How to effectively and quickly wash your car at a self-service car wash. How to wash your car in winter

How to effectively and quickly wash your car at a self-service car wash. How to wash your car in winter


It is quite possible to wash your car without streaks yourself. It is not necessary to spend money and time in order for the car to sparkle and be perfect. If you understand the technology of manual washing, in addition to purchase everything necessary for this process, then everything will go "without a hitch." Those who have already tried just rinsing the body and even using car shampoo as a result had a shine, but there were also whitish streaks. The difficulty is caused by dirt adhering to the body or under the wings of the wheels. Here you have to sweat, as small pebbles, grains of sand and twigs begin to scratch the enamel. Dirty slurry itself can damage the hood or doors. Use a brush? And where is the guarantee that it will not cause problems and will not be required after painting and repair? It is for this that you should know how to wash a car without harm to it, without streaks and without additional nerves.

You can wash the car yourself, without contacting specialists

What is another positive aspect of this procedure, besides cost savings? There is no such nervousness that accompanies many motorists when contacting the special service. To carry out manual cleaning, the specialist must stay inside for a long time, but at the same time the owner stands aside. It is impossible to take everything that is there from the car. You will always forget something. There is still a drop of distrust towards all outsiders, even if the procedure is done regularly by the same person. Yes, and then self-washing always better: you can thoroughly wash all the nooks and crannies that are often forgotten in salons.

What you need to wash and where to start

In order for the procedure to be effective, and most importantly, without any extra effort, you should immediately provide yourself and your beauty with everything you need. In addition, the chosen location plays an important role. It’s great if there is a small stavochek nearby, where the supply of water is inexhaustible, but you should stand away from it so that dirt, gasoline and other impurities do not merge back into the reservoir. Also best time for washing evening or cloudy day. If there is a lot of sun, then even in the evening it is better to stand in the shade. Why is this needed? So the motorist provides the car with protection from the dullness of the coating. The sun's rays simply burn the metal while washing and using special products.

What else should be:

What should be in the arsenal What is used for
Shampoo and glass cleaner The shampoo gently cleanses impurities, but if you take common remedy for hair, then a whitish coating will appear in any case. Specialized tool prevents it and makes it possible to provide temporary protection for metal, but not for glass. Therefore, they separately purchase liquid for glass and mirror surfaces.
buckets IN this case It's better to have not one, but two. After all, it is impossible to completely wash the car with one bucket. And in the process, it is better to immediately wash off the soapy water with clean
Wet wipes Ensure cleanliness in the salon. They have a soft base, do not contain alcohol and will never leave streaks on the plastic surface.
sponge To wash all surfaces in the cabin and from above, it is better to use a washcloth with large pores.
rag The ideal approach is cotton fabric, but soft. Old things are ideal for this, as they are soft after repeated washings, and also absorb moisture well. Much easier to clean up dirt

If there are no water bodies nearby, then you will need a hose with running water or you will have to go to the apartment repeatedly to change the water in buckets. Having provided himself with everything necessary, anyone will wash an ideal iron horse.

Correctly start processing with preparation:

  • check the availability of all means and devices;
  • we arrange everything that we need for washing;
  • we put the car in the shade;
  • we give the opportunity to cool the paint and the motor (if possible);
  • pull out all the mats, as they also need to be washed.

The preparation has passed. It is followed by the main part - the complete washing out of all elements. You shouldn't be afraid. If we take 10 rules as a basis and apply them step by step, then there will be no problems with the purity of the iron friend. Just take your time and keep everything you need close at hand.

First, spray the machine with water from a hose

  1. Surface washing

Such a procedure as soaking will help to achieve maximum success. If you have a hose, you can spray the car with water. It's worth starting from the roof. If there is none nearby, then buckets full of water are always at hand. It is better to use warm. It will help to soak the sticking faster. There are two options: becoming a lamb all higher body or with a sponge squeeze onto the roof, and then onto the hood and all other parts. Do not rub, namely squeeze. So the paint is not damaged by dirt.

