A car with a gasoline engine. Rating of the most economical cars

A car with a gasoline engine. Rating of the most economical cars

Automobile is one of the greatest inventions of mankind, which played a huge role and was of great importance not only for the era that gave birth to it, but also for subsequent eras and generations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the car today, its influence is felt not only in the transport industry, but in all spheres of human life. It has become a visual, tangible embodiment of technological progress, has transformed the face of the planet. The history of the creation of the car has many bright and amazing pages, but the most interesting and important were the first years of its creation. The word car means "self-propelled".

Car's predecessor gasoline engine there was a steam car, or rather a steam cart, which was built by the French inventor J. Cugno in 1769. The heavy vehicle moved at a speed of 2-4 km per hour and could carry up to three tons of cargo. True, it was necessary to stop and ignite the firebox every quarter of an hour, because the pressure in the boiler quickly dropped, in addition, the car was poorly controlled, often ran into houses and fences. By the way, the “Cugno cart”, which is the predecessor of not only a car, but also a steam locomotive, since it was powered by steam power.

Already in 1803, Trivaitikom created the first steam car in Great Britain. The rear wheels of the car were 2.5 meters in diameter, between them and back the frame was placed a boiler, which served the stoker, who stood on the back. The driver was placed on a high beam. The car body was suspended on high springs. The car could carry up to ten passengers and reached speeds of up to 15 km per hour, which was the greatest achievement of that time. In 1864 an Austrian Siegfried Markus first invented a car with a gasoline engine, which will serve as a powerful impetus for further creation and development transport technology. Conducting experiments related to pyrotechnics, he set fire to a mixture of air vapor and gasoline with an electric spark, resulting in a powerful explosion. Marcus came up with the idea of ​​creating an engine using this effect and soon managed to create a two-stroke gasoline engine with electrical system ignition, which was installed on the wagon. Working in this direction, Markus creates in 1875 a more advanced machine. The emergence of a compact, fairly light and powerful engine internal combustion opened the widest possibilities for the development of the car.

Officially, the German engineer K. Benz and his compatriot inventor G. Daimler will be called the inventors of the car. Benz was the developer of two-stroke gas engines, as well as the owner of the enterprise that produced them. Despite the profit brought by the enterprise, Benz dreamed of creating a self-propelled car with an internal combustion engine, since the engines created by him and Daimler had a low speed. With a slight decrease in the number of revolutions per minute (less than 120), they stalled in front of each tubercle. A high-speed engine was needed, equipped with an excellent ignition system.

There is a rapid improvement of cars. Edouard Michelin in 1891 created a removable pneumatic tire designed for a bicycle, and already in 1895 they produce removable pneumatic tires for cars. In the same year the tires were tested at the Paris-Bordeaux-Paris race, but the car equipped with them fell out of the race, because the tires were often punctured. Despite this, experts and motorists appreciated the smoothness of the car, gradually pneumatic tires began to equip all cars. The winner of the race was Levassor, who drove the car at an insane speed for those times - 30 kilometers per hour! In honor of this significant victory, a monument will be erected at the finish line. Today, the automobile is the most common means of mechanical transport, with hundreds of millions of vehicles worldwide.

What is a car? This word comes from the Greek "autos" - "self" and the Latin "mobilis" - "mobile", and in one word - "self-propelled". For someone today, he has become a luxury, for someone - a second wife, but the function of the vehicle, originally incorporated into the car by its inventors, has remained a priority today.

And every day, sitting behind the wheel of this vehicle, we don’t even think that if someone hadn’t come up with the idea of ​​​​his invention one day ... Who is he, this someone?

The first known drawings of a car (with a spring drive) belong to Leonardo da Vinci, but neither a valid copy nor information about its existence has survived to this day. Although not so long ago, experts from the Museum of the History of Science from Florence were able to restore this car according to the drawings, proving the correctness of Leonardo's idea.

In 1770, the French inventor Joseph Cugno built a three-wheel tractor with steam engine for the movement of artillery pieces. He is considered the predecessor of not only the car, but also the steam locomotive. Steam carts for ordinary roads were also built in other countries, but they were heavy and uncomfortable, so they were not widely used.

In 1791, the Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin built a scooter cart driven by a pre-spun flywheel. This car had a brake, gearbox, rolling bearings, etc.

In total, more than four hundred designs are known that claim to be the first car. Long disputes about the priority of certain countries, inventors and designs forced us to develop four necessary and sufficient conditions for determining priority. The first is design development transport vehicle. Second - decoration legal document, patent. The third condition is the construction of a workable prototype and its public trials. And the fourth is the organization of the production of the product.

All these 4 conditions were first formally fulfilled by Karl Benz. On January 29, 1896, for his three-wheeled motor carriage, he receives a patent DRP No. 37435 and starts its production. Therefore, Benz is officially recognized as the inventor of the automobile. Although the car was actually invented by Benz back in 1885, it had some drawbacks. Well, about everything in order.

