When do you need to turn on the "emergency"? Application of an alarm and an emergency stop sign How the emergency gang turns on.

When do you need to turn on the "emergency"? Application of an alarm and an emergency stop sign How the emergency gang turns on.


Alarms are used when the car is damaged in an accident, or if it is necessary to stop at a place where the car creates a danger to other vehicles. If it is possible to move at a low speed, you can move to the right lane and continue driving with the “emergency gang” turned on.

However, there is an exception to the last rule. If the car cannot accelerate to 40 km/h , That on the road movement cannot be continued. In this case, pull over to the side of the road and stop (putting a stop sign and also turning on emergency lights).

Actually, the above cases were listed in which the alarm is really necessary to turn on. We will also add towing and boarding and disembarking of children here (when the vehicle is equipped with the “Children” sign). And in any other situation (for example, when stopping at an intersection), turning on an alarm is highly undesirable. This will distract other road users from the road.

The following misconception is widespread. It seems that on some foreign cars - emergency lights turn on automatically, moreover, when performing braking(but, unlike "stops", not by accidentally pressing the pedal). Let's explain what is actually happening.

"Emergency" - does not duplicate the brake light

There is the following option option. When the car is doing emergency braking and moves with a slowdown, the lights of the "emergency gang" light up. But they blink with frequency two times faster, than in emergency mode(it is impossible to confuse such a signal with an “emergency” one).

This option is supplied with luxury equipment. cars, and it has become widespread in some countries of northern Europe. IN Russian Rules, however, nothing of the kind is considered. If the signal from the deceleration sensor can be used, then it makes sense to connect it to an additional brake light (and not to the emergency lights).

A common mistake is the following behavior on the road. After stopping, the driver sets a special sign, as prescribed in the traffic rules. But the emergency lights remain unlit. What violates Art. 12 p. 20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The rules for filing an alarm are regulated not only by traffic rules, but also by an established driving tradition. Consider when you need to turn on the emergency gang and how not to introduce other participants traffic astray.


When the alarm is turned on, all lighting, V normal mode operation, used as turn signals, start flashing at a certain interval. These include turn signals. orange color, as well as repeaters on the front fender or rear-view mirrors, if the vehicle is equipped with such. The flashing of the lights is duplicated on dashboard simultaneous illumination of the direction indicators.

The main purpose of the alarm is to draw attention to the car. The system may be activated when unusual maneuvers are performed on the road, which require increased attention from other road users. Switching on can also be a click for help that the driver of the vehicle needs.

With an emergency signal, you can warn drivers of danger ahead. The car following you will understand that it is better to increase the distance and be prepared for possible danger.


When the driver must turn on the emergency flasher:


If the car does not work alarm, in the event of an accident, you can limit yourself to only the “Emergency Stop” sign. Similar signs are used when the vehicle is towed and the alarm cannot be turned on. The sign must be fixed in the area rear bumper, trunk lid or on the glass.

Emergency stop

Portable red triangle with orange insert, front side which is covered with reflective material, must be equipped with each car.

Chapter 7 of the SDA, in addition to regulating the use of an emergency gang, includes provisions on the emergency stop sign. When to install:

The rules of the road regulate the minimum distance at which the sign must be installed. For settlements - at least 15 m from the car, and outside settlements - at least 30 m.

It's not without reason that the minimum distance is specified in the rules. Let's consider a situation in which you road accident participant. The rules force you to turn on your hazard warning lights and put up an emergency stop sign. The accident happened 40 m after a steep climb or a sharp bend in the road. If the sign is installed 30 meters away, then the driver, having overcome the rise, turn, will not be able to react to the obstacle in time. Therefore, the sign must be installed before the end of the ascent.

Driving tradition

According to unwritten driving standards, turning on the alarm is a sign of gratitude. You can use it when you were let into the next row, helped when overtaking on the highway and similar situations.

