When was the first car invented? The most important events in the automotive industry

When was the first car invented? The most important events in the automotive industry


In every person, the new arouses interest and admiration. And the world's first steam-powered car is no exception. Of course, such a unit with a stretch can be called a car, but the fact that it doesn’t even turn on the tongue. After all, we are used to considering such a vehicle as a compact, easy-to-handle and, to some extent, reliable machine.

And such a “self-propelled cart” of the 19th century does not fit this description at all. In addition, these machines are mainly mass-produced to ensure the movement of a wide range of people. Of course, this cannot be said about those single copies that were produced at that time.
However, time passed, and no changes were visible in the structure of the cars. One might think that the evolutionary mechanisms of such a sphere of human activity have reached a dead end. However, with the invention of the engine internal combustion the situation has changed radically.

In 1885, the whole world saw the world's first car, Karl Benz. It was a three-wheeled vehicle that looked more like an invention of some kind of “bush”. It was powered by a gasoline engine. In the same year, Daimler introduced a bicycle with a motor to the world, and a year later, a “carriage” powered by motor traction.

Karl Benz's first car

The first "swallow"

The first person to invent the automobile was Karl Benz. In 1886, the first occurred as a patented vehicle. He received wide public recognition, which resulted in the industrial production of such machines. This miracle of technical thought was a three-wheeled vehicle, with a 1.7-liter engine, which had a horizontal arrangement.

Attention was drawn to the huge flywheel located at the rear of the car. Management was carried out using a T-shaped steering wheel.

This stage of history takes a significant leap forward because the founder of Benza offered the buyer a ready and usable car.

And Daimler was the very first to be able to put into production a functionally equipped car engine.

The advantage of such a car was the use of water cooling. In this case, the flywheel and the engine were located horizontally. Crankshaft was open. From the engine, power was transferred to a simple differential through chains and a belt, and then to the rear wheels.

The main breakthrough in design thought in such a car should be considered the use of an intake valve, which had mechanical drive and ignition by electricity. At the initial stage, the engine had 985 cc. centimeters of working volume. Still, this was not enough even to accelerate such a machine.

Therefore, in the first cars, they added engine power up to 1.7 liters and installed two-stage box gears. Over time, the power increased four times and amounted to 2.5. Summing up, I would like to say that the speed of the first car was 19 km / h, which for that time was simply amazing.

However, Karl was not satisfied with such indicators, so he began looking for new options. technical solution. Such perseverance of the progenitor of the car led to the fact that his brainchild acted in racing competitions London-to-Brighton Run, reaching an average speed of 13 km/h. Mass production of the car began in 1890.

Three years later, Benz comes out with a four-wheeled vehicle because three wheels have just become old fashioned. However, not taking into account the slowness and primitiveness of such machines, they were simple, accessible for maintenance and repair, and also served for more than one year.

After a while, two-cylinder modifications appeared. Still, the founder of the company, basically, adhered to the original technical solution for his machines.

Despite this, the four-wheeled "Benz" continued to be produced until 1901. And although this design was imperfect, as many as 2,300 copies of the machines were sold.

1909 was a year of great hardship for Benz. Therefore, against the will of the head of the company, they assembled a group of engineers from France and designed an improved car model. They tried to put it into production, but it failed.

And in 1903, Karl decided to forget about his priorities and offered to the market, improved with an in-line arrangement of cylinders. After the launch of this "hybrid" car, the company's business gradually began to improve.

The incomprehensible Henry Ford

Henry Ford is considered a real revolutionary in the production of cars that would be available to everyone. Ford had a dream. From the time he created a hybrid bicycle and car in 1896, his idea was to create a cheap car.

Of course, he was not the first to invent the “cart without a horse.” However, Ford was able to embody in his machines all the achievements of mankind over several centuries.

Ford's success was in the discoveries of such famous inventors as: Lenoir, Otto and Maybach.

Daimler cars

Daimler in 1886 tried to create his first model, using as strength element horse carriage. And although he had the basic details of a primitive design, however, the single-cylinder engine was the prototype of modern engines.

Daimler turned out to be a reserved and patient designer, unlike the founder of Benz. He did not rush forward, but made his first functional car called "Daimler" only in 1889. This car was put into production in 1895.

Together with him, the company was engaged in the production of its own engines. Such a policy created a prerequisite for the release of new, technically advanced models. Among them are the French "Peugeot" and "Panhard".

In 1889, the first car was born, which developed a speed of 80 km / h, which was huge for that time. It consisted of a four-cylinder engine with 24 horsepower. It was a bulky, heavy, poorly controlled and unsafe vehicle.

Unique "Mercedes"

Therefore, the next steps of the company were aimed at reducing the weight and handling of the car. In this regard, it is not surprising that there were people who would like to have such a car in their garage.

