What to pour into gasoline to knock the engine. How to kill a diesel engine for sure (three ways)

What to pour into gasoline to knock the engine. How to kill a diesel engine for sure (three ways)


Talking on a cell phone while refueling a car can cause the gasoline to explode.

Status: Refuted

A working cell phone cannot cause an explosion, even when surrounded by gasoline vapors in a concentration sufficient to ignite.
The real risk is the discharge that can occur between the car and the driver if you get in and out of the car frequently,
thereby accumulating a static charge on their clothing.

Leaving an aerosol can or cola bottle in a hot car can cause it to explode.

Status: Refuted

Neither the aerosol can nor the Coke bottle exploded after lying in the car in the sun for several hours. And spray can and cola really
explode, but at temperatures above 150 °C.

If the exhaust pipe of the car is plugged with something, the engine will be disabled.

Status: Refuted

All objects used in the test immediately flew out of the pipe as soon as the engine was turned on.

to pour liquid sewer cleaner.

Status: Refuted

The engine didn't even shut down.

The engine will fail if bleach is poured into the tank.

Status: Believable

After pouring bleach, the engine stalled, but did not fail during the experiment. The next morning, the inside of the gas tank was covered

The engine will fail if sugar is poured into the tank.

Status: Refuted

With sugar, the engine worked better.

If mothballs are added to the fuel, this will increase engine power.

Status: Believable

The engine started, but soon began to work intermittently. When Jamie stepped up the throttle, the engine ran steadily and sounded like
power has increased.

If your radiator is dry, then you can pour cola instead of coolant.

Status: Believable

The engine was run with cola in the radiator, but this can cause malfunctions.

If the radiator is leaking, then the leak can be stopped by breaking a raw egg into it.

Status: Believable

Status: Refuted

A penny was put in the carburetor, a ringing sound was heard after starting the engine, but the engine functioned normally.

The engine will fail if bleach is added to the oil.

Status: Confirmed

Without breaking the law, you can deceive the police radar or laser locator by jingling a bunch of keys.

Status: Refuted

The keys had no effect on the radar.

Without breaking the law, you can deceive the police radar or laser locator by hanging a mirror ball from the rear-view mirror.

Status: Refuted

The mirror ball had no effect on the . In addition, hanging large objects from the rear-view mirror is illegal.

Without breaking the law, you can fool the police radar or laser locator by hanging a CD from the rear-view mirror.

Status: Refuted

The discs did not work in any way, besides it is forbidden.

Without breaking the law, you can fool the police radar or laser radar by covering the caps with foil.

Status: Refuted

The foil had no effect on the radar.

Without breaking the law, you can fool the police radar or laser radar by covering the entire car with foil.

Status: Refuted

The foil acts as a powerful reflector of the waves emitted by the radar, and even makes it easier to determine the speed (the speed is slightly overestimated).

Without breaking the law, you can deceive the police radar or laser locator by drowning out the laser locator by setting it on front room LEDs.

Status: Refuted

The LEDs are too weak to interfere with the locator.

Without breaking the law, you can fool the police radar or laser locator by drowning out the laser locator by covering the entire car with LEDs.

Status: Not tested

Although such an idea came up during a brainstorming session, it was decided that it was too impractical to cover a real car with LEDs.

Without breaking the law, you can deceive the police radar or laser locator and jam the radar with a microwave.

Status: Refuted

Carey's magnetron failed to jam the radar

Without breaking the law, you can deceive the police radar or laser locator by shooting pieces of tin foil in front of the car, simulating dipole
anti-radar reflectors.

Status: Refuted

Too many different conditions must be met for the method to work at all (especially the wind). The machine is still determined
radar, and "anti-radar reflectors" do not interfere with its operation. In addition, the application of the method in practice is accompanied by severe clogging
trails, which can lead to heavy fines.

Without breaking the law, you can deceive the police radar or laser locator by attaching a mirror wheel on the roof that spins slower than the car goes.

Status: Partially debunked

Tori's "Wheel of Death" actually caused the radar to think that the car was going 3 km/h slower than it actually was, which, of course, is obvious
not enough. The device itself proved to be very impractical, although it is perfectly legal in the US to mount it on the roof of a car (unlike large
objects hanging from the rear-view mirror).

Without breaking the law, you can fool police radar or laser radar by painting your car matte black to absorb radar waves.

Status: Refuted

The paint couldn't absorb the radar waves.

Without breaking the law, you can deceive the police radar or laser locator if you cover the car with a special paint made using stealth technology.

Status: Not tested

The special paint containing iron was so heavy that the toy car used in the preliminary tests could barely
move. The myth has not been tested on a real car, because the paint is so expensive that it is cheaper to pay any fines.

When driving a car with the air conditioner on, it consumes less fuel than when driving with the windows open.

Status: Partially debunked

The check took place at various conditions(88 km/h against the initial 72 km/h). When checking at 88 km / h, fuel consumption was not measured directly, but with
using a computer technique based on the measurement of air absorption, and the test showed that the air conditioner is more economical than an open window.
The test at 72 km/h was that the car was driven until the gas in the tank was completely empty, and this test showed that
an open window is more economical.

Status: Partially confirmed on retest

The reason for the contradictory result of the first test was the choice of speed: just in the region of 72-88 km / h there is a point at which the resistance
air, and, hence, the aerodynamics of the car, begins to noticeably affect fuel consumption. If you drive slower than 80 km/h, it is more economical to open
windows in the car, but if you drive faster than 80 km / h, it is more efficient to turn on the air conditioner.

Status: Refuted

Although they are more powerful, electric lifts did not cope with the task.

A person can open a window by breaking the window with a bunch of keys.

Status: Refuted

Window glass is tempered, so it can easily withstand blows from blunt objects. The keys won't help.

A person can open a window to break glass with a cell phone.