In 1871, Karl, who worked for a bridge-building firm in Mannheim, became engaged to an energetic girl, Bertha Ringent. The motto of the young family was the words: "Faith, hope and struggle." And now many historians quite seriously believe that it was Bertha who brought the automotive industry to big road, because it was she who was involved in the "kidnapping", which became a turning point in the life and career of Benz, therefore, I think, it requires a detailed story.

“My car was stolen from me! There were three of them, they acted in concert and amicably. They were as in love with my car as I was. But they demanded more from him than I did... They wanted to test the stolen car and drive it for 180 kilometers on rough roads. The vagabond company consisted of my wife and both sons.”

In 1885, Karl demonstrated to the burghers of Mannheim his three-wheeled self-propelled carriage with a gasoline engine. However, the novelty caused not so much interest as irritation. When Benz decided to drive through the city, the noise of the engine frightened the butcher's horse. She carried, scattering the load along the way. To hush up the scandal, Carl bought the damaged goods, put the car under a canopy and began to improve it. The car was "hijacked" in the early summer morning of 1888, when its creator was sleeping. The eldest son of Benz, Eugene, got behind the wheel, next to him - his mother, behind him - younger brother. They went to relatives in the small town of Pforzheim. However, it was only a suggestion. There were plenty of adventures and excitement along the way.

At that time, gasoline could only be bought at kerosene shops, where it was sold as a stain remover. Malfunctions had to be fixed with improvised means - Berta used a long hat pin to clean the clogged gas line, and a hat tape to secure the parts of the ignition system. Every time going downhill, the mother was worried about the boys - the wooden brake would suddenly deteriorate. I had to stop more than once and ask the village shoemakers to upholster it with leather again. Drive chains rear wheels stretched out and began to jump off the teeth of the stars. I also had to stop at the forge. But for all their worries and ordeals, travelers were more than rewarded.

The inhabitants of Pforzheim flocked to gawk at the three-wheeled "horseless wagon." All of Germany learned about Bertha's long-distance rally, the press paid serious attention not only to her journey, but also to Karl Benz's car. Since that time, his path to fame and success began.

But before, everything was different. Benz's first car, made in 1885, was a three-wheeled two-seater carriage on tall spoked wheels. Benz put his new four-stroke on it gasoline engine with water cooling with a capacity of 0.9 l / s.

The cylinder was located horizontally above the axis of the huge rear wheels and set them in motion through one belt and two chain drives. A large, horizontal flywheel was located under the engine. It was connected to the crankshaft by a bevel gear and was used to create uniform rotation and to start the motor. Electric ignition powered by a galvanic battery - it was a more advanced solution than the glow tubes of Gottlieb Daimler, who worked in parallel and independently of Benz. Unlike Daimler's wooden cart, Benz's car had a frame welded from metal tubes. The car developed a ridiculous speed by our standards - 16 km / h, but at that time it was a very progressive design.

Since 1888, Karl began to demonstrate his cars at international car exhibitions, but nevertheless, things went neither shaky nor rolls. Widespread fame came to Benz only after a five-day journey of his wife. By the way, historians consider it the first rally in the world. Like Benz's car, Bertha's journey has also become history. In 1893, Benz created a four-wheeled car by patenting his own pivot steering system. They turned one by one, and not entirely on a common axis - this was another technical victory Benz. Open double carriage on high wheels with a fully enclosed engine compartment, which housed a single-cylinder three-liter engine with a capacity of about three "horses", was Benz's favorite creation. No wonder he called it Viktoria - "victory".

After the creation of Victoria, the business of the company improved. Benz decided to create a series of carriages, adding to the powerful "Victoria" a lightweight model "Velo" (an improved four-wheeled version of the first three-wheeled carriage). Produced since 1894, Velo was believed to be the first mass-produced car (381 cars were manufactured in three years). "Benz Velo", which appeared in Russia in 1894, became the prototype of the first Russian car, built two years later by E. Yakovlev and P. Frese. But all this is of interest only to specialists.

Of course, Karl's technical talent, his tireless struggle for novelty, thoughtfulness and quality of machines were the foundation on which the company stood. However, Bertha's journey became and will forever remain her finest hour.

Speaking about the history of the invention of the car, one cannot ignore a certain Gottlieb Daimler. And where does Daimler, in fact, - you ask? If we talk about dates, then Gottlieb Daimler actually overtook Benz. However, he did not patent the car. Daimler created and patented his internal combustion engine in 1883, designed for a wide variety of vehicles. In 1885, he tests it on a motorcycle and on August 29, six months earlier than Benz, he receives a DRP patent No. 36423 for the world's first motorcycle. This motorcycle had support wheels on the sides, like on a modern children's bicycle. Why not consider it the first four-wheeled car, especially since the car patented by Benz also did not have a body?