As a result, the world saw a model named after Daimler's daughter - Mercedes. She, leaving the workshops of the factory in 1900, became the prototype modern machines. Therefore, which first car would not be considered interesting, yet only from that time they began to produce something similar to it.

The first car of the Mercedes series, model 1901

After all, the Mercedes model was able to combine elements such as:

  • the ability to change gears;
  • honeycomb radiator;
  • ignition using low voltage and a magnet;
  • low-mounted stamped frame;
  • mechanical drive for intake valves(Which was later abandoned.)

The total number of such innovations gave Mercedes many advantages, the main of which should be considered increased reliability and obedience during its operation. They gained especially reliability, and the quality of the entire “unit” was enthusiastically discussed all over the world. Of course, this model was not assembled in the same way as the first car.

The year 1904 is significant for the appearance of the Mercedes-Simplex. It has an excellent four-cylinder engine (5.3 liters) with valves located on the sides. Even today it cannot be called old-fashioned.

Interestingly, Daimler and Benz never saw each other, but constantly competed. Ironically, in 1926, when the inventors were no longer alive, their companies merged to form Daimler-Benz.

The Australians, in turn, prove that the inventor of the first car was not Benz or Daimler, but Siegfried Markus. It was this inventor who built the car, which has recently been taken under protection as a state monument.

The car was made from 1875 to 1889. It is impossible to determine the exact date until the main components of the chassis and engine are studied. However, Marcus' machine is indeed very ancient.

Therefore, whoever was the first inventor of the car, still Markus, Daimler and Benz were moving in the same direction and this is the main thing. What do you think?

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First, let's find out what a car is. Translated from the Greek "autos" - itself and "mobilis" - mobile. In European languages, they began to use the word "auto-mobile", which in translation into Russian meant "mobile". Now let's see who invented the car, who should be thanked for this irreplaceable miracle!

First cars:

Who invented the first car? The earliest drawings of a car, or rather a self-propelled device, belong to the notorious Leonardo Da Vinci. In 1490, he designed a spring-powered cart. But like many other developments of Da Vinci, the car went unnoticed. The next one who decided to create a self-propelled wagon was the Frenchman Joseph Cugno. In 1770 he built a tricycle with steam engine for the transport of artillery pieces. This invention is considered the "grandfather" of all cars, as well as steam locomotives. But like the invention of Leonardo da Vinci, Joseph Cunju's steam engine was not widely used. After 19 years American inventor Oliver Evans invented a four-wheeled carriage that weighed about 19 tons, and after another 2 years, the Russian scientist Ivan Kulibin built a cart that was driven by a flywheel. In order for the car to drive, the driver needed to spin the flywheel, which distinguished the invention of our compatriot from the inventions of other scientists, this is the fact that this wagon already had a brake, rolling bearings and a gearbox.

Who was the first to invent a car that runs on gasoline

The world's first gasoline engine appeared in 1883, it was invented by Gottlieb Daimler. But who invented the first car? A few years later, the inventor Karl Benz was the first in the world to build a three-wheeled car that was equipped with a gasoline engine. It was Karl Benz who fulfilled all 4 conditions in order to become the rightful owner of the title "creator of the world's first car." Here are the 4 conditions:

  1. Vehicle design development.
  2. Registration of a patent.
  3. Building a prototype and testing it in public.
  4. Organization of production.

Thanks to all these conditions, Benz is officially considered the inventor of the car, but Gottlieb Daimler was the first to come up with a gasoline engine. But this did not prevent the two inventors from creating a joint company and producing cars that became known in honor of Daimler's daughter, Mercedes.

The history of the car is described in many books in all languages ​​of the world. In each book, the authors report that in such and such a year in such and such a city, such and such an inventor built the first self-propelled carriage. In search of a name for the new machine, the inventor turned to Latin and Greek, the classical languages ​​of science. In Greek, "self" will be "autos", and "mobile" in Latin - "mobilis". So the newborn car got its name.

French authors see the beginning of the history of the automobile in a late 18th century steam wagon built in Paris; English - in steam stagecoaches that cruised the roads of England in the first half of the 19th century; German - in "horseless carriages" with internal combustion engines that appeared in Germany in the 80s of the 19th century. The most "backward" are the representatives of the "car nation" - the Americans. Mentioning only in passing about the various European, Chinese, Egyptian predecessors of the car, they describe in detail its development, starting from the very end of the 19th century, from the gasoline carts of their compatriots - Hines, Ford, Olds.