Status: Refuted

The phone broke before the glass.

A person can open a window and break the glass with the heel of a boot.

Status: Refuted

Boots won't help.

A person can open a window to break glass with an emergency hammer.

Status: Confirmed

This device is specially designed for breaking tempered glass. Glass shattered with one blow.

A person can open a window to break the glass with a punch

Status: Confirmed

The center punch tip can work like a hammer point. The punch is specially used for marking glass. With it, the glass broke from the first

Does the traffic safety camera really "see" the car if a crystallized coating is used.

Status: Refuted

The coating crystals do not reflect enough light to "blow out" the camera, causing overexposure. Moreover, the legitimacy of such
coverage is questionable.

Does the traffic safety camera really not see the car number if a transparent lenticular coating is applied to the license plate.

Status: Refuted

Although the coating was made in such a way that the license plate is distorted when viewed from an angle, all or almost all of the signs of the sign were fixed.
camera during testing. The legality of the lens is also questionable.

Does the traffic safety camera really not see the car number through the plastic wrapping.

Status: Refuted

The packaging proved to be ineffective.

Does a traffic safety camera really not see the license plate of a car that has had hairspray applied to it.

Status: Refuted

Covering the sign with varnish did nothing.

Does the traffic safety camera really not see the license plate of the car, treated with commercial distorting aerosol.

Status: Refuted

The use of an aerosol gave nothing.

Is it true that a traffic safety camera cannot capture a car moving at a sufficiently high speed.

Status: Refuted

Neither the Dodge Neon nor the Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 were able to avoid the camera while moving as fast as possible (222 km/h). It should be noted, however, that on
British car transmission Top Gear revealed that a TVR Tuscan S at 274 km/h was not captured on camera. However, Gatso cameras,
used in the UK are different from the cameras used in the US.

Found jet machine"The Beast", which travels at a speed of over 450 km / h. At a speed of about 400 km / h, the camera was unable to take a picture. Camera
slightly altered to account for such speeds, but again she was unable to film the "Beast". Despite the fact that the camera was defeated, the Destroyers
concluded that only a specialized car is capable of such speeds, which, of course, the authorities will easily find.

Can a traffic safety camera really capture a bird flying by?

Status: Confirmed

The traffic camera photographed two trained peregrine falcons flying past her at a speed of 64 km / h.

Is it true that the traffic safety camera cannot remove the replacement in front of the license plate camera with another one.

Status: Refuted

The camera was unable to take a correct picture of the license plate, which is designed in such a way that it turns over before the camera takes a picture.
However, this method is illegal, and will most likely result in a much larger fine than normal speeding.

The hijacker, trying to break into the car, accidentally turned on the side airbag, and the master key flew out of the keyhole with force, breaking through it

Status: Refuted

For testing, they made a mechanical arm with a “head” made of ballistic gel. It was impossible to do something with the airbag with a master key
(the mechanic explained that the cushion is not inside the door, but under the inner lining). A kick with a mechanical leg (allegedly the crook did not cope with
lock and kicked the car) - with neither human nor superhuman strength - also did not turn on the pillow. In addition, a triggered pillow could not
affect the lockpick. And in order to finally pierce the mannequin's skull, a master key was simply fired from an air gun.

burst tire heavy vehicle capable of killing a person.

Status: Confirmed

First, the team decided to find out if a heavy-duty tire could burst. The explosion did not work, but if on high speed run into the "hedgehog" or
shoot through the tire, lumps of rubber scatter at high speed. Although all the fragments flew past the dummy, we managed to measure their speed. When alone
from such scraps they launched at the appropriate speed into the car door glass, he broke through it and tore off the head of the dummy - the myth was considered

Riding in an "air bag" behind a tractor will help save fuel.

Status: Confirmed

A passenger car with a fuel consumption meter followed the tractor at different distances - from 50 to 0.5 meters. Fuel consumption 3 meters behind the tractor
was 40% lower. With a further decrease in the distance, the consumption increased - in order to keep the distance, the driver had to press and release the pedal
gas. The destroyers have warned that the slipstream behind the tractor is extremely dangerous - the driver of the tractor does not see you, and you will not be able to react if the tractor
stops unexpectedly.

To take corners at high speed, the car can shoot a "cat" and cling to a nearby object.

Status: Refuted

The car used earlier in the myth of truck tractor, was converted into a "Mythomobil" - a compressed nitrogen gun was installed on it,
firing anchor. It was calculated that the cable must withstand about 3 tons. After several attempts, the anchor was hooked, but the cable broke when
the car was entering a turn - shock loads affected. When a cable with a diameter of 3 inches (75 mm) was used, it broke off at the attachment point. So
Thus, the loads on the cable are clearly in excess of 3 tons, and a thick, well-terminated cable will be required - with an appropriate anchor and cannon.

If you keep the steering wheel in correct position"ten minutes to two" and the airbag will work, the thumbs will be torn off (from the issue "Revenge of the Car").

Status: Refuted

The team made a pair of arms out of ballistic gel. When the airbag deployed, the steering wheel was torn from his hands, but his fingers remained intact. On the other side,
incorrect hand positions (for example, palms over the steering wheel) are dangerous. Since in the statement of the myth only the grip recommended by riders “without
ten two”, the myth was recognized as refuted.

If you freeze a can of shaving foam, open it, put it in the car and let it thaw, the foam will fill the whole car.

Status: Refuted

Shaving foam expands relatively little, and even 50 cans of shaving foam only dirty the seats. Apparently, with no less success it was possible
spray the interior directly from the can. 100 liters of two-component foam (similar to mounting foam, but begins to expand after mixing the two
reagents) filled the salon with a volume of 2.5 m?, but the statement was about shaving foam.

You can remotely open the car by transmitting the alarm key fob signal using a mobile phone.

