What is better to choose: platinum or iridium spark plugs. Platinum spark plugs

What is better to choose: platinum or iridium spark plugs. Platinum spark plugs

Recently, due to its properties, iridium has become an actual material in the technology of creating spark plugs. Being a rather rare metal, it competes with platinum.

Replacing old, classic spark plugs with iridium ones is done to increase the performance of the machine. Car owners appreciate them for their service life and high efficiency.

Platinum Replacement

In 1994 NGK introduced the world to iridium spark plug sets, positioning them as a replacement for platinum. They were successful, but why? Because this metal is more resistant to temperature, has higher strength, long term service and corrosion protection. NGK created a thin wire with a tip made of iridium, which made it possible to fully use all the advantages of this metal in candles. In 1997, Denso established mass production improved samples and now occupy the first position in the ranking.


Scientists believe that such a solid material appeared on Earth several million years ago under the influence of extreme conditions and meteorite impacts. Together with its strength heat melting point (about 2500 degrees Celsius) makes iridium an excellent electrode raw material.

At the end of the twentieth century, an alloy of iridium was developed, which made it possible to increase the electrical conductivity and reduce the brittleness of a relatively pure material. It is easier to work with such an alloy, using only the best qualities of the metal.


Iridium spark plugs are common against platinum. Although it is rarer than platinum and gold, its price depends on the situation on the market, and is now cheaper than other metals. While more than half of the world's platinum is used to create jewelry and catalytic converters, having a very small share in the production of ignition systems, about 20% of the extracted iridium is converted into candles.


Secret modern technologies lies in the laser welding of iridium electrodes. Its alloy is a good conductor, which makes it possible to use such electrodes to create tips of the smallest diameters (smaller than platinum counterparts) without reducing the service life.

The small diameter allows the charge of electricity to be concentrated, which leads to the accumulation of some voltage and the creation of a spark. The engine runs smoother and accelerates faster. Properly matched iridium spark plugs guarantee electrode scale accuracy, providing reliable spark no loss.

Additional qualities:

  1. Iridium spark plugs have a trivalent nickel plating to resist corrosion and blocking.
  2. The high melting point guarantees safety and long life on the most modern engines.
  3. The small tip creates a potential difference, requiring little voltage to ignite the spark.

Positive traits

Testing shows that iridium spark plugs have many advantages over their counterparts. Initially, they were created to achieve greater performance, fully meeting expectations. It is important to note that they show the maximum return over time.

Improving fuse performance

It is achieved due to the possibility of producing candles with a smaller contact area. Thin alloy wire (about 0.4 mm) has 2.5 times higher flammability limit compared to classic copper sets. Some alloy at the tip allows the spark to expand, improving starting performance and reducing voltage costs.

Smooth idle

It is known that at Idling engine ignition is very weak. that iridium spark plugs need less voltage, which, coupled with excellent flammability, gives the motor the ability to work with good performance even at idle. Ordinary plugs do not allow you to maintain a stable number of revolutions per minute, unlike iridium ones. The energy of the fuse also increases the speed due to excellent combustion.

Engine Performance Improvement

Unlike the others, iridium ignition devices tend to increase engine efficiency by up to 8%.

Less fuel consumption

Alloy tips reduce fuel requirements by 5-7%.

Negative qualities

The first thing that catches your eye is the high price of such candles. But given the long service life, high efficiency of the car, excellent quality and resistance to temperatures, the price is justified, although it is higher than standard copper candles.

Depending on the model of the car, iridium spark plugs may not increase performance much - it depends on the relevance of the car. In addition, special engine efficiency is not always required and many vehicles limited to standard kits. Not recommended for use in conjunction with small engines- such a waste will not be justified.


Iridium kits haven't changed in the past few years. They still last over 100,000 miles on most vehicles, but manufacturers advise replacing them much more frequently because frequent ignition, external pollution and engine problems can reduce the service life.

Iridium candles match the configuration with the old ones is not important, but the pitch, length and diameter of the thread must match, otherwise the installation will fail.

Iridium spark plugs don't last forever either.

Spark Plug Gap - Should I Adjust?

