What is more reliable box. The difference between a robotic gearbox and an automatic one, which is better? How to distinguish "machine" from "robot" visually

What is more reliable box. The difference between a robotic gearbox and an automatic one, which is better? How to distinguish "machine" from "robot" visually


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One of the main factors when buying a car is its gearbox. What is it in it - an automatic or a variator? And some of us start to get confused, deciding what will be better - “automatic”, “robot”, or maybe “variator”. Therefore, we will talk a little about each of these types of transmission. For unprepared buyers, this information will be extremely useful.

It’s worth clarifying right away that “automatic” is the best option. Therefore, if possible, we advise you to purchase it. "CVTs" and "robots" began to spread relatively recently, so it is not yet known about their "pitfalls", although many already know the main disadvantages. We will voice these shortcomings and also highlight all the main advantages of robotic transmissions.

Advantages of the box type "robot":

Relatively small and inexpensive price and maintenance of the transmission itself.


Not very good switching smoothness and low switching speed.

How does a "robot" work?

The most famous and high-quality robotic transmission installed on cars BMW Series M. Its name is SMG, which stands for Sequental M Gearbox. The transmission is a mechanical 6-speed gearbox, where electronically controlled hydraulics are responsible for disengaging the clutch and shifting gears. The gear change speed is lightning fast, it is only 0.08 seconds.

But there are other methods on how to make a "robot" out of a manual gearbox. One of the most famous is used in Mercedes-Benz A-class. Its essence is that an electric is installed on a mechanical transmission. hydraulic drive clutch. The driver changes gears in the same way as in a car with a conventional manual transmission, but with only two pedals. There is no clutch, because the electric drive itself monitors where the gas pedal and the gearshift lever are located, and when necessary it disconnects the clutch. So that there are no strong jerks when switching, and also so that the car does not stall, the electronics take into account the numbers on the engine and ABS sensors.

Another way to get a "robot" is to put stepper motors instead of hydraulic pumps. This is used on Opel cars and Ford. But in practice, this method has not justified itself well, despite its relative cheapness. After such a replacement, strong jerks began to occur, and the speeds began to switch with a rather noticeable delay. True, the Japanese also used a similar method, putting electric drives on Toyota Corolla, and they did not have such shortcomings. Gear shifts are fast and smooth.

Continuously variable transmission or "variator".

Here everything is exactly the opposite. That with which the main shortcomings of the "robot" were associated, in continuously variable transmission on the contrary - the main advantages. In particular, good smoothness and high speed switching. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the transmission and its maintenance.

variator device.

The founders of this type of transmission were employees of the company DAF (Netherlands). The basic principle of operation is simple and accessible. The torque is achieved by means of a rubber belt that is on the moving discs. Those, in turn, form the pulleys of the temporary transmission. There are two types of drives: master and slave. When the former move apart and the latter move, the “output” moment becomes smaller. Nowadays, instead of a leather belt, either a stacked steel belt or a large steel chain. The main disadvantage of such gearboxes is the lack of reverse speed and neutrals. But transmission manufacturers are finding a way out of this using different methods.

Automatic transmission or "automatic":

The standard automatic transmission includes two main components. One of them is a torque converter that serves as a flywheel. Another - planetary box gears. By the way, all the equipment of automatic transmissions has not changed so much over the years of their existence. The only thing that can be noted is the increased number of gears. There were two of them on the Vauxhall Victor, and eight on the Lexus LS460.

But the control systems have changed a lot. At the very beginning, when “automatic machines” were first invented, the speeds were switched using a small switch that had to be moved up and down. Later, gearboxes began to do all this themselves. And even later, it became possible to adjust the transmission for each specific driver. Depending on how he prefers to ride, you can now choose one of several modes. For reckless the best option there will be a "sport" mode, for fans quiet ride- "comfort". Such "smart machines" are called adaptive.


High smoothness and switching speed.


High fuel consumption and the high cost of operation and the transmission itself.

4 comments on “Choosing a gearbox - automatic, robot or CVT - which is better, experienced advice.”

    I prefer mechanical switching speeds, but my wife wanted a car with an automatic gearbox, of course, it’s easier for her, but fuel consumption increases a lot, and the car drives stupidly, there is no agility in driving, but she likes it like that, let her ride.

