Which Chinese outboard motors are better. Reliability of Chinese outboard motors: is it worth buying? Most comfortable to work

Which Chinese outboard motors are better. Reliability of Chinese outboard motors: is it worth buying? Most comfortable to work

Chinese market outboard motors has long been formed quality brands, although there are still low-quality and weak representatives on sale. In Russia, most customers use Chinese motors for boats, and in order to choose normal motor You don't have to be an expert in this area.

In the range of stores you can find such popular brands as Hidea, Fisher, HDX, Sail, Yamasibi, Sailor. And the choice does not stop there, the assortment is incredibly large. They choose a product according to which is the most reliable Chinese outboard motor, then look at the price and characteristics. Sometimes it is better to choose a less powerful model, but with a good reputation and high reliability.

Also keep in mind that most brands from the Middle Kingdom do not want to create their own unique developments, so many technologies are taken from other popular manufacturers. Most noticeable is the copying of well-known motors from Mercury and Yamaha, which can also be called a plus. Indeed, sometimes it is better to buy a cheaper motor with the same characteristics, especially if the budget is limited.

Features of Chinese motors

Many choose Chinese products precisely because of the cheap cost, so many models are used around the world. The production technology is quite simple - the manufacturer takes the technology already created by well-known brands, uses cheaper labor and lower quality spare parts.

Although some manufacturers partially purchase parts from American and Japanese manufacturers. Unfortunately, every year the number of branded spare parts in Chinese engines is reduced due to the high final cost.

Should I trust Chinese boat technology? Many people have stereotypes that Chinese motors break down quickly and are not suitable for Russian use. In fact, a couple of brands are able to compete with American manufacturers which has long been proven. The reliability of such motors is confirmed by the passage of each batch of international certification, because before the release of the model, all components and parts are carefully checked.

When buying a Chinese outboard motor, it is important to consider the reputation of the manufacturer. It is better to choose models with less power, but with a good reputation. It is also necessary to remember that many Chinese brands do not want to create something exclusive, and copy the models of their well-known competitors. Therefore, you can buy products with the same characteristics, but at a lower cost. Many Chinese manufacturers use American or Japanese parts. But thanks to the lower cost of labor force, the cost of the final product is several times less than that of their American or Japanese counterparts. The main indicator good motor, is considered power. They are available in the following categories:

  • from 2 to 6 hp;
  • from 7 to 15 hp;
  • from 15 hp

In the first case, he will be able to accelerate the ship to a speed of 10 km / h. They do not cope well with the current, so it is better to use in calm waters. In the second case, we are talking about models that have 2 cylinders. With such a motor, you can move at speeds up to 30 km / h. Well, the latter option is great for use on large ships or for transporting large cargo. But for lovers of hunting or fishing, it is better not to use them, as they consume a large number of fuel.

What is the power of Chinese outboard motors?

Before buying, the boat owner should evaluate how high the requirements for the outboard motor are. The main indicator is the total power produced by the motor. Keep in mind that the most unverified brands may lie a little about power, indicating higher figures.

Motors can be divided into the following categories:

  • 2 to 6 HP - the simplest and weakest for Chinese motors indicators capable of moving at a speed of about 10 km / h. Motors are bought for use in calm rivers and lakes, they work poorly against the current.
  • From 7 to 15 hp - can have up to 2 cylinders, Weight Limit is also within 35 kg. If you put the motor under the right boat, you can develop top speed at 30 km/h. Great option for long-distance races on medium-sized reservoirs.
  • From 15 hp - quite powerful units and are suitable either for transporting goods or for professional purposes. Motors for amateur fishing or walking are not suitable, because they consume a lot of fuel. Also known for high top speed.

Which Chinese brand to choose?

Based on numerous reviews, we have compiled a rating of trusted brands from China. Let's take an example of a pair of manufacturers.


Pretty well-known brand with a large range, head and reducer show excellent performance and reliability, but sometimes the reliability of electronics is lame. This is probably due to the fact that the Chinese have not achieved the knowledge that Japanese engineers have. It makes no sense to compare with Japan and America, but in its price category this is one of the leaders. The motors work out their cost by 100%, the reviews are mostly positive.


An excellent proven brand, one of the leaders in Europe and can boast of having international quality certificates. Prices are quite affordable for residents of Russia, power can be selected from several models. The simplest and most interesting is the Hondex 2.5 BMS outboard motor, it received an engine capacity of 75 cm3, a 5-liter fuel tank is provided, and the launch is carried out manually. According to the standard budget model controlled by a tiller.

You can pay attention to the F5 BMS model, the working volume has increased to 112 cm3, the built-in tank was 3 liters. The quality and reliability of the motor is one of the best, it works in 4-stroke mode and has a quite average weight of 24.5 kg.


