Rules for the use of a freight elevator shlz. Rules for using the passenger and freight elevator, safety tips

Rules for the use of a freight elevator shlz. Rules for using the passenger and freight elevator, safety tips


1. General safety requirements.

1.1. To use freight elevators with external control, equipped with control posts on more than one loading platform, persons who have undergone appropriate training, instruction and testing of skills in managing the elevator are allowed.

1.2. The owner of the elevator must ensure its maintenance in good condition and safe operation by organizing proper maintenance, for which:

1.2.1. Appoint by order a person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of the elevator and responsible for organizing the operation of the elevator;

1.2.2. organize periodic inspections, Maintenance and repair of elevators, training, instruction and periodic testing of the knowledge of the personnel involved in the maintenance of the elevator.

1.2.3. For the operation and repair of small freight elevators, the owner must involve an organization specialized in elevators.

1.3. The rules (instructions) for using the elevator must be posted at each control station.

1.4. A sign must be posted on the main loading deck indicating:

- the name of the elevator (by appointment);

- carrying capacity;

registration number;

- Responsible person for the operation of the elevator.

1.5. It is forbidden to use an elevator, which has expired the period of operation specified in the passport or established after the technical examination.

2. Safety requirements before starting work.

2.1.Before starting work with a small freight elevator, check the serviceability of:

- alarms;

- automatic locks that lock the doors;

- door contacts - the cabin should not move with open door mines.

2.2. If a malfunction is detected, it is necessary to de-energize the elevator (turn off the main switch), post posters “The elevator is not working” on all the doors of the shaft.

3. Safety requirements during operation.

3.1. During the operation of a small freight elevator, it is prohibited:

- cab overloads in excess of the established maximum load;

- the passage of people in the elevator cabin.

3.2. An employee using an elevator must stop working if:

- if the cabin starts moving when the elevator is started with the shaft doors open;

- if cases of spontaneous movement of the cabin are noticed;

- if unusual noise, knocking, creaking is noticed during the movement of the cab, etc.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a breakdown of equipment that threatens an accident at the workplace or in the workshop: stop its operation, as well as the supply of electricity, water, raw materials, etc. to it; report on the measures taken to the immediate supervisor (the employee responsible for the safe operation of the equipment) and act in accordance with the instructions received.

4.2. In an emergency: notify the surrounding people of the danger, report to the immediate supervisor about the incident and act in accordance with the emergency response plan.

4.3. In case of injury, poisoning and sudden illness, the victim should be provided with first (pre-medical) assistance and, if necessary, his delivery to a healthcare facility should be organized.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work.

5.1. At the end of the work, the worker must make sure that the cabin is empty. Do not leave the cab under load.

Typical instruction. TOI R-01-003-97. Approved by the Order of the State Committee Russian Federation according to the press of October 15, 1997 N 108.


