Numerology how to calculate whether a car number is suitable. The meaning of the numbers in the license plate

Numerology how to calculate whether a car number is suitable. The meaning of the numbers in the license plate


Many motorists are likely to agree with the statement that each car has its own character, its own habits and faults. The owner of the car, if his "communication" with a certain car continues for many years, already knows what to expect from his iron horse. But all necessary information you can find out even faster - the numerology of the car, its numerological code (index) will tell about the nature of the car.

The numerological code of the car is determined using . For foreign models machines use the English alphabet table, and for Russian models- Russian. Each letter of the car brand is translated into the corresponding number, the numbers of the license plate and its letters are added to them (also reduced to numbers according to the correspondence table). Note: in the calculation of the numerical code, the region number is not taken into account. Then all the numbers are summed up and the method is reduced to the base, which is the numerical code (index) of the car.

To simplify the task, we present an online form for calculating the numerological code of a car. Enter the brand of the car and its license plate in the form no region number. For example: you have a VAZ 21074 car with the number A147ET, region 27, enter in the form VAZ21074A147ET. If you have, suppose Mazda car 626 with the number B275RO, region 51, - enter Mazda626B275RO. Press the "Calculate" button, get a numerical code and read the value.

Enter the brand and number of the car:

Values ​​​​of the numerological code of the car:

The numerological code of the car is 1.

If the numerology of the car is “one”, then it is a leader on any track, powerful, quickly accelerating, easily ahead of everyone on the track. A car with such a number suits major executives, promotes business trips, and maintains the business image of the owner.

"Car unit" rarely breaks down, but requires careful attention, an individual approach. Frequent change of owners negatively affects the performance of such a machine. This is a fast, swift, and, at the same time, business car. Therefore, the car itself must match the appearance of its numerological code.

For a "unit car" it is very important to have a well-maintained appearance if such a car is kept dirty, then it can demonstrate obstinacy - refuse to move off, attract accidents and breakdowns. A car with the numerological code “one” needs an owner who will treat it with love and care, paying attention to even the most minor problems while maintaining a decent appearance.

The numerological code of the car is 2.

A car with the numerological code "two" tolerates well weather and easy to manage: he masterfully goes around obstacles and “flies” over pits. Traffic police officers stop such a car not often. "Car deuce" will attract trips of an economic nature: go to the market, deliver small loads, and the car is also designed to go around and check various objects.

However, this iron Horse differs in an extremely capricious and inconstant disposition - it can “buck up” at any, often the most inopportune, moment. It often happens with minor breakdowns that can bring the driver to a nervous breakdown. This machine must not show the weakness of the will of the owner. If you want a car with the numerological code “two” to obey you, not be capricious and not cause trouble, then you must behave confidently, toughly and firmly.

The numerological code of the car is 3.

A car with the numerological code "three" has a unique gift to avoid minor breakdowns, accidents and traffic police officers. On the road, he will not demonstrate his character, but, on the contrary, will strive to help his owner in everything, showing enviable perseverance in achieving his goal. The Troika car is suitable for those for whom money is a profession, for example, bank employees. If you are planning some kind of financial transaction, then a car with this number will bring you good luck.

Such qualities of the car, of course, deserve respect, however, they can also create an extremely unpleasant situation. The owner of such a machine, thinking that it is in working and quite satisfactory condition, not paying attention to minor malfunctions, can bring it to what is required. overhaul, which will be complex, long and expensive.

The numerological code of the car is 4.

A car with the numerological code "four" is rather capricious, he does not like fast driving and does not want to ride on a track laid by someone before him. By virtue of its nature, the car is prone to accidents, but, fortunately for its owner, they are not serious, ending with a maximum of a broken headlight. This car is a humble hard worker that does not need to be repaired often.

By virtue of the energy of its numerological code, people around usually show increased interest in the “four” car. These are candidates for fellow travelers, and people who want to know from you how to get to a certain place, and traffic police inspectors, and sometimes all sorts of dubious personalities. Therefore, it is simply ideal if a car with such a code works as a taxi - such a role is best suited to its character.

The numerological code of the car is 5.

A car with the numerological code "five" is a very lively and quirky car, but, having a wayward character, it easily gets along with other road users and rarely gets into an accident. This car will never leave the intersection second, but it will never run through a red light either. Its distinctive feature is the desire to change all the time, to follow fashion trends and technical progress. Therefore, the owner of such a car will have to be creative and sometimes resort to tuning so that his car does not seem like progress has bypassed it.

