How to endure a long car ride. What drivers need to know when traveling long distances

How to endure a long car ride. What drivers need to know when traveling long distances

Ride on long distance requires vigilance and endurance. However, safety on the road depends not only on the qualities and skills of the driver. In this article, we will talk about how to make a long-distance trip on personal car as safe as possible. The insurance company Ergo-Rus is always ready to insure the car owner.

good driver— vigorous The human body is designed to sleep in dark time days and be active in the light. Alas, not everyone understands this and is trying to accomplish a feat: to leave in the evening on the last working day, so that by three o'clock the next day they will be on vacation, thus not losing a single day of vacation. The result is terrible traffic police reports, in which standard reason Accidents on the highway are called sleep at the wheel. And usually this is an accident with numerous victims.

There is no point in taking risks: if you leave, for example, Kiev at 4 in the morning, and have a good sleep before the trip (go to bed early to sleep for about 10 hours), then it’s quite possible to get to the Crimea (without violating traffic rules and without frequent overtaking) to in the evening and immediately enjoy swimming in the evening sea.

Slower you go - faster you will

Sharp acceleration and no less sharp braking, high speed on all sections of the road, overtaking on oncoming lane- these are the main signs of drivers with an aggressive driving style. Such motorists, in an attempt to arrive an hour or two earlier during the time spent on the road, repeatedly risk their lives and the lives of those around them. The most interesting thing is that the gain in time turns out to be either very small, or it doesn’t exist at all - calm drivers, slowly, overtake and overtake aggressive ones at intersections, crossings and checkpoints, where there are toffees.

Not uncommon on the roads leading to the sea, and traffic jams, especially between Simferopol and Yalta. So there is no point in rushing. We also note that a significant part of the way to the sea in any direction passes through the steppe zone with a rather narrow road and many turns. Driving in such conditions requires special care. Of course, due to the narrowness of the roads, it is constantly necessary to overtake slow-moving vehicles (especially fuming trucks). You need to perform this maneuver correctly: determine in advance after which oncoming car you will start it, accelerate in advance in your lane and overtake in one go. Never take chances: such a maneuver in a closed corner is the most common cause head-on collisions. If the maneuver cannot be completed, go to the side of the road.

Save on fuel and fines


Coming into force in May of this year new edition SDA and bills proposing to change speed mode, gave rise to chaos in the head of drivers: how to understand how fast you need to drive now, so that you don’t get fined and quickly? There was one important change in theory - a new road sign, denoting the beginning of dense development, which requires a slowdown to 60 km / h. But in practice, they have not yet managed to hang it anywhere.

Otherwise, everything is the same: in the village you can accelerate to 60 km / h, outside the village - up to 90, and if there is a bump stop or lawn in the middle of the road - up to 110 m / h. An administrative protocol for speeding is made only if it is exceeded by more than 20 km / h. From personal experience we note that most often inspectors with radars stand in those places where it is possible to go fast - on 4-8-lane smooth roads.

For example, on the Kyiv-Odessa highway, you can meet at least four patrols. And such a driving technique as an alarm high beam about what is ahead of the traffic police, now it may not work - the inspectors are armed with new Harpoon complexes. The information recorded by them about speeding is transmitted to the post, which is located 1-1.5 km from the actual place of the violation. That is, you can be stopped 10-15 minutes after the violation and issued a fine, attaching a photo from a hidden radar camera to it.

And in this case it is unrealistic to pay off the inspector. Therefore, it is cheaper not to violate. Yes, and safer too.


Road traffic - A good reason check the economy of your car. Accelerate smoothly to 110 km / h, then release the gas pedal until the car slows down to 100 km / h. After that, the speed must be maintained at the same level, from time to time lightly pressing the accelerator: in this way, fuel consumption can be reduced by a third. You can also save money in the mountains.

On the descents, do not turn off the gear, moving on the fourth or fifth, and on the ascent, turn on the lower one, which will make it possible not only to accelerate quickly, but also to confidently avoid a collision in case emergency. You need to brake in the mountains smoothly, using engine braking. Keep in mind that overtaking or exceeding on a serpentine can end in tragedy. Rest - 30 minutes every three hours

Driving must be alternated with rest.