"____" _____________ 2019 No. _______

Nizhny Novgorod

Operation of passenger and freight elevator


Director position

Full name of director

"____" _____________ 2019


1. General requirements

1.1. All new entrants to work are allowed to perform their duties only after passing an introductory briefing on labor protection, briefing at the workplace, as well as a medical examination.
1.2. Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, current is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work. An entry is made in the registration log about the briefing and knowledge testing with the obligatory signature of the instructed and the instructing person.
1.3. All workers, regardless of qualifications, education and length of service, are re-instructed once every three months.
1.4. When translated into new job, from temporary to permanent, from one operation to another, employees must undergo a new instruction on labor protection at the workplace with registration in the registration log.
1.5. The administration is obliged to provide workers with overalls, as well as protective equipment in accordance with the work they perform and in accordance with applicable standards.
1.6. Each employee needs: to know the location of the workshop first-aid kit, to be able to provide first aid for industrial injuries, to immediately contact the health center in case of injury, microtrauma and notify the administration about what happened.
1.7. When performing work, it is necessary to be attentive, not to be distracted by extraneous affairs and conversations, and not to distract others from work.
1.8. Each employee is obliged to comply with the requirements of the general and these Instructions, labor and production discipline, rules technical operation equipment, internal regulations, personal hygiene, electrical safety requirements and warn your comrades about the inadmissibility of violating these rules and Instructions.
1.9. It is only allowed to service the type of devices for which training and instruction have been carried out.
1.10. When working, elevator operators and elevator conductors are required to undergo a periodic medical examination once every two years.
1.11. Persons guilty of violating the requirements set forth in the general and this Instruction are held liable in accordance with applicable law.
1.12. Elevators are checked annually and the results are recorded on a special plate. The elevator must contain instructions for safe operation indicating maximum load capacity(for passenger elevators indicating maximum number passengers).
1.13. Lifters must carry an appropriate certificate for the right to perform work. When switching to work from one type of elevator to another (and long breaks in work), an unscheduled briefing on labor safety is carried out.
1.14. Lifters and persons accompanying elevators should know:
V in general terms the device of the elevator served by them;
appointment of governing bodies and be able to use them;
purpose and location of safety devices, door locks, door and underfloor contacts, catchers, limit switch;
alarm assignment;
how to turn on the elevator and check the operation of the door locks, door and underfloor contacts.
1.15. The lifter and the conductor are prohibited from:
leave the elevator turned on unattended;
go down into the pit and climb out onto the roof of the cabin, as well as store any things on the roof of the cabin;
start the elevator from the floor platform through the open doors of the shaft and cabin;
fix the elevator yourself;
leave the engine room door unlocked.
1.16. The elevator operator and the conductor must report all malfunctions in the operation of the elevator to the electrician assigned by the administration to supervise the technical condition of the elevator, and in the cases provided for in this Instruction, stop the operation of the elevator to eliminate the malfunctions.
1.17. When inspecting the elevator or in the event of a malfunction, the elevator operator and the conductor must display posters with the inscription "The elevator is not working" on all the doors of the shaft, which can be opened from the landings of the floors by the passengers themselves.
1.18. After troubleshooting, the elevator operator or conductor can start the elevator only with the permission of the specialist who fixed the problems.

2. Before you start

2.1. Put on a bathrobe, fasten it with all buttons, put your hair under a headdress.
2.2. Check the log of the technical condition of the equipment. In case of any comments, do not start work until the troubleshooting and a note in the journal (adjuster, electrician) about the health of the equipment.
2.3. Check equipment and workplace.
2.4. Check the serviceability of the machine, turning on and off devices, the presence and strength of devices, interlocks, the presence of protective grounding, cleanliness and order at the workplace.
2.5. Immediately inform the supervisor of the noticed shortcomings and malfunctions at the workplace and do not start work until the troubleshooting and permission of the master.