Relatively new brand on Chinese market, but already presented himself quite well interesting models With various characteristics. Interesting is the fact that the motor is sold in the US and Canada.

Important! The Parsun brand is featured on Russian market under a different name - Golfstream.

An interesting representative of the middle class is the T2 BMS engine, which operates in 2-stroke mode and has 1 cylinder. more advanced and powerful model can be called F2.6 BMS.


China makes everything, including outboard motors. It must be said that Chinese manufacturers do not spend much on the development of new engines, new fuel injection systems, new ignition systems. Almost everything is copied from engines of well-known manufacturers.

And perhaps some changes have been made to the design of the motor housing. This is the reason for the low price of Chinese outboard motors. But it must be said that not all Chinese engines are of the same quality.

Top quality outboard motors Chinese made- these are those that are delivered to the countries of Europe, the USA, Canada. This is due to the fact that boat engines in these countries, rather stringent requirements are imposed, both for performance and for environmental cleanliness.

What outboard motors are produced in China

1. Engines for domestic consumption in China.

Most often, these motors are produced by small manufacturing companies. In order to reduce the cost, metal is used not very good quality, and, accordingly, the resource of such engines is much lower than that of engines manufactured by large manufacturers.

Sometimes these products enter our market, while having a very low price. But such engines almost always require fine-tuning, replacing candles, tightening all fasteners.

2. Engines that are made for export to countries with a not very rigid quality and safety assessment system.

These countries can be safely attributed to all the states that were once part of the USSR. Their quality is higher than that of engines intended for domestic consumption in China, but still lower than the quality of engines of the third category.

3. Engines that are supplied to countries with developed economies that have stringent product quality requirements.

Their quality complies with all standards adopted in the European Union, the USA, Canada. Exactly the same Chinese-made outboard motors enter our markets in a completely legal way. This is the most acceptable option. However, it should be noted that the motor resource of such engines is somewhat lower than that of engines Japanese made. This is due to the quality of the metal used for the production this equipment. Wear of rubbing surfaces occurs much faster.

Which motor to choose

The eternal question, which engine to buy: two-stroke or four-stroke? Two-stroke engines are somewhat cheaper. But if you have to travel frequently by boat on low speeds, almost in the mode idle move, With two-stroke engines crash problems occur. This is due to the specifics of the fuel supply and the operation of the ignition system. The engine is filled with candles, it can stall. Therefore, if trolling is supposed to be fishing, it is better to stop at a four-stroke Chinese motor.

Four-stroke engines are more expensive, but at the same time eat up a little less fuel than their two-stroke counterparts. But they do not have the problem of working at low speeds.

What to do after buying a Chinese motor

Completely change the oil in the engine. Even here, the Chinese go to reduce the cost of production and pour oil into the engine very Low quality. Often there is an underfill of oil up to right level. And this can then lead to foaming of the oil, overheating of the motor and, accordingly, to a decrease in the resource.

It is advisable to fully check all nuts and screws for their normal tightening. You will almost certainly have to tighten something.

Check the key on the screw attachment to the motor shaft.

You should carefully inspect the spark plug. Quite often, the candle initially has soot. It is better to change it immediately.

You need to understand that all these problems that are listed above are more typical for very cheap Chinese engines. Those companies that have gained credibility in many markets around the world usually do not allow themselves such liberties. So, it’s better to overpay a little and buy a normal high-quality Chinese-made outboard motor than to mess around with tuning and adjustment later.

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Any boat owner sooner or later decides to buy a boat motor. This is natural - the presence of a motor significantly expands the capabilities of the vessel and allows you to get much more pleasure from fishing. And then the inevitable question arises - which motor to buy?

What boat motor to buy?

Traditionally, the Japanese are the leaders in the outboard motor market: Suzuki, Tohatsu, Yamaha and so on. But recently, Chinese outboard motors have begun to appear in our country, having the same characteristics as the “Japanese” in their passports, but at the same time they are cheaper by 15-30%. Considering that the main stratum of our citizens barely falls short of the traditional European middle class, the price is a decisive factor for buying. Therefore, many people seriously think about the fact that why overpay for a Yamaha, if you can buy a Parsun that is no different.

In fact, the difference in price between the "Chinese" and "Japanese" is quite justified and has a number of real factors, which will be discussed below. To make it easier, consider the main disadvantages that motors made in China have.

Disadvantages of Chinese outboard motors

True to their traditions of copying anything and everything, often without bothering to buy licenses and patents, a number of Chinese factories produces its own analogues of Japanese motors. For example, the same Suzhou Tiger Power Machine produces its own line of Sail motors, which are practically clones of Japanese Yamaha motors. But copying does not mean doing the same thing.

