Characteristics of jcs brand rear view cameras. The best reversing cameras with parking lines

Characteristics of jcs brand rear view cameras. The best reversing cameras with parking lines

What to look for when choosing a rear view camera for a car? How to understand the variety of models and their manufacturers? Do all cameras shoot equally well at night and during the day? Why do we need parking lines and a mirror image of the picture? We will try to answer these and other questions about rear view cameras.

A car rear view camera is not a room toy at all!

It may seem that to solve the problems of parking and reversing, it is enough to install any car rear-view camera, just to show, and the problem is solved. But it's not! There are a number of serious features of the use of such cameras:
  1. the weather conditions for operating a car rear view camera are close to extreme - in some regions the annual temperature difference reaches 100 ° C, the camera is exposed to the sun, dust, rain, snow, icing
  2. the camera can be installed both in the bumper of the car and in the license plate light - the cameras must differ in design and mounting method
  3. the camera must produce a clearly distinguishable image, not only during the day, but also at night
  4. the driver, when reversing, often focuses only on the rear-view mirrors, without turning his head back. This means that the image displayed on the monitor from the rear view camera should be "mirror inverted", just like in a conventional mirror
  5. it is often difficult to determine the true distance to the object behind the car from the image from the camera, and here special parking lines superimposed by the camera on top of the image should come to the rescue.

How to choose a rear view camera for a car, what to look for?

Choosing the right rear view camera is not difficult, for this you just need to follow the following steps:

  1. choose the design of the camera;
  2. decide where the image will be displayed;
  3. decide on the method of transmitting the video signal to the monitor;
  4. choose from the received list the camera with the best characteristics of the optical system (matrix type, parking lines, mirroring,...).

Why should you choose a camera for a car in this order? More on this...

1. Design of the chamber

A rare driver is absolutely indifferent to the appearance of the car, but the installation of a rear view camera affects him in the most direct way. As a rule, the rear view camera is mounted on the outside of the car, somewhere near the bumper. Installation inside the car, behind the rear window, is very rarely possible, since the camera in this case will be too high and will not be able to provide normal visibility.

Depending on the method of mounting on the car, rear view cameras come in several design options:

Camera View Photo Description Advantages and disadvantages

installed either instead of the standard rear license plate light, while also combining the backlight function, or in the regular place of the rear view camera, if such a place was provided by the automaker


invisible, does not require damage to the car


more expensive, not available for all car models

is installed in the rear bumper of the car, for which a hole is drilled in it, in which the camera is fixed either with latches or with a lock nut




bumper drilling required

, due to its simple design, can be installed on any suitable car surface: bumper, body parts, license plate frame, number plate light. It is attached to the car in two ways: either with double-sided tape (not very reliable, especially in winter), or with screws


easy and quick to install


noticeable to prying eyes, in the case of fastening with screws, you have to "hole" the car

Rear view camera in license plate frame is also a universal solution and can be installed on almost any car. The exception is some cars with license plate space on a heavily curved bumper. The camera module usually has a mechanism that rotates in a vertical plane and is built into the constructive frame, due to which it is hardly noticeable.


easy and quick to install


relatively easy to be stolen, and together with a license plate

The best choice would be a camera that is least visible to prying eyes - usually a standard or mortise camera. The options for the universal rear view camera and the camera in the license plate should be selected only if the standard camera for your model is not available, and for one reason or another you do not want to drill the bumper.

2. Image output devices and how to connect a camera to them

The image from the rear view camera can be displayed on:

  • monitor: free-standing on the dashboard, built into the sun visor, built into the interior rear-view mirror;
  • car head unit screen (free video input required).

In any case, the requirements for the image output device are the same and simple: you need a video input that supports PAL or NTSC (color system) TV signal. Depending on the TV standard supported by the monitor, you will need to select a compatible rear view camera.

3. Methods for transmitting video signal from the camera to the monitor

The image from the camera to the monitor can be transferred in two ways:

  • via a video cable stretched from the camera, through the entire interior of the car, to a monitor mounted on the dashboard. The advantage of this method is the reliability of video signal transmission, its protection from radio interference, minus - to lay the video cable, it is necessary to remove the trim inside the cabin.
  • wirelessly using radio waves. Pros - ease of installation, cons - transmission range is limited to 15 m, the radio signal is affected by powerful sources of electromagnetic interference (it happens quite rarely, it appears as "snow" on the monitor screen).