3. During work

3.1. The lifter or conductor must turn on the main switch and lock the engine room door, and check:
the serviceability of the lighting of the shaft, the cabin and the platforms of all floors on which the cabin stops when the elevator is in operation;
the condition of the mine and cabin fencing;
serviceability of light and sound signaling;
availability of rules for using the elevator;
serviceability of automatic locks that lock the doors of the mine, door and underground contacts (if this check is not assigned to the electrician).
3.2. When checking the serviceability of the contacts of the doors of the mine and the car, make sure that when you press any button to start the elevator (from another point), the car will remain stationary.
This test for elevators with internal management produced from the cab. When checking the cab door contacts, the shaft doors must be closed. The serviceability of the contact of each leaf is controlled in turn. To do this, leave the leaf open, the contact of which is checked, and a test run of the elevator is carried out.
The contacts of each shaft door are checked in the same order, but the cabin doors must be closed.
3.3. When checking the door locks, make sure that when the car is above or below the level of the landing or is not on this floor, the shaft door is locked.
To establish a malfunction of the cabin locks, it should be installed so that the cabin floor is at least 200 mm lower or higher than the floor level of the landing.
To determine the serviceability of the automatic locks of the shaft doors at the passenger elevator, while in the cabin, try to open the door. To check the serviceability of non-automatic locks, it is necessary to try to unlock the lock from the outside of the shaft with a key or handle.
The actions of the locks for freight elevators with a conductor are checked from the cabin, and for freight elevators without a conductor and for small freight elevators - outside the shaft, unlocking the lock by turning the key or handle.
3.4. The action of underground contacts is checked by two elevator operators: one of them, being in the cabin, rises half a floor above the floor level, and the second tries to call the cabin by pressing the call button.
Underground contacts are in good condition when the cabin cannot be called with a passenger in it.
3.5. When checking the operation of the alarm at passenger elevators, make sure that signal lamp"Busy" is enabled when the shaft door is open, as well as when closed doors mine in the cabin is a passenger. For freight elevators without a conductor, the busy signal lamp should turn on when the shaft door is opened and remain on until this door is closed.
3.6. The passenger lift operator must:
constantly be at the elevator on the floor where passengers entering the building are boarded;
avoid overloading the elevator;
do not call the cabin, and also prevent passengers from pressing the call button when the “Busy” lamp is on;
close the doors of the mine, not closed by passengers;
if the cabin accidentally stops between floors, offer passengers to close the cabin doors more tightly and then press the button for the required floor again; if the car continues to be stationary, de-energize the elevator and call an electrician.
3.7. During the operation of the freight elevator, the following rules must be observed:
the elevator operator and the conductor must not allow the cabin to be overloaded in excess of the established maximum load; if they are not sure that the weight of the cargo does not exceed the maximum load, they are obliged to ask the permission of the administration for its transportation;
the elevator operator and the conductor must ensure that when calling the cabin from the floors, they do not pull the handles of the mine doors and do not knock on the doors; any violations must be immediately reported to the administration;
if there are lattice sliding doors in the cabin, the conductor must ensure that people in the cabin do not approach the doors and do not hold them with their hands;
during the carriage of cargo in the cabin, in addition to the conductor, only persons accompanying the cargo may be present; Simultaneous transportation of cargo and passengers is not allowed.
3.8. The operator and handler of a lever-operated elevator must:
stop the car in such a position that the difference between the level of the floor of the car and the floor of the platform does not exceed +5.0 cm, and for elevators whose cabin is loaded with carts - +15 mm;
while the cab is moving, do not move the lever from one position to another until the cab stops completely;
inform the electromechanic about the malfunction of the lever apparatus, if the handle does not automatically return to the zero position after removing the hand.
3.9. The lifter and conductor must promptly replace burnt-out lamps in the elevator cabin with new ones.
3.10. During the shift, the lifter and the guide should not leave their workplace, they can only leave during the established breaks. In this case, the elevator must be de-energized.

4. In emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a fire, immediately turn off the machine, turn off the power supply, with the exception of the lighting network. Inform about the fire and all those working in the room begin to extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing equipment.
4.2. With all the shortcomings found during the inspection, the elevator operator is obliged to de-energize the elevator, put up a poster "The elevator is not working" and inform the administration about it.
4.3. If the cabin accidentally stops between floors due to a malfunction of the elevator, the conductor must give Emergency Signal and wait for the arrival of the electrician.
4.4. The elevator operator and the conductor are obliged to de-energize the elevator and inform the administration when the following faults:
when the elevator is started, the car moves with the shaft doors open;
signal light burned out;
for elevators with a moving floor, the signal lamp goes out when there are passengers in the cabin, as well as when all passengers leave the cabin with the shaft door open;
the shaft door opens from the outside in the absence of a cabin on this floor;
cases of spontaneous movement of the cabin were noticed;
if the cabin, instead of going up, goes down or vice versa;
the cabin (with push-button control) does not automatically stop on the outermost floors;
poor condition of the electrical insulation of the wiring or electrical equipment of the elevator;
the "Stop" button is faulty;
such elevator malfunctions were noticed as: unusual noise, knocking, creaking, jerks and shocks during the movement of the cabin, rope breakage, exit of the counterweight from the guides, inaccuracy of the cabin stop at the floor areas, as well as malfunctions of the shaft fencing or its lighting.
4.5. In case of an accident, it is necessary first of all to free the victim from the traumatic factor. When releasing the victim from the action electric current take care not to come into contact with a live part and under voltage yourself. Notify the administration about the incident.