A car with the numerological code "five" is perfect for traveling to and from work, you can safely go on it to relax and have fun, drive to the most long trips over long distances, the car will not let you down. However, having such a car, you will always have to be on the alert - troubles often happen to it: from neighbors' complaints about an unexpectedly triggered alarm, to theft. Such a car is unsuccessful for making money, rather, with it you will have to spend a lot, including on it.

The numerological code of the car is 6.

If the numerological code of the car is "six", then the car has a balanced and complaisant disposition, it is hardworking and selflessly devoted to its owner. This is a beautiful and sensual car, more suitable for girls and women. Due to its charm, this car is rarely stopped by the traffic police, it will always deliver the driver and passengers to their destination. The car will not get into an accident or act up, demonstrating character at the most inopportune moments. She will also calmly react to the fact if they begin to transport goods on it.

A car with the numerological code "six" has gentle nature and always allows the vehicle in front to change lanes. This machine is very hardworking, because of which breakdowns often occur. Therefore, show her maximum care and attention, and before a long journey, each time arrange a meticulous and thorough inspection. A car with the number "six" is recommended for managers, as well as for family trips.

The numerological code of the car is 7.

A car with the numerological code "seven" is characterized by increased concentration on the situation, seriousness and restraint. It smoothly merges into the traffic flow and does not stand out in it, but such cars consider it beneath their dignity to stand idle for hours in a traffic jam and constantly give way to someone. They are not suitable for nervous, restless, constantly twitching and making sudden movements drivers. A car with the numerological code "seven" refers with approval to the fact that it is driven by the personal driver of some important person.

For such a car, it will be just great if it has a “flasher” installed on it, and the license plate is painted in Blue colour. The car "seven" is best option for status cars that carry high-ranking executives. The weak link of the car "seven" is the body. It often corrodes in the most unexpected places.

The numerological code of the car is 8.

Since the energy vibrations of the number "eight" are associated with money, the car with the numerological code "eight", in the literal sense of the word, is simply created to be used by a businessman, and the richer, more ambitious and influential he is, the better. The G8 car, being in the hands of such an owner, will constantly prove that it significantly exceeds the capabilities given to it by the manufacturer, will do the impossible and with such behavior will lead others, and the owner himself, into enthusiastic amazement.

For a car with the numerological code "eight", the transportation of such things as, for example, seedlings, bags of potatoes or cabbage, is an unworthy and humiliating act. These cars do not like to carry loads on themselves at all. However, they will have nothing against transporting, for example, a boat, bicycle, surfboard or fishing equipment. In operation, a machine with the numerological code "eight" is quite reliable and does not cause much trouble.

The numerological code of the car is 9.

In a car with the numerological code "nine", everyone should feel good and comfortable - both the driver and passengers, since it is convenience that is a priority in the nature of these cars. In her salon, music must certainly sound, delivering pleasant emotions to others. However, at the same time, a car with the number "nine" is a very impulsive car that always conquers the road. She does not accept objections: if she changes lanes, she must be let through; if traffic begins after a stop, she is always the first to leave the intersection. Due to such qualities, the "car - nine" tends to get into accidents, but fortunately, not always major ones.

A car with the numerological code "nine" will always and in everything help those people who can give people a lift for free, or who earn money by driving, but does it at a sparing and affordable price. Most the best option for a car with this numerological code - to work as an ambulance or in the rescue service.

The meaning of the numbers in the car number:

The first digit indicates the nature of the machine.

The second testifies to the interaction between the driver and the car.

The third shows the character of the driver on the road.

What do these numbers mean?

"1" patronizes strength, energy, will. If “one” is the second digit of the number, then the car will feel your mood, you will become a single, strong team.

"2" symbolizes softness, passivity, emotionality. For this reason, experts recommend numbers with a “two” at the end for women. One can argue at this point, but, as you know, society expects us to self-deny and prefer other people's interests to our own. The car expects smooth movements and low speeds from you.

"3" gives aggressiveness, activity, assertiveness. If in the middle - the car is waiting for decisive action from you, stop at yellow light traffic lights are not for her.

"4" is a difficult number. On the one hand, it throws up difficulties and problems, on the other hand, it promises support and security in solving these problems. Even if the car stalls, it will start again so as not to let you down.