Today, everyone without exception is equipped with emergency light signaling (ACS). modern cars. Its purpose is to warn other motorists about a vehicle malfunction, thus marking it on the road. In what cases is the alarm button used and how this system works - read below.

When your security alarm goes off in the middle of a quiet night, you will be horrified at the thought that an intruder has entered your premises. However, when this happens for no particular reason, it can annoy not only the people in your home, but also those in your area. False alarms such as this can waste valuable time for the police authorities when they respond to them. Moreover, it can pose a security risk, since people may not perceive a serious alarm in the event of a real threat.

Most often, false alarms are caused by human error. In fact, statistics show that 80% of them are caused by users. Someone in the household may have entered the wrong password. Another mistake is accidentally opening a window or door after the alarm clock has been armed.

When is it legal to turn on hazard warning lights?

Any driver must press the car's alarm button and activate the ACC in several cases:

  1. If the driver had to stop right in the middle of the road while driving. The need to stop may be due to a breakdown of the vehicle or poor health of the driver. In this case, it is necessary to activate the alarm switch until the machine comes to a complete stop, otherwise an accident may be provoked.
  2. When the car is stopped by a traffic police officer or the driver is blinded by an oncoming vehicle.
  3. When the driver operates the vehicle with malfunctions that could lead to an accident. Please note - in this case, the operation of the car is allowed, if it is not prohibited by the current traffic rules.
  4. If vehicle is being towed by another vehicle, the hazard warning lights must be switched on in any case, as this will alert other road users .
  5. In the event that you are transporting children by car, while the corresponding plate is installed on the car, and you are disembarking or boarding them.
  6. When cars are moving in a column, but one of the vehicles is forced to stop. In this case, if the alarm is turned on on one car, other drivers are also required to turn it on.
  7. Naturally, the emergency gang must be turned on if the car has an accident.

All these situations are regulated by the rules of the road. But there are other cases when the activation of the ACC alone is not enough and the motorist needs to put the appropriate sign on the road emergency stop. In the event that this sign is not present, then it can be replaced with a red lamp, while this light source should blink similarly to an emergency gang. The installation of this sign or lamp is lowered at a distance of no more than 20 m to the vehicle if the stop was made in a populated area.

When does the hazard warning light come on?

To prevent this from happening again, everyone who has access to household must know how to use the security system. These include, in particular, its inhabitants and domestic helpers. They need to know the alarm codes, the process of arming and disarming the alarm system, and canceling an incorrect alarm activation.

Most systems provide a clear warning that the batteries are low even when the system is not installed. Others may give false alarms until the batteries are replaced. When your security system shows this sign, it needs new batteries. Therefore, before arming your system, you will need to replace old batteries or contact your security vendor to do this for you. In addition, new wireless devices can last up to 2-5 years and will start reporting low batteries when they start to fail.

In the event that the problem overtook you outside the city, then the sign should be installed at a distance of no closer than 40 meters, and it is allowed to do this in such cases:

  1. If the vehicle has been in an accident. If this happens, then you need to consider that the car can not only be a hindrance to other cars, but also affect their safety. Accordingly, the farther you put the sign, the more time the driver of another car will have to assess the situation on the road and perform the correct maneuver.
  2. Another case - if you had to stop where the bad or limited visibility. In such situations, the sign must be placed no closer than one hundred meters from the vehicle, both in front and behind.

ACC device

The first ACC began to be put on cars for a long time. And even if the old cars were primitive in terms of technical solutions And design features, developers have always thought about security.

Dogs and cats can easily trigger sensitive motion sensors designed for burglars and intruders. As a solution, these sensors can be placed high enough so that they do not reach. On the other hand, homeowners can change the system to something that is not caused by pet movements. Another option is to change the sensors to your favorite tolerant types, where they will ignore animals up to 18 kg.

Air safety systems that use ultrasonic motion sensors can be installed even with the slightest draft of air. To ensure they do not generate false alarms, any detectors should be located away from windows, electric fans and vents or heat sources.