  1. Shampoo

It is worth diluting the product strictly according to the instructions that each bottle is equipped with. Still, the concentration is high, and adding a little more soapy liquid can damage the paint surface. As already mentioned: use only specially formulated car shampoo. No powders. They imperceptibly scratch the delicate structure of the paint.

  1. Sponge

My strictly from the roof, using a sponge. It lathers beautifully and gently cleanses. We descend slowly, leaving no soapy places. Rinse the washcloth each time before dipping in soapy water. This washes away dirt and dust without getting into the solution. By ensuring the purity of the water with shampoo, you can not be afraid of contamination of other places.

Start washing your car from top to bottom

  1. Door

We open the doors wide open and gently wipe the side parts, but at the same time we do not cling to the plastic trim of the cabin. Only now, when the entire surface is lathered and treated with liquid, you can start rinsing.

  1. Wash off

Rinsing takes place according to the same technology as soaping: from top to bottom. Just don't use rags or washcloths. Do it either with a hose and high pressure, or pour a few buckets of water. The doors and sides are rinsed last.

Need to know! Fenders are washed with a brush or a strong jet. The brush should not be iron, but at the same time increased rigidity.

  1. wheels

Once the metal body is washed, we move on to the wheels. They are washed thoroughly to wash off all car shampoo and dirt.

  1. Rags and drying

Use old rags to dry the entire surface. It is desirable to have not one, but several such rags. As soon as the rag becomes wet, wring it out well. Do not forget that the doorways are also wet and must be dried.

  1. Rugs

We still have soapy water. It can be used to clean rugs. But first they are doused with clean water, and then soaped. Washing technique repeats technological process washing the car. Don't forget to dry with a rag.

  1. penultimate touch

What else is left to wash from the outside? Of course, glass. But for this there is a liquid that is used independently at home for mirrors. Saw and rub. Additionally wipe with a dry cloth.

  1. Salon

Car wash services are becoming popular, in addition, these services have everything necessary equipment that will get the job done quickly and efficiently. But sometimes, to save money, it is beneficial to wash the car yourself. Many make mistakes, due to which the wash is delayed or ends unpleasantly for the car, so today you will learn how to properly wash your car.

What is needed first?

Get everything out of the trunk and get all the floor mats out of the car. Put them aside for now and arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner. First you need to clean all the dust from the cabin. Simply vacuum the floor and seats as well rear shelf. Do not forget about the trunk and secluded places under the seats. The next step is to open the hood and get rid of the foliage, which the vacuum cleaner does well.

Actually, don't neglect it. home appliance, as it collects a small layer of dust well, which will facilitate the task of cleaning in the future. After all, the more dust there is on the surface, the more likely it is to scratch it while working with a rag. Pay special attention to the air ducts of the stove, which are located under the hood. If you do not remove all the dirt from there, then in the future, it will simply become clogged and the ventilation system will become ineffective.

Be sure to close all windows and doors. Otherwise, during the wash, the dirt will drain into the passenger compartment and then trouble will arise in the form of a long cleaning of the inside of the car.

Body wash

As soon as the “moving” pollution is eliminated, you can start washing the body. First, take a bucket of water and pour plenty of water over the entire car. Most likely, you will have to pour out a few buckets, but this is necessary to moisten the surface of the body and remove excess dust that will ruin the paintwork when working with a rag or sponge.

A good effect is given by a hose and a high pressure pump. With a jet of water, you can get rid of more stubborn dirt and you need to start from the roof so that all the dirt flows down. With water pressure, you can wash the space under the wings of the car and the suspension elements. Having got rid of pieces of dried mud, you can see that the car has become quieter to overcome the unevenness of the road surface.

After thoroughly wetting the body and washing off the dust, you can proceed to more professional car wash. Dilute car shampoo in a bucket of water and use a sponge to rub it all over the body, starting from the roof. Pay special attention to the bottom of the machine, as a large amount of dust accumulates there. It is not necessary to wash the discs with foam, there is no special need for this.

Now that the dirt has separated from the body and the whole car is covered with soap, you can wash the shampoo off the body. Again we take a bucket or hose and water the car from the roof to the thresholds. Thus, we completely wash off the dirt along with the foam.

