The harmful effects of gasoline on human health. How does gasoline get into oil?

The harmful effects of gasoline on human health. How does gasoline get into oil?

  • How does gasoline get into engine oil and what could be the consequences
    • 1.1 Where does gasoline get into the oil: troubleshooting
  • 2 What is the result

As you know, experts and experienced car enthusiasts It is recommended to check the oil level at least once a week. We immediately note that there are quite weighty reasons for this. Also, regular checks allow not only to timely detect a decrease in the level of lubricant in the motor, but also to assess the form and condition of the lubricant.

In other words, even if the oil level does not have significant deviations from the norm, however, a change in the color, consistency or smell of the lubricant is noticeable, then such signs clearly indicate the need for an internal combustion engine diagnosis.

In this article, we will consider the situation when, during the check, it was revealed that the oil in the engine smells of gasoline, gasoline is clearly visible in the engine oil, the causes of this phenomenon and ways to solve this problem.

How does gasoline get into engine oil and what could be the consequences

So, the topic of the article itself allows you to answer the question of whether gasoline can get into engine oil. Indeed, fuel can end up in oil, and even in engines with a fully operational cylinder-piston group.

We go further. This problem is quite serious and can lead to malfunctions, a significant reduction in the life of the motor, as well as complete failure power plant. Let's look at why this happens.

Let's start with the fact that gasoline in oil significantly worsens the protective properties of the lubricant, dilutes the lubricant. Without going into details than more gasoline gets into the crankcase, the more serious the consequences can be.

  • With a small amount of fuel in the lubricant, the engine can run more noisily, while the wear of loaded components will slightly increase. To solve the problem, it will be enough to eliminate the problem of gasoline flowing into the crankcase and replace the engine oil.
  • In other cases, driving on highly fuel-diluted oil can cause the engine to require expensive overhaul.
  • In the list of the main signs that, to one degree or another, may indicate the appearance of the problem under consideration, the following are noted:

    • the power unit loses its power, there is a noticeable waste of fuel;
    • the exhaust becomes thick, grayish, has the smell of unburned gasoline;
    • failures occur in operation of the internal combustion engine, the engine starts to triple, stall;
    • the motor began to work noisily, knocks appeared in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pistons, crankshaft, etc.
    • the level of lubrication in the crankcase is increased, while the smell of gasoline in the engine oil is clearly audible;
    • the lubricant is diluted, a drop of engine oil easily ignites from an open flame;
    If you suspect that a small amount of gasoline has entered the lubricant, you can also further evaluate the properties of the oil using the "oil spot" method. To do this, just drop one drop of oil from the dipstick onto a sheet of clean paper. Then you need to dry the sheet for a couple of hours. Smooth smooth edges of the spreading drop will indicate that the material has not lost its properties.

    The black contour in the center of the spot indicates the presence of workable additives in the lubricant. We also note that this way also useful for a general check of the quality, condition of the oil, detecting the presence of water and other impurities in it.

    If any of the above signs were noticed (noise during operation, knocking, overspending, dilution of lubricant, smell of fuel, a drop when checking on a sheet differs from normal), then you should prepare for the fact that there may be gasoline in the oil.

    As already mentioned, the consequences of further driving on such a mixture may be different. Most importantly, gasoline is a fairly aggressive product in relation to lubricants, as it contains a large number of chemical additives.

    ICE oil also contains a whole package of additives, while these additives are not designed for direct contact with fuel. In other words, there is an irreversible change in the physical and chemical properties engine oil. For this reason, increasing the oil level due to gasoline is a serious threat to the engine.

    We also add that antifreeze can also get into the oil system, resulting in an emulsion. In this case, the lubricant also loses its properties. If the leaks are intense, then a water hammer may occur at the time the engine is started.

    As for gasoline in the lubricant, a certain danger is that quite often the fuel dilutes the lubricant gradually, that is, it enters in small quantities. This means that the driver does not notice the problem for a long time, continuing to operate the unit in the usual way. At the same time, engine wear is greatly increased. Now let's move on to how gasoline gets into oil.

    Where does gasoline get into the oil: troubleshooting

    To understand why gasoline is in engine oil, you need to refer to design features various ICEs.

  • First of all, on any engines (injector, carburetor), fuel enters the crankcase from the combustion chamber through the piston rings. It is important to understand that if you pour gasoline into the cylinders of a new engine, after a while it will be in oil. The reason is simple - the fuel washes away the oil film and passes through leaks at the locations piston rings.
  • For engines with carburetor common cause gasoline getting into the oil is damage to the diaphragm of the fuel pump. Another reason for diluting the oil with fuel is problems with the carburetor needle valve in the float chamber, fuel overflowing into the carburetor, etc.
  • In view of the foregoing, it becomes clear that the main reason for gasoline to get into the lubricant is problems with the power or ignition system, as well as with the internal combustion engine itself. It turns out that problems can occur due to the fact that:

    • there is a significant turnover working mixture;
    • there were malfunctions of fuel injectors, carburetor, mechanical fuel pump;
    • the ignition system is faulty or does not work correctly;
    • the engine is faulty or worn out, there is no necessary compression in the cylinders, the fuel does not ignite;

    In other words, fuel can be supplied in excess, but rich mixture does not ignite. Also, gasoline does not burn out, since there is no spark on the spark plug or the charge does not burn due to low compression in the internal combustion engine. Either way, unburned fuel ends up in the crankcase.