Russian historians could begin their story at any stage in the development of the car - with Kulibin's muscle-strength scooter, which anticipated the scheme of the first gasoline cars; from the invention of Polzunov the first universal motor- continuous steam engine; from the construction of an engine for liquid fuel at the Okhtenskaya shipyard in St. Petersburg or from the “gasoline cart” of Putilov and Khlobov.

But more often than not, and quite rightly, they begin the history of the automobile at a very early stage, with the appearance of carts driven by the muscles of passengers. Such wagons were built in the 16th-18th centuries in Russia and in other countries.

Automobile predecessors. What did the car get from them?

Wagons of all kinds gave the automobile wheels with axles, springs and brakes. On steam stagecoaches, scooters and bicycles, individually turning front wheels were tried. There were also applied:

  • differential - a mechanism that allowed the rotation of wheels mounted on the same axle, with different speeds;
    chain transmission;
  • solid rubber and even air-filled tires.

The articulated control system, conceived for horse-drawn and steam-powered vehicles, was also adapted to the automobile.

From metal-cutting machines, the car received a gearbox.

Even the ships and those invested their mite in the design of the car: he moved from the ships to the car universal joint, used for a long time to install a compass. Finally, an engine appeared, created at first not for a car, but for mining, pumps, factory power plants.

Among the predecessors of the car, we see various cars, including self-propelled carts: steam stagecoaches, scooters, bicycles. But we don't usually call them cars. The true mass trackless self-propelled vehicle, which we now call a car, became possible only as a result of the development of an industry capable of producing complex mechanisms in large quantities, and in the presence of light, economical, always ready for action powerful engine. Such an engine over the past decades, no doubt, is the internal combustion engine. No wonder millions of cars are equipped with petrol and diesel engines, and steam and electricity are used as a driving force for cars so far only on a few thousand cars. Therefore, the statements of some historians that if Ford had at one time been engaged in steam cars, then maybe all cars would now be steam, are completely absurd.

Perhaps someday mass cars will move using the energy of splitting atoms or the energy of currents. high frequency transmitted over a distance. Let's not lose sight of these prospects. But the modern car and the car of the near future are inextricably linked with an internal combustion engine running on liquid or gaseous fuels.

The very first steam powered cars

Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of the Jesuit community in China, built the first steam powered car around 1672 as a toy for the Chinese emperor. The car was small and could not carry a driver or passenger, but it may have been the first working steam transport.

In 1770 and 1771 Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot demonstrated his experimental steam powered artillery tractor. fardier and vapeur(steam cart). Such a car could reach speeds of up to four and a half kilometers per hour on the road, but it only had enough water and steam for only twelve minutes of movement.

To ensure the movement of the car, it was necessary to fill the boiler with water and light a fire under it, since it did not have its own firebox. The engineer carried out the order of the French military, namely the Minister of War Etienne Francois. During the tests, there were several accidents, and the project was closed. The first car had significant drawbacks - an inefficient braking system, the need for frequent stops for ignition of the furnace, rapid pressure drop in the boiler.

Photo. "Small Cart Kuno" - prototype modern car

In 1802, the English inventor Watt presented his version of the car, which developed speeds on a straight road up to fifteen kilometers per hour. In 1790, the American Nathan Reed presented his model of a steam car. Another American, Oliver Evans, created an amphibious vehicle fourteen years later.

In the nineteenth century, having become widespread, steam-powered cars were used to transport people. The person who controlled it was called the driver, the one who kindled the steam boiler was called the driver. It should be noted that cars have been improved many times, but remained very inconvenient for operation. by the most famous cars the second half of the nineteenth century were "Curts" and "Mansel". Their speed did not exceed thirty-five kilometers. These cars are called the forerunners of the first real cars.

Rice. First amphibious vehicle

Even after the advent of internal combustion engines, enthusiasts and admirers of cars with steam engines continued to use them, making a number of improvements. It was possible to reduce the engine start time to sixty seconds. It is known that until the forties of the twentieth century, Europe and the United States continued to produce buses and trucks with steam engines, which were distinguished by low noise and smoothness.

The first cars with an internal combustion engine

The inventor of the internal combustion engine is E. Lenoir, who in 1860 was the first to create an engine in which fuel was burned inside the engine cylinder. This invention played essential role in the automotive industry. The first car with such an engine appeared in 1886. Its creator is G. Daimler. A few months later, the world met with tricycle K. Benz. Gradually, new cars began to replace more bulky cars with steam engines. Thus, the year 1886 is officially recognized as the year of birth of the car.

Rice. E. Lenoir - the inventor of the internal combustion engine

Nine years after the invention and registration of a patent for the first car with an internal combustion engine, G. Daimler managed to launch mass production functional car "Daimler". Karl Benz also did not lag behind and began the industrial production of his "brainchild". Thus began the mass production of cars. In 1892, a car built by G. Ford appeared, but only eleven years later he began its mass production.