The last stage of washing the body is getting rid of streaks. The fact is that water droplets absorb dust from the air, so they must be quickly wiped off. Take a dry rag and wipe the body dry, periodically wringing out or changing the rag to a drier one.

We continue cleaning

Again we return to the salon, as dust also accumulates there. Start with glasses. It is not necessary to wet them strongly, it is enough to wipe and dry them twice with the same dry rag. But it is better to take an ordinary newspaper, crumple it and carefully, to a squeak, wipe the glass until all stains are gone. The next step is to single out door cards, leather or its substitute stretched over the skin, and dashboard with steering wheel. Stretch the straps to their full length and wipe too. A clean belt won't stain your clothes.

If you use polish, never use it on the steering wheel. The point is that she has special compound, which will make it slippery, and this is very dangerous during sharp maneuvers on the road.

Finishing touches

Now, as you noticed, the dirtiest were the car mats and rims. However, some people forget about the pedals, although it is not necessary to wipe them. Still, it will be more pleasant to press the clean controls.

Wash the rugs and lay them out in the sun on the grass. However, there will be nothing to worry about if you lay them wet in the car. The water will evaporate, but then you need to open the windows so that they do not fog up.

Until the carpets are dry, you can wash the car rims. To do this, simply fill a bucket of water and wash off all the dirt with a rag and rinsing with water. In this case, it is not worth getting rid of divorces, it is enough just to get rid of the dirt and then they will sparkle with their former purity. Wheels are the last thing that catches your eye and requires careful consideration.

Engine wash

We decided to consider this as a separate stage, since it has its own difficulties. If you do not have relevant experience, it is still recommended to entrust this to trained people. Nevertheless, if there is a desire to learn, then you can wash the motor yourself.

To do this, you will need a Karcher to create the necessary water pressure. Disconnect the negative battery terminal and clean thoroughly engine compartment. Wait until the engine is started for the first time. required time to let it dry. Otherwise, you can get a very serious damage.

This completes the car wash. All this can take about 1-1.5 hours. You should not rush, otherwise the whole event will become a torment. Enjoy your trips in a clean and sparkling car!

How to wash the car yourself using selected detergents, following the optimal order and without harming the car. Detailed useful advice useful for both private owners and professional cleaners.

In this information material, we:

  • we will answer the question “what is needed for car washing”;
  • here is a list of how to wash a car at home;
  • we will reveal the practically important secrets of the selection of inventory and the features of its use;
  • we will show what detergents for a car are and their specialization;
  • we will reveal the detailed scope of work when washing a car;
  • we will give some recommendations on how often to wash the car;
  • share the technological nuances in the performance of work.
How to wash a car at home

The answer to the question “What is needed for car washing” is individual, it is decided based on the conditions and capabilities of the owner.

The easiest solution: wash the car in suitable place using a bucket, water and a sponge.

What you need to wash a car in the maximum "configuration":

  • suitable place and sufficient time;
  • water;
  • bucket;
  • high-pressure apparatus (if possible, but not at all necessary);
  • coarse sponge;
  • brush with soft bristles for the body;
  • a microfiber cloth, artificial or natural suede, or a special towel for wiping the body;
  • wipes for highly specialized applications - for glass, exterior plastic, rubber and chrome parts, for instrument panels, for seat upholstery and interior upholstery;
  • narrow brush or cleaning brush rims;
  • brush for cleaning tires and rubber (polyurethane) interior and trunk mats (for example, a simple shoe brush);
  • detergent for external washing;
  • glass cleaner;
  • specialized cleaners and polishes;
  • silicone grease for door seals and locks;
  • waterproof shoes and work clothes (at least pants).
Also, cotton swabs for cosmetic purposes can be used to clean the places where the nameplates fit on the paintwork and other bottlenecks.

Above is a complete set of how to wash a car at home, from which everyone can make a kit for themselves.

Consider the main specific requirements for the above in order to form your set in the best way.