As a rule, wireless rear view cameras are ordinary wired cameras with the same output RCA connector. Only instead of a video cable, a radio transmitter module is connected to the camera, and a radio receiver module with standard outputs connected to the monitor is installed on the side of the monitor. Wireless video transmission is possible in two ways:

  1. FM video signal modulation - this method is used to transmit a signal to car navigators or monitors. When transmitting a signal in this way, an FM transmitter is connected after the video camera, and an FM receiver is connected from the side of the autonavigator, which converts the received signal into a standard analog form. An example of such a camera is
  2. Video signal transmission via WiFi connection - this method is used to connect the rear view camera to a tablet or smartphone with Android or iOS OS. Here, a WiFi video transmitter is also installed on the side of the camera, and a WiFi connection is configured on the tablet / smartphone (with password protection) and a special application is installed to display the image from the video camera in real time. An example of such a camera is

4. Requirements for the optical system of the camera

Why do we choose the parameters of the optical system of the camera last? Because the type of machine, its safety during installation and the possibility of removing the interior trim for cable laying are often much more important than the characteristics of the camera itself. Sometimes these factors are a serious obstacle to installing a camera on a car.

So, the key parameters of the rear view camera optical system are:

Rear view camera angle

The camera's viewing angle determines the width of the camera's coverage of the area behind the vehicle. On the other hand, the wider the coverage of the camera, the better, but at too wide angles there is a significant distortion of the image (the "fisheye" effect). The optimal viewing angles of the rear view camera are 120°...170°.

Sensor type: CCD or CMOS?

There are two types of matrices used in rear view cameras - CCD and CMOS. These are two fundamentally different technologies for converting an image into a digital signal. The main advantage of CCD matrices is better light sensitivity at night. In the daytime, CCD matrices also slightly outperform CMOS in picture quality. The downside of CCD matrices is their slow reading speed. The advantage of CMOS matrices is the price. Also in defense of CMOS matrices, it should be noted:

  1. the rear view camera usually does not work in complete darkness, but in the light of reversing lights, which is already sufficient to obtain a clearly distinguishable image;
  2. the sensitivity of modern CMOS matrices is very close to CCD matrices;
  3. All modern cameras are built on CMOS matrices, due to their higher performance.

Minimum illumination (light sensitivity)

The minimum illumination of a camera characterizes its sensitivity to light and is measured in "lux" units. This value indicates the ability of the camera to work at night and depends on the type of matrix. CCD matrices are more sensitive to light, which means they are more adapted to work at night. But as already noted, the rear view camera does not work in complete darkness, but in the light of reversing lights, and, if necessary, fog lights. This is enough to get a well-defined image from the CMOS-matrix.

The minimum illumination of the rear view cameras is in the range: from 0.01 lux (for the best samples) ... to 1 lux.

Matrix resolution

In general, it is clear that the higher the resolution of the matrix, the clearer the picture. But for parking cameras, this rule is very limited - the resolution of their matrices does not exceed 0.3 megapixels, which corresponds to a resolution of 628 * 582 pixels. Why?

A feature of the operation of car cameras is that the video signal in them undergoes a double conversion:

  1. Light enters through the lens onto the matrix of the video camera. When reading from the matrix, the image is converted into digital form and processed by the camera's processor.
  2. Then the signal is again converted from digital to analog form of one of the television color standards PAL or NTSC, and transmitted to the monitor. The reverse conversion to an analog television signal is necessary to simplify the monitor circuit (otherwise it would require not just a monitor, but a computer), reduce its cost and unify the connection.

The consequence of the use of PAL, NTSC TV standards for image transmission is their inherent low resolution, limited by a theoretical value of 625 * 600 TV lines.

Color system

All modern car rear view cameras are color. The color rear-view camera facilitates the perception of the "picture". The image at the output of a color camera is converted to one of the television color standards - PAL or NTSC and in this form is transmitted to the monitor. In order for the camera to be compatible with the monitor, their color systems must match. Car cameras support either only one or both color standards at once (the desired one is optionally selected).

If the rear view camera supports only one color standard, it is important to choose the right monitor for it, because. if the color systems do not match, they will not work together!

