What is the difference between overtaking and overtaking according to the rules. General principles for overtaking

What is the difference between overtaking and overtaking according to the rules. General principles for overtaking


Each driver in his automotive life can't move:

  • exclusively on a straight road;
  • at one speed;
  • without manoeuvring.

Most often, you just have to perform various actions - turns, turns, movement in reverse and other maneuvers.

All of the above elements are normal and natural conditions for the driver's activity. Therefore, the rules provide whole line special modes of movement or use vehicle, as well as situations in which the driver must comply with certain traffic rules.

Among the most important modes and situations, the following stand out:

  • advance;
  • overtaking;
  • stop;
  • parking;
  • forced stop;
  • let;
  • organized transport convoy;
  • organized transportation of a group of children.

Let's talk about them in more detail.


Perhaps the most common type of maneuver performed by the driver is rebuilding. The rules define it like this.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

« rebuilding"- leaving the occupied lane or occupied row while maintaining the original direction of movement.

In their driving practice, drivers (especially those living in big cities) cannot move in only one lane (or in one row). They are forced to rebuild from one lane (row) to another.

The purpose of the restructuring may be different.

  • for class extreme provisions before turning, turning;
  • to get ahead or overtake;
  • for a detour (for example, obstacles);
  • to make a stop or stop, etc.

At first glance, rebuilding may seem like a simple and elementary maneuver. But in reality this is not so. It is important to remember that when changing lanes, the driver is most often obliged to give way to vehicles that are already moving in the lane into which he is going to change lanes. And this rule is very often violated, which leads to an accident.

Therefore, the desire of the driver to take another lane for traffic must be preceded by a clear conviction that the indicated lane is free, and by his actions he will not interfere with those vehicles that move along it without changing their direction of movement.

It is important to remember that violation of the rules of rebuilding in dense traffic flow- one of the causes of conflicts on the road and, of course, accidents.

What is overtaking, advancing and detour

If the driver is not satisfied with the speed of the vehicle moving in front of him, then he, as a rule, decides to get ahead of him. The rules govern this situation.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

« Advance» - the movement of the vehicle at a speed, more speed accompanying vehicle.

Leading is most often associated with rebuilding from a lane or a row.

Traffic rules know two types of advance:

1) actually advancing - without leaving the lane (side of the road) for oncoming traffic;

2) overtaking - an advance associated with the exit to the lane (or side of the road) for oncoming traffic.

This issue is fundamental, because violation of the rules of overtaking is severely punished Russian legislation- a fine of 5000 rubles or deprivation driving license for a period of 4 to 6 months.

Properly qualifying overtaking (or lack thereof) will thus help you avoid serious legal trouble. What is "overtaking", according to traffic rules? For the driver, this knowledge is a priority.

Definition from the SDA (clause 1.2):

« Overtaking"- ahead of one or more vehicles associated with the exit to the lane (side of the carriageway) intended for oncoming traffic, and subsequent return to the previously occupied lane (side of the carriageway).

This definition is very capacious, and it requires additional commenting.

Overtaking is a maneuver that is performed exclusively using the oncoming lane - driving into it. This the most important criterion overtaking.

Let us make some remarks clarifying the concept of "overtaking".

1. The driver should not confuse "clean" lead and overtake.

Overtaking is always associated with the exit to the "oncoming" - oncoming lane or the side of the road that is used for oncoming traffic. That is why the concept of "overtaking" should be associated with the concept of "oncoming" by the driver.

The main rule that will allow the driver to protect his rights in front of an unscrupulous traffic police officer is: “If there was no exit to the oncoming lane, then this is not overtaking!”. And the punishment for overtaking will be an illegal action of a traffic police officer.

2. The driver should not confuse overtaking and detour.

The problem here is that the Rules don't personalize or give us the concept of "detour". Therefore, the driver must use common sense and logic when qualifying the concept of “detour”.

Overtaking is a maneuver associated with the advance of moving vehicles. A detour is carried out only in relation to a fixed object (and not necessarily a vehicle).

This is also a matter of principle, because the penalties for violating the rules of overtaking and the rules of passing (with driving into the oncoming lane) differ significantly.

A similar regime for the awareness of other road users is provided by the installation on a transport vehicle of a special identification sign - "Transportation of children". It is exposed in front and behind the vehicle.