Photo. First stock cars"Daimler"

Since 1894, car races began to be held, which in turn also influenced the development of the automotive industry. So, at the first arranged races maximum speed the car reached twenty-four kilometers, five years later it reached seventy kilometers, and after another five years - one hundred kilometers per hour. Already in 1900, special racing cars began to be produced.

The first car in Russia

The first Russian car appeared in St. Petersburg in 1896. The carriage itself was built by Frese and Co. and resembled a foreign design with some improvements, namely, it was distinguished by the presence of rubber tires and a durable elegant finish. The engine for the car was built at the St. Petersburg Kerosene and gas engines E. Yakovleva. They tried to make the cost of the car such that the Russian car could compete in price with similar representatives of Europe.

Photo. The first Russian car of Frese and Co.

For the first time this two-seater crew with a gasoline engine (the car of Yakovlev and Frese) was presented at an exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. It is known that on a flat bridge a car could reach speeds of up to twenty miles per hour, while refueling was enough for ten hours of movement.

Photo. Presentation of the first domestic car Frese and Co. in Nizhny Novgorod

The idea of ​​​​creating the first Russian car arose back in 1893 at the World Columbian Exhibition, where Yakovlev engines and Frese crews were presented. The embodiment of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a car was presented only three years later at the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition.

The first electric vehicles

The electric car appeared before the internal combustion engine. The first electric car in the form of a cart with an electric motor was created in 1841.

In 1899, in St. Petersburg, a Russian nobleman and engineer-inventor, Ippolit Romanov, created the first Russian electric omnibus for 17 passengers. His general layout was borrowed from English cabs, where the driver was located on high goats behind the passengers. The crew was double and four-wheeled, the front wheels were larger in diameter than the rear ones. The first electric car used lead battery Bari system, which had 36 cans (voltaic poles). He required recharging every 60 miles (~ 64 kilometers). The total power of the car was 4 horsepower. The development of the crew was borrowed from the models of the American company Morris-Salom, which has been producing cars since 1898. The electric car changed the speed in nine gradations from 1.6 to 37.4 km/h. Romanov also developed a map of urban routes for these progenitors of modern trolleybuses and received a work permit. However, he could not find the necessary investments, so the business did not develop.

On April 29 or May 1, 1899, a special bullet-body electric car La Jamais Contente, driven by racing driver Camille Genazzi, was the first to break the 100-kilometer (62 mph) speed barrier on land. The official speed record was 105.882 km/h. Later, the famous American electric car designer Walter Baker reached a speed of 130 km/h. The record for longest range on a single charge was set by an electric car from Borland Electric, which traveled 103.8 miles (167 km) from Chicago to Milwaukee. The next day (after recharging), the electric car returned to Chicago under its own power. The average speed was 55 km/h.

The car, as we know, was not invented in one day and not by one inventor. The history of the automotive industry reflects the evolution of science and technology. It is estimated that there are currently over 100,000 patents in the world dedicated to the modern car. However, we will indicate the first, most important steps in the automotive industry.

The car has become so deeply rooted in the life of a modern person over the past 100 years that few people can imagine a day without a car. People many hundreds of years ago dreamed of a self-propelled wagon. Tales about Emelya on the stove, etc. existed long before the first experiments and works of inventors. But thanks to the historical annals, we will try to briefly follow the development of the modern car. The first ideas and theoretical reasoning were laid down by Leonardo Da Vinci and Isaac Newton. Imagine, Da Vinci's inventions really work. More recently, modern scientific enthusiasts, according to surviving sketches and drawings, have recreated a working prototype. self-propelled vehicle invented by a great artist and inventor (see video). If we turn on fantasy a little and assume that Da Vinci would have created in our time, we would most likely have already flown on intergalactic starships.


In 1769, a military tractor became the first self-propelled road vehicle. It was invented by the French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot Cugnot (1725 - 1804). Monsieur Cugno used a steam engine to propel his car, built under his direction in Paris at the Arsenal factory. The first steam cars - History of cars and tuning.

Prototype car - Steam-powered bicycle! The unique tractor was used by the French army to transport artillery at a tremendous speed of 2.5 miles per hour on three wheels at that time. The car had to be stopped every ten or fifteen minutes in order to accumulate steam energy and add coal. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the rest of the "car" and were located at the front (see engraving below).

The following year (1770), Monsieur Cugnot built a steam-powered tricycle that could carry four passengers.

The principle of operation of the steam engine: During the combustion of fuel, water is heated in the boiler and steam is created. The steam in turn pushes the pistons. The pistons rotate the crankshaft directly connected to the wheels on the principle of a locomotive pair.

