I lost my car key what to do. Lost car key - what to do? Rational method: calling a specialist

I lost my car key what to do. Lost car key - what to do? Rational method: calling a specialist


So you have become the proud owner of a car, and now you have a set of keys in your hands. As a rule, all cars have two keys: main and spare. , there may be only one key from him, and the old owner says that he lost the car key and only one of the two remained. Ask yourself: “if you lost your car keys?” did not, as it was the second. In fact, buying such a car with one key is not the best option, it is not known where the second key is and who can use it.

There are a lot of situations and in most cases we think that this will not happen to me. But no one is immune from such a case as the loss of car keys. So let's figure out what to do if you lost the keys to the vehicle, but came to your senses late.

Your actions

Firstly: do not panic, walk around the places where you were, follow exactly the path that you walked, carefully examining the floor, as well as the floor under standing next to with your promotion racks, cabinets and so on. Talk to the people you met, in whose office you were, maybe they saw your keys and took them with them or handed them over to someone else (the building administrator, the staff on duty).

Secondly: If you have gone all the way to where you have been, but have not received any results, do not despair. Many shopping centers have an information service, in hotels there are administrators, you can use these services to give a message on the speakerphone or leave a message, and perhaps someone will find and bring your car keys to the information desk, administrator. In this case, do not forget to leave your details by which you can be contacted.

Keys can be lost anywhere - you need to look

Third: Being in different places, at the resort, in mall, somewhere on vacation, in a hotel you must have been with someone, ask your friend (acquaintance) to help you in your search, and presumably tell him your entire route and approximately where they may be. This will increase the search area and the probability of finding the loss.

Fourth: if such searches are unsuccessful, try to post an ad “I lost my car keys, please return the finder for a fee ...” written on paper and stick these ads in the places where you supposedly found the loss of valuable things to you. You can also advertise on radio and television.

Such searches may lead to positive results, may not give any result. The person who found your vehicle keys, if he is kind and intelligent and not pursuing selfish goals, he will try to return them to you or report them to the information office or the building administrator, but be sure to return them. If the keys were not found immediately, but after some period of time, then ask him where he found them, and why he could not return the loss right away. During the time the keys were held by another person pursuing any selfish goals, he could easily make a duplicate and then use this duplicate, causing you even more trouble. Do not forget to also thank the person who found the keys, although you suspect him of fraud, you cannot prove it.

If someone found your keys - thank him

If the keys are not found, try to break the door yourself

Eighth: without resorting to the perfidious actions described above, you can call the master to open the doors in cars. These services are practically provided in any. A trained person, with professional skills and, at a certain time will drive up to specified place and open your car without any hassle. But he will need to provide documents confirming your right to own this vehicle.

The above two cases for opening doors should not be used just like that, since when opening the doors it can, if, of course, it is installed. And the whole district will be very “thankful” to you for the concert that you gave them, well, if there are no spare keys in the car itself. This method should be applied if there are good reasons for opening the door - there are keys in the cabin, important documents, God forbid a child or an animal. If you still had to open it, then try to turn off the alarm by folding the wires from the terminals battery, and further ensure the safety of things in the cabin and, of course, the safety of the transport itself, if your property is dear to you.

Ninth: use the services of roadside assistance companies. Such organizations send to the place where you are, masters with everything necessary equipment. The range of services of such companies is very wide, it is a tow truck, and repair, and opening a car, and so on.

Funny video about how to open a car:

All moments are good in their own way, and everyone chooses their own way of solving this or that problem in the question “what to do if you lost your car keys?”. Do not forget that for this period of time your iron pet becomes vulnerable to scammers. It can be stolen, the worst option - others can wait for the moment and get into the salon and profit from the valuable things that are there, interior items and car appliances. To do this, if the keys were not found immediately or within the first few hours upon detection of loss, ensure the safety of your property. Call a tow truck, yes it will cost you a lot, but it's cheaper than stealing a car, use it to transport the car to safe place, to a paid parking lot, to an authorized dealer, to your garage or a friend's garage. This way you protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances.