For some drivers, the issue of setting the gap is questionable. They can be understood, because the kits are produced with a factory clearance setting, and the engines of the machines are different. Still, do not worry, because buying a set for your model, we get ready samples who need to reconfigure the gap only when repairing the motor or cleaning the candles themselves. For example, Denso products have a factory-set clearance. new ones, it is recommended to check the spark plug visually for bent electrodes.

The best iridium candles

Now the most efficient and durable systems ignitions are Denso products. First Denso spark plugs were used in serial production in 1997.

Denso itself claims the following benefits: high degree insulation using aluminum oxide, low power loss. Denso products should be selected taking into account the recommendations of car manufacturers. Convenience is added by the fact that the candles have an exposed electrode gap. Most wide choose car brands and best quality put Denso at the top of the list of ignition systems.


Such sets are now latest achievement technology. They are vastly superior to early ignition systems due to their technology, but all the benefits come at a price, and some disadvantages can make this purchase unprofitable. Thus, if you have powerful machine, then correctly selected spark plugs with the correct gap guarantee high performance and durability, which cannot be said about more weak cars- for them, the efficiency may remain the same. Denso iridium kits are built using high-tech equipment and fit perfectly into today's needs on the road.

At the very beginning, I want to talk a little about iridium and platinum. Rumor has it that they are one and the same. This is not entirely true, of course, iridium is a platinum group metal, but it is a transitional element, and the production methods are slightly different (we'll talk about this a little later). But platinum options (for example BOSCH Platinum) have really platinum, but very thin central electrode, which is locked (as if poured) into a dense ceramic insulator.

Although in fairness it should be noted that some manufacturers call iridium variants platinum, or cover the contact points with platinum using a similar technology with iridium (now this is not the point). I will have a separate article about this, so be sure to follow the blog.

I'll insert a little help, for general development, you need to understand what kind of element this is

Iridium - an element with atomic number 77 (in the system of Mendeleev D.I.). A very hard, refractory, silvery-white transition metal of the platinum group. It has high density, high corrosion resistance, resistance to acids and alkalis (even at 2000 °C). It is extremely rare in terrestrial rocks, therefore it is quite expensive and valuable. The melting point is 2466°C.

As you can see, an almost ideal metal for use in a combustion chamber, if not for its price.

Problems with Conventional Spark Plugs

I am not going to talk in detail about the work of these elements. But we need to understand that the main load is carried by two electrodes - central and side (a spark passes between them). They wear out over time and the element itself needs to be replaced.

Usually side electrode made of steel alloyed with manganese or nickel.

Central electrode made of iron-nickel alloys with the addition of copper and chromium.

From the factory, not only a strictly defined gap is set, but also a certain resistance is selected (about them a little lower) so that the ignition coil can “break through” it and give the desired strong spark.

Over time, usually this is 50-80,000 km, the electrodes become smaller in size, the gap grows and the coil cannot effectively spark (it turns out to be weak), the car does not pull, and fuel consumption may also increase.

This happens because the central and side electrode simply loses some part of the metal, it simply burns out from constant discharges.

If you do not replace such a candle in time, or if you do not adjust the gap correctly, then the ignition coil may fail (because it needs to strain more to “break through” a greater height between the electrodes)

That is why the replacement of spark plugs occurs at 3-4 MOT, that is, it is 45 - 60,000 km.

Clearance and resistance

Each manufacturer selects candles from certain manufacturers for himself. Here comes not only the desired clearance, but also resistance.

A clearance of about 0.8 - 1 mm is considered normal, the resistance of a candle is usually not indicated on the body, but in the sellers' catalogs you can pick it up exactly for your engine.

It is worth noting that if you take an element of the wrong gap and resistance, then on the contrary you can - worsen the performance of your car ! After all, the candle is selected for the ignition coil of your brand and model. THIS SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD.

Iridium or conventional - which is better?

So we come to the most interesting, but in fact, what is better than the iridium options - the usual ones?

There are few differences here, but as many manufacturers assure, they are significant:

The central and sometimes side electrodes are doped (as it becomes clear) - with iridium. now differ various options application:

  • Two small spots on the electrodes (which are made using conventional technology)

  • Alloying of the central part with iridium, and a special U-shaped groove is made on the side, but it is not alloyed

  • Two electrodes, opposite each other. One platinum, the other iridium.