A place for washing a car with your own hands must meet the following basic criteria:

  • legality;
  • lack of direct sunlight (an exception may be early morning and late evening);
  • lack of wind carrying dust and quickly drying the surface during car washing;
  • sufficient area - at least 0.7 meters of free passage around the entire perimeter of the car when washing by hand or 1.5 meters when washing with a high-pressure cleaner.
A strong wind can cause dust on the car, which has an abrasive effect on the surface when wiping the paintwork (LCP). It also dries too quickly, requiring you to wash the car with your own hands in small areas. For example, within one body part it is required to wet the pollution, wait for the acidification and wash them off without contact, apply a detergent and wait for its effect, then rinse and wipe, only then move on to another body part. This significantly increases the complexity, however, if you do not do this, then the previously wetted and treated surfaces will be quickly dried by the wind, they need to be re-spent water, and this is again additional time, labor intensity and increased consumption liquids. The dust brought by the wind lingers immediately after washing, even on quickly drying surfaces, immediately imposing its own and clearly visible polluting imprint on the work just done.

We wash the car with water, which should not contain solid impurities of dirt and sand. With natural drying of moisture after washing, they will partially remain on the surface in the form of visible mud stains or cloudy deposits, and when manually wiped, they will lead to scratches. At the same time, the paintwork of the body will lose its attractive gloss and color saturation.

Sponge or brush after removing abundant dirt from the car should not be immediately dipped into a bucket. It is better to draw water from the bucket with the palm of your hand, splash it on the contaminated side of the sponge and squeeze it onto the floor, and only after that dip the sponge into the bucket to completely rinse and collect water in order to continue washing the car. This will significantly reduce the contamination of the water used, reduce the risk of unintentional scratching.

To maintain the minimum allowable concentration of contaminants in the water used, we recommend using a bucket of medium or large capacity. The water in the small bucket will need to be changed very often.

In the course of washing, the water in the bucket decreases, dirt from rinsing the sponge or brush settles in the lower part. In order to minimize their capture with a sponge and re-transfer to the car with negative consequences, one should not strongly disturb the water by raising the turbidity from below, do not lower the sponge to the bottom when rinsing and collecting water. At the same time, the water in the bucket should be replaced as it is actually contaminated, without using at least the last quarter of its original volume. Pour unused residues with dirt sediment into the drain, and rinse the bucket well before using. pure water.

The final rinse should be done with clean water, in which a sponge, brushes, napkins have not been dipped.

A special coarse sponge for car washing is preferable. Fine-grained pores are very quickly clogged with abundant dirt and the sponge turns into an abrasive tool. For a similar reason, it is categorically impossible to use ordinary fabrics and rags - there is nowhere for dirt and sand to “hide” at all, they cause scratches with each pass.

A sponge for washing a car is preferably large in size, approximately 25x15x5 cm. This one absorbs a lot of water, and an abundance of water in the contact zone is one of the indispensable conditions for minimal abrasive damage to the paintwork when washing the car with your own hands.

Instead of a sponge, or better in combination with it, for washing the body and glass, you can use a special brush with soft bristles and tips crushed to the edge to eliminate paintwork damage.

The rims often have small, narrowly spaced spokes, and the design is replete with straight and sharp corners and pollution is very persistent. This requires the use of special brushes for cleaning them, which differ from those used for washing the body - they are more compact, and the bristles are shorter and stiffer. If you cannot immediately find a suitable specialized option in retail outlets, then temporarily you can use an old toothbrush or a small flat paint brush to clean the rims.

For cleaning dirt and washing tires and rubber mats interior and trunk, you can use a regular shoe brush. Comfortable grip for force application, optimum surface area and hard dense bristles help to quickly remove dirt even from the fine sidewall pattern of the tires and from the numerous right angles in the pattern front side interior and trunk mats.

Brushes and brushes with plastic handles are preferable to those with wooden ones.

A special detergent from the range of car chemicals will be very useful for removing stubborn road dirt when washing the car with your own hands. Rubber dust, friction compound dust brake pads, soot and residue engine oil in the exhaust, especially from trucks, they create a resistant film on the surface of the car, which cannot be fully washed off with water and a sponge.