Number of TV lines

The number of TV lines is a characteristic of the camera's output signal. This signal is analog and, like the digital signal, has vertical and horizontal resolution.

Standards PAL, NTSC rigidly define only the vertical resolution of the picture, it is always equal to 625 lines. This value is never specified in camera specifications.

The horizontal resolution of a camera depends on its viewing angle and chipset and determines the number of columns (vertical lines) in each line of the TV signal. The horizontal resolution of the camera is usually called the "number of TV lines", it is indicated in the characteristics of the cameras. The greater the number of TV lines, the clearer the picture. In rear view cameras, the number of TV lines can be in the range - 420 ... 520 TV- Theoretical limit of horizontal resolution of TV signal in PAL and NTSC standards is 600 TV lines.

Mirror reflection

Mirroring the image from the camera makes it easier to perceive it on the monitor, making it exactly the same as in the rearview mirror. This function is also disabled in many cameras.

Operating temperature range

The rear view camera should work properly at any time of the year in any climatic zone. The interseasonal temperature difference in some regions reaches 100°С.

The best manufacturers of rear view cameras guarantee the performance of the camera in the range of -25°С...+65°С. In practice, the chambers operate at lower temperatures.

Dust and moisture protection

The rear view camera is located in not the most comfortable conditions in terms of dust, dirt, moisture. Its degree of protection against dust and moisture is characterized by the IPxx code, in accordance with the international standard IEC 60529. The first digit of the IP code indicates the degree of protection of the camera from dust, the second digit - from moisture.

Rear view cameras are usually available in three versions: IP66 - maximum protection against dust ingress, protection against water jets, IP67 - maximum protection against dust, withstands short-term immersion in water, IP68 - maximum protection against dust, maximum protection against moisture (can work in a state immersed in water).

But in life, the camera is a rather vulnerable device - the manufacturer does not recommend washing it with a "Kercher" - a strong pressure of a water jet can damage the camera mount, it is also not recommended to wipe the camera lens from dirt "dry" - this will scratch it.

Installing a rear view camera on a car

Installing a rear view camera on a car is not difficult and is accessible to anyone who is friendly with a screwdriver and pliers. A detailed description of the installation procedure, tools and accessories necessary for this can be found in our article " How to install a rear view camera on a car".


Choosing the right rear view camera will help you keep your car looking good, save money on accessories, and achieve comfort and efficiency when reversing and parking.

You will be able to drive in reverse just as easily and naturally as in front, the car will be reliably protected from hitting unexpected obstacles, and your nerves will be protected from the fear of hitting a child or an animal.

Do you have a rear view camera installed yet? No? Don't delay your choice, tomorrow may be too late! Protect yourself from trouble today, place an order and we will deliver it as quickly as possible!

Complete with rear view cameras there are comprehensive installation instructions!

Rear view cameras for cars greatly facilitate the process of parking, especially for those drivers who often have to park in unfamiliar places.

The camera, which allows you to increase the viewing angle and see places that are inaccessible to the eye, will be an excellent assistant for both novice motorists and experienced drivers, providing them with comfort and traffic safety.

Pros and cons of rear view cameras

The prototype of parking cameras are ordinary video cameras.

But car rear view cameras have advantages that make this device indispensable in some situations.

make it possible to park at night with sufficient visibility of the parking lot;

The viewing angle is at least 130 degrees, which allows the driver to view a large space located behind the car;

In rear-view parking cameras, objects are displayed in a mirror image, that is, the location of objects is correct.

If the object on the monitor is visible on the left side, then it is in reality - on the left.

What is seen on the screen on the right side is on the right.

if the model of the rear view camera on the car does not have a bias towards the infrared range, it will be more difficult to park with it at night due to insufficient visibility.

But most conventional rear-view cameras now work with infrared illumination, so visibility is still quite good at dusk;

Infrared cameras are more expensive than conventional cameras, but the high image quality even in complete darkness more than pays for the costs.

Where is the rear view camera installed

Most often, the rear view camera is installed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe license plate.

This choice of location is not accidental. Provides the best view, and also due to the requirements for wiring from the camera to the monitor through the existing holes in the body.

Models of wireless rear view cameras transmit an image to the screen in the FM band.

In this case, there is only one wire - the supply wire, but connecting it to the car's on-board electrical network is quite simple.

A rational option is to use a GPS navigator, as well as a DVR.