Of course, there is a high probability that the one who found the keys to your car, pursuing selfish goals, will look for your car for further profit. In order to be more confident in the future, and to prevent, in any situation due to the loss of keys, try to change either the alarm on the car in the future or, together with the signaling, replace all the secrets: on the locks of the doors, trunk and, of course, the ignition switch. In this case, you will protect yourself from unnecessary unnecessary hassle and theft of your beloved "iron friend". If you did not do this and were left with one key, then your Insurance Company you may be refused, since the theft occurred due to your negligence. Take care of yourself and your property. Good luck on the roads!

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Oddly enough, but the loss of car keys is the place to be for many car owners. In this situation, it makes no sense to puzzle over where they could have been lost and for what reason. It is best if such an incident happened to you, immediately proceed to actions aimed at eliminating this trouble.

You are in over advantageous position if the loss is discovered at the moment when the car is located in a garage or on a guarded car park. In this case, you can immediately start restoring the keys without thinking about the safety of your car. Less fortunate is the one who lost the keys, being at this time away from home, far from the place where the car was stored, for example, after going home after a picnic, you find that there are no ignition keys.

Your first steps

This situation will not be so problematic if a second set of keys is available, it is enough to contact someone on the phone and ask for it to be delivered to you. If the car is locked and located near the house, in this case you can go to get the keys yourself. Well, if your case is not similar to the two above, then you need to call a tow truck - an assistant in delivering the car to the desired location.

Please note that the employees of the company providing tow truck services who arrived on a call will require you to provide documents confirming that the car for which the order was received belongs to you. In addition, at present, in many cities, there are companies engaged in emergency opening cars and production of door lock duplicates. As a result, if "trouble" caught you in big city, then these firms, if necessary, will gladly provide you with their services.

Possible key recovery options

After making sure that your car is safe, you need to start solving the problem of restoring the ignition key. With an old car, this will not be very problematic, the best option is to change the ignition lock at the same time as the door lock. This is not only a fast, but also a cheap solution to the problem.

So, if we consider the option with an Opel Astra car, a kit with an ignition lock will cost its owner 4-4.5 thousand rubles. Almost all car manufacturers in modern world they produce cars that have the same ignition locks and door locks, which greatly simplifies the situation, since it is possible to make a key according to the door lock.

But everywhere there are nuances. Some cars made in Japan have features that are unique to them, and the key made in the above way will not be suitable for opening the lock and you will not be able to start the engine with it. The reason for this is the configuration features of the ignition switch.

Such a solution to the problem is suitable for Skoda, Volkswagen and Seat cars, as well as for some other brands.

Modern ignition keys and their features

Chip keys as a technology, car manufacturers began to introduce in the second half of the 90s. Such a key differs from its predecessor by the presence of a microcircuit (chip) that has its own code, and in some models even a code generator. Its essence lies in the fact that when the key is applied, the system reads the signal supplied by the chip, and then transmits this signal to on-board computer car that gives permission to start.

Chip keys are designed specifically to secure your property or at least make it harder to take possession of it. There are two types - this is an open type chip key, its chip is outside and closed, the chip is respectively inside the key. The second kind gives more reliable protection, since outwardly it does not differ from a simple key.

External distinctive feature such keys is a large head with buttons, but not in all brands. In order to find out specifically whether the key is equipped with a chip, wrap it with aluminum foil and try to start it. If there is a chip in the key, the car will not start.

If you have lost at least one key from the set of chip keys that were issued by the manufacturer when buying a car, then do not waste time, immediately order a duplicate from official dealer. No need to delay making a duplicate, waiting for the loss of the rest of the keys.

Until recently, chip keys were restored only through the manufacturer or through its official dealer. This operation was carried out for several months and cost more than 10,000 rubles. But that's all in the past. More recently, organizations providing this kind of service have begun to appear. Therefore, now such a procedure will not take much time, and will be much cheaper.

Chip action

As mentioned earlier, the principle of operation electronic key simple and at the same time effective. The key chip, sending a coded signal, connects to the car's control device, more precisely, to its receiver. If the signal was not recognized and accepted by the system, then the car's immobilizer, after starting to move, turns off the main components of the car, the car stalls.