Optimal: once every 3-3.5 hours, make a stop for at least 20-30 minutes. If you feel sleepy, then there is an effective and reliable way struggle - take a nap for 20 minutes or just sit with the backrest reclined for 15 minutes.

Please note: it will take 13-16 hours to overcome 900 kilometers from Kyiv to Yalta, and 6.5-7 hours to travel from Kyiv to Odessa. Trying to go faster, ignoring rest, is an extremely dangerous undertaking.

Gasoline - at network gas stations

The amount of fake fuel on the highways in the summer goes off scale - scammers are betting that the demand is high, and indignant car owners will not return for money. And it is very difficult to prove that the breakdown occurred due to fuel at a particular gas station, after having managed to refuel 3-4 times along the way. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and fill up gasoline or diesel at the gas stations of the same network, and also keep receipts every time - then there will be someone to file a claim in case of a breakdown.

You already feel confident behind the wheel while driving around the city or not yet very confident, but you assume that by the beginning of the next holiday season you will have gained the appropriate practice. Almost every novice driver, even just sitting behind the wheel, hatches plans for his first long trip. The charm of the oncoming road, new impressions, freedom in choosing a place of rest, as well as the absence of dependence on bus, train, plane schedules and wide opportunities for staffing luggage, not limited, as before, only by your muscular strength and the number of hands, as if they themselves are pushing: "Ride, ride, ride..."

How experienced driver, I will say - expectations do not deceive you. But if, on the one hand, long journey driving a car is a truly exciting adventure, on the other hand, it is a serious and responsible event that requires careful preparation. Driving a long distance (500 km or more) is fundamentally different from driving around the city, and if you are not ready or miss something, instead of joy, it can bring you, best case, unnecessary worries and problems. And now let's analyze everything in detail:

Preparing your car for a long trip

The first thing to do is prepare the car. Show the car to a service station or mechanic you trust three to four weeks before your expected departure time. Let them inspect it, diagnose the chassis, tighten all connections, replace everything that needs to be replaced and adjust the “camber / convergence”. Ask the craftsmen to pay special attention to the reliability of work brake system and steering.

Be sure to make sure that the tread on the tires of the car is not worn out, and that the rubber is appropriate for the season. Balance the wheels and equalize the pressure in the tires (this can be done at any tire shop). Naturally, your car must be equipped with a “fresh” first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, an inflated spare tire, a jack, tow rope and an emergency stop sign.

After carrying out all the activities, do not put the car "on a joke". It needs to be well “run in” around the city so that all the new details get used and minor flaws have time to appear. Before the trip, you will still have time to eliminate them.

Determining the route and connection

A GPS navigator is a very useful device and I advise you to definitely buy it, but it is not reasonable to rely on it alone, especially if you are not an advanced user of such devices. To be sure, pre-lay the route on the map. For this purpose, you can use the special services of Google or Yandex. Pay attention to complex interchanges, branches and turns. If possible, print the entire route, and on an enlarged scale the most difficult sections.

When plotting a route from all possible ways, choose the largest roads and do not listen to the "experts" who will convince you to go in a roundabout way, where it is "faster and freer."

On busy highway more gas stations Maintenance, first-aid posts and almost always works mobile connection. Therefore, on a major road, you are ten times more likely to receive timely assistance than in the middle of a field or forest, where one car passes an hour.

"Appoint" one of the relatives or friends left at home as the "dispatcher". This is the person who will know the route of your movement, and to whom you will report the distance traveled. Set a clear communication schedule. For example, say that you will send SMS every three hours indicating the distance traveled or the name of the nearest settlement from you.

During the trip, strictly adhere to the communication schedule with the "dispatcher". Such a simple precaution, on the one hand, will allow you not to be distracted by “soothing” calls to your mother, grandmother, sister and girlfriend at the same time, and on the other hand, it will make it possible to quickly find you if something unforeseen happens when you cannot inform where are you and what happened to you.

Determine departure time

It will take you approximately 12-14 hours to drive a distance of 1000 km (subject to compliance with the speed limit within the rules traffic). For summer, this time is enough to leave and arrive before dark, but I do not advise doing this, and here's why.