Car shampoos are on sale in the assortment of almost every car shop, as well as in specialized stores. washing equipment. They can be both in the form of ready-made formulations and in the form of concentrates, which must be diluted with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. Less common are products in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water on its own.

Some auto chemical manufacturers offer special versions products for commercial transport– car shampoo for washing trucks, buses, tractors and special equipment. They are available in large sizes and are designed to handle heavy, stubborn dirt.

Car shampoos are used effectively primarily against basic pollution, however, for example, with bituminous spots they will definitely not cope, as well as with a persistent coating on the chrome exterior trim. Most often, they do not fully cope with the dust from the brake pads on the rims.

For surfaces made of special materials and specific stubborn dirt, specialized products are available:

  • glass cleaner;
  • outdoor cleaner plastic parts– bumpers, moldings, etc.;
  • rubber parts cleaner;
  • tire ink;
  • insect trace cleaner;
  • bituminous stain cleaner;
  • car rim cleaner;
  • polish for chrome parts;
  • cleaner for the front panel of the cabin;
  • skin cleaner;
  • seat upholstery cleaner.
Specialized auto chemical products give paintwork, plastic, rubber and chrome parts, vinyl and leather coverings a particularly attractive color-rich look, and the car as a whole - complete well-groomed.

Usage silicone lubricant very helpful. It will protect against drying out and cracking in cold and hot weather, giving elasticity and a neat appearance to rubber parts - door seals, luggage and engine compartments, wiper rubber bands, etc. The treatment of seals and lock mechanisms with it prevents freezing after washing at low temperatures. The use of silicone grease with each wash is not required: as a rule, it is enough to do this a couple of times a year, before the onset of cold weather and in the spring.

How to wash your car yourself

My car in compliance with a simple procedure:

  • pour water over the car, starting from the top, wetting the entire surface and especially the places of heavy pollution;
  • kick the dirt in wheel arches and under the bottom with a jet of water from a high-pressure apparatus;
  • remove sand and coarse dirt from the surface with a water jet from a high-pressure apparatus or with your own hands, using a brush for paintwork with soft bristles with a light touch and abundant manual watering of the contact zone;
  • apply car shampoo using a foam generator for a high-pressure washer, or using a sponge with your own hands;
  • pause until the car shampoo foam is washed off the body according to the instructions for this particular detergent;
  • wash off foam and dirt with water;
  • go around the perimeter of the entire car and, using special chemicals, carefully remove persistent pollution- bituminous splashes, traces of insects, resin from poplar buds, bird droppings, etc.;
  • with a small brush, walk with a detergent composition along the cells of the decorative radiator grille, the grille of the lower air intake in the bumper, along the nameplates on the body and other bottlenecks with residues of pollution;
  • clear wheel disks using special auto chemistry and narrow brush or brushes;
  • if possible, drive about half a turn of the wheel in order to better see and remove dirt from the surfaces of the disk that were not visible to the eye from above;
  • clean with a separate brush (for example, a shoe brush) the sidewalls of tires, rubber mudguards of wheels, rubber (polyurethane) floor mats and trunk;
  • place mats for drying or airing;
  • open the doors and manually wash the doorways, the door seal and the surfaces of the door adjacent to the seal with inside, giving Special attention lower part;
  • open the trunk lid, wash the opening, the seal and the surfaces of the lid adjacent to the seal from the inside;
  • close all doors, windows and trunk lid,
  • completely douse the car with water from a bucket or hose;
  • starting from the roof, moving from top to bottom, with light movements without pressure with your own hands, wash the car from the outside with a coarse-grained sponge using water from a bucket (preferably with a detergent composition);
  • rinse the sponge after each approach in several movements, periodically change the water in the bucket according to the actual pollution;
  • make a final rinse with clean water;
  • wipe the body with a special car towel or napkins made of artificial or natural suede;
  • on flat surfaces (such as a hood, trunk lid, roof), perform the final pass by pulling a damp cloth spread over the entire size through two adjacent corners - this method will remove large drops, and the residual thinnest layer of moisture will quickly evaporate, leaving not the slightest streaks;
  • wipe the glass using a glass cleaner and a separate cloth;
  • polish chrome parts;
  • process plastic parts of the exterior finish (unpainted bumpers, moldings, etc.);
  • open the doors and let the car dry, taking care of the interior and trunk;
  • vacuum the interior, if possible;
  • clean and wipe the glass from the inside, from the car;
  • clean the interior upholstery and interior panels from dirt and luggage compartment(including the spare wheel compartment), polish the upholstery and panels according to the instructions of the auto chemical manufacturer;
  • blow air through the mechanisms of door locks, hood and trunk lid using a standard pump from the car or a compressor;
  • after sufficient ventilation, place the interior and trunk mats in their places;
  • remove car chemicals, brushes, napkins and work clothes;
  • Carefully inspect the washing area around the car for forgotten items.
We have given a full cycle of how to wash a car with your own hands, however, due to actual circumstances, some of the procedures can be skipped. So, a quick wash of dusted outer surfaces of the body can be carried out using contactless circuit: in fact, the car is poured with water from above from a bucket or hose, or passed with a high-pressure apparatus, without washing the bottom and manual wiping. Even the windows and the hood can not be wiped, but it is enough to drive off the water brush removed wiper.