5. After work

5.1. Stop the equipment, turn off the general input switch, clean and tidy the workplace, make an entry in the log about technical condition equipment.
5.2. Report any malfunctions in the equipment to the supervisor.
5.3. It is necessary to remove debris and lower the cabin to the level of the platform of the floor from which the elevator operator (conductor) enters the cabin at the beginning of work.
5.4. Make sure that the cab is empty (it is not allowed to leave the cab under load after work is completed).
5.5. Turn off the lights in the cab.
5.6. In cases where the non-automatic lock of the shaft door, against which the cabin is stopped, is unlocked by the handle, lock the shaft door with a lock.
5.7. Turn off the main switch or machine and the light in the engine room.
5.8. Remove overalls, put them in a wardrobe or in an individual closet.
5.9. Wash hands and face with warm soapy water.

A freight elevator is a lift designed to carry goods, with or without accompanying personnel. Freight elevators differ from other types of elevators in the increased loading capacity. They are capable of carrying up to 10 tons of cargo and reach speeds of up to 1.5 meters per second.

The device and rules for using a freight elevator

The principle of operation of a freight elevator does not differ from the principle of operation of other types of lifts. Available cargo compartment located in the mine. Its movement is provided by the action drive mechanism and traction elements (ropes, cables, etc.) thrown over the traction sheave.

Basic rules for using freight elevators:

  • the weight of the transported cargo should not exceed installed by instruction load limit;
  • the loading of the load must be carried out evenly over the entire area of ​​the cabin floor;
  • in elevators with an external control system, transportation of people is prohibited;
  • the movement of the freight elevator is allowed only with the doors of the car completely closed;
  • it is forbidden to use a freight elevator, which has expired the allowable period of operation specified in the passport;
  • the cargo lift must not be left switched on without the supervision of service personnel;
  • cargo cannot be stored in the freight elevator cabin.

Classification of freight elevators

Freight elevators can be classified according to several criteria.

Load capacity and dimensions freight elevators there are:

  • Standard. They imply the possibility of transporting cargo together with the operator or other accompanying personnel. The carrying capacity of such an elevator is from 250 to 6000 kg. The dimensions of a standard freight elevator (platform area) average 1.5 square meters.
  • Small. The dimensions of small freight elevators make it possible to use these devices exclusively for the transport of goods - the height does not exceed 1250 mm, and the load capacity is 5-250 kg.
  • Cargo lifts - automobile, parking or mine type.

Each of the above types of freight elevators has different applications. For example, warehouses use standard freight elevators so that heavy loads can be escorted by employees. At the same time, sidewalk freight elevators are installed in the basements - they exit the shaft to the surface, they differ large sizes and allow you to move goods along with transport.

Small freight elevators are installed mainly in catering establishments to lift food. They are also used in libraries and small warehouses. It is forbidden to transport people on small freight elevators.

Cargo lifts are designed to move heavy equipment and materials, used in underground car parks and in the mines.

There is another type - passenger-and-freight elevators. They are installed in multi-storey residential buildings. Passenger-and-freight elevators are characterized by a large area and a wide opening of the cabin doors, they allow transporting both people and goods.

The following types of freight elevators are distinguished by speed:

  • low-speed - up to 1 meter per second;
  • high-speed - 1-2 meters per second;
  • high-speed - 2-4 meters per second;
  • high-speed - more than 4 meters per second.

By type of drive are:

  • Electric freight elevators - the drive is powered by current. These elevators have no restrictions in terms of lifting height.
  • Hydraulic freight elevators - work thanks to oil pressure in a hydraulic cylinder. Hydraulic lifts are used in low spaces such as hospitals, airports, railway stations, as the lifting height of such devices is limited to 30 meters. The main advantage of hydraulic freight elevators is that they are able to move loads not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal plane.

Choice of freight elevator

IN normative documents the elevator is listed as vehicle heightened danger. He passes technical inspections, has his own passport, service life. For safe movement during operation, it is necessary to follow the rules for using the elevator, which will be discussed in this article.

General rules

The rules for using an elevator with automatic doors require strict adherence to certain requirements. First of all, to move between floors, you need to know how to call the elevator. It would seem that everything is simple - there is only one call button. However, you should be aware that after pressing it, the indicator light should light up. If this does not happen, then you need to repeat the call.