These devices must have the function of connecting a parking camera, which allows not to use the car monitor.

The interaction of these devices allows you to save money and make the most extensive use of the working area in the area of ​​​​the side glass and dashboard.

How to choose a rear view camera for a car

The choice of a parking video camera is a responsible step.

Ignorance of some subtleties may lead you to buy a device that may not meet your needs.

So, tips for choosing:
1. The viewing angle of the parking camera must exceed 110 degrees. Best option: 150-170 degrees;

2. The camera must transmit a mirror image of the picture from the street to the screen.

The absence of such a function entails difficulties in use;

3. to make it convenient to park, and the accuracy was approximately 10-15 cm, purchase a rear view camera with markings;

4. infrared illumination, which turns on automatically at dusk, will allow you to park without problems at any time of the day.

Ask the seller what matrix is ​​in the camera you have chosen.

There are differences both externally and in size, although the function is the same.

Two different technologies underlie production:
1. CMOS (in English CMOS) - complementary metal oxide semiconductors.

fairly low cost;

Progressive scan. At the same time, both high-quality, clear signal lines and low-quality ones consistently fall on the monitor.

the image in low light is quite blurry.

2. CCD (in English CCD) - devices that have a surface-charge connection.

The monitor displays a high-quality image even in low light.

higher electricity consumption;

The speed of operation is lower than that of cheaper models.

What are rear view cameras?

All parking cameras are divided into three categories:
I. Reach-View. The most affordable and affordable models with high tightness of the case and good color rendering quality.

The price of this rear view camera is within 2900 rubles.

II. Omni Special. They belong to the middle price range. From 10000 rub.

III. Vanguard. The most expensive parking cameras that have high light sensitivity.

The image is very clear. From 21,000 rubles.

Overview of parking cameras

Pay attention to the characteristics of some camera models.

1. STREET STORM parking cameras.

democratic price;

Sufficient viewing angle;

Sensitivity to minimal noise in the dark;

Rigid fixation of the brackets, which ensures the reliability of fastening;

Camera tilt adjustment is only needed for first installation.

Important: the camera must be "upside down" so that the image is not upside down. Mortise fastening is not possible.

2. PARKVISION rearview cameras.

compact dimensions. Outwardly, it resembles an "acorn";

Can be attached to almost any surface;

Reasonable price;

Mortise mounting provided;

The widest viewing angle;

There are no "blind spots" from the sides of the bumper due to the minimal "lensing" of the image at the edges.

3. ALPINE rear view cameras.

good horizontal viewing angle;

The best vertical viewing angle (the projection is visible both under the surface of the bumper and the perspective view of the parking lot itself);

Safe and secure parking;

Excellent visibility of even small details, especially during the day.

the night mode is not ideal, there are slight noises in the picture.

Many consider the ALPINE brand to be the best in its segment.

The parking video camera has firmly entered the life of motorists.

Unlike parking sensors, which give only sound, it allows you to see everything that happens while parking.

Learn all the questions that will help you buy such an important and useful attribute that increases the comfort and safety of the driver - a rear view camera for a car.

The equipment of modern cars includes. Premium class models are equipped with everything that automakers were able to implement at the time of release, owners of cars of the middle or economy category were less fortunate in terms of equipment, while some improvements can be implemented independently. One of the attributes that ensure the comfort of the trip is a rear-view camera, it helps when reversing, and the device is no less popular than parking sensors.

For an experienced driver, it will not be difficult to park, turn around or drive out of a narrow space using the rear-view mirrors in the old fashioned way, but for novice motorists it is more difficult to make such maneuvers, especially in conditions of poor visibility. Reversing incorrectly often results in fines and even accidents, so an extra measure of safety on the road will not be superfluous. The problem is especially acute in densely populated cities, crowded with cars, where every centimeter plays a role when parking or any other maneuvering.

Using the rear view camera as a parking assistant is an ideal option to control the space behind the car, which makes driving and parking more comfortable and safer. The devices are usually mounted below the license plates and connected to a screen display inside the cabin. The camera is activated immediately, as soon as the driver turned on the reverse gear and began to back out. The purchase of a device that will serve as your assistant on the road should be taken with all responsibility.