The described scope of work when washing a car can vary in numerous configurations, depending on the needs and possibilities.

To minimize the risk of harm paintwork when using a high-pressure apparatus (HPA), I wash the car in compliance with a number of rules and precautions:

  • it is recommended to supply water at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the surface to be cleaned, and keep the nozzle at a distance of 0.5 meters, unless otherwise indicated in the instruction manual for the used model of the washer;
  • do not expose the hands and other parts of the body to the jet, even if they are protected by clothing, to avoid cuts in the skin and muscle tissue, damage to clothes and shoes;
  • do not direct a jet of water from the AED to the floor at close range, so as not to damage it;
  • it is necessary to exclude water from entering electrical communications in the washing area.
Positioning the nozzle too close will also lead to a cut with a narrow jet of water. rubber seals doors, other negative consequences including severe human injury.

How often to wash the car

The frequency of car washing is a personal matter of the owner. In this matter, it is necessary to focus on the actual condition of the car: dirty means my car. A car can please with its neat appearance, and not pollution.

If the car is not very dirty, but it is already noticeable and does not triple, then it is more reasonable to perform an external wash according to a simplified and quick scheme. It's fast, simple and very inexpensive. Combination of full thorough washing and frequent simplified water procedures will allow almost constant support appearance car in a well-groomed form, without spending a lot of time and money.

In answering the question "how often to wash the car" are important and external factors. You can refrain from washing if at the most soon Dirty wet weather is forecast. At the same time, during the period of mass use of aggressive road reagents, frequent washing will help reduce their harmful effect on the paintwork and parts and assemblies under the bottom due to periodic complete removal during washing. During such a period, it is also better to wash the car, even if it is “almost clean”, but there will be a long downtime - dry clean car will definitely be more intact than those subjected to dry electrochemical corrosion.

Local paint contamination such as poplar bud resin and bird droppings should be removed quickly and very carefully.


Do-it-yourself car washing at home is not a difficult task. Maintaining a well-groomed appearance of the car and order in the cabin can be very simple means. And the use of a full set of selected tools will allow you to get an exemplary state.

We will probably talk about engine washing in a separate information material.

We outlined the features of glass cleaning and car washing in frosty winter in separate articles, which we recommend reading in the “Useful” section of the website

We wash the car correctly, adhering to our recommendations, and the result will always please you.

They promised you complete cleanliness for 100 rubles, handed you a high-pressure water jet, but in the end you got solid stains and stains? The thing is that you also need to be able to use such a sink, and we will try to teach this.

The season “tanks are not afraid of dirt” has opened almost everywhere, which means that everyone will go to the car wash and, most likely, at the same time. For those who like to do everything quickly, inexpensively, but in a human way, self-service car washes work. Yes, yes, this is where you pay yourself and wash yourself. So what is the secret to success here?

