Algorithm of work with a professional standard driver. The concept of the professional standard of the driver and its sample

Algorithm of work with a professional standard driver. The concept of the professional standard of the driver and its sample

New professional standards for motorists: requirements are getting tougher

On June 15, 2016, new requirements for the level of training of employees of transport enterprises began to operate in our country. What changes in this regard await Russian carriers? Let's try to figure it out.

Denis KARLOV, Deputy Director of the ASMAP Academy

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2015 No. 287 "On approval of professional and qualification requirements for employees legal entities And individual entrepreneurs, carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport "defined required level knowledge, skills, vocational education, length of service (experience) in 14 professions and positions of employees. Among them:

– a driver of a vehicle of categories B, BE (including a taxi driver);
- the driver of a vehicle of categories C, C1, CE, C1E;
– driver of a vehicle of categories D, D1, DE, D1E;
– driver of a vehicle of category Tb;
– driver of a vehicle of category Tm;
- the driver of the car carrying out the transportation dangerous goods;
- the driver of a car carrying out the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy cargo or accompanying this transportation;
- a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a device for supplying special light and sound signals;
- the driver of a car carrying out the transportation of passengers and (or) goods in international traffic;
– dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport;
– controller technical condition vehicles;
– controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport;
- security specialist traffic;
- Consultant on the safety of transporting dangerous goods.

The greatest resonance among carriers - members of the ASMAP was caused, though expected, but by a very serious tightening of the requirements for the qualification of a driver of a car carrying passengers and (or) goods in international traffic. So, in addition to driving license of the corresponding category, he must now have a certificate of professional competence of an international road carrier. The procedure for obtaining it is established by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated
March 31, 2016 No. 87. According to the document, for this the driver must complete a 36-hour advanced training course and pass a written qualification exam. This certificate is valid for three years.
To improve the professional level of international drivers and smooth transition Since 2011, ASMAP has been implementing a training program for drivers of its full members at the expense of the Association in addition to their mandatory advanced training. To date, more than 3,000 drivers have already been trained under this project.
But if with regard to international drivers, according to the new requirements, everything is more or less clear, then the criteria that dispatchers, controllers and specialists responsible for ensuring road safety must meet raise a lot of questions from carriers.
First, let's list them.

Education and work experience requirements:

1) to the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport:
- the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Technique and technology land transport»;
– the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education in specialties that are not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Equipment and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of additional professional education under the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport;
2) to the controller of the technical condition of vehicles:
- the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty 23.02.03 " Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" without presenting requirements for length of service (experience) of work;
- a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialties included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", with the exception of the specialty 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", with the presentation of requirements for length of service (experience) work in the field of monitoring the technical condition and maintenance of vehicles for at least one year;
- the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in specialties that are not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a diploma of additional professional education in a professional retraining program with the qualification of a vehicle technical condition inspector. There are no requirements for length of service (experience);
3) to the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety:
- the presence of a diploma of higher education in the field of study, which is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and which has passed certification for the right to hold the relevant position in the prescribed manner;
- the presence of a diploma of higher education in the field of study that is not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a diploma of additional professional education in the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, and passed in the established certification procedure for the right to hold the relevant position.

According to the new requirements, a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport must have a diploma of at least secondary vocational education in a specialty that is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of ground transport." In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199 and dated November 18, 2013 No. 1245, it includes the following specialties in the field of automobile and urban ground electric transport:
- according to the programs of secondary vocational education (SVE): 02/23/01 "Organization of transportation and transport management", 02/23/02 "Automobile and tractor construction", 02/23/03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", 02/23/04 " Technical operation lifting and transport, construction, road cars and equipment” and 23.02.05 “Operation of transport electrical equipment and automation”;
- for higher education programs (HE): bachelor's degree - 03/23/01 "Technology of transport processes", 03/23/02 "Ground transport and technological complexes" and 03/23/03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes"; magistracy - 23.04.01 "Technology of transport processes", 23.04.02 "Ground transport and technological complexes" and 23.04.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes"; specialty - 23.05.01 "Ground transport and technological means" and 23.05.02 "Special purpose vehicles".
If the employee has a diploma in a specialty that is not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of ground transport", the employer should send him for professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport.
The qualification requirements for the controller of the technical condition of vehicles are similar to those for dispatchers. The difference lies only in additional conditions for length of service (experience) depending on the specific specialty according to the diploma.
But the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety has more stringent requirements. Firstly, he must have a diploma of higher education in the field of study, which is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Technique and technology of road transport", or a diploma of higher education in another specialty and a diploma of professional retraining with the qualification of a person responsible for providing road safety. An employee with a secondary vocational education cannot hold this position.
Secondly, a candidate for the position of a specialist of this kind is required to undergo certification for the right to occupy the relevant position. The procedure for its implementation was approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia
dated March 11, 1994 No. 13/11. This document defines the certification procedure not only for persons holding the positions of a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety, but also for other employees (executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of ground vehicles). IN this moment The Ministry of Transport of Russia is preparing a separate order to approve the certification procedure for a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety. Its signing is expected in early 2017.

Professional retraining

Professional retraining programs are aimed at obtaining the competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification. In our case, we are talking about the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport, the controller of the technical condition of vehicles and the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety.
The ASMAP Academy was one of the first among educational organizations to develop and test an additional professional program "Organization of transportation and transport management". Since September 1, 2016, it has been successfully implemented not only in Moscow, but also in the entire network of training and consulting centers (ECC) of the Association.
The minimum period for mastering professional retraining programs is established by the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated July 1, 2013 No. 499. According to the document, it cannot be less than 250 hours. At the Academy and ECC ASMAP, the term for mastering the program "Organization of Transportation and Management in Transport" varies from 256 to 264 hours, depending on the qualification awarded.
The educational process for this program is organized on the basis of a block-modular presentation of educational information. The first module "Operation of road transport" is aimed at obtaining by students the basic knowledge, skills and competencies required by employees in all three positions.
The second, third and fourth modules are specialized and are aimed at mastering the specifics of the work of a dispatcher, a technical condition controller and a specialist responsible for road safety at an enterprise, respectively.

The ASMAP Academy quite often receives questions from carriers on new requirements. On the pages of the MAP magazine we will try to answer them.

- Does an employee with a higher education in the specialty "Electrical equipment of cars and tractors" or "Technology of maintenance and repair in the agro-industrial complex" meet the new requirements?
- No, this diploma will not be enough to carry out the activities of a dispatcher, controller or specialist responsible for ensuring road safety. The list of required specialties is listed above.
- What should I do if an employee has an attestation for the right to hold a position related to road safety, but he does not have a specialized education and a diploma of additional professional education, provided for by the new requirements? Does he have the right to hold the position of a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety?
- Yes, it does, but only if the employer has already sent the employee for training to receive additional professional education with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, that is, an agreement has been concluded with an educational organization, which indicates the term of the upcoming training.