Drivers approaching such a vehicle picking up or alighting children are subject to special requirements: they must slow down and, if necessary, stop to allow children on the road to pass.


Special driving modes, special ways of using the vehicle and special situations- a normal occurrence in practice traffic, and in the activity of the driver. As a rule, they all require the motorist to know the special rules provided for by traffic rules.

Thus, the rules of overtaking and advancing are regulated by the 11th section of the Rules, stopping and parking - by the 12th, etc. This is a testament to the importance and complexity of such modes, and the driver must be prepared for this.

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Overtaking is the most important topic in traffic rules. As a matter of fact, any topic needs to be learned, since everything that is in the rules will be useful in practical driving in the future. Therefore, it is worth talking about how overtaking is carried out, where it is prohibited, as well as everything else that may relate to this topic.


I would like to start with terminology. So, overtaking is the advance of a vehicle (one or several at once), which is directly related to the exit into the oncoming lane. After the maneuver is completed, the driver returns.

There is also a second term. And this is an advance. Many often confuse it with overtaking. What is the meaning of this concept? Everything is as simple as possible here. Leading is a process in which the driver of a particular vehicle moves at a speed that is higher than that of other passing cars. If we put it in other words, then this is just a situation when a car “bypasses” its neighbor. In this case, the driver does not change lanes into the oncoming lane, so this maneuver is considered much safer. Therefore, the terms should not be confused. Overtaking is one thing, and advancing is another.

The first thing to learn

In the 11th chapter, everything related to overtaking is described in great detail. And the first thing that the traffic rules book teaches is that before proceeding with the maneuver, the driver without fail must make sure that the lane where he intends to go is free. He must calculate whether he has enough time, and how high the probability is that during the implementation of his actions, a car will not appear in the oncoming lane. It is very important. Many drivers do not comply with this rule, and the result is usually disastrous. It is because of this that most accidents and deaths due to road accidents happen. Because two cars that “walked” at high speeds and collided with their front bumpers are, as a rule, victims.

All this gives rise to a law that says: if an accident occurs under the circumstances described above, then the fault always lies with the person who initiated the overtaking. This is logical and understandable. After all, it was the driver who did not calculate everything in advance, and began the maneuver without thinking about the consequences and simply without waiting.

Golden Rule #2

Another point that you need to learn by heart when reading the topic “Overtaking”. Traffic rules say: the driver of the car that they intend to overtake must not increase in this moment speed. On the contrary, it is recommended to reduce it. Because otherwise, the time that a person will have to spend on making a maneuver increases. Accordingly, he will drive longer in the oncoming lane, and this is at least several tens of meters. It is not necessary to specify what this is fraught with.


In addition to the above, there are many more nuances that also need to be considered. Overtaking is prohibited, for example, when the driver ahead overtakes someone else or tries to avoid an obstacle. Can't start yet this maneuver, if a car that was in the same lane gave a turn signal.

Also, a person, before starting to take actions to perform an action, must look into rear mirror. Because it is quite possible that the car behind him also decided to overtake. Traffic rules in such cases say that you need to wait, slow down (or at least not exceed) and only then, after checking everything again, do what you have planned.

And, of course, one more nuance. Overtaking is prohibited if the driver understands that after completing the maneuver he will not be able to return to his lane without interfering with other vehicles (including the overtaken one). Many motorists forget these simple provisions, which is why they get into accidents.

Speed ​​Matters

The rules for overtaking also dictate certain provisions regarding how fast a driver needs to move, who intends to make a named maneuver. This nuance is also important.

You can not start an action if the speed at which the car is moving is not enough for this. Let's say the vehicle in front has a speedometer of 85 km/h. If a person who wants to overtake him accelerates only to 80 km / h, in no case should you take action. Even if, in terms of speed, he bypassed his neighbor in lanes for several kilometers, it’s also not worth the risk. So, for example, if he managed to accelerate to 90 km / h, then in this case, in order to complete a full overtaking, it will take 180 meters. And the oncoming lane should be free for 360 meters. Why exactly? Everything is simple. 180 meters are needed for a person engaged in maneuvering, and the same amount for an oncoming car. This is the only way to avoid a collision.

Overtaking rules say - if a person catches up with the car in front too slowly, then it is better to abandon the plan. Because, having completed the action, the driver will automatically interfere with the car that just overtook. And it is possible that he, too, will decide to overtake. In general, in this case need high speed- it needs to be learned.