    If the carburetor "poured" gasoline into the float chamber or "poured" injector nozzles, then the fuel would also drain into the cylinders and then enter the oil. In order to exclude the ingress of fuel into the oil in one way or another on the injector, it is necessary to check the tightness of the injector nozzles and clean them.

    It is also recommended to computer diagnostics engine, evaluate the quality of mixture formation, separately “ring” the ECM sensors, which can affect the formation of the mixture. On carburetor internal combustion engines the condition of the diaphragms of the fuel pump is monitored, the carburetor is regularly adjusted and diagnosed.

    Before a cold start (especially in winter), you need to periodically monitor that under the carburetor does not appear and does not accumulate flowing gasoline. If such a phenomenon has been noticed, then the carburetor should be checked.

    In parallel, you need to pay attention to a special drainage tube. If the tube is clogged, excess fuel in case of problems with the needle valve begins to enter the engine crankcase. Now let's take a look at the most common causes in more detail.

    Considering that the fuel supply system for different engines can be very different, and the ways in which gasoline enters the lubrication system also differ. On engines with an injector, gasoline is supplied from a fuel tank under pressure, which creates an electric fuel pump. At this stage, the oil cannot mix with fuel.

    • At the same time, on carburetor engines Installed a mechanical fuel pump. The diaphragm of such a pump pumps gasoline into the carburetor mounted on the engine. The stem of the mechanical pump on some cars is driven by an eccentric, and is also lubricated with engine oil in the same way as the camshaft.
    If the pump diaphragm is damaged, gasoline begins to enter the rod bore, penetrating the lubrication system. When the membrane is not badly damaged, then the accumulation of gasoline in the oil will occur slowly, the lubrication level will not increase. The problem seems to be a change in the smell of the oil, as well as some thinning.

    In the event that the membrane has large gaps, gasoline stops being supplied to the carburetor, the internal combustion engine starts with difficulty, jerks and dips appear during movement, the unit is unstable, etc. To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to replace the membrane of the fuel pump, as well as engine oil.

    • On the injector, most problems are associated with nozzles, as ignition malfunctions experienced driver fixes immediately. More difficult is the situation in which one or more nozzles cannot be closed hermetically. This means that after the engine stops, the fuel that is in the fuel rail under residual pressure flows into the manifold, then enters the cylinders, and then flows into the crankcase.

    Piston rings to some extent prevent gasoline from falling into the oil, but if they are worn out or stuck, then the fuel enters the oil pan relatively freely. To solve the problem, you need to remove fuel rail, after which the tightness of each injector nozzle.

    To do this, pressurized injector flushing liquid or kerosene, and also initiates the opening and closing of the nozzle from the power source. You can also use a special stand for checking and cleaning nozzles. If the nozzles are leaking, then they need to be repaired or replaced.

    • As for the ignition system, if the mixture does not ignite in one of the cylinders or in several, then part of the fuel flies into exhaust system, and the remaining parts simply settle on the walls of the cylinders, then drain into the crankcase of the internal combustion engine.
    Malfunctions of the ignition system are diagnosed in a regular manner. First, spark plugs are checked, then high-voltage armored wires, a coil, a distributor and other elements that are installed on a particular vehicle.

    It turns out that the mixture compresses worse and burns incompletely, the engine loses power. The driver presses harder on the gas, feeding more fuel into the combustion chamber, but combustion does not occur in full. Excess fuel leads to engine pollution and carbon deposits, and also partially enters the crankcase.

    What is the result

    As you can see, if gasoline gets into the oil, then the engine should not be operated until the breakdown is repaired. This phenomenon is especially dangerous when the driver did not know about the problem, that is, a large amount of gasoline has accumulated in the crankcase, the pressure in the lubrication system has dropped, by dashboard light bulb lit up emergency pressure oils.

    In such a situation, the underlying problem should be corrected immediately by repairing the ignition system, carburetor, or injector injection. Also mandatory procedure there will be an oil change, with which it is better not to delay.

    Finally, we add that in some cases, the fuel itself may be the cause of inefficient combustion of the mixture in the cylinders. The fact is that gasoline is often very Low quality.

    Fuel that is mixed with third-party additives burns worse. Unburned residues can also enter the crankcase. In some cases, it may be enough to change the oil and start refueling at another gas station.

    Also, in some sources, for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to periodically turn the motor for a short period of time until high speed while traveling on the highway. Such driving leads to higher oil heating, which helps to reduce the amount of accumulated condensate and fuel that has entered the lubricant.

    Gasoline poisoning today is a fairly common phenomenon, which is why it is so important to know the symptoms and how first aid is provided for such intoxication.