Curious! First accident happened in 1771. Monsieur Cugnot drives one of his creations into a stone wall, becoming the first ever participant in a traffic accident involving a car. This case was the beginning of a series of failures of the unlucky inventor. Unexpectedly for Nicolas Cugno, one of his investors dies, the second is sent into exile. Money for production and experiments ran out very quickly. At that moment, the direction of steam engines developed very rapidly. Rail transport (video - The Arrival of the Train. The Lumiere Brothers.) and shipbuilding contributed to the steam age on a much more powerful scale.

But let's not forget that it was Nicolas Cugno who was the first to be able to build the most successful prototype of a car, even if it looked so much like a steam locomotive.

It's funny, but the fact is that the terms "driver" and "chauffeur" did not mean the same thing at all. The driver is the one who drives the car, and the "chauffeur" is the one who maintains the fire in the furnace and monitors the steam.

However, steam engines had a lot of problems.

The huge weight of the boiler and the terrifying design made the first cars look like devilish chariots. Smoke, soot, hissing terrified civilians. In addition, the horses, seeing the apparatus spewing steam and rumbling all over the street, lost their mind and became uncontrollable. Pavements could not withstand the huge weight of bulky machines and so on.

These facts became an obstacle to progress, but could not stop it.

The driver of such a chariot, having driven a couple of kilometers, looked more like a stoker and today causes pity and a smile.

  • Nicolas Cugno's car was improved by the Frenchman Onesiphore Pecqueur, who also invented the first differential.
  • In 1789, the first US patent for a steam engine was filed by Oliver Evans.
  • In 1801, in the UK, Richard Trevitchik built a road to transport goods along it in steam-powered vehicles.
  • The first Russian steam locomotive was built by father and son Cherepanov at the Nizhny Tagil plant. The Cherepanovs steam locomotive was used to transport ore with a total weight of 3.5 tons at a speed of about 13 km. at one o'clock.

  • In Great Britain, from 1820 to 1840, there were steam stagecoaches for the urgent postal service. Which were later banned on carsabundant public roads. This ban served as an impetus for the organization of the first railway In Great Britain.
  • A steam locomotive in 1850 (built by Carl Deitz) transported for the first time several passenger cars around Paris and Bordeaux
  • In the United States, numerous steam locomotives were built from 1860 to 1880. Inventors: Harrison Dyer, Joseph Dickson, Rufus Porter, and William T. James.
  • Amadeus Bolli - Sr. built modernized steam engines from 1873 to 1883. "La Mancelle", built in 1878, with a front engine, with a differential, chain drive on the rear wheels, vertical steering column, driver's seat behind the engine. The boiler was located behind the driver.
  • In 1871, Dr. D. W. Charhard, professor of physics at the University of Wisconsin and D. I. Kase Company designed steam car who won the 200-mile race.

The birth of electrical machines:

In 1769 - according to the official recognition of the British Royal Automobile Club, and the Automobile Club of France, Nicolas Joseph Cugno built the very first car. So why is it that so much history books say that the automobile was invented by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz?

Indeed, Daimler and Benz invented and produced in industrial scale prototype of a modern car with a gasoline engine. Daimler and Benz invented cars that looked and worked like the cars we use today. The era of cars has begun!


Fantastic opportunities were given to people by a gasoline engine and firmly displaced steam traction and electric motors from their minds. In comparison with its predecessors, it had a whole bunch of advantages:th, powerful, safe, does not require constant stops and is much smaller in size gasoline engine for a long time took a pedestal among the engines, but this is in the future ...

The History of Internal Combustion, The Engine Is The Heart Of The Car

An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the principles of explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston in a cylinder to move the piston in revolutions crankshaft, then turns the wheels of the machines through the axle shaft or crankshaft. Types of fuel for internal combustion engines - gasoline, kerosene (diesel oil).

A brief outline of the history of the internal combustion engine includes the following events:

  • 1680 - Dutch physicist, Christian Huygens developed the theory (but never built) of an internal combustion engine, which was supposed to work by burning gunpowder.
  • 1807 - François Isaac de Rivaz from Switzerland invented the internal combustion engine, which uses a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Developed the engine, the first multi-valve internal combustion engine. Unfortunately, he was extremely unsuccessful and his idea was forgotten for a long time.
  • 1858 - A native of Belgium, Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoy invented and patented (1860) an electric spark-type double-acting ignition for internal combustion engines. In 1863, Lenoy creates an improvedenny engine running on oil and a primitive carburetor.
  • His three-wheeled wagon was able to travel a historic fifty miles on the road. (See photo) This great event has gone down in history.
  • 1862 — Alphonse Bee De Roche, French civil engineer patented but never built four stroke engine(French Patent No. 52,593, January 16, 1862).
  • 1864 - An Austrian engineer, Siegfried Markus, built a mono-cylinder engine with a simple carburetor. A few years later, Marcus designed a car that traveled at 10 mph, which some historians claim is the forerunner of the modern automobile internal combustion engine, being the world's first gasoline-powered vehicle from their point of view.
  • 1873 - George Brighton, an American engineer, developed a rather unsuccessful two stroke engine on kerosene. However, it is this motor that is considered the first reliable and practical engine using fuels and lubricants.
  • 1866 - German engineers Eugene Langen and Nikolaus August Otto improved the Lenoy and De Roach systems and developed a more efficient gasoline engine.
  • 1876 - Nikolaus August Otto invented and later patented the successful four-stroke engine known as the "Otto cycle".
  • 1876 - The first successful two-stroke engine was invented by Sir Dougald Clerk.
  • 1883 - A French engineer, Edouard Delamare-Debuville, built a single-cylinder four-stroke engine. His cutting-edge ideas at the time, at least on paper, were far ahead of those of his contemporaries such as Daimler and Benz.
  • 1885 - Gottlieb Daimler came up with a prototype gasoline engine with a vertical arrangement of cylinders and a carburetor fuel supply system patented by him in the system in 1887. Daimler builds the first two-wheeled vehicle with this engine - "Reitwagen" or Einshpur (transl. ed. - Single-track), and a year later the world's first four-wheeled vehicle - "Motorwagen" was built.
  • 1886 - January 29, Karl Benz received the first patent (DRP#37435) for cars with gasolineyou engines.
  • 1889 - Daimler built an advanced four-stroke engine with poppet valves and a V-twin cylinder block.
  • 1890 - Wilhelm Maybach built the first four-cylinder, four-stroke engine.

These were amazing years of creative struggle of successes and defeats. Never before has the history of the automotive industry developed so rapidly and never again brought so many emotions to ordinary people who became unwitting witnesses of the grandiose show of the “appearance of the first cars” and for the engineers themselves, mechanical inventors.

Person - Nikolaus Otto.

Founder of one of the most milestones in the design of the engine, we rightfully consider Nikolaus August Otto, who in 1876 invented the most efficient gasoline engine at that time.

Otto designed and built the first four-stroke internal combustion engine. First, he installed it on a motorcycle. The system of the inventor Nikolaus Otto was named after him and is still called the "Otto Cycle" to this day. The contribution of Nikolaus Otto to the history of engine building is invaluable, his four-cylinder engine became for many years the standard and starting point in modern motors. Record at the end of the 19th century, 5 or 10 horsepower in the engine, literally 30 years later began to reach two hundred or more.

Otto's first gasoline engine was 0.75 horsepower.

Persona - Karl Benz

In 1885, a German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz, designed and built the world's first car powered by an internal combustion engine. On January 29, 1886, Benz received the first patent (DRP#37435) for gasoline cars.

It was a three-wheeled car; 1891 Benz built his first four-wheeled vehicles. 1900 "Benz & Cie, became the world's largest automobile manufacturer. Benz was the first inventor and designer to integrate an internal combustion engine into an original chassis of his own design.

Person - Gottlieb Daimler (right) and Wilhelm Maybach (left).

No less iconic figure in the automotive industry - Mr. Gottlieb Daimler, previously the technical director of Deutz Gasmotorenfabrik, owned by Nikolaus Otto, did not create so rapidly. But selflessly went to the goal and together with Mr. Maybach.

IN 1885 In the same year, having founded a laboratory, they launched the production of their first engines.

IN 1887 year, Daimler and Maybach became interested in making outboard motors and have been successfully selling them for several years.

IN 1889 year, Daimler and Maybach built their first car from scratch, the first time they did not adapt the parts of another vehicle, like most of their compatriots. New

The Daimler car had four speeds and topped out at 10 mph.

IN 1890 In the year Gottlieb Daimler buried his first wife, he founded the company - Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG). Then her logo appeared - a three-pointed star. The brand name says - powerful motors on land, water and air. Maybach left the company in 1891.

IN 1893 Daimler marries again and in the same year leaves all the patents and the DMG company to his young wife. Further, the history of DMG moves towards England, new orders from the British royal family make the company Anglo-oriented and subsequently it merges with Jaguar.

In 1899, the first Mercedes was produced. He is named one of the membersmanagementDaimler company Emil Jellinek in honor of his own daughter Adriana Manuela Ramona Jelinek, whom everyone in the family called Mercedes (harmony, grace - Spanish). Subsequently, this name became trademark companies.

First Mass Car Manufacturers -

In the early 1900s, gasoline carsbeat exceeded sales of all other types of vehicles. The market is growing. People buy low-budget cars. The need for industrial production is obvious.The first commercial car manufacturers in the world were the French:Panhard & Levassor (1889) and Peugeot (1891).