    I would not argue that the machine is much better than others and is allegedly the most the best option. Now I will try to explain. In general, it is believed that automatic transmission has more disadvantages than advantages. Starting from the price of a car with an automatic transmission, the cost of which is much more expensive and ending with an increased fuel consumption by about 10-15%. Plus, has anyone tried to drive through snowdrifts in winter with a gun? So, you won’t wish this on the enemy, if it’s bogged down, it’s kaput, it’s unrealistic to get out without outside help, but on the mechanics it swayed back and forth and you get out. Therefore, if you take an automatic, then in any case you need to look so that “Winter” or something like that is written on the speed panel, this will mean that there is winter mode automatic transmission work.
    The next drawback machine is maintainability and maintenance cost, although this minus can be discarded with good financial well-being. About bad dynamics with a gun, there can be two options, on budget cars there really is such a problem, but in the business class, the automatic machine, on the contrary, is more dynamic than the same mechanics.
    That's what you can't take away from an automatic transmission is comfort and convenience, and especially in city traffic, with mechanics this is unlikely to happen.
    As for the robot, in my opinion, it is even worse than an automatic, it goes uphill badly, the dynamics are zero, and it appears only in the mechanics mode, and the clutch can be quickly ruined.
    Therefore I vote for mechanical box or at least a variator, the rest of the hedgehog is not worth taking.

    I switched to automatic a long time ago. On snowdrifts, fields, forests, sand - everything is the same as on the mechanics. It jumps out everywhere by itself, "jumping", and, most importantly
    disable the TCS button.

    I own two cars. One Audi with automatic transmission, the second SUV Toyota with mechanical transmission. First vehicle I only use it for city driving. I am sure that the automatic transmission is simply designed for city driving, especially when you stand in traffic jams for many hours. In such conditions, manually shifting gears is really tiring. In the future, they plan to purchase a car with a CVT to move around the city. I went on a CVT a couple of times - I really liked it, the smoothness of the ride is incredible. I drive in the second car long trips, as well as in the forest for mushrooms, hunting, fishing. For these purposes, of course, only mechanics is suitable. I often get into a muddy road, “sit down” with my belly on the snowdrifts, and I can’t imagine how automation would cope with such challenges. Mechanics is a great solution to such problems. In general, I like both transmissions, it's just that each transmission has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Today, the car is a much-needed device. individual use, like mobile phone, camera or personal computer. Most car enthusiasts in the selection process new car they cannot fully understand how a robotic gearbox differs from an automatic one, and they also hardly understand technical features and terminology of the models presented to their attention. Automatic transmissions will soon be replaced by mechanical ones, but few people know about the large number of their varieties and differences. However, it is too early to talk about this, now it is necessary to figure out what the robotic mechanics, and what is a classical automaton.

"Automatic" consists of two main elements:

  • is an alternative to the clutch used classic box gears.
  • The gearbox is made of meshed pairs of gears. Due to its structure, a feature is revealed automatic system- the ability to change gears without driver assistance. The mechanism is practically not equipped with electronics.

"Robot" is close to mechanics in its principle, but has some differences. In its structure there is a type consisting of servo drives and hydraulic drives, operating on the basis of certain algorithms. The gearbox independently switches the friction clutch system, as well as speeds, it allows the driver not to interfere in this process

Visual difference between "machine" and "robot"

When you decide to buy a car or have already done so, but have no idea which gearbox is installed inside, you need an answer to the question, what are the differences between automation and a robot, why is one better than the other. visual difference of these two gearboxes - a robot and an automatic, is expressed quite clearly. All that is needed is to pay attention to the design of the gear shift channel, it is they who differ. If at the top there is such a position as Parking - "P", then this is an automatic transmission automatic transmission, when there is no such position, but there is a Neutral - "N", as well as Back "R", then you are dealing with a robotic device.

The principle of operation of "machines"

The automatic transmission box is made of two parts (torque converter, gearbox), as already mentioned earlier. Now consider the device and the principle of operation of the box. The gearbox transmits force through a system of gears that are meshed with each other in different variations. It is due to this position that their force changes. The torque converter is responsible for the smooth switching of one speed to another, it is also responsible for performing functions similar to the clutch on the mechanics.