The simple alarm itself includes the following components:

  1. Alarm button. This element is designed to activate the signaling and is usually located under the steering wheel of a car or on the center console.
  2. A special bimetallic interrupting device that ensures the operation of the bulbs in the headlights with a certain frequency. That is, this element provides the effect of blinking.
  3. Optics, that is, turn signals. It is they who perform the option of supplying the signals themselves (the author of the video is the Auto Electrician HF channel).

How is the alarm system set up?

Most systems have at least some contacts on windows and doors. When the system is armed and a door or window is opened, it triggers an alarm. However, when it sounds without any opening, the contacts are either loose or faulty. Thus, they must be checked by a specialist. All contacts must be sealed to prevent water ingress.

If homeowners are more likely to experience false alarms, their system may not be properly installed or maintained. Important Tips to prevent false alarms. Choose the security system that best suits your needs and ensures it is properly maintained.

More modern options ACCs are additionally equipped with safety elements, while each size can have its own relay. In terms of progress, this option is more advanced.

Emergency gang scheme

If you are faced with the problem of a malfunction of the emergency gang, then before removing the button and repairing it, let's look at the connection diagram. The circuit itself may differ depending on the vehicle.

What is the alarm button hiding?

Homeowners should choose an alarm system that will take into account the movements of those living in the home, including their pets where appropriate. Residents must be familiar with the work. Once the system is installed, everyone who has access to the house needs to know how to operate the system. They must also know all the important codes for arming and disarming the system, as well as correct use alarms.

To ensure that the system is working properly, the alarm should be tested once a year and twice a year for police monitored alarms. False alarms can be problematic, but in most cases they can be prevented. They can be avoided by knowing everything possible reasons and be aware of your security system.

So, how does the ACC power circuit function if it is started from a button:

  1. From the battery to the unit always receives voltage.
  2. Then, through a specially allocated safety element, the current is transmitted to the switch.
  3. When the emergency button is pressed, the switch itself is connected to the unit. Accordingly, this leads to the fact that the current flows back to the fuse box, from where it goes to the turn signal relay, as a result of which the latter blink.

Photo gallery "Main components of ACC"

This scheme has reduced the crime rate by 75%. Did you know that you can save money on insurance premiums with the right security equipment? When you first log in, it is important to evaluate the security of your new home and change the locks as soon as possible.

Think about it: Are you sure the previous owner or tenant handed over all of his copies or didn't leave it with a neighbor? It's good practice to make sure you leave everything in order before you go on vacation. Simple things like milk bottles left on the doorstep or a post left on a pile can put your house at a higher risk of being burglarized, showing these "telling" signs of an empty house to any would-be burglar. By canceling any deliveries and regularly getting a buddy to pick up mail, you can mitigate any such risk.

Common alarm malfunctions

For what reasons does the emergency flasher not work and how to solve the malfunction problem:

  1. The fuse or relay has failed. This problem is one of the most common, it can be solved without problems by replacing failed components.
  2. Problems in the circuit itself. Anything can be here - and short circuit, and broken wiring, and bad contact caused by oxidation. In any case, such a malfunction is diagnosed using a multimeter or by the hands of an experienced electrician.
  3. Stopped. This scenario is less likely, however, it cannot be ruled out.
  4. Failure of the button itself, in particular, its mechanical damage. It is possible that the button has stopped working as a result of wear on the plastic clips installed inside. If the ACC button is inoperative, most likely it will be possible to turn it on, only the key itself will not work correctly. In this case, it will need to be removed and replaced.

Video "The principle of operation of the alarm"

The video below provides an overview of the device, as well as the principle of the car (the author of the video is the Auto Electrician HF channel).

Also, by investing in a home alarm clock or making your doors more secure, you reduce the risk of your home being burglarized. What security measures should I take if I have been robbed? Having your home robbed is one of the most frustrating experiences anyone can go through. This can leave you feeling vulnerable in a place where you should feel in complete security. Whether you were on vacation or sleeping at the time of the burglary, the results of this common crime are equally traumatizing.

