How to mix gasoline for lawn mowers. What gasoline is needed for the trimmer and how much oil to pour

How to mix gasoline for lawn mowers. What gasoline is needed for the trimmer and how much oil to pour


Summer residents, owners of private country houses for lawn care, weed mowing, buy small mechanization. They prefer trimmers driven by engines internal combustion by pouring a properly diluted mixture of gasoline and oil.

Motorized scythes require maintenance, the use of combined fuels. By observing the ratio of gasoline and oil, it is easy to achieve the performance of lawn mowers.

Comparing with similar mechanisms, when choosing, preference is given to lawn mowers according to the following functional indicators:

  1. Mobility and low weight of the unit, allowing it to be carried over distances, used in hard-to-reach places for mowing.
  2. Versatility. The lawn mower is equipped with a unit for changing working elements directly during the operation of the unit.
  3. Constructive simplicity that allows you to use the braid for a long time without frequent adjustments.

These, other positive characteristics, give buyers the confidence that they are making the right choice when purchasing a trimmer.

Types of lawn mowers

Today on liquid specialized trading floors big choice mechanisms for mowing grass, small shrubs. For example, lawn mowers with electric motor, with petrol power plants. Lawn mowers equipped with diesel engines because they are slow moving.

Liquid statistics show the advantage of lawn mowers with internal combustion engines over electric counterparts. The electric scythe is used in places where there is a stationary electrical network.

Two-stroke and four-stroke

Internal combustion engines used in trimmers are two-stroke and four-stroke. By design, two-stroke engines are simple. But they require a high-quality fuel mixture.

Gasoline for a trimmer with a two-stroke power plant needs an accurate dosage of lubricant. Ignoring the requirement leads to a sharp reduction in engine life. There are problems with its launch.

A four-stroke engine does not require the correct proportion of oil and gasoline. Formation of the necessary mix - automatic. The components of the combustible mixture are stored in different containers. Fuel is expensive, but the costs are covered by the silent operation of the unit, the environmental cleanliness of the exhaust gases.

How to choose the right proportion?

The lawn mower is fueled with A-92 grade gasoline. There are other factory instructions that require gasoline of a different octane rating. For example, A-95. The difference in cost is minimal.

Oil selection does not take liberties. For two-stroke API engines establishes a specific order:

  • for motoblocks, motokos, air-cooled mopeds - TA class;
  • engines with a cylinder capacity of 200 cm³ - class TV oil;
  • for all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles, it is recommended to use oils of the TC class;
  • yacht engines, hydro scooters, motor boats TD lubricant is used.

Lubricants from the list motor fluid the last two positions are not recommended for use with trimmer power plants. Letter designations indicates which petroleum products the lubricating fluid is made from.

Attention: If you buy a product on liquid domestic trading floors, be interested in the designations on the container. English words self mix says that self-mixing with gasoline is not required. If the phrase pre mix is ​​on the label, you should prepare the combustible mixture yourself.

How to prepare the fuel mixture for the trimmer?

We will tell you how to dilute gasoline with trimmer oil. You should first deal with organizational issues:

  1. Selection of containers for storing components fuel mixture. Buy metal canisters for gasoline. For lubricating fluids, the factory packaging is enough.
  2. You should not prepare a large volume of a mixture flammable in engines, as its structure will be disturbed. The division into fractions will begin: the heavy one will sink to the bottom, and the light one will form the top layer.
  3. Prepare a medical syringe for accurate dosage lubricating fluid to add for dilution in gasoline.

We draw the attention of the owners of the trimmer to one detail. You should not buy lubricants for future use. Buy the volume that is enough for the upcoming season.

Component ratio

How to dilute gasoline, carefully reading the attached instructions for the lawn mower will help. Aggregates different manufacturers differ in the volume of fuel tanks and the materials from which they are made. The instructions attached to the units give an exact answer to the question of how much oil is required per liter of gasoline.

The exact proportion of oil guarantees perfect operation of the trimmer throughout the summer season.

What do two-stroke engines dislike?

Cooking working mixture manually, it should be remembered that two-stroke engines do not reach the design operating power if the proportions of the fuel mixture are violated. The above condition forces the owner of the unit to observe proportions. As practice shows, the use of lawn mowers with underfilling lubricant product, there is an oil starvation of the engine, which does not allow the unit to be brought to the standard power.

surplus lubricant do not allow the engine to develop the required power. When preparing the working mixture, there is reasonable question how much oil is required to mix in gasoline. Helps to accurately determine the standard. It is recommended to pour gasoline into the trimmer according to the following mathematical calculation. If fuel tank holds 5 liters, 1 liter of gasoline is divided by 50. That is, 100 ml of lubricating consistency is poured into gasoline for a trimmer mower by 5 liters. The owner of the lawn mower receives ideal fuel by structural composition.