If you are going to the South, then most of the trip the sun will shine in your face, and if you go to the North, then you will encounter such a phenomenon as bright blinding sun glare from rear windows vehicles ahead of you.

Trails during the day are much busier than in the evening, at night or in the morning. Finally, I don’t think it’s very good to come in the evening, when the coming darkness will “drive” you.

Plan to leave at night, so that you arrive in the morning before lunch. Do the same if the duration of the trip inevitably forces you to do part of the journey at night. In a nutshell - you can meet the dawn while driving, but not the sunset.

Before leaving

You need to have a good rest before the trip. About a day before departure, you must be free from any work. During this period, your work is rest, mostly lying down. Sleep as much as possible, do not sit at the computer, do not read and try not to watch TV. Instruct your friends, relatives and loved ones not to disturb you over trifles.

You should not eat before the road. The last meal - no later than 4 hours before departure.

What to take with you on the road?

Buy several small bottles of clean drinking water without gas. Throughout the trip, you will need to replenish fluids, even if you do not feel thirsty. Dehydration on the road comes unnoticed, which is fraught with a decrease in attention and a slowdown in reaction.

Prepare a few slices of fresh lemon (no sugar). A lemon slice placed under the tongue perfectly “chases away sleep” and increases visual acuity. I do not recommend using the now popular energy drinks, because most of them are bad for the stomach, and the effect is very doubtful.

To satisfy the feeling of hunger on the road, you can use chocolate or protein bars.

Discipline, safety and your passengers

If you are not traveling alone, explain to your passengers that you are the "ship's captain" and are responsible for all on board. First of all, their life and health depend on you, so all the actions of passengers should be aimed at creating maximum comfort for you, not for yourself. Based on the above, you:

  • determine what music will be played, and at what volume;
  • decide when and where the next stop will be;
  • seat passengers in the car;
  • distribute luggage (what, where and how it will lie).

Ask your companions to inform you in advance about the need to go to the toilet, and not force you to frantically look for a place to stop when it becomes “unbearable”.

Place a person next to you who will share the “hardships” of a long trip with you or, to put it more simply, will entertain you with conversations, serve water, light a cigarette and not sleep.

Move the first aid kit and fire extinguisher to the passenger compartment, so that they can be obtained without leaving the car. In many cases, the seconds it takes you to get out of the car, open the trunk, find and pull those first aid items from under bags and bags can be decisive.

Everyone in the car must wear seat belts. An unfastened person at the time of a collision can not only suffer himself, but also injure or even crush to death other people in the car, especially children.


Overcoming a long journey by car is significantly different from the usual city driving, and it is necessary to responsibly prepare for it. What things will be needed on the road, how to plan a route, what to do if children are traveling and how to check that the car is ready for a long journey?

Route selection

Whether you know the road or you are going to a destination for the first time, you need to plan your route and take a detailed map with you. When studying the road, you need to pay attention to detour routes in case of a major accident or repair work that could block the road. It is recommended to take a navigator with you, if you suddenly get tired and miss a turn, it will help you return to the desired route.

In addition, you can mark all gas stations on the map and calculate in advance when you will need to refuel so that the fuel does not suddenly run out on the highway. Also in this case it would be nice to have a can of gasoline in the trunk.

You need to get acquainted with the weather forecast at the destination in advance in order to choose the right shoes and clothes.

Preparing the car for a long journey

Before leaving for long way You need to inspect your car on your own.

  • check tires for wear, pump up if necessary;
  • change the oil in the engine;
  • check the oil level in the gearbox;
  • see if there is enough brake fluid in the reservoir;
  • check the performance of the brake system;
  • check the serviceability of the light signals - turn signals, rear lights and front, and if necessary, replace burnt out light bulbs;
  • tighten the handbrake, if necessary.

After inspecting the car and troubleshooting, you need to check that the trunk has:

  • pump;
  • warning triangle;
  • engine oil;
  • glass cleaning fluid;
  • set of tools;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • car first aid kit;
  • spare wheel;
  • a canister of gasoline (5–10 liters);
  • cable (for towing).

