Ferrari Enzo: specifications and tuning. Biography Enzo Ferrari Son Ferrari

Ferrari Enzo: specifications and tuning. Biography Enzo Ferrari Son Ferrari

Production of a two-seater sports car began in 2002. The new model was dubbed Ferrari enzo in honor of the founder of the company. The fruit of the work of the engineers of the Italian concern and the designers of the Pininfarina studio was first presented at the Paris Motor Show.

The production of the model ended in 2005. For three years, about 400 copies were made. One of the first who dared to buy new model, was Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason. At that time he had to pay 500 thousand British pounds, but in a car of this class, every screw is worth the money.

In fact, the car is a real racing car, converted for public roads. The body of the supercar is made from carbon fiber. This material greatly facilitates the entire structure. The first thing that catches your eye is the abundance of air ducts. This is a thoughtful move that provides an increase downforce at high speeds. In addition, the necessary cooling is provided in such an exquisite way.

Thanks to engineering sophistication, it was possible to achieve amazing effects. The mass of the car is 1365 kilograms, while during overloads the weight can reach two tons.

Test drive video Ferrari Enzo

It was on this model that the original mechanism for opening the door at an angle of forty-five degrees was first used. Subsequently, this design has become widespread, becoming a common concept.

Interior and decoration

The price of Ferrari Enzo is measured in millions of dollars. At the same time, the salon is decorated in an elegant and crazy style. Carbon dashboard And steering wheel decorated in a real sporty style. The small diameter of the steering wheel makes it easier to control when maneuvering. The size of the steering disc also plays its role in the organization inner space compact two-seater supercar.

Seats are a separate topic of conversation. Configuration seats in each model was created based on the anatomical features of the customer. The configuration of the seat buckets was ideal for each specific supercar owner.

The yellow speedometer is marked up to 400 kilometers per hour, on the same color tachometer - the scale is up to 10,000 rpm. Deep green fabric trim accentuates the interior design accents. However, for such fabulous money, you can choose the color of the finish yourself.

The technical characteristics of the car correspond to sports cars, while it has an excellent audio system and an electronic package that ensures driver comfort.

Power unit, gearbox and wheels

Gear control is carried out sequentially automatic transmission gears. Gearshift time in automatic mode is only 15 milliseconds. When driving at speeds of 300 km/h, a shorter response time can be fatal.

Behind the driver's back is a 12-cylinder V-shaped engine, 60 valves of which allow you to gain power in the prohibitive 660 "horses". The six-liter engine became the founder new series power units from the Italian concern. Various tuned versions like the Edo Competion have even more powerful units. So, in the mentioned configuration, the engine capacity is 6.3 liters. Distinctive feature all power plants- the complete absence of any kind of turbocharging.

Ferrari Enzo has 19 inch wheel disks With low profile tires. For braking so powerful machine meet carbon-ceramic brake pads 15 inches in diameter.

Power control, which allows you to gain 100 km / h in 3.3 seconds, is not so easy to implement. The brakes manufactured by Bridgestone are responsible for driver safety.

Tuned versions

The "brutal" power of the Ferrari Enzo provoked advanced tuning studios to create their own versions of the layout. Especially in this field, the German company Edo Competition excelled. It is she who owns the most famous car tuning options.

Edo competition Enzo

First time new modification saw the light at the Dubai Motor Show in 2008. Craftsmen from the tuning studio were able to increase power power unit up to 700 Horse power. This allowed the Edo competition Enzo to reach a top speed of 370 km/h. Acceleration to hundreds was reduced, and amounted to 2.7 seconds.

A new tuning version from the German studio was presented at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 2009. The modified 6.3-liter engine, unlike the previous modification, gains power of 840 (!) HP. With these indicators top speed is 390 kilometers per hour, and acceleration to hundreds occurs in 3.2 seconds.

The changes also affected the appearance. The body was equipped with a retractable wing. In addition, the rear part has got LED lights and a new “apron” with aerodynamic elements.

The biography of an outstanding sports car ended in 2005. In total, about four hundred copies were produced. Some went to tuning studios, some sold at auction, others are still in the hands of the owners.

