How to make the suspension of your car softer and more comfortable. We make pendants with our own hands

How to make the suspension of your car softer and more comfortable. We make pendants with our own hands

Wondering how to make a DIY neck pendant for $5 or less? We have collected for you some of the most simple ways suitable for everyone! Models made of stone, beads and macrame will complement any outfit, be it strict classics or frivolous romanticism. Interested? Then open and read on!

How to make a pendant with your own hands: TOP 3 ways for $5

Elegance and room for imagination

It is very easy to create stone jewelry. You can buy the stone itself at the exhibition or in a specialized store. Often, semi-precious rocks (turquoise, amber, jade, amethyst) are sold in stores related to esotericism. Their prices start at $1. You will also need pliers and thick wire. It can be found in art stores at a cost of $ 0.5 per meter.

Follow the instructions in the photo below and you will get beautiful pendant in less than half an hour!

What is important: by showing imagination, you can create both simple models, and incredibly complex design products.

Macrame pendant: a new breath for an old technique

Braided pendants made of cords on a chain look incredibly stylish. The cost of the cords is quite low (about $2-5 for everything), the price of the chain depends on the thickness and weaving (from $1 to $3 per meter). The final result will impress you! What is important, it is suitable for daily wear, and as a gift to a friend or mother.

Before you start weaving, lay the chain folded in half on the table. Lay the cords parallel across it. Pass the ends of the chain through the loop - you will get a zushmork. Secure the chain to the table with tape. Due to this, it will not slide on a smooth surface, interfering with you.

Photo instruction on how to make decorations with simple macrame patterns:

Important: the number of cords can be either more or less than in the photo.

Beginner Beads: Summer Fruits

Do you want to diversify your look with a bright pendant during the period of sun, summer, warmth and open clothes? In this case, bead weaving will be relevant for you, which allows you to create unique and funny gizmos. The main advantage of brick weaving, which we offer, is simplicity and accessibility even for beginners.

There are a lot of options on how to make a pendant, but we suggest that you pay attention to the image of pineapples. Bright exotic fruit will perfectly fit into the summer outfit! For it, you will need two colors of beads (preferably matte, Czech): green and yellow. Its cost: $ 1 for a standard bag. You will also need thread with a beaded needle (less than $1) and scissors.

How to create such a suspension with your own hands, see the detailed instructions on the video from YouTube:

After this article, you can easily make the TOP 3 simple handmade decorations!
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Mankind can no longer imagine life without a car, which has become an integral part of everyday life. Each car owner chose a car with special trepidation, evaluating its advantages in comparison with other models, taking into account such characteristics as color, engine power or equipment. Much less attention is paid to the chassis, and in particular, the suspension.

Almost immediately after the acquisition, a person ceases to be satisfied with the comfort of the car, if the suspension is not particularly soft. In an effort to fix everything in their own way, people often forget that many experienced engineers are involved in the development of a specific suspension for a specific car model. As a result of their work, the car leaves the assembly line with exactly the type of suspension that is optimal for this model.

As a rule, the factory suspension, although not particularly soft, is nevertheless an ideal "complex" designed to provide the car with excellent handling, safety and reduce the negative effects on the body of bumps. pavement. By changing the degree of suspension stiffness on your own, it is easy to increase comfort, but at the same time lose control and stability of the car on the road. Therefore, any changes and improvements are good in moderation.

suspension device

At present, most front wheel drive vehicles have a standard suspension configuration - front MacPherson strut or double wishbone independent, on rear wheels multi-link independent or semi-dependent twisted beam. It is MacPherson that is currently "in service" with most automakers, as the most simple, reliable and inexpensive suspension.

Its configuration is well known to all car owners - a lever connected to the body through a pair of "silent" shock absorbers and springs. Easy to maintain and repair, this type of suspension has the only drawback - it transmits all vibrations from the road surface to the body quite strongly. But with its low cost, and the simple ability to make it softer, its popularity does not decrease.

Suspension on two levers allows you to make the movement over bumps more comfortable for the driver and less "traumatic" for the body. The kinematic characteristics of this option differ from the previous one in better side, but the cost of such a suspension is higher, so automakers use it mainly on premium cars. Even more impressive performance can boast multi-link suspension.

