Emergency service on the roads. Emergency roadside assistance

Emergency service on the roads. Emergency roadside assistance


Angel - car assistance, range and geography of services

Teams of specialists are dispersed throughout the Moscow districts in such a way as to provide assistance to the car as quickly as possible. Most of the brigades are located in the Central Administrative District, ZAO, South Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District. A little less in the South-Eastern and South-Western districts, in all other districts and districts there are also several brigades. Roadside assistance for breakdowns in the Moscow region may take a little longer to arrive. At the same time, our employees will choose the shortest path and will definitely find a solution to any problems that arise.

We work with domestic cars, foreign brands: Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Lexus, Land Rover. We have everything you need to service German car brands BMW, Mercedes. American vehicles: Ford, Lincoln, Cadillac and Chevrolet are easily restored by our employees on site or delivered to a car service. We also work with French and numerous Korean brands. Car assistance on the road is provided to both cars and trucks around the clock.

Work organization

  • The company has a staff of qualified drivers and auto mechanics for car repairs, towing and delivery on a tow truck.
  • The crews are equipped with all the necessary equipment for tire fitting, changing wheels, unlocking the alarm, warming up engines in the winter, and various other road troubles.
  • If necessary, fuel, antifreeze, engine oil, spare parts, batteries for your car model will be delivered to you.

First of all, employees always try to restore the independent movement of the machine. If this is not possible, a car service with quality service is chosen for serious repair procedures. Our regular customers can count on personal discounts.

Benefits of ordering from us

Koleso-master is a large company with a good organization of work. This guarantees fast processing of orders and availability of prices. The scale of the network of services allows you to instantly reach your destination. The qualification of operators contributes to a clear limitation of the list of probable tasks and the preparation of everything necessary to solve them.

The skills of specialists make it possible to restore equipment right on the road in a short time, if this is technically feasible. A wide range of services limits the solution of all problems with one call, if it is impossible to restore the course, the assistance team will organize the towing, the evacuation too. You just need to dial the company number, report the problem, localization, make, model and year of manufacture of the car.

The desire to have a car and use it to the fullest is often associated with various things. Out of our control and unfavorable life situations. For example, the battery is discharged or frozen, as a result of which the car cannot move.

Yes, and heat sometimes affects the battery worse than cold. They forgot to check for antifreeze, and brought the battery to overheat. It happens much worse. Due to an oversight of the quality of the wiring, the car spontaneously ignited and you got stuck on the road, not knowing where to turn. In such force majeure circumstances, it is necessary as a sip of water in the desert. What to do in such moments and where to turn for help you will learn from this article.

We offer roadside assistance around the clock

First, let's find out what technical assistance around the clock different from a normal call private auto electrician. INvisiting auto electrician will provide services 24 hours a day on holidays and weekends. But, as inexorable practice shows, it is in the evening and at night that unpleasant situations occur. Associated with an increase in the number of vehicles on the roads. In big cities and a decrease in the concentration of attention among drivers after a hard day's work. Special problems on the roads often occur on the eve of holidays and holidays.

Roadside assistance as a lifeline for a drowning person, it will solve the problems that have arisen, despite the widespread fun and carelessness. The number of holidays and weekends per year is on average 1.5 months. And this is not a small number.
According to the latest statistics, the increase in road accidents is associated with one of the most common factors - the poor condition of roads. Due to repair work to improve the quality of roads, the accident rate decreased by 6.3% compared to the first half of 2014.

But do not relax, because there is no 100% guarantee of the absence of accidents yet. And here to get roadside assistance around the clock quite possibly thanks to our team of vigilant professionals. At any time of the day or night will provide all possible assistance in the event of a breakdown of the car. Interferences such as: bad weather, holidays, weekends and night time are not a reason for refusing to leave.

offers a wide range of services

Technical assistance Moscow will save you from hopeless situations and solve many problems. Since these services are for sale, it is necessary to carry a sufficient amount of money with you, especially if you are going to travel a long distance. If you are close to home, then the payment method will not be difficult. Of course, one can rely on kind people or on the “Russian chance”, but the practical side of life dictates its own real conditions.

Here is a list of our services that successfully help to cope with various difficulties:

1. Tire fitting. If for some reason you do not have a spare wheel at hand, our specialists will change the damaged wheel or carry out minor repairs at the scene. In this way, you will significantly save time and effort;
2. Minor repairs without replacement of components or forced disassembly of the engine will take a little time, but will help to avoid wrong actions on your part.
3. will charge the battery at the highest level and solve the most common problem with stopping the car. Special technical devices available visiting auto electrician, bring the battery to working condition, and you continue your journey. Other wiring damage will also be repaired;
4. Computer diagnostics of a car reveals various violations in the operation of the vehicle. Deficiencies discovered in this way are quickly eliminated and bring the vehicle into working condition;
5. If the specialists cannot restore the car at the place of breakdown, then our tow truck will deliver the damaged car to the service station in a timely manner.
Roadside assistance will make your journey pleasant and painless. You can always rely on proven and reliable people who are ready to carry out quality car repairs in any situation. Having received professional help, you will remember your trip only from the positive side. Bon Voyage.