In any case, to perpetuate the name of Enzo Ferrari in a different way would be strange.

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FIAT President Giovanni Agnelli said: FERRARI is the emblem of Italy.

It can be added to the words of the head of a powerful concern that it is also a symbol of motorsport, a symbol of success and fanatical love of hundreds of thousands of fans. Moreover, as befits true love, it is not subject to the financial or sports failures of the idol.
Enzo Ferrari was not a designer. Evil tongues said that Commendatore even graduated from high school with difficulty. Perhaps it was. One thing is certain - he devoted his life entirely to cars. Ferrari had an undoubted talent for recruiting the best, whether they were designers or racers. True, the Commendatore was only interested in them in connection with cars.

Three dreams of Enzo Ferrari:
become an operatic tenor;
become a sports journalist;
become a race car driver.

The first dream turned out to be unrealizable due to the lack of a voice, he partially achieved the second by publishing a report on a football match in the main sports newspaper of the country at the age of 16, and he fulfilled the third in full, becoming a racer for the Alfa Romeo team and winning a number of victories in racing in the twenties. tracks. After the victory at Ravenna in 1921, he was introduced to Count Barakka, the father of an ace pilot who died in the First World War. Ferrari also met the countess, who asked him to put her son's emblem on board for good luck. racing car. Thus was born a sign familiar to all motorsport fans - a rearing black stallion.

Enzo Ferrari was first introduced to cars in 1908, when his father and older brother took him to racing competition. He was then 10 years old. Already at the age of 13, the son of a modest owner of a locksmith shop from the town of Modena got behind the wheel of his father's car. But the first began World War, which also affected auto racing - they went to the periphery public life. Private Ferrari shoed mules and repaired artillery carts. And after the end of the war, he could not find a job for a long time: free places in Italian enterprises it was much less than the number of soldiers returning from the front.

Intuition told him that he should not jump at any job offer, that the world of motors that he dreamed of would definitely open its doors. Intuition did not deceive him: after the war, rapid growth began automotive industry, and Enzo became a machine tester at CMN. It looked like a lucky break. But in 1920, he no doubt moved to the then little-known company Alfa-Romeo.

Intuition and this time did not disappoint Ferrari. Alfa-Romeo at that time was developing more perfect cars than CMN. The owners of Alfa-Romeo were among the first to understand that nothing promotes a new automobile brand faster than success in motorsport, and they organized a racing team. Enzo realized that here he would be able to fully reveal his abilities. And so it happened: Ferrari became the official pilot of Alfa-Romeo. Auto racing in Italy in the 1920s was a profitable business.

Mussolini's government encouraged the auto industry to build fast and reliable cars. And they, in turn, actively invested in motorsport. Only FIAT, one of the leaders in receiving state subsidies, invested about 10 billion liras in motorsport (about $1 million at the then exchange rate). In addition to factory support, the teams received prize money for each race. Their size varied greatly depending on the prestige of the competition, the number of participants, the venue, etc. In total, about 50 competitions were held during the year with a total prize fund of 2.5-3 million liras. However, at the same time, leveling reigned in most teams: the salaries of pilots, no matter what place they took, differed little from each other.

Ferrari won infrequently. Of the prestigious prizes on his account, only the Acerbo Cup, won in 1924. But he knew how to profitably present his achievements to the public. In 1923, after a victory on the track in Ravenna, the young racer met the family of the famous pilot Francesco Baracca, who came to admire a rare spectacle at that time - circuit racing. Barakka's name was on everyone's lips. During the First World War, he fought in the skies of Italy, shot down several dozen Austrian aircraft and died heroically in battle. The ace's fighter was adorned by a rearing black stallion. The family of the hero-pilot, impressed by Enzo's championship ride, offered to decorate his car with this symbol. Ferrari happily agreed. He changed only one detail: he placed the prancing stallion on a bright yellow background, which formed the basis of the coat of arms of his native Modena.