Action algorithm

Fuel quality increases with proper mixing of the mixture components. Before the scythe, the question arises of how to breed, in what sequence. When starting to mix the components, pay attention to whether the containers are washed clean. An insignificant suspension can stop the supply of fuel to the carburetor. The fuel tank should be filled from a special container with a filter device.

This is the order. Half of the available gasoline is mixed with a volume of a specified amount of lubricating fluid. Then comes the mixing process.

When the components acquire a homogeneous consistency, 50% of the remaining fuel is poured into partially diluted gasoline. This is how it is recommended to dilute the fuel for the trimmer.

Important feature

Prepared combustible mixture for a trimmer, enters the combustion chamber of the cylinder in the form of a whitish mist. The oil integrated in gasoline lubricates crankshaft, cylinder walls. underfilling oily liquid fraught with fuel premature wear trimmer parts and assemblies. Exceeding the norm leads to soot deposited on the working parts, which is also fraught with premature technical wear of the lawn mower.

A gasoline mower will serve the owner for a long time, provided that they will fill the fuel tank not with any kind of gasoline, but with high-quality prepared fuel.


Today, buying a trimmer for yourself is not a problem. It occurs on the mowing if the mowing machine has not prepared the fuel mixture correctly. The motor often stalls unexpectedly, like a blowtorch. You have to start the engine over and over again, pulling on the semi-automatic winding device, popularly nicknamed the "switch".

Video instruction

Many of you have household a gas tool, for example, in a private house you can’t do without a chainsaw. You understand, harvesting firewood for the winter comes in handy at a construction site and repair, and indeed, it’s very right tool. If a country house also has a decent-sized plot, then a trimmer or lawn mower, which also runs on gasoline, is simply needed to fight the grass.

Of course, you can buy electric ones, but not everyone likes to pull a 30-meter extension cord to mow an area overgrown with knee-deep grass. Therefore, most people prefer to work with a gasoline tool. As you know, special oil must be added to gasoline to two-stroke engines. That's what we'll talk about, because it's very important aspect If you do not add oil and add it in the wrong proportions, then your engine will “groan” very quickly and your path will lie in a service center. To avoid all these troubles, add only quality oil and in the right proportions.

STIHL is the perfect solution

The most popular for chainsaws, lawn mowers and trimmers is the product well-known company STIHL. It is sold in 2 packs - 1 liter and 100 ml. For those who work a lot, a liter bottle is suitable, and a small bottle is enough for a “drink at a time”. A container of 1 liter costs 250 rubles, and for 10 ml - 60 rubles. If you take a large one, then the savings are obvious.

Oil is added to gasoline in a ratio of 1 to 50, that is, for example, add 100 ml to 5 liters of gasoline. As you can see, the small bottle is great for getting 5 liters of gasoline mixture to fill a chainsaw or trimmer. On the side of a large bottle there are special marks by which you can determine how much oil has been poured from the bottle. If you bought a large 1 liter bottle, then buy a 20 ml syringe at the pharmacy. Very convenient - 1 syringe of oil per 1 liter of gasoline.

Experts advise using branded oil for its technique, it fits perfectly, because it was developed and tested specifically on Stihl instruments. I note that the calm has its own brands, such as Viking ( popular models petrol trimmers). For them, also use Shtilev oil and there will be no problems at all.

If you have brought more gasoline mixture than you can use, then it is best to store the leftovers in a metal canister or in a glass container. Never store the mixture in a plastic bottle. Of course, if you use up the leftovers in a couple of days, then you can pour the rest of the mixture into a plastic one and a half, but if the mixture is stored for a long time, then either a canister or a glass container.
The thing is that the fuel mixture corrodes plastic bottle, microscopic plastic deposits appear in the mixture and this is very bad for the engine. Keep this in mind if you want your tool to work for a long time and without problems.

HUSQVARVA - high quality

The second most popular brand of oil is the notorious Huksvarna. Of course, if you figure it out like that, still more people use Stihl chainsaws, at least all my friends and their friends use only them in their work.

However, there are those who do not like the soul in the Husqvarna instrument and I understand them, because personally I do not see much difference between the Husqvarna and the Calm, and both instruments are of very high quality. But I saw satisfied owners of Husqvarna chainsaws - they say the saws are just super. I haven't done it myself, but I always listen to people's opinions. So, if you have a Husqvarna gas tool, then it would be better to use a special branded oil for it. Although nothing terrible will happen if you dilute gasoline with calm. But since the manufacturer recommends using only his products, then we will do so.

On sale you can find liter containers. A black stylish bottle, the same marks on the side as Calm (to know how much oil was poured from the bottle). As for me, absolutely identical quality. Such a bottle costs 270 rubles, a bit more expensive.

