Find out everything by car number. Ways to search for data

Find out everything by car number. Ways to search for data

There are many reasons why you might want to know the owner by the number of the car - from simple curiosity to a serious crime. Also, information about the owner may be required before buying a car from him. Of course, if there are connections in the State traffic inspectorate or the police, it is much easier to do this, but what to do when they are not? Independent search for the owner is a difficult task, but solvable. There are several ways to get necessary information— they will be described below.

Certainly the fastest and effective option- apply to government agencies, but do not forget that the applicant must have good reasons for this (for example, the car disappeared from accident scene).

Otherwise, the employees of the authorized body will refuse. this information is confidential and may not be disclosed without good reason.

Use of specialized services

At the moment, there are quite a few services that offer to find out the owner online by car number for free, but most often, contrary to promises, they are paid and there is no guarantee that reliable information will be provided when using them.

In addition, there are a lot of scammers on the Internet who not only do not provide information, but also try to withdraw money from bank card or e-wallet.

The most common services in this moment are:


But even they have significant drawbacks:


This database is outdated and it is impossible to recognize the owner of a car by a number registered after 2004. But you can clarify the home address of a person, knowing his full name. (provided that he owned the car before 2004).

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This service requires mandatory registration, which requires you to enter an invitation code. As practice shows, the majority do not have an invitation code, but the site administration offers to purchase it for only 990 rubles.


The probei website also offers to register in order to check the owner of the car by number, but, as netizens themselves write, even after registration, this information cannot be obtained.


Perhaps the most innocuous service that offers free access (without registration) to the information available on it, moreover, it is free. But there is not very much benefit from this site - if you have a car number, the maximum that you can find out is the color and brand. In some cases, it is also possible to see a photo of the car.

Thus, we can conclude that it is almost impossible to obtain such information through specialized services - in addition, there is a possibility of losing your own finances.

I personally checked cars by number in . But they do not give the name of the owner of the car. But they give a bunch of other useful information(it is especially relevant when buying a used vehicle): a ban on registration, a deposit, the last recorded mileage, the presence of OSAGO, whether the vehicle was disposed of or not. and so on.

Purchase of traffic police base

Another popular way to find out information about the owner of a car is to buy a traffic police database. But it is also paid. And in this case, there is also no guarantee that the seller will not turn out to be a fraudster and the database will be up to date. Do not forget about the cost - on average, it is 5 thousand rubles.

Detective agency services

If none of the above options is suitable - there is another way to find out information about the owner by car number - use the services of a detective agency.

Detective services are not cheap, but the likelihood of fraud is much lower - the main thing is to contact a company that has a large number of positive feedback and small - negative.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the negative ones. they are usually the most informative. The cost of agency services starts from 5 thousand rubles and can be increased depending on the complexity.

Above was an exhaustive list of ways to find out the owner of a car by car number. And, summing up, we can conclude that the most effective (and most importantly free) way to obtain reliable information about who owns the car is through government agencies, but if this is not possible, it is better to contact a detective agency, but, unfortunately, it is paid.

So! How to find out the phone number by car number via Telegram? There are several ways and today we will talk about them:


Telegram Autocode is a shareware resource. Provides the technical specifications of the machine, the history of its operation and ownership. Registration is not required, just add AvtocodBot to the Telegram contact list and click "start".

By the way, this bot very useful when buying a car, for example, to check if the car was involved in an accident and how many there were.

The verification is carried out according to the State Standard. car number or VIN. The bot responds to the request within 5 minutes. At the initial request, you can break through the main data:

  • Brand and model;
  • Phone number;
  • Registration number and VIN;
  • Year of issue;
  • Type, power and engine size;
  • Steering wheel (left or right).

To find out the phone number of the car owner using Telegram bots: AvtocodBot and AVinfoBot, but there is one nuance:

  1. The number cannot be obtained if the car has not been exhibited on sales boards such as Avito, IRR and others.
  2. The number may be the old owner who sold this car a long time ago!