Status: Refuted

The alarm and the phone operate on different frequencies, so this is not possible.

If a dog drags a stick of dynamite under a jeep, the explosives will make such a hole in the ice that the car will sink.

Status: Refuted

The thickness of the ice on the pond was 46 cm - enough for a heavy jeep to safely drive onto it. The dog brings the ball in 16 seconds - that is, her
the reaction is enough for the 20-second cord not to burn out. The explosion made a hole in the ice and tore loose parts from the car. To
to sink a jeep, it took 10 kg of explosives in the form of special checkers for a directed explosion.

If a collision with a moose is imminent, braking will only hurt.

Status: Refuted

It was assumed that when driving at high speed, the elk would fly over the car. Tests have shown the opposite: at high speeds, a rubber dummy
crushed the roof, causing even more damage than when driving slowly. The only way to not run into a carcass at all is to drive a Formula 1 car on
150 km/h and above. Only then the low silhouette and high speed will allow you to slip under the belly before the elk falls on the car.

An annoyed driver uses more fuel.

Status: Confirmed

Tory and Grant went through a test that included a scorcher, an unyielding driver, a suddenly appeared pedestrian, and maneuvering through a parking lot.
Relaxing factors (massage, playing with puppies, a good movie) resulted in 1/3 fuel savings compared to stimulating factors (preventing walking).
to the toilet, excessive caffeine intake, soaked feet, false report that they were given laxatives). During Tori's second run at all
got lost after driving 2/3 of the distance - and still used up more gasoline.

The car can fly up to 5 meters if you attach water hoses to it

Status: Confirmed

The idea was fully confirmed on the car mockup and garden hoses. Destroyers for a long time could not lift into the air real car- because of
a large flow of water, the pressure in the water supply system dropped rapidly. But when the engine was removed from the car, it really took off to such a height. Quicker
In all, that's exactly what the people who filmed the stunt did.

If you ride in the rain in a convertible with the roof down at high speed, the interior will get wet less if you start to close the roof of the cabin.

Status: Believable

First, the destroyers ran a series of tests on a small scale using toy model machines in a wind tunnel, and found that more
at high speeds, the amount of water that gets into the driver's seat is much less. In a full-scale test, a real convertible was used, the rain was
made using taps with irrigation system attached to them. In the control test in the middle of the rain and began to close the roof, but the entire cabin
managed to get wet. then they drove through the rain at a speed of 110 km / h, and noticed that the interior of the car was less wet than in the control test. After
they drove at a speed of 140 km / h and saw that the interior was actually dry. The Breakers attributed this effect to Windshield which creates some
like an air bubble. However, they declared that the myth is "plausible but not recommended" because driving at high speeds in bad
road conditions are life-threatening.

A dirty car has less mileage per liter than a clean car due to its golf ball-like aerodynamic properties.

Status: Refuted

Adam and Jamie covered the car in mud and measured the fuel consumption on the road, after which they did the same with clean car. They saw that
average mileage per liter of petrol dirty car 10 km/l when clean this figure was slightly better and was 11 km/l. After which they decided
go to the origins of the legend, namely golf balls. They found that a corrugated ball flies 2 times farther than a smooth one. Corrugated surface of the ball
creates turbulence around it, which reduces the force acting against the movement. After testing the models in the wind tunnel, Adam and Jamie
put a layer of clay on full-size cars and made several runs - one with a smooth surface, and the other with depressions made in the clay. As a result, we got the figures of 11 and 12 km / l for a smooth and indented surface. Although the myth itself was refuted, the theory behind it was correct, so the verdict was "Refuted, the idea is plausible."

You can drive a large one along an unfamiliar route, in the dark at night and without light

Status: Refuted

On fast speed You can't drive in the dark without hitting something. Jessie and Grand collided with specially displayed objects, while Tori drove without accidents, but at a slow speed.