Safe ride

When traveling by car, you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the health of the people in your car, as well as other road users. To make the trip as safe and comfortable as possible, you need to follow a few important recommendations.

  • To avoid trouble while traveling by car, the driver needs to get a good night's sleep before a long journey. A path started in a good mood is doomed to success.
  • Every 2-3 hours you need to stop to give a break to the body and eyes. The driver, like all passengers, is advised to get out of the car and walk around a bit. You can do some light exercises to warm up the limbs - squats, swinging your arms, turning your head.
  • May meet on the road different people, so be careful with fellow travelers, it’s better not to put anyone in your car at all throughout the journey.
  • If it so happened that you decided to spend the night on the road, and not in a hotel, choose a place more carefully. You should not stop in the middle of the road, where there are no cars, houses or other buildings. Optimal and safe option- stop for the night at the traffic police post or at the gas station. You can also spend the night in a truck stop, provided that a few trucks remain there for the night.

Useful tips for drivers planning a long trip

  • The first thing you need to put in the car is the documents. Check Availability driving license, passports, car documents and medical insurance policy.
  • When going on a trip, do not forget to take with you enough money for food, for refueling, in case of force majeure.
  • To avoid unnecessary spending and even possible food poisoning with unfamiliar food, you need to buy a car refrigerator. You can put food in it, which is enough for the whole journey to your destination. So you save a significant part of the budget and your own time. On the road, in addition to food, you need to take enough water.
  • Do not heavily load the car. Take on a trip only those things that you really need. The lighter the car is loaded, the less consumption fuel.
  • Trying to save space in the car and reduce fuel consumption, you should not neglect really necessary things. If you are going on a trip during the cold season and are even going to spend the night in a hotel, you still need to take warm clothes and blankets with you in case the car breaks down before you get to the place to spend the night. Also, do not forget about hygiene products, disposable tableware and other important things.
  • Stow things in the trunk correctly. The essentials should be in plain sight - money, first aid kit, water and food. And clothes prepared for rest can be placed in the far corner of the trunk.
  • After leaving the city limits, most likely, you will begin to feel tired. The monotony of movement can cause drowsiness. Do not let yourself get bored - talk to your passengers, turn on fun music, sing songs. Do your best to stay awake on the road.

  • Refuel your car for large gas stations. As a rule, fuel is a little cheaper there than at small, unknown gas stations. And the risk of pouring low-quality fuel into the tank, which can cause a car breakdown, is significantly reduced.
  • When driving, obey the speed limit. This will help reduce gas mileage and avoid.
  • The air conditioner does not need to be used unless absolutely necessary, since its operation increases fuel consumption.

Traveling by car with children

If you are traveling with children on a long journey, it is important to take care of what they will do on the way. It is difficult for children to travel long distances, and so that they do not have unpleasant memories, and the driver is not distracted by children's tantrums, they need to be occupied with something.

Bring magazines with bright pictures, as many toys as possible, a player, etc. It is not recommended to take books, as reading in a car can make children feel sick. You can also offer your child a tablet with toys, but it is important to make sure that he takes breaks. Children are well occupied with various games - in words, riddles, counting rhymes, etc.

Children love to eat tasty food, so you need to bring enough sweets and food that children love with you. If during the trip they have the opportunity to “fill their mouths with sweets”, there will be no time for tears.

Children's screams greatly distract the driver, he may lose vigilance, which will ultimately affect his mood and may even lead to an accident. To avoid unpleasant consequences, think over a list of things the children need in advance and discuss it with them. Let them choose what will be more interesting for them to play with on the road.

When going on a long journey in your car, it is important not only to check its serviceability, collect the things you need on the road, but also create the right mood for yourself. Only a vigorous, well-rested, well-fed and cheerful driver is able to overcome a long distance without any problems.

Recently, long-distance trips have become very popular. own car. But for such long trips, careful preparation is required, which also depends on the nature and geography of the planned road trip.

You need to collect information about the places you would like to visit, learn about possible difficulties, which you can encounter on the road, so that you get real pleasure from the trip, and it would not be overshadowed by any surprises.