Getting a more detailed Telegram - checking the car will be available after paying for the service through the portal, which owns the bot. The full report includes data on accidents in which the car was involved, deposits, restrictions (traffic police) and registration actions; about technical inspections, customs history, owner status (individual, legal entity, leasing), disposal. Autocodebot is a convenient, fast enough responsive resource, not burdened with unnecessary functions/buttons.


Avinfobot is a shareware resource in Telegram. In terms of the main amount of information, it is similar to AvtocodBot, but is positioned as an assistant in safe shopping used car. With it, among other things, you can break through the following information:

  • The number, date and time of the release of current and outdated advertisements for the sale of this vehicle on specialized sites (,,,,,,, etc.) ;
  • Information about changes in prices for these ads, their deviation from the average market;
  • Information about the mobile numbers indicated by the author of these ads;
  • The "demo access" button provides 24 hours of free testing. After that, in order to break through some information and use other services of the bot and the portal, to which it belongs, you will have to pay per day, week or month.

Please note: in addition to Avinfobot, there are other services of this type in Telegram, independent, or company-owned providing support for the purchase of used cars. An example is CarwellaBot. Basic information about the car can be broken free of charge, more detailed - after the conclusion of an agreement with the company.

Using Avinfobot as an example, we will show how to enter a phone number using a car number in Telegram. First, we find the program through the search in the messenger, click on it, and then on the "start" button. Let's start with a free trial day.

  • Click the "Demo access" button, then "Verify phone":

  • A message will appear in the window as if from your account with the inscription "To confirm the number ..." (1). Click on it and get to the main portal, where we fill out a small form. Next, the text “Bot is unlocked” (2) and a card with your information on the site (3) will appear:

  • To punch a car through Telegram, enter the VIN or registration number in the text field, click "Submit". The response will be a list of ads with this car or a message that nothing was found (it means the vehicle is not for sale). Next, you can choose any separate view checks by clicking on any button from the list.

For example, you can enter information about the maintenance of a car or check if it was used to work in a taxi. If for some request the answer “information not found” is received, then it simply does not exist in the Telegram databases available to the bot.

  • If you need to break through all the information at once, click the button "Full report".

  • The declared generation time is from 5 to 30 minutes, in fact, the result is ready in 3-4 minutes. You will receive a message with a link to the portal page, which will display everything that the program was able to find.


Now about how to find out the phone number by car number via Telegram.

Antiparkon will help to break through the mobile owner of the car, or serve as a means of communication with this person via Telegram. Works with registration plates and VIN.

Suitable in case:

  • an accident near a parked vehicle;
  • Vehicle evacuation;
  • Illegal actions regarding the vehicle;
  • The need to resolve issues with a parking space or leaving it (you were "locked");
  • The desire to chat or compliment the tuning of the car, for example.

Important: the bot uses only its bases. At your disposal will be only the data entered into the system by other Telegram users.

If you wish, you can add your mobile and enter the registration number so that your vehicle can also be broken through. Messages are sent by car number (it will be a kind of identifier). If the opponent indicated his phone number, then it will be provided to you.


Shtrafybot and shtraf_nalog_bot- Telegram bots that will help you get data on fines and taxes. These services work with traffic police and GIS GMP databases. There is the possibility of multiple search (immediately 2-3 driving licenses).

You can “punch” for free not only your own car, but also someone else’s: to get information, it’s enough STS data(registration certificate) or driving license. A link to payment through various payment systems, including WebMoney and electronic wallets, is attached to the response messages.

DKInspectorBot is a free "highly specialized" bot with which you can break through diagnostic card(works with EAISTO databases). Requests to the system are made by registration plate or Vehicle VIN. The scheme is standard: start - enter the VIN or registration number of the car in the text field - the "send" button. The answer to Telegram comes in less than a minute.

The ProAvto portal offers visitors a wonderful opportunity to find out all the “underground” about the purchased car, where to start the check it is enough to enter the state number in the appropriate line. An automated system for searching information from trusted sources will allow you to get verified and up-to-date data, avoiding a number of troubles:

  • fraudulent schemes;
  • hidden damage;
  • the presence of restrictions on the transaction with this vehicle;
  • the fact of theft or use in the activities of a taxi service;
  • false information about technical specifications;
  • unreasonably high cost of the car.