The symbol brought such good luck that it later became the brand of Ferrari's car business. He personified everything that was needed to attract the sympathy of viewers and buyers of cars: power, dynamism, brightness. The rearing stallion has survived to this day. Moreover, it has become a symbol of the fan club of the Ferrari racing team, which today unites millions of people around the world, including in Russia. The picture, in which a huge crowd carries a red, black and yellow flag the size of a football field, decorated with the famous image of a stallion, appears on television screens several times a year. It happens on the days of Michael Schumacher and the Ferrari team winning Formula 1 races.

In 1929, the worldwide economic crisis hit the automotive industry Italy, and Ferrari's sports career was close to the end, especially since Alfa-Romeo began to think about curtailing its racing program. Enzo saw one way out: to continue to cooperate with this company on a contractual basis. And he registered his own company, calling it unambiguously - Scuderia Ferrari ("Ferrari Team"). Since his own money was not enough, the novice businessman borrowed it from friends.

Scuderia has become a kind of subsidiary of Alfa. Serial Alfa-Romeo chassis turned into master teams in sports cars. They were equipped with uprated engines, extra strong aerodynamic bodies, special racing tires. Pretty soon it was discovered that Enzo Ferrari was playing the tough rules of the auto racing business very well. Moreover, he began to push the competition!

One of the components of Ferrari's success was his amazing capacity for work: he worked 16 hours a day. Plus, the same innate intuition that guided his managerial decisions. Already in the debut season, Scuderia Ferrari won 8 victories in 22 races. The most "expensive" aces of Italy agreed to speak for her.

And all thanks to the fact that the owner of the team reformed the system of payment for pilots. Ferrari abolished the leveling, replacing the permanent salary with a percentage of the prize money. Racers liked this system much more than stable, but low earnings, equalizing seasoned champions and arriving newcomers. In 1931, in a car owned by Ferrari, Achille Varzi set an Italian record for the amount of prize money - 247 thousand lire for the victory. The owner of Scuderia Ferrari personally raced until 1932, when his son Dino was born.

Another gift of Ferrari, which benefited his cause - the ability to build relationships with partners. There was a moment when, due to financial troubles, the management of Alfa-Romeo decided to leave motorsport. Then Scuderia Ferrari would have to rely solely on own forces. But Ferrari convinced his other partner - the famous tire Pirelli- to force the Alfa-Romeo management not to quit the production of racing cars. A compromise was found, all parties in the end were not offended, having received their profit.

In the 30s, a recognizable image of Ferrari was formed, which then became known to millions of fans around the world. It was then that Enzo received a respectful nickname among the riders Comendatore - Director. The famous pilot Rene Dreyfus recalled: “Enzo Ferrari was a very pleasant person, friendly, but rather strict. He went about his business, never mixing it with his family. He was quite closed, never joked. He was going to build an entire empire, and I did not doubt for a second that, in the end, he would be so.”

In 1937, Ferrari built the first racing car of its own design for Alfa-Romeo. It won the last pre-war championship. The success of Commendatore's feat is the next major step in the business. In 1939, Ferrari created his second company - Auto Avia Construzione Ferrari, which, unlike Scuderia, was supposed to be engaged not in racing, but in the production of cars. But the Second World War prevented the development of production.

However, Ferrari did not remain idle. He received a lucrative order for the supply of machine tools and aircraft engines and transferred production from Modena to the satellite city of Maranello. The production of military products was launched in a short time. But the new plant turned out to be the target of Anglo-American aviation, and in 1944 the workshops were destroyed.

Immediately, as soon as peace came, the Commendatore did what he had dreamed of all his life. First of all, the agreement with Alfa-Romeo, which was not entirely beneficial to him, was canceled. Now you can release own cars, and in 1947 the first car of the Ferrari brand appeared. Thus, Enzo began to develop his business simultaneously in two close directions. He ran a racing team and built a special class of cars, typified by the 125, a powerful 12-cylinder engine that looked like a regular road car. But she had all the properties of a racing car. This technical know-how created the glory of the new car company.

Ferrari continued to follow its own special path, producing very powerful cars in small volumes, stuffed with the latest equipment and partially assembled by hand. Naturally, their price was and remains very high. Now a car adorned with a black stallion costs about $150,000-250,000. No more than 4,000 of these exclusive cars are produced annually.