"Read the instructions", or everything in order

This is the first thing we were told in response to the question of how it is right and, most importantly, really good to wash the car yourself. And it's true, because almost all owners hang instructions for using the equipment in the most visible place. But, apparently, such instruction is not enough. So let's go through all the steps in order and in more detail.

All self-service car washes offer visitors at least five options: prewash, main wash, rinse, wax, shine and dry.

Sometimes there is an option to wash discs, which is considered to be enough to spend 15 seconds. But if you decide to use it, remember that during washing you should not touch the paintwork.

So, you gave money to the machine, took the gun out of the casing and select the program:

Prewash. It is designed to soften and lift the dirt without damaging the coating of the car. You need to douse the entire car from top to bottom. In this case, the gun should be kept at a distance of 25-30 cm.

As we were told at the Splash car wash, there is no need to try to wash off all the dirt at this stage, because the chemistry contained in the solution "works with the dirt, but does not wash it away." It should take you 45 seconds to complete this step.

Main sink. The name speaks for itself. Changing the distance and angle of the gun, you need to thoroughly rinse hot water and foam all contaminated places. Here, water is supplied under tangible pressure. This procedure should take 120 seconds.

"For getting best effect the solution should be applied and flushed with horizontal movements, moving gradually from the bottom up along the sides of the car, first washing the sidewalls, then the front and rear, and finally the roof, trunk and hood, ”Splash wash experts advise.

Wax. A thin layer of wax will protect the car from dirt, dust and chemicals that corrode on their way not only snow and which are so generously sprinkled on roads. Waxing will also take 60 seconds.

Shine and drying. This stage, as it turned out, is no less important for the result than the main wash. By selecting the option, the driver will be able to rinse the car with special demineralized water flavored with a substance that allows the car to dry faster. At the same time, you do not need to wipe the car after the procedure. In addition to protection, the coating should also acquire its own shine. Experts take 120 seconds to dry and shine.

Very important p last program- rinsing, but not plain water, and through the so-called osmosis. This is demineralized water of very fine filtration. If the client stops at the usual rinse, then this is just ordinary tap water, which will leave smudges and streaks. It is the last program that allows the car to leave clean, since drying is added there. But this is not a big hair dryer, as you might think, but a substance that helps water quickly roll down the paintwork.

Tatyana Rakus, CEO BKF Servis (manufacturer of self-service car washes)

The main problem is that the client does not go through all the washing programs, choosing only washing with active foam (powder) and water, without using wax and osmosis (purified demineralized water), so the car gets dirty faster and dries longer.

Roman Matsirin, Executive Director of the company " Modern technologies» (engaged in the installation of self-service car washes)

Wash in 10 minutes and be satisfied?

As conceived by the developers, a car wash visitor should spend no more than 7-10 minutes on all options.

On average, seven minutes is enough to use all the programs. The only thing you should pay attention to, if you have traveled all winter and never washed the car, then you need to go to a regular hand wash so that the car is degreased. But here's someone else how to relate to this matter. Those who treat the car a little more carefully go to a hand wash once every six weeks to degrease it. And in between, they just maintain a clean state.

Tatiana Rakus

However, not all users of sinks agree that it is really possible to cope with the task even in 10 minutes and still be satisfied. This is evidenced by the comments of users in the group of one of the sinks in the VKontakte social network.

Nonsense these car washes, the car remained dirty, even after the second time. The pressure is weak, instead of foam- soapy water ... It is only good to rinse off the dust in the summer or wash off the snow in the winter. The next day I went to wash again. The second mode was already working fine, washed the whole car, kept the gun at a distance of 5-10 cm from the car. She still remained in a white salt coating. Chemistry weak?


And here is what the experts answered this question.

The owners of car washes regulate the concentrate and supply of chemicals themselves. You won't know this in advance. It is necessary during the main wash to pay attention when you take the gun, whether there is pressure. That is, if you hold it with some tension, then everything is in order. And if there is no pressure, it's bad. In theory, the owner of the sink should contact the service in order to restore the pressure. Some owners additionally install an option on their sinks that allows you to control the level of chemistry and pressure in the pumps. It's like in a restaurant - somewhere clean and tasty, but somewhere so-so,depends on the owner.