After a home burglary or even an attempted burglary, it is important to be proactive to prevent something like this from happening again. Whether you're upgrading your cylinders or investing in a home alarm, upgrade and improve your security, you can provide you with much-needed peace of mind as well as keep thieves from rerouting your home. For getting additional information visit our. Have been robbed?

The rules of "blinking" headlights and emergency lights on the roads!

ABC of blinking headlights on the road / Know how the multiplication table!

MAIN! = Compliance with traffic rules (rebuilding, turning, compliance with lighting in dark time days, speed limit, etc. and so on)

Photo gallery "Main components of ACC"

Crime statistics show that burglaries increase by up to 20% when clocks are turned back and nights are drawn in as thieves take advantage of the darker evenings. Investing in a burglar alarm, improving your door security, and being more mindful of personal safety are all ways to keep you safe when entering at night. Some products, however, we would advise leaving to the professionals. Any product requiring professional installation, will recommend as such on.

0! Turning on the emergency gang for 1-2 seconds - "THANK YOU" or "SORRY" (there is an option with turn signals - "left" - "right", "left" - "right" if the emergency gang is located inconveniently). It would be desirable to answer the same as a token of gratitude. There is no extra politeness)
If the emergency gang was turned on for a long time, then this car has an emergency (something is wrong, the driver is blinded, his head hurts, his stomach hurts, etc.).

They often lock in three places and feature rollers to provide an airtight seal, making it a more efficient and reliable locking solution. How do I know if a replacement multi-point lock needs to be replaced? It's important to recognize the typical warning signs that your multi-point lock is out and know when you'll need it for a replacement. This way you will avoid being locked out or leaving the house thanks to a broken lock! Check out ours to see if your multi-point lock is enabled!

For more information, please visit, or for help with a fitting. It is not always necessary to replace the entire lock. For more information, please visit. Why is my door knob dropping too much? Is your home security at risk?

1. Two short high beam: there is a traffic police ambush ahead, or some kind of danger (a windbreak, an accident, etc. Another option is "carefully, an accident" - is 3 long distant signals) / raising a hand serves as a response of gratitude /. At night, another meaning is also possible - "TURN OFF THE HIGH LIGHT!".

2. One long far:
- in the back: "GIVE ROAD!". A similar meaning is a series of short ones in the back;
- in the face or in the side: "SKIP!". Can be combined with a long and angry beep.

Why is my door so hard to open? This may be a sign that you will need to replace your multi-point lock soon. Why is this? The reason for this is that the door sensor is set to forced entry mode. It may also be worth considering using the added convenience so you have a simple control and disarm button rather than having to enter the disarm code each time.

To determine what the error is, refer to the "error log" in the control panel. Then disconnect the relevant sensor and replace the batteries. There is nothing obvious to report and no error messages on the control panel. This can be solved by first checking that the cover of the alarm siren is securely fastened also to the fact that the tamper spring is tightly hooked to the siren.

3. One short far to the face or to the side: "GO, I'M MISSING!". May be the answer to the previous paragraph (p. 2). There is an interpretation only with a hand gesture or combined: with a hand and this signal.

4. A series (from 3 or more) short distant:
- to the oncoming traffic, if you turn left: "Skip, I NEED TO TURN!";
- in the back of the vehicle in front: "Skip!";
- at the crossroads to the driver gaping in front, "LET'S GO, DO NOT SLEEP!"

You may need to apply some sort of packing material behind the siren to achieve this, especially if your wall surface is not completely flat. Unfortunately, our newest alarms operate on a different radio frequency, so they will not work with your alarm.