The Old World, bored by the spectacles, was recovering after the war. Ferrari offered entertainment in the form of racing the fastest and most perfect cars. Commendatore concentrated his efforts primarily on the production of cars for the growing Formula 1, as well as for such popular races as the 24 Hours of Le Mans and the Thousand Mile. The Scuderia Ferrari drivers won the competition one after another. In the early 50s, Maranello became the unofficial capital of world motorsport, and brand Ferrari- one of the most expensive and prestigious. Indeed, in the minds of people with the famous brand, victories in races were directly connected.

Suddenly, misfortunes began, turning into a terrible pattern, as if Ferrari had to pay for their successes with the lives of their most beloved people. In 1952 and 1953, the first Scuderia Formula 1 championship was won by Alberto Ascari. After a year-long break (in 1954, Askari played for Lancia), the famous pilot returned to Ferrari to become a champion for the third time. The union of these bright personalities seemed indestructible, but during the tests in Monza, the Askari car turned over, and it was not possible to save the life of the pilot.

In 1956, a blow of fate harder than the death of a beloved pilot followed. His beloved son and only heir Alfredo (Dino) Ferrari, a talented young engineer and designer, died of chronic kidney disease. The racing car, which Dino began to design, but was completed by completely different people, Commendatore named after his son. Michael Hawthorne won the world championship in 1958 in a Ferrari 246 Dino. But this did not console the father, who since then became unsociable, did not take off his large dark glasses in public and completely went to work. The car Ferrari-246-Dino had a controversial fate.

It was a revolutionary development that was ahead of its time. It is no coincidence that in the late 50s, Scuderia regained its lost palm in Formula 1. But the price of victories turned out to be high: it was on the Ferrari-246 that two of the three pilots of the team crashed to death - Luigi Musso and Phil Collins. In the late 70s, a young Canadian racer Gilles Villeneuve came to Scuderia Ferrari, so reminiscent of the Commendatore about Dino. Ferrari made no secret of his dream of Villeneuve becoming world champion. But in 1982, Gilles tragically died in a qualifying race in the Belgian Zolder.

Despite all the experiences, Ferrari did not turn off the path he had chosen. Scuderia could temporarily lose the championship, but inevitably, throughout the more than 50-year history of Formula 1, it was considered the favorite of the competition.

In the late 60s, the production of expensive sports cars was mastered Lamborghini, Mazeratti, Lotus, Porsche. The feeling of competition was not easy for Ferrari. It seemed that his days of power were numbered. But Enzo dealt an unexpected blow to his competitors. Remaining the owner of the Maranello businesses and the Ferrari brand, he bequeathed his company to the Italian people, offering to treat it as a national treasure. A line of "worthy representatives of the Italian people" lined up at the entrance to Maranello almost immediately. And the first in it was the head of FIAT, Gianni Agnelli, who bought a 50% stake in an enterprise that produced prestigious cars.

The tandem of Ferrari and FIAT has brought benefits to both auto giants. With the proceeds from the deal, Comendatore built a new factory in the town of Fiorano, equipped with a wind tunnel. It also created its own circuit for the needs of Scuderia. Until now, no Formula 1 team can boast of such luxury. Ferrari hired a talented new designer Mauro Forgieri, whose efforts, together with the racing genius of the Austrian Niki Lauda, ​​allowed the Scuderia to return to the sporting Olympus in the mid-70s. FIAT also benefited: a black stallion in car ads boosted sales by nearly 25%. Ferrari and Agnelli earned an average of about $1 billion a year from the sale of sports cars during this period.

After the death of Enzo Ferrari, the success of his car company began to wane. Now it is almost wholly owned by FIAT, and the latter went bankrupt during the European auto industry crisis. But the black stallion is still prancing on the yellow field - Ferrari positions are unshakable in ring racing. The Italians are absolutely sure that they will save their national treasure.

The largest monument to the Commendatore was the circuit in the Italian city of Imola, named after Enzo and Dino Ferrari. And at one of the last world car shows, the Enzo Ferrari concept car, made in Maranello, was presented. According to press releases, this will be the most powerful car in the world.