Destruction of vehicles. During the fighting, a guerrilla saboteur must have knowledge of disabling equipment without using explosives. And there is less noise and you don’t have to spend supplies. A few tips. To disable any type of machine (motorcycle, car, truck, heavy equipment): 1. Jam the locks on the doors and ignition locks with wood chips, reliable glue such as "supercement" or seal them with raw rubber. 2. Pour sugar or pour syrup into fuel tanks or oil tanks are a waste of time. In the best case, the filters will simply become clogged. But pouring a handful or two of sand into a gas tank or oil is both easier and more reliable. Plus, you don't have to carry sugar or syrup that incriminates you. 3. Pour three or four liters of water or brine into the gas tank. 4. Pour dirt, earth, sand, salt or any other abrasive into the oil neck. If a filter is installed there (which is often found on heavy machines), pour it all into the dipstick hole, and then use the dipstick to push it into the crankcase. 5. Fill the oil neck with water. The amount of water depends on the size of the engine - for example, an eight-cylinder engine requires at least 2.5 liters of water. Here the trick is to ensure that there is enough water for the oil pump to pump only it. The water will keep the "oil" pressure gauge reading, but the engine will be dead. 6. Cut the sides of the tires. The cuts on the side of the tires cannot be patched securely, while the cuts on the tread are sealed without any problems. 7. Break the fuel pump, water pump, valve heads, carburetor, distributor, or anything other than the battery (this is dangerous for you). To make your hits accurate, use a sledgehammer and a steel bar. 8. Pour water and/or dirt into the air intake (the large opening is usually directly below the air cleaner). The bigger, the better. 9. Pour gasoline or other fuel into the oil reservoir. This will spoil the oil, and the oil filter will not help either. 10. Pour battery acid or any other acid into the radiator. 11. Pour carborundum or other abrasive powder (such as sand) into the gearbox. HEAVY EQUIPMENT. It is necessary to carry out sabotage to disable machines at night, having carried out reconnaissance in advance and drawing up a plan, armed with pocket flashlights. Carry a light fabric bag for tools (nylon can make noise), flat shoes (so as not to leave distinctive marks), woolen socks should be worn over the boots so as not to leave characteristic marks, and disposable cloth gloves will come in handy, which must be thrown away ( burn) after the action. The plastic can is ideal for carrying sand and plastic tube- for pouring syrup into the tank. For heavy machinery equipped with diesels: 1. Break the fuel injection nozzles with a sledgehammer and a steel bar. They are expensive, and besides, they are very difficult to take out if they are properly stuffed. 2. Pour earth, sand or abrasive powder into the gearbox and hydraulic oil reservoir. Do not damage the brake system! 3. Cut the hydraulic hoses and tubes with wire cutters. It is difficult to cut them with a knife, since most hoses are braided with steel "thread". 4. Break the connections and valves of the hydraulic system. If you encounter a car that runs on gasoline, fill the gas tank with diesel fuel. After this operation, the engine will work, but there will be serious problems with driving. ADVICE EXPERIENCED: How to disable an armored personnel carrier. I myself am a military man and I want to give advice to people who stop equipment with a human shield ... you can stand, lie in front of them, but this will not help, you will not be able to stop them if they really receive an order to break through, you will not be able to disable equipment, but you can harm them ... So: 1. If you come close to the vehicle, take a can of the most resistant paint and paint over the triplex (devices for driving, aiming, shooting, adjusting) This will blind the car ... try to snatch or break the antenna, so the machine will not be able to "talk and listen"! And you won't get far without communication! 2. Paint over one headlight on the car - it will work like the "Friend or Foe" system. If a car with one headlight is approaching a checkpoint or a strong point, then you can safely work to defeat! I saw a car with one headlight or a column - work to defeat first, otherwise they will destroy you! BASIC METHODS AND MEANS FOR DISABLED VEHICLES. 1. Disabling various parts, assemblies, systems and assemblies. Motor transport is the most mobile means of transportation and delivery of goods. Therefore, the violation of its normal functioning is one of the main tasks solved by saboteurs. Cars, like any complex mechanisms, can be disabled in many ways: - exclusion of necessary engine parts that are quickly removed, in particular, distributor caps or battery ignition; - blockage in the exhaust pipe; - unscrewing the kerm rod on a raised car; - violation of different sections of the fuel pipeline; - unscrewing the bolts to create vibration and loosen the fastening of parts in order to destroy the entire mechanism; - cutting drive belt; - the establishment of a wrench in terms of mechanisms that move; - pouring (in winter) water into the radiator with the previous antifreeze drain (water freezes and the ice, expanding, breaks the cylinder block); - throwing the car to the side using a lift; - screwing the caps and unscrewing the nipples (for lowering the wheels), - draining the brake fluid from hydraulic system brakes; - unscrewing the wheel brake mechanism; - removing the roller from engagement with the worm of the kerm mechanism; - loosening (unscrewing) wheel nuts; - disabling the battery by switching its terminals with a wrench. It is clear that most of the damage can be easily repaired in a garage. Therefore, the saboteurs are trying to make sure that the breakdown takes place already on the way, far beyond the boundaries of the enterprise. To some extent, this can be facilitated by the failure of the sensors of the vehicle's malfunction warning system. 2. Special means of disabling cars. At present, there are a large number special means, which are designed to disable cars. These include, in particular, different designs of "hedgehogs" for piercing car tires. A feature of hedgehogs is that, when installed (thrown to the ground), they always have one spike directed vertically upwards. Another type of sabotage is the incapacitation car batteries using a special liquid composition. To disable one battery section, one drop of the composition is enough, for large sections - two drops. The battery is discharged in 4 hours or less. Sometimes sabotage is carried out, the consequences of which disable the car not immediately, but after a pre-calculated (fixed) some time after the start of movement or after a certain mileage. This option is used in the case of a predictable entrainment of the car on the required section of the road in order to master the load that is being transported or to entrain certain persons in the car. For such sabotage, specially designed tools are used. Some of them are pumped to the engine's oil lubrication system. The agent circulates in the lubrication system and melts all parts of the engine that move: bearings, pistons and, as a result, the cylinder block. Complete failure of the engine will take place approximately 30 minutes after its start. In addition to automobiles, this product can be used against aircraft engines, nimble boats, motorcycles and generally against any high-speed mechanisms that use oil lubrication. Other means disable the engine's fuel system. Among them are: - means that clog the fuel and filter and car radiator with the help of special fibers different sizes, which expand in the flow of gasoline. The engine will not stop immediately, but will gradually begin to feel a lack of fuel and will finally subside after about 1.5 km from the place of sabotage; - explosive explosive devices. The device contains a charge of explosive and incendiary substances (with different inflammation sometimes). When triggered, the device breaks a hole in the gas tank and ignites the fuel. 3. Forced stop of cars and other vehicles. Considered in the previous section, the methods of disabling cars with the help of special tools that damage various components and engine systems and force vehicle to stop, very roughly determine the distance that the car travels from the place of sabotage to a complete stop. And this place may be inconvenient for the operation. Therefore, such tools have a rather limited application in operations related to hobby. Much more often, methods are used in which to force a stop, external sources that obstruct the passage. One of these methods is pulling a strong cable across the road. For this purpose, saboteurs unwind the cable and attach it to trees or poles (if any) on both sides of the road. The cable (painted in the color of the road) is located at an angle (up to 45 °) to the direction of movement of the machine. After the contact of the car with a tightly stretched cable, the first one forcibly deviates from the rectilinear direction of movement and, moving along the cable, flies to the side of the road, where saboteurs are waiting for it. If the cable is pulled strictly perpendicular to the direction of movement of the machine, then (with sufficient strength of the cable) the car can receive significant damage, which can lead to damage to the load. On the route of the vehicle, there may not be suitable places for attaching the cable. In this case, screw metal inventory anchors can be used (in dense soils), capable of withstanding a force of up to 10 tons. These anchors are screwed into the soil by one to four saboteurs using lever keys. The cable is installed on sections of the road with limited visibility: behind a turn, behind a sharp longitudinal bend of the road, so that the driver does not have time to react to an obstacle. The above method of stopping vehicles with a cable leads to varying degrees of damage to the vehicle and, possibly, the cargo. However, if the goal of the saboteurs is to entrain the cargo intact or further movement is planned in a seized car, then for this purpose a special network for entraining cars can be used, which is capable of capturing a car with a carrying capacity of up to 15 tons at speeds up to 80 km / h. The net is carried by two saboteurs and hung folded between two trees. As the car approaches the point of fascination, the net drops and straightens out, entangling it. The use of a special textile shock absorber limits braking distances maximum 35 meters. To stop the car, the above-mentioned hedgehogs and spiked tapes that pierce the tires of the vehicle can be used. The means that can make the car fly off the road is engine oil spilled on the roadway. When oil is spilled, an oil wedge forms under the wheels. In this case, the wheels "rise" on the oil cushion (wedge), the tires lose traction and the car becomes uncontrollable. To stop the car, another vehicle can be used to block the road. The blocking of the road is usually carried out for sharp turn. On straight sections, sometimes they stage a car accident, block the roadway with an overturned car. In some cases, they provoke a collision.