The automatic transmission greatly facilitates control, allowing the driver not to contact the clutch pedal in a constant mode. The driver does not have to shift gears with a lever and control smooth movement, as the automation does everything for him. Thanks to this, the car owner has a lot of ways to completely control any situation on the road (this is how an automatic transmission differs from a manual transmission). The torque converter as a node is much more reliable here, unlike a manual gearbox. It is almost impossible to break it due to inexperience. This feature reduces the load on undercarriage and power unit.

Engine resources are better preserved by switching speeds with acceptable speeds. Fuel consumption is more economical due to a large number steps at gear ratio. The car will never roll on its own when standing on a slope, as the passive mode of the safety system is set.

Apart from clear merits Even this approach has its drawbacks. An automatic machine differs from a robot in that the dynamics of increasing speed is less during the ride. Less economical fuel consumption relative to a large number of gear stages. The efficiency of the unit is much lower due to the torque converter absorbing part of the power. The high cost of the unit affects total price the entire product. Maintenance, parts replacement, repairs are more expensive.

Advice! Since a gearbox with four gears is considered the most wasteful, give preference to fewer gears when buying a car with automatic transmission.

When it's time to choose new car, we tend to think about what type of engine and gearbox our future car. If earlier the choice consisted of two options - mechanical or automatic transmission, today, along with the usual "mechanics", you can choose automatic, robotic or stepless box gears. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of the transmissions listed above.

Simple complex "mechanics"

According to its design, a manual gearbox is just an arranged unit, unless, of course, we compare it with automatic and robotic transmissions. This simplicity determines the low cost of a car equipped with such a box, and ease of maintenance and operation.

However, one can argue about the latter: the principle of operation of a manual transmission involves the active participation of the driver, and therefore the role of the human factor in the operation of the "mechanics" is very large. It's one thing if a car with a manual transmission is driven by an experienced driver who knows at what speeds it is necessary to switch to one or another gear, and who knows how to operate in difficult conditions(for example, if the car is stuck in snow or sand). It is a completely different matter when a novice drives a car with this type of transmission. There is a big risk here that, due to banal ignorance of the manual transmission operating rules, a novice driver can, as they say, ruin the box in a relatively short period of time (while maximum resource such a unit can be hundreds of thousands of kilometers). Those who still decide to choose a car with a manual transmission should know all about the positive and negative aspects this type of transmission.

Advantages of manual transmission:

1) Simplicity of design, relative cheapness of repair and maintenance.

2) Long service life (some gearboxes of this type can be used even after the "native" car engine fails).

3) Fuel economy (compared to automatic transmission, a car on the "mechanics" consumes 10-15% less fuel) and high acceleration dynamics.

4) High percentage ratio useful action(allows you to use the full power of the engine and its torque).

5) Good acceleration of the car (speed of increase in engine speed) in which the driver himself chooses the style of driving, adjusting the moment of gear shifting.

6) Less weight than automatic transmission.

7) The ability to start the engine with a failed ignition and battery.

8) The ability to tow a car without using a tow truck, on a hard or flexible hitch for any distance.

Disadvantages of manual transmission:

1) Difficulty of operation for beginners (beginning drivers, due to the need to use the clutch, can damage both the clutch itself and the components of the box - for example, by turning on the reverse instead of the forward gear or not fully engaging the clutch).

2) Motor overload due to incorrect gear shifting (also applies to Not experienced drivers who may forget to switch to a higher or lower stage in time, thereby forcing the engine to run at high speeds).

3) Increased, in comparison with the automatic transmission, the shift interval (during the shift from the lowest to the highest stage and vice versa, the engine is disconnected from the transmission for a certain period of time, which leads to a loss of power).

4) Driver fatigue during the operation of the "mechanics" when driving in urban mode (you have to constantly turn on / off the gears).

Convenient, but expensive to maintain "automatic"

If a manual transmission is simple in design, then automatic quantity there are more components and assemblies, which, in turn, affects the high cost of its manufacture, repair and operation.

However, such a box is more convenient to use, especially when driving in the city, since it does not require constant engagement / disengagement of the clutch - this will appeal to novice drivers. Thus, human participation in work automatic transmission minimized. In addition, today the buyer can choose from several types of automatic transmissions: hydromechanical transmission (the usual "automatic"), manual transmission with two clutches, gearbox and continuously variable. Each of these types of transmissions has its pros and cons, which we will dwell on in more detail, but first we will point out the general positive and negative features of automatic transmissions.

Advantages of automatic transmission:

1) Ease of operation (no need to constantly engage the clutch).