Commendatore's son, Piero Lardi, after the death of his father, surrendered to people from the North. Ferrari actually became the property of FIAT. However, even such a giant retained maximum independence for the company. Now about seventeen cars a day are being built in Maranello. The decline in production has stopped, things are going well in formula 1. Apparently, Scuderia Ferrari and her boss Luca di Montezemolo inherited the character of the Commendatore.
An outstanding personality left a deep mark on history. The man whose contemporaries we were brought into our time the spirit of another era: he can be compared with E. Bugatti, L. Delage - great personalities automotive world 20-30s.

The factory team participates in various automobile competitions, where the performance results have already become legendary. The team achieved the greatest success in the Formula 1 races - 9 times the drivers who drove Ferrari cars became world champions. In addition, the team's cars have repeatedly won the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Enzo Ferrari died 30 years ago - August 14, 1988 at the age of 90 years. But his legacy lives on to this day. Brand Ferrari owes everything to one iron rule that Enzo set many years ago - brand Ferrari will always be more important than any single person within it.

This philosophy has often been referred to as dictatorial by his team's disgruntled drivers, but it cannot be denied that Ferrari's methods have produced results, as on ordinary roads as well as on racetracks.

Your attention to the 10 most famous cars Enzo Ferrari...

Alfa Romeo P3

The fate of Enzo Ferrari was closely intertwined with racing after his family's carpentry business failed. The young guy went to work in a small car company Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali which built cars- Enzo became her test pilot, and a little later, a racer.

A fourth place in his debut race in 1919 helped him secure a place in Alfa Romeo where good prospects awaited Ferrari. But Enzo, deeply shaken by the death of his teammate Antonio Ascari, began to lose interest in racing. After the birth of his son Dino, Enzo moved into a managerial position, putting together a team of star racers called Scuderia Ferrari.

Nevertheless, Alfa Romeo initially reluctant to hand over their latest racing cars to Enzo, who had to deal with outdated models. Financial difficulties did not contribute to the development Alfa Romeo.

In August 1933 the model P3 finally delivered to the team Ferrari. Although by that time there had already been 25 different races, in the last 11 Ferrari won six times. Thus, Alfa Romeo P3 helped Enzo's team become serious players in the racing world.

Auto Avio Costruzioni 815

Auto Avio Costruzioni 815

In 1938 Alfa Romeo returned to the racing scene by hiring Enzo Ferrari as team manager and Scuderia Ferrari was disbanded. However, the joint work did not last long, as Ferrari left Alfa Romeo next year.

However, the Italian manufacturer banned Enzo from racing his name for at least four years. So at this time, Ferrari was reaping the maximum benefit left from the Scuderia team by opening a small company called Auto Avio Costruzioni engaged in the manufacture of aircraft parts.

It did not take long for Ferrari to miss the smell of engines again, and in 1940 his creation took part in his first Mille Miglia race. The machine was based on the platform fiat, having received the name 815 Tipo. The car was equipped with a 1.5-liter 8-cylinder engine, but unfortunately, further development the car did not receive due to the outbreak of World War II.

Ferrari 125S

After the war, Enzo finally got the opportunity to use his name in racing, and thus in 1947 the model 125S became the first car Ferrari.

Unlike Auto Avio Costruzioni 815, the engine of this model was not a development of the motor fiat, it was pure Ferrari V12. It is 12-cylinder engines that are considered classics. Ferrari, since they were used on the first car of the brand.

The engine displacement was 1.5 liters and had 118 horsepower, showing promising prospects at the debut race in Piacenza, even though he did not reach the finish line due to technical problems. But two weeks later at the Grand Prix of Rome Ferrari 125S won her first victory.

Enzo reluctantly sold a few copies to private teams to help the foundation Scuderia Ferrari. And two of the original 1947 cars were later dismantled - their parts were used to build successors such as 166S.