What to look for when choosing a rear view camera

The automotive market today offers a wide range of devices from different manufacturers with all sorts of additional functions. The most useful of the features is parking markings (displaying special lines on the screen that make parking easier). In order not to get lost in the variety of models and make the right choice of a rear view camera, it is important to navigate the main parameters of the devices.

Following a simple algorithm of actions, you can choose a model that meets your requirements. Consider how to choose the right rear view camera, and what nuances to consider when buying:

  • The first and one of the main points is the choice of installation location and method of attachment. Before buying, it is important to consider where it is better to put the device, based on the form factor to a greater extent, and determine which rear view camera you need to purchase.
  • Now you should think about where the picture from the camera will be displayed. For this purpose, a head unit with a video input, an external player, a built-in monitor, etc. can be used.
  • When you have decided on the first two points, you need to decide how the image will be transferred to the screen (wired or wireless connection). The wiring is located inside the cabin, when choosing the second option, connecting without wires operating in the FM band, you only need to physically connect the power wire. In trucks, only remote communication is assumed due to the dimensions of the vehicle.
  • Only now, having taken care of how the rear view camera will be mounted on the car and connected to the information output device (many options are eliminated immediately), you can proceed to which model to choose, taking into account the remaining parameters.

Let's take a closer look at the variations of devices and their characteristics, so that when choosing a model, you have a better idea of ​​​​the possibilities that you will receive.

Types of rear view cameras

Each device has its own design features, they all differ in the method of attachment and installation location. So, there are several types of rear view cameras:

  • Regular. Such cameras are not suitable for every brand of car, they are manufactured by the car manufacturer and mounted in a place intended for this purpose. "Native" cameras, unlike universal models, are less noticeable. The device can also be installed instead of the license plate light, while the backlight is still carried out, but through the camera. This is the most successful option, but also the most expensive.
  • Mortise. To install such a rear view camera, you will need to drill a hole for it. The device is fixed by means of latches, as well as lock nuts. The installation, as in the first case, will also be hidden, which will be the most successful solution if it is not possible to install a standard camera, while such models have one significant drawback - the need to drill a bumper.
  • Universal. Due to the simple design, the camera can be installed on any car in any convenient place using double-sided tape, which is not entirely reliable, or screws (in this case, you will need to drill holes in the body). Such models are visible to the eye and can be easily removed.
  • Built into the license plate frame. Another universal solution, such devices are suitable for installation in almost any car with a few exceptions. The camera is built into the design of the frame and does not attract too much attention, but can be easily stolen, and along with the numbers.

Camera image output and device connection method

Considering where the camera will be connected is one of the primary tasks when planning a purchase. Today, you can implement several ways to display a picture, this function can be assigned to the following devices:

  • To an external monitor. It can be integrated into the side panel or even the rear view mirror.
  • Head unit display, modular with input, portable player.

When connecting, it is important that the devices support the same standard (NTSC or PAL), because if there is incompatibility, the connection is not implemented.

The video signal transmission method can be of two types:

  • Wired. A standard connection via a cable requires additional manipulations for laying it around the cabin under the inner lining. This method is reliable and provides good picture quality.
  • Wireless (Wi-Fi or FM modulation). This method of transporting a video stream is suitable for navigators or media players, its advantage is that there is no need to pull a cable around the cabin, while the image transmission quality may be impaired by interference, often there is such a thing as "snow" on the screen.

Image output mode

The device must have the option of transmitting a picture in mirror image. Since motorists are more accustomed to using their rear-view mirrors when reversing, it is convenient for the camera to mirror the image. The option is present in many models and can also be disabled, giving the driver the choice.

An important feature of the rear view camera is the display of parking lines. The markers that are superimposed on the image and displayed on the display allow you to better navigate when maneuvering, indicating the distance to the obstacle. At the same time, it is important to correctly install the camera according to the instructions supplied with the device in order to avoid receiving false information. It is convenient if the option is disabled.

Viewing angles

Obviously, the larger the camera's viewing angle, the more objects fall into the frame, and the image is more distorted. The optimal value for rear view cameras is an average viewing angle of 120 to 170 degrees. In this case, a sufficient area of ​​the territory behind the vehicle is covered with good image quality.

Camera matrices

For the devices under consideration, two types of matrices are used - CMOS and CCD, which convert the image into digital by different methods.