Person - Rene Panhard (right) and Emile Levassor (left)

René Panhard and Emile Levassor were partners in the woodworking business when they decided to become car manufacturers. They built their first car in 1890.

Based on the Daimler engine license agreement with Daimler, the company began to equip its bodies with its engines. Eduard Sarazin reached an agreement and the monopoly right of Panhard and Levassor to exclusively use these engines throughout France comes into effect.

Partners not only in the creation of car bodies, businessmen have made improvements in technical equipment and the design of their cars:Panhard-Levassor makes a breakthrough in the automotive industry. His vehicles are equipped with: a clutch pedal assembly, a full-fledged differential, a multi-stage gearbox, a front radiator.

Levassor was the first designer to move the engine to the front of the car and use a rear wheel drive system. Panhard's developments in the field of car handling, forever immortalized his name in the term - "Panhard thrust".

Panhard suspension quickly became a model and standard for all cars. The handling, balance and lightness of their system took the automotive industry to the next level.Panhard and Levassor are also credited with inventing the prototype modern box gear mounted in their 1895 Panhard.

Later, Panhard and Levassor shares the rights and license to use Daimler engines with Armand Peugeot.

Peugeot are determined to win and successfully participate in the first car races in France. With victories, Peugeot gets national fame and growth in sales of its own cars.

Ironically, in the race "from Paris to Marseilles" in 1897, a fatal car accident occurs, Emile Levassor died.

At an early stage in the development of the industrial automotive industry, French manufacturers each car is different from the next.

First standardized car

Created in 1894, this is the Benz Velo produced by Karl Benz.

One hundred and thirty-four identical Velos were made in 1895.From these uncomplicated events began automotive history and continues to this day. Today, the standardization that our great-great-grandfathers sought so much has reached a terrifying level. We mere mortals ride identical cars we console ourselves with thoughts of different colors and are limited in the choice of a complete set of their car.All the tuning that is customary to afford in modern society is an unusual air freshener in the cabin and toy dogs rhythmically shaking their heads under the windshield. Car tuning is one of the few tools left today for the individual.personalization and the ability to break out of the vicious circle of standards and restrictions and universal globalization. Only car tuning can make your car unique, faster than others in the same class, beautiful from your point of view, and not from the marketing department of the manufacturer's plant.

Did you know that the world's first self-propelled cart appeared in 1355? Or that the top speed of the world's first car was 3.2 km/h? Don't believe? Learn a lot of new things by scrolling through the most interesting dates from the automotive world. It turns out that cars are rooted in ancient times, and even then the ingenious human thought was aimed at creating something similar to a modern car.

Among the 10 most important dates The history of the automotive industry includes such events as the invention of the world's first car and engine, the first electric car and taxi, and much more.

1355 Guido da Vigevano's self-propelled cart

So, in the XIV century, Guido da Vigevano installed a windmill on a self-propelled cart, which he himself invented. The energy generated by the windmill was transferred to the wheels of the cart and bravo ... it moved!

Of course, such a mechanical one cannot be called a full-fledged car capable of transporting people or goods, but then it was such. The Italian really came up with something incredible for that time, having managed to transfer wind energy through the mill wheel to a self-propelled installation.

Video about the world's first car:

Maybe this is what prompted the great Leonardo da Vinci to develop a device with a drive on tricycle. It was equipped with a real and differential mechanism between the rear wheels.

1712 - the first engine invented by Thomas Newcomen

The world's first engine was invented as early as 1712, 40 years after a Jesuit missionary from Flanders in China invented the first steam engine to power a small car. It was also called a toy car for Emperor Qin, but the fact remains.

But the real engine was invented by the English inventor Thomas Newcomen. It consisted of a real cylinder and piston. They used the engine of Thomas Newcomen on a steam-atmospheric machine that pumped out water in the mines. In the future, such engines became widespread and are still used, but under a different name - concrete pumps.

1765 - the first pressurized engine

If before this date mankind only knew about vacuum-based steam engines, then James Watt came up with a more advanced model. He upgraded the engine created by Newcomen, making it more efficient. Designed by James Watt, the engine was endowed with a real heat exchanger. It was, in fact, the second cylinder, which was connected to the first. One of the cylinders always remained hot, which saved a lot. In other words, he created the world's first economical engine.

James Watt was truly a man of genius, and the unit of power, the watt, was named after him. A lot has been written about this famous inventor and his steam engine is studied even in high school.

1769 - the invention of the Frenchman Cugno

The year 1769 came. The world's first steam-powered machine was tested. Known more as Cugnot's small cart, it is now on display in the Paris Museum. Later in 1770, Cugno's large cart was invented and put into service.