Ferrari 250 Series

Car success 250th series was defined by their engine. The 3.0-litre V12 put out about 280 horsepower, and although it wasn't the most powerful at the time, its main selling point was its weight. Ferrari's V12s weighed almost half the weight of their competitors and helped the team win numerous races.

Road versions also benefited from racing technology. Many of these cars are still known all over the world, and 250 GT is one of the most valuable cars for the collection.

Ferrari 156 "Shark nose"

156th was a direct result of the new rules in Formula 1, which decided to reduce engine power and volume from 2.5 to 1.5 liters.

This mid-engined car became famous for its "shark nose", which was designed to improve aerodynamics while maintaining cool air flow to the radiator mounted inside the nostrils.

This car was successfully used by Phil Hill, who won the 1961 Formula One World Championship.


The cars got their name in memory of the son of Dino, who passed away at the age of 24 due to a hereditary disease.

A distinctive feature of the models were smaller V6 engines. Interestingly, initially Dino was forbidden to use the nameplate. Ferrari, and only much later, in 1976, the model Dino 308 GT4 2+2 was first honored to be named Ferrari.

Ferrari 356 GTB/4

Ferrari 356 GTB/4

This model is also known as Daytona, although the second model name 356 GTB/4 the company did not give it, the media did it for it. However, Ferrari did not deny that the car was created in honor of the 24 Hours of Daytona race won by Ferrari 330 P4 in 1967.

The car was produced for five years from 1968 to 1973, and used the company's traditional V12. Enzo Ferrari was no less conservative about the front-engined layout, despite the fact that mid-engined sports cars had already proven their effectiveness in those days.

From zero to 100 km / h, this car accelerated in 5.1 seconds, and maximum speed reached 280 km / h.

Ferrari 365 GT4 BB

Ferrari 365 GT4 BB

Enzo Ferrari was reluctant to accept a mid-engined sports car layout, and even more reluctant to put a flagship V12 in road cars.

However, like motorsport, Enzo eventually relented and approved of the option. So there was 365 GT4 BB - Berlinetta Boxer.

Later, the car received a version 512 BB, which with the same 5-liter engine produced more torque with slightly less power.

Ferrari 312T

Ferrari 312T was shown in 1974 as a car for the 1975 Formula 1 season. The car was tested by the team's degendar pilots - Clay Regazzoni and Niki Lauda.

The car was equipped atmospheric engine V12 and eventually brought Ferrari three championship titles and four constructors' championships in Formula 1.

Further 312T continued to evolve, going through six more reincarnations.

Ferrari F40

Enzo Ferrari understood that he could not lead the company forever, so in the end he decided to make bright car dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the brand. F40 became like this.

The sports car, equipped with a 2.9-liter twin-turbocharged V8, became the first production car capable of breaking the 200 mph (324 km/h) mark. In total, more than 1300 F40 units were produced from 1987 to 1992.

F40 turned out to be last car, which was created by Enzo Ferrari before his death.

Against the background of people, Enzo was distinguished by inhuman perseverance and the desire to win. They say he never gave up. But in 1982, he still broke out: " goodbye championship". This happened after Didier Pironi nearly killed himself in qualifying at Hockenheim, four months after the death of Gilles Villeneuve.

By that time, Ferrari had not been able to win the championship for three years. Enzo himself will die in six years - his Formula 1 pilots will also not be able to win over the years, although in 1983 Rene Arnoux and Patrick Tamba brought the Scuderia the Constructors' Cup. The “Commandatore” in public equally gave credit to both the driver and the car in any victory, but deep down he believed that the main thing in success is always the car.

He began working in motorsport as part of Alfa Romeo. For some time he was a tester, regularly participated in races of various calibers, but soon noticed that as a manager he was able to bring the team more benefit. He eventually became the sporting director of Alfa Romeo. As part of his work at Alfa, Enzo founded the Ferrari Stable - Scuderia.

Under his leadership, the Stable was represented by such famous pilots as Louis Chiron, Achille Varzi or Tazio Nuvolari. It was the latter who won the famous victory at the 1935 German Grand Prix, held at the old Nürburgring in front of Adolf Hitler, in the fight against nine German racers in the new Mercedes and Auto Union. In that rain battle, after 22 laps of the course, Nuvolari was three minutes ahead of Rudolf Caracciola, who was considered a master of aerobatics on a wet track.