Since most of the participants in the program are already practitioners transport organizations and it is difficult for them to study off-the-job for such a long time, the mastery of the program is provided in the correspondence form with the obligatory listening to review lectures and seminars in the classroom for at least one week.
The final certification is carried out in the form of a final qualification exam. Students who have successfully mastered the educational program and passed the final certification are issued diplomas of professional retraining with the assignment of the appropriate qualification.
More detailed information on the timing, cost and procedure for applying for professional retraining is available on the website of the ASMAP Academy:

Liability of officials and legal entities

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety", legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road must ensure that employees meet professional and qualification requirements. Thus, the employer must control the compliance of employees with the above requirements, and in case of their inconsistency, send employees who do not have a specialized education for professional retraining.
In addition, the employer is obliged to control the passage of periodic certification of employees holding the positions of executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of the movement of ground vehicles. Full list of such positions is specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on the procedure for attestation of persons holding positions of executive heads and specialists of transport enterprises, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated
March 11, 1994 No. 13/11.

List of positions of executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of navigation, flights and movement of ground vehicles, subject to certification in automobile, electric urban ground transport
Heads or deputy heads responsible for ensuring traffic safety in organizations, regardless of ownership and type of activity.
- departments (or other divisions) of operation and road safety, technical control, organizations;
- columns (routes), detachments.
- dispatchers, QCD mechanics, mechanics (masters) of columns, detachments.

The functions of monitoring compliance with professional and qualification requirements in the field of road transport are assigned to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Transport. Responsibility for violation of these requirements is established by Art. 12.31.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and provides for the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 20,000 rubles, and for legal entities -
100,000 rubles.

To develop and strengthen the economy, professional standards have been developed for many professions, which include requirements for an applicant for a position. With the proper skills and abilities, the applicant can easily find a job in a new workplace. When looking for a job as a driver, you should consider the following questions:

  • what is the professional standard of a car driver used for;
  • in what cases it is necessary to apply a professional standard for a driver: a loader, a truck, a car, a bus;
  • professional standard structure and key points;
  • how to properly apply the professional standard;
  • is it necessary to apply it.

What is a professional standard for?

professional standards are a set of developed skills, abilities, knowledge and responsibilities that are presented to the position. Their goal is to eliminate ambiguities in job responsibilities, and establish uniform requirements for the profession. Based on this document, Can identify your weak points, improve knowledge in this area and compare the compliance of their skills with those presented.

Standards for the profession reveal the activities of workers for different levels qualifications. For each specialty, the document is divided into general requirements, and also goes ranking by skill level, for example, for the profession of a car driver, general skills and abilities are prescribed, as well as additional requirements.

The developed document is easy to use, is a guideline for personnel officers in the selection of personnel.

Represents a list of requirements developed under the type of profession. Professional standards should help in:

  • setting the level of earnings of employees;
  • development of internal job descriptions;
  • formation of the company's policy in the selection of personnel;
  • definition of personnel functions;
  • drawing up employment contracts;
  • determination of the level of qualification of employees and its timely improvement.

When does the driver standard apply?

The professional standard of the driver implies rather high requirements for the candidate. A person applying for this position must be able to drive a vehicle in any weather, while quickly assessing risks and taking necessary actions. Driver should not only know the rules of the road, but also know how to behave in case of an accident or car breakdown. In case of any circumstances, be calm and know how to help those in need in the event of an accident or damage to the vehicle.

It is necessary to apply professional standards to protect against unqualified personnel. For the driver of any type of vehicle, there are general requirements that you need to know and be able to apply. To work on different types transport must be driver license the desired category and know the characteristics of this vehicle.


For loader drivers, information about job functions is prescribed in the professional standard "Automotive Logistician". The main ones include:

  • movement of goods and materials in an intact form;
  • inventory accounting;
  • fulfillment of an order for goods and materials, a report on the work done on moving and preserving;
  • drawing up a plan and control at all stages of delivery and movement;
  • organization of supplies after the analysis;
  • optimization of work processes;
  • ensuring the work of the enterprise in the field of logistics.

Trucks and cars

For a truck driver, in addition to the basic requirements, the following requirements are presented:

  • know the principles of operation, mechanisms, be able to manage freight transport, know the device of transport and trailer;
  • know and follow the instructions for technical inspection;
  • observance of safety in the placement and securing of goods;
  • observance of a reliable level of qualification, namely to maintain a state of health, ethical behavior on the road, rest and work regimes.

Passenger car - TS does not exceed 3500 kg. and accommodates no more than 8 passengers- characteristics of the car. The type of transport is determined in the document for the car. Professional standard for drivers this transport in demand in enterprises that use cars for workflow.

  • vehicle insurance rules;
  • rules of conduct on the road;
  • liability for violations;
  • how to fix damage or how to identify a malfunction;
  • how to drive a vehicle in various weather conditions;
  • ensuring the safety of all road users;
  • emergency phone numbers.


For bus drivers use the professional standard "Driver of the car". It is obligatory to use the standard in case of granting benefits and compensations at the enterprise. The main skills should include:

  • the ability to drive a vehicle in any circumstances, to know the technical characteristics;
  • know how to fix minor breakdowns;
  • be able to fill vehicles with technical fluids and fuel;
  • know the rules for organizing the transportation of passengers, their embarkation and disembarkation;
  • following the route;
  • compliance with all security measures;
  • report on the work done - delivery of the vehicle in good condition, filling out related documentation.

Structure and key points

The driver's professional standard has not yet been developed, but there is a draft of it, which consists of the following parts:

  • General requirements;
  • special requirements;
  • additional requirements for drivers carrying passengers or cargo;
  • exam requirements.

The general requirements include the following criteria:


Skills and abilities:

  • orientation on the roads, the ability to plan a route, knowledge of traffic rules and road signs;
  • the ability to “read” a road atlas and use modern navigation tools;
  • the ability to "adjust" on the roads, to control the vehicle in the general stream;
  • the ability to drive well transport at any time and in any weather;
  • ability to maintain speed and distance;
  • perform simple maneuvers to help avoid an accident;
  • not interfere with maneuvers, as well as timely inform other road users about their actions;
  • understand the technical characteristics of the car electronic scoreboard transport;
  • adjust the seat and mirrors to your height;
  • start the work of transport, regardless of weather conditions;
  • have control skills, namely, start off, on a hill, set the required speed, apply the braking system, be able to drive in reverse gear;
  • the ability to make a U-turn and parking vehicles;
  • know how to provide first aid in case of an accident;
  • temperature control in the cabin;
  • monitoring the state of the vehicle;
  • react in various situations in accordance with the technical characteristics of the car - adjust the speed, braking, know the rules of control during a skid.


  • the ability to transport passengers, to act with high efficiency - the optimal selection of speed limits and low fuel consumption;
  • know the responsibility for non-compliance with traffic rules;
  • observe the following factors that affect reliability - state of health, skill level, personal characteristics, have an idea about the consequences after taking medications;
  • know the basics of management;
  • observe safety while driving;
  • rules of conduct and assistance to victims of road accidents.