As we know, this noble metal has a very good performance melting, wear resistance, corrosion and electric current transmission.

Also central part usually narrowed, making it literally like a needle. If we compare the central electrode of a conventional candle, then it is approximately 2.4 - 2.8 mm, but for the iridium version it is only 0.5 - 0.8 mm.

Thus, we get a concentrated and very strong spark. And the coating or soldering of this noble metal makes work surface virtually unwearable. That is, the gap between the electrodes is kept VERY for a long time, many talk about 100 - 150,000 km. BUT nothing lasts forever, as soon as the deposition of this platinum group metal is destroyed, the working surfaces of the electrodes are literally immediately destroyed.

I know that many may ask the question - why can't ordinary candles have the same thin central part? Everything is simple here - the right of iron-nickel with copper and chromium cannot also perfectly resist electrical discharges, temperature, corrosion as an opponent of a noble metal, it simply wears out and collapses faster (literally in 10-15000 km), thereby increasing the gap and deteriorating performance. That is why it is made much thicker so that it can withstand the effects of an aggressive environment.

I put the iridium version, and the car began to work worse

This is also common - but why? The answer is simple - you chose the wrong option for your car (usually you buy what a friend advised, it works so well for him). As I wrote above, all cars have certain ignition coils, different compression ratios, etc.

Therefore, the candle must correspond not only to overall characteristics(dimensions, height and thread), but also in terms of clearance and resistance

A gap difference of 0.2 mm, which you may not see visually, can degrade the performance of your internal combustion engine. It also happens with the resistance of the candle, it must match your wiring diagram. If you take it with increased resistance, then again the coils will not work correctly (give more weak spark), and may fail.

That's why NORMAL SELLERS have special catalogs (or programs) according to which they select iridium or regular candles.


I made a small tablet and entered all the positive and negative points on it.

I would like to say a few words that cleaning such elements, there is a huge amount of information on the network that - they say it is impossible to clean them AT ALL! And even if filled bad gasoline- the candle is covered with a coating (say, red from additives) or soot, then everything needs to be put in new ones. But friends, in fact, this is nonsense. They are perfectly cleaned, but you don’t need to do it with sandpaper (this is how you remove the working layer), we just soak them in cleaning liquids (ordinary detergents for the kitchen) and then we clean everything with a soft brush (an old toothbrush is ideal). And they work again.


Well, and finally, I want to talk about my experience of using (leave a review, so to speak). I bought iridium for FORD FUSION, because it seemed to me that my native candles had already died and needed to be replaced (and it was fashionable then to try it). I gave about 2,000 rubles for a set, when my native candles (moreover, bought from a dealer) cost about 700 rubles, that is, almost three times more expensive. took brands DENSO, selected as usual from the catalog.

Any global changes I didn’t feel it, the car became a little more cheerful, but only because the standard candles were already with burnt electrodes and their gap increased. Consumption has not fallen, super power of 10% has not appeared either. Winter starts, so they were great for me and on my own candles from FORD.

I drove about 60,000 km on them, then I sold the car with them. They did not cause any trouble, the gap remained as it was, there was not even a hint of the electrodes burning. Regular candles usually changed at 50,000 km, they also did not cause problems, but with such runs, the central part already began to wear out a little.

WHAT IS MY PERSONAL CONCLUSION. If you have money, you can overpay for iridium options, they really work with high quality and for a long time, and it seemed to me that winter launches, albeit a little, are better. HOWEVER, THEY ARE EXPENSIVE. With this money (to me personally) it was possible to buy almost three sets of ordinary candles, and actually drive on them (in aggregate) even more. No increase in power and reduction in fuel consumption, ALREADY BY 10% - I DO NOT FEEL IT AT ALL!

Now the video version of the article, we are watching.

I end here, I think my material was your useful, SINCERELY YOUR AUTO BLOGGER.

Spark plugs in a gasoline engine play a huge role. In the process of fuel ignition, a spark is needed to ignite the gasoline mixture - it is in a stable spark that the main role of spark plugs lies.

