Dynamic stabilization system what. Purpose and principle of operation of the ESC system

Dynamic stabilization system what. Purpose and principle of operation of the ESC system


In the mid-1990s, a significant step was taken towards safe driving car, namely, an electronic stability control system (ESC) was created.
The developer of this system is the German auto concern Bosch. This system was first installed on Mercedes-Benz S-Class and BMW 7 Series. On this moment this system is known by various names, for example, Audi calls it ESP, Ford calls it Advance Trac, GM calls it Stabilitrak, Porsche calls it Porsche Stability Management.
All of these systems, regardless of their name, use sensors that, together with an electronic control unit (ECU), assist the driver when necessary.

There is an opinion that what more powerful car the less controllable it is. In fact, any car can deviate from the course by slippery road. Poor vehicle handling is manifested in a situation where the front wheels do not provide enough traction, if the driver wants to turn, and the car continues to move forward. With excessive control, everything happens the other way around, when turning the car deviates to a greater angle than the driver intended, forcing rear wheels slide and the car rotate. Electronic system stability control helps to avoid these situations.

To solve emerging problems, the system electronic stabilization has access to other vehicle systems. These systems include anti-lock and traction control. The center of the ESC system is the rotation sensor. They try to place it as close as possible to the center of the car. If you are sitting in driver's seat, then the rotation sensor is located under the right elbow somewhere between you and the passenger.

How does a rotation sensor work?
The rotation sensor monitors the rotation of the vehicle around the Z-axis. If the vehicle skids while cornering, the ESC system detects this and takes action to stabilize the vehicle's position. ESC has all the modern electronic systems of the car at its disposal, so it can activate one or more brakes, depending on the situation, and change the throttle opening angle to reduce the speed of movement. The ESC electronic control unit detects the difference between the steering wheel angle and the direction of the car, and makes corrections so that the direction of the car coincides with that which the driver intended.

Components of the electronic stabilization system.
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) uses two other systems, ABS and traction control, as well as several sensors. Thus, through ABS, ESC can act on one specific wheel or all at once, as needed, which the driver cannot do.
For traffic safety, ESC controls the traction of the car and if a sharp increase in the speed of rotation of one of the driving wheels is detected (which means loss of traction and the start of slipping), the electronic unit control takes action to reduce traction and/or brake that wheel.
To reduce thrust, the following methods can be used (depending on the implementation of the system):

  • cessation of sparking in one or more of the cylinders;
  • reduction of fuel supply to one or more cylinders;
  • cover throttle valve(if it is connected electronic control);
  • changing the ignition timing;
If there is a difference between the steering angle and the direction of the vehicle, then the ESC will act as a traction control system by controlling the throttle to reduce speed and the ABS will act on right wheels(or wheel).
difference ESC systems and ABS is as follows, ESC controls the movement of the car from side to side around the vertical axis, and ABS forwards and backwards.

During ESC work receives information from three types of sensors:

  • Sensor angular velocity wheel is located on each wheel and measures the speed of its rotation;
  • The steering wheel angle sensor is located on the steering column and captures which direction the driver has chosen using the steering wheel;
  • The vehicle rotation sensor is located in the middle of the vehicle, monitors the rotation of the vehicle around the vertical axis;
  • Lateral acceleration sensor: located next to the rotation sensor and monitors the acceleration of the car to the left - to the right;
Benefits of electronic stability control.
Most important role ESC plays into traffic safety by reducing the number of severe accidents. Electronic Stability Control, along with other safety and control systems found on board modern vehicles, can help the driver maintain control on the road. ESC does not get rid of accidental collisions with other cars, there are other systems for this. One of them measures the distance between the front bumper of your car and rear bumper the vehicle in front, preventing the distance from being reduced below a certain value. ESC comes into action when wheel slip means loss of vehicle control, whether there is anyone on the road or not.