The standard prescribes the requirements for passing the exam - the driver must go through a given route, observing all the rules, using a safe speed limit.

Additional requirements The document is divided into the following categories:

  • requirements for drivers carrying passengers;
  • to drivers carrying goods.

The professional duties of the first category include:

The duties of a driver who transport goods include:

  • receipt and proper execution of travel documentation;
  • acceptance of cargo, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the received objects, their fasteners;
  • compliance with all measures to ensure safe transportation;
  • registration of transport documents;
  • following the route according to the documentation;
  • delivery of cargo to the place of arrival, delivery;
  • providing a report on the work done.

The information on passing the exam in the professional standard states that the developed route based on the results of the passage should provide a test of the candidate's abilities. The main requirements are safety, compliance with the speed limit and fuel costs. For different categories of cars, time limits are set for passing the exam.

How to implement

The application of the professional standard for drivers implies a number of the following activities:

  1. At the enterprise, double-check local documentation, including job description, staffing. In case of discrepancies with the standard, correct personnel documents.
  2. Check the level of compliance of employees with the qualifications established in the standard. In case of non-compliance of an employee necessary requirements with such an employee, they may terminate their employment relationship, or offer to improve their knowledge by undergoing additional training.
  3. Even if there is no professional standard mandatory requirements to the professionalism of the employee, the employer has the right to send the driver for certification. Based on the results, the issue of further cooperation with the candidate will be resolved.

Is it possible to do without it?

The obligation to follow the developed document has been established for enterprises since 2016. If for some reason the company does not follow the established criteria of the professional standard, then during the audit it may be held liable in the form of payment a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

It is mandatory for employers to apply the professional standard if the requirements for a specific qualification are established in the legislation.

If the law does not establish the mandatory application of the standard, then it is taken as the basis for the requirements for the knowledge of the employee. That is, the document must be used as a guideline in determining the functions and responsibilities of personnel.


1 Draft PROFESSIONAL STANDARD OF A CAR DRIVER This standard establishes the requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of drivers of motor vehicles (ATS) of the following categories and subcategories: "B", "C", "C1", "D", "D1", "BE" , "CE", "C1E", "DE", "D1E". The standard establishes: - requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of the driver of the vehicle of the relevant categories and subcategories, upon fulfillment of which the candidate driver can be allowed to drive the vehicle. -level requirements professional excellence drivers, on the basis of which it is possible to organize a system of advanced training for drivers. - requirements for the content of the qualifying exam, the route of the qualifying trip and the minimum time required for its conduct. - requirements for the examiner taking the ATS driving test.

2 Professional Responsibilities road conditions. Compliance with work and rest regimes. General requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of vehicle drivers Basic skills and abilities, necessary duties* Basic knowledge, necessary duties** Ability to plan and carry out a trip, use the atlas highways, road signs and pointers, radio and navigation equipment. The ability to use the optimal model of behavior in the traffic flow when driving (including on the highway). The ability to control the automatic telephone exchange in various traffic conditions (including in dark time days). The ability not to exceed a safe speed, not to reduce the distance and transverse interval relative to safe values; do not reduce the speed and do not increase the transverse interval relative to the values ​​at which the car begins to interfere with the movement of other vehicles. Ability to maneuver in traffic. The ability to inform other road users about their maneuvers and not interfere with them. The ability to use instrumental information to optimize the management of the automatic telephone exchange and control its technical condition. The ability to optimize your working posture and set the rear-view mirrors to the optimal position. Taxiing skill with retention feedback about the position of the steered wheels. Ability to start the engine at its various temperature conditions. Vehicle traffic control skills: The task of the driver when driving the vehicle is to move passengers and goods with maximum efficiency and environmental friendliness (optimal average speed and minimum fuel consumption), a given level of safety. Rules of the road, responsibility for their violation in accordance with administrative, criminal and civil codes. Rules of environmentally friendly behavior in road traffic Factors affecting the professional reliability of the driver: - qualification accuracy of the action plan formation (determination of safe values ​​of speed, distance and transverse interval), and accuracy of the action plan implementation (level of skills); - personal qualities; - ethical behavior in traffic; - state of health: - mode of work and rest; - taking drugs, alcohol, drugs. Fundamentals of efficient, environmentally friendly and safe control of automatic telephone exchange: - model of optimal behavior of the driver in traffic; - economical, environmentally friendly and safe algorithm for speed control of automatic telephone exchange; - addiction average speed, fuel consumption, environmental friendliness and safety of automatic telephone exchange control from top speed in areas of free movement in traffic flows with different levels of ease of movement

3 - start off (including on the rise), accelerate with gear shifting according to an economical algorithm; - stabilize the speed; - apply coasting and engine braking with gear shifting; - regularly brake the working braking system; - fix the vehicle with parking brake; - direct the vehicle along a given trajectory and eliminate its deviations from it. Ability to maneuver in confined spaces: - move forward and in reverse when limiting the transverse interval; - turn around with multiple use of forward and reverse gears; - turn 90 0 when moving forward and reverse; -fulfill parallel parking forward and reverse The ability to regulate the movement of the vehicle in case of emergency: - use a high-speed acceleration algorithm, including when wheels slip; brake with maximum deceleration, while maintaining the stability of the vehicle against drift and skid; -stabilize drift and skid. Ability to monitor the technical condition of the automatic telephone exchange and prevent its failures. Ability to maintain comfortable conditions in the cabin (salon) of the automatic telephone exchange. Ability to provide first aid in case of an accident. nia; - the influence of the deviation of the speed of the vehicle from the average speed traffic flow on the safety of management; - influence of traffic irregularity on fuel consumption and safety of vehicle control; Conditions for safe control of the vehicle: - dynamic dimension of the vehicle; - dangerous space around the vehicle; - conflict space around the automatic telephone exchange; - typical situations leading to an accident; - the impact on the safety of the control of the automatic telephone exchange of the elements of the plan and profile of the road, the slipperiness and evenness of its surface; - impact on the security of control of automatic telephone exchanges of dark time, rain, fog, blizzard; - the impact on the safety of the control of the automatic telephone exchange of the level of ease of movement in the traffic flow; - specific risk factors associated with the participation in road traffic of motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians (especially children and persons with reduced mobility); - precautions for boarding and disembarking passengers; - information taken from flight instruments and a trip computer to improve the efficiency, environmental friendliness and safety of vehicle control; -principles of optimal placement in the workplace; -principles of taxiing while maintaining feedback on the position of the steered wheels; - high-speed acceleration algorithms without slipping and with slipping of the drive wheels; - algorithms emergency braking at different coefficients of adhesion of tires to the road on a vehicle with various types