Is soft suspension really that good?

Not every car owner is aware of the fact that soft suspension does not guarantee comfort when moving. Despite the fairly common belief that a soft suspension provides a high degree comfort and safety, this statement is highly controversial. Of course, overcoming any obstacles on a car with a soft suspension becomes more comfortable, but this is only possible on very short distances. high speed, and is almost the only advantage.

In terms of security rigid suspension is in a much better position. The softer installed on vehicle suspension, the more body roll is accompanied by every corner of the car. Sharp maneuvering, for example, when overtaking, is also accompanied by strong roll, which can lead to loss of control and departure of the car from the road.

In addition, when braking, a car with a soft suspension moves forward much more, which partly increases braking distances. This is especially noticeable on cars with a soft suspension and high ground clearance. Of course, a softer suspension is appropriate for family minivan, the movement on which is carried out in a calm mode and at a low speed. For those who prefer more sports type driving, from a soft suspension on a car will obviously not be delighted, since the handling of such a car leaves much to be desired.

Is it possible to make the suspension softer

Before you make the suspension softer, you need to realize that the factory settings for the degree of stiffness are optimal for specific model vehicle, and changes in suspension parameters will inevitably affect driving performance. For example, a soft-suspension crossover doesn't do as well on a rough road as a hard-suspension vehicle. In addition, the higher the clearance of the SUV, the more careful you should be when making sharp maneuvers and cornering.

Advice! Starting work on the "softening" of the suspension, you should pay attention to the characteristics of factory shock absorbers and springs, since a significant change in the parameters of the suspension set up at the factory is undesirable.

You can make the factory suspension a little less stiff with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists service centers. In order to turn a car into a car with soft, comfortable suspension several fairly simple manipulations should be performed simultaneously.

All of the above works, performed in a complex way, significantly reduce the degree of rigidity of the factory suspension. You can perform these manipulations, if you wish, with your own hands, since they do not differ in complexity. The author shares some tricks of self-modernization next video:

Which suspension is more preferable for domestic roads

The exact answer to the question that concerns potential buyers new car- which car has the softest suspension - it is almost impossible to give an answer, since many foreign manufacturers focused on domestic market, make a suspension adapted to " local roads”, i.e., rather rigid. Therefore, the rating of cars with soft suspension will be rather incorrect, at least among cars that do not belong to the executive class.

It should be understood that the soft suspension of the car is good on quality roads, without a large number potholes and other irregularities that will have to go around. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the movement will be comfortable only for high speed, and any maneuver (overtaking / turning / changing lanes) will require the driver to concentrate and concentrate, since body roll will be quite significant. For passengers, a trip in such a car can turn into a feeling of motion sickness.

Compared to soft, hard suspension allows you to feel all the advantages of high speed and excellent handling. Low body sway, high-speed cornering or the ability to maneuver sharply without losing control of the car are all obvious advantages of a stiff suspension. Oddly enough, but it is the rigid suspension that allows you to keep the entire undercarriage in working order. As a disadvantage, one can note problems with the health of the driver, for a long time conducting behind the wheel of a "hard" car.

As practice shows, it is almost impossible to unequivocally answer the question “which suspension is better soft or hard”. Mostly, new car leaves the conveyor with the type of suspension, which, according to the engineers, is optimal for him. We can only say unequivocally that the suspension should not be too soft or excessively hard, but still it is more preferable to move along the roads of the native fatherland on a hard suspension.

Upgrading the chassis of the car will help make the car more comfortable. Consider how to make the suspension softer.

What affects driving performance

Determinants driving performance car:

  • spring stiffness and design;
  • shock absorbers;
  • tire size and rubber composition;
  • the ratio of unsprung and sprung masses.

We do not take into account the elasticity of the rubber of silent blocks, since the owner is rarely given the opportunity to personally evaluate the difference between manufacturers rubber products. In addition, often the main difference is the resource of silent blocks. It is extremely difficult to notice the difference in driving performance depending on the manufacturer of silent blocks. The transition to . This type The suspension is designed for sporty driving and harsh operating conditions. If polyurethane products are installed on your car, then switching to silent blocks from conventional rubber make the car smoother.
Before starting the tuning of the chassis, carry out a comprehensive one. Perhaps too harsh, loud reaction to irregularities is a malfunction of some node, and not a design flaw. Similar effect observed when driving on pumped tires.