"5" gives mobility, adventurism, sexuality. Think a car can't be sexy? You are wrong. It is he who whispers to the driver: "Let's give a ride to those beauties in short skirts" ...

"6" means inertia, laziness and inactivity. If the “six” is second, the car will be naughty and break down when you make it drive for a long time.

"7" promises irritability and isolation. This figure is also called the number of singles. The car will be jealous of the driver to the passengers. Think it doesn't happen? You just haven't read Christina.

"8" indicates business and monetary relations. If the "eight" is in the middle of the car number, then the car will bring (or bring?) You wealth.

"9" gives spiritual activity, variability, impermanence. In this car, you will often think about the meaning of life.

Numbers and combinations in the car number, their meaning (according to Feng Shui):

1 - very successful. Symbolizes unity and sounds like "win, honor."

2 means "easy". Two brings special luck if it is placed in front of other numbers. You yourself can already decipher that the number "21" sounds like "an easy win."

3 - symbolizes "life". The combination "328" is very good - it means "an easy and successful way in business."

4 - the Chinese try to avoid it, since the four means "death." The most unfavorable combination is "24", meaning "easy death". But in combination with a five (the number "5" sounds like "no"), the four is not dangerous, since "45" means "there will be no death."

5 - should not be combined with other favorable numbers, since its meaning - "no", "will not" - weakens luck. Try to decipher the number "51" yourself. You will not see anything good - it will be "lack of gain", "loss of honor".

6 - means "wealth", "income". Moreover, the six is ​​doubled three! Therefore, it means "doubling everything you have." If the number of your car, for example, is "1368", then this means - "you are lucky, and your wealth will double all the time." And the combination "68" means "a lot of money."

7 - "confidence", "for sure". For example, the combination "78" means "guaranteed wealth." But you should not use the seven with unfavorable numbers. So, the combination "57" will express "not sure", and "74" sounds like "surely will die."

8 - is considered the most favorable and happy. Interpreted as "great wealth", "prosperity". So "18" means "rich win", and "88" - "extraordinary wealth." 9 is also very successful. Symbolizes "health" and "longevity".

The value of the combination of all 3 digits in the car number:

001 - development of personal goals

002 - relationship development

003 - development of spirituality

004 - accumulation of materiality

005 - development in all areas

006 - claims and grievances

007 - development of successful directions

008 - development in infinity

009 - development to the ideal

100 - I know what I need and how to achieve it

200 - we know what we want

300 - my soul knows what it wants

400 - I am rich and proud of it

500 - everything suits me in my life

600 - not everything satisfies me, a person puts himself above others

700 - harmony in the world is for me, I am a successful person

800 - everything in the world is infinite and created for man

900 - everything is perfect for me

150 - my business is going well

250 - our family is doing well

350 - the soul got what it wanted.

450 - everything is ok with my money.

550 - everything is super for me in all areas.

650 - I strive for the best.

750 - complete harmony in my life.

850 - I want this state to last forever.

950 - I have reached the ideal, everything is ok with me.

Car numbers from the same numbers- the ability to be a single whole for the driver and the car, but make sure that the number matches your character.

111 - selfishness and narcissism, the owner of such a number wants to be the first and the best in everything, obsession with himself, separating himself from the outside world.

222 - relationships with other people, society, communication are very important for a person.

333 - for a person with such a car number, spirituality is the norm of life, he lives in God.

444 - a person with such a car number - is completely immersed in the material. An earthly man who lives by earthly concerns.

555 is the number of success and harmony, the combination of the spiritual and the material.

666 - in the car number, the number of a person who considers himself better than others. emphasizes negative side of his character.

777 - the number of business people striving for joy, harmony and success. That's why this car number is so common.

888 - infinity in everything, in materiality. In spirituality, the owner of the room has the realization that the world is great and endless.

999 - the desire for the ideal, for the absolute, the desire to be in unity with the Creator and the Universe.

The numerological meaning of the numbers included in the number of your car can tell a lot about the predisposition of this vehicle to the solution of certain financial issues.

Does the number of your car attract the subtle energy of money, or does it make sense to change the combination of numbers?

To determine the index of a car number, you need to find the sum of all the digits included in it, and then reduce it to a single digit.