After the elevator has arrived and its doors have opened, you should make sure that the cabin has also been delivered. In extremely rare cases, automatic doors open before the arrival of the elevator itself, the passenger risks ending up in the elevator shaft.

After entering the cabin, you should press the button for the desired floor, after which the doors will close on their own, and the elevator will go. If the means of transportation has not set in motion, it is necessary to press the button with the designation of the floor on which the passenger is located. this moment, or Stop. In this case, the doors will open.

Button designation

In addition to the elevator call button and floor indicators, there is another obligatory button in the cabin - “Call” or “Call”, which allows you to establish communication with the technical staff. When it is held, the dispatcher answers, who needs to be informed detailed information about emergency: stuck elevator, malfunction system, emergency and so on.

The following buttons are not present in all elevators:

  • the “Doors” button (◄ ) allows you to open the doors and keep them open;
  • The stop button is used to emergency braking lift
  • the "Cancel" button causes the car to stop and open the doors on the nearest floor.

The rules for using the elevator, which are usually located on the stand in the cabin, suggest working condition systems. Contact numbers are also indicated there, which should be contacted in case of a malfunction, including when the buttons break.

Transportation of children

In the rules drawn up by the manufacturer, there is the following point: first, an adult must enter the elevator, then a child. This is due to the fact that many elevators are equipped with a load weighing device (HVU), the action of which is activated only when the load is above fifteen kilograms. In this case, the time until the automatic closing of the doors increases. If it comes in first Small child, then its weight may not be enough to trigger the system, and the cabin will close before the adult has time to enter. This situation can frighten the baby and even cause fear. closed space further.

For the safety and peace of the child, parents must follow the rules for using the elevator. For children before school age there are restrictions: they cannot use the elevator without an adult. The reason for this is the same HLG, which may not recognize the presence of a little man in the cockpit. This will cause the doors to close faster than usual, and the lights in the elevator room will go out as if there is no one in it.

Moving with a stroller

Young parents must also follow the rules for using the elevator. With the stroller in which the baby is located, you must move as follows:

  • get the child out of the stroller;
  • carry children's transport into the cabin;
  • get into the elevator.

When leaving, the stroller is first taken out, then an adult comes out with a child in his arms. Such a measure is binding rule safety when using the elevator, because in the event of an unforeseen situation, the parent will not have time to pull the baby out of the stroller.

Service lift

In order to ensure smooth operation, you must follow the rules for using a freight elevator:

  • the weight of the transported cargo should not exceed the specified norm;
  • all items must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cab;
  • transportation of people is prohibited in some freight elevators;
  • shipment can only be carried out with fully closed doors.

In addition, the use of a freight elevator is possible only in the presence of a responsible person with appropriate professional skills.

What is forbidden to do in the elevator?

Rules for using elevators in residential buildings do not allow actions that are listed further in the list:

  1. Stop closing doors manually. If the doors close before the passengers have time to enter, you should put your foot in front of the sash - this will be the best obstacle. Stopping the mechanism by hand is very problematic.
  2. Stick your fingers between the closed doors. Doing so may cause the elevator to malfunction. He can stop between floors, for example.
  3. Load cab. Permissible load indicated on the announcement in the elevator. If it is exceeded, you can provoke a breakdown of the system and get stuck in the cab. It is not only about people transporting furniture and heavy equipment unacceptable.
  4. Move actively. Jumping and demonstrating acrobatic abilities can cause the cabin to stand between floors.
  5. Transport flammable materials. The elevator is a tight space that limits the freedom of the passenger. Potentially hazardous materials may leak if handled carelessly. At the same time, the air in the cabin will instantly be filled with a toxic substance.
  6. smoke. Not every elevator is equipped with ventilation system, so smoking in a cramped space will cause discomfort to many subsequent passengers.