Where is it not allowed to maneuver?

Overtaking is prohibited in many places. Firstly - on regulated and (if a person is moving on the wrong road, which is the main one).

Secondly, overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is also strictly prohibited. (and the distance that is 100 meters before them), bridges, overpasses, tunnels (and also under them), the end of the ascent, dangerous turns, areas where visibility is limited - in all these places this cannot be done.

Eat certain situations with an intersection at which you can overtake the vehicle in front. First, it must be unregulated. Secondly, there must be no additional signs in front of the intersection (with the exception of signs numbered from 2.3.1. to 2.3.7). This means that the maneuver can be made only if the main road does not change its direction at this particular intersection.

It is also worth noting that earlier the rules allowed overtaking on pedestrian crossings if it was empty. But now everything has changed, and from now on this action is prohibited even if this section of the road is empty.

dangerous places

It is worth talking in more detail about those sections of the road where performing a maneuver not only threatens with a fine, but also with life. So, bridges, overpasses, overpasses and tunnels are just as dangerous as the oncoming lane. Overtaking, respectively, there should not be any.

In general, some bridges are sometimes built in such a way that it is impossible to see them from afar. And many drivers, in a hurry, start overtaking and, as a result, complete it on a bridge where passage is difficult. By the way, there are usually appropriate pointers. The overtaking sign is numbered as 3.20. It is easy to recognize - it shows two cars, the left of which is highlighted in red. Everything is clear, the meaning does not need to be explained.

More about signs

But when a person sees the pointer 3.26, then you can relax and proceed, after checking everything in advance, to the maneuver. This sign looks like the same 3.20, only both cars are gray and crossed out with five lines. This means the lifting of the ban.

Dangerous turns do not need any signs at all - they can be seen anyway. However, according to the rules they are established - 1.14, 1.11.1, 1.11.2. Seeing these signs, you need not only to delay the maneuver, but also slow down (with the exception of a steep climb).

And, finally, if visibility is limited in some area (there is such a road, or there are some structures there, or maybe the terrain is specific), then overtaking is also prohibited. In such situations, it is better to drive as carefully as possible and be as careful as possible. And, as you can already see, not so many characters need to be memorized. There are only two - one prohibition pointer, and the second cancel pointer, and they occur sequentially. The second - after some distance after the first.

Code provisions

Finally, it is worth noting that there is no separate article or punishment for overtaking illiterately. But there is the 12th chapter of the Code of Administrative Violations. There, in the fourth part, it says that driving into the oncoming lane or onto tram tracks (of course, also in the opposite direction) is punishable by a fine. Its size is five thousand rubles. The penalty for overtaking, as you can see, is not small. Also, the driver can be deprived of his rights. The term is usually 4-6 months. For many people, losing their driver's license in this way is the worst punishment, because many say that it is better to get a ticket for overtaking.

It should be noted that under this article, those drivers who overtake in wrong place. That is, where there were no permit signs.

Many people are interested in - is it possible to “exchange” the punishment? Instead of deprivation pay a fine? No, it all depends on the traffic police. Fine? So it will be so. Will the case go to court? Most likely, deprivation of rights threatens, but there, at the hearing, it will be possible to try to solve this problem and justify yourself.

Places to maneuver

Much has been said about where not to overtake. But what about where it can be? These places should also be listed. The so-called oncoming passing is allowed on two-lane highways. There, the center line looks like a broken marking.

You can also do this on the road where there are only three lanes. And they should also have broken lines. And, of course, roads with only two lanes, and the markings are combined, fall under the allowing category. That's where overtaking is allowed. But not all places have the appropriate signs, so it is desirable to remember all this. It won't be redundant.

What is not overtaking?

At the very beginning, it was said that many people are confused in the definitions of “overtaking” and “leading”. Now let's explain everything with examples.

Overtaking is not considered an advance that occurs within the same lane. Because if there is no intersection of horizontal markings, this was not an oncoming siding. Even overtaking can not be called an advance that does not go beyond the right half of the road. That is, the car also does not leave the oncoming lane.

And, finally, one more moment - the advance of the car, in which the person drove into the oncoming lane, but did not return to the side of the passing traffic. Curled, for example.