For example, your car number is: E340BP61. We find the sum (letters are not taken into account): 3+4+0+6+1=14; 1+4=5. We get an index equal to 5. Now you can calculate the index yourself own car, determining what it promises you:

1. You can safely go on business trips by car, including abroad, and conclude large contracts.

2. The car is designed to go around and check various objects.

3. A suitable field of activity for the owner of such a number is issues related to obtaining and issuing loans.

4. It is useful for creative people to have such a car number to strengthen their financial situation, then they will be able to calmly create their masterpieces.

5. Your car is just made for traveling! Feel free to go on it to relax and have fun.

6. To ensure a peaceful environment at home, put the whole family in a car more often and take short trips.

7. Number of singles. if it's easier for you to earn money by working alone, get a number with this index.

8. Favorable if you work with real estate. Driving around in a car with this number, you can make many profitable deals and significantly replenish your wallet.

9. The number is suitable for employees of the justice sector, as well as for those whose work involves frequent visits to public institutions.

IN modern world numbers are ubiquitous. Each car has its own marking, obtained at the factory, and a number assigned by the relevant state authorities during its registration. Numerology license plates allows you to find out the nature of the car by the value of a special number calculated according to its license plate.

To find out what kind of energy your car has, you need to make a numerological calculation or numerological fortune-telling. There are several options for how this can be done:

  • Classic variant excluding letters;
  • Alternative option taking into account both letters and numbers;
  • Chinese car numerology.

The classic version of the calculation

The number obtained as a result of numerological calculation is called the Number of Power of the car and reveals its character and disposition on the road. In the classical calculation, only the numbers of the license plate are taken into account, without the letters that make it up. In order to calculate the number of a car, you need to add up all the digits of the number.

You can make a calculation both taking into account the number of the region, and without it. It is believed that the inclusion of the region number in the calculation is more accurate, however, in this case, the calculation will reveal the energy of the car in the context of the region where it was registered, while ignoring the region code in the calculation will reveal the individual energy of the car.

For example, the license plate of a car is 356. Then its Power Number is as follows: 3+5+6=14, then you need to add up all the numbers that make up the resulting number: 1+4=5. It turns out that the Power Number of this car is 5. If the region code is included (for example, region 178), then the calculation will take the form: 3+5+6+1+7+8=30, then you need to simplify the resulting number: 3+0 =3. The number of Strength in this version is 3.

Vehicle number meaning:

  • One is the number of the leader on the road, such a car is always the first, rarely breaks down;
  • Deuce - shows itself well on city roads, where calmness and attentiveness are needed;
  • The troika is very labile, it is a car “with a mood”, it can and should be felt in order to avoid unpleasant situations;
  • The four is a solid car that requires great skill and driving experience from the driver;
  • Five - can lead its owner into unexpected twists of fate, but is favorable for gambling people who are not afraid to take risks;
  • Six - calm, reliable and flexible;
  • Seven - does not like noise and screams, if you do not follow order in it, then it can present unpleasant surprises;
  • Eight - reliable and beautiful, such a car needs constant attention and updating;
  • Nine - strong, strong car that you don't want to sell. Rarely fails and breaks.

Important: if, when adding the digits of the number, the numbers 11 or 22 are obtained, then there is no need to simplify them (1 + 1, 2 + 2). The fact is that these numbers in numerology are managers, that is, they carry their own energy, which differs from their simplified sum. However, their influence on fate often depends on the person himself, and only a small part of people actually feel the effect of the control numbers.

An alternative way to find the autonumber number

Such a calculation is carried out in a similar way, only the numerical values ​​​​of the letters that make up the number are taken into account. You can find the values ​​​​according to the following table, which shows the correspondences for Cyrillic and Latin:

1 A, AI, JC, SKommersant
2 B, BY, KT, TS
3 B, CK, LU, Ub
4 G, DL, MF, VE
5 D, EM, NX, WYU
6 E, FH, OC, XI
7 Yo, GOh PH, Y
8 W, HP, QW, Z

Values ​​of the Car's Force Number in alternative calculation:

  • Unit- suitable for leaders and innovators. Reliable sturdy car bringing good luck. It is better not to sell such a car, since you can give away your luck along with it;
  • Two - means balance and balance, a car with the Number of Force 2 has a soft, peaceful character;
  • Troika- ambiguous and unpredictable on the road, you can not rely on it in important work, while having a light disposition, attracting money and success into the life of its owner;
  • Four - can help overcome a difficult period in life. Reliable, it workhorse» among cars;
  • Five - good for travelers, performs well on a long journey, however, can often get minor damage and run into fines;
  • Six - serves for a long time, is considered ideal family car requiring careful attention. In such a car, cleanliness must always be maintained;
  • Seven - best suited for people who are used to relying only on themselves. Likes calmness and observance of traffic rules;
  • Eight - good choice for business, status people. Such a car is practical and presentable;
  • Nine - brings good luck in all areas of life, contributes to the success of people whose life is connected with the protection and protection of others.