Engine internal combustion, this is the heart of the car, without it it will be impossible to fulfill the main purpose of transport, movement and transportation over a certain distance.

One of the conditions for normal and long work power plant is the use quality fuel that meets all requirements. For internal combustion engines, different kinds fuels: liquid, gaseous. The most common gaseous fuels are liquefied gases, liquids are gasoline and diesel fuel.

Before answering the question: "What to add to gasoline to ruin the engine?" consider what gasoline is and how its influence can disable the power plant.

Gasoline, main properties

Powerplant gasoline is a light fuel containing hydrocarbons. To obtain fuel, oil is used, which is processed by thermal distillation. Visually, the liquid has no color, has a specific smell, its density is 0.70-0.76 g/cm 3 .

The main properties that affect the quality of gasoline during operation include:

  • volatility;
  • Heat of combustion;
  • Detonation resistance.
  • Evaporation of gasoline

It mainly depends on the fractional composition, determined by the oil distillation temperature of 10.50 to 90% of its volume. Good volatility is obtained if gasoline contains a large amount of light fractions obtained by distillation using a lower temperature.

  • Heat of combustion

This is the quality of heat that was obtained (released) during the complete combustion of gasoline under normal conditions. Gasoline has a high calorific value, its value is approximately 44 MJ / kg.

  • Knock resistance

The ability of gasoline to burn not only quickly, but also smoothly. When burned at an ultra-fast speed, an explosion is formed, this process is detonation. Normal combustion occurs at a speed of 20-40 m/s, while detonation is 2000 m/s or more.

At high detonation, the engine will emit metallic knock, emit a lot of smoke, while the power will be low, and the consumption working mixture, elevated.

Assessment of the knock resistance of gasoline is carried out by an indicator of the octane number. It is determined on a special stand, comparing the tested gasoline with a reference fuel. Detonation of gasoline is less, the higher its octane number. Often, in order to increase the octane number, special anti-knock additives are added to gasoline.

The influence of gasoline on the technical condition of the power plant

The wear of the power plant largely depends on the quality combustible mixture: fractional composition, octane number, tendency to form deposits, anti-corrosion properties and other characteristics that affect the combustion process. Fuel of low grades accelerates the failure of the engine by 1.5 - 2 times.

Components of a low-quality fuel mixture:

  • Difficult evaporating fractions;
  • High resin content;
  • High sulfur content;
  • Non-compliance of knock resistance with the brand of gasoline;
  • Rich mixture (a lot of gasoline, little air);
  • Lean mixture (too much air, not enough fuel).
  • The fractional composition of gasoline depends on the distillation temperature:
    • 10% evaporation: starting qualities of the fuel and the tendency to form vapor locks are determined;
    • 50% evaporation (working fraction): characterizes the ability to work stably at low speeds, throttle response, warming up the unit;
    • 90% evaporation (heavy fraction): affects the power, efficiency, durability of the power plant.
  • A large number of resins leads to a weighting of the fractional composition.

Getting together with the fuel into the engine, the resins settle on the valves, combustion chamber, pistons, candles and form carbon deposits as a result of exposure to high temperatures. There is a hanging of the valves, the occurrence of early detonation and ignition in the cylinders, difficulty in supplying fuel. Normal resin content, 2-20 mg per 100 ml of fuel.

  • Sulfur, its compounds, acid, alkali, water, affect the corrosive properties of gasoline.

Operation on fuel with great content sulfur leads to increased wear as a result of high carbon formation and a decrease in knock resistance.

  • Knock resistance is increased by adding ethyl liquid (1-TC or P-9).

It contains a large amount of tetraethyl lead (58 or 54%). To remove lead from the engine, special additives are used that form volatile compounds with it and remove it with the exhaust gas. With prolonged storage of such gasoline, additives lose their ability, and lead enters the engine without subsequent withdrawal from it.

  • A rich and lean mixture leads to overheating of the power plant.

As a result, increased carbon deposits and severe engine wear.

Reasons for power plant failure

Being interested in the issue of early decommissioning of the motor, the question involuntarily arises: “Why is this necessary?”. There are many options, from harmless - simple curiosity, to quite serious - punishable, here are some of them:

  • Disposal of the old power plant.

The old car can be handed over for recycling. So that dishonest service workers do not take advantage of their position and resell the power plant from your car to secondary market, you intend to completely ruin it. Thus, a damaged motor will be of no use to anyone and will calmly be melted down.