Common alarm malfunctions

Optional accessories for legacy alarms are no longer available. What do I need to do with the sensors at the top to achieve this? Why not? This is a built-in security feature. To stop the beep, you need to enter the property and activate the input sensor first. During the countdown, pressing "disarm" on the key fob will turn off the alarm.

5. Oversized trucks and buses on the highway, which can clearly see everything that is happening ahead from above, can be shown by a turn signal coming from behind:
- left: "Don't get out, there's an oncoming one ahead!";
- right: "Come on, step on the gas - ahead is free!"
It would be useful for everyone to use this signal, because. it is not known how much the driver of the "stepping on the heels" of the vehicle sees the situation ahead.

How often do the batteries need to be changed for my alarm clock? We recommend replacing the siren batteries every two years. I sometimes get false alarms when animals move around, why is that? Our pet sensors are very reliable. Follow the installation instructions described in the download sheet from our website.

How to delete this message? This message informs you that your alarm has been triggered. Press the tick button on all messages to clear the screen. This is a safer radio frequency, with the advantage that the frequency is less susceptible to interference from external sources. The viewing angle is 100 degrees.

6. It is considered good manners in response to paragraph 4 after overtaking to blink the emergency gang several times: "Thank you!". It's nice sometimes to hear after that a short beep (or a short high beam) in the back: "Come on ...".

7. Similarly to paragraph 6, it is customary to thank the emergency gang if someone let you pass on the highway, having rebuilt in advance from the left lane.

However, the panel in the alarm system is equipped with backup battery, to provide continuous work during a power outage through its main alert method. Will the system call me when the alarm goes off? This is only for the secondary notification method. It is unlikely that the image will be good enough to provide positive identification in court.

Will the system notify the police? He won't notify the police. Yale is currently working on compatible accessories. Insurers vary in their requirements, both to meet their policy criteria and to receive discounts and deals. For more information, contact your individual provider.

8. When driving at night, if they hit you in the face with one long distant one, then you have:
- the high beam is not turned off;
- or something you have on so. Better stop right safe place and inspect the car.
There is another variation: a series of short signals with high beams.

9. The car in front turned on the emergency gang. Value options:
- you have high beams on, or your bulbs are too bright. Check if the far is on. If not, then it is better to either lag behind the car for a long distance, or overtake. In the second case, the vehicle ahead slows down, or even stops on the side of the road;
- something happened at the "leading" (ahead of the going vehicle). When overtaking, it will not be superfluous to ask him about the need for help (open the window, ask with gestures).

10. A few short presses on the brakes - "INCREASE THE DISTANCE!" Either you, or you are blinded by the light of the car behind you.

11. Single short "beeping" - "THANK YOU!" It is not used in settlements (according to traffic rules). Occurs rarely. More common - emergency.

12. Long beep accompanied by frequent blinking high beam means that you need to immediately pull over and stop because your car is out of order or there is danger ahead.

13. If the driver describes a circle with his hand and then points down, this means that one of the wheels on your car is not working properly.

14. If the driver points to the side of the road with his hand, this means that your car has breakdowns and you need to stop to prevent them.

15. If the driver's hand hits the air, this means that your car has an open trunk.

16. The driver's hand points to the car door - one of your doors is not tightly closed or something is stuck in the opening.

17. Before overtaking, you can blink briefly with a distant one, thereby showing the car in front that you are now going to overtake.

18. On the highway, at night, when the truck overtakes another car, the driver of the truck does not see whether he is ahead of the car or not. It is considered good manners if the driver of the car being overtaken blinks far, that the truck can complete the overtaking without hitting him. Again, on the highway at night, when someone overtakes you, switch to the nearest one as soon as the overtaking one catches up with you so as not to blind him through the mirror (not everyone understands this either, although this is clearly stated in the rules).

19. Turning off and on the headlights - "YOU FORGOT TO TURN ON THE DOWN LIGHT". It is used in the evening, when it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of traffic rules to turn on the low beam.