Tazio Nuvolari died at the age of 60 in August 1953. Enzo by that time was building his own cars. His Ferrari 375 won three Formula One Grand Prix in 1951, and the famous 500 won all the championship rounds in 1952 and 1953 except for the Indianapolis 500 and the '53 Italian Grand Prix and brought Alberto Ascari two championship titles in a row. Askari died two years later in a Ferrari 750s break-in accident.

A year later, Enzo lost his son Dino. Alfredo suffered from muscular dystrophy from birth. Coming with his father to Maranello, the boy dreamed of building engines, he admired units and boxes that were incomprehensible to him, but he could not touch his father's heritage. Dino died at the age of 23 in 1956. The next day, Peter Collins won the French Grand Prix wearing a mourning armband and presented this armband to Enzo - "in memory of Dino." “Commendatore” kept it all his life. Collins died in 1958 - an accident at the Nurburgring.

He was demanding of his riders and employees - to everyone without exception. Everyone had to be absolutely loyal to the boss. To end. In everything. Anyone who even allowed the possibility of disagreeing with Enzo quit. And that was okay. Ferrari gradually became a legend, one of the symbols of Italy. An example of an indomitable spirit.

Working for Enzo was considered a privilege in itself. Enzo did not like being called "Commendatore", he himself insisted on "Engineer", which, however, did not much fit with the fact that he did not design cars. Moreover, the opinion sometimes went against the grain common sense. "Aerodynamics was invented by those who do not know how to build engines", - he said. At one time he was also dissatisfied with the transfer of the engine to the center, and then to back chassis. " The horse should pull the cart, not push it.', said Enzo.

But he was the engine of the Ferrari, its heart, which was sometimes listened to contrary to the generally accepted point of view. At the same time, Enzo was a domineering and treacherous person. It cost him nothing to mislead people, quarrel them with each other, infuriate and push foreheads. He believed that in this mode people work better. Employees emphasize that no one even counted on praise or an award. But the energy of the "Commendatore" still "dispersed" the team.

"Racing is a passion that requires the sacrifice of everything to satisfy it. No hypocrisy, no doubt", - Enzo said. He did not go to the races, he preferred to watch them on TV, and after the finish he waited for the phone calls of his subordinates. And on the tracks, his pilots did the impossible with cars. To earn respect, Enzo had to be able to pilot a car like you draw on asphalt brush.

He admitted that he considered Tazio Nuvolari the best pilot in history, but also did not hide his sympathy for Peter Collins and Gilles Villeneuve - unlike Nuvolari, both died while driving Enzo's cars. In the paddock, "black coffins" were called "Lotus", but the fact is that more racers died behind the wheel of a Ferrari than in any other Formula 1 car.

"I don't remember a single instance of someone dying in the cockpit of a Ferrari due to a mechanical failure.", - Stirling Moss said about this. Enzo himself after serious accidents the first thing he asked was what was wrong with the car - he was afraid that something was wrong with the car and the driver was killed by the car. But the pilots crashed as a result of the struggle - having gone beyond, fighting for Enzo Ferrari, they sought to go even further.

Every visitor who tried to meet Enzo Ferrari in his office had to sit in the waiting room for hours: " He is busy, you need to wait". Then, when the visitor could still enter, he found himself in a dark room. The lamp in the corner illuminated the portrait of Dino, in the center there was a large table on which a glass stallion was hoisted - a gift from Paul Newman. At the table, the visitor saw the Commendatore in the same dark glasses in a massive frame.

By the end of the 80s, Ferrari cars had won everything they could. Most Grand Prix wins, most Le Mans wins, most Targa Florio wins. But in the last five years of Enzo Ferrari's life in Formula 1, the team did not win. The authority of the "Commendatore" began to work against him - employees were sometimes afraid to provide him with accurate information, distorted it and embellished it. Enzo simply could not make adequate decisions, because he did not own the situation. But he still remained at the head of the team.