2) No risk of overloading the engine (the “automatic” box itself chooses the optimal moment for switching up or down).

3) Reduced time between transitions with lower rung to higher and back without loss of engine power.

Disadvantages of automatic transmission:

1) Expensive repairs and maintenance.

2) The large weight of the unit (compared to a manual transmission).

3) Relatively low throttle response of the car (most typical for hydromechanical automatic transmissions).

4) Higher fuel consumption compared to "mechanics" (typical for hydromechanical, robotic gearboxes and variators).

5) The impossibility of towing a car on a flexible or rigid hitch (only with the help of a tow truck).

6) Lack of engine braking in drive mode(for this type of braking, you have to switch to a lower gear).

7) A small operating life compared to a manual transmission up to (maximum - up to 200 thousand kilometers).

Now let's dwell on the negative and positive qualities of each type of automatic transmission indicated here.

So, the advantages of a hydromechanical gearbox include the possibility of transmitting a large torque from the engine to the wheels, the reliability and durability of the structure. By cons - failures when shifting gears, the impossibility of towing.

TO positive aspects we attribute the relative cheapness (compared to other “automatic machines”) of production and operation to a robotic gearbox, and jerks when switching gears to the minuses.

The dual-clutch transmission delivers maximum torque at the level of a manual transmission without sacrificing engine power. But the negative point in the operation of such a box is its unreliable design and expensive repairs.

Finally, to the pluses stepless variator includes the smoothest gearshift of all the listed gearboxes and the ability to use the maximum efficiency of the engine. And to the minuses - a relatively short service life before overhaul (as practice shows, often carry out overhaul variators account for a run of 100-110 thousand kilometers) and the inability to transmit maximum torque from the engine to the wheels.


So far, the most practical in many respects is mechanical transmission. But progress does not stand still, and modern automatic transmissions are becoming more reliable, durable and, most importantly, economical. This type of transmission as a box with two clutches has already been "taught" to spend less fuel than normal manual transmission. But the complexity of the design and the resulting high cost of repair and maintenance of such transmissions so far does not speak in favor of "automatic".

Mechanical transmission with manual shifting is installed on modern cars less and less. Experts attribute this to the general concept of technology advancement, where everything is moving towards simplifying actions and removing decision-making from a person who can make mistakes. Manual control in Western countries is exclusively the lot of professional riders. We will try to find out how it differs from . These are the two most common types of transmission, providing easy control without compromising the driver's concentration in relation to the situation on the road. That is why both types are often the best choice for women's car.

Robot or Variator which is better

We'll try to find fundamental differences, to understand what is the difference in the reliability of a particular automatic transmission:

— Mileage requiring service. Often from novice motorists you have to hear the question of which type of gearbox is more durable. We can say that the compared samples in this regard are exactly the same. It all depends on the quality of the oil, as well as on car care.

- Smooth shifting. good robot- an expensive robot. In it, you can guess the change in gear ratio by a slight click. In cheap models, the transition is still felt, since the clutch is one. A CVT cannot have such a concept based on its design. Essentially, the amount gear ratios it tends to infinity, but there are also CVTs with intelligent gears (more modern). The change takes place very smoothly without tangible shocks and jerks. This was done for a brighter feeling of overclocking.

- The dimensions of the assembly and the effect on the mass of the vehicle. The robotic mechanism is much larger in size. Behind the scenes, auto manufacturers admit that it is often necessary to shift the center of gravity. CVT weighs a lot less. In addition, it can be relatively small in size. No wonder it is installed on scooters, motorcycles, snowmobiles and professional chainsaws.

- Resistant to high loads. How more speed rotation, the worse the variator. Leading automotive companies warn that it is not intended for racing, and also you can not drive for a long time with this box at the limits of the car. Some speed modes even frankly called undesirable even in extreme cases. It also significantly limits traction characteristics. You should not tow anyone with a CVT, otherwise you can burn the belt. The robot does not give such restrictions.

- Fuel economy. Since there are much fewer frictional interactions in a continuously variable transmission, on the same car it will give a gain in fuel consumption. The robotic counterpart will consume a little more.

Does price affect choice?