Preparing the car for the trip

Whether you are the owner of even a new, even a used, domestic or imported car, but in any case, you are advised to check it out. To do this, it is best to diagnose the car at a car service, because an unpleasant situation can occur along the way, which could have been avoided.

Check and repair everything that raises even the slightest doubt about the serviceability.

The most important thing is thorough, as a long road will test it for vulnerability and its excellent condition is the key to traffic safety. It is recommended to check every 12 - 15 thousand km. Timely replacement wheel bearings, shock absorbers, ball bearings and anthers will save you a lot of money. So, faulty shock absorbers increase the rate of transmission wear, brake pads and car tires.

Also check and, if necessary, replace and brake fluid. remember, that scheduled maintenance may be needed sooner than you expect, as long trips add extra mileage. It must also be remembered that extra weight in the car increases fuel consumption.

Be sure to check the tire pressure before driving - it should correspond to the recommended one for your car. Checking must be done before the start of the movement, then the readings will be the most accurate. The tread depth should be about 4 mm in summer and at least 6 mm in winter. Riding on a "bald" tire can lead to sharp turn. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of a tire puncture. Remember that you won’t be able to drive with a flat tire for a long time, and you will soon throw out the tire, so it’s better to have a spare tire right away.

It is best when the preparation of the car for the trip and all technical work is carried out one to two weeks before departure, so that it is possible to run the car in for some time after maintenance. This will help to detect and correct shortcomings in a timely manner.

Ensuring the safety and comfort of children

If you take children on long trips, then you need to provide them with the maximum. In Russia, according to the rules of the road, children under 12 years old can only be transported using special restraints - child seats or special belts.

It is necessary to make sure that child seat appropriate for the height and weight of the child, and that it is properly secured. In this case, the long road will not be exhausting for the child.

Remember that the child will have to spend a lot of time in the cabin, and therefore he must be comfortable and protected from direct sunlight. If there are no curtains on the windows of the car, then it is recommended to install them. If possible, try to be on the road in the cool time of the day and make more stops in the heat. It is recommended to make small stops every 2 hours.

Route planning

It should be noted that preparing a car for a trip also involves atlas highways and guide. Understand the navigator in advance and set it up for yourself, otherwise you will have a long drive to your destination. When going on long trips by car, it is better to enter your route into the navigator in advance and immediately decide how it will be more convenient to go in order to save on time and fuel. Also, do not be too lazy to check this route with the road atlas, as the GPS navigator may not plan the route very correctly.

In addition, planning a route in advance will help you calculate the approximate travel distance and the number of stops for refueling. Remember that during a long trip, you should not leave refueling your car to the last minute. Unless you are traveling through settlements, where to find filling station won't be too difficult. You obviously will not enjoy pushing a stalled car to a gas station or looking for a ride that would take you in tow!

Arranging luggage correctly

The last, but no less significant stage, which involves preparing the car for the trip, is luggage. Properly located things in the cabin and trunk will ensure the comfort and safety of passengers on the road.

Travel essentials are within easy reach in the cabin. Bulky and heavy items are placed at the very bottom of the trunk so that the center of gravity is as low as possible. The heaviest items are placed at the front of the trunk, and they should be as close as possible to the walls of the trunk and to each other in order to evenly distribute the weight.

It is not recommended to carry baggage in the cabin, as even light objects can harm passengers when hard braking while acquiring significant acceleration. If you have a car with a station wagon body, then you should not load the trunk higher rear seats, as this limits visibility, and when emergency braking all items of baggage will be in the cabin and can cause significant injury to passengers.

If you have a lot of luggage, then you can fix it on the roof, but remember that it is during emergency braking that the load tilts forward and, in addition, such a load, due to the oncoming air flow, will increase drag your vehicle.