  1. Build quality. For large Chinese enterprises that are seriously trying to enter the world market, build quality is very important, so the Parsun, Sail or Yamabisi models are assembled, if not as high quality as the "Japanese", then at least more or less at an acceptable level and even able to work without broken for a couple of seasons. With the little known Chinese models that are produced in small batches, the situation is completely deplorable - feel free to get ready for the fact that such a motor is in best case won't last more than a season.
  2. Low culture of metalworking. The production of motors implies rich and proven technologies of metallurgy and metal processing. “A blast furnace in every yard” is not the motto that metallurgy should be guided by. Therefore, the quality of Chinese steels is still at a low level, and the PRC widely imports steels from all over the world. "Raw" metal, which is used in Chinese motors, does not withstand loads and quickly deforms and fails. Even if imported steels are used, they must be properly processed - there is very little such experience in China.
  3. Motor building experience. Motor building is a complex industry and experience is very important here. It's like with the production of rockets - even with money and technology, but without a lack of experience, it is unrealistic to create high-quality products, it takes years and years of development. In China, they are not, because the experience is obtained by developing their own motors, and not copying someone else's products.
  4. Chinese motors are copies of obsolete Japanese models. Despite all of the above, relatively inexpensive and more or less high-quality motors are produced in China. As a rule, these are Parsun and Sail, who have already proven themselves, who bought licenses, and did not steal them. BUT! There is no service from these manufacturers - it is unrealistic to find spare parts for motors, you have to find out from which "Japanese" they are copied, and look for spare parts for these originals. Given that they have long been discontinued, this is not easy to do. As a result, in the event of a breakdown, repairs are delayed for long term, and the cost of maintenance increases by one and a half to two times compared to the modern "Japanese".

Chinese outboard motors - to buy or not?

Compete with the American Japanese motors V budget segment today, only Chinese 4-stroke engines with a power of up to 15-20 hp can, although with great difficulty. They are the most developed in production, are manufactured under license and can even work for 2-3 seasons without any complaints. And then - this applies exclusively to motors famous brands, such as Sail or Parsun, released since 2013-2014.

As for 2-strokes, the situation is still sad. The design features of such engines lead to the fact that until now Chinese manufacturers it is not possible to create more or less reliable analogues to the Japanese and Americans, and already in the first season there are problems with the motor head, electrical part, and so on.

If you are limited in funds, then it is better to choose not a new Chinese motor, but a used American or Japanese good condition or buy a boat motor on credit. Buying a “Chinese” is already the last step, and before you take it, try to learn as much as possible about this power unit, starting from whose copy it is and up to after-sales service and availability of spare parts. Otherwise, such a purchase will be just a waste of money.

Immediately make a reservation that China is different. There are Chinese villages assembling outboard motors based on old models of leading brands to various Russian customers under any desired name. They also supply the same motors to Russia under their desired names. There is another China, which, in addition to Russia, also supplies Australia and some European states. The difference in the quality of parts and assembly, of course, is global. The organization of production and the level of equipment in good Chinese factories is not inferior to the world level. It can’t do without flaws, but they are completely insignificant for motors with such a market value.

But it still exists the main problem Chinese-made, regardless of its level and equipment - this is the material itself. Yes, metal, obviously, i.e., its quality, will always be an order of magnitude worse than from the same Europe or, of course, Japan. Therefore, any Chinese outboard motor, regardless of build quality, will have a shorter resource than good manufacturers.

We will consider the main malfunctions of Chinese outboard motors. low level , whose owners get the most headaches. Given that such outboard motors, as a rule, are purchased by novice navigators who have absolutely no idea about PLA, simplest fault very frustrating.

It is best to describe the process pre-sales preparation, which in without fail should be carried out with every outboard motor that is sold, but unfortunately, most of these motors are sold right in the box.
First of all, the motor is inspected externally and the fasteners of the entire canopy are checked. Paint chips in a single-layer coating and sharp influxes from molds should not upset us. This price was paid. At this stage, the first thing that usually reveals its whim is the leg fixer for reversing. The hooks do not want to cling to the stem of the angle of inclination when turned on reverse gear. Usually a couple of millimeters are missing. Corrected by pressing and pliers.
Next, you can check the tightness of all the bolts. Stripped threads on the block or on the gearbox housing are far from uncommon. The motor torque adjustment clutch does not work in most cases.
After inspection, we hang the outboard motor straight and unscrew the gearbox oil bolts. In low-quality China, it is generally not customary to fill in oil completely. The algorithm for checking outboard motors in their production is not clear. There can easily be an emulsion in the gearbox, soot on the candle, but the motor itself may not start due to faulty electrics, contact closure, or a non-working carburetor.
The candle should be rejected immediately. There are all signs of a fake, plus the gap is set as it should, and the candle does not always converge on the marking with the catalog of the motor-donor. We certainly install a new, original one, according to the catalog.

If there is no emulsion in the gearbox, all unknown oil should be completely drained and filled with a new, specialized one.