Chinese interpretation of the car number

The meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology depends on the type of energy they carry - Yin energy or Yang energy. Yin refers to even numbers, considered feminine, and to Yang - odd considered masculine. Therefore, in Chinese numerology, harmonious numbers are those in which the numbers do not repeat. In addition, in this interpretation, combinations of numbers in the number are important, their combinations form one or another energy potential.

  • One (Yang) - carries a neutral energy, but is able to compensate for the negative energy of the four and five, while increasing the influence of positive numbers in the number;
  • Two (Yin) - carries positive energy, brings good luck and contributes to gaining stability in life;
  • Three (Yang) - neutral, but better suited for transporting light loads;
  • Four (Yin) - is considered a negative symbol that attracts difficulties;
  • Five (Yang) - a negative sign, does not favor stability;
  • Six (Yin) - a positive number, car trips with a six in the room promise to be pleasant;
  • Seven (Yang) is an extremely positive number in Chinese numerology. This figure may not show its favorable qualities only in combination with a four or five;
  • Eight (Yin) - carries positive energy, attracts success and wealth, also has a beneficial effect on interpersonal relationships;
  • Nine (Yang) - favorable for long trips where reliability is important.

Character of man and car

When interpreting car numerology you need to know that the fate of both man and machine in their union depends not only on the energy of the latter. Often the disposition of the owner of the car is the determining factor, which is due to his special set of numbers, formed by the name and date of birth. Therefore, even the negative values ​​​​of the numbers in the room are unlikely to affect fate if the owner is positively disposed to life. You also need to feel what this or that number means specifically for you.

"Beautiful rooms"

Numbers with repeating numbers, contrary to popular belief, do not bring good luck to all people. Popular combination 777, which is considered to be happy, can spoil a person’s life, and the number 666, which has proven itself to be bad, may well contribute to the success of its owner and for him personally denote happiness. This happens for the reason that doubled or tripled numbers also have increased energy, while for most people their own numbers are harmonious, therefore such "beautiful" combinations on the car number can bring imbalance into the life of its owner, creating an energy advantage.

It is believed that the appearance of triple numbers in life can be significant and portend a twist of fate. Therefore, if you are considering purchasing lucky numbers per car, keep in mind that for this number it is not necessary to be “beautiful”.

Thus, knowing only the license plate and armed with numerology, you can understand whether it is worth buying a particular car.

Attention, only TODAY!

A lot can be said by the numerological expression of a car number.

It is it that determines how the car will behave on the road, what qualities it will endow with its owner, and even how long it will last. We will tell you about this today, but first, let's do some simple calculations.

How to calculate car number

  • First, add up the three main digits of the license plate, for example, 164, it turns out: 1 + 6 + 4 = 11. We collapse to the base number: 11=1+1=2.
  • Now in the same way we consider the region ( digital code license plate number of Russian regions), suppose that you have it on the 77th, respectively: 7+7=14, 14=1+4=5.
  • Let's sum these two numbers: 2+5=7. This will be the Number of the car, that is, based on our example, it is the “seven”.

Characteristics of car numbers

Car number 1

If you have a car with Number 1, then get ready for the fact that, sooner or later, you will not drive it, but he will drive you. You will have to pay much more attention to it than you originally planned, as you will have an irresistible desire to constantly improve something in it.

You will change covers for him, do tuning, decorate in the most unthinkable way, because you want him to be the most beautiful in the world. For you, the car will become not only a means of transportation, but also a way of active self-expression, so do not be surprised if at some point you decide to participate in some rallies or in specific car competitions. With proper care and reverence, your car will serve you for a very long time.

Car number 2

A car with the Number 2 promises to be a faithful assistant, it will never let you down, working properly and starting up even in the most hard frost. Moreover, it will become for you not just a means of transportation, but also in some way a reliable friend. You will feel very comfortable in it.