  • CCD matrices are more expensive, but they realize a better picture, including at night, and as an add-on they offer automatic white balance.
  • CMOS sensors are more common, their cost will be lower, but the image quality and light sensitivity will be lower. In this case, the picture depends not only on the type, but also on the quality of the matrix itself.

Minimum illumination

The characteristic indicates the sensitivity of the matrix. So, thanks to this parameter, you can evaluate the behavior of the camera at night. The level of illumination is measured in lux and the lower the value, the better the picture will be viewed at dusk or at night. For example, a good CCD camera will have a light sensitivity of 1.01 lux, while a CMOS camera will have 0.1 lux.

Matrix and video resolution

The resolution of the matrix determines the clarity of the transmitted image. For rear view cameras, it is customary to consider 628 * 582 pixels, which corresponds to 0.3 megapixels, and by modern standards, quite a bit. This implementation is explained by the fact that the image is converted to digital form, and then from digital to analog TV signal according to NTSC or PAL standards, which are very limited in the possible resolution, measured by the number of TV lines (TVL). Vertically, within the framework of the standard, the resolution has 625 lines (not indicated in the specifications), and horizontally it reaches 600 TVL, but in practice there are fluctuations in the region of 420-540 TVL, depending on the viewing angle of the device.


The proportion expresses the quality of the picture, that is, the absence of noise. The ratio of 40 dB is considered to be the norm, for camera models it is more expensive with a high quality of the transmitted image, the parameter is higher - up to 50 dB.

Working temperature

An equally important parameter is the operating temperature range of the device, especially in the Russian climate, where differences can be significant. The camera must function properly in both hot and cold weather, so the values ​​declared by the manufacturer from -25 ° C to + 65 ° C will be a good indicator, despite the fact that in practice the device often goes beyond the specified range.

Dust and moisture protection

The operating conditions of the rear view camera are not very favorable due to its outdoor location, the device is regularly exposed to external influences (dust, rain, snow, dirt). As with other devices, for cameras, according to the international standard, the degree of protection is determined. Most often you can find the following protection options for rear view cameras (the first digit indicates the degree of protection from dust, the second - from moisture):

  • IP66 - maximum protection against dust ingress, as well as minor water ingress.
  • IP67 - ultimate protection against dust with the possibility of short-term immersion of the device in water.
  • IP68 - the same protection against dust, while the camera can withstand immersion at a depth of 1 meter for up to half an hour.

Additional functions

As a rule, other options are included in the functionality of the device:

  • Infrared illumination. This feature is not available in all models, while in the case of rear view cameras, IR illumination is not effective. By means of the light sensor that the device is equipped with, it automatically turns on at the appropriate moment, and when there is a lack of light, the image becomes black and white, so the option is not practical in this case, despite the fact that the reversing lights provide sufficiently bright illumination.
  • Automatic exposure adjustment. The option offers automatic exposure correction of the transmitted image, which determines how dark or bright the video will be depending on the lighting.
  • Automatic white balance correction. If the option is available, the white balance changes automatically depending on external light sources.
  • Remote control - this attribute is found in expensive camera models and allows you to change some parameters remotely.

The right approach to choosing a rear view camera is the key to a successful purchase, which will provide comfort when parking and other maneuvers in reverse.

Rating of the best rear view cameras

To facilitate the task of choosing, we offer a small selection, which includes reliable devices from and found a lot of positive feedback from motorists.

The top 7 best rear view cameras relevant for 2019 will be divided by device type for convenience.

Universal rear view cameras

The advantage of such models is the ability to install in any place of the car. These are compact devices with decent functionality.

Reliable high quality rear view camera from a well-known Japanese manufacturer of automotive electronics. The device has rich functionality, good resolution, but at the same time its cost will match.


  • High quality workmanship.
  • Compact and light weight.
  • High quality picture, including at night.
  • Optimal viewing angle (140 degrees).
  • Work in a wide temperature range (from -30 C° to +70 C°).
  • Good moisture protection.
  • Hassle-free installation.

The disadvantage of Alpine cameras is always the same - this is the price tag, but the money spent will pay off in the resulting comfort.

The list continues with a Russian-Korean-made camera, which is of good quality at an affordable price. The manufacturer offers a fairly wide range of devices, as for this model, the RRV-320 offers many options, including also a parking sensor.