    Poisoning in any form leads to backfire for the body. Danger can lie in wait for a person in the most unexpected places - food products, household chemicals, any chemicals and metals sometimes carry a serious danger. It is important to respond to infection in time in order to avoid organ dysfunction and exclude the possibility of death.

    Gasoline poisoning is one of the most common types of intoxication, since this substance is publicly available for sale and is popular with motorists. Small child or an elderly person can easily be poisoned by this liquid, mistaking it for plain water and the consequences can be dire.

    But gasoline carries a great danger not only in the form of a liquid - poisoning with gasoline vapors, which affects both motorists and workers, can also cause damage to health. filling stations, and other categories of citizens who regularly deal with this substance.


    People use gasoline not only as an affordable fuel. This substance is a key component of a variety of solvents, varnishes and paints that are actively used in everyday life, therefore not only gas station employees, but also ordinary housewives and their entire environment are at risk.

    The appearance of gasoline vapors manifests itself at an average temperature regime, while the substance accumulates in the lower layers of the air and remains in the room for a long time. The symptoms of a poisoned person are often not dangerous to health. Those who have done painting work at least once know what effect the substance produces and how quickly it passes. However, in some cases, such accumulation of vapors is a great threat.

    There are several ways for gasoline to enter the body:

    • Gasoline enters the lungs with air - if a person inhales substances containing gasoline, he will show the corresponding symptoms.
    • The substance can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, and the integument is damaged.
    • It is possible that gasoline enters the stomach, but this happens through negligence or when trying to commit suicide in people with mental disorders.


    Determining signs of poisoning is quite simple, especially if it is known that the victim was in contact with harmful substance. If a person breathes gasoline in small amounts for a short period of time, they may experience the following symptoms:

    1. The mood rises without visible reasons, causeless euphoria manifests itself.
    2. Movement coordination is slightly impaired, dizziness is noted.
    3. Significantly accelerates the heartbeat.
    4. In some cases, nausea and vomiting are noted.
    5. There is a general weakness of the body.
    6. The skin turns red.

    This poisoning from gasoline vapors does not pose a serious health hazard and often disappears after a short period of time. Nevertheless, you should not refuse a visit to the doctor - intoxication can have a negative impact on many body systems.

    There are other symptoms that appear in a person when he inhaled gasoline for a long time:

    • the victim loses consciousness;
    • body temperature exceeds forty degrees;
    • in some cases, hallucinations occur;
    • in severe poisoning, convulsions may occur.

    In addition to the listed forms of intoxication, there are more dangerous types, for example, lightning-fast poisoning. It occurs most often in industrial production, where a substance leaks in large quantities, and such poisoning endangers dozens of people. In this case, victims can lose consciousness in a matter of seconds, and some experience a stop in the work of the respiratory organs.

    If a person drank or simply swallowed gasoline, the consequences for the body can be more serious. When it enters the stomach, a dangerous liquid causes repeated vomiting, provokes the appearance of diarrhea. Pain in the stomach and liver begins, general weakness and discoloration of the skin occurs.

    Symptoms of chronic poisoning with liquid gasoline can be as follows:

    1. The patient feels constant weakness, his performance decreases, his head is constantly spinning.
    2. In some cases, patients exhibit hysteria.
    3. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted due to hormonal changes.
    4. The digestive system cannot fully function.
    5. Sleep is disturbed, the pressure drops sharply.
    6. Decreased sensitivity to odors.

    Note! If gasoline gets on the skin and mucous membranes, it must be washed off immediately, otherwise eczema and inflammation may occur.

    gasoline pneumonia

    A serious stage of this intoxication is gasoline pneumonia, which is formed as a result of the ingestion of a toxic liquid into a person's lungs. In most cases, such intoxication is associated with the suction of gasoline through a hose, when, as a result of negligence, the liquid enters the body. Symptoms in this case may appear as follows:

    • blueing of the skin;
    • in the lung, which got gasoline, pain is felt;
    • when coughing, sputum with a bloody tint is released;
    • body temperature rises general state getting worse.

    substance abuse

    Often the cause of poisoning is gasoline substance abuse, in most cases it is typical for adolescents from dysfunctional families. With prolonged inhalation of gasoline vapors, the following symptoms may be observed:

    1. Unconscious state.
    2. Convulsive state.
    3. Hemiparesis.

    The consequences of this method of obtaining euphoria can be the most unpleasant:

    • the emergence of habits and addictions;
    • deterioration of the brain, which leads to a decrease in intelligence;
    • damage to the central nervous system.

    Note! This way of getting pleasure can lead to disability, therefore, if a child has such a habit, immediately send him to rehabilitation.

    First aid

    Everyone should know what to do in case of poisoning with gasoline vapors - this is what will help save the health and even the life of a person. First aid for gasoline poisoning should be carried out immediately, as this increases the chances of a quick recovery and the exclusion of unpleasant diseases, including serious damage to organs and body systems.

    Mild gasoline poisoning can disappear in just a couple of days, while you should not give up medical care even if the patient is conscious and feels well. Only specialists will be able to determine the degree of poisoning, the danger to the body and prescribe appropriate therapy.

