because too much rigid suspension will not absorb the numerous defects of our roads.

Front with rear spring assembly interchangeable: worn rear springs instead of the front ones, and new ones in their place.

Among the breakdowns of the Gazelle, quite a lot happens serious defect: both bridges are no longer equal to each other and therefore the bridge to the spring is weakened. car loses exchange rate stability tires wear out. Drivers, noticing something was wrong, look for the reason for the decrease in steering control or adjust the wheel alignment.

Actually accurately measure the distance between the front and rear wheels right and left sides. The reason for the misalignment of bridges in a used car can be, for example, if during the repair of the bridge the nuts of the stepladders were poorly tightened or the car was in an accident.

Breakage of the spring center bolt is another axle misalignment. If the bridge is "taken away", be sure to check if the bolt is intact. A new bolt, although it costs, but the repair will not be easy. It is necessary to make a “bulkhead” of the spring, because the main leaf of the spring is displaced due to a broken bolt.


The increase in the carrying capacity of the Gazelle, among other things, will help reduce the cost of its operation. After the manufacturer equipped it with a new engine increased power and power steering, it became possible to increase the weight of the transported cargo without compromising maneuverability and speed.

You will need

  • Wrench sets different types and dimensions, a channel of selected length and size, a welding machine, an angle, fittings, skills and permission to work with welding, additional “radical” spring sheets, jacks or other lifting devices, wheel chocks, safety "goats".


The work consists of two main stages: carrier frame And cargo platform, installation of additional sheets of springs. Start by reinforcing the frame with an appropriately sized and long channel. Weld the channel into inner part carrier frame or bolt through existing holes in the frame. Instead of a channel, you can weld along the frame - from the outside or inside- strip of sheet metal. Increase lateral stiffness with corners or reinforcement by tightening opposite longitudinal parts of the frame. After that, you can proceed to the second stage.

To install additional leaf springs, disconnect from the leading cardan shaft, making marks with a chisel to maintain alignment during the future assembly of the assembly. Remove the spring ladders and raise them to a height sufficient for free work with the springs. After selecting and installing additional leaf springs, perform the operations of this step in reverse order: fix the bridge to the frame with stepladders, and then screw the cardan shaft to the gearbox, aligning the marks left during disassembly. Then do the operation of adding sheets and to strengthen the front springs.

At numerous forums on the Web, where motorists share their knowledge and experience, issues related to increasing the carrying capacity of a vehicle are quite often considered. It is for this purpose that the springs are strengthened with the help of additional sheets. Let's figure out how to strengthen the springs.

Preparatory stage

In order to strengthen the springs on the gazelle, you will need:

  • knowledge of the device of the car;
  • spring center bolt, which has an elongated shape;
  • the springs themselves.

How is the process of strengthening the springs

It should be noted that it is advisable to strengthen the vehicle springs for trucks to increase their carrying capacity. You can strengthen both the front and rear springs. If this process is performed with the front of the car, then, in addition to increasing its carrying capacity, it is possible to achieve greater stability of the loaded car. In addition, the strengthening of the spring should also be carried out when lengthening the body.

From a technological point of view, this procedure is not difficult. However, the main difficulty is physical activity. All work is carried out in several stages:

Initially, it is required to dismantle the axle (rear or front, depending on in which part of the car you are going to strengthen the springs). Then the springs are removed from the bridge, freed from the clamps and the center bolt, after which they are disassembled into separate sheets.

The spring, based on the size of the inserted sheet, should move from small to large. When this stage comes to an end, the sheets are connected with a center bolt and tightened with it as much as possible to eliminate the possibility of spring misalignment. After that, you can proceed with the installation of the spring and the installation of the assembled bridge in its place.

The springs must be strengthened in pairs. This must be done in order to avoid distortions. But in addition to the recommendations listed above, it should also be remembered that after strengthening these elements, adjustment of the position of the bridges is required. This process is very important and must be followed.

After installing the axle, it is necessary to measure the distance first between the front wheels, then between the rear ones. These distances need to be the same. If they differ, tighten the ladder nuts. You will need to check that the center bolt is not broken if you notice that the bridge has skewed.

Strengthening the springs can be done both on UAZ vehicles and on gazelles.

With the strengthening of the springs, the main thing is not to overdo it, as this threatens that the vehicle's suspension will become quite stiff. In turn, this will inevitably lead to the fact that when driving on uneven pavement suspension damping will be ineffective. The unpleasant consequences that you will have to face in the near future include shock loading, which has the most direct effect on the wear of expensive mechanisms and machine components, the repair of which is very laborious and requires a lot of money.

In this regard, strengthen the springs carefully and slowly, not forgetting about moderation in all your actions. This will allow you not only to achieve the desired result in the work performed, but also to avoid unnecessary problems that usually arise after unskilled repairs or interventions in the car device.


Strengthening springs Hyundai Porter:

The small truck GAZelle managed to become a real legend domestic auto industry despite their relatively young age. It was the first successful light vehicle, which has earned universal recognition in many CIS countries, where it is still actively used. In Russia, this is the best-selling small-tonnage vehicle, which has no equal in value. Still, the prices for GAZelle spare parts are 2 times cheaper and more affordable than, for example, Ford Transit. And sooner or later, some spare part on it will require replacement. Springs are no exception.

Any spring tends to collapse (bend under the pressure of gravity). At the same time, the machine begins to sag, and its carrying capacity is significantly reduced. Therefore, the springs on the GAZelle need to be replaced. But our drivers found another way out - to roll the spring. At the same time, she resumes all her operational properties, and it can be further "spoiled". There are, of course, such cases when the metal simply bursts under pressure (most often due to a large overload). And without buying new spare part cannot be dispensed with, since the GAZelle cannot ride on shock absorbers alone, and even more so transport goods. And in order not to roll and change it often, it is possible to strengthen the springs. GAZelle allows such reinforcement only on the rear axle, due to the addition of additional sheets.

But do not get carried away too much - everything should be in moderation. After all, if you add 10 sheets to the bridge, the load capacity of the GAZelle will not increase from this. The load on the engine, gearbox and the frame itself will increase, which likes to burst when overloaded with 2.5-3 tons. When transporting excessive weight, it is especially not worth running into pits and bumps, as this can lead to unforeseen consequences. 1500 kilograms - this is the norm that the GAZelle should carry. And for big cargo there is GAZ Valdai.

The springs on the GAZelle are very sensitive to pits, since both the front and rear parts are interconnected. To save money, you can put worn out rear springs on the front axle, and buy new ones in their place.

If you strengthen the springs on the GAZelle, then its carrying capacity will increase to two tons. The addition of each pair of sheets increases the load capacity by 200 kilograms. Most often reinforce the springs on extended versions Gazelles (body length from 4 meters or more). Such tuning increases reliability and service life at its full load. On four-meter machines install up to three additional sheets for a total of 8 pieces. If desired, it is also possible to install sheets on the front axle, but it does not play a significant role, but only gives the car rigidity. In general, the strengthening of the spring on the GAZelle gives it greater stability and maneuverability when driving.

Many drivers, when strengthening the springs, forget that maximum load capacity GAZelle is, as mentioned above, no more than 1500 kilograms (and this is with a tilt body). If you load 2-3 tons into it daily, it will soon need to be replaced rear axle and even overhaul engine, which, by the way, is also designed for 1.5 tons.

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