  • Decent quality.
  • Excellent image, both in daylight and at night.
  • Good viewing angle (170 degrees).
  • Wide operating temperature range (from -20 C° to +70 C°).
  • Good protection against moisture.
  • Small dimensions and weight.
  • Easy installation.
  • Low cost.

The disadvantages include the volume of the sensor for parking.

The budget version of the rear view camera from the manufacturer of the Russian Federation, which is distinguished by its quality and ease of operation. One of the best devices in this category, which has collected a lot of positive feedback from car owners.


  • Quality build.
  • Good image transfer.
  • Small dimensions and weight.
  • Wide operating temperature range (from -20 C° to +60 C°).
  • Good visibility with 170 degree angles.
  • Low price.
  • Ease of installation.

An excellent budget option, the model did not have any cons.

A good camera from a Russian-Chinese manufacturer, made using innovative developments. The compact device has decent functionality at an affordable price.


  • Good build quality.
  • Small size, low weight.
  • High definition picture.
  • Great picture at night.
  • Sufficient operating temperature range (from -30 C° to +50 C°).
  • Moisture protection.
  • Good viewing angle (170°).
  • Hassle-free installation.

The device is in the middle price category, many would like to see a lower price tag due to the small size of the camera, but for such functionality the cost is quite adequate.

Frame Cameras

The ranking of the best rear view cameras in 2019 continues with universal devices mounted in a frame. Models of this type are equipped with a special frame for the license plate, they are quite popular due to their convenience, ease of installation, no need to make holes in the car and low cost, while you should not count on the best image quality.

A high-quality universal model will be the best solution among budget options for any car. The device is equipped with a good CMOS matrix with good resolution, among the functions there is a switchable parking grid.


  • Decent build quality.
  • Small size and low weight.
  • Good picture quality.
  • Moisture protection.
  • The operating temperature range is from -20 C° to +60 C°.
  • Large viewing angle (170°).
  • Nice price.

The disadvantage is the need to create a hole to securely fix the frame.

  • Stable operation at temperatures from -20 C° to +70 C°.
  • Water protection.
  • Excellent viewing angle (170°).
  • Good lighting diode.
  • Acceptable price.

The disadvantages include difficult installation in certain car models due to short wires.

To date, the rear view camera is excellent, allowing you to ensure safe reversing. The equipment will not only make parking comfortable and give driving pleasure, but also protect against the risk of an accident when objects are in the “dead zones”.

Do you know what a rear view camera, especially with a monitor, should be? It is difficult to pick it up if you do not know some of the nuances. You need to understand whether they all shoot the same way at night and during the day, and also be able not to get lost in the variety of models from manufacturers that literally flooded the market with their products. What to do, how to act in such a situation? Let's try to figure it out.

Choosing a rear view camera means not only acquiring a part of the car, but also choosing one that, together with other elements, would give a clear and distinct picture of what is happening. And this camera should be chosen in such a way that it is immune to sudden changes in weather conditions, has a simple installation system, etc. You can choose a universal model, since it is easy to install, but such a device has a lot of disadvantages.


Let's start with the fact that today there is a huge amount of rear view for cars on the product market. It can be:

  • universal models that are installed in places specially designed for them;
  • devices that are sold together with the license plate frame (they are also built in here);
  • standard rear view cameras designed specifically for a specific car model.

Like the first varieties, the second and third have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, universal models have a simple design, as a result of which they can be. The shape of such cameras is a butterfly, which can be attached to any horizontal surface with screws. Of the advantages of such devices, only a low price can be distinguished.

And there are a lot of shortcomings: poor protection against damage, poor picture, the inability to change the angle.

There are other types of universal cameras that are fixed in the rear bumper. They are endowed in their majority with infrared illumination, which provides a picture in complete darkness.

But this model also has drawbacks: it is necessary, the device can be easily damaged if the bumper comes into contact with an obstacle during an accident, and it has an uncomfortable angle of inclination with respect to the horizon.

Model built into the license plate frame

Now about devices built into the license plate frame. This is the simplest and easiest car rear view camera as it does not require any installation. The device is already built into the frame and the owner does not have to think about how to install it. Often, during installation, many ultra-sensitive models deteriorate, as they are very susceptible to damage of various kinds, but here everything is in order.

In addition, installing a camera with a license frame eliminates the need to drill anything in the car, allows the car owner to change the viewing angle with respect to the horizon, and has many other equally important advantages.