What you need to take with you on the road

  • on long trips, you need to prepare some food and water so as not to look for roadside cafes or shops along the way;
  • you must have a set of tools for the car, a spare wheel, a first aid kit, emergency sign, cable, wires, in case of "lighting" from another car, pump and jack;
  • the lantern will help you with an emergency stop at night, if there is a problem with the car;
  • don't forget about Charger For mobile phone operating from on-board voltage;
  • take small pillows and warm blankets. With them, your passengers will feel much more comfortable, and long the road will pass easier;
  • in the places you are going. You may need both warm and light clothes;
  • write down the addresses and phone numbers of technical assistance services in advance. On the way, different things can happen and it is better to be prepared in advance for any situation;
  • It is recommended to have a tourist hatchet and a sapper shovel with you. In case you get stuck in a wooded area or in the sand, you will have tools to dig out or chop branches;
  • if you are planning a trip in the winter, do not forget to take for windshield washers, a couple of rags to wipe windows and headlights, chains for wheels and a shovel to clear snow from the car if you notice;
  • and, of course, do not forget about money and documents! And, if a long journey is planned abroad, then you also need international law and green card.


And no less important. Go on long trips with good mood. This will brighten up not only the distance, but also the inconvenience and difficulties along the way.

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A truck driver is an interesting profession and romance and danger, and where does autotourism come in, you ask? And despite the fact that the truck driver covers many kilometers of roads during daylight hours effortlessly and with maximum speed 90 km / h, and the autotourist is faced with the task of driving and relaxing. How not to turn taxiing into work and relax while driving, I will try to tell on a personal civil and not only experience, the experience of friends and acquaintances ...

To begin with, I do not pretend to be the truth and the title of a guru or driving professor, moreover, I do not even consider myself a professional driver.


Change your driving position, driving long distances in an urban posture is not the best choice. You should move away from the steering wheel a little more and recline the back a little more, the mirrors should be rebuilt so that you can see wider and a little higher (in the city, as a rule, they try to look narrower and lower). Optimal landing when the legs do not hang, and the hands do not lie and do not reach for the steering wheel, the back does not tense up. To each his own, the only thing that is clear is that if you go as is, you will most likely get tired quickly, listen to your body for the first hundreds of kilometers and try to please it, sometimes a “one click” of adjustment is enough to make it comfortable.
Check the tire pressure, and it would be better if it was a little higher than usual (by 0.1-0.2), the consumption will decrease and the response of the car to the steering wheel will increase, although of course small irregularities will become more noticeable.
Look at the route, mentally or on paper, select control points (it will help you orient yourself according to the signs).

If you have to travel 1000-1200 km, break the path into segments of 200-300 km and make it a rule to make stops at these intervals - smoke, hygiene, refuel, food. You should not bring it together (now a little bit more and we’ll definitely stop at a gas station, refuel, eat, rest ...), stopping for one purpose, you spend 5-10 minutes, while a complex stop will take 30-50 minutes, during this time you will be overtaken by all those slow-moving vehicles that you have overtaken before and you will have to take risks again.
It is better to travel far before dawn or with it 5:00-6:00, the first couple of hours you will yawn, but you will not sleep for sure.

You should get up for the night no later than 21-22:00, otherwise you won’t really rest, but if the goal is to drive more, then someone who has slept earlier and constantly watches you (talks on interesting topics (c) tutukata) should sit next to you.
A signal for a 100% cessation of movement - a decrease in speed, if the driver loses vigilance due to fatigue, he subconsciously reduces speed by 10-15%, and also begins to move more rectilinearly (when driving in a straight line) we usually move a little steering (this is in our hemispheres they struggle :)), and in case of fatigue, we subconsciously fix the steering wheel in one position and only occasionally realizing that it’s already almost the side of the road or the middle of the road, we decisively correct the trajectory.