    If a person has drunk liquid gasoline, the following auxiliary actions must be performed:

    1. The victim must be taken out or taken out on his hands or a stretcher to fresh air. If this is not possible, open all windows and create maximum ventilation of the room.
    2. The patient needs a plentiful warm drink;
    3. You can get rid of intoxication with the help of a large number of activated charcoal tablets - there should be at least twenty of them.
    4. It is not worth inducing vomiting on your own in a patient who has taken gasoline inside - the liquid can get into the lungs and only aggravate the disease. To do this, you need to wait for the doctors and get help from them.
    5. In the presence of vomiting, the patient should be given a soda solution to drink.

    Note! First aid may not work if the patient is in an extremely serious condition. In this case, the call of doctors is required.

    Video: Five schoolgirls were poisoned by gasoline fumes.

    Features of treatment

    Getting rid of the consequences of intoxication with gasoline and its vapors should occur under the supervision of doctors. Do not give the victim medication without consulting a specialist. If necessary, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital, where he receives full treatment:

    • bed rest is required;
    • symptomatic therapy is performed;
    • toxic substances are removed from the body;
    • the victim is prescribed a diet that replenishes the balance of substances.

    Each person must independently be responsible for their own safety and take care of others, and then there will be no problems with poisoning, and life will become brighter and easier.

    300 gr. gasoline spilled while refueling a car pollutes 200 thousand m3 of air. Inhalation of gasoline vapors causes dizziness, headache, feeling of intoxication, sleep disturbance, sweating, fatigue, causeless lethargy, slight muscle twitching, loss of appetite, agitation, nausea, vomiting, trembling arms outstretched, muscle cramps. In severe cases - respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, convulsions, a distinct smell of gasoline from the mouth, which allows you to quickly make a diagnosis.

    Gasoline vapors are highly toxic to humans and their inhalation can cause both acute and chronic poisoning. Toxic properties associated with narcotic effect to the central nervous system. Poisoning can occur when gasoline vapors enter the respiratory tract, when exposed to large areas of the skin.

    Light poisoning with gasoline vapors can occur after 5-10 minutes. human stay in the atmosphere with the concentration of gasoline vapors ranging from 900 to 3612 mg/m3.

    With a short inhalation of air with a concentration of gasoline vapors from 5000 to 10000 mg / m3, after a few minutes, a headache, discomfort in the throat, cough, irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes appear. In addition, the first signs of acute gasoline vapor poisoning are a decrease in body temperature, a slow pulse, and other symptoms.

    When the concentration of gasoline vapors in the air is over 2.2% (30 g/m3), after 10-12 breaths a person becomes poisoned, loses consciousness; over 3% (40 g / m3) lightning-fast poisoning occurs (2-3 breaths) - rapid loss of consciousness and death. The toxic dose when taken orally is 20-50 g. Inhalation of gasoline vapors or ingestion of 20-50 ml of it can cause serious consequences up to the onset of coma.

    Similar concentrations of gasoline vapors are possible in containers with a free surface of gasoline, as well as after they have been drained.

    Gasoline and its vapors are rapidly absorbed into the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Excreted mainly through the respiratory tract, partly with urine. Poisoning develops when ingested, on the skin, with inhalation of vapors.

    The ingestion of gasoline into the body through the esophagus provokes vomiting due to an irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. Even a small amount of gasoline (0.5-1 ml) can cause bleeding, edema and secondary inflammation of the lungs.

    When gasoline is swallowed, abdominal pain, vomiting, sleep disturbance, hallucinations, sweating, salivation appear. In severe cases, there are symptoms of acute psychosis, similar to a state of severe intoxication. Gasoline and its vapors have a toxic effect on the kidneys, leading to the development of kidney failure. In addition, gasoline interferes with the formation of red blood cells.

    In case of poisoning caused by inhalation of small concentrations of gasoline vapors, symptoms similar to alcohol intoxication are observed: mental agitation, euphoria, dizziness, nausea, weakness, vomiting, redness of the skin, increased heart rate. In severe cases, hallucinations, fainting, convulsions, fever Medical encyclopedia.- M., 2005..

    Chronic gasoline poisoning is expressed in increased irritability, dizziness, liver damage and weakening of cardiac activity.

    The ingress of gasoline into the lungs, when it is sucked into a hose used as a siphon to drain from the tank, can lead to the development of "gasoline pneumonia": pain in the side, shortness of breath, cough with rusty sputum, fever. From the mouth a clear smell of gasoline.

    When gasoline gets inside, profuse and repeated vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, loose stools appear. Sometimes there is an increase in the liver and its soreness, icterus of the sclera.

    As the ambient temperature rises, the toxic effect of gasoline increases sharply. When exposed to the skin, gasoline degreases it and can cause skin diseases - dermatitis and eczema. Gasoline does not accumulate in the body, but toxic substances, dissolved in it (tetraethyl lead), remain in the body.