The process of chipping duplicate keys is the setting of new keys for the electronics of the car. Data about previous keys from the system is erased. Then the immobilizer is recoded, which eliminates the possibility of using old keys. At the final stage of work, the specialist with the available equipment resets the immobilizer errors. In most cases, a complex of these operations can be performed on the spot, sometimes the car has to be delivered to a service center.

The cost of the chipping procedure depends on the characteristics of each car. If upon purchase you were given a card with an access code to the immobilizer - manufacturing chip key will cost less. Key equipped with a radio unit, remote control it will cost a lot more.

The car is an integral part of a modern person, without which it is already impossible to imagine his life.

Unfortunately, vehicle control technologies are limited by the mandatory presence of a key. Having lost it, you can be left without your "iron friend" for a while.

There are several secret ways to open the car, even if the owner has lost the only keys to the car. You are unlikely to be able to go on business, but it is quite possible to pick up the necessary things and documents!

Lost car keys. What to do?

First of all, don't panic! Without finding the keys in your pocket, collect your thoughts and remember when you last saw them. Walk around the car, look under it. Go through the places you have been in the last hour, asking the sellers along the way: “The key to the car with the alarm is lost, have you seen it?”.

What to do before opening

1. Explain to people around you that the owner has lost the car keys with a chip, and that this is your own car.

2. Be prepared to talk to law enforcement officials. Prepare at least a passport if the rest of the documents in the car. Without an identity card, you can get into the station for clarification.

3. Know how to quickly turn off the alarm. After the successful opening of the doors (and, possibly, from an unsuccessful attempt), a strong unpleasant sound signal and you will immediately be the center of attention.

4. Think again, is it worth opening the car? Will you be able to provide sufficient security for the transport? On this moment it is protected from thieves. After a successful autopsy process - no more.


How to open a car without a key, the master knows for sure, who painstakingly studied the mechanism of hundreds of locks.

It is no secret that in every city there is a service specializing in autopsies of this kind. Services are not cheap. But are you sure about the qualifications of the master? Do not immediately trust to break your car.

Pay close attention to what the specialist is doing. If his actions seem suspicious or inept to you, the operation is taking too long, refuse the services. It is you who will have to paint the scratched place and change the broken lock.

Method one

Most people do not even know how to open a car without a key, and they are sure that only professionals can do this. Of course, this is not true. If you have a simple car with a stud-like door closing mechanism, consider yourself lucky.

You just need to purchase a small screwdriver, knife or scissors in the nearest store. As well as a thread, a thin rope, fishing line or wire up to a meter long. In extreme cases, you can even use a lace.

Then the tool is hooked rubber compressor driver's or passenger's front door and is removed by three to four centimeters. It is not necessary to completely remove the rubber.

A loop is made on the wire, with which we catch the “carnation”. After numerous attempts, the target will be caught, and all that remains is to gently pull the wire up. If everything worked out correctly, the path to the car interior will be free.

Method two

I lost my car keys... What should I do if the first option fails after a thousandth attempt?

In this case, we will modernize our wire a little. It is necessary to make a "loop" approximately in the middle. Then, using a handy tool, pulling off the seal, provide the wire with access simultaneously from both the left and right parts of the window. With the resulting loop, you need to catch the lock latch and tighten the loop. Pulling the wire up will unlock the door.

Method three

In some machines, there is no door lock as such. Instead, there is only a central lock control button, which is most often located near the backstage.

In this case, you can’t get by with a rope, you only need a long, strong fishing line with a minimum bend. After retracting the rubber seal, you should try to reach this button and press on it. Of course, not every car's security systems will allow you to do this. But even if there is even a minimal chance to get inside, you should definitely use it.

Method four

How to open a car with a ruler? Sometimes it happens that there is no one to help, buy necessary fixtures nowhere. And at hand - only a metal ordinary ruler. Well, you can try to use it. To do this, in the usual way, we bend the rubber seal in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe castle driver's door. And with a ruler we are trying to put pressure on the latch of the closing mechanism.

Many modern machines equipped with a protective mechanism, but old foreign cars and classics can be opened with some effort.