So, if you remember all of the above, then you can safely overtake. The main thing is to remember the rules.

Prior to the statutory changes adopted in the SDA until 2010, drivers were not aware of such a characteristic of the rules of the movement of the concept as advancing.

In 2019, a significant difference has been established between such concepts as overtaking and ahead.

Ignorance of such a distinction between concepts can have a detrimental effect not only on the driver, but also on his car and other road users.

For this reason, the question is which side overtaking allowed TS, as well as the concept of advance, especially with right side cars require more careful consideration.

Car overtaking, according to the updated rules, is the same advance of the vehicle while moving to the oncoming lane and then returning to its usual lane.

In other words, this action can be performed on the left side of the car.

As for the advance, according to the new rules, this is the movement of a car, in which two vehicles overtake each other without the need to enter the oncoming lane.

There is also such a common concept as rebuilding. This is an exit from the occupied lane or occupied row with full preservation of the original direction of movement.

There are certain differences between these concepts. For example, the advance of a car can be carried out at absolutely any moment, and overtaking is accompanied by certain prohibitive restrictions.

Overtaking on the right according to the traffic rules of 2019 is strictly regulated. This cannot be done only at pedestrian crossings, at intersections, at railway crossings, as well as at tunnels and overpasses.

Every driver needs to distinguish between these concepts, regardless of driving experience.. This is especially important for those who are not accustomed to using conventional multi-lane roads, as a misunderstanding and constant confusion between these concepts can lead to the creation of a large number of accidents caused by an attempt to overtake.

Video: Overtaking, advancing, oncoming traffic in simple words

Every modern driver understands that overtaking on the right at the formal level is prohibited in the current traffic rules. This rule is taken into account by default, despite the fact that the traffic rules do not say so.

For this reason, many drivers believe that since there is no direct ban, it is allowed. There is a certain norm for advancing the vehicle on the right side.

The advance of such a plan is directly related to moving to the oncoming lane. For the reason that in our country it is established Left side traffic, this means that in fact the traffic rules completely lack the concept of overtaking on the right side.

In fact, this is evidence that Russian rules permitted and prohibited situations on the right are not provided.

At the moment, there are two main types of advancing a car, each of which is allowed by the rules of the road:

  1. Overtaking a vehicle without changing lane. In this case, the vehicle is ahead of another due to its higher speed.
  2. There is also an advance with a departure to a different lane. If the movement is made on the left side, the advance, which provides for overtaking, will be carried out with the exit to oncoming traffic. If the movement is carried out on the middle lane, it is permissible to overtake on the left lane.

IN current rules movement, there are a number of other indirect requirements that do not provide the opportunity to overtake on the right. The exception here is turns and interchanges to the left, on the basis of which it is necessary to move the car on the left.

If the movement is carried out on the right side, if there is a desire to overtake the vehicle on the right side, the driver will need to first drive to the side of the road, which is strictly prohibited by traffic rules.

If the movement is carried out in the middle lane and if you want to overtake the car on the right side, it will be able to move in the right lane at a speed that does not exceed the speed of a car traveling in the middle lane.

Based on this, we can conclude that this manipulation will violate another paragraph of the traffic rules, therefore the legislator did not provide for separate points of responsibility for overtaking on the right.

Despite the absence of specific rules for overtaking on the right side, it is strictly forbidden to do so.. These are the most dangerous maneuvers on the road, which can lead to accidents!

In most cases, overtaking on the right side is carried out on the side of the road or on sidewalks.. The prohibition on these manipulations is indicated in clause 9.9.

The driver in this case, when caught in the attention of the traffic police, will be punished with fines simultaneously for two violations - the implementation of the most prohibited maneuver, as well as for driving along the side of the road and along the sidewalk.

There are certain concessions in this case, but they do not apply to drivers of vehicles, but to drivers of mopeds and bicycles.

They are allowed to drive vehicles on the side of the road, unless specially designated lanes are provided for this purpose. Also, the permit to drive vehicles applies to drivers whose age has reached 14 years.

There is no need to list and consider cases concerning cyclists, it is worth studying in more detail the situations when overtaking is carried out by vehicles that are equipped with more powerful car engines.

As soon as certain changes appeared in modern traffic rules, numerous disputes arose as to what should be considered overtaking on the right, as well as how lawful such a maneuver is under various circumstances.