    The greatest danger to the human body is leaded gasoline due to the presence of ethyl liquid in it, which is a strong poison. Ethyl liquid evaporates at a temperature of about 0 ° C; in addition, it is easily sorbed by various porous materials, which increases its danger. Vapors of ethyl liquid can enter the body through the respiratory tract, and ethyl liquid is absorbed through intact human skin.

    The composition of the ethyl liquid includes tetraethyl lead (TES), the MPC of which in air at 8 hours of exposure is 0.005 mg/m3.

    Molecular weight 323.44. Specific gravity 1.65. Oily, colorless or yellowish volatile liquid with a pleasant fruity odor. Boiling point +200°С, at 135°С slow decomposition of thermal power plants begins; at 400°C, the decomposition of TPP can be accompanied by an explosion. TPP evaporates at temperatures below 0°C. Very poorly soluble in water. It is readily soluble in alcohol, ether, dichloroethane and other organic solvents. Burns with an orange flame. Thermal decomposition products: lead oxide, ethane, ethylene and other hydrocarbons. TPP is destroyed under the action of concentrated acids (nitric and sulfuric).

    Tetraethyl lead as an organic lead compound has a high lipoidotropy and penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier. During the first 3-4 days, TES can be detected in the blood in unchanged form. TES is selectively deposited in tissues rich in lipids. It first oxidizes to triethyllead and then decomposes to release inorganic lead.

    Tetraethyl lead has a psychotropic and neurotropic effect due to the excitation of the central nervous system. In case of TES poisoning, the bulk of lead accumulates in the central nervous system (in the medulla oblongata, in the visual tubercles and cerebellum, and in the region of the anterior central gyrus of the brain). In the future, the substance is destroyed to inorganic lead, which is partially deposited in the tissues, partially excreted in the urine and feces. Determination of lead in urine is an important sign of TES poisoning. It is assumed that as a result of the accumulation (formation of persistent depots) of lead in the thalamohypothalamic region, tissue deformations occur in the substance of the brain. This leads to dysfunction of the central nervous system.

    Damage to TES nerve cells in the early stages is accompanied by a number of specific reactions of neurons: the consumption of tyrosine increases, the release and reuptake of dopamine and acetylcholine in synapses changes. These and other effects lead to an imbalance of the cholinergic and dopaminergic mediator systems of the brain, asthenovegetative syndrome and psychoses develop. In more severe cases, the death of the neuron occurs, which leads to the appearance of an organic syndrome.

    TPP poisoning clinic. Regardless of the physical state of the poison (liquid, vapor) and its routes of entry (respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, skin), the effect of TES on the human body is characterized, first of all and to a greater extent, by a specific effect on the central nervous system. According to the nature of the course of intoxication, poisoning can be acute - subject to the action of large doses of substances containing TES and chronic - with prolonged exposure to low concentrations (cumulative effect).

    At the time of contact with TES, symptoms of irritation are not observed. Intoxication develops after a latent period (from several hours to 5 days or more). In cases of poison penetration, intoxication develops more quickly. From early signs TES poisoning should be noted vegetative disorders, expressed in the appearance of excessive sweating, salivation, hypotension (up to 80/40 mm Hg), hypothermia (up to 35.2 - 34.8 ° C), bradycardia (35-40 bpm. ), dermographism.

    In addition, the harbingers of the disease are: nausea and vomiting, general weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, taste perversion, sleep disturbance, headache, dizziness, weakening of sexual ability. Often, poisoned people feel a foreign body in their mouth, trying to remove it with the movement of the tongue and with the help of their hands. This symptom is very characteristic of TES intoxication. Particularly dangerous are the data pointing to psychopathological phenomena. These include: a feeling of fear, chest tightness, bad mood, disturbing sleep with nightmares, psychomotor agitation. In very severe forms of TES poisoning, the pathological phenomena of intoxication become pronounced, which indicates an organic lesion of the central nervous system: speech disorder, unsteady gait, euphoria, and an uncritical attitude towards one's behavior.

    Depending on the predominance of certain phenomena of TES intoxication, several symptom complexes are distinguished that are characteristic of the initial period of poisoning.

    • 1. Asthenic symptom complex: general weakness, fatigue, headache, excessive sweating, hypothermia, bradycardia.
    • 2. Predelirious symptom complex: sleep disturbance, unpleasant dreams, progressive hallucinations (visual, auditory, tactile).
    • 3. Organic symptom complex: intellectual impairment, speech disorder, euphoria, ataxia, etc.

    The toxic process that develops as a result of the action of tetraethyl lead can be limited only to the first (initial) stage of the disease. In such cases, the pathological phenomena characteristic of a given period of the disease subside quickly or slowly, and the patient gradually recovers. In most cases of acute TES poisoning, the disease is not limited to the initial symptoms of intoxication, but progresses rapidly, taking on a malignant course. At the same time, persistent sequential changes in the central nervous system are especially pronounced, leading to the development of exogenous psychosis, psychomotor agitation, the body temperature rises significantly (39-40 ° C). Following a sharp overexcitation, life-threatening depression of CNS function may develop. Such patients fall into a state of stupor. Their skin is pale and covered with sticky sweat. They have respiratory disorders, weakening of cardiac activity and a decrease in vascular tone.