Lost car keys. What to do if you are completely desperate?

This method is suitable if you are sure that the keys are in the car, or an item from the passenger compartment is urgently needed.

Alternatively, you can break one of the glasses. You should not choose a windshield and rear glass- they are the most expensive. It is also better to avoid the smallest windows like the "window" on the classics. The fact is that they are quite rare, and their price is prohibitively high. If there is no choice, take a closer look at the side glass.

If there is a tint film on the window, then no special preparations are needed. Otherwise, it is better to glue it with adhesive tape to minimize the scattering of fragments (cover the risk of damage with any cloth in advance).

A heavy hammer (at least a kilogram), a stone, a sledgehammer, a metal pipe is suitable for impact.

1. You can find different sets of master keys for both beginners and professionals. They are quite expensive, but can you use them at the proper level, big question. Think carefully before spending money on them. In addition, the set will have to be constantly carried with you, which is quite inconvenient.

2. On the Internet you can find a large number of proposals for the manufacture of key rings with the number of the car. Not the most rational solution. After all, if a dishonest person finds the keys with such information, you may never see the car again.

It is much more logical to indicate your phone number. Even a refund for a fee is a much cheaper “pleasure” than making a new key with an immobilizer and buying a key fob for an alarm.

3. Customize security system so that it does not close after a certain time after disarming.

4. Make a copy of the key without the immobilizer. You can always open the door for them. And even if you lose, the attackers simply will not be able to go anywhere in your car.

4. Even if you failed to open the car yourself or with the help of specialists, do not despair. With every car goes two sets of keys. You may have to lose a couple of hours driving home for a spare kit or ask someone in the household to bring it. Agree, not the biggest waste in life.


Sooner or later the problem closed door catches up with almost all drivers, and you should be prepared for this. Even if the owner has lost the keys to the car, what to do first is not to get upset. You will definitely be able to get into your car. It just depends on how much you can afford to do it.

Practice opening the car in advance in the garage, and you will not be afraid of any hardships on the road.

What to do if the only key (both keys) from the car is lost or the door is slammed? Open the interior, call a burglar, a tow truck? Or go home for a duplicate? Consider various options problem solving.

The first thing you need to do is calm down, or at least try to do so. Breathe deeply several times, control your breathing, make sure that the breath is deep, until the chest is fully opened. This simple measure will allow your thoughts to calm down, find a way out. Perhaps everything is not so bad, and the loss will soon be found. In extreme cases, you can call a bear cub, and then change the lock.

Hot pursuit search

It is necessary to once again calmly and carefully inspect pockets and bags. Perhaps you just did not find the key in the traditional pocket. Or he “failed” in the floor of the jacket (in this case, it is worth probing the jacket, sometimes the key gets into the lining on the side or on the back through a small hole). Try to replay in your head the events that took place after the car was closed. What did you do, where did you go, who did you talk to - perhaps this will give you an idea where the lost item may be. If you can’t remember, they start searching in the surrounding area.

How and where to look?

If you were running somewhere or just moving fast, the key could be lost there. It may be worth going all the way in the opposite direction, carefully examining the path. If this is a park area, the loss often remains lying in the same place where it was lost. If it is a public place, it may be out of the way, so the search area should be expanded. It is necessary to inspect the territory next to the track within a radius of 2-3 m.

If possible, involve friends and acquaintances in the search. Of course, waiting for them to arrive from the other end of the city is not very effective. During this time, the key may disappear. But if one of them lives nearby, or can reach you within 5-10 minutes, be sure to call him. This will increase your chances of success.

Also if you are in a crowded public place where you can give an audio announcement (market, supermarket, beach), use this service. The text must necessarily indicate that you are ready to give a "reward" for the return. Even a small monetary gratitude will allow you to get the key back, and not order a new one.

The amount of remuneration shall not exceed payment of your expenses for replacement or production of a new copy. It is important to understand that when you receive a key from third parties, you run the risk that it is possible that in half an hour of absence, a duplicate was made for it. However, if you have a key with a chip, this is quite unlikely.