In 1886, Daimler ordered a body from the carriage master, which differed from the carriage only in the absence of shafts. For turns served as a lever, brought up to the driver. And instead of horses, the Daimler engine pulled the carriage, transferring force through belt drive on rear wheels. Why didn’t Benz also use a ready-made body, but created his own flimsy design on three bicycle wheels?

Most likely, the engine of a foreign design that he had, only improved by Benz, could not pull a heavy car.

And Daimler in 1887 successfully tests his engine on a boat, but also does not patent a boat. In the same year, he tests a railroad trolley and a gasoline-powered fire pump. A year later, a balloon flight took place, propellers which was rotated by a Daimler engine.

Benz and Daimler never met in their lifetime. And the competition of their firms was put to an end by the merger of Deimler Geselschaft and Benz und Co that occurred in 1926. The official emblem of this union was a three-pointed star, once invented by Daimler and symbolizing the success of the brand on land, in water and in the air. The emblem became common for the united concern, and cars began to be supplied to the market under the Mercedes-Benz trademark.

The invention of the automobile and the further development of the automobile industry have become one of the most positive developments in the development of human society. Cars have greatly simplified not only the service sector, but also the very life of people on planet Earth. Today, cars continue to be among the most desired products for families around the world.

The very first car with a gasoline engine was designed by Siegfried Markus, an engineer from Austria. During the experiments, he accidentally ignited a mixture of air with gasoline vapors. The event was the premise of the idea of ​​using gasoline as a fuel. Thanks to Marcus, the first gasoline-powered engine saw the light of day. At the beginning of 1864, the engine was installed on a simple wagon, and after 11 years, as a result of hard work, a more advanced machine was obtained. However, the laurels of superiority received others.

Given the growing pressure from governments on automotive industry, easily guided by pollution taxes, manufacturers are forced to produce more and more efficient power compared to the consumption table. Although in the past gasoline engines were mostly sought after, the situation has changed dramatically. The efficiency of the gasoline engine is achieved by reducing power and adding turbocharging.

This increased lower speed torque, making the turbocharged petrol engine move as hard as the diesel, making power even if it didn't outperform the competitor. A side effect of cutting back on gasoline has been a significant reduction in emissions, making them even cleaner than diesel engines, which have not undergone the same revolutionary redesign.

Who invented the car? According to official sources, the creation of the first car in the world is the merit of the talented engineers Karl Benz, Gottlieb Daimler. Moreover, Daimler is known as the inventor of the first gasoline-powered engine. The engine was designed in 1883, which served as an impetus for the creation of the first self-propelled crew.

In the past, the cost of a liter diesel fuel was significantly lower than that of gasoline. Over time, however, prices fluctuated almost to zero, and the advantage was almost eroded. New diesel cars usually have a higher cost than the same ones. petrol models and the same applies to used cars. One reason is that, running at lower rpm and less stressed, diesel engines will last longer.

If you are not sure about the diesel or petrol engine of the same car model, please pay attention to the following. How many kilometers are you going to drive Are there specific consumption figures for two engines? Take the driving test and see which engine best suits your road style. When you've done that, choose the version that scored the most points for you in this quick checklist.

  • When reselling, which of the two will have the higher value?
  • How much maintenance will the car need and for how long?
  • Compare insurance costs.
  • You may be surprised by the differences.
A solution is no longer considered if, at least in Europe, the diesel car segment is close to 50%.

When was the first car created? Its creation is credited to Karl Benz, the man who created the first car with an internal combustion engine in 1885. A year later, he received a patent for an innovative invention and permission to create cars with a gasoline engine. It was Karl Benz who is recognized as the man who created the first car. The creator of the car not only developed the design and filed a patent, but also created a prototype and set up production.

The End of Diesel Engines Means Still Investing in Gasoline Engines, but Starting to Get Seriously and Determined Down the Road hybrid engines and then purely electrical. The idea is to build this new car in China and then export it all over the world.

It was a vertical engine without a piston: the explosion, inside the combustion chamber, passed through a mixture of air and gas, illuminating.

What was the first car? The car was similar to the tricycle, which was popular in those years. The design included a chain drive, a tubular frame, three spoked wheels. The car could pick up at a speed of 13 km / h. Having quickly established production, Benz sold over 69 cars within 8 years. After 1894, he began to focus on four-wheeled cars having a two-cylinder engine with pneumatic tires. In the same year, about 67 cars were sold, and by 1900 the figure had increased to a dozen - sales reached 603 units.

But it is still far from representing a reliable movement. This is the first car not derived from a carriage, but developed on a chassis conceived to house an engine. Riccardo Lucatti The names of Otto and Diesel should be added to the names of Ricardo, who invented glow plugs in diesel cycle engines. Paolo Pera The pioneers of the explosive engine were the Tuscans, Lucca, Eugenio Barsanti and Felice Matteucci. These inventions, which improved the lives of millions of citizens around the world, were supposed to be part of the good, to live better in order to achieve good luck and social well-being. Unfortunately man, he soon thought of using these machines to dominate the world and so we ended up after the war. Everything is ready: by the middle of next year will be on sale air car, a car that has only compressed air in the tank, is the dream of all people with a fuel economy.