    In many cases, acute poisoning with TES and its mixtures leads to death of the victims within the first few days.

    Acute forms of TES poisoning in practice are much less common than chronic intoxications.

    Chronic TPP poisoning develops as a result of repeated exposure to the poison. The disease develops slowly, the toxic process proceeds for a long time (months). Initially, headaches and increased fatigue are disturbing. Appetite worsens. Nightmares appear. Patients complain of increased sweating, general weakness, memory loss, irritability and irascibility. Often they suffer from sexual weakness. An objective examination of such patients reveals hyperhidrosis, acrocyanosis, tremor of the fingers and increased tendon reflexes. In some cases, bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia are observed. In chronic poisoning, acute psychosis does not develop.

    Gasoline substance abuse commonly occurs among teenagers. Inhalation of gasoline to induce euphoria and hallucinations is rapidly addictive Flanagan R. D., Yves R. D., Volatile substances that may be abused by inhalation. - M., 1994. . Gasoline substance abuse quickly leads to severe damage to the central nervous system, psycho-organic syndrome, an irreversible decline in intelligence, resulting in disability.

    Many car owners on the forums ask the question: “Why does the engine oil smell like gasoline?”. The smell of most people belongs to the subjective category of sensations: for someone it smells slightly of gasoline, for someone it smells strongly. The perception of odor intensity is individual for everyone, and only specialists with the necessary equipment can make an objective assessment.

    But the fact that the oil in the engine smelled of gasoline should not be left without attention either. The ingress of fuel into the oil is possible only in the presence of a malfunction and can lead at least to excessive consumption of fuel and oil and, at the most, to engine failure.

    How to diagnose the ingress of gasoline into the oil

    The presence of gasoline in the engine lubricating fluid can be determined in a simple way. Place the dipstick with a layer of oil in the flame of a lighter or match, while observing safety precautions. It is better to do this in the fresh air, at a distance of 2-3 meters from the car. Oil without foreign impurities almost does not burn on its own. If it contains a certain amount of gasoline, a bright flash will appear on the dipstick.

    If there is water in the oil or liquid from the cooling system, sparks, splashes and crackles will form, as in sunflower oil on a frying pan. If the test results show gasoline in oil or liquid from the cooling system, it is worth remembering and evaluating the behavior of the engine recently. The main criteria for correctly determining the reason why gasoline is present in the oil are:

    • increased fuel consumption;
    • engine power: how it starts off, picks up speed, how it pulls on the slopes;
    • extraneous noise and knocking in the piston block;
    • oil level in the engine sump and its color;
    • coolant level.

    To solve the problem of gasoline getting into the oil, a compression gauge is used.

    If any of these signs are present, it is advisable to contact a car service specialist. If for some reason the help of auto repair enterprises is excluded, you can try to figure it out on your own. The ingress of gasoline into the oil is possible mainly due to a malfunction of the mechanical fuel pump on carbureted engines, injector malfunctions on injection engines and malfunctions piston system on all types of engines. For work, you must have the following tools and devices:

    • compressometer;
    • pressure gauge with a special fitting for measuring pressure in the fuel system;
    • a set of keys, screwdrivers, etc.;
    • multimeter or similar measuring instrument;
    • rags, liquid for removing dirt and washing components;
    • fluid for decoking the piston system (if necessary).

    Checking and repairing a mechanical fuel pump at home

    It is advisable to start any repair work on the engine with washing and cleaning dirt and dust, at least at the place of repair. The fuel pump must be removed by unscrewing the two mounting bolts. It is better not to disconnect the incoming and outgoing gas lines if they do not interfere with dismantling. Otherwise, they can be disconnected by plugging the incoming gas line with a plug of the appropriate size, otherwise fuel will flow out of it.

    After removing the fuel lines, put them on the fittings, fix them with clamps. The outgoing gas line must be clamped with a clamp if it is rubber. If the tube is metal, disconnect it from the carburetor and plug it tightly with a suitable plug. Then try to bleed the gasoline in the engine with the manual bleed lever. If on the side adjacent to the engine housing, gasoline leaks in oil or a distinct and sharp smell of fuel appears, it means that the fuel pump diaphragm is not tight.

    Further actions are possible in two ways: replace the fuel pump with a similar new one or repair the existing one. When repairing an already installed device, you must purchase a repair kit for the repaired model of the device. As a temporary option, you can add a couple of layers of cellophane to the diaphragm, but this will not last long. Disassembly and assembly of the fuel pump must be carried out in accordance with the manual for the car.

    If you have a set of spare parts for repair, it is advisable to replace all available parts, especially the intake and exhaust valves, their springs. Thoroughly wash the filter mesh in clean gasoline or solvent. After assembly, it is advisable to check the device for operability and the tightness of the diaphragm. Checking this part is described above.