The rules for using the elevator also prohibit movement in a faulty cabin. If the approaching transport behaves unusually and suspiciously, it is necessary to warn the dispatcher about this and use the stairs.

elevator etiquette

It is not always possible to get to the desired floor alone. In a small booth, their own rules must be respected. unspoken rules using the elevator, which allow you to avoid conflicts and spoiled mood:

  • the cabin should be entered in order, starting with those who are closest to the doors;
  • the button of the required floor for himself and other passengers is pressed by the one who stands closer to the control panel;
  • to release the exiting person, you should leave the cabin, and not cling to the wall;
  • when touched or confronted, it is worth apologizing;
  • it is not customary to conduct a dialogue with acquaintances in the presence of strangers.

You should not openly consider other passengers, as this may provoke a conflict or simply embarrass the person who has become the object of increased attention. It's not just in an elevator that rules of etiquette must be followed, but in such a tight space, respect for your companions is a must.



Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR


Moscow "Nedra" 1987

Standard instructions for the operator, elevator operator for the maintenance of elevators / Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR: Introduced. 09/01/87. - M: Nedra, 1987. The necessary list of requirements for elevator maintenance personnel is given. The duties of the elevator operator and operator during work are determined, the volume of shift inspections carried out on elevators by maintenance personnel is indicated, the procedure for the safe evacuation of passengers from cabins that have stopped between floors is outlined. With the release of this instruction, the “Typical Instruction for Lift Operators, Lift Operators, Dispatchers and Conductors Servicing Elevators”, approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on October 13, 1972, is canceled. For personnel servicing elevators, as well as for engineering and technical workers involved in the organization of maintenance and repair elevators. Managing editor V.S. Kotelnikov.


1.1. This Model Instruction establishes the requirements for operators, elevator operators upon appointment and admission to work, and their main responsibilities for servicing passenger, hospital and freight elevators. 1.2. The owner of the elevator has the right, if necessary, to make standard instruction Additional requirements arising from the specific operating conditions of elevators. By order of the enterprise (organization), the instruction is declared production. The operator, elevator operator must have a production instruction on hand. 1.3. Control over the performance of service personnel production instructions is carried out by the administration of the enterprise (organization) in whose staff he is listed. 1.4. For maintenance of elevators by order of the enterprise (organization) are appointed: operator - for elevators connected to the console; elevator operator - for a single or group of passenger elevators installed in one or more adjacent buildings; elevator operator - to a freight elevator with external control, equipped with a control post on one loading platform; elevator operator - for each hospital or freight elevator with internal control. 1.5. The operator, lifter are responsible for the fulfillment of their duties established by the production instruction, in accordance with applicable law.


2.1. Persons at least 18 years old, fit for health reasons, trained, having the appropriate certificate and qualification group for electrical safety not lower than II are entitled to work as an operator, elevator operator. 2.2. The operator, elevator operator must periodically, at least once every 12 months, undergo repeated examinations of knowledge of the production instructions in the commission of the enterprise (organization). Additional or extraordinary testing of knowledge is carried out: when moving from one enterprise to another; when the elevator operator is transferred to service elevators of a different design (hydraulic, with an electric drive on direct current, with a car speed of more than 1.6 m / s, etc.). At the same time, the transferred person must study the features of the device and maintenance of such elevators and undergo an internship; at the request of the Gosgortekhnadzor inspector or the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the elevator. An extraordinary knowledge test may be carried out with the participation of an inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor. 2.3. An operator admitted to independent work, an elevator operator must: have general idea on the arrangement of serviced elevators and control panel; know the rules for using the elevator; know the purpose of the control devices located in the elevator cabin and on the landing sites, and be able to use them; know the purpose and be able to use light and sound alarms and two-way intercom; know the purpose and location of the safety devices of the elevator; be able to turn elevators on and off; be able to safely evacuate passengers from a cabin that has stopped between floors; be able to provide first aid to the victim; know the requirements of fire safety and be able to use fire fighting equipment. In addition, the elevator operator must be able to inspect the elevator and check the operation of the shaft door locks, the safety contacts of the shaft and cabin doors, the underground safety contact, the light and sound alarms and the two-way intercom.