ESC three-letter abbreviation: Electronic control stability (in vehicle) Electronic cruise control (in radio controlled model) European Confederation of Shooting Sports Eden Synthetic Corps music group Others ... ... Wikipedia

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Ctrl Button Ctrl (short for Control, pronounced /kənˈtrοl/) is a system button (key) on a computer keyboard. On modern x86 keyboards, "PC" is in the lower left and right corners of the alphanumeric block. On computers ... ... Wikipedia

Ctrl Button Ctrl (short for Control, pronounced /kənˈtrοl/) is a system button (key) on a computer keyboard. On modern x86 keyboards, "PC" is in the lower left and right corners of the alphanumeric block. On computers ... ... Wikipedia

Ctrl Button Ctrl (short for Control, pronounced /kənˈtrοl/) is a system button (key) on a computer keyboard. On modern x86 keyboards, "PC" is in the lower left and right corners of the alphanumeric block. On computers ... ... Wikipedia

Ctrl Button Ctrl (short for Control, pronounced /kənˈtrοl/) is a system button (key) on a computer keyboard. On modern x86 keyboards, "PC" is in the lower left and right corners of the alphanumeric block. On computers ... ... Wikipedia

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In most countries, the system course stabilization ESP has become a mandatory component passenger cars. Based on this, we can say that ESP is an important part of the systems that ensure road safety. Let's see how good the system is dynamic stabilization and briefly discuss how it works.

Why is this needed?

To answer the question of why dynamic stabilization is needed, let's first find out how the car goes into a skid.

turn it pretty dangerous area road, where all sorts of troubles can happen. Especially if it's a closed turn and you can't see who is moving towards you. But now it's not about that.

For successful completion turn, you, as the driver, slow down a little, turn the steering wheel and the car starts moving according to the angle you turned steering wheel.

So far everything is going fine. But what happens if you don't slow down? Or more importantly, increase it as you enter a turn.

When driving along a curve, the vehicle is affected, among others, centrifugal force. And at the moment when this force becomes greater than all other forces, including the friction force of the wheels with the road, the car begins to skid.

A bit of simple physics: centrifugal force is a force that acts from the center of the circle, outward (Very approximate wording, since this is not the essence of the article).

So, the ESP stability control system was created in order to prevent situations when your car goes into a skid, which means it becomes practically uncontrollable, which can lead to the most serious consequences.

How it works?

The principle of operation of the ESP dynamic stabilization system is based on the constant monitoring of information received from speed sensors, the difference between the angle of the vehicle and the steering wheel, as well as other indicators. Based on the information received, the computer, which is the basis of the stability control, decides whether everything is fine, or whether it is already necessary to intervene and correct the situation.

A short video on how the stability control system works

Dynamic ESP stabilization. ESP uses the speed sensors used by the ABS, as well as the ability of the braking system to respond quickly to changing conditions.

The main reason for mixing the ESP system into driving is the difference between the angle of the steering wheel and the angle of the car. This indicator indicates whether a skid has occurred or not.

How does dynamic stabilization improve the situation? This happens by reducing the speed of rotation of certain wheels, depending on how and in which direction your car skids. Moreover, it decreases overall speed vehicle. Thus, the machine returns to its original trajectory of movement and everyone remains whole, unharmed and with a balanced nervous system.

Most often, the driver does not even notice that his car was supposed to break into a skid, because the ESP stability control system reacts very quickly to the situation. Reading information from all sensors occurs 50 times per second, so the reaction to a change is really very fast.

Many names - one essence

The main and most significant manufacturer of equipment for exchange rate stabilization is Bosch, and just their product is called ESC - electronic stability control. But in our world there is no uncompetitive production, and therefore there are several more companies producing the same equipment, but under different names.

So do automakers. various brands machines install these mechanisms, giving them different names. Below we will provide you with a table that briefly compares the cars and the names of the stabilization systems installed in them.

They all have the same principle of operation, and the table will help you not to get confused in the abundance of words meaning the same thing.

Name of the stability control system Car brands
ESP Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Chery, Chrysler, Citroen, Dodge, Diamler, Fiat, Holden, Hyundai, Jeep, Kia, Seat, Skoda, mercedes benz, Opel, Peugeot, Proton, Renault, Saab, Scania, Smart, Suzuki, Vauxhall, Volkswagen
ASC, ASTC Mitsubishi, BMW
ESC Chevrolet, Hyundai, Kia Skoda, Lada
VDC Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Subaru, Nissan
VSA Acura, Hyundai, Honda
MSP Maserati
CST Ferrari
DSTC Volvo
PSM Porsche
VDIM, VSC Toyota, Lexus
RSC Ford
DSC BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover, Mazda, Mini, Ford - Australian market only

This is a relatively short list, in fact, there are much more varieties of names for systems that provide exchange rate stability. But in the main they intersect - this is work in order to avoid critical situations and keep the safety of the driver and passengers intact.