Both oils are of high quality, the cost is about the same, each is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 50. So feel free to buy any, of course, it’s better to take the oil of the brand that you have a tool - then everything will be perfect, as the manufacturer advises . Good luck with your sawing, grass mowing and let your gas tool work for a long time without breakage.

The main thing is to dilute gasoline with trimmer oil in proportion in accordance with the product line.

How to breed petrol with oil for trimmer?

Specifications for the trimmer contain links to recommended fuels and lubricants. Wherein octane number the specific brand of gasoline is indicated, but in terms of oils there is a lengthy explanation about the need to use a product of a certain manufacturer. For persuasiveness, it is indicated that only if these recommendations are followed, the company extends the guarantee. What is this: marketing ploy Or oils from other manufacturers do not meet the requirements? The answer is in this article.

For what oil for trimmers mix with gasoline

The two-stroke engine has a simple yet extremely efficient design:

  • the piston makes a working stroke every second cycle;
  • the cylinder is lubricated with oil dissolved in gasoline;
  • the removal of combustion products occurs due to compression, without a special mechanism.

All this led to the creation of a family of small engines that have successfully adapted to household and professional equipment:

Due to the design features, it was possible to achieve the desired fuel consumption only on small engines with a power in the range of 15 - 20 hp. This indicator looks especially good in the range of 1 - 5 hp. Here, the low weight and dimensions of the engine fully correspond to the consumption of gasoline.

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With an increase in size, the area of ​​the inlet and outlet channels increases. The process of removing gases and supplying fuel deteriorates sharply. As a result, a transition to more effective system combustion of a gasoline mixture, which would provide for the presence of compulsory engine maintenance systems. Four-stroke models with this intercepted the palm among power units high power. Combining them into multi-cylinder structures allowed the creation special systems associated with the formation of the composition of the fuel mixture, lubricants and other things, which favorably affected the consumption of gasoline.

Fuel mixture preparation for two-stroke engines

The video shows how to make a fuel mixture for two-stroke engines. Refueling mtokosy, chainsaws, etc.

How dilute gasoline(AI 92) for benzo spit, trimmer

how to dilute gasoline(AI 92) for benzo braids, trimmer.

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The rubbing elements of the piston and cylinder of a two-stroke engine are lubricated with oil, which is in a certain proportion in the composition of the fuel. Petrol burns out and oil settles on the surface of the cylinder, reducing the friction of the rubbing parts. Lack of lubrication leads to damage to the cylinder, up to jamming. In case of excess, under the influence high temperatures, the thermally modified product is deposited in the annular grooves. Compression drops, and with it, power.

How to mix oil with gasoline

For additives in gasoline for trimmers are used engine oils. Mixing is carried out in a certain proportion. Manufacturers have different volume ratios: from 1 to 50 to 1 to 20. technical specifications there is a link to it. You should be careful with a small fraction of oils. A small inaccuracy leads to oil starvation engine, reduces its resource.

There are products that indicate the proportion of 1 to 20-40. It is better to refuse the use of such a lubricant. The wide range of the mixture speaks of low qualities product. Occurrence piston rings, with the constant use of such varieties, is practically guaranteed.

Motor oils, type M-8, are added in proportions of 1-20. IN high speed engines their use is undesirable. The mixture cycle is so small that it will cause an overabundance of lubrication in the cylinder. Trimmers have low speed, so they allow the use of low-grade grease. Due to the initially low resource, you can not worry about the coking of the rings. Before there will be a complete wear of the equipment.

It is not important to use the recommended oil or from other manufacturers. The main thing is to spread petrol with oil for trimmer in proportions according to the characteristics of the product. Refusal of service workshops in the guarantee only on the basis of the use of a different brand of lubricant, but with valid parameters, illegal.

Specifications for the trimmer contain links to recommended fuels and lubricants. At the same time, the octane number of the brand of gasoline is indicated specifically, but in terms of oils there is a lengthy explanation about the need to use a product of a certain manufacturer. For persuasiveness, it is indicated that only if these recommendations are followed, the company extends the guarantee. What is it: a marketing ploy or oils from other manufacturers do not meet the requirements? The answer is in this article.

Why mix trimmer oil with gasoline

The two-stroke engine has a simple yet extremely efficient design:

  • the piston makes a working stroke every second cycle;
  • the cylinder is lubricated with oil dissolved in gasoline;
  • the removal of combustion products occurs due to compression, without a special mechanism.

All this led to the creation of a family of small engines that have successfully adapted to household and professional equipment:

  • trimmers;
  • chainsaws;
  • motorcycles;
  • various motoblocks.