The starting point in the history of the Russian automotive industry is the meeting between Yevgeny Alexandrovich Yakovlev and Petr Alexandrovich Frese. Acquaintance happened in America in 1893 at an exhibition dedicated to the Benz car - "Benz". It was here that they came up with the idea of ​​creating own car endowed with an internal combustion engine. In 1896, the first domestic car was presented to the inhabitants of Russia. Its appearance resembled the creation of Benz, but the project was created entirely according to the drawings of Russian designers.

There is nothing missing, not even a motor to attack at home in an outlet to use as an emergency generator. But the concept of marketing is a little different for us: we will not have dealers, but many factories. One place and then forced to ship worldwide.

We don't pay a commission to the dealer because it's the same factory that sells the car and this reduces costs significantly. Yes, but you must have several factories throughout Europe. And then apologize, because at first they talked about "social" benefits. Our development plans are very precise. We think we need 25 small factories in France and 20 in Italy.

The novelty was presented to the public at an exhibition held in Nizhny Novgorod. 1896 was remembered in the country as the year of the creation of the first Russian car. The first domestic car was equipped with a body that could accommodate two passengers, weighed about 300 kg and was ready to develop a speed of about 20 km / h.

Over the long centuries of its existence, man has always invented something. But technological progress has not developed evenly. Scientists persecuted by the church were forced to stop doing experiments or worked on their inventions secretly and sometimes not very quickly. 18-19 centuries - this period is characterized by an explosion of achievements in science and technology. The steam engine is invented, followed by the internal combustion engine and many other complex and useful mechanisms.

And "social"? He must see the project from a different general angle. Images for the production of several cars in one workshop or in 50 factories scattered throughout Europe. In the second case, we succeed because it serves 30% more work force. It seems like a disadvantage, but it's a big advantage because it fits into the social fabric of cities, giving strength to families. And then do not forget that it is not enough to make ecology today to do clean cars but you need to make cars that cost a little.

And they require little energy to produce. Just what we do. In addition, we do not supply finished machines here and there for Europe. We manufacture them for local level, further reducing production cycle emissions. Are you saying that in Italy alone you want to produce 140,000 pieces a year? Yes, after all, that is the goal and they are careful, because when people know our product, there will be a real boom in demand. but above all it costs very little to run, less than 1 euro to do 100km.

Who created gasoline?

Gasoline is a refined petroleum product that consists of a mixture of different light carbons. Experiments with oil have been carried out by scientists for many centuries. One of the first oil refining and purification enterprises was a plant built in 1745 in the city of Ukhta at the Ukhta oil field. The principle of oil refining was very simple and was a simple distillation (evaporation). The process is similar to the work of a moonshine still. The resulting kerosene was used for stoves and lamps.

And then our production is a conceptual public approach to the product. These figures are impressive, but if 20 factories distribute them, it's a different matter. Nobody can wake up today And turn him into a builder. The only way is to create so many small workshops. By deploying know-how without making machines, everything is easier and faster.

Will factories be real factories or just screwdrivers? Or will they only produce products coming from outside? No, they will be absolutely real factories. Where "80 percent of the car is produced locally." A widely held charge is that it takes a lot of energy to compress air. Yes, but the argument is also true for an electric car, where the cost of energy storage is very high. In fact, if you analyze the overall design, you will notice that our cars are ultra-efficient.

Michael Faraday

In 1825, the very first and real gasoline was received by Michael Faraday. This English test physicist experimentally and by chemical processes isolated a hydrocarbon mixture that required minimal conditions for ignition. It was gasoline. The name is Arabic and literally translates as "fragrant substance." He named his product so because he received the raw materials for experiments from the Middle East.

Keep in mind that a cylinder is 20,000 cycles, equal to 2 million kilometers, so it's harder than a car, and it's very important because it has a direct cost reflection. Very often people say that compressed air no energy. It is true that compressing the air requires more energy than charging a battery, but then the air car burns less energy to run because it is light, so the well-to-wheel cycle uses automatic air technology Is a win.

It can be charged within two minutes at a specific service station or three hours at a ordinary socket. Is there a compressor on board? And it - if you want - can also work as a power generator for apartments. At the moment there is only one question: how do you buy it? Just go to our website and join the pre-order system.

V.G. Shukhov - Inventor

An interesting fact is that in 1981 the scientist V. G. Shukhov invented cracking (splitting). Thanks to this process, it is possible to decompose oil hydrocarbons into more volatile substances. The consequence of this is a greater yield of gasoline from oil. Vladimir Grigorievich made a great contribution to the development of the oil refining industry and pipeline transport.

But having a crazy range, many different workshops, probably not to complicate things? Not really. In fact, workshops are similar, but they use different technologies. When the sales figures rise, the way of production changes. What was the hardest thing to achieve? Engine and technology. Then, once established, it was all easy. Between the cylinder and the engine is a small gasoline or diesel engine.