The elasticity of the springs and the amount of force required for compression depend not only on the thickness of the coils, but also on the alloy from which the elastic elements are made. Since it is extremely difficult for an ordinary buyer to find out the characteristics of the metal, you can focus on the thickness of the coil. Patterns that affect the driving characteristics of the car:

  • spring design. Springs with variable coil thickness are recognized as the most comfortable. Such springs have a so-called comfort coil;
  • the stiffer the spring, the more clearly the vibrations are transmitted to the car body. Accordingly, the thicker the coil, the greater the stiffness of the spring. Soft car suspension and hard springs are absolutely incompatible things;
  • The length of the spring affects the compression stroke of the suspension. The smaller the suspension travel, the shorter the distance to the “breakdown” of the shock absorbers (occurs when the shock absorber, working out the roughness, rests on its extreme position; at this moment there is a blow on the bump stop). A shorter spring length results in less suspension travel, which must be taken into account when installing sports springs (especially when cutting coils). That is why it is important to strike a balance between the stiffness of the coils and the length of the spring.

Another important aspect is the stiffness of the material against which the spring rests. If under elastic element put a gasket from a dense layer of rubber, then the amount of vibration transmitted to the body will decrease. If you wish, you can calculate all the parameters of the springs, and then make them to order. We recommend watching the video to better understand the essence of the processing of elastic elements.

shock absorbers

If the main purpose of springs is to absorb impact energy, then shock absorbers are designed to dissipate the energy of shocks. Two-pipe gas-oil shock absorbers cope with this most effectively. If your car has oil dampers, now you know how to make the suspension softer.

Both types of shock absorbers use oil as the working fluid. The difference lies in the fact that during the compression of oil models on working fluid there is no reverse force. To check, you can compress the shock absorber by hand. You will see that the stem will remain in a compressed state or only slightly return to its previous position. In gas-oil shock absorbers, the compensation chamber is filled with an inert gas (nitrogen), therefore, when compressed, a return force acts on the working fluid (the rod tends to return to its previous position after being pressed in).

The use of gas in the design allows the wheel not to hang in the air after the suspension has worked out irregularities and will not hit the roadway. It is worth recognizing that when driving at low speed, both types of shock absorbers work about the same. Another disadvantage of oil models is that during intensive work and overheating, air bubbles appear in the oil, which negatively affects the performance of shock absorbers and the level of comfort. It would be wrong to say that the suspension becomes softer after such tuning, but driving at high speed on a bumpy road becomes much more comfortable.

It is not necessary to install single-pipe gas-oil vibration dampers (often called gas dampers). This type of shock absorbers has greater rigidity, which will only reduce the level of comfort when overcoming bumps.


In order to make the car more comfortable, it is not always necessary to make the suspension softer. It is enough to install tires with more high profile and soft rubber compound. The profile height is the distance from seat on the disc until the end of the tread. The parameter must be marked on the sidewall of the tire. Consider the marking 170/70 R13, in which 70 - percentage A that defines the height of the profile. In our case, the height is 70% of 170 (profile width) and is equal to 123 mm. How tire profile parameters affect handling and comfort:

Influence of mass on suspension kinematics

The unsprung mass of the car is the total weight of the elements that, during the operation of the suspension, are in a movable state in relation to the body. In other words, parts of the car that move along with the suspension and some elements of the chassis. In a car, these include wheel disks, tires, elements brake system, hub bearing (approximately 15% of the total amount of the car, the remaining 85% is the sprung mass).

To increase the smoothness of the ride, you need to either increase the sprung mass (familiar to owners of spring cars, who often load the axle for a smoother ride), or reduce the weight of the unsprung elements. Since the first option leads to an increase in fuel consumption, a deterioration in dynamics and controllability, then you need to focus on unsprung weight. To make the suspension softer, just install alloy wheels, do not overdo it with the width and height of the tire, as well as the size of the discs themselves.