3.1. The elevator operator is required to conduct a monthly inspection of the elevators. In this case, it is necessary: ​​to familiarize yourself with the records of the previous shift in the journal; check the serviceability of the locks and safety contacts of the doors of the shaft and cabin; selectively check at least three landing (loading) platforms for the accuracy of stopping the cabin during ascent and descent; check the serviceability of the movable floor, the reverse of the door drive, the photorelay; make sure that the cabin, shaft and landing (loading) areas are adequately illuminated, as well as the engine room and the approach to it; check the operation of the stop button, light signal"Busy", sound and light alarm and light display; make sure that there are "Rules for using the elevator", warning and indicative inscriptions; check the condition of the shaft and cabin fencing. The specified work is carried out by the elevator operator serving a single passenger or freight elevator before the start of the shift, and the elevator operator serving a group of elevators during the shift. 3.2. During work: 3.2.1. The lifter of a single passenger lift is obliged to: be at the lift on the main landing floor and monitor the observance by passengers of the Rules for using the lift; avoid overloading the elevator; accompany children of school age, as well as adults at their request; make a call to an empty cabin if the calling device is installed only on the main landing site. 3.2.2. The lifter of a freight lift with external control must: be at the lift on the main loading area where the control post is installed; prevent overloading the elevator, as well as the transportation of people in the cabin; monitor the uniformity of loading and securing the load in the cab. 3.2.3. An elevator operator serving a group of passenger elevators is obliged to: periodically, along the developed route, make a detour of the elevators assigned to him in order to check their serviceability and compliance by passengers with the Rules for using the elevator. 3.2.4. Hospital lifter and freight elevators with internal control is obliged to: constantly be in the elevator cabin during ascent and descent and direct the cabin to the place of the call or to the place of loading (unloading); when loading (unloading) the cabin, be on the landing (loading) site, monitor the uniformity of loading, secure the cargo and prevent overloading the elevator, as well as the simultaneous transportation of cargo and people, except for those accompanying the cargo: on elevators, the cabin of which is equipped with sliding lattice doors, monitor so that people in the cab do not lean against the doors or hold them with their hands; do not allow unauthorized persons to control the elevators. 3.2.5. The operator is obliged: to follow the signals coming to the console; upon receipt of a signal from a passenger, turn on two-way intercom and give the passenger the necessary explanations; with prolonged indications of the signals “Passenger in the cabin” or “The shaft door is open”, turn on two-way intercom and give appropriate instructions to the passenger; keep a record of incoming requests for malfunctions on elevators; monitor the serviceability of the dispatcher console and two-way intercom. 3.3. The operator, elevator operator is prohibited from: leaving the workplace, except in cases related to the maintenance of elevators; allow unauthorized persons to enter the mine, the machine (block) room and the operator's room, as well as leave these rooms not locked; store foreign objects in the operator's room, machine (block) room; enter the cab roof and descend into the pit; start the elevator by direct action on the devices that supply voltage to the electric motor circuit, as well as from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the shaft and cabin; touch open live parts of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of equipment; disrupt the operation of safety devices; independently repair the elevator and turn on the devices of the control station, as well as use the elevator for other purposes. 3.4. The operator, elevator operator are obliged: upon detection during the inspection and during the change of faults listed in section 4, turn off the elevator and report them to the electrician or to emergency service a specialized organization, post a poster "The elevator is not working" on the main landing floor - for elevators with automatic door drive and on each landing (loading) platform - for elevators with hinged doors, make the necessary entry in the log; in the event of an accidental stop of the elevator car between floors and the impossibility of starting the elevator by a passenger from the car, warn the people in it so that they do not take any measures to exit the car on their own, turn off the automatic switch of the winch motor, inform the electrician or the emergency service of a specialized organization and proceed with the evacuation passengers in the manner set out in section 5; in this case, the elevator operator of hospital and freight elevators with internal control must call an electrician and not try to get out of the cabin on his own; in the event of an accident or an accident, immediately turn off the elevator, report the incident to the administration of the owner of the elevator, the electrician or the emergency service of a specialized organization and take measures to preserve the situation of the accident or accident, if this does not endanger the life and health of people; keep the elevator car and service area clean. 3.5. At the end of the work, the elevator operator, the operator are obliged to: hand over the keys to the machine (block) and service premises to the next shift, make the necessary entries in the journal. If the shift is absent, notify the owner of the elevator and act on his instructions; during one-shift operation, put the elevator car on the main landing (loading) platform, lock the swing door of the shaft, turn off the elevator and the control panel, make the necessary entries in the journal.