Ferrari died on August 14, 1988 - the last nine months of his life, the Scuderia did not win the Grand Prix, that was the era of the invincible McLarens. Less than a month after Commendatore's death, Gerhard Berger and Michele Alboreto won the winning double at Monza.

In August 1988, the famous Enzo Ferrari died: race car driver, entrepreneur, founder of Ferrari. Many legends and rumors are associated with the Commendatore, a number of people still speak very negatively about it, but the fact that Ferrari created the legend remains undeniable.

"Ad maiora ultra vitam" - "From the earthly to the great" - this is the inscription engraved on the white marble tombstone of Enzo Ferrari in Modena at the cemetery of San Cataldo. Enzo Ferrari is a man who realized his dream and did not get tired of improving it. He became interested in motor sports at the age of 10, when his father took him to the races. Then he decided to become a racer, and then build his own car.

Career as a pilot racing car Enzo did not work out, although he played well for Alfa Romeo. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe then it wouldn't be famous cars Ferrari - fast, powerful, elegant and luxurious - as well as the legendary team in Formula 1. Enzo, instead of a racer, became an assistant to the head of the Alfa Romeo team.

Pilot Enzo Ferrari. (

Ferrari already then showed himself as a talented entrepreneur, his business quickly went uphill. Soon he took over the regional agency for the sale of these cars. When he was 31, he founded his own firm, Scuderia Ferrari, which became a subsidiary of Alfa Romeo. Then the company began to exist as its sports division in order to eventually completely get out from under the wing of Alfa Romeo. In a little while, Ferrari will eclipse its former employer, and the new name will thunder on racetracks around the world.

They say that Ferrari was a workaholic, did not take vacations and days off, but demanded the same from his subordinates. The main thing for him was devotion and loyalty. He was not a professional engineer or designer, but a flair for talented technical specialists and racers he was replaced by a lack of education. He has been called the "godfather" of racing. Get into the Ferrari team was and is cherished dream many pilots. And this despite the fact that at some point the Ferrari team had a rather dubious reputation as a record holder for the number of deaths among racers. Both the media and the Catholic Church took up arms against Enzo Ferrari. He was called "Saturn devouring his children" in the newspapers, and he was sued for manslaughter. But Ferrari managed to settle all the problems.

Ferrari and Alberto Ascari. (

People who knew Commendatore claim that he only loved two riders in his life. The first was Tazio Nuvolari, with whom Ferrari somehow rode a car and appreciated not only the talent of the pilot, but also his confidence and fearlessness - he did not take his foot off the gas pedal during the race. The second was Gilles Villeneuve. Although Ferrari were racers who won champion titles, but it was Villeneuve, as many were perplexed, who was allowed to crash cars and then not receive a scolding at the base in Maranello. But the main thing for Enzo has always been cars. He believed that most of the success lies on the car, and not on who drives it.

Ferrari has changed a lot since the death of his first son Dino. The young man died when he was only 23 years old, due to various diseases that he had suffered since childhood. For Enzo, this was a real blow. “Until the last moment, I was convinced that my son’s health could still be restored - like some broken engine or car,” he wrote many years later. “It’s so natural for fathers to be deceived.” Such a quote is given in his book "Enzo Ferrari: the winner of speed" by Richard Williams.

Ferrari rarely took off his black glasses. (

After that, Ferrari became withdrawn and unsociable. There is a well-known case when the Commendatore refused to receive Pope John Paul II himself, citing poor health. Enzo was often quick-tempered and deaf to criticism. Surprisingly, thanks to bad temper Ferrari was born legendary car Ford GT40, which led Le Mans for several years in a row. Thus, Henry Ford II took revenge on the Italian for the disruption of the deal to buy shares in the Ferrari concern. It was precisely because Ferrari would not even listen to the claims of tractor magnate Ferruccio Lamborghini about the build quality of some Ferraris that the latter decided to build his car.

Enzo Ferrari and his company are devoted to many books, in 2003 a biography film was released. Does not leave attempts to shoot an epic picture of the Commendatore and the famous director Michael Mann. It was reported that filming should begin this year.

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