  • Unit replacement under warranty.

Many owners of power plants, in order to prolong the pleasure of driving a new engine that does not require investments, can resort to various tricks. So, having reached a certain amount of mileage by the engine, quietly disable it and change it under warranty for a new one.

  • Simple curiosity.

This method is suitable for negligent owners who are tormented by curiosity and the question "How to kill the engine?". Conducting an experiment and getting questionable results, that's their goal. Often, these are young people who thus assert themselves in the face of their peers.

  • Conducting a scientific experiment.

As a rule, such experiments are carried out in factory laboratories. Their goal is to answer the question: “What user behavior will take the motor out of a stable, working state and make it unusable?”. It is the laboratory workers who think what can be poured, poured, where to press, etc.

  • Evil intent.

If the question sounds in the context: “How to silently disable the car engine?”. Such a statement suggests malicious intent. Of course, there are situations in life when the inappropriate behavior of a motorist gives rise to a burning desire to make him a pedestrian, but we must not forget that any conflict requires a civilized solution and any issue can be resolved by a legal method.

Disabling methods

A car, and in particular an internal combustion engine, is a balanced, finely tuned mechanism that needs careful operation and maintenance. Sometimes a small mistake, made at random, can throw the mechanism out of balance and send it to an overhaul, or to the scrap.

It is much more difficult to achieve long-term and trouble-free operation of the unit than its complete failure.

However, if we are talking about damage to the installation, by adding certain substances to gasoline, the following can be advised:

  • Pour low-quality fuel.

First of all, choose filling stations of unknown origin, avoid branded gas stations that import certified goods. When refueling, give preference to gasoline with low octane rating, ideally, if the number does not match the number required by your engine (for example, A-76 gasoline instead of AI-95).

  • Refuel diesel instead of gasoline.

Gasoline and diesel fuels are different chemical composition, combustion characteristics, they have different impurities, viscosity, density, combustion temperature, etc. The principles of operation of power plants running on diesel and gasoline are also different. The ingress of diesel fuel into a gasoline engine will lead to blockage fuel lines, will spoil the engine oil, the engine will simply stall, it will be necessary to carry out its complete cleaning, washing and repair.

  • Aviation kerosene.

Due to the stronger detonation during combustion, kerosene will act on pistons, candles, and as a result will quickly disable these parts.

  • Additives.

Illiterate use of additives can completely kill your unit. It is better to buy a miracle mixture at the bazaar, or gas stations. For example, the well-known octane corrector clogs the fuel supply, increases carbon deposits. Manganese additives are excellent for catalytic converters. Tetraethyl lead, in large quantities will definitely break the engine.

  • White.

Using this type of "fuel" can cause corrosion of parts of the power plant. According to experts who reviewed this method, in a short time, all parts will soon become covered with rust. During operation, the motor will smoke heavily and often stall. Expensive and complex repairs cannot be avoided.

  • Drying oil.

When it enters the tank, it dissolves in gasoline. At first, the installation will work as if nothing had happened, but after stopping and trying to start the engine again, a surprise awaits you. Drying oil, having gone along with gasoline all the way to the cylinders, burns out in the working chamber. After the engine stops, part of the drying oil settles on the valves and creates a glue effect. As a result, the valves will be bent, the belt will be broken and overhaul.

  • Sugar or syrup.

Using this substance, you are guaranteed to clog pipes, nozzles and the entire fuel system as a whole. Troubleshooting will cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience.

  • abrasive material.

Sand, polishing paste, carborundum, all of these substances are abrasive and will lead to rapid wear piston-cylinder group if you pour them into the gas tank of a car. Of course, the filter will delay some, but not all.

  • Water, brine, acids, alkalis, solvents.

All these substances in one way or another affect the corrosive properties of gasoline. As a result, increased wear, decrease in detonation resistance, increased carbon formation and failure of the installation.

Destroy your power unit not so difficult. It is not necessary to do this only by influencing it through fuel, there are many other ways.

If your goal is really to kill the motor, the main advice is to read the instructions and do everything that is written there, just the opposite.

Excerpts from Viktor Popenko's book "Secret Instructions for the CIA and KGB on Gathering Facts, Conspiracy and Disinformation"
One of the most mobile means of transportation and delivery of goods is motor transport. Therefore, the violation of its normal functioning is sometimes among the tasks solved by saboteurs.

Cars, like any complex mechanisms, can be disabled by many simple ways: removal of quick-detachable necessary parts of the engine, in particular, the cover of the ignition distributor or battery; plugging in the exhaust pipe; violation of various sections of the fuel line and loosening of clamps; unscrewing bolts to create vibration and loosen the fastening of parts in order to destroy the entire mechanism; cutting the drive belt; inserting a wrench into the moving part of the mechanism; filling sugar into the gas tank (sugar crystallizes in the fuel line and carburetor, clogging them); pouring (in winter) water into the engine with preliminary draining of antifreeze (water freezes and ice, expanding, breaks the cylinder block); depressurization of the chamber valves - screwing the caps and unscrewing the nipples (for lowering wheels); draining brake fluid from the hydraulic brake system; unscrewing the wheel brake mechanism; loosening (unscrewing) wheel nuts, etc.
For such sabotage, one of the employees of the auto enterprise is usually recruited, or the saboteur himself is hired to work at this facility.
It is clear that many of these damages can be easily repaired in a garage. Therefore, saboteurs are trying to make sure that the breakdown occurs already on the way, far beyond the boundaries of the enterprise. To some extent, this can be facilitated by the failure of the sensors of the vehicle's malfunction warning system.
The CIA has developed tools for its agents specifically designed to disable vehicles. These include, in particular, various designs of "hedgehogs" for piercing car tires. A feature of the "hedgehogs" is that, being installed (thrown to the ground), they always have one spike directed vertically upwards. The idea of ​​such a “hedgehog” is not new, similar devices (representing a ball with four sharp teeth / spikes, one of which always looked up) were used in ancient times as a barrier that did not allow the enemy to move freely.
Figure 259 - “Destruction Device, Automotive; Miniature Tire Spike" - collapsible portable pocket "hedgehog". It consists of two steel separate flat triangular parts with grooves for connecting them together, which turns two flat figures into one three-dimensional one. The ends of the triangles are sharply sharpened. When disassembled, the "hedgehog" can be carried in a pocket or purse.