    It can be checked for performance by disconnecting the outgoing gas line from the carburetor or pump and pumping it with a lever. A full jet of fuel should be thrown out of the hose or fitting each time it is pressed. After the end of all repair work it takes some time during operation to more carefully monitor the oil, its level and color to be sure that the problem has been eliminated.

    Malfunctions and checking the injectors of the injector power system

    If one or more injectors do not close completely, fuel may leak into the cylinder and through the gaps in the piston into the oil. For starters, you can check the pressure in the power system. To do this, you need to get a pressure gauge with a rubber hose for high pressure and an adapter for connecting to the fuel rail. The upper limit of the pressure measured by the pressure gauge must be at least 6 kgf / cm².

    The adapter must be connected to the ramp, the pressure gauge - to the adapter. Then you need to turn on the ignition. If the fuel pump starts, wait until the normal pressure rises in the rail. Then turn off the ignition. If the fuel pump does not start when the ignition is turned on (this is not a malfunction), start the engine, check the pressure rise to the nominal value, turn off the engine and turn off the ignition.

    Within 5-10 minutes, you need to observe the readings of the pressure gauge. If the arrow of the device has shifted downwards by more than a third (example: the nominal pressure was 3 kgf / cm², after stopping it dropped to 2 kgf / cm²), you should look for a leak in the fuel supply system. Next you need to remove fuel rail with nozzles and place it in a place accessible for inspection.
    Injectors that are not fully closed can cause fuel to enter the lubricant.

    Each of the nozzles should be placed in a transparent container; plastic cups with a volume of 0.5 liters can be used. Fuel lines and electrical connections must be connected. Then it is also necessary to turn on the ignition, if necessary, turn the engine over with a starter.

    While scrolling, you can visually check the operation of the injectors by the type of fuel being sprayed. Typing optimum pressure in the power system, it is necessary to turn off the ignition and visually check each of the nozzles for gasoline leakage through the sprayer. Having found leakage on one or more nozzles, you can measure the resistance of the windings with a tester.

    If the measured resistance is different from the nominal value (usually 10-15 ohms), the nozzle is leaking or the shape of the spray pattern is different from the others, then the nozzle must be replaced in accordance with the manual for the car. After the repair is completed, it is also necessary to check the oil for a certain period of operation.

    Piston system failure

    This is one of the most costly, complex and labor-intensive faults in a vehicle. When using low-quality fuels and lubricants, carbon deposits can form on the pistons and coking of the piston rings. In simple terms, this means that the grooves in which the rings are located are clogged with soot and the rings have lost their elasticity. A gap has formed between the walls of the cylinder and the piston, into which part of the incoming fuel "flies away".
    Cleaning the piston system with special tools

    The piston has become leaky. It is not difficult to determine such a defect. Experienced drivers recommend removing the spark plug, plugging the hole with a paper stopper, and cranking the engine with the starter. If the plug pops out, then there is compression. This method is suitable only if a significant proportion of compression is lost, grooves are torn, or the piston is damaged. To determine simple coking, its accuracy is not enough. For an error-free determination, it is necessary to use a compression tester.

    The device is a pressure gauge mounted on a metal tube with a rubber tip and check valve. More modern models are equipped with a rubber hose with a threaded fitting that matches the threads on the candles. Two people need to check. On carbureted engines, you need to unscrew all the candles. Connect a compression gauge to one of the cylinders and turn the engine with the starter until the arrow stops moving in the direction of increasing readings.

    The resulting value will be an indicator of cylinder compression. Then the operation should be repeated sequentially on all remaining cylinders. If the values ​​obtained differ from those specified by the manufacturer by more than 10%, or if the readings differ between the cylinders, corrective measures must be taken. On vehicles with injection system before checking, it is necessary to turn off the fuel pump (pull out the fuse).

    Then you need to start the car and wait until it stalls, the gasoline in the line runs out. Then disconnect the connector from the ignition system to high voltage did not damage the sensors. The further process is similar: unscrew the candles and sequentially measure the compression in each of the cylinders. Take action based on the results.

    One of simple ways to eliminate engine coking is the use of special fluids.
    The result of their use is not always unambiguous and can both eliminate the problem and aggravate it.

    When using decoking fluids, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and be sure to change the oil after the repair is completed. If the use of cleaning fluids has no effect or is unacceptable, the engine should be disassembled, the pistons removed from the cylinders and repaired. This work is quite difficult to do at home on your own. In such cases, it is better to contact a car service specialist.

    Engine oil is a lubricant whose main task is to reduce friction forces between elements and parts. car engine, and thereby ensure the implementation of the workflow. In addition, high-quality motor lubricant must perform the following equally important functions:

    To perform these tasks, it is necessary to apply in the car engine lubricating oil in accordance with the requirements established by the manufacturer. Such requirements classify motor lubricating fluid according to the following key parameters:

    • allowable temperature during operation;
    • engine's type;
    • the presence of a certain type of additives in order to create the necessary performance characteristics;
    • version of the base on which the oil is produced (mineral, synthetic, semi-synthetic).