Such a model will greatly facilitate reversing and, in fact,. It can be installed in almost any car, regardless of design, model, brand, etc.

During operation of such a camera, a clear image with a resolution of 420 lines is broadcast on the monitor. A device of this type is practically not afraid of dust and moisture, having an IP67 protection classification. This means that its design is sealed and completely weatherproof. As for the susceptibility to sudden changes in temperature, then everything is fine here. The device is capable of operating at temperatures from minus 30 degrees to plus fifty. Such a model can be ideal for drivers of those vehicles that do not have the ability to install in regular places.

But there is also a drawback. Such a camera can be easily removed or damaged by anyone, as it provides easy access for outsiders.

Parktronic with a rear view camera becomes ideal. Indeed, without a camera, moving backward and relying only on the parking sensors, the driver often does not notice the “hospitable” open hatch, a beautiful cast-iron pole, a toy dump truck, etc. The parking sensors will not feel all this, since the obstacles less than a hundred millimeters in diameter do not see below myself. Parktronic, even the most expensive one, has problems with corners. Much depends on the sensors themselves, their number and location. Therefore, adding a rear-view camera to the parking sensors would be an ideal solution.

Standard rear view cameras

Regular rear view cameras are the best option for today. They can be installed in certain places that the car manufacturer has provided in advance. Usually this is a license plate light, trunk release handle or another place.

The ENVIX wireless rear view camera left a good impression. It is small in size and weighs about 200 grams, but has a high resolution and the image is extremely clear and bright.

On the video - an overview of the rear view camera:

The advantages of regular rear view cameras are as follows:

  • they are always developed for a specific car model;
  • have their own room lighting system;
  • have an optimal height and viewing angle when installed.

Needless to say, today a rear-view camera with a monitor is more informative and indicative compared to a conventional parking sensor. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to release their vehicles with a camera and monitor already installed. It also happens that the car owner has to do this.

The image from the camera can be transmitted not only to the standard car monitor, but also to the head monitor or to the TV screen.

Special rear view mirror

Some car owners purchase a rear-view mirror with a camera, which is also a convenient option. Such a mirror is mounted with a tripod on a regular one and takes up little space.

The body of such a mirror is made of a very durable material that protects against accidental damage. Excellent functionality and ease of use are the advantages of such an accessory.

There is also such a mirror, which has a built-in DVR with a rear view camera. This is a novelty among mirrors, and it is distinguished by a low price and great opportunities. Also superimposed on and has its own monitor with a 10.9 cm display size.

On the video - an overview of the rear-view mirror with a camera:

How to connect

Now let's learn how to install the camera? As mentioned above, the image can be transmitted from the camera to the monitor, autonavigator or to the screen of the head unit of the car.

Connecting a rear view camera to any of the monitors requires a video input that supports PAL or NTSC TV signal. Here it is important not to make a mistake and choose a camera that would fit and match with the monitor.

So. There are two ways to send an image to a monitor. The first involves a video cable that will be stretched from the camera through the entire cabin to the monitor, which is mounted on the panel. This has many advantages, including the reliability of signal transmission, good immunity from radio interference, etc. But there is also a minus - in order to lay a video cable, you need to remove the car's trim.

The second way is wireless. The signal is transmitted using radio waves. Ease of installation, but a lot of minuses - a limited transmission range (only 15 m), electromagnetic interference of the radio signal, and the like.

You can entrust the installation of the device to a professional, but the price for installation will definitely not please you.

You can learn how to do it yourself by watching this video:

Choosing a stock camera

At the end of the article, I would like to summarize. There are a lot of cameras, as you can see. Each of the varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, after analyzing, I would like to dwell on such a model as a regular rear-view camera. She is much better in comparison.

Firstly, it has an excellent and, most importantly, adjustable viewing angle. The viewing angle can be adjusted so that the space behind the vehicle has the maximum wrap width. And the advantage of regular cameras in this case is that even with the maximum girth width, when some devices have distorted images, everything is in order with this model.

Secondly, regular cameras are produced with CCD matrices, which “see” much better at night than devices with CMOS matrices.

In any case, it's up to you. We managed to give examples in this article, consider different types of cameras and their functionality. As mentioned above, each of the cameras has its own advantages and disadvantages. The same regular camera, which in our opinion is considered the best, is more expensive than the rest.

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