The key could not be found: a plan for further action

If the loss is not found, you have to turn to other methods - keep looking, bring a second key, make a duplicate, open the car (on your own or with the help of a professional safecracker). The choice of actions is determined by the characteristics of the machine and your personal situation.

If you have a second key, it's best to have someone bring it to you so you can look after the car.

If you have to seek help from professionals - safekeepers or evacuators - make sure that the registration certificate for the car is at hand - no one will break into or evacuate the car without making sure that the order comes from its owner. Worst of all, if the documents were left inside a closed car. Think about how you will prove ownership.

If you need to open the car urgently (inside - children, pets), regardless of whether the second key is lost, they resort to their own or professional hacking. They also resort to it if you cannot leave the car unattended (documents remained in sight, a large amount of money, or there is a high risk of car theft).

A separate article () is written in detail on how to open a car on your own with improvised means. Sometimes it is possible not only to open, but also

When the problem does not require an immediate solution, then the car is left, sent for a second key, or a duplicate is ordered using a chip card.

Note: if you lose your only key, you can try to advertise in a newspaper, on a local forum, a group on social networks, or post ads on poles. Don't forget the reward. But such a solution to the issue takes a long time, it has a dubious result, since even if the key is returned, it may turn out to be “compromised”.

Rational method: calling a specialist

In the case when you realized that you do not want to engage in amateur performances, your choice is to call a bear cub.

Perhaps it will cost less than buying and installing new glass, or straightening and painting the crumpled edge of the door.

The main advantage of calling a burglary specialist is the integrity of the car, the absence of damage, without the need for subsequent straightening, painting.

Usually it takes time to call a specialist. For urgency, you usually have to pay extra. If the problem is solved on the spot, you will not have to pay for the services of a tow truck.

When to call a tow truck

Calling a tow truck is necessary when opening the salon does not solve the problem of moving the car. If you have a key with a chip, you will not be able to start the car. Or if the only key that could start the engine of your car is lost. In this case, it is necessary to change the ignition lock cylinder, and for this, call a tow truck and deliver the car to the service station.

In this case, the issue of opening the cabin will be secondary. It can be solved at the service station. It is important - to deliver the car to the place of the upcoming repair on a special tow truck.

How will the specialist solve the problem?

If the key with the chip is lost

One of the latest innovations in the security and protection of cars from theft is a chip key. How does he work?

A special control system is installed on the car engine - an immobilizer. It has a transmitting antenna and is connected to the ignition switch. Through the antenna, the system receives messages from a chip built into the key. If the message corresponds to the one embedded in its program, then the immobilizer allows the engine to start. If not, the launch does not occur.

Thus, the design of the chip and the immobilizer increase the protection of the car from theft.
If you have a car with a chip, then if you lose the key, you will have to contact a company that manufactures automotive chips. All other measures will not help you. It may be possible to open the door, but it will be impossible to start the car and move on without a chip.

To order and make a duplicate chip, you must provide documents for a car and personal documents. You can also restore the key in the absence of a duplicate chip using a card that contains the access code to the immobilizer of your car.

Note: the immobilizer coding signal can be read special equipment from a distance of several meters. Thus, its operation can be disrupted by a special hacking device.

When should I order a duplicate key from the dealer?

As a rule, ordering a key and / or lock cylinders from a dealer is much more expensive and it will take much longer to wait for it (due to the fact that this issue will most likely be dealt with at the factory and transferred through the chain of dealers) than contacting a local specialized company .

Therefore, the dealer is contacted in the following cases:

  1. Your car is still under warranty and you want to keep it.
  2. You cannot find lock cylinders/keys on local market and this is the only way out.
  3. If you only need a duplicate and you still have the number on the card to the original key. In this case, the price / terms can be comparable with private traders.
  4. The manufacturer provides for the possibility of making a key according to vin number cars. In this case, you do not need to remove and change the locks.

What should be done so that the loss of the key brings as few problems as possible

The following steps make it easier to solve the problem if you lose your car keys. Unfortunately, they had to be done before the key was lost.