Unlike diesel engines(in which the mixture is ignited by high pressure on her) gasoline engines need external support. In the event of a malfunction or the passage of a resource, the engine will not be able to start and move - there will be nothing to ignite the fuel mixture.

Right choice

That is why every motorist is obliged to monitor the optimal condition of the spark plugs and replace them in a timely manner.

The classic spark plug is one in design. Most often, as a type, two-electrode ones are found. At the end of the cone-shaped candle is the main electrode in the lower part is the side electrode. During the impulse from the engine, a spark passes between the electrodes, due to which the ignition process occurs. Over time, the action of the electrodes under constant influence weakens, due to which the spark either cannot appear, or gives a weak impulse.

On the video, which candles are better, iridium or platinum:

The process of wear and tear of the element leads to several unpleasant consequences:

All these reasons are manifested when using low-quality candles ignition or due to their natural wear. In the process of operating a car, each car owner has to face a difficult choice among various types.


The most popular are three of these types:

average cost is about 600 rubles;

Platinum candles serve for 80-100 thousand km. As a result, the cost of the product has increased. Such candles cost an average of 1500 rubles, but due to reliability they fully cover the costs;

The cost of the kit will be about 1700 rubles.

The main manufacturers of all types of candles on the market are companies - Denso, Bosch, Philips. Candles from these manufacturers are of stable quality and high rates.

An article about iridium spark plugs - their features, advantages and disadvantages, properties of iridium. At the end of the article - a video on whether to install iridium spark plugs.

A distinctive feature of iridium sets: the quality of the fuse, durability and high price.

Characteristics of iridium

Iridium is considered the first competitor to platinum due to its high melting point of almost 2500 degrees and higher anti-corrosion properties. Experiments with a metal that is practically never found in its pure form have been carried out for more than 50 years, and in 1994 NGK presented its development: an iridium electrode tip for a spark plug.

An alloy containing at least 50% iridium is an excellent conductor. Metal electrodes due to laser welding have a diameter of 0.4 mm. This diameter makes it possible to concentrate greatest charge to obtain a spark gap at minimum voltage, the loss of a spark during engine operation is excluded.

Due to the strength of iridium, the electrode tip does not burn out, which allows the use of iridium candles up to 400 hours. Fuel economy and stable operation of modern engines are observed.

Iridium kits have been developed for high performance modern motors, which are used on sports versions of cars. For the average and budget segment installation iridium spark plugs can bring a small increase in engine performance and fuel economy, which does not always pay off the cost of spark plugs. What are the indisputable advantages of the iridium analogue?

Improving the characteristics of the fuse

The ignition characteristics of the spark depend on the distance between the electrode tip and the base of the flame. The smaller the area, the more stable the spark will be. Iridium wire has a tip less than 0.4mm. For comparison: the same indicator for candles with a copper electrode is from 0.8 mm.

The iridium electrode allows you to increase the flammability of the candle, which reduces the voltage requirements. Thanks to this, the engine starts quickly and smoothly.

Stable engine idling

Due to the fact that it does not require a large output voltage to start the ignition, iridium spark plugs have a quick ignition and maintain stable engine operation at low revs. There is practically no decrease and jumps in speed due to better combustion. The performance of the motor is increased by an average of 7-8%. Fuel consumption is reduced by an average of 5-7%

The disadvantages of spark plugs with an iridium electrode include their cost. average price set - at least 3,000 rubles. If a medium power motor is used, the purchase price is quite high and does not live up to expectations.

Japanese company NGK was the first to introduce iridium-tipped spark plugs to the world market for all car models. Specifications original candles from NGK:
  • Self-cleaning effect;
  • Middle electrode is used, iridium alloy laser welding;
  • Resistance to electrospark erosion;
  • Using a platinum plate;
  • Reducing the load on the ignition coils due to the constant power of the candle;
    6. The area of ​​the central electrode is 0.4 mm;
    7. Average service life 100,000 km.
Most popular models companies:
  1. NGK BKR6EIX-11. The part was developed as an analogue of Denso spark plugs for engines latest generation. Unit price - from 600 rubles.
  2. NGK IZFR6K-11E. Iridium kit for Audi, Volkswagen, Honda. The average price is from 1300 rubles.
Denso Corporation has been a leader among spark plug companies since 1959. Technical developments are used as standard spark plugs by manufacturers such as: Citroen, Nissan, Volvo, Vauxhall / Opel, etc.