Service name price, rub. Note
Removing locks from car wheels (without welding) 500-1300 a piece, price depends on the complexity of dismantling, determined during the inspection***
Delivery of gasoline, diesel fuel (diesel fuel) 1500 the price for the service includes only the cost of departure, fuel is paid separately (by check)
Warm up the engine, warm up the car with a heat gun** 2000 no more than 60 minutes, then 1000 rubles / hour. Depending on the external conditions and the car, it may take from 1 to 3 hours of work
Light up a car with a gasoline engine up to 2.5l, charge the battery on-site** 1500 the battery is available, the terminals are in good condition, the battery is being charged from the ROM start-charger
Light up a car with a gasoline engine with a volume of more than 2.5 liters, start a car with a battery in the trunk, under the seat without the ability to connect to the power terminals (light up the battery)** 2000 direct access is not possible when the battery is located in the trunk, under the seat, etc., in the absence of the output terminal, or its inoperability
Light up a car with a diesel engine, light up a battery with departure 2000
Light up a truck, light up a truck battery with departure 3000 the battery is available, the terminals are in good condition, lighting the car from the start-charger PZU
Opening doors blocked by alarms. Light up a car with the hood locked** 3000 no more than 60 minutes, direct access is not possible when the battery is located in the trunk, under the seat, etc.
Lifting the car lying on the hubs (removed wheels) 2000 if the client purchased wheels that are not suitable for this car, the minimum cost of departure is paid - 1500 rubles)
Warming up (drying) of spark plugs, rubles/pc. 300 if there is access and the ability to unscrew
Bulgarian work from 300 determined on examination.
Welding from 300 determined on examination.
Towing a car on a flexible hitch up to 30 km 2000 with a working brake and steering system, over 30 km additionally 30 rubles / km
Car evacuation (tow truck Krasnogorsk, Moscow) 2500 in Moscow, outside the Moscow Ring Road - 30 rubles / km
* In case of performance of work not specified in the list, or with an increase in the specified time, the cost is calculated based on the price of 1000 rubles per hour. The cost of the service does not include departure, you can check the cost of departure on the main page or from the operator by phone: +7 (926) 55-202-33.
from 8:00 to 23:00 - 1500 rubles
The minimum cost of the ordered services (including the cost of departure) from 23:00 to 8:00 — 2000 rubles
** Includes the cost of driving within the Moscow Ring Road, in the Krasnogorsk district, along Volokolamskoye, Novorizhskoye, Rublevskoye highways to the Small Concrete Ring.
*** Damage to the paintwork disc is possible in case of a small diameter of the well and a significant deepening of the lock.

Roadside assistance is a motorist's guardian angel on the roads of Moscow and the region!

We offer 24-hour roadside assistance, which is a set of services aimed at solving a number of problems that are typical for both the winter and summer seasons:
- light a car (charge the car battery with a charger);
- removal of locks (bolts, lock nuts);
- warming up the engine, warm the car with a heat gun;
- heating candles;
- towing the car to the service;
- tow truck;
- delivery of gasoline, diesel fuel (diesel fuel).

Light up a car
- Car battery charging
- The battery is dead, how to start the car?
- The battery is dead, how to open the car?
Why does a car battery run out?
- How to light a battery?
Remove the secret
- What are locks (bolts, nuts)?
- How to remove the secret?
- Lock nuts
- Security bolts
- Methods and cost of removing locks

- Is the engine frozen?
- How to warm up the car?
- The car is frozen, what should I do?
- Starting the engine at low temperatures
- Warm up the engine with a heat gun
- Frozen lock in the car?
tow truck
- 24-hour evacuation of cars in Moscow
- Order a tow truck (region)
- Evacuator 24 Krasnogorsk

What is towing?
- Tow truck or towing?
- Cost of towing

Sometimes circumstances prevent us from solving current worries and planned plans due to fatal accidents that happen all the time, especially on domestic roads. It happens that you are in a hurry to an important business meeting, an airport, a matinee to a child or the first call, and everything breaks down due to the breakdown of your own car. Annoying? Not the right word, to say the least! And if your own car has suddenly become in the middle of the Nizhny Novgorod highway, and there is not a soul around and it starts to get dark, and in addition the frost is cracking, then there is no time for jokes! There remains only hope for the last call, the cherished number of which, just in case, is recorded and stored in a secret pocket of the jacket - this is the contact number mobile tire fitting Wheelma- providing assistance on the road to lonely motorists, from whom changeable Fortune turned away this evening!
Operational roadside assistance Moscow and Moscow suburbs is the field of professionals field tire fitting capable of reanimating any car!

Wheelma roadside assistance

What is roadside assistance?

A car on the road often breaks down and brings a lot of trouble to its owner. The timely arrival of a qualified team of mobile tire fitting specialists on wheels is an angel of technical assistance on the road, which is always welcome for motorists who are in trouble.