French inventions were used as military equipment. Thanks to these self-propelled carts, it was possible to easily move artillery pieces and military supplies.

The Cugno trolley is the ancestor of all modern cars.

1828 - the first electric car

The first appeared in 1828. It was a self-made invention, but so brilliant that in the next thirty years people were only fascinated by its creation and improvement.

Anjos Jedlik, a Hungarian physicist, created the first electric car. His car was a four-wheeled cart powered by electricity.

1862 - the first four-stroke engine

That is how this significant date can be called. Alphonse Beau de Rocha figured out how to compress the gas in the engine cylinder, where it should burn out. This process was called the Otto cycle and the four-stroke engine cycle, which has remained unchanged to this day.

1888 - Creation of the Karl Benz company

In 1887, Karl Benz became the owner of the very first in the world, who became the founder of the world's first automobile company a year later.

Karl Benz is a famous German engineer and a great inventor. The progenitor of Mercedes-Benz, this brilliant engineer did a lot to improve cars.

First in the world car company, created by him, was called Motorwagen.

1896 - Russian car

Do you know when the first one in the world was created? In 1896, Frese and Co., together with Yakovlev, presented a car at the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition.

The Yakovlev plant manufactured the engine of this car and its transmission, and the body and wheels were invented by the Frese factory. The car was so good that it was written about in the then-famous Journal of Recent Discoveries and Inventions, noting that a number of significant changes in the design of the chassis and transmission were noticed.

The first Russian car could move with one gas station for about ten hours. Two brass containers, which were installed along the sides, served as a radiator. As for the carburetor, it was the simplest evaporative type device. The gearbox, which received so much praise, was similar to the "Bentsev", but the leather belts were replaced with more reliable ones. There were only two gears: neutral and first gear, which allows the car to move forward. And, surprising as it may sound today, there were two brakes: the first acted on the drive shaft of the box, and the other, an analogue of the manual one, pressed the rubber bars to the rear wheels.

As for the wheels, they were wooden with rubber tires and the car itself looked more like a cab.

The year 1896 is generally considered the most significant. It was then that thirteen Duryeas cars were manufactured, thereby laying the foundation for the creation of the world's first production cars.

1899 is associated with the appearance of a taxi and the world's first traffic violation

The world's first taxi appeared this year. It was intended for New York.

To be more honest, the history of the taxi begins even earlier. In the 18th century, an enterprising Frenchman thought of founding an inn for carriages, albeit horse-drawn carriages, which became the world's first hired public transport.

After the invention of automobiles, the movement of the so-called motor cabs was born.

Interestingly, after the appearance of the world's first car taxi, people did not know at what rate to pay for the work of drivers. And this led to the invention of the world's first taximeter in 1905. And the first cars in the world adapted to the taxi service with meters were Renault cars.

In addition, this date is also marked by the world's first violations of the rules. It was at this time that a violation was recorded when a person in a car exceeded the speed of 100 km / h.

1908 - the year of the creation of the car of the century

Yes exactly. The car of the century was the name given to the 1908 Ford T.

The Ford Model T is better known as the "Lizzie Tin". This car was produced in millions of series and was very popular. Henry Ford literally put the whole of America on wheels, invented a car that was light and relatively affordable for the masses. In particular, this was done thanks to the use of a conveyor, which then buried manual assembly. In addition, the simplified design of the car has significantly reduced the cost.

Despite the above innovations, the Ford T model according to technical specifications, equipment and comfort to most cars of that time was not only not inferior, but also superior. The dimensions and engine capacity of that Ford corresponded modern models some middle class cars. It was something!

Other significant dates and facts from the world of cars

Wife of Karl Benz Bertha Benz, overcame 98 kilometers in 12 hours in a car created by the great inventor. This distance is believed to be the world's first autotravel.

The great Henry Ford sold his first car for $200, but five years later he became a billionaire.

In 1878, the winner was entitled to a fabulous amount for that time - 10,000 US dollars.

In the 19th century, the average speed at which cars moved was considered to be 10 km / h.

In 1901, all car owners in New York were required to register their details and description of their vehicle. For the procedure, the car owner had to pay one dollar.

About half of all cars assembled in the world in 1900 found their buyers in France.

Video about the car Austin 7:

In 1905, a car with an engine capacity of 12 liters was produced in the USA.

About half of the sales of the famous automobile concern General Motors were electric vehicles.

Finally, 1922 is marked by the creation of the most copied car in the world. The car was called Austin 7.

Having learned everything about these significant events and dates, you become not only more informed, but also begin to understand how strong and ingenious the creative thought of a person is. You will find out how humanity managed to step forward so far in terms of technical progress over the past two centuries.

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