Both in material terms and in terms of practicality, a preliminary check by license plate seems to be extremely relevant for potential vehicle owners. Firstly, you know exactly what kind of car you are buying - the year of manufacture, brand, body type, etc., and secondly, you can count on establishing a fair value. A common practice in our country has become the overpricing of used cars, while not all buyers know what is great way reduce their costs, namely, to conduct an audit and, on the basis of the report, offer the seller their own terms for concluding a transaction.

In addition, the collection of information about the car will avoid litigation with representatives of law enforcement agencies. If the car is stolen or is listed among the participants in the investigated traffic accident, the owner can come to the owner at any time for explanations, and under certain circumstances, even confiscate the car. Another important reason to use our portal is clarification technical condition vehicle. After all, even if outwardly everything is in order with the car, this does not mean at all that it was not damaged and subsequently repaired.

When purchasing a personal vehicle, a person hopes that it will last at least a couple of years without breakdowns, but if there were defects before, then there is a risk of malfunctions. In some situations, it even makes sense to refuse to sign a sales contract when the costs of the purchase and subsequent repairs are comparable to the purchase of a new car. Naturally, you can find out that the car is “problematic” only after checking, which can be done anonymously and at a moderate cost on our website. We will make sure that the data you need is up-to-date at the time of the request and there are no delays in generating the report. Based on your financial capabilities and the goals of the audit, you can order a short or full report on our website. In the first case, your attention will be presented with basic information, including the model, brand and VIN number, while the full one will provide an opportunity to get answers to the following questions:

  • whether the car is misappropriated property;
  • whether the car was used as a taxi;
  • does the vehicle have the status of an object long term lease;
  • who were former owners;
  • Is the car listed as collateral for a loan?
  • in which traffic accidents the car was involved;
  • what is the customs value at the time of importation into the territory of Russia.

To become the owner of invaluable information on the purchased car, you do not need to make any effort at all. Just enter the state number you know in the search bar and follow the link to read the summary report. If more is needed detailed information, we are always happy to provide it in in electronic format upon request.

Today, if you are in a traffic jam on your way to work in your personal car and want to contact a particular driver who is driving in front or behind, you can simply call him on the phone. And the phone can be identified thanks to the knowledge of only one license plate of his car.

Such a service exists relatively recently and is already very popular among motorists.

Helpful service

There is a version that the autonum(dot)info Internet base, where such a service is enabled, appeared in May of this year thanks to the common efforts and efforts of all users.

There is no developer contact information. According to another version, the data was stolen from the database of the State Traffic Inspectorate or insurance companies.

In addition, thanks to the interactive guide, the necessary information could actually be obtained using the Telegram messenger developed by Pavel Durov. Here you can only find information that the chatbot does not use data taken from other databases, and also does not require entering a personal phone number to receive information. Today, the specified source is closed and redirects users directly to Telegram.

Users who have already used the proposed database do not hide their delight. Many of them have already managed to communicate with one or another vehicle owner. The base, they say, is very useful, but is still in the process of filling or may contain outdated information. Therefore, according to some license plates necessary information may be missing.

However, the benefits of this innovation are clear. There are circumstances where it is urgent to find out contact number car owner.

These may be circumstances such as:

  • being in a traffic jam;
  • when someone else's car is parked incorrectly and takes your place;
  • when you do not like the driving style of another driver;
  • before your eyes, the car is being evacuated in an unknown direction;
  • when the car was left locked in the parking lot;
  • other equally important reasons.

In addition, to date, even special application, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play and installed on Android.

This service, however, is paid, for making a call to the owner of the vehicle of interest, it is proposed to pay about 50 rubles, for an SMS message - 30 rubles. The creators of the application assure that all actions are carried out exclusively within the framework of the law.

There are quite a few sources on the Internet that offer such services and supposedly have access to the database. But, unfortunately, the information is false, and when you click on the specified link, nothing is found except advertising information, another link to another site, and a couple of new malicious programs.