Not only that dirty car looks completely unpresentable, it can also become a reason for a fine, so it’s better to think about it in advance how to wash your car properly no streaks or leaks.

How to wash the car yourself and what is the best way to do it?

It would seem that it is difficult to rinse your car from the road dust that has settled on it? Nobody argues, it's really quite simple. But if dirt has stuck to the polished surface of the body, it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Simply erasing will not work, due to the fact that twigs, grains of sand and pebbles, which are usually found in mud slurry, can easily scratch the smooth surface of the case. Therefore, you need to know how to quickly wash the car with your own hands in the garage or near the river.

First, you should douse the car with several buckets of water, or pour under pressure from a hose, which is not always available. Let's stop on buckets. Additionally, you will need a sponge, a soft brush and a microfiber cloth. First priority- soak the dried dirt adhering to the polished coating, for a greater effect, add a little special shampoo to a bucket of water. There is a special one that easily penetrates into any pollution.

On the surface of the body, there may also be bird droppings, as well as the juice of various fruits from trees growing along the roadside. All this must be poured with an intensive cleaning agent before washing. When we make sure that everything is sufficiently wet, we take a soft sponge and carefully remove all the dirt. Cleaning should begin from the roof, then moving on to the glass and then to the body, that is, in the direction of water flow. When there is no trace left of the stains, carefully douse the car with clean water to wash off the shampoo. Then the surface must be dried, then there will be no streaks left. At the end, you can use wax for polishing.

From time to time, especially in winter, the bottom and wheel arches should be washed. It is almost impossible to do this with a bucket, so it is advisable to purchase a compact sprayer with a compressor. With the help of such a device, from a rather voluminous tank of which water is supplied under pressure to the nozzle, it is possible to wash off almost any dirt in a non-contact way, including from the bottom. IN winter period ice builds up there, and there is always enough dirt in the wheel arches, especially in rainy weather. A good pressure will perfectly remove all this, all that remains is to check if it has been damaged, and if necessary, update it. Before you wash the bottom of the car, make sure that the water is cold, otherwise the temperature difference will damage the mastic.

How to wash a car without water and is it possible?

If you use traditional shampoos and use standard cleaning methods, saving on water is not desirable. A striking example of this are the washers who offer their services at traffic lights and in traffic jams. It seems to quickly put the car in order is great, but with a small amount of water, young people, before wiping off the dirt, smear it over the body, scratching it. The results of several such washes will be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, if you find yourself in a situation where there are no other options but to wash your car without water, do not worry - there are special shampoos that do not require an ounce of additional moisture.

The substance applied to the surface quickly liquefies the dirt, after which this specialized shampoo is wiped off with a microfiber cloth. Movements should be done in one direction, for example, on the hood - from the glass to the bumper, on the roof - from the middle to the edges. It is highly undesirable to circular motions with a rag, because by doing so you will smear the dirt, and not remove. One sink usually takes the 5th part of the bottle, in addition, you need several napkins, since after one is dirty, it is better to take another, clean one. You need to wash microfiber in an automatic machine, with a delicate spin.

Even knowing how to properly wash your car at home, you may not have such an opportunity. Some houses do not have yards, and the entrances go directly to the pavement of the street. Not all garages have access to water, as well as a sewer drain. Therefore, many people have to resort to the services of car washes. They always offer two options for processing vehicle: contact and non-contact. The first involves pumping with a jet of water under high pressure, the second - exclusively work with a washcloth and other improvised means.

If you decide to prefer cleaning from dirt in a special service, at the end of the procedures, make sure that the vehicle is dry, otherwise there will be stains.

Before you wash your car at a car wash, be sure to look around at the facility where you will be provided with a car cleaning service. If there are unkempt workers in dirty overalls, then your transport will not be in good condition at the end of the procedure. at its best. Carefully read the types of services, otherwise you risk not getting the result you expect if you say you want to make a marathon. Show workers hard-to-reach areas in advance, take valuables from the car and you can step aside, giving specialists freedom of action.

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