According to the classic formula, overtaking on the left side is one of the most dangerous maneuvers carried out while driving a car, it requires special training.

Drivers with great experience driving in similar situations operate automatically. Actions with such a maneuver, it is desirable to carry out the following:

Such manipulations will avoid possible danger in the form of a car that is standing or slowly driving along the side of the road. In addition, such maneuvers can be dangerous if the ascent ends or adverse weather conditions occur.

When overtaking on the right side, such manipulations will be quite difficult to perform. With this form of lead, it will be very difficult for the overtaking driver and the overtaking driver to safely overtake the car on the right side.

There is one more small detail, when overtaking on the right. In the city, in this case, on the right side there are ways for the movement of the tram.

According to traffic rules, according to their status, rail tracks can be classified as continuous separation lanes.

Many people wonder when overtaking on the right is allowed. Here it can be noted that overtaking on the right side, following the tracks, is possible only in two exceptional cases:

  1. In order to unload the road, if the lanes are very crowded.
  2. Detour or overtake.

Other reasons for the described topic cannot be attributed, respectively, they do not deserve attention. Possible check-in on the path of oncoming traffic rail transport very severely punished. Here, overtaking on the right is even more strictly prohibited.

As such, there is no "overtaking on the right" violation. Accordingly, the usual punishments are not relevant here.

At the same time, many drivers constantly complain that the practice of such overtaking is quite popular.

If the driver is caught in such a process, a fine is charged for such a violation as driving a car along the side of the road.

Driving on sidewalks or on the side of the road is a violation of an administrative rule. In this case, the driver is fined, the amount of which is 1500 rubles.

If, in the course of the proceedings, traffic police officers establish not just a movement along the side of the road, but an unlawful advance, the fine for overtaking on the right will be 5,000 rubles.

If the driver in the process of overtaking vehicles passes through tram tracks, for such a violation, a fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for up to 6 months may be imposed.

Fines for moving along the side of the road are not assigned in cases where this form of movement is forced.

The reason for this may be factors such as damage to the roadway, emergencies blocking and blocking normal passage.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that if it becomes necessary to make a detour of any obstacle or a moving car on the right side, it is not prohibited by modern traffic rules.

If, nevertheless, it became necessary to carry out an advance on the right, it is advisable to pay attention to such factors of caution. Here are the most basic ones:

You need to know how best to behave if another road user is overtaking on the right. You should not make sudden movements and sounds, it is better to let the driver who breaks the law calmly overtake on the right side.

Safety should always be a priority! In addition, a driver who prevents other road users from making a maneuver will bear certain administrative responsibility.

Summing up

In the process of moving along the highway, the driver is required to be extremely careful, strict observance of the rules of the road.

It must be remembered that all traffic rules created for the most part on the basis of real cases of those drivers who got into difficult accidents.

Road safety is priority which all participants must strive to achieve.

One of the main criteria is the fulfillment of the requirements of traffic rules. Despite the extreme simplicity and accuracy in the formulation of the fundamental theses of this legal document, their incorrect misinterpretations often occur. As a consequence, this leads to dangerous situation. In particular, one can often encounter the fact that people confuse the concepts of overtaking and advancing. This will be discussed further.

The concept of overtaking and advance

First you need to decide what is considered overtaking and what is ahead. This will make it possible to distinguish between these concepts to a large extent.

Overtaking is such a maneuver during the movement of the vehicle, in which the driver leaves the lane he occupies, overtakes the vehicle moving in front and returns to his lane.

The advancing is not connected with the exit to the oncoming lane and is carried out within the limits of one's own lane. This maneuver may not be combined with the exit from your own lane (if there are many lanes) and is never associated with the exit into the oncoming lane. In addition, even if the advance was made with the departure of your own lane, but within the carriageway of passing traffic, it is not necessary to return to the previously occupied lane.

The main difference between overtaking and advancing is precisely the exit into the oncoming traffic lane, although it is not the only one. Here it can be noted that overtaking is possible only to the left of the vehicle in front, and advance can be carried out both on the left and on the right.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that overtaking is an advance in any case, but not every advance is overtaking. These concepts should be as clearly distinguished as possible, since confusion can lead to serious consequences.