Everyone's counteraction to sleep is different, but the most universal is - chew, drink! gnaw nuts, drink non-carbonated water - while the jaws and stomach are working, it’s difficult to fall asleep, but you shouldn’t smoke and eat chocolate, you don’t want to sleep only while the cigarette is in your teeth, and chocolate produces hormones to sleep, under which you want to sleep (do not lean on ordinary food such as sandwiches and with other objects of chewing, do not overdo it! if the body is satiated, you will fall asleep for better digestion).
Music can both interfere with sleep and lull you to sleep (even heavy metal is an excellent lullaby for a tired brain), the best music in the night is silence - in civilized countries, the main and important markup is “rough”, you will run over, hear and feel, but if you turn on the music, then it’s gone ...
No matter how good you feel from 3 to 5 am - SLEEP, it's dead time!!! at least once "for a minute" during this period, anyone will fall asleep, even if he has been suffering from insomnia for several years. But there are still dangerous hours during the day - when fatigue easily takes its 11-12 and 17-18, this also follows from the traffic schedule 2-3 hours driving without a break is easy, 5-6 hours without a break is already more difficult and starts to fall asleep, stop , do something else (just walk and jump around the car will help for 10-30 minutes). Remember - it's not the body that gets tired, the brain gets tired, give it other tasks or rest (30-60 minutes of sleep)!
The maximum speed should be kept at around 100-130 km / h (at the limit of the permitted one), this is optimal both in terms of travel time and in terms of consumption and driving voltage.
When we drove 2800 km from Novosibirsk to Samara in 28 hours in two cars (two stops for sleep for 2 hours each) I smoked, and in order to smoke we stopped after 150-200 km 1-5 minutes and again on the road, but it was a race over time, and we won it.


Movement in a group is one of the most difficult tasks on the road and the most common mistake (beginners are guided by trucks) is to go in a continuous column - NOT NECESSARY.
Firstly, the trucks themselves do not go in a column, and the fact that you caught up with a string of trucks on the highway only means that those who are behind cannot overtake the front one, and the connection between the trucks is by radio (by the way, I recommend getting one, on the territory of the Russian Federation the thing is simply magical , but do not use it with small children - truckers are harsh in expressions :) through the same radio, for example, you can ask big brothers to skip, then they can help you get around their string).
Secondly, the movement of an organized column cannot proceed normally without the lead and trailing escort vehicles, as well as overlapping vehicles with sufficient experience in escorting the column (this is taught for a long time), you will either stretch or step on each other's heels, and also create chaos in future parking lots or at intersections.
Thirdly, the movement of even a well-organized convoy with escort is much slower than single vehicles, because safe speed the movement of the column is not more than 90 km / h, anything higher is fraught with a massive blockage during emergency braking of one of the cars (for example, an animal running under the wheels).
Mark checkpoints or the end point of the route, split up and ride each at your own pace, upon arrival or non-arrival at checkpoints, keep in touch via phone, walkie-talkie, SMS, Internet, other things (if this is a cafe / hotel / store, you can simply leave through the staff or reception note).
The main goal of a collective trip on a long journey has a purely moral aspect - somewhere within 0-10 hours there are people who can help. Also, when meeting with them, you will immediately begin to share hot impressions and / or learn something important and worthwhile to watch right away the next day.
A group trip also has one more advantage - the crew is somehow ahead of the curve and can report important information- for example, about a huge traffic jam on the autobahn or about the fact that there are no places in such and such hotels or they are expensive, this will help the catching up crew to change the route or save time without stopping at already designated hotels (which can easily lead to a change in the roles of the leader and the pursuer), because when driving along the same road, you will somehow pay attention to the same hotels.


A topic that is relatively applicable to driving, but nevertheless an integral part of it. If you managed to drive 1000-1200 km during daylight hours then:
- you will fall asleep where you are sitting (at the wheel) and waking up, at best, before lunch, you will miss with pain in your back and / or lower back. The main pluses are speed (we got into the parking lot, leaned back, sleep), the second plus again is speed (you are unlikely to sleep more than 3-4 hours in the car :))
- pitch a tent next to the car, guaranteed physical exercises for 30 minutes or more, it is likely that at the end of the procedure you will already feel sleepy (somewhere else for half an hour), besides, in the morning you will have similar exercises in reverse order. The main advantages are a change in the type of activity and kneading of the limbs, low cost, greater comfort relative to the first method.
- stay at a roadside hotel, after taking a shower or a bath in general (and this happens, yes), you are guaranteed to get enough sleep and restore your strength as much as possible, especially if you supplement this with a dinner with hot or cold drinks and a hearty breakfast. The main advantages are significantly faster than a tent, but still slower than in a car (provided that the first hotel we met had the necessary number of free places and arranged for the price), maximum recovery and safety, as well as saving time on finding / preparing food.

I accept comments and comments. Supplement, I will add to the general text!

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