4 drives; - control algorithms when exceeding safe speed at the entrance to the turn on the automatic telephone exchange with various types of drives; - ATS control algorithm when avoiding obstacles. The device and properties of automatic telephone exchange as a control object. Rules of behavior of the driver in case of an accident. Rules for providing first aid to victims of an accident. 2. Carrying out daily maintenance of the automatic telephone exchange, elimination of minor malfunctions on the way. 3. Refueling of vehicles with fuel and technical fluids. Visually inspect the vehicle. Perform daily maintenance checks. Eliminate minor faults that do not require disassembly of the units (including wheel replacement). Fill the vehicle with fuel and lubricants and technical fluids; Compliance with safety regulations when refueling Ensuring environmental safety when performing work on refueling a vehicle. Comply with fire and environmental safety measures when refueling a vehicle Basics of working with road maps and navigation equipment. The device of automatic telephone exchange as a control object and its technical operation. Safety regulations for the maintenance of vehicles. Tire pressure standards Volumes filling tanks stamps filling materials And technical liquids used for the serviced PBX, their compatibility. 4. Special Requirements to drivers of automatic telephone exchanges of category “B” Qualification level two The competence of an employee includes the application of knowledge in a wide range of different jobs performed under a variety of circumstances. Some of these jobs are complex and non-standard, the worker has some responsibility and some autonomy.

5 Direction of activity of employees Requirements for the general educational level and the level of vocational education Requirements for practical experience Requirements for attestation and certification Competence levels five Specific requirements for health Driving a car Secondary general education, professional training Not required Voluntary certification I V ranks (4-8 categories) Established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Requirements for the quality of vehicle control at the qualification exam control with the speed of the traffic flow and fuel consumption, corresponding to the V rank in table.1. Table Ranking scale for drivers of vehicles of category “B” by skill level Rank I II III IV V Fuel consumption in relation to the standard, not more than % Additional requirements for a driver of a vehicle of category “B” performing commercial transportation of passengers Basic skills required to perform professional responsibilities Professional responsibilities 6.1. Obtaining and execution of travel documentation Basic knowledge, necessary responsibilities Obtaining the necessary travel documentation from the dispatch service. Observance of confidentiality in relation to the information received. Rules for drawing up travel, technical, insurance and other documentation. The main terms used in the field of road transport and traffic. Job description. Fundamentals of interpersonal and business communication 6.2. Boarding passengers Checking the use of seat belts by passengers Rules of the road Job description 6.3. Compliance with security measures to ensure the safety of the vehicle and control of the vehicle with a given level of security. Adoption of safety measures on the Rules of the road Rules for stopping vehicles by employees

6 passengers 6.4. Carrying out according to the travel documentation 6.5. Registration and delivery of travel and financial documentation in parking lots in accordance with the instructions Exclusion of transportation of unauthorized persons. Taking measures to exclude access to the vehicle by unauthorized persons. Implementation of a given route of movement in accordance with the travel documentation. Compliance with the terms of delivery of passengers Obtaining a mark of an official in waybill on the technical condition of the vehicle and its delivery. Filling out the waybill in accordance with the Instructions for filling out waybills. Checking the completeness of transport and financial documentation. Timely delivery of travel documentation to an official for a report on the completion of the task. Compliance with internal regulations Filling out an advance report. Delivery of the advance report with the application of payment documents and the remaining funds to the official. Warning officials about the approaching expiration of the insurance policy, vehicle technical inspection coupon, driver's license, medical certificate, passport of a citizen of the State traffic inspectorate. Regulatory documentation on stopping and checking vehicles by employees of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport. Job description Orders and orders of your organization. Travel documentation. Maps, atlas of highways. Guidelines for the use of navigation equipment Rules for the preparation of travel, technical, insurance and other documentation. Basic terms in the field of road transport and traffic. Organizational structure of your company. Job description.

7 7. Additional requirements for drivers of vehicles of category "B" performing commercial transportation of goods Basic skills, skills, necessary duties Commercial transportation of goods. Professional responsibilities 7.1. Obtaining and execution of travel and transport documentation Basic knowledge, necessary responsibilities Obtaining the necessary travel and transport documentation from the dispatch service. Checking the presence of signatures, seals, cargo codes, matching data in various travel and transport documents. Filling out and handing over the document on arrival at the terminal, informing your dispatch service about this. Obtaining a pass to enter the terminal Reflection in the transport documentation of comments on the integrity of the packaging of the cargo. Respect for the confidentiality of the information received. General Rules for Transportation Rules for issuing travel, transport, technical, insurance and other documentation. The main terms used in the field of road transport and traffic. Job description. Fundamentals of interpersonal and business communication 7.2. Acceptance of cargo from the consignor, management of its placement on cargo platform and securing Compliance with security measures to ensure the safety of the vehicle and cargo Compliance with the General Rules for Transportation Acceptance of cargo by quantity, weight, marking and integrity of its packaging. Control of conformity of weight and overall parameters cargo technical characteristics of the vehicle. Management of the placement of cargo, taking into account the distribution of its weight along the axes and the instructions of the sender on the load on the container. Checking (ensuring) the reliable fastening of the cargo. Refusal to load in the absence of the possibility of securely securing the cargo Verification of conformity of markings on seals and packages specified information in the transport documentation Shelter of bulk cargo with a canopy upon completion of loading. Vehicle control with a given level of security. Taking security measures and ensuring the safety of the vehicle and the General Rules for Transportation Rules for the placement of cargo. Rules and norms of labor protection Job description General rules of transportation Rules for stopping trans-

8 7.4. Receipt and execution of transport documentation 7.5. Carrying out according to the travel documentation 7.6. Delivery of cargo to the consignee and execution of documentation by the consignee 7.7. Registration and delivery of travel, transport and financial documentation of cargo in flight and at stops in accordance with the instructions of their organization. Exclusion of the carriage of unauthorized persons. Taking measures to exclude access to the vehicle by unauthorized persons. Shelter of bulk cargo with a canopy upon completion of loading. Checking the integrity of the tent and sealing devices. Implementation of a given route of movement in accordance with the travel documentation. Compliance with the terms of delivery of goods. Filling out and submitting the document on arrival at the terminal, informing the dispatch service about this. Informing the consignee about the delivery of the cargo. Obtaining a pass to enter the unloading area. Delivery of cargo to the consignee and draw up transport documentation. Obtaining a mark of an official in the waybill on the technical condition of the vehicle and its delivery. Filling out the waybill in accordance with the Instructions for filling out waybills. Checking the completeness of transport and financial documentation. Timely delivery of travel and transport documentation to an official for a report on the completion of the task. Compliance with internal regulations Filling out an advance report. Delivery of the advance report with the application of payment documents and the remaining funds to the official. Warning of officials about the approaching expiration of the validity period of insurance vehicles by employees of the State traffic inspectorate. Regulatory documentation on stopping and checking vehicles by employees of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport. Job description Dispositions and orders Travel documentation. Maps, atlas of highways. Guidelines for the use of navigation equipment Basic terms in the field of road transport and General rules for transportation Rules for issuing travel, transport, technical, insurance and other documentation. Basic terms in the field of road transport and traffic. Organizational structure of your company. Job description.