The deeper we go into ... progress, the more difficult it is ... for us to imagine our existence without a car. However, if quite recently, about 20 years ago, we had enough: Zhiguli, Muscovites and Volga with UAZs, today the sharply increased number of automakers has spoiled us and our fantasies to the limit. For your money, they will do everything you wish, they will realize your most “unrealistic” fantasy, it would be something to pay ...

Psychologists have long been saying that the choice of a car corresponds to the character of a person. The shape of the body, the color in which it is painted, as well as specifications his motor and driving performance auto - one way or another correspond to our internal state.

The softness of the car, or it would be more correct to express it, also corresponds to our character to some extent. For some, those who like unhurried movement with a slight swaying prefer a soft suspension, while others, those who crave speed and in all their affairs love efficiency and restraint, on the contrary, strive to move without excessive swaying and rolls when cornering. In general, how many people - so many opinions.

Running suspension parameters are selected either immediately when buying a car, or are finalized after purchase, this is called car tuning. Riding style is in many ways a fundamental factor when choosing a suspension.

Influence of car suspension on movement

Rigid suspension - a pledge safe driving, as well as the ability to control all the nuances of maneuvering, are claimed by fans and experts of this suspension option. However, no matter how hard the suspension is, it also has disadvantages, for example, most experts believe that this option is harmful to human health, especially to those who have problems with the spine. Especially if we take into account the quality of our roads, we can imagine what the “fifth point” will experience when moving in such a car.

Soft suspension, it is primarily comfort and a soft smooth ride. A car with a soft supple suspension will comfortably and comfortably overcome all the bumps, occasionally swaying from side to side, but this lull will last only until the first turn. If it needs to be passed at high speed, the driver will have control problems due to the large body roll. In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that excessive softness creates a wave effect that causes motion sickness.

Serial cars leave the assembly line already with ready-made suspension parameters, soft, hard or medium suspension. However, the magnitude of their characteristics is constant. Air suspension is able to change its parameters during movement: becoming harder or softer. The cost of such a suspension is appropriate, it is rather difficult to call it cheap.

How to make the suspension softer yourself?

If you have come to the conclusion that your car is not comfortable enough or that it has a rather stiff suspension, then you should ask yourself the question: are you ready to sacrifice sharpness of reaction and excellent handling in the name of regularity and solidity while driving? If the answer is yes, then this type of tuning is quite easy to make even at home. Below I have provided a few good advice with which you can achieve the desired result.

There are such ways to make the suspension of the car softer:

1. Replacing the springs. Old springs are being replaced with springs with a variable pitch of turns; buying these on the car market is not a problem.
2. . Regular shock absorbers are changed to gas-oil double action, this allows you to significantly increase the softness and smoothness of the suspension.
3. . Need to buy new good ones, maybe expensive tires with soft sides. This type of rubber perfectly absorbs all the bumps in the road, but if you get into a hole at high speed, big troubles can arise. Tires can simply break. The second option with tires is the installation of a high-profile soft rubber smaller radius.
4. . Replacing conventional wheels with alloy wheels with a long reach. They are able to increase controllability, while they will contribute to the comfort of movement. The disadvantage of these disks is the increased load on the bearings, and their premature failure.
5. Pneumatic suspension. Replacement conventional suspension on pneumatic - quite effective way. After such tuning, the suspension will become very soft, but there is one “but” - its cost and installation. Although, if we take into account the comfort that it will provide, then the costs will be fully justified, because as you know. you have to pay for pleasure...

Not many people know how to make the suspension softer, because often we are used to the fact that the manufacturer takes care of all the nuances of car operation in advance.

True car lovers always consider the type of suspension when choosing their favorite. A lot depends on the type of car. If this is an SUV, then you can hardly expect the suspension to be soft. The same goes for racing models. However, in virtually all cars designed for everyday use, the suspension is soft.

It's no secret that transport as a whole is a reflection of its owner. It depends on him what color the car will be, what its power will be and the same type of suspension. Last Feature determines the appropriate driving style. Nevertheless, if you made a mistake in this, then adapting it for yourself is a fairly simple matter.