  • When installing an alarm on a car, be sure to ask where your “service” button is. With its help, if necessary, you can remove the car from the alarm in the absence of a key fob, if it is lost.
  • Read the manual for your car carefully. Perhaps it has a mechanism in case the key is lost. For example, there may be slots specially designed for threading wire and emergency opening of the latch. And in some cars there is a function of opening doors without a key.
  • If you bought a used car with one key, take care to order a second one. Let him be a spare and lie at home. This will help you if the master key is suddenly lost.
  • If you have a key with a chip, save the data from the card (tablet) to the immobilizer on the documents and on the phone. If the keys are lost or the door is slammed, the manufacturer will restore them to you according to the presence of code marks and your documents.

Take care of the keys and your nerves!

Car keys can be lost or stolen. If this happened for the first time, the car owner faces whole line questions and problems. It all starts, usually, with a call to the dealership and bad news about the cost of the blank and the time of making the key. Depending on how modern and common the car the owner has, this process can take from several days to several months. After learning this, the owner wonders if there is a faster and less expensive way to solve the problem.

Who Restores Car Keys?

Apart from dealer centers car keys are restored by general car services, specialized key restoration companies and most large workshops - stores selling and servicing ordinary door locks. What needs to be done to restore car key. First of all, you need to contact one of the above places, having the documents for the car with you, so that the receiver makes sure that you are making a key for your car. Next, the receiver will estimate the cost of the work and determine the time frame for its execution. The cost and duration depend on a number of factors. These include: the brand of the car, the complexity of the workpiece and the functions that the key is endowed with. The fastest way to make a key is if the owner has a duplicate - in this case, a copy will be made from it. If there is no duplicate, you will have to make a key according to the lock - there is such a service too.

If you have not lost, but broken the key, it will cost a little more.

You can restore a simple car key quickly and inexpensively. The blank for it is not much different from the blank that is used to make the key from the usual door lock. Their cost can also vary depending on the complexity of the notch and the number of faces, but in general it can be said that the maximum cost does not exceed 2-3 thousand, and the production time is usually limited to one day. If you have not lost, but broken the key, it will cost a little more, as the master will put it into operation additional fee for removing the rubble from the castle. Technically, making a key in two halves is no more difficult than making a whole original, since restoration is carried out using a machine that has clamps that can be used to grab the two halves, “composing” a single key out of them. The most difficult and costly case is the restoration of the key by the lock. There is such a service, and it can be provided by specialists from the key making workshop, but it will cost more, since you will have to remove the lock from the car. It will also take a lot of time to restore the key to the lock, since fitting the workpiece to the lock is a painstaking and slow process. In this case, you should count on a decent amount of money for work and a period of two to three days. The feasibility of manufacturing a key according to the lock should be determined by economic considerations and the timing of delivery of a new lock core from the dealer. If the car is relatively new and the lock desired type still in production, it's easier to buy a new core with a new key for it. If the delivery of a new lock core takes a month, and will cost more than restoration of the lock, it is worth going to restore the key.

How to restore a chip key

Chip key (or smart key) - electronic device in the form of a key (and sometimes even unlike a key, but having the form of a credit card), control.

If you do not have a key with a chip embedded in the case, the car will not start, even if you managed to open the door

The word "chip" is present in the name of such modern key because a microcircuit (or chip) is mounted in its case that controls the anti-theft device - the immobilizer. The immobilizer is disabled only if the smart key is within a few meters of the car. The chip key may or may not have the function of a "real" key, depending on the design of the ignition lock. In some cases, to start the ignition, it is necessary to insert the key into the lock, but in last years instead of a lock, manufacturers often install a start button, which is unlocked by a signal from anti-theft system when the smart key is in the car. If you do not have a key with a chip embedded in the case, the car will not start, even if you managed to open the door. If such a key is lost, the recovery process will be more costly than if the metal key is lost. The fact is that you will have to pay money not only for a blank with a chip and cutting a new key, but also to change the immobilizer board in the car. This is done for security reasons - in this case, not only the newly acquired and "registered" key will be "clean", but also the key itself. anti-theft device. You have to register the keys because the immobilizer must know their unique identification code, and not respond to other people's "chip keys" and primitive devices with which attackers can try to steal a car.

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