9 fox, vehicle inspection coupon, driver's license, medical certificate, citizen's passport 8. Requirements for the route and duration of the qualifying exam ATS. The route must provide a test of the ability of a candidate driver to drive a vehicle with a given quality, drive safely at the speed of the traffic flow, without exceeding the fuel consumption standard. The duration of the qualifying trip must be at least 60 minutes when passing the qualification exam for the right to drive AIS of category "B" and at least 90 minutes for ATS of categories "C" and "D". 9. Qualification requirements for an examiner professional education in a technical specialty, at least 25 years of age, at least 5 years of driving experience in automatic telephone exchanges, a driver’s qualification of at least rank II and an additional profession “examiner in driving motor vehicles”

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT WORKING PROGRAM Fundamentals of driving category C vehicles Kostroma 2014 Working programm subject developed

Non-state educational private institution of additional professional education " The educational center"LEADER" "APPROVED I GIVE" / 1SH 5!.h- - Gy etseral director of the NIGHT cent "LEADER" v V K * V .,

APPROVE CEO PSE "Driver" September 01, 2014 WORK PROGRAM on the subject of the Basics of driving Category "B" St. Petersburg 2014 Work program

Annotation of the work program of the discipline: Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic legislation governing traffic, necessary in the daily activities of a car driver.


EXPLANATORY NOTE Purpose: mastering theoretical and acquiring practical skills and abilities to safely drive a car in all possible modes and road and climatic conditions. Category

"I approve" Driving school NORD-LADA OA Dorokhov. WORKING CURRICULUM FOR TRAINING DRIVERS FOR CATEGORY "B" Academic subjects Basic cycle academic subjects Fundamentals of traffic legislation

SUMMARY of work programs on subjects of the educational program vocational training drivers of vehicles of category "B" "Fundamentals of legislation in the field of road traffic" knowledge

1. PASSPORT OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE SUBJECT "FUNDAMENTALS OF DRIVING A VEHICLE OF CATEGORY "B"" 1.1. Scope of the program The curriculum of the subject is part of the professional


LLC Professional The work program of the subject was developed on the basis of the Model Program of Professional

Educational room equipment 0 at the address of educational activities 95269, St. Petersburg, st. Uchitelskaya, 23, letter A, 4th floor, room 4,42,43 Name of educational equipment Unit

Private educational institution of additional special education Driving school "VOLNA" "I approve" Director of PEI DSO Driving school "VOLNA" M.N. Tsitsko "01" December 014 WORKING PROGRAM on the subject "Fundamentals

The requirements for the results of the development of the Work Program are formed on the basis of the qualification requirements for the driver of vehicles of category "B". In the requirements for the results of development

MINISTRY OF GENERAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION OF THE SVERDLOVSK REGION Krasnouralsky State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

Municipal educational institution "Shost'enskaya secondary school" (MOU "Shost'enskaya secondary school") official duties developed on the basis of the Unified

Ministry of Education Nizhny Novgorod region State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Ardatovsky Commercial and Technical College" Work program

APPROVED: Head of the Training and Production Center of EMUP "TTU" Pavlova O.V.

APPROVE Director of the NOU "Driving School Garant-NN" Loginov S. M. (signature) Work program "Fundamentals of VEHICLE MANAGEMENT" 014 EXPLANATORY NOTE Work program of the academic discipline "Fundamentals

Equipment of the study room 2 at the address of the implementation of educational activities Berdsk, st. Marksa, d.22 The list of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational activities

Driving instruction and practical driving training on training routes in real traffic conditions. Initial driving instruction is provided in a closed area or

Availability of educational equipment The list of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational activities under the program of professional training of drivers of vehicles

I. CURRICULUM The curriculum contains: Subjects Theoretical Subjects of the basic cycle Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic 30 Psychophysiological fundamentals of driver activity 8

The equipment of the study room at the address of the implementation of educational activities: 4007, Saratov, Chernyshevsky st., 88 The list of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational

Sheet 1 The document is not subject to transfer, reproduction and copying without the written permission of the representative of the quality management Sheet 2 This job description developed and approved for

Qualification Exam Qualification Exam 0 93 Driving takes place outside the training time grid. Upon completion of learning to drive a vehicle with a manual transmission, the student

1 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation determines the procedure organized transport students of MKOU (hereinafter referred to as the School). 1.2. When organizing transportation of children, the following documents should be followed:

APPROVED by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 2013 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Truck driver (name of professional standard) I. General information

Content 1. Explanatory note 3 2. Curriculum 8 3. Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic 9 4. Fundamentals of driving vehicles 22 5. Psychophysiological foundations of activity

I APPROVE Director General of Champion-Avto LLC September 01, 2014 Order 7 Zakharova A.V. WORKING PROGRAM on the subject Driving vehicles of category "B" (with automatic transmission)

Equipment for an educational office carrying out educational activities at the address: 420133, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan city, Academician Lavrentiev street, house 22, room 4; 1.Equipment and technical

Budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region of secondary vocational education Omsk College of Professional Technologies PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM FOR VEHICLE DRIVERS

List of educational equipment ChPOU "Avtoshkola"Turbina" Name of educational equipment Equipment and technical means Learning Unit Quantity Child restraint Flexible

Annex to the act 1 Annex to the act of inspection of the educational and material base of the GOU SPO YAO Pereslavl Polytechnic College, at the address of educational activities: st. Builders d.22,

WORKING PROGRAMS OF SUBJECTS 1. The basic cycle of the program. 1.1. Subject "Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic". Legislation in the field of traffic Legislation defining

Equipment of the study room 2 at the address of the implementation of educational activities, Karl Marx Square, 7, office 807 The list of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational activities

APPROVED Director of Avtoshkola Avto-Piter LLC April 01, 2017 Order 2 O.N. Vyunov

Powered by TCPDF ( Quiz 1 Evaluation Evaluation Guide Title: landing, controls; starting the engine, starting to move, shifting gears in ascending order,

Annotations to work programs Annotations of work programs for training drivers of category "B" Work programs academic disciplines"Fundamentals of legislation in the field of road traffic" "Design and technical

ACCEPTED adopted at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council protocol / "L*?" /b Sh v t CL 2014 AGREED Head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for /y APPROVED by the director of the SAOU SPO OTT._.