Be afraid of an experienced driver

In normal driving modes, ESP is always on, no matter what speed or road you are driving on.

However, for fans of road extreme there is a button to turn off the stabilization of your car. True, manufacturers do not add such a function in all models. For example, in business class cars, most often dynamic stabilization is not turned off.

The meaning of disabling exchange rate stability is that experienced driver maybe, for his own pleasure, create a controlled skid of a car or give gas when exiting a turn, which will lead to a slight skid of the rear wheels.

With the exchange rate stability system turned on, it is not possible to do this, since the electronics will stop these attempts at the very initial stage.

But we are all human and everyone can make mistakes, and therefore by turning off exchange rate stability, you take full responsibility for the risk. And this is not only a risk to you, but also a danger to other road users.

Good afternoon, dear readers.

In this article from the "Car Security Systems" series, we will talk about system active safety ESP. ESP - Electronic Stability Program - dynamic stabilization system or directional stability system. Just like the series discussed in the previous article, the ESP system does not serve to eliminate an accident, but to prevent it.

However, unlike the same one, the dynamic stabilization system is still not too widespread, and on relatively inexpensive foreign and even more so domestic cars it is still impossible to meet her.

I believe that this is a matter of time, and in 5 years esp will become the generally accepted standard, and cars without this system will simply not be produced.

It's time to move on to a detailed review of the system, but first I want to give an example of a situation in which esp could help avoid an accident.

Situation in which ESP could prevent an accident

So, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the video in which the car gets into a skid on a dry road and provokes an accident:

As you already understood when watching the video, the culprit of the accident is a car that got into a skid. Although, in fact, almost all participants in the incident violate.

The ESP system allows you to avoid just such skids, for example, that occur when a wheel or several wheels of a car hit the roadside.

How the dynamic stabilization system works

I will try to describe the principles of the dynamic stabilization system as simply as possible so that you do not have any questions.

ESP works like this: The system monitors the position of the vehicle's steering wheel and its actual direction of travel. As long as the car is driving strictly in the direction of the steering wheel, the system does not interfere with the work.

However, in the event that the vehicle's trajectory suddenly ceases to correspond to the position of the steering wheel (this can happen in the event of skidding or drifting), the system will immediately intervene and help the driver avoid an accident.

Of course, in reality, the operation of the system is more complicated. ESP is an extension and largely uses the devices and mechanisms that are present in ABS. However, ESP also requires an accelerometer (a sensor that determines the actual direction of the car) and a sensor that determines the position of the car's steering wheel.

In the event of a discrepancy in the results of the two above sensors, the system limits the braking force applied to one or more wheels (forcing them to slow down less), and in some cases intervenes in the operation of the engine (forcing the car to accelerate or slow down).

IN modern cars there are many various systems designed to improve road safety. One of them is ESP, or Electronic Stability Program. What it is, not every driver knows. Let's see what is hidden under these letters and what advantages this complex gives to the driver of the car. Reading!


The system was developed on the basis of ABS. On the one hand, this is a complex that is connected to the ABS, but the main part of the system is still unique. IN this case we are talking about a sensor responsible for the angle of rotation of the steering wheel.

In addition, the operation of the stability control system becomes almost impossible if there is no information about real position and car turns. So, when there are different data and readings from several sensors that monitor the steering wheel and the body, the EPS starts to automatically brake to prevent a possible skid. The braking process can start both on all wheels, and on one or two.

How does it work?

Electronic ESP is needed to eliminate emergencies when the person behind the wheel almost loses control. Most often, sensors and electronics predict when the driver is at risk of getting into difficult situation, and stabilize the position of the car by braking individual wheels. For example, when entering a corner at high speed, the discs will begin to shift from their normal trajectory. Will work at the moment ESP sustainability). It activates the pads and, by slowing down slightly, will help the car get back on a safe course. In this case, the person behind the wheel will not lose control of the car. The main thing is that ESP (if it is not turned off intentionally) works at any time and regardless of speeds or revolutions. crankshaft at the critical second.