Innovative solutions enable Denso to produce systems and spark plugs that maximize fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 40%.

The company's product range includes more than 6,600 types of spark plugs, both standard and with an iridium component. The Iridium Power spark plug range has the following features:
  • Ignition occurs without misfires;
  • Fuel consumption is reduced by up to 5% compared to standard models;
  • Electrode diameter - from 0.4 mm;
  • Optimal output spark performance due to the ability to use low voltage;
  • Service life - from 100,000 km.
The company's product range includes Iridium Tough candles, where, together with an iridium center electrode, a platinum (68%) 0.7 mm grounding element is used. This equipment allows you to quickly form a fiery core, while cooling the spark. Technical characteristics of candles with a double electrode:
  • Improved acceleration by 40% compared to standard spark plugs;
  • Used for engines running on gasoline and liquefied gas;
  • Reducing fuel consumption by 7-8%;
  • Service life - from 120,000 km. Run.
For sports versions cars, rally cars, the company has developed a separate line of spark plugs with an iridium tip and a double platinum plate.

The opinion of domestic drivers that iridium candles are no better than standard ones with copper tips is fully justified. The reason is the low quality of fuel and the fact that cars are not used for racing, but for everyday life. Acquiring iridium counterparts, for all their technical attractiveness, is not a cheap pleasure.

When replacing a standard set with an iridium set, it is required to select parts with the same thread diameter, pitch and length as the standard candles. In this case, the configuration of the electrodes does not matter.

Field tests have shown that conventional spark plugs show the first signs of wear after 160 hours, after another 60 parts fail, fuel consumption increases by 7-9%.
Iridium counterparts began to show slight signs of wear only by 300 hours, i.e., by the end of the working cycle.

Which candles to use for your car, each driver chooses individually. The advantages of iridium candles are undeniable, but also standard sets stably serve the engine during its resource period.

Video on whether to install iridium spark plugs:

The first iridium spark plugs were introduced to the market as early as 1994 and were expected to replace platinum. Since they were positioned as more durable and reliable, car owners had to solve a kind of dilemma, install iridium or platinum candles in a car, because they were quite close in their characteristics. But many consider iridium models to be preferable, since iridium has a higher (2500 degrees) melting point than platinum, and its corrosion-resistant properties are also higher. Currently, a number of manufacturers produce iridium spark plugs of two types - durable and highly efficient. The first type is characterized by an increased service life, and they are often chosen by car owners, where the replacement procedure is fraught with great difficulties and takes a lot of time. High performance spark plugs improve engine performance and reduce fuel consumption - for injection engines savings can be up to 6%, for carbureted figures, of course, more modest - no more than 2%.

Characteristics of iridium candles

The question of how many iridium spark plugs go can be easily answered on your own, it is enough to know about their main characteristics. Thanks to the properties of iridium itself, it was possible to create a central electrode of a candle with a diameter of only 0.4 mm.

This fact makes it possible to obtain powerful spark at lower voltages, which is required for this. So, iridium candles on Priora can significantly improve flammability indicators, since in such candles the overwhelming effect of the central electrodes themselves on the spread of flame in the combustion chamber is several times reduced. Such high-tech spark plugs, platinum or iridium, are less sensitive to low-quality gasoline and the additives contained in it, so even accidentally poured "bad" gasoline will not cause pronounced engine problems. It is worth noting the increased resource of iridium samples, which is at least 100,000 km. There are other benefits as well:

  • low ignition voltage, which is required throughout the entire service life;
  • ability to ignite lean mixtures;
  • increased productivity;
  • more stable control of the auto ignition system;
  • increase in effective engine power (up to 4%);
  • reduction in fuel consumption, especially noticeable on injection models;
  • reduction of the content of toxic substances in exhaust gases;
  • practically guaranteed start of the engine in conditions extreme temperatures;
  • trivalent nickel plating has high anti-corrosion and anti-blocking performance.