Rules for overtaking and advancing

Before starting an overtaking maneuver, the driver must complete a series of simple but binding rules. Among these conditions are the following:

  • It is necessary to make sure in advance that the oncoming lane, to which it is planned to exit, is free at a sufficient distance for maneuvering. Ideally, oncoming traffic should not be within sight, or it should be as far away as possible.
  • You need to make sure that the maneuver will not interfere with other road users.
  • Before starting to overtake, visually check with the help of the rear-view mirrors that the vehicle moving behind has not already started the overtaking maneuver.
  • It is not allowed to "overtake a locomotive", that is, a maneuver in which several vehicles overtake it, following each other.
  • Turn on the appropriate turn signals before starting any manoeuvre.

As for the advance, everything is relatively simpler here. To maneuver, it is enough to use the direction indicators and be guided common sense while maintaining the speed limit.

Penalties for violations

As for the sanctions that a violation of the rules of the road in relation to the “overtaking” maneuver entails, for 2016 it is planned to impose an administrative fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months.

In conclusion, it should be added that the SDA cannot be considered in parts. It is possible to study the document in this way, but the set of rules acquires a complete understanding with the comprehensive observance of their requirements.

In some cases experienced drivers not able to clearly understand, overtaking and leading, what is the difference, what do these concepts mean.

Experienced drivers, and even more so beginners, often face similar difficulties. Often the lack of such knowledge leads to an unexpected meeting with the inspectors and to emergency collisions.

The vehicle, as practice shows, is the source heightened danger, therefore, the driver in the process of carrying out the appropriate maneuver must clearly understand what he is doing - overtaking or advancing.

Concepts of overtaking and advance

Before studying the features and differences between overtaking and advancing, it is necessary to find out what these concepts mean, that is, what is overtaking and what is advancing.

Leading is the movement of a vehicle along the highway at a speed exceeding the number of cars traveling nearby. Such a maneuver is carried out strictly within the boundaries of its intended movement.

Overtaking is a certain form of advancing one, two or more cars with simultaneous departure to the opposite lane and with a mandatory return to their original lane or part of the carriageway.

Overtaking is not always traffic violation. If road markings allows this process to be carried out, if there are no signs prohibiting overtaking, if overtaking is carried out in accordance with all the rules, it will not be a violation of the law.

The difference between overtaking and leading

Answering the popular question, what is the difference between advancing and overtaking, it can be noted that from the point of view of standard traffic rules, these are fundamentally different terms and actions. This is the difference between overtaking and advancing according to the rules of traffic rules.

It should be noted right away that overtaking is a more dangerous maneuver.

In these cases, it is directly related not only to the usual advance of a number of moving cars, but to such accompanying processes as:

  • maneuvering to the left;
  • exit to a standard oncoming lane or to a nearby lane;
  • subsequent return to the original track.

The implementation of standard overtaking must be treated with special care, since there are enough a large number of restrictions and prohibitions on the commission of this process.

Leading is a movement that is carried out within the boundaries of the road belonging to the driver according to the rules of the road.

At the same time, the speed of movement exceeds speed indicators nearby vehicles.

In this case, there is no exit to the adjacent oncoming lane, respectively, there is no return of the car to the previously occupied by it road lane and side.

The procedure for overtaking or advancing is not the only difference between these operations. One of the main differences between overtaking and advancing is that the second can be carried out both on the left side and on the right.

In addition, overtaking, as a maneuver, is strictly limited by traffic rules, moreover, it is prohibited in most situations. There are no such restrictions to advance. Drivers have the right to do it in any situation.

An exception can only be very dense traffic, when all lanes on the highway are occupied by vehicles.

Video: SDA 2019. Topic: Overtaking, ahead, oncoming traffic in simple words

As a conclusion, it can be noted what penalties exist for not incorrect overtaking.

The modern administrative code does not provide for precisely prescribed sanctions for incorrectly carried out overtaking. At the same time, one should not forget that the overtaking may be accompanied by a standard exit into the lane of oncoming traffic.

In 2019, article 12.15 part 4 is used to punish the driver. Depending on the complexity of the violation, the driver may be fined up to 5,000 rubles.. It can also be deprivation of a person driving license for about 4-6 months.


Summing up, it can be noted that the SDA does not need to be considered in parts. Studying established rules in a similar way is possible, but to fully understand the set of conditions, it will be necessary to comply with all requirements in a comprehensive manner.

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