This burner heats the air in front of the engine and then increases autonomy. About the explosive engine. Those who are full of gasoline, in Italy we have 20 thousand. On the other hand, your stations Maintenance? All of them can be found, they can recharge a car in two minutes, but they are not suitable for private people, they will cost too much. Tank, then pay the rest. But 85 full-time is about 100 euros, how does it make to live the heir to the old gas station? This cost applies to those who are fully at home, snuggling up to the internal electrical network.

When was the gasoline engine invented?

One of the main inventors of the world's first internal combustion engine is Jean Etienne Lenoir. In 1859 this Belgian engineer patented his invention. The gas mixture was ignited by an electric spark. Through the spool located in the lower cavity, air and the gas mixture alternately entered. The spark ignited the contents in the piston, expanding it and moving the piston. Exhaust gases exited through the upper spool. Lenoir invented systems for cooling and lubricating the moving parts of the engine, which reduced the risk of engine jamming. The efficiency of the engine was about 4%, but this invention was more economical than bulky and noisy steam engines. Lenoir engines were quickly replaced steam inventions, the scientist was waiting for financial success.

If you refuel at a service station at the cost doubles, it is about two euros. This is always very small, but it provides a good profit for the distributor, because we help them in the implementation of the plant. It is a complex system that must be seen as a whole. And that fascinated dad.

The cylinder is then the same as the methane. That's why our project is also going to get small garages on the move. In the system we want to revitalize small workshops that can do the very simple maintenance they need, these machines that do not pollute, do not pollute, have an eternal engine oil, no water circuit, no high operating temperature, and the machines are made from very few pieces.

Lenoir engine.

August Otto
One of the inventors of the modern engine.
Significantly improved Lenoir's invention.

From 1864 to 1876, August Otto modernized the design of the engine. He refused to ignite the gas mixture with an electric spark. He proposed his invention - a carburetor. He replaced gear rack Lenoir on the crank gear. The invention of August Otto was 5 times more economical than an engine Lenoir. And the efficiency was 15%.

The body has only three. For this reason, we use "exhaust gas" to cool the cabin, instead of air conditioning. There will also have a small trunk for cooling drinks. About pedestrians, does the car make noise? Yes, more than an electric car, but much less than " regular car". It has a different noise because it comes from a different sequence. There is no sound at idle because the engine is stationary. When he is in a hurry, you hear a puff, an indescribable noise, it all looks almost like two stroke engine but at very low frequencies.

10 years later, Gottlieb Daimler developed a real workable gasoline engine. He worked alongside August Otto and was a member of his board. Otto dismissed his colleague's idea. As a result, in 1882, Daimler, together with Wilhelm Maybach, left the Otto company. Having opened their workshop, they worked to create a compact, powerful and light engine, which could carry the crew. The first engine of this duo was stationary. According to its design features, such an engine was far from perfect.

Electric vehicles have long history behind them. The cars were originally available in three versions: electric, steam and petrol. Even hybrid car was born in those years and the technology was developed by Ferdinand Porsche.

Electric cars were preferred over others because they were silent, they didn't vibrate, they didn't smell bad, and they didn't even change gear. Steam cars, however, soon abandoned them because they required long starting times, up to 45 minutes. First, the discovery of large oil fields in Texas sharply lowered the price of the fuel market, and the introduction of such important innovations as the Henry Ford industrial chain and the starter motorcycle was decisive. turning point in this trend. These new inventions have reduced production costs and made car prices affordable for a larger market share.

Gottlieb Daimler

In 1893, the Hungarian designer Donat Banki invents a float carburetor. His system was the most reliable and became the prototype modern engines internal combustion.

1885 marks the introduction of the first gasoline engine. It was used by the German designer Karl Benz on his tricycle. She developed a speed of up to 16 km / h.

Benz stroller
It is considered the first car in the world.

When was the first gasoline car invented?

The first car with a gasoline engine is attributed to Karl Benz's tricycle. This is wrong. It is far from the usual and elementary concepts of the car.

In 1890, the same Karl Benz released his new invention with a gasoline engine. The engine was located in front and was hidden in the body. The body structure of this model was produced on cars until the middle of the 20th century.

One of the first modern cars

In 1981, French designers Emile Revasson and Rene Panhard start working on their joint car, releasing the second self-propelled carriage with the engine in front. The car had a Daimler V-shaped power plant. The car was faster than the Benz car, but had a number of design flaws. They were removed as soon as possible.

The body structures and main mechanisms of these models laid the foundations for the automotive industry, which were universal and basic for almost sixty years.


The technical progress since the invention of motor vehicles, internal combustion engines are characterized by very intense and "sports competition". The discovery of gasoline marked the beginning of the development of a new era of transport and mechanisms, which stood on a level with steam achievements, and later completely replaced steam inventions. Many factories and workshops, competing with each other, made many discoveries and inventions that became the basis for the development of the automotive industry.