Choosing the right iridium candle is not easy

By choosing iridium spark plugs, which have a lifespan that far exceeds similar parameter standard options, some care should be taken, since iridium spark plugs are selected according to the car (in some cases), or rather, according to some engine parameters. These include, for example, the glow number - that is, the pressure value in the cylinder at which the ignition of the mixture occurs not from a spark, but from the heated parts of the candle. This parameter is specified by the car manufacturer, and must be strictly followed.

At the same time, if the operation of candles with a slightly higher glow number is allowed for a short time, the installation of samples with a lower value is unacceptable, since this can lead to such consequences as burning the pistons or breakdown of the cylinder block gasket. For the high-quality operation of the ignition system, the question of what gap should be on iridium candles remains relevant. Many motorists remember how they used to “adjust” the distance between the electrodes on their own. Nowadays, no matter how long the iridium plugs run, manual adjustment not allowed - the gap is determined and set at the factory.

Important! If for some reason the gap has changed, you should not try to adjust it manually, it would be wiser to replace the candle.

A kind of recent innovation has been the emergence of products with multiple side electrodes.

Contrary to popular belief, only one spark is formed in it, and not several at once. Such iridium samples for a turbo engine, for example, will be just a godsend, since sparking in them is several times more stable. There is also a more stable operation of the engine on idling, the fuel mixture ignites more quickly, and the candle itself lasts a little longer. most latest novelty there is a “model” on the market that is completely devoid of side electrodes - instead of them there are additional “protrusions” on the insulator. This design is the most promising, since it forms a "walking" spark, which provides almost guaranteed ignition. fuel mixture in any conditions.

Iridium candle - is it worth overpaying for "precious metal"

Despite the fact that the question of which candles are better than platinum or iridium, everyone decides for himself, there are still no special differences between them. In addition, many manufacturers combine in their products beneficial features these metals.

For example, spark plugs are produced that have an iridium center electrode, and platinum soldering is present on the side electrode. In practice, this allows you to maximize the resource and get a more stable spark. This is especially important if the car is switched to gas. It is known that the gas-air mixture ignites much worse than gasoline, besides, it requires a higher temperature. In such engines, the gap on the iridium spark plugs, which is carefully adjusted at the factory, is especially important to keep intact.

Owners of powerful or sports cars also often wonder which spark plugs are better - iridium or platinum. There can be no definite answer here. For similar cars the best option there will be a sample whose side electrode is made in the form of a cone, often with an additional notch inside. This to a certain extent increases the stability of the spark, and increases its temperature, which has a beneficial effect on engine performance. The video below clearly shows how iridium samples improved the performance of the simple engine on domestic car:

Another issue that worries motorists quite strongly is the question of how to clean iridium spark plugs. In general, with a normally running engine, they are cleaned by themselves, and abundant carbon deposits do not accumulate on them. If such a problem still exists, you should look for the cause in the car itself, and not clean the candles, especially modern ones - there is a high probability of ruining them. By by and large, if iridium candles differ from ordinary ones, then this is their completely “problem-free” operation, and for the entire mileage allotted for their lifetime, they do not need any maintenance.

Is it worth installing iridium spark plugs on older cars?

Is it worth putting iridium samples on old cars that have passed more than one hundred thousand, or is it still better to do more budget option- a difficult question, to which it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer. The question here, first of all, is economic feasibility. On new injection models, expensive iridium options pay off fairly quickly. This is not only due to the improvement specifications engine, but also due to lower maintenance costs, as well as a significant reduction in fuel consumption - while such candles quickly pay off.

Old carbureted car, regardless of whether iridium or ordinary candles are installed in it, it will not “ride better”, and there will be no significant savings on gasoline. However, it will undoubtedly improve and become more stable work ignition system, it will be easier to start the engine in cold weather, the engine will stop reacting violently to low-quality gasoline. The maintenance of a car is also important, especially one that runs on liquefied gas. Thus, setting modern candles ignition can significantly increase the comfort during the operation of a car, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to save on the rest.

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