The essence of providing technical assistance 24 is, first of all, conducting primary diagnostics and searching for the causes of a car malfunction. In addition to diagnostics, our specialists of various profiles will eliminate minor malfunctions, among which the following list of works should be highlighted:
Diagnosis of the causes of breakdowns and elimination of the identified malfunctions on the spot.
Diagnosis of malfunction and evacuation of the car to eliminate the breakdown in the workshop.
Engine fault repair:
- emergency start of the unit
- ignition lock repair
- repair or complete replacement of the carburetor
Steering and running gear diagnostics:
- quick wheel change
- dismantling of damaged ball bearings and installation of a serviceable set.
Troubleshooting electrical equipment and replacement:
sensors, light bulbs, fuses, fuel pump, generator, relay, replacement and resuscitation of a faulty battery.
Checking and adjusting the brake system:
Replacement of filters, branch pipes, rubber belts.

In addition to the indicated services of minor repairs, most often you have to open cars, turn off the alarm, organize the dispatch of the car with the help of a tow truck.

Auto technical assistance 24 hours for motorists on the roads provides emergency removal of the car from the parking lot with prompt departure to any point Moscow and nearby suburbs of the capital.

Among the most requested services is the procedure for lighting a car, which is relevant in case of a dead and inoperable battery. Help lies in recharging a dead battery using a starter charger and wires equipped with alligator clips by attaching them to the terminals of a dead battery. During recharging, energy is transferred through the wires to the faulty battery, which is thus recharged. The method is very effective and widely used in practice.

Advantages of mobile ambulance roadside assistance:

Mobile roadside assistance employs qualified specialists who are professionals in their field, with vast experience in solving problems of motorists in everyday realities. Mobile technical assistance is equipped with modern technical equipment, provides computer diagnostics of the components and mechanisms of the "iron horse" within an hour, eliminates minor malfunctions by professionals that have caused a forced stop and immobilization of the car on the road.

Specialists have extensive experience in troubleshooting cars of a wide variety of brands and modifications.

Why choose mobile technical assistance services on the roads of Moscow?

The service for providing prompt assistance to cars stuck on the capital's roads operates around the clock, will immediately arrive to eliminate problems and malfunctions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A distinctive feature of the service is the provision of assistance to drivers on intercity routes near the capital.

The reputation of Wheelma technical assistance has been formed over the years and positive feedback from grateful customers.

If you are used to quickly solving problems that have arisen, then seek help from mobile technical assistance professionals who will never let a client down!

Major Assistance offers to feel complete confidence on the route. It is enough for the motorist to call our specialists, and they will do everything possible to ensure that the technical problems that have arisen are eliminated. High efficiency, efficiency and absolute client comfort are our professional credo.

Roadside Assistance Service - Major Assistance

In case of damage to the car, equipment failure, lack of fuel, our roadside assistance service will almost immediately come to the rescue. We will fix the problem on the spot, which will allow you to continue on your way. If the breakdown is serious and it cannot be repaired on the spot, we will deliver your vehicle to the nearest Major technical service center using a tow truck. All centers of our company are equipped with high-tech equipment, and the staff has an impeccable reputation in the market.

Evacuation within the framework of this service is not carried out if the vehicle has visible damage that is not recorded by acts of the authorized bodies, and also if the person with the authority to drive is in a state of intoxication.

Technical assistance on the road in Moscow and the Moscow region

We provide assistance on the roads of Moscow in any weather, around the clock. In the process of accepting the application, our operators do their best to identify the nature of the malfunction and send the optimal composition of specialists and a set of equipment to the place. We guarantee prompt processing of the call, the minimum time for the arrival of qualified employees at the accident site, high-precision diagnostics, and the effective elimination of identified defects.

Troubleshooting on the track involves:

  • implementation of measures to start the power unit using external sources;
  • ensuring refueling of the car with fuel mass (except for gas fuel);
  • on-board electronics repair;
  • opening the hood, doors, luggage compartment of the vehicle;
  • unlocking mechanical anti-theft systems;
  • disabling the immobilizer;
  • removing the car from the parking lot (in order to prepare an evacuation event);
  • unlocking automatic transmission;
  • charging or changing the battery;
  • repair of the ignition lock;
  • provision of mobile tire fitting services (including complex replacement of wheels with balancing, repair of punctures with the application of a tourniquet).

Attempts to eliminate damage and breakdowns directly at the accident site will be undertaken by our specialists in all cases, except for those that create a risk of violating warranty obligations.

5 reasons to order technical assistance from Major Assistance

When contacting our company for technical assistance, customers receive serious competitive advantages, including providing:

  • high-quality expert-level team support around the clock;
  • the possibility of departure of specialists in the territory of Moscow and in the Moscow region (50 km from the Moscow Ring Road);
  • performing repairs directly at the accident site (if it is not possible, a guarantee of delivery of the vehicle to the service center using a tow truck);
  • balanced pricing policy;
  • effective search for a faulty car using GPS-navigators.

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