20. Both in fog and at night, it is desirable that the leader and the follower should change places every half hour. It's easy even with a stranger (if that one has a built-in thinker) - overtook - winked an emergency gang, like "thank you, now I'm tired - again blinked an emergency gang a couple of times and a right turn.

21. If you notice a stone or a third-party object between the slopes of the truck / wagon, show the muzzle to the driver of the heavy truck. This can be dangerous if a stone is thrown into the windshield behind an oncoming vehicle.

22. The driver, who forgot to turn off the turn signal, can blink alternately left, right turn signal. Another option is to stick your hand out the window, up and show contact with your index finger and thumb, or by squeezing the brush into a pinch and unclenching it.

23. If you see that the truck has shown a left turn in order to overtake on the rise, then you are kindly requested not to interfere with this, but to let it through. It is very difficult to disperse a loaded car on the rise, and it is very easy to “land” it to slow down.

24. When in front of oncoming traffic the car overtakes and the distance to you seems to be enough, but the car starts flashing briefly with high beams. This means that two or more cars are overtaking. In the daytime, you rarely see this, but in the dark and during precipitation, when it is difficult to estimate the distance to oncoming people, it happens. Often this happens when two cars go together. The leader often, going out to overtake, can understand that the follower will not have time only when this overtaking starts. The follower, on the other hand, sees only the dimensions of the leader and hopes for him and does not suspect at all about the current situation.

25. You overtook, successfully changed lanes, and the car in front of you takes a little to the right, first flashing the left turn signal twice, then the right one also twice - this means "overtake, you got into the column."

26. In Europe, it is simply taken as an axiom: on the autobahns, the cars in front start flashing emergency lights. Means "an obstacle ahead (traffic jam), sharply reduce speed."

Note #1. As a rule, "snowdrops" and "teapots" understand only the first two points. The application of other points of this "alphabet" to them is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

Note #2. Items 5, 6 and 7 - "get up" on the track.

Remark number 3. The use of emergency gangs (see paragraphs 6 and 7) is highly developed in Europe. As a result, we understand this mainly transnational trucks and buses.

Remark number 4. Regarding the traffic police warning, the following options are also possible: "I noticed that if traffic cops with a radar catch our lane, then 2 distant signals shine, and if they are already with a client or they graze the other side, then one."

Remark number 5. With that you may know these unspoken rules and perform them exemplarily, you are not 100% immune from some vile types that can annoy you with a false signal-setup. So ATTENTION, ATTENTION and again ATTENTION on the road. Decide to maneuver when you have good review on the road (straight, not bend and turn), suitable weather, normal pavement and when the performance characteristics of your car and your experience allow you to maneuver.

Let me summarize.

1. Do not forget about "gratitude" on the road. This not only cheers up (!), but also dramatically increases the desire to curtsy to others on the road (once again!). Do not forget that you, like others, love to be thanked.

2. Be attentive not only to yourself, but also to others. Imagine that you are leaking oil (gasoline, a flat tire, etc., etc.) and you may find yourself in difficult situation. And when you were at least warned: they beeped when overtaking / advancing, showed that something was wrong with you, etc. - then there may not be a problem at all. The same happens to everyone. Help them.

3. Everyone is equal on the road. Be thrice thieves - and you will find a bolt with a left-hand thread. Today you, tomorrow you. The trucker will not show that there is an oncoming lane in front, and then you will explain to the Almighty how you are so good.

4. And, most importantly, remember - everything comes back. How you treat is how you will be treated. And those who do not follow this rule - let them comprehend everything with their forehead and pocket.

P.S. I decided to add templates for "parcels" of the traffic police from harassment, like, "what are you signaling with your headlights?"

1. "I confused the windshield washer lever with the high beam."
2. "Sorry, I confused you with my friend."
3. "Pressed the wrong button."
4. "Dodged a stone (pothole) and accidentally hooked."
5. "You know, it seemed to me that you fell asleep at the wheel and now you will go to me, so I signaled to you"

Taken from the site "zabarankoi.ru"

5 years Tags: mutual understanding and mutual assistance on the roads!