However, a machine with such a Number also has its own characteristics - it loves to be talked to. Therefore, if you have not yet given her a name, then do it as quickly as possible and refer to your transport more often. Do not consider this crazy - many motorists, including the stronger sex, know that the machine runs better if you communicate with it affectionately. By the way, the “two” car will help you become more sociable and tolerant.

Car number 3

If your car is a "troika", do not rush to rejoice and dream that, like the Russian troika of horses, it will famously rush across the expanses of our homeland. Alas, you got a capricious who will demand permanent repair, and, most likely, you will quickly want to change it to a more reliable car. Moreover, if you bought a used car, then most likely it has already been in the hands of more than one owner, and in its bowels there may be flaws that they “forgot” to warn you about.

However, not everything is so negative. The number 3 is great for family car, and if he will carry you, your soulmate and baby, he will be imbued with responsibility and will serve you faithfully until the composition of your family increases.

Car number 4

You can rely on a car with the Number 4 in extreme conditions, it will perfectly cope with any difficult task, but in a standard situation it can stall and refuse to function. He works great to overcome, but "bored" when everything is smooth and calm.
Give him an extra load more often, and then ordinary road he will perceive it as a rest, and not as a forced and unpleasant duty. And put a good “anti-theft” on it, because if you don’t arrange it with something, then with a simple alarm, it will easily allow itself to be stolen.

However, the car-"four" in any case will serve you in good stead. It will teach you how to act more radically, help you understand how you can quickly and productively deal with obstacles, and perhaps sooner or later push you to the most important decision in your life.

Car number 5

A car with the Number 5 is great for traveling, and the more varied your routes, the longer it will last you. However, at the same time, get ready for the fact that his energy will constantly push you to any offenses, and you will have to try very hard to control yourself, otherwise you will go broke on fines.

You should not indulge your desire to spend as much time as possible in the “five” car, otherwise at some point you will realize that you even want to spend the night in it, and not at home. Such a machine can make you a more restless and fussy creature or deprive you of other attachments and hobbies, so don't give it free rein. But if you are a homebody in life and do not really like noisy companies, your vehicle will turn you into a sociable and easy-going person.

Car number 6

A car with the Number 6 is just a godsend for a car enthusiast. He will become a reliable partner for you, will always help out in difficult times, will keep the road perfectly and mysteriously avoid accidents. True, only if you treat him with due respect and gratitude.

Do not forget to change the oil in time, wash your iron friend more often, buy beautiful accessories for him. In the interior of the “six” car, there should always be perfect order, and it is advisable to specially equip a place for its parking, and not leave it anywhere at night. If you spend a lot of time in your car, you will learn mutually beneficial partnerships, clearly understand what a sense of duty is, and you will also make many new friends.

Car number 7

On the “seven” car, you can’t scorch, break the rules and rush. He does not tolerate this, and therefore will either often stall, or even break down. But he will teach you slowness, a philosophical attitude to life and making informed decisions. You will become a little more withdrawn, but the problems that you provoked with your impulsive actions will disappear.

At the same time, be prepared for the fact that the most successful trips await you when you are alone in the car. Riding with fellow travelers is unlikely to be pleasant and productive. However, if those whom you take with you do not chat, laugh out loud and distract you from communicating with the car, then everything will turn out well. The main thing is to behave in the "seven" with restraint and decently.

Car number 8

A car with the Number 8 will become for you a confirmation of your status and not so much a means of transportation as a specific accessory. When you invest in it, you want to get some sort of return on it. He will have to emphasize your importance and amaze others with his solidity, even if in fact he has compact size and cheerful colors.

However, whatever its characteristics, it will lure financial luck to you, somehow help you earn money or “introduce” you to someone who will make you chic and profitable proposition. The main thing is to treat the G8 car as a full-fledged business partner, avoid familiarity and carry out all preventive work on time.

Car number 9

A car with the Number 9 is calm and intelligent, it is unlikely to cause you road problems, although it is better not to get involved in overtaking. The “Nine” is timid by nature, it has more feminine than masculine qualities, and therefore it is worth treating her like a beautiful lady - taking care of her, sparing her nerves and feelings, and protecting her from stressful situations. Your typewriter will like it if you decorate its interior with plush toys and flavors in beautiful boxes, but it is advisable to avoid aggressive things and colors.