Due to the design features, it was possible to achieve the desired fuel consumption only on small engines with a power in the range of 15 - 20 hp. This indicator looks especially good in the range of 1 - 5 hp. Here, the low weight and dimensions of the engine fully correspond to the consumption of gasoline.

With an increase in size, the area of ​​the inlet and outlet channels increases. The process of removing gases and supplying fuel deteriorates sharply. In this regard, it was necessary to switch to a more efficient gasoline mixture combustion system, which would provide for the presence of forced engine maintenance systems. Four-stroke models have thus intercepted the palm among high-power power units. Combining them into multi-cylinder structures allowed the creation of special systems related to the formation of the composition of the fuel mixture, lubricants and other things, which had a positive effect on gasoline consumption.

The rubbing elements of the piston and cylinder of a two-stroke engine are lubricated with oil, which is in a certain proportion in the composition of the fuel. Gasoline burns, and oil settles on the surface of the cylinder, reducing the friction of rubbing parts. Lack of lubrication leads to damage to the cylinder, up to jamming. In case of excess, under the influence of high temperatures, the thermally modified product is deposited in the annular grooves. Compression drops, and with it, power.

How to mix oil with gasoline

Engine oils are used to add gasoline to the trimmer. Mixing is carried out in a certain proportion. Manufacturers have different volume ratios: from 1 to 50 to 1 to 20. There is a reference to this in the technical specifications. You should be careful with a small fraction of oils. A small inaccuracy leads to oil starvation of the engine, reduces its resource.

There are products that indicate the proportion of 1 to 20-40. It is better to refuse the use of such a lubricant. A wide range of the mixture indicates the low qualities of the product. The occurrence of piston rings, with the constant use of such varieties, is practically guaranteed.

Motor oils, type M-8, are added in proportions of 1-20. In high-speed engines, their use is undesirable. The mixture cycle is so small that it will cause an overabundance of lubrication in the cylinder. Trimmers have low speed, so they allow the use of low-grade grease. Due to the initially low resource, you can not worry about the coking of the rings. Before there will be a complete wear of the equipment.

It is not important to use the recommended oil or from other manufacturers. The main thing is to dilute gasoline with trimmer oil in proportions in accordance with the characteristics of the product. Refusal of service workshops in the guarantee only on the basis of the use of a lubricant of a different brand, but with acceptable parameters, is illegal.

Most frequently asked question which our customers ask us after buying a chainsaw or trimmer, this is "How to properly dilute gasoline with oil?"
When preparing a fuel mixture for a two-stroke engine, regardless of what it stands on, a chainsaw, trimmer, motor pump or a small cultivator. There are a few key points to be aware of.

1) The octane number of gasoline, and its quality
2) Oil type, oil manufacturer
3) In what proportion is gasoline mixed with oil

1) The octane number of gasoline, and its quality
Fuel (gasoline) must have an octane rating of at least AI92. Many manufacturers recommend AI95, but! because the quality of this gasoline at our gas stations leaves much to be desired, therefore, almost all service centers for the repair of gasoline equipment, it is recommended to use only AI92. It is also not recommended to use old gasoline, the one that stood in the canister or in the tank for a long time. Gasoline for the preparation of a high-quality fuel mixture for two-stroke engines must be fresh, old gasoline that has been standing somewhere for a long time loses its properties, the octane number drops. You can start the engine on such gasoline, but the engine will not develop full power and prolonged or frequent work on such fuel will lead to the failure of your equipment and expensive repairs, even if your tool is "new", often such cases are considered out of warranty.

2) Oil type, oil manufacturer
For the preparation of the fuel mixture for 2-stroke engines are used special oils for 2-stroke engines, in no case should oils for 4-stroke engines be used, automotive oils. when using oils for 4-stroke engines in 2-stroke stroke engines, the latter fail very quickly, and most often after this repair is not advisable, because. the entire piston group is being replaced along with the cylinder. Oil manufacturer special significance does not, the most important thing is that it should be specifically for 2-stroke engines.

3) In what proportion is gasoline mixed with oil
Before preparing the fuel mixture, it is recommended that you read the instruction manual for your tool and the recommendations for preparing the fuel mixture. if these data are not available, the instruction is lost, then it is recommended to prepare the fuel mixture in a ratio of 1:30, namely 30 ml of oil per 1 liter of gasoline, for ease of measurement, buy a syringe at a pharmacy. It is very important to follow all recommendations on proportions, Lack of oil in gasoline leads to overheating piston group and the cylinder, as a result of which thermal scuffs appear on the piston and cylinder, the result is tool failure and costly repairs. If the oils in gasoline are above the norm, this also leads to negative consequences, carbon deposits form and the engine fails, repairs will also not be cheap, in both cases most often this is a replacement of the CPG.

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