Rice. 259. Fig. 260.

Figure 260 - setting the hedgehog under rear wheel car: renting in reverse, he runs into a “hedgehog” spike sticking up (Fig. 261, 262).
On fig. 263 - Destruction Device, Automotive; Tire Spike "- 4-ended" hedgehog ", stamped from a single sheet of steel and with spikes turned at an angle of 90 ° to each other (Fig. 264).

Particularly effective is the placement of these "hedgehogs" in quantity on the roads and runways of enemy airfields.
On fig. 265 - Destruction Device, Automotive;
Sand Spike" - "sand hedgehog", a flat plastic ring with sharp spikes at 90 ° to the plane of the ring on each side. This "hedgehog" is not effective enough on hard surfaces - highways and airfields, so it should not be used as a substitute for the two above-mentioned "hedgehogs". It should be used on sandy roads. It rests on the sand like snowshoes or skis. The device is especially effective if it is installed on the road so that its round base is covered with a thin layer of sand, and only the spike sticks out.
Another type of sabotage on vehicles is the disabling of car batteries with the help of a special liquid composition "Destructive Device, Battery" - chloroplatinic acid contained in a small plastic bottle (Fig. 266). To disable one standard battery section, one drop of the composition is enough, for large sections - two drops. The battery is discharged after about 4 hours. The saboteur should keep in mind that this acid is very caustic and poisonous, so you should be careful not to get it on your clothes, skin, eyes.

Rice. 266. Liquid composition for disabling car batteries

One of the tools that disable any type of internal combustion engine is the bottled "Contaminant, Oil" - "oil pollutant", which contains a powdered abrasive compound that damages and destroys any type of internal combustion engine. The product is contained in a one-ounce plastic bottle with a two-foot tube attached to it, which allows it to be pumped into the engine's oil lubrication system. The agent will begin to circulate in the lubrication system and will melt all moving parts of the engine: bearings, pistons and, as a result, the cylinder block. Complete failure of the engine will occur approximately 30 minutes after its start. In addition to cars, this tool can be used against aircraft engines, motor boats, motorcycles and against any high-speed mechanisms that use oil lubrication(Fig. 267).
The tool that disables the engine's fuel system is the "Sabotage Device, Gas Tank" - a small pill packaged in a small foil bag. The tablet consists of compressed strands of special fibers of various sizes. The tablet is thrown into the gas tank of the car, where the fiber particles unravel and expand in the stream of gasoline and clog fuel filter and carburetor. The engine will not stop immediately, but will gradually begin to experience a lack of fuel and will finally stall approximately 1.5 km from the place of sabotage (Fig. 268).
Another method of sabotage against the engine fuel system is the "Mine, Gas Tank Type" - an incendiary explosive device (2 pieces are included in the kit), which is (Fig. 269) a metal magnetic cylindrical body with a diameter of 5 and 2.5 cm thick. It has a protruding tubular part for attaching a fuse and an upper annular tide for attaching delayed igniters - incendiary "pencils" of various colors with different ignition times, which also depend on temperature (see Temperature-correction table under Fig. 269).

Rice. 267. Powdered abrasive composition that disables internal combustion engines

Rice. 268. Composition that disables the fuel system of a car

The device contains an explosive charge of 28 g of tetritol (an explosive mixture consisting of 70% tetryl + 30% TNT) and 3.5 g of an incendiary substance. When triggered, the device punches a hole in the gas tank and ignites the fuel.
Note to the temperature correction table.

Rice. 269. A device that ignites fuel in a gas tank. The procedure for preparing the "Mine Gas Tank Type" for work: 1 - turn the clamping ring of the ignition socket counterclockwise; 2– connect the fickford cord with the detonator; 3 - install the detonator in the socket and turn the clamping ring of the ignition socket clockwise; 4 - screw the "pencil" of the desired color into the upper annular tide; 5 - attach the fickford cord to the "pencil"; 6 - unbend and pull out the safety pin (thus bringing the "pencil" into action); 7 - Install the device on the gas tank. a - incendiary - explosive device; b - primer - detonator, c - fickford cord; d- incendiary pencil; e - protective cap

TEMPERATURE - CORRECTION TABLE FOR IGNITORS OF DIFFERENT COLORS (to Fig. 269) This table must not be taken to places where it may fall into enemy hands. Destroy this table after it has served its purpose! (This table must not be taken to places where it can fall into the hands of the enemy. The table must be destroyed after use!).

OM - a graph used when two "pencils" are installed simultaneously; while achieving highest accuracy operation of the device. When installing one pencil, the operation error can reach 15%.
ST-" safe time» - the time before the expiration of which the device is almost guaranteed not to work (the probability of accidental operation in a shorter period of time is 1:1000).
The absence of response time in the corresponding columns means the undesirability of using "pencils" of these colors at the indicated temperatures (and below them).
Temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and Celsius (°C)

An article about what can lead to irreparable damage to a car engine, and how this can be avoided - tips and tricks. At the end of the article - a video on how to kill a car engine.

The content of the article:

Each vehicle requires attention and care in order to please its owner for as long as possible with no problems. To a greater extent, the condition of the car is affected by its accurate operation, which directly affects the speed and level of wear of the chassis and engine.