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The emergency service of housing and communal services is designed to provide trouble-free and smooth operation all kinds of housing and communal facilities (electricity, water supply, gas networks, sewerage, and so on).

Among the tasks performed by the "emergency gang" is the organization and implementation of various measures to ensure the smooth functioning of housing and communal services, as well as the localization and elimination of malfunctions and accidents that occur on them. The emergency service dispatching office coordinates and controls the activities of its various divisions, accepts applications for the elimination of accidents and manages operational teams, coordinates the actions of emergency rescue teams with housing and other organizations.

Areas of responsibility of various services

The emergency service usually deals with all sorts of breakdowns and problems due to wear and tear of equipment, untimely (or insufficiently completed) capital or current repairs communications, unsatisfactory maintenance of the house as a whole and its engineering networks, as well as the impact of abnormal weather phenomena (too hard frost, rain, wind and so on).

So, the emergency service is called in case of: - damage to pipelines various systems engineering equipment (this applies to both the water utility and the gas network), which disrupt the functioning of these systems and cause damage to residential and auxiliary premises - that is, bursts of pipes for various purposes from old age or mechanical damage; - failures of the fittings of these systems (shut-off, control, water folding) - broken or leaking taps and similar problems; – blockages of the sewerage and garbage chutes;

- water ingress into the premises - leaks, pipe breaks;

- failure of electrical equipment: input-distribution devices, electrical cables (gust or damage), power outages in the apartment, entrance, building.

After arriving at the site and assessing the situation, employees of the city emergency service can also call other repair special services (if, for example, the gas or telephone network is damaged, the elevator does not work), contact the city water canal and other specialized utility companies. In houses managed by HOA, it is the partnership that is responsible for dealing with accidents. The city (district and so on) emergency service, in cooperation with public utilities, is obliged to deal with "street" and "yard" accidents.

Work cost

The emergency services are obliged to urgently ensure the liquidation emergency, to ensure the safety of citizens (including by fencing hazardous areas and even taking measures to resettle people from emergency dwellings). In this case, the departure of the brigade must occur within half an hour from the moment it was called by the dispatcher or citizens (in the latter case, the repairmen themselves notify the dispatcher of the departure).

When performing work, emergency teams are obliged to monitor their safety for people, their property and environment monitor compliance with safety and labor protection requirements. They must also take measures to prevent a recurrence of the emergency at the site.

In case of detection of damages (accidents) on the mains of water supply, heat supply, sewerage, telephone, underground electric power or network networks, as well as gas pipelines and gas equipment, introductory cabinets and transformer substations, service employees not only report this emergency services relevant utilities, but oversees their performance up to complete elimination accidents.

Almost all utility accidents should be eliminated free of charge. Exceptions are in-house accidents at homeowners and sometimes in-house accidents at facilities with a form of direct control.

Accident elimination standards

For each type of work, there are regulations, providing the order of their implementation, as well as the time for which the liquidation of the accident should be completed. The repair team informs the control room about their arrival at the scene, and then about the completion of work (all this is recorded in special logs).

So, only two hours are given for the following types of work: cleaning a sunbed or riser; replacement of a valve or faucet with cold or hot water; mixer replacement; elimination of leaks from plumbing equipment (without replacing it) or a riser (without replacing its sections); elimination of water leaks in stairwells or in the garbage chute; pumping out water from the basement; elimination of breakdowns of electrical networks, apparatus and devices.

In 4 hours, the team must cope: with the replacement of a section of a riser or pump, a radiator or a heated towel rail; installation of overdrives, insertion of cork taps in the heating riser; elimination of a leak from a cold water supply pipe (without replacing its section); welding work.

6 hours are provided for the elimination of leaks from the hot water pipeline, also without replacing its section;

Up to 8 hours, the emergency gang can work on replacing sections of pipelines, replacing a valve.