1. It may seem surprising, but the largest turnover in the world among consumer goods is gasoline. It is this product that humanity consumes with particular activity. No less surprising is the fact that coffee is in second place in terms of turnover in the world.
2. Residents of the United States spend almost 1 billion dollars on this fuel in 24 hours.
3. The cheapest gasoline in the world is in Venezuela. A liter of fuel in this "combustible" country costs about $0.05.
4. During the reign of Muammar Gaddafi, gasoline in Libya was cheaper than water: 14 cents per liter.
5. The very first car, with a gasoline internal combustion engine, was created in 1885 by Karl Benz. He put a gasoline engine on a three-wheeled wagon, patenting it as "a carriage with a gas or kerosene engine."
6. At the end of the 19th century, gasoline was used exclusively as an antiseptic, which was sold in pharmacies, as well as fuel for stoves. Often, only kerosene for lamps (which was later replaced) was distilled from oil, and everything else, including gasoline, was either burned or simply thrown away. With the advent of the internal combustion engine, gasoline has become one of the main products of oil refining.
7. Gasoline is a distant relative of benzoic acid, which is a hard, whitish crystal. This substance has been known to European alchemists since the time of Nostradamus. It was obtained by condensing the vapors of a very common incense at that time, which was called "benza" or "dewy incense".
8. In the first place in terms of the high cost of gasoline - Norway, in the second - Turkey (according to Bloomberg).
9. In Israel, the price of 95th gasoline is regulated by the state and is set on the last working day of each month, in accordance with fuel prices during the last five days of the month in the ports of Italy and Southern France.
In the following articles, you can find out who invented and. 09/01/2017

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When did the first cars appear in Russia? Before answering this question, you need to understand the very concept of what a car is.

What is a car

The word "car" has two parts. "Auto" - is of Greek origin and means "self", and "mobile" in Latin means "movement".

It turns out that a car is a device that can move independently. That is, this design must have its own propulsion mechanism - steam, gas, electric, gasoline, diesel - no matter what, as long as the wheels spin with it. This means that it appeared in Russia precisely when the design invented by some craftsman was able to move without the help of horse traction or human muscular efforts.

But still the ancestors domestic automotive industry one should consider those Russian "left-handers" who were able to make their structures move without the participation of horses, and it would be unfair not to mention them.

The origin of the domestic automotive industry

The history of the first car in Russia began on November 1, 1752 in St. Petersburg. There, for the first time, a four-wheeled carriage was shown, which was able to move without the help of horses and other draft animals. It was a steel mechanism, set in motion with the help of a gate of a special design and the muscular efforts of one person. The stroller could carry, in addition to the driver, two more passengers, and at the same time moved at speeds up to 15 km / h. The designer of the car was an ordinary self-taught serf who lived in the Nizhny Novgorod province - Shamshurenkov Leonty Lukyanovich. The mechanism he created, of course, cannot be considered a car, but it was no longer a cart.

Much closer to our usual vision of the car was the Russian designer Ivan Petrovich Kulibin.

The crew of Kulibin

The design, invented by Kulibin, consisted of a three-wheeled chassis, on which a double passenger seat was installed. The driver himself, standing behind this seat, had to press alternately on two pedals associated with the wheel rotation mechanism. Kulibin's crew is especially noteworthy in that it contained almost all the main structural elements of the cars of the future, and it was he who first used gear changes, a braking device, bearings and a steering wheel in his sidecar.

The appearance of the first car in Russia

In 1830, K. Yankevich, who was a recognized master of fire monitors, together with his assistants assembled the "Bystrokat" - a self-propelled wheeled vehicle with a steam engine. The engine had a device based on the designs of steam power units I. I. Polzunova, M. E. Cherepanov and P. K. Frolova. As a fuel, according to the inventor, pine charcoal was to be used.

The design was a covered wheeled wagon, which provided, in addition to a seat for the driver, also a seat for passengers.

However, the mechanism turned out to be very bulky and difficult to operate. Therefore, the design of the machine was not viable. Nevertheless, it was the first domestic car in Russia, which could really be considered a real self-propelled machine with a steam engine.

The advent of an engine capable of running on gasoline gave impetus to further development automotive technology, since it was he who, thanks to his relatively compact size, could become a source of driving power for future cars.

The first cars in Russia with internal combustion engines

According to some historians-researchers, the ICE was designed in 1882 in a small town on the Volga. The authors of the machine were engineers Putilov and Khlobov. However, no official documents confirming this fact were ever found. Therefore, it is believed that the very first cars in Russia, equipped with liquid fuel engines, were imported from abroad.

In 1891, Vasily Navorotsky, who worked as the editor of one of the Odessa newspapers, was imported into Russia french car Panhard-Levassor. It turns out that for the first time in our country, benzyl new car saw the inhabitants of Odessa.

to the capital Russian Empire progress in the form of gasoline cars came only after 4 years. On August 9, 1895, St. Petersburg saw the first gasoline self-propelled car. A little later, several more such cars were brought to the capital.