Equipment of the study room at the address of educational activities: Moscow, st. Novaya, house 4 List of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational activities


Training room equipment Name of training equipment Unit of measurement Quantity Availability Equipment and technical training aids 1. Simulator - 2. Hardware and software complex

State budgetary vocational educational institution of the Novosibirsk region "Maslyaninsky Interdistrict Agrarian Lyceum" I APPROVE 3.7 WORKING PROGRAM of the subject "Driving

General provisions. 1. The main task is the training and education of qualified drivers of vehicles of category "B". 2. Professional training of drivers consists in the implementation

1 transport in a state of intoxication, the prohibition of deviations from routes and the use of vehicles for transportation not indicated in the waybill. Permissible speeds movement of a particular vehicle

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region State budgetary vocational educational institution "Regional multidisciplinary technical school" Work program UP.02 Training practice in professional

Approved by the order of the director of the GOAUSON "Kandalaksha KTsSON" dated July 08, 2016. 61 D Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and goods by road in GOAUSON "Kandalaksha KTsSON".

Name teaching materials List of educational equipment Unit of measurement Quantity tow rope) pcs 5

The list of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational activities under the professional training program for drivers of vehicles of category "B" in each classroom:

Equipment of the study room 2 at the address of the implementation of educational activities st. Sovetsky pr-t, house List of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational activities

Name of educational equipment Unit of measurement Quantity Availability (what are presented: multimedia, poster, stand, mechanism, etc.) Equipment and technical training aids Child restraint

In the presence (position, surname, initials of the head of the organization (authorized representative)) Information on the availability of the necessary educational equipment Table 1 Name of the educational equipment

Appendix 2 to the Inspection Act Equipment for classroom 2 at the address of educational activities: 60305, N. Novgorod, st. Vaneeva 49, room List of educational equipment required

APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 2015 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD Machinist I. General information Performing mechanized work using (name

Equipment of the study room at the address of the implementation of educational activities Omsk, st. 4 Poselkovaya 26 List of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational activities

OLIMP Limited Liability Company TIN/KPP 3326011860/332601001 OGRN 1143326000322 Legal address: 601800, Vladimir region, Yuryev, Polsky st. May 1, 67 Phone: 8-910-177-46-70,

Annex 2 to the Act Equipment of the study room _2_ at the address of the implementation of educational activities, Ulyanovsk, Uritskogo st., 25, room 2. The list of educational equipment necessary for the implementation

Equipment of the classroom at the address of the implementation of educational activities of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Gabdulla Karieva, 3, room 96 The list of educational equipment necessary for the implementation of educational

Appendix 2 to the Act Equipment of the study room _3_ at the address of the implementation of educational activities Ulyanovsk, st. Yunosti, d.5 List of educational equipment necessary for the implementation

Information about the teaching methods, library supply and material and technical base. 1. Equipment and technical aids for training Child restraint Flexible connecting link (towing

APPROVED Director of Center GENIY LLC 20 A.V. Khokhlov Methodological recommendations for organizing the educational process of training drivers of vehicles of category “B”, Yekaterinburg, 2014 Requirements

Regulations on school bus intended for the transport of children. 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation governs relations related to the use of buses intended for transportation

On June 15, 2016, new requirements for the level of training of employees of transport enterprises began to operate in our country. What changes in this regard await Russian carriers? Let's try to figure it out.

Denis KARLOV, Deputy Director of the ASMAP Academy

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2015 No. 287 "On approval of professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban surface electric transport" determined the required level of knowledge, skills, professional education, experience (experience) of work in 14 professions and positions of employees. Among them:

– a driver of a vehicle of categories B, BE (including a taxi driver);
- the driver of a vehicle of categories C, C1, CE, C1E;
– driver of a vehicle of categories D, D1, DE, D1E;
– driver of a vehicle of category Tb;
– driver of a vehicle of category Tm;
– the driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods;
- the driver of a car carrying out the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy cargo or accompanying this transportation;
- a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a device for supplying special light and sound signals;
- the driver of a car carrying out the transportation of passengers and (or) goods in international traffic;
– dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport;
– controller of the technical condition of vehicles;
– controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport;
- a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety;
- Consultant on the safety of transporting dangerous goods.

The greatest resonance among carriers - members of the ASMAP was caused, though expected, but by a very serious tightening of the requirements for the qualification of a driver of a car carrying passengers and (or) goods in international traffic. So, in addition to a driver's license of the appropriate category, now he must have a certificate of professional competence of an international road carrier. The procedure for obtaining it is established by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated
March 31, 2016 No. 87. According to the document, for this the driver must complete a 36-hour advanced training course and pass a written qualification exam. This certificate is valid for three years.
To improve the professional level of international drivers and a smooth transition to their mandatory advanced training, since 2011 ASMAP has been implementing a driver training program for its full members at the expense of the Association. To date, more than 3,000 drivers have already been trained under this project.
But if with regard to international drivers, according to the new requirements, everything is more or less clear, then the criteria that dispatchers, controllers and specialists responsible for ensuring road safety must meet raise a lot of questions from carriers.
First, let's list them.

Education and work experience requirements:

1) to the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport:
– the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport";
– the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education in specialties that are not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Equipment and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of additional professional education under the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport;
2) to the controller of the technical condition of vehicles:
- the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" without presenting requirements for work experience (experience);
- a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialties included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", with the exception of the specialty 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", with the presentation of requirements for length of service (experience) work in the field of monitoring the technical condition and maintenance of vehicles for at least one year;
- the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in specialties that are not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a diploma of additional professional education in a professional retraining program with the qualification of a vehicle technical condition inspector. There are no requirements for length of service (experience);
3) to the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety:
- the presence of a diploma of higher education in the field of study, which is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and which has passed certification for the right to hold the relevant position in the prescribed manner;
- the presence of a diploma of higher education in the field of study that is not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a diploma of additional professional education in the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, and passed in the established certification procedure for the right to hold the relevant position.

According to the new requirements, a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport must have a diploma of at least secondary vocational education in a specialty that is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of ground transport." In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199 and dated November 18, 2013 No. 1245, it includes the following specialties in the field of automobile and urban ground electric transport:
- according to the programs of secondary vocational education (SVE): 02/23/01 "Organization of transportation and transport management", 02/23/02 "Automobile and tractor construction", 02/23/03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", 02/23/04 "Technical operation handling, construction, road machinery and equipment” and 02/23/05 “Operation of transport electrical equipment and automation”;
- for higher education programs (HE): bachelor's degree - 03/23/01 "Technology of transport processes", 03/23/02 "Ground transport and technological complexes" and 03/23/03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes"; magistracy - 23.04.01 "Technology of transport processes", 23.04.02 "Ground transport and technological complexes" and 23.04.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes"; specialty - 23.05.01 "Ground transport and technological means" and 23.05.02 "Special purpose vehicles".
If the employee has a diploma in a specialty that is not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of ground transport", the employer should send him for professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport.
The qualification requirements for the controller of the technical condition of vehicles are similar to those for dispatchers. The difference lies only in additional conditions for length of service (experience) depending on the specific specialty according to the diploma.
But the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety has more stringent requirements. Firstly, he must have a diploma of higher education in the field of study, which is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Technique and technology of road transport", or a diploma of higher education in another specialty and a diploma of professional retraining with the qualification of a person responsible for providing road safety. An employee with a secondary vocational education cannot hold this position.
Secondly, a candidate for the position of a specialist of this kind is required to undergo certification for the right to occupy the relevant position. The procedure for its implementation was approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia
dated March 11, 1994 No. 13/11. This document defines the certification procedure not only for persons holding the positions of a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety, but also for other employees (executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of ground vehicles). At the moment, the Ministry of Transport of Russia is preparing a separate order to approve the certification procedure for a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety. Its signing is expected in early 2017.