Private detective agencies also put forward their proposals for finding contact numbers. According to sources, the cost for such a service in the Moscow region is up to ten thousand rubles. In other regions of the country, managers assure, it will cost much less.

The process of finding the contact number of the car owner only by license plates is a rather difficult task for those who decide to still try to contact the traffic police department in person. This information, as a rule, is closed to citizens in accordance with the operation of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ.

The need to find the state number of a car and find its owner is quite common in everyday life. This may be required in many situations. For example, the driver in his car fled the scene traffic violations. Also this opportunity will be useful when buying a car from hand, because on secondary market scammers are common.

In this article, you will learn a lot of useful information on how to find out the owner of a car according to the state. number. Let's start with a list of all available methods.

All ways to find out the number of the owner of the car

So, find data about the owner of the car, knowing only the state. number, in the following ways:

  • acquisition of a database with all numbers;
  • you can contact the traffic police directly for information;
  • find out the owner by number via the Internet;
  • use the services of a private detective.

Now let's look at how to find the owner of a car according to the state. number of each of the presented methods.

Buying a disk with a database of traffic police numbers

This method takes place, however, it is not the most reliable. Firstly, for such discs you will have to go to the black market and look for them there. Secondly, since the disk is a static medium, the data on it has not been updated since it was written. Therefore, you will not be able to find numbers that are registered after recording. You can only use this option if you already have a vehicle owner information media. No one bothers to quickly search the database and, in case of failure, move on to other methods.

The disadvantages of purchasing a database is that you are unlikely to know the relevance of the data to date. Therefore, the probability of finding the state. the rooms whose owner you are interested in is extremely small.

Request to the traffic police

This method is the most correct and reliable. The traffic police have the most recent and up-to-date database of all car numbers, which is regularly updated. That is why there you are 100% likely to find what you are looking for.

However, do not rush to run to the nearest traffic police department. To apply, you need to have good reasons, since this information is classified and is issued to citizens only if there are serious reasons (see above: the driver is hiding from the scene of an accident, a suspicious used car seller, and so on). In addition, when finding the culprit according to the state. number, law enforcement agencies can immediately bring him to justice. Therefore, after an independent search for the owner, you will not have to additionally write statements and explain the whole situation. Now let's figure out how to find the owner of a car by car number through the traffic police.

Instructions for contacting government agencies

Regardless of where you are registered, you can contact absolutely any branch. The application must contain the following information:

After a while you will be given full information about the owner of the car, if they think your reasons are strong enough. If you don't remember full number, then do not worry - a complete and meaningful database of the traffic police will help you with this. Even partial characters from the number and general description cars (color, brand, and so on) will help you easily identify the owner.

This method works in the presence of an offense on the part of the owner of the desired car. But what if you need to find the owner of the car for personal purposes? Let's figure it out.

Help online resources

This option is similar to purchasing a database on disk, but with the possibility of regular updates. Clone sites constantly appear on the Internet that provide services for finding the owner of the car by state number. chance to find right person and auto, of course, is higher than when using non-updatable information from disks. The entire number of sites with similar services can be divided into paid and free. Let's take a closer look at how to find the owner of a car for free by car number.

For example, on one of the most popular sites with these services on the main page, you will immediately be prompted to enter the machine data in the field marked in the screenshot.

On the net at every turn you can stumble upon offers to download databases from state numbers cars. Often the appearance of such offers can be noticed during a long search for information through Google or Yandex ( search engines analyze your requests and select thematic advertising).

Inexperienced users can peck at the ad and download a "database" in which, in best case be harmless third-party files. There is a high probability of infecting your computer with a virus. Therefore, download such archives only from trusted sources and do not trust suspicious sites.

Search through an investigator

So, if you have not found a good reason for contacting government agencies, and Internet searches have not yielded results, it remains to turn to the paid services of a detective or a person with connections. Typically, people involved in the provision of such services have acquaintances in government agencies who can quickly get the data. Of course, this service is expensive. Contact only trusted people to minimize the risk of wasted money.

Attention! The main thing in finding the owner of a car by number is efficiency. If you delay the search, you can stay with the old data and not find the offender at all.

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