Apparently, the appearance of imported samples on the world market prompted domestic design engineers to take action.

The first Russian car with an internal combustion engine

In 1896, at the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition, a car of a completely domestic assembly, equipped with a gasoline engine, was presented for public viewing. The car was named: "Car Frese and Yakovlev", in honor of its designers - E. A. Yakovlev and P. A. Frese. The Yakovlev plant manufactured the transmission and engine for the car. The undercarriage, wheels and the body itself were produced at the Frese factory. However, it cannot be said that the appearance of the Russian car was solely the merit of Russian engineers.

Western model for a Russian car

Most likely, Frese and Yakovlev used the experience of the German designer Benz in the manufacture of their car, and his Benz-Victoria car, which they saw when they visited an exhibition in Chicago in 1893, was taken as a standard, where it was exhibited, as constructively and in its own way in appearance, the domestic car was very reminiscent of the German model.

True, it is worth paying tribute to Russian engineers, the car was not a 100% copy of its foreign counterpart. Chassis, the body and transmission of the domestic car were significantly improved, which was emphasized in the press of that time, closely following the latest in the field of discoveries and inventions.

The documented parameters of the domestic machine, as well as the drawings, have not been preserved. All judgments about the car are based on the descriptions and photographs that have survived from that time. Actually, it is not even known for certain how many cars of this series were produced at all. But in any case, these were the first cars in Russia, from which mass production of Russian cars began.

The finish line for the first petrol car

The history of the machine assembled by Frese and his companion ended quickly. In 1898, the engineer and industrialist Yakovlev died, which, in fact, was the beginning of the end for the first-born of the domestic automotive industry. The death of a companion forced Frese to buy engines for cars abroad, which, of course, was extremely unprofitable for him. In 1910, he sold all the established production to the Russian-Baltic Plant.

However, the fact that the first cars in Russia domestic production appeared thanks to Frese and Yakovlev, forever inscribed in the history of the domestic automotive industry, and RBVZ became the next step in the development of Russian car production.

Russian-Baltic Carriage Works (RBVZ)

Cars of this brand have established themselves as durable and very reliable, which was confirmed by the success of cars participating in long-distance runs, car competitions and even international rallies. There is a documented fact that one of the machines, released in 1910 under the index "S-24", for 4 years of operation covered 80 thousand km without serious damage and repair. Even the imperial garage in 1913 made an order for two models of cars "K-12" and "S-24".

60% car park Russian army consisted of Russo-Balt vehicles. Moreover, not only cars were purchased from the plant, but also chassis for use on armored cars.

An important fact is that almost all parts, assemblies and mechanisms were manufactured by the plant on their own. Only tires, ball bearings, and oil pressure gauges were purchased abroad.

RBVZ produced cars in large series, and within each of them there was almost complete interchangeability in terms of components and parts.

In 1918, the enterprise was nationalized and continued its history as an armored plant.

The history of the modern car began quite recently - just a few hundred years ago, and the pace of development of the automotive industry is accelerating every year. The very first cars, which most often looked like motorized carriages, developed slowly and their owners and inventors were either not taken seriously or considered very strange people who were engaged in unnecessary and incomprehensible research. However, their work was not in vain, so let's remember today what were the first cars?

  • What was the first car in the world

    The very first car was an ordinary cart, which was equipped with a steam engine that was able to produce the power needed to move the car and the driver. Such the first steam car was created in 1768 and there was only one copy, which is quite logical, since there was simply no need for such machines.

    The very idea of ​​moving from horse-drawn carriages to mechanized carriages is a real breakthrough, which can be compared to the transition from the usual preservation of fire among cavemen to its production.

    However, steam cars did not develop due to their bulky design and inconvenience when loading fuel, and the inventors tried to come up with a new version of the engine.

    The first car with a gasoline engine

    It took almost 40 years to search for new engine options, and already in 1806 the first car with an internal combustion engine was created. Its design was also not perfect, but it was more convenient to use, so it was this branch of cars that was developed.

    Already 80 years later, in 1885, Karl Benz introduced the first commercially available and serial production automobile. It was very different from modern ones and the first thing that catches your eye is that it had not 4, but only 3 wheels.
    Around the same time, the first motorized bicycle was invented, and a year later, the motorized cart, but Gottlieb Daimler became its inventor.

    However, back to the three-wheeled miracle from Benz. This car was equipped with a 954 cm³ engine and was controlled by a T-handle. Despite the fact that this car made a splash among the world community, widespread this miracle of technology did not receive due to the huge cost of the car.