Professional retraining

Professional retraining programs are aimed at obtaining the competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification. In our case, we are talking about the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport, the controller of the technical condition of vehicles and the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety.
The ASMAP Academy was one of the first among educational organizations to develop and test an additional professional program "Organization of transportation and transport management". Since September 1, 2016, it has been successfully implemented not only in Moscow, but also in the entire network of training and consulting centers (ECC) of the Association.
The minimum period for mastering professional retraining programs is established by the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated July 1, 2013 No. 499. According to the document, it cannot be less than 250 hours. At the Academy and ECC ASMAP, the term for mastering the program "Organization of Transportation and Management in Transport" varies from 256 to 264 hours, depending on the qualification awarded.
The educational process for this program is organized on the basis of a block-modular presentation of educational information. The first module "Operation of road transport" is aimed at obtaining by students the basic knowledge, skills and competencies required by employees in all three positions.
The second, third and fourth modules are specialized and are aimed at mastering the specifics of the work of a dispatcher, a technical condition controller and a specialist responsible for road safety at an enterprise, respectively.

The ASMAP Academy quite often receives questions from carriers on new requirements. On the pages of the MAP magazine we will try to answer them.

- Does an employee with a higher education in the specialty "Electrical equipment of cars and tractors" or "Technology of maintenance and repair in the agro-industrial complex" meet the new requirements?
- No, this diploma will not be enough to carry out the activities of a dispatcher, controller or specialist responsible for ensuring road safety. The list of required specialties is listed above.
- What should I do if an employee has an attestation for the right to hold a position related to road safety, but he does not have a specialized education and a diploma of additional professional education, provided for by the new requirements? Does he have the right to hold the position of a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety?
- Yes, it does, but only if the employer has already sent the employee for training to receive additional professional education with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, that is, an agreement has been concluded with an educational organization, which indicates the term of the upcoming training.

Since most of the students of the program are already practicing employees of transport organizations and it is difficult for them to study off-duty for such a long time, it is planned to study the program in absentia with the obligatory attendance of overview lectures and seminars in the classroom for at least one week.
The final certification is carried out in the form of a final qualification exam. Students who have successfully mastered the educational program and passed the final certification are issued diplomas of professional retraining with the assignment of the appropriate qualification.
More detailed information on the timing, cost and procedure for applying for professional retraining is available on the website of the ASMAP Academy:

Liability of officials and legal entities

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety", legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road must ensure that employees meet professional and qualification requirements. Thus, the employer must control the compliance of employees with the above requirements, and in case of their inconsistency, send employees who do not have a specialized education for professional retraining.
In addition, the employer is obliged to control the passage of periodic certification of employees holding the positions of executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of the movement of ground vehicles. A complete list of such positions is specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Regulation on the procedure for attestation of persons holding positions of executive managers and specialists of transport enterprises, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated
March 11, 1994 No. 13/11.

List of positions of executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of navigation, flights and movement of ground vehicles, subject to certification in automobile, electric urban ground transport
Heads or deputy heads responsible for ensuring traffic safety in organizations, regardless of ownership and type of activity.
- departments (or other divisions) of operation and road safety, technical control, organizations;
- columns (routes), detachments.
- dispatchers, QCD mechanics, mechanics (masters) of columns, detachments.

The functions of monitoring compliance with professional and qualification requirements in the field of road transport are assigned to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Transport. Responsibility for violation of these requirements is established by Art. 12.31.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and provides for the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 20,000 rubles, and on legal entities -
100,000 rubles.

Information source:

On June 15, 2016, new requirements for the level of training of employees of transport enterprises began to operate in our country. What changes in this regard await Russian carriers? Let's try to figure it out.

Denis KARLOV, Deputy Director of the ASMAP Academy

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2015 No. 287 "On approval of professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban surface electric transport" determined the required level of knowledge, skills, professional education, experience (experience) of work in 14 professions and positions of employees. Among them:

– a driver of a vehicle of categories B, BE (including a taxi driver);
- the driver of a vehicle of categories C, C1, CE, C1E;
– driver of a vehicle of categories D, D1, DE, D1E;
– driver of a vehicle of category Tb;
– driver of a vehicle of category Tm;
– the driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods;
- the driver of a car carrying out the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy cargo or accompanying this transportation;
- a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a device for supplying special light and sound signals;
- the driver of a car carrying out the transportation of passengers and (or) goods in international traffic;
– dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport;
– controller of the technical condition of vehicles;
– controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport;
- a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety;
- Consultant on the safety of transporting dangerous goods.

The greatest resonance among carriers - members of the ASMAP was caused, though expected, but by a very serious tightening of the requirements for the qualification of a driver of a car carrying passengers and (or) goods in international traffic. So, in addition to a driver's license of the appropriate category, now he must have a certificate of professional competence of an international road carrier. The procedure for obtaining it is established by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated
March 31, 2016 No. 87. According to the document, for this the driver must complete a 36-hour advanced training course and pass a written qualification exam. This certificate is valid for three years.
To improve the professional level of international drivers and a smooth transition to their mandatory advanced training, since 2011 ASMAP has been implementing a driver training program for its full members at the expense of the Association. To date, more than 3,000 drivers have already been trained under this project.
But if with regard to international drivers, according to the new requirements, everything is more or less clear, then the criteria that dispatchers, controllers and specialists responsible for ensuring road safety must meet raise a lot of questions from carriers.
First, let's list them.

Education and work experience requirements:

1) to the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport:
– the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport";
– the presence of a diploma of secondary vocational education in specialties that are not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Equipment and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of additional professional education under the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport;
2) to the controller of the technical condition of vehicles:
- the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialty 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" without presenting requirements for work experience (experience);
- a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in the specialties included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", with the exception of the specialty 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", with the presentation of requirements for length of service (experience) work in the field of monitoring the technical condition and maintenance of vehicles for at least one year;
- the presence of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in specialties that are not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a diploma of additional professional education in a professional retraining program with the qualification of a vehicle technical condition inspector.

There are no requirements for length of service (experience);
3) to the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety:
- the presence of a diploma of higher education in the field of study, which is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and which has passed certification for the right to hold the relevant position in the prescribed manner;
- the presence of a diploma of higher education in the field of study that is not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a diploma of additional professional education in the program of professional retraining with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, and passed in the established certification procedure for the right to hold the relevant position.