The main plus is that the soft suspension provides a very pleasant smoothness of movement, but, nevertheless, the handling of the vehicle and its response to the driver's actions during certain situations suffer in some ways. This is especially noticeable at high speeds. This refers to the turns, in which there is a difficult handling and body roll itself.

A stiffer suspension is much more suitable for sporty riding than its soft type. Since for racing cars handling becomes an indispensable characteristic, everything is clear here. But even here it is not without drawbacks - a stiffer suspension has a rather negative effect on the body of every person in such a car. Smoothness is already excluded here, and you get the opportunity to feel every smallest pebble in your path. Fortunately, there is a pneumatic type of this system. He can adapt to any road conditions, under the weight of transport and its speed, but this is far from a cheap pleasure.

In general, the quality of the control of the machine is affected by all changes in the angles of the suspension when it rolls and responds while driving, and the whole reason is the displacement of the center of gravity itself. In turn, this means that it is best to achieve a stiff suspension that can reduce body roll during cornering maneuvers at speed.

Another way to achieve this effect is to install such a stabilizer. roll stability, as a torsion bar that prevents the movement of a wheel belonging to one axle relative to another. Although in this case the problem of changing the wheel alignment angles in turns is solved, the problem of unloading the inner wheel in relation to them appears, which entails an overload of the outer one. IN this case much more comfortable option is to achieve a rigid suspension.

Benefits of Softness

Soft suspension means less change in body position and limited ability to distribute the load between the four wheels when rolling. This saves energy, as there is no need to shift the center of the car up or down while driving. It also improves traction a lot.

However, such suspensions are significantly limited in such characteristics as compression strokes. They must necessarily be coordinated with the difference in axle load when there are passengers and luggage in the car, and with the load that occurs when there is an uneven road surface and when cornering.

By making the suspension too soft, when you turn, you will feel how the wheels on the opposite side simply come off the ground due to its too much compression.

That is why how to make the suspension softer requires knowledge of such nuances. In everything there must be a measure, which also applies to this case. The most optimal suspension is considered to be of low softness. Very often, such a range can easily migrate smoothly to stiffness, and the more significant the difference between the soft and hard parts of the suspension, the more difficult it is to adjust it for yourself. Any distribution of loads is the result of a drop in the quality of wheel adhesion, since additional loading of the front wheels does not mean compensation for all losses for the rear wheels when they are unloaded and vice versa.

Even when hanging such unloaded wheels, after which there is an improvement in grip on such a loaded side, even fifty percent of the losses are not compensated. Among other things, this situation implies not only a drop in the level of adhesion to the road, but also a general drop in the controllability of the car. This can be corrected by correcting the direct inclination of the rolling plane of the wheel according to the road. It means collapse. Thanks to appropriate operations, the soft suspension of the car gives its owner a pleasant and easy control. Although at high speed this figure is significantly reduced.

How to make the suspension soft - several ways

For soft suspension to become a reality, it is necessary to carry out certain work. That is, if the driver is not satisfied with his suspension, without much difficulty it can be adjusted to fit him. So soften the suspension, first of all, by replacing its parts. It is best to replace all the main ones at once. This will give you maximum results.

You need to start with springs. The old ones are replaced with those that have a variable pitch of turns. If you have enough money, you can buy them anywhere. In general, soft suspension requires a lot of details. Conventional standard shock absorbers should be replaced with gas-oil, which have a double action.

Standard tires should be replaced with tires that have soft sidewall. What will it give? The driver will not feel all the roughness of the road surface. But do not forget that if you get into a hole at high speed with such tires, they will burst. You can reduce the risk by installing a high-profile type of rubber with a smaller radius.

Native wheels can be replaced with alloy wheels, which have long reach. But this part of the reconstruction has its drawbacks. Handling, of course, will increase, but at the same time, the load on the wheel bearings will increase. Because of this, they will serve less. Some are beginning to think about replacing the usual car suspension to pneumatic. If you have limited funds, then this option is not suitable. Everything, of course, is nothing, but it costs an incredible amount. Although the soft suspension of the car is worth it.

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