Of course, the standards depend on the scale of the problem: up to one daylight is allocated for improvement problems (replacing a light bulb in a lantern, a stolen or damaged manhole cover, eliminating a dried tree) or accidents that left one or several houses without electricity.

The elimination of breaks in the largest main communications can take up to 3 days, and the correction of damage from natural disaster- even longer.

The rules establish the following requirements for the operation of the vehicle:

  • warning triangle;
  • fire extinguisher.

These accessories are essential and can be purchased at any automotive store.

Absolutely every vehicle has. This signal can be turned on by pressing a special button, after which all direction indicators and two side repeaters will flash. That is, six orange bulbs come on at the same time.

If a situation occurs in which there will be serious interference with traffic (for example, a breakdown of a vehicle), it is necessary to turn on the emergency stop signal. Then try to stop the vehicle as close to the curb as possible.

In the event that the vehicle in front of you turned on the left turn, most often at trucks and buses (they have better visibility), this indicates that there is danger ahead and. As soon as the right turn lights up, you can safely go to overtake. The included brake lights in combination with a similar signal are most often used on narrow roads.

Situations in which the light alarm is turned on:

  1. While towing a motor vehicle.
  2. When the driver is blinded by headlights.
  3. When children are boarding and disembarking in the vehicle, in the event that the vehicle has an identification mark "Child transportation".
  4. Subject to the creation of the TC dangerous situation on road.

The red triangle, which, if necessary, is displayed by the driver on carriageway, is a warning triangle. Since it is able to reflect headlights, it will even be noticeable to traffic participants. The most correct solution in such a situation is to reduce the speed of the car.

The video shows how the emergency stop car alarm works:

Situations in which an emergency sign is set:

  1. Traffic accident.
  2. Forced cessation of movement in places where it is prohibited.
  3. Forced stop in places where the vehicle cannot be seen in advance by other road users.

Actions of the driver in the above situations

An alarm is immediately activated, a red triangle is placed on the roadway, and only after that all other manipulations are performed. In the same way, it is necessary to act in the event of a forced cessation of the movement of the car in places prohibited for this. In settlements, the red triangle is set at a distance of 15 meters from the car, outside settlements distance should be 30 meters.

Many motorists have come across, some have seen it only from the side - when towing vehicles? You understand, here it is necessary to maintain a distance (4-6 meters) between vehicles. Maneuvers in this case are limited: acceleration is prohibited, and braking is only smooth. While driving, both drivers on their cars must turn on the headlights, and on the towed motor vehicle in addition, an alarm is activated.

According to the rules, if the towed car has such an alarm in out of order, on his back an emergency sign! Attach it in such a way that government number remained open.

The video tells how and in what cases it is necessary to set an emergency stop sign:

Most right action- this is a smooth stop of the car, which is carried out by first turning on the emergency light signaling, and reduce the speed to a complete cessation of movement. After the blinding vehicle has passed, you can start driving on average speed and only after that turn off the "emergency gang".

Buses for transporting children must be equipped with identification marks. You yourself understand that children are a separate case and, leaving the bus, they can simply forget that they are on the roadway, so in this case, the alarm is sure to turn on. In this way, who will bypass this bus is warned to be extremely careful and must take precautions.

The rules do not describe all the specific cases when it is possible to rationally use the "emergency gang" of the car, but they allow drivers to turn it on in those situations if they, at their discretion, consider that this action is appropriate in this situation.

The ability to drive vehicles and, it would seem, is enough to enter the roadway, but there are some conventions of behavior on the road, invented by motorists. Car lights originally intended only to illuminate the road at night, today they are used to communicate on the road with other road users. Emergency Signal a car can help in individual cases, so each driver must additionally know the language of motorists. More information about safety signs, identification signals in the language of motorists can be found on our website. We will be glad to be regular guests, and special thanks for your comments. You can ask your questions, our team will answer them.

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