According to the new requirements, a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport must have a diploma of at least secondary vocational education in a specialty that is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of ground transport."

In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199 and dated November 18, 2013 No. 1245, it includes the following specialties in the field of automobile and urban ground electric transport:
- according to the programs of secondary vocational education (SVE): 02/23/01 "Organization of transportation and transport management", 02/23/02 "Automobile and tractor construction", 02/23/03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", 02/23/04 "Technical operation handling, construction, road machinery and equipment” and 02/23/05 “Operation of transport electrical equipment and automation”;
- for higher education programs (HE): bachelor's degree - 03/23/01 "Technology of transport processes", 03/23/02 "Ground transport and technological complexes" and 03/23/03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes"; magistracy - 23.04.01 "Technology of transport processes", 23.04.02 "Ground transport and technological complexes" and 23.04.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes"; specialty - 23.05.01 "Ground transport and technological means" and 23.05.02 "Special purpose vehicles".
If the employee has a diploma in a specialty that is not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of ground transport", the employer should send him for professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport.
The qualification requirements for the controller of the technical condition of vehicles are similar to those for dispatchers. The difference lies only in additional conditions for length of service (experience) depending on the specific specialty according to the diploma.
But the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety has more stringent requirements. Firstly, he must have a diploma of higher education in the field of study, which is part of the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Technique and technology of road transport", or a diploma of higher education in another specialty and a diploma of professional retraining with the qualification of a person responsible for providing road safety. An employee with a secondary vocational education cannot hold this position.
Secondly, a candidate for the position of a specialist of this kind is required to undergo certification for the right to occupy the relevant position. The procedure for its implementation was approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia
dated March 11, 1994 No. 13/11. This document defines the certification procedure not only for persons holding the positions of a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety, but also for other employees (executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of ground vehicles). At the moment, the Ministry of Transport of Russia is preparing a separate order to approve the certification procedure for a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety.

Duties and competencies of a car driver according to the professional standard

Its signing is expected in early 2017.

Professional retraining

Professional retraining programs are aimed at obtaining the competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification. In our case, we are talking about the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport, the controller of the technical condition of vehicles and the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety.
The ASMAP Academy was one of the first among educational organizations to develop and test an additional professional program "Organization of transportation and transport management". Since September 1, 2016, it has been successfully implemented not only in Moscow, but also in the entire network of training and consulting centers (ECC) of the Association.
The minimum period for mastering professional retraining programs is established by the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated July 1, 2013 No. 499. According to the document, it cannot be less than 250 hours. At the Academy and ECC ASMAP, the term for mastering the program "Organization of Transportation and Management in Transport" varies from 256 to 264 hours, depending on the qualification awarded.
The educational process for this program is organized on the basis of a block-modular presentation of educational information. The first module "Operation of road transport" is aimed at obtaining by students the basic knowledge, skills and competencies required by employees in all three positions.
The second, third and fourth modules are specialized and are aimed at mastering the specifics of the work of a dispatcher, a technical condition controller and a specialist responsible for road safety at an enterprise, respectively.

The ASMAP Academy quite often receives questions from carriers on new requirements. On the pages of the MAP magazine we will try to answer them.

- Does an employee with a higher education in the specialty "Electrical equipment of cars and tractors" or "Technology of maintenance and repair in the agro-industrial complex" meet the new requirements?
- No, this diploma will not be enough to carry out the activities of a dispatcher, controller or specialist responsible for ensuring road safety. The list of required specialties is listed above.
- What should I do if an employee has an attestation for the right to hold a position related to road safety, but he does not have a specialized education and a diploma of additional professional education, provided for by the new requirements? Does he have the right to hold the position of a specialist responsible for ensuring road safety?
- Yes, it does, but only if the employer has already sent the employee for training to receive additional professional education with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, that is, an agreement has been concluded with an educational organization, which indicates the term of the upcoming training.

Since most of the students of the program are already practicing employees of transport organizations and it is difficult for them to study off-duty for such a long time, it is planned to study the program in absentia with the obligatory attendance of overview lectures and seminars in the classroom for at least one week.
The final certification is carried out in the form of a final qualification exam.

Students who have successfully mastered the educational program and passed the final certification are issued diplomas of professional retraining with the assignment of the appropriate qualification.
More detailed information on the timing, cost and procedure for applying for professional retraining is available on the website of the ASMAP Academy:

Liability of officials and legal entities

In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety", legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road must ensure that employees meet professional and qualification requirements. Thus, the employer must control the compliance of employees with the above requirements, and in case of their inconsistency, send employees who do not have a specialized education for professional retraining.
In addition, the employer is obliged to control the passage of periodic certification of employees holding the positions of executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of the movement of ground vehicles. A complete list of such positions is specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Regulation on the procedure for attestation of persons holding positions of executive managers and specialists of transport enterprises, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated
March 11, 1994 No. 13/11.

List of positions of executive managers and specialists related to ensuring the safety of navigation, flights and movement of ground vehicles, subject to certification in automobile, electric urban ground transport
Heads or deputy heads responsible for ensuring traffic safety in organizations, regardless of ownership and type of activity.
- departments (or other divisions) of operation and road safety, technical control, organizations;
- columns (routes), detachments.
— dispatchers, QCD mechanics, mechanics (masters) of columns, detachments.

The functions of monitoring compliance with professional and qualification requirements in the field of road transport are assigned to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Transport. Responsibility for violation of these requirements is established by Art. 12.31.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and provides for the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 20,000 rubles, and on legal entities -
100,000 rubles.

Order “On Approval of Professional and Qualification Requirements for Employees of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs Carrying out Transportation by Motor Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport”

Approved professional standard for drivers of off-road motor vehicles

Single qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN), 2017
Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees
Sections « Industry-wide qualification characteristics of the positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations" And " Qualification characteristics positions of employees employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations”, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37
(version dated 05/15/2013)

Freight Forwarder

Job responsibilities. Accepts cargo from warehouses in accordance with accompanying documents. Checks the integrity of the packaging (tare). Controls the availability of devices for the carriage of goods and the sanitary condition of the relevant modes of transport intended for transportation, the correctness of the loading and unloading operations, the placement and stowage of goods. It accompanies goods to their destination, ensures the necessary storage mode and their safety during transportation. Hands over the delivered cargo, draws up acceptance documentation. If necessary, participates in the preparation of acts on the shortage, damage to goods and other documents.

Must know: organization of loading and unloading operations; the procedure for receiving and delivering goods; addresses of the main cargo suppliers and their warehouses; conditions of transportation and storage of forwarded goods; idle time standards for rolling stock and containers under loading and unloading operations; cargo transportation routes; forms of documents for the acceptance and dispatch of goods and the rules for their execution; basics of labor organization; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; labor protection rules and regulations.

Qualification requirements. Primary vocational education without requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to the established program without presenting requirements for work experience.

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