Naturally, it costs much more robotic gearbox. It contains a much larger number of parts than its competitor, where the most complex parts are planetary gear and pulleys of variable diameter meshing with the belt. On the other hand, CVTs are more likely to be repairable due to high rate belt or chain wear. Therefore, it is necessary to choose between cost and increased reliability. Also, the choice depends on the intensity of operation of the machine. If you need a trip to work, from work, shopping, and on weekends to the country, then CVT can be considered an ideal option. For long, frequent trips, choose DSG.

Transmission - important node transmission of any car. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a car. He could move around, but it would be inefficient, costly and monotonous. Using the box allows you to flexibly change the mode of movement, speed. This is a great way to increase efficiency and save fuel. The manual gearbox was replaced by a robotic gearbox and an automatic gearbox. There is controversy among drivers, disputes - which box is better, and also what is the difference robotic box gears from automatic. The purchase of a car often depends on the principle of its operation and design. For experienced drivers, it is important - which box is in the car and how you will have to manage it later.

Its history of development began a hundred years ago. An automatic transmission has two main components - a gearbox and a hydraulic transformer. The latter provides a very smooth, without noticeable jerks gear shifting. The torque converter does not directly participate in gear changes. It only gives the value of the torque on input shaft gearboxes and softens shocks when shifting gears. We can say that it replaces the clutch that cars with a manual transmission are equipped with. The gearbox of an automatic gearbox has from four to eight sets of gears in its design. Getting into engagement, they form gear stages.

Automatic transmission

This box shifts gears in automatic mode, which is regulated not by the action of the driver, but by the number of revolutions crankshaft and oil pressure, which independently switches steps, providing optimal mode vehicle movement. Electronics, in this case, used minimally.

robotic box

The robot box is a manual gearbox on which a control unit is installed. It includes a hydraulic drive and an electronic unit (servo). This unit, without the participation of the driver, controls the gear shifting and clutch. The principle of operation is similar to mechanics. Only instead of a person, the process is controlled by electronics and hydraulics. Servo drives control the closing and opening of the clutch and the selection of gears in a robotic box. Another name is actuators. Usually it is a stepper motor with a gearbox and an actuator.

AMG Speedshift - the robotic gearbox used in the SL 63 AMG

There are also hydraulic actuators. The actuators are controlled the electronic unit. On a specific command, it causes the servo to depress the clutch and engage the required gear. The command to change gear comes from car computer, which takes into account the speed, the number of revolutions of the crankshaft, the data of ABS, ESP and other machine systems. At manual mode The movement of the command is given by the driver with the help of the gearbox selector and the paddles under the steering wheel.

Features of operation of automatic and robotic boxes

Performance characteristics will help you figure out which box is better and more convenient. The automatic transmission significantly reduced the load on the driver when driving. Especially in urban, difficult conditions. Each driver has his own manner and style of driving. The automatic gearbox has the ability to "adjust" to the type of driving. The machine is characterized by a soft, barely noticeable gear shift. But a significant disadvantage of this box is high flow fuel, which is especially evident in urban areas. It will cost a lot to repair this unit.

The robotic box is close to mechanical. Repair and Maintenance will be significantly lower. Fuel consumption can also be equated with mechanics, especially in urban driving. Significantly less consumption engine oil, and this is also a savings. The efficiency of torque transmission from the motor to the drive wheels is also higher than that of the machine. A huge plus of the robot can be considered the ability to make manual gear changes, and this is not the case with an automatic transmission. After all, it can come in handy in a difficult situation. The bad moments can be considered slow gear shifting and jerks in the operation of the box itself. Especially if the driver at this moment strongly presses on the accelerator pedal. In urban areas, when parking, it is required to put the selector lever in the neutral position.

Video about robotic and automatic transmission


All of the above will allow us to summarize and clearly identify the differences between a robotic gearbox and an automatic one.

The main differences are:

  • The robot has the ability manual switching gears, and the machine is deprived of this possibility.
  • The robot is structurally similar to mechanics, the automatic gearbox has its own design.
  • A robotic box consumes less oil and fuel than an automatic box.
  • The machine outperforms the robotic box with its smoothness and efficiency in operation.
  • Repair work and maintenance of the robot is easier and cheaper than that of the machine.
  • The machine is considered more reliable in operation.

Drivers have different opinions. Despite clear benefits robot, many motorists prefer automatic. They believe that it is more predictable in work and does not give "unpleasant surprises." Modern designs automatic machines are more and more economical, approaching the level of service to robots, being able to adapt to the style of the driver.

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