You, in turn, will receive from your car the ability to subtly feel the situation, intuitively avoid danger and deftly maneuver not only on the road, but also in life. The “nine” will add both romanticism and good luck to you, especially if you tune in to her wave, listen to her desires and satisfy her needs.

A car is a thin thing, and only "thick-skinned" people think that it is just a pile of iron. In fact, a kind of soul lurks among the metal and parts, and if you take this into account, then your trips will become much more comfortable and, most importantly, safer.

Nadezhda Popova

Since ancient times, numbers have been used to characterize a person, draw up individual cards, divination and attract good luck. The numerology of the car number is an opportunity to improve the performance of the vehicle and protect it from accidents thanks to the right number plate.

Numerology will help you find the right car numbers

Numerology in everyday life

Numerology is the science of the numbers that surround a person. From birth, each person receives a unique code that describes the main features of his personality, helps to read the future and prevent problems in all areas of life, for example, when operating a vehicle.

Car numerology is the choice of a license plate using a special technique. The calculated code helps the owner find a "common language" with his car. Also a license plate matched with the help of the science of numbers:

  • prevents accidents and accidents on the road;
  • prolongs the life of the vehicle and indicates possible reasons sudden breakdowns;
  • reduces any costs associated with the vehicle.

The numerology of the car number allows you to use the car to your advantage and take care of your own safety.

Lucky Number Calculation

Numerology is based on the interaction of numbers with each other. To obtain the code, a simple calculation is carried out: they use the numbers with which a person is born or which are directly related to the car.

How to make a calculation:

  • the letters and numbers of the number are added;
  • the resulting numbers are summed up;
  • the resulting code reflects the future associated with that vehicle.

The calculation is carried out on ready-made numbers, if you need to find out how safe they are, or before choosing a new sign. All numbers must be prime and letters translated.

Method of calculation

In order to add a number series by license plate, in without fail each letter of the number is assigned a serial number. Without this condition, correct calculations it is forbidden. All letters of the number are written out separately and translated; their order is not important for calculations:

  • 1 - A, Z, O, H.
  • 2 - B, I, P, W.
  • 3 - V, I, R, SH.
  • 4 - G, Y, C, L.
  • 5 - T and Yu.
  • 6 - D, K, U, Z.
  • 7 - E, L, F.
  • 8 - E, M and X.
  • 9 - F, N, C.

After each letter has been assigned its own number, the total number series is written on the sheet. In the license plate, instead of letters, numbers are written, and this is how a number series is obtained. All numbers in the series are summed up until a simple code is obtained.

There are two exceptions to such calculations: if the sum results in the number 11 or 22, it is not simplified, because it has a certain value.

The meaning of the digital code

The resulting figures reflect the future of the car. They cannot fully describe what will happen and in what period of time. All that the numbers say is how the car will serve, what problems it will bring, or how it will make life easier for the individual. It is important that the machine is used after calculations. If the received code is translated negatively, the license plate can be replaced at any time.


The unit symbolizes purity. Such a car loves order, it needs frequent inspection and cleaning: both outside and inside. Such a machine has a special energy - the more they invest in it own will the longer it lasts. He does not like the car of sloppy owners - it will often fail without a good reason. Also, the vehicle will break down if it is often passed into the wrong hands. The owner must be alone.

To prevent dangerous situations on the road during the trip it is better to put on relaxing, calm music. You can’t swear or swear in the cabin - the vehicle reacts to such negativity.


Twos are assigned to naughty and capricious cars, which often do not start if the owner forgot to wash the interior the day before or did not take it to the workshop. Twos in the code mean frequent causeless breakdowns. At the energy level, breakdowns have reasons, and without constant energy cleansing, it will not be possible to correct the situation.

If you managed to calculate the code deuce, you need to take care of the car beyond the norm - conduct inspections, even if everything is working properly. Only a person with strong energy can possess such a tool. Behind the wheel, the driver must feel confident, the only way to get along with the "deuce".

Twos are inherent in capricious machines


The value of the triple is a calm, properly working car. General characteristics triplets:

  • obedient vehicle;
  • breakdowns, more often in tires, occur at the end of the journey, and not before the owner leaves;
  • the car requires minimal care and maintenance;
  • serves for a long time.

The triplet code is the most the best choice for a novice motorist, since it will not stall in the middle of the road, it will not cause increased stress for the owner. The driver always has a good, high spirits behind the roll of the "troika". Number 333 is the most positive sign for a motorist.