In the case of her presence, we give the dviglo back to the store with screams and expect the return of hard-earned money within two weeks. But, if you want, you can find out on your own. It's possible that they're just leaking drain bolt gaskets.

Bolt gaskets are changed immediately.
On four-stroke outboard motors we also change all the remaining oil in the crankcase to good, for four-stroke PLA. To control the oil level while using the motor, follow the dipstick on filler plug, available on some models, the oil pressure indicator lights often do not want to work, or they work (glow) constantly. Do not forget that when checking the oil level, the outboard motor must hang vertically.

But DC-outboard motors are still better to take with a minimum number of rotating and pushing parts. Frequent crashes piston system during operation and, as a result, also punched crankcases into the load, due to the failure of the connecting rod bolts.

Only a used deadwood with a gearbox and a tiller with a hood cover will remain for sale. On good Chinese (HK) four-stroke engines We have not encountered such problems.
Next, we put the motor on the transom of the boat (barrels of water, a break-in bath, a pool, etc.) and refuel. Cheap China (DK) mainly produces low-power engines that do not have a paging function on the carburetor, therefore, after supplying fuel, we stretch the starter two or three times without an ignition key (emergency check), closing air damper, and opening the fuel (on the tiller - full throttle). It is necessary to be extremely gentle with manual starter. Cheap plastic can remind of itself. When using an external fuel tank, it is useful before and after this action to pump fuel with a pear until you feel resistance, and at the same time check the serviceability and tightness of the gas valve, whether fuel enters the built-in tank. There may be a faulty remote tank connector. We change to any original, they are not subject to repair. We insert the check into its place and we start it already in operating mode. 95% of motors require air damper only half covered. If after 5-10 plants, at different positions of the air and fuel dampers, the outboard motor did not show signs of life, we begin to study the basics of the internal combustion engine.

Evgeny Shemetov and Mikhail Safronov for the magazinewebsite

Chinese outboard motors appeared on the market not so long ago. However, they were able to quickly gain popularity due to their low price and good quality. To understand which Chinese outboard motor is better, it is not necessary to be an expert in this matter. But before you purchase any option, you should carefully study user reviews in order to choose the best option.

Today, Chinese outboard motors are on the market in a wide range. And now users make a choice in their favor due to many advantages:

1. Affordable cost. A Chinese-made outboard motor at a price will cost several times cheaper than a device from another manufacturer.

2. High level of reliability. Chinese brands produce decent products that are not inferior to Japanese and American counterparts.

3. Excellent quality. There is no doubt that the equipment manufactured in China does not meet any requirements or standards, since each unit of production undergoes international certification.
At the same time, everyone can buy such power plants cheaply, which is an undoubted advantage for the consumer.

What should be the capacity of the unit?

Which Chinese outboard motor is better in power also depends on a number of factors. The most important of them is the purpose of use. The following categories can be distinguished:

1. "Weak" - from 2 to 6 hp The speed of such units does not exceed 10 km / h. Moreover, if the boat moves against the current, then it will additionally decrease. Choose similar installations relevant for calm waters.

2. Medium - 7-15 hp This category includes power plants that are more stable, usually they are two-cylinder. As practice and customer reviews show, such units are suitable for long distances. Their weight reaches up to 35 kg.

3. High - more than 15 hp Best of all, such installations are suitable for long distances. In addition, they are characterized by high speed.
Any unit is presented on the site with a photo. This allows you to visually evaluate all the features of the power plant.

The best models among Chinese motors:

There are many variations on the market this manufacturer. However, the best Chinese outboard motors of the following companies:

1. Allfa (Alpha) - produced at the Calon Gloria plant.The company has established itself in the market as a manufacturer of high-quality, light and economical products. Prototypes of power plants are TOHATSU and YAMAHA units. Units and spare parts for them are produced on the production line of the plant of the same name.

2. Toyama (Toyama) is a well-known and high-quality Brazilian brand, the release of which began in 1997. Toyama outboard motors are manufactured by Suzhou Parsun Power Machine Co., Ltd. Toyama is a compact motor with a drive in 3 forward-neutral-back positions. The reliability of the motor, its functionality - in fact high level for units of this capacity

3. Sea-pro (Sia-Pro) - have long and firmly established themselves as great choice for hunting, fishing and long boat trips. They are reliable, stable and maintain an excellent balance between the price of the product and its quality.

4.HDX (Hondex) - If you need to buy cheap power plant, then excellent fit model HDX 2.5 BMS 74.5cc cm, 5 liter capacity, tiller control and TCI ignition, manual start. Wherein this option can be used even in the most adverse conditions. Higher performance HDX F5 BMS four-stroke model with 112cc and 3L tank.

It should also be noted models of brands Marlin (Marlin), Gladiator (Gladiator). From all of the above, it follows that Chinese outboard motors are the best value for money.

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