Sometimes the car owner, without realizing it, makes banal but critical mistakes that affect the proper operation of the engine and bring its overhaul closer. Therefore, the driver must determine for himself the driving style and manner of dealing with an iron friend - whether he will operate it to the limit or listen to the manufacturer's recommendations for careful attitude.

1. Wear and tear

On average each modern car designed for mileage within 400 thousand kilometers. If the owner is not Fedor Konyukhov, then this reserve will be enough for an ordinary driver for many years of travel. This implies that the car will move at a speed of 60-80 km/h, periodically reaching 130-150 km/h.

Manufacturers also assume that drivers will adhere to high speed at 4 and 5 speeds, and they will pick up this speed at low revs. All possible traffic situations were included in the calculations for the operation of an automobile engine, including traffic jams, road specifics, long and short stops, jerky movement and other driving features.

If you carefully study the instruction manual and take into account all the wishes of the manufacturer, you can exist in harmony with your car for a long time.

What will happen if you drive at low speeds, squeeze top speed and start from a place with tire smoke?

Driving at low speeds, which old-school drivers often sin, is often justified by good intentions - lower fuel consumption, reduced cabin noise and the illusion of increased engine life. But only if you need to increase the speed by sharply pressing the gas pedal while maintaining the current gear, or go down a step, you can provoke unpleasant processes.

In the first case the engine, which is already working under heavy load, is forced to literally drown in a significant wave of incoming fuel.

In the second case will abruptly switch from an emergency load mode to an optimal one. At the same time, those drivers whose cars are equipped with on-board computer, may see an increase in fuel consumption, even though they seem to be saving in low gear.

2. Crossing puddles

Children's love for crossing puddles remains with some adults, including motorists. But they forget that no one is safe from a disastrous water hammer, even if the obstacle outwardly seems insignificant.

The danger of the rapid passage of a full-flowing puddle is that the wall of water formed in front of the hood through air filter enters the engine, and the piston is unable to compress it.

The consequence will be a sharp stopper of the engine while receiving a large dose of kinetic energy that breaks the metal insides. And the higher the speed was at the moment of impact, the more damage the water will cause to the heart of the car. The connecting rod, cylinder head, drive belt, sensors, wiring may require repair and replacement due to a collision with such an obstacle.

Therefore, high-speed crossing of an ordinary, harmless-looking puddle with a spectacular spray fountain is the surest way to quickly kill the engine. Especially if the car's air intake system is located low and is able to draw water even with light rain.

You should not stop the car if it has already entered a puddle. Restarting the engine will almost certainly result in water hammer.

The operating instructions for any machine contain instructions on the timing of oil changes, which is usually recommended to be done at least once every 10-15 thousand km. Here are just some drivers, either out of carelessness, or in order to save money, or as part of the fight against intrusive marketers, stretch this period two or even three times.

An extra couple of thousand kilometers on old oil will not do much harm, but if the excess is 5 thousand or more, this will already seriously affect the engine.

Over time, the oil and its additives will lose their useful qualities, oxidize, lose their lubricating effect, causing the engine to run dry. This in turn will result in the following:
  • excessive friction of parts, which will increase the load on all units and components;
  • engine overheating due to oil losing its ability to remove heat;
  • loss of anti-corrosion protection.

4. Use of additives

Recently, engine additives have become widespread. They are specially designed lubricating substances added to engine oil for a specific purpose - fuel-saving, cleaning, anti-friction, oil. Some of them enhance the properties of engine oil, some are poured into an empty tank and save fuel consumption by a quarter, and some remove carbon deposits in the engine compartment.

Despite all their advantages, you should not abuse additives, much less change them often or use them all at the same time.

The presence of mineral powder in the additive accelerates clogging oil channels, octane-corrector contributes to clogging of the fuel supply system, and manganese destroys the catalytic converter very quickly.

5. Improper operation of the radiator

The cleanliness and well-being of the radiator directly affect the condition of the engine - the radiator takes on a powerful daily mud blow: insects that clog into the grate, fluff from trees, sand, chemicals, other road debris are gradually compressed into a dense layer and causes overheating of the motor.

Each car owner is able to independently check the level of contamination of the radiator. First, completely drain the antifreeze and evaluate its purity. If the liquid is of adequate color, has no rust or other sediment, then flushing the radiator is not required. If the antifreeze is not of the appropriate type, then the cooling system is filled with distilled water, the engine is started and left running for 15-20 minutes.

When draining water, it is again necessary to assess the level of its pollution, and then repeat this procedure so many times until the water runs clear.

You can speed up the process and make it more efficient with the help of simple improvised means - antiscale or caustic soda. It will take a very small amount of cleaning powder to achieve a result, but the abuse of it can just ruin the cooling system even more.

After washing the radiator, especially if a cleaning agent was used, the water must be completely drained, and then washed several more times with an absolutely clean liquid without any additives. If this is not done, then even the smallest remains household chemicals can cause extensive corrosion in the radiator.

To prevent the formation of various kinds of precipitation, rust and scale, the above additives are used, which are added to antifreeze. They contain ethylene glycol, which has not only anti-corrosion properties, but also lubricating properties that prevent the formation of deposits.

Also, to protect the engine from overheating, the grille must be regularly cleaned with a metal brush, especially after trips out of town. At any car wash, you should additionally blow the radiator with compressed air.

Systematic cleaning of the radiator will help maintain the most important units in normal working condition, and, therefore, protect the engine from boiling over, and its owner from the cost of major repairs.


There are many ways to destroy your own car quickly and efficiently, from neglect to drunk driving.

When the owner has really good car, worth a lot of money, acquired for a long time, but simply does not know how to operate it correctly, this is unpleasant and even insulting. Therefore, the mere observance of the listed most elementary rules will extend the life of the engine not just for years, but for decades. And the motorist - to keep their financial resources intact, saving on major repairs.

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