1) A laden cabin sets in motion with an open shaft or cabin door, or an empty one - with an open shaft door; 2) cab doors with automatic drive open when moving; 3) when you press the call button, the loaded cabin starts moving, but the empty one does not; 4) the cabin starts to move independently; 5) when pressing the buttons of orders, the doors with automatic drive do not close or, upon execution of the order, they do not open; 6) the cabin moves down instead of moving up or vice versa; 7) Cabin automatic stop accuracy is higher allowable limits; 8) the cabin does not stop at the landing (loading) site to which it is called or directed by order; 9) the door of the mine can be opened in the absence of a cabin on this landing (loading) site without using special key(devices); 10) when you press the "Stop" button, the cabin does not stop; 11) two-way intercom does not work; 12) no signals are received from the elevator to the operator's console; 13) during the operation of the elevator appear extraneous noise, sharp tremors, there is a smell of burning; 14) the cabin or areas in front of the shaft doors are not lit; 15) the enclosure of the cab, shaft or door is damaged; 16) the glass of the viewing window in the doors of the shaft or cabin is broken; 17) there are no protective covers on calling or push-button devices and there is access to bare current-carrying parts of electrical equipment; 18) the metal structures of the mine or the body of the electric apparatus are energized.


5.1. Before starting work on the evacuation of passengers, the elevator operator, the operator must: make sure that all the doors of the mine are closed; display the poster "Elevator is not working" on the main lower landing - for elevators with automatic door drive and on each landing - for elevators with hinged doors; determine the location of the cabin in the mine, the number and composition of passengers, their well-being, inform the passengers what measures will be taken to evacuate them and that the lighting in the cabin will decrease or be temporarily turned off; warn passengers that they are prohibited from touching the control devices located in the cabin, opening the cabin door leaves and taking measures to independently exit the elevator cabin. 5.2. Evacuation of passengers from the cabin of a passenger elevator with hinged doors. When evacuating passengers, the elevator operator, the operator are obliged to: turn off the input device in the engine room and post a poster “Do not turn on - people are working”; when placing several elevators in the machine room, protect the rotating parts of the elevator equipment and those under voltage with inventory shields or turn off all elevators until the end of the evacuation of passengers; install the handwheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if the handwheel is removable; release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site. Move the cabin intermittently, at a distance of 300-400 mm; set the cabin within the stopping accuracy, while the mechanical shifting of the cabin should unlock the lock of the shaft doors; brake the winch and remove the steering wheel, if it is removable; open the door of the shaft and the cabin, make sure that it is possible to safely evacuate passengers from the cabin, and carry out it. . 5.3. Evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin with automatic doors. When evacuating the elevator operator, the operator must: turn off the input device in the engine room and post a poster “Do not turn on - people are working”; when placing several elevators in the machine room, protect rotating parts and equipment of elevators under voltage with inventory shields, or turn off all elevators until the end of the evacuation of passengers; install the handwheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if the handwheel is removable; release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site, which has a device for unlocking the automatic lock of the shaft door with a special key; move the cabin intermittently, at a distance of 300-400 mm; install the elevator car 200-300 mm below the level of the landing area, while the roller of the shaft door lock should not enter the mechanical sliding of the car door; brake the winch and remove the steering wheel, if it is removable; unlock the automatic lock of the shaft door with a special key, open the doors and lock them with a special rail; manually open the cabin door leaves and lock them with a special rail in the open position; make sure that it is possible to safely evacuate passengers from the cabin, and carry it out; close the cabin doors of the mine. Note:1. It is forbidden to evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level of which is higher than the level of the landing area.2. It is forbidden to open the cabin door leaves by manually rotating the door drive pulley or belt. 5.4. Work on the evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin is carried out by two persons.

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