The value of the four is suitable for large vehicles: trucks or buses, fixed-route taxi. These are unpretentious vehicles that can be inspected or serviced infrequently. Usually, different energies are mixed in such cars during the day, but thanks to code 4, the driver does not suffer from mood swings. The “four” tolerates long distances well and does not break without a good reason.

At the same time, cars with fours attract strangers - policemen or thieves. Likes this type of transport upgrade or improvement of the original characteristics.

Fours are suitable for large vehicles


These are cars that love only the owner, extraneous energy leads to malfunctions. If such a car is stolen, it will not be possible to sell it quickly. The “five” loves attention: the more often it undergoes tuning, the longer it lasts. Likes frequent upholstery changes in the salon or painting in new color. Behind the wheel of such a car, excessive irritability can manifest itself - the driver will constantly be distracted from the road and create dangerous situations.


The value of the six is ​​​​one of the best for drivers. This type of transport is calm and does not create unnecessary problems. Buy "six" better for women, young drivers, those who are afraid to drive. "Sixes" rarely break down, once a year the car needs to be inspected and the oil changed, other costs are not needed. Simultaneously with the reliability of the car does not like great speed or racing.

This machine is designed for quiet safe ride. The vehicle responds well to independent work when the owner himself changes parts or engine oil.


If the license plate code is 7, this indicates a loss of concentration. The car itself will not bring trouble, but inside the cabin there will always be a tense atmosphere. Behind the wheel, the driver often enters into unnecessary thoughts and forgets to drive the car without creating emergencies. They do not like "seven" races or sharp maneuvers. The owners of such a car are people fixated on themselves, selfish, prone to cynicism.


This expensive funds movements with which the owner feels better than the surrounding people. The G8 is owned by self-confident, self-sufficient individuals who do not need the approval or help of society. The eight code is not suitable for trucks or old cars: in such cases, the license plate will lead to permanent breakdowns. If the figure eight is the code for a low-budget car, a person will feel inferior while driving it. Such a car will only harm insecure individuals.


Nine in numerology is an auspicious sign, because it indicates good luck. Nine speaks of comfort and safety. If this is the machine code, then there will be little problem with it. The energy of the car will enhance all the strongest personality traits - the longer the driver is behind the wheel, the more he is confident in own forces. Suitable for this number special machines- firefighters and ambulances.


Code sophisticated cars who must choose their own owner. If the temperaments of the driver and the car do not converge, breakdowns cannot be avoided. Such a car often breaks down if the driver doubts himself or cannot find a place in life. The attitude of the owner is important for the car: if it is neglectful, the car will break down and pull all the money out of the person.

Twenty two

22 in numerology is the number of the teacher. A car with this code always helps its owner. Such a car is suitable for scientists or artists, altruists or volunteers. A car with this sign is not suitable for the provision of pickup services. It is important to establish communication with the vehicle. Rough operation leads to constant breakdowns: if they are unreasonable, its owner needs to change his attitude towards the vehicle. If the "communication" is not established, the car can cause a serious accident. It depends only on the person how the car with the number code 22 will serve.

Principles of numerology

The lucky number depends on who owns the vehicle. When choosing a license plate, additional facts are taken into account.

  1. Zeros in the number, which are not taken into account in the calculation, indicate the number of Fortune. It helps a person or invites failure on him. The more zeros, the more unpredictable the car will be: on one day it works properly, on the second it breaks down sharply for no reason.
  2. If the number has 9, 8 or 4, the car will not last long. These are negative signs to watch out for. It will not be possible to predict the behavior of a car - at the most unexpected moment it can break down. Even if the final code has a positive value, such numbers completely level its value.
  3. Additionally, the received code is combined with the date of birth of the owner. These two codes should not run counter to each other. The code by date of birth is calculated according to the same principle: the number series is summed up. The received code helps to choose or change the license plate.

Zeros are numbers of fortune


Numerology helps not only in the characterization of personality, but also in other areas of life. When choosing a license plate for a car, it is necessary to calculate the general code: the resulting figure contains the “character” of the vehicle. The machine code consists of a prime number (from 1 to 9). Two additional codes- 11 and 22 are not simplified and are also translated. With the help of such a code, you can find out what to expect from the vehicle and how to behave in the event of a sudden breakdown.

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