    Separately, it is necessary to say a few words about the engine, since it is he who is a real breakthrough in the era of mechanical engineering. Despite the fact that his weight was about 100 kg, the best options The engine didn't exist at the time. It is worth noting that in the patent for the invention of the car, received by Benz, the engine power was indicated at 2/3 Horse power s, although the actual power of the car was slightly higher and reached 0.9 horsepower at 400 rpm. This tricycle miracle technology could reach a speed of 16 kilometers per hour, which for that time was a very good result, and already in 1890 the car began to be mass-produced. You can see this car in operation in the video:

    Four wheels instead of three

    A three-wheeled car for a modern person is a curiosity and antiquity, although it was very much quoted among connoisseurs of the beauty of that era for its unusual and elegant design. But despite this, a few years after the appearance of the first car with an internal combustion engine, even Benz himself came to the conclusion that the three-wheeled car needed to be improved. Despite the fact that the four-wheeled version seemed less elegant and looked more like a carriage or cart in the eyes of that era, it was the car with four wheels that was easier to maintain and more durable due to less load on the front wheel. And already 3 years later, in 1893, the first four-wheeled car appeared, which in fact was a modified version of the Benz car, and was no different from his first invention.

    The modifications did not end there, and in 1885 the Victoria car appeared. The improvement of the four-wheeled car created by Benz continued until 1890 and during this time more than 2300 such cars were produced and sold.

    From functionality to appearance

    Naturally, Benz was not the only inventor who was involved in the creation of cars. In parallel with him, Gottlieb Daimler conducted his work, who decided to approach the issue of creating a car in a slightly different way. The first models of his cars were simple horse-drawn carriages, which were driven by a motor.

    Such carriages appeared as early as 1886, but due to design features and too much load from a single-cylinder engine on the structure, were extremely inconvenient, which prompted the inventor to continue working on his car.

    Gottlieb Daimler himself spoke of himself as a restrained and patient designer who does not rush forward, but thinks more judiciously. Instead of modifying the current model, he first of all took up the development of his own internal combustion engine, for which he soon received a patent.

    At this time, his employees were also working on a new car, which was put into production in 1895 under the name "Daimler". New engines were subsequently used to produce completely revolutionary car models.

    It is worth saying that by that time the first car had already been produced that could reach a speed of 80 km / h, and this happened in 1985. This car was equipped with a four-cylinder engine with a capacity of as much as 24 horsepower, which was a real breakthrough at that time.

    However, this high-speed car was very bulky, very difficult to drive and far from the safest, so the company still had a lot of work to do.

    The very first Mercedes

    The Daimler company did the best job with this work, and by the end of 1890 a world-famous car appeared, which was named after the daughter of the founder of the company, Mercedes Daimler. This car, according to experts and historians, has become the prototype of modern cars.

    Mercedes, with a capacity of 35 horsepower, is a real achievement and the pinnacle of the engineering skill of that time. The ignition in this car was carried out using a magnet. low voltage, the car had the ability to shift gears, and there is nothing to say about the quality of the body - it was the last know-how in the automotive industry of that era. A high-quality stamped frame made the car stronger and made it possible to apply fundamentally new techniques in the manufacture of a car body.

    The brakes of the new car have become more advanced, and the car itself has become more reliable and obedient, which made it so popular among motorists. A little later, models equipped with a 5.3-liter side-valve engine were released, which also became popular and is still considered almost the best example of cars of that era.

    The first car in Russia

    Russia, although lagging behind foreign car manufacturers, nevertheless, over time, realized the prospects for the development of this industry. The first car that appeared in Russia was the French handsome Panard-Levassor, a French car brought to Russia in 1891 by Vasily Navrotsky. At that time, he served as editor of the Odessa Leaf newspaper. After that, interest in cars in Russia became more lively, and by the end of the year several more cars were imported into the country. However, despite this, for the first time cars on the streets of Moscow, the first cars appeared only in 1899.

    At this time, the country also developed its own models of cars with an internal combustion engine, and the first such production car was the Frese and Yakovlev Car, which was first presented to the public in 1896. However, this car did not arouse much interest among the highest circles and official representatives of the Russian Empire at the fair.

    This practically set the tone for the development of the automotive industry in the country, because in Russia, although they began to produce trucks and cars, they were going under license foreign companies from spare parts produced abroad. Unfortunately, until 1917 there was no own production of spare parts and cars in the Russian Empire.

    The situation changed after the Revolution, when the old system and the old views on pre-revolutionary life changed dramatically. Since then, mechanical engineering in Russia and the countries of the former CIS has begun its difficult path.

    From mechanical carts to modern cars

    The history of the automotive industry also includes several dead-end branches of development, including electric cars of the 20th century and the like, which were not directly developed, but can give food for thought to current engineers, since the ideas of some cars were quite sensible and just lacked technical feasibility implement these projects.

    Since every day the automotive industry and the number of cars produced are only increasing, more powerful engines and committed brake systems, new materials are being used to make car bodies and even computers are being installed, it is quite possible that another industrial revolution is waiting for us soon and on modern cars in the future will look the same as we now looked at the cars of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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