    The use of oil in accordance with the classification and requirements of the manufacturer ensures reliable and long-term operation of the engine. But also an important factor should be considered compliance with the established level of lubricant, a visual check of which must be performed at least once every 3-7 days of vehicle operation.

    Performance regular checks The amount of oil in the engine allows not only to detect its decrease in time, but also to notice a possible deviation from the norm of the lubricant. Such changes should include:

    • color change;
    • increased fluidity;
    • fuel smell.

    In addition to the smell in the oil, the following non-characteristic signs that have appeared in the behavior of the car may indicate the ingress of gasoline into the engine lubrication:

    • loss of engine power;
    • increased fuel consumption;
    • appearance extraneous noise in the power unit, especially when working under load;
    • the occurrence of malfunctions in the operation of the motor, it periodically starts to triple and stall;
    • activation of a special red emergency indicator on the dashboard when starting the internal combustion engine;
    • exhaust gases become thick grey colour and smell like fuel.

    If the smell of gasoline appears in the engine oil, as well as the indicated signs in the behavior of the car, it is necessary to immediately perform engine diagnostics, since gasoline in oil practically kills all the quality characteristics of this lubricating fluid. In this case, the following negative consequences are considered the most dangerous:

    1. Viscosity decreases, which reduces the protective oil film on interacting parts.
    2. The force of friction increases. As a result, the wear of the elements and parts of the motor increases.
    3. An increase in temperature in the places where the parts are mated, which leads to their deformation, followed by engine jamming.

    Main malfunctions

    Most breakdowns can be divided into two large groups, whose properties and characteristics differ from the type of engine used.


    1. Failure electric pump. With this malfunction, the pump generates a very low pressure, as a result of which the nozzles are not able to spray gasoline, but simply spill it into the cylinders. Such a spill disrupts the quality formation and atomization of the fuel mixture, which does not burn out completely, but seeps through the rings into the oil.
    2. Loss of tightness of nozzles. In such a situation, the nozzles cannot close tightly and in the event of an engine stop, a certain amount of fuel under residual pressure enters the manifold, and then through it into the cylinders. In the future, when the engine is running, this fuel is mixed with the lubricating fluid.
    3. The presence of defects in the piston group of the power unit. Deformations on the walls of the engine cylinders, as well as the presence of scratches, chips or cracks on them, lead to poor flushing of oil from the walls and, as a result, coking of the oil scraper rings occurs, which cease to perform their function.
    4. Failure of spark plugs. With such a breakdown, the fuel mixture that enters the cylinder with faulty spark plug, does not ignite, settles on the walls, and then flows into the engine crankcase, mixing with engine oil.


    1. The first reason is the failure of piston group engine, which are similar to the indicated malfunctions for injection motors.
    2. Fuel pump failure. The main reason for its malfunction is a violation of the tightness of a special diaphragm, which is responsible for the lack of penetration of the fuel mixture into the crankcase. In the event of a rupture, gasoline enters the crankcase and mixes with engine lubricant.
    3. Faulty carburetor needle valve. With such a defect, the float chamber overflows, accompanied by the formation of an over-enriched fuel mixture, which, subsequently, further incomplete combustion settles on the cylinder walls and enters the crankcase through them.
    4. Clogged drain pipe. When this malfunction occurs, excess fuel from the carburetor enters the cylinders and drains into the crankcase when starting a cold engine.
    5. The consequences of a broken spark plug are the same as on an injection engine.

    Poor quality fuel

    Usage low-quality gasoline can also be the reason for its presence in engine oil. In the manufacture of counterfeit fuel, a large number of various additives and resins are used to increase the octane number. Their use can spoil not only the engine itself, but also engine oil due to the methanol contained. This substance is incompatible with the main set of additives used to create a lubricant. Methanol destroys such additives, which accordingly leads to the loss of all quality characteristics of oils.

    The main features of refueling poor quality fuel should be considered:

    • the occurrence of detonation;
    • an increase in fuel consumption, while starting the engine worsens;
    • appearance exhaust gases black as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel;
    • loss of power of the power unit and the presence of jerking when accelerating.

    What to do if there was a refueling of low-quality fuel. If the above factors occur immediately after refueling the car, it is necessary to urgently stop driving, since its further operation can lead to a complete breakdown of the engine, including due to the ingress of gasoline into the oil, followed by a complete loss of lubricant properties.


    If there are signs of a possible ingress of gasoline into the lubricating fluid, it is necessary to stop the movement of the car if possible, otherwise this can lead to very negative consequences.

    Extremely negative point it should be considered the ingress of gasoline into the engine lubrication in small quantities. In this case, the driver may not notice this fact for quite a long time, during which the car was operated in normal mode, which most likely increased engine wear.

    Thus, we can conclude that gasoline is an aggressive element in relation to engine oil. The basis of the negative interaction of substances is the presence of a large number of chemical additives contained in the fuel. IN quality oil it also contains a certain set of additives that are not designed to interact with any fuel. When gasoline enters the oil, a gradual change in the quality characteristics of the lubricant occurs, which is a serious threat to the performance, as well as the reliability and durability of an automobile engine.

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