Some believe that ESP is the most effective that there is today. Its main advantage is to compensate for the shortcomings of human driving skills and to neutralize skids. But don't assume that ESP (Stability Program) is a panacea for all ills. Small turning radii or too high speed of a car cannot break the system, but the electronics may simply not have time to perform calculations and assess the situation. So, this is the popular and most famous driving safety solution. Automotive manufacturers may call this system in different ways, but the essence is always the same. The main function is to keep track of the indicators of lateral dynamics and help the driver. However, this is not all possibilities. Grip is constantly monitored and the car does not deviate from the path. Today, the VSC, EPS or DSC stability control system is able to function in any conditions. But developers are forced to constantly make changes to the algorithms.

From the history of ESP

The very first assistant complex, which was designed to monitor the trajectory of the car, is the “Control Device”, developed and patented by Daimler-Benz. But due to the possibilities of that time, it did not work out to implement a system for automatically adjusting the course of a car.

Only in 1994 was the first really working and efficient system course stability. What it is, we have already found out. A year after this complex was shown, it began to be installed on the Mercedes CL-600. And in two years, ESP will become almost an integral part of the electronic equipment of all Mercedes models, regardless of the configuration.

"ESP - to the people"

Now everything is much simpler - such a system is available in almost any car, even in the average configuration. But if the systems stability control was not included in the configuration, many automakers offer it as an option. True, you have to pay a lot for this.

Installing a stability control system will allow you to feel more confident on the road in any conditions. But if you look at the offers of serious and popular auto brands (Ford, Volkswagen and others European brands), then even in basic equipment There is a security complex.

How ESP works

Modern I&Cs are related to ABS. And it is almost impossible to imagine how the VSC system works without a connection to the slip protection and without communication with the ECU. Many responsible nodes are simultaneously involved in this complex.

The device of the SKU complex

If you imagine the I&C device as a structure, it is a mass of sensors and controllers that allow you to receive information about the movement of the car from the ECU, and then, if necessary, control the engine and brakes in order to return the car to controllability and stability.

For those who do not know how the stability control system works, there are only two elements that are most important. This is an angular rate sensor and a G-sensor (or an accelerometer). The latter is responsible for measuring lateral acceleration. The above elements are connected both to each other and to the control electronics. When the car slides sideways, the system determines if it is dangerous. After analyzing the numbers, the data enters the ESP block. The control system then reacts to the parameters and either activates the actuators or does nothing. He knows very well how much the steering wheel turns, at what speed the car is traveling, whether skidding is dangerous and whether it is necessary to start the emergency control system. Information from the sensors comes instantly.

Important feature

It is necessary to consider one more feature that the exchange rate stability system has. What it is? Due to the fact that the system is connected to the main sensors in the chassis of the car, ESP is able to compare the numbers with the actual behavior of the car.

That is, the computer determines whether the behavior of the car differs from the calculated figures. If the parameters are seriously different, then the controlling unit will correct the figure and return the actual data to normal limits. This helps to avoid dangerous situations.

ESP mechanism

The work is based on engine control, steering and braking system. To return the vehicle to the calculated course, the system will initiate the braking process on all or individual wheels. SKU is able to determine by how much it is necessary to reduce the speed of the wheels. In this case, the braking process is performed by several systems. ABS changes the pressure in the fuel supply to the combustion chambers decreases, therefore, the speed on the wheels also decreases.

When ESP can be disabled

Sometimes, when you need to control the car masterfully, on difficult areas, a system that in 95% of cases helps to avoid terrible accidents, can play a cruel joke with a professional driver. However, the manufacturers have foreseen this moment. Now, even with basic ESP, this system can be turned off depending on the situation. In some vehicles equipped with electronic assistants, ESP may work in various modes- full and partial security.

In the latter case, small drifts and slips are allowed. That is, when setting the average level, nothing will interfere with the driver. But in the event of a real danger, the stability control system is fully activated. What it is? This electronic assistant which helps to avoid accidents.


In general, SKU is unique system that has already saved millions of lives. However, no one has yet been able to deceive physics, and the possibilities of electronics are far from limitless. And you can find out if there is a stability control system in the car in the instructions. Do not turn it off if you do not have much driving experience. Especially when it comes to driving on a snowy road.

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