How to polish a car at home. Ways to polish plexiglass at home

How to polish a car at home. Ways to polish plexiglass at home

Car polishing can be divided into several varieties - this is the elimination of defects in the body paintwork after painting, restorative polishing during operation and maintenance of the paintwork surface.

Polishing Features

After painting, the body of any car requires finishing. In the process of applying paint, defects (adhering specks, dust, smudges, etc.) may occur, which must be eliminated. For this, abrasive products (sheets, circles, paper) are used, which can also be used to remove deep scratches, abrasions, etc., manually or with a special grinder.

Traces of abrasive processing are removed with the help of polishing pastes. For this, a three-stage polishing process is usually applied. At the first stage coarse abrasive polishes are applied. They remove the thinnest top layer of varnish and paint, removing marks, scratches and other damage. Coarse-abrasive polishes also add shine to the body surface, but this shine is not deep enough, and even without additional protection the effect will not last very long - 1-2 months. The second stage is giving a deep gloss with the help of medium abrasive compositions. At the third stage, anti-hologram polishes are used to eliminate the glare effect that occurs on dark colors after machine polishing.

During operation, the vehicle is exposed to various factors, ranging from weather conditions(temperature changes, sun, precipitation) and ending with fine gravel flying out from under the wheels. As a result, the smallest damage occurs on the body, which significantly worsens the condition of the paintwork. In the absence of large scratches, processing with abrasive materials is not required, you can immediately start polishing with pastes. The three-step process in this case is identical to polishing after staining. As a result of such treatment, the car will look like new, dullness, light scratches, traces of an aggressive car wash, etc. will disappear.

If desired, the owner can independently take care of his car. With the help of a cloth and polish, which can be purchased at any auto shop, without special equipment You can polish your car as often as you like. However given type polishing is only suitable for cosmetic care and giving a slight gloss and will not cope with serious defects in the paintwork.

Material selection

There are two types of polishing pastes. The first type is water-based pastes containing aluminum oxide minerals of various sizes. The second type is pastes containing a large number of solvents and other chemicals that react with the surface. The most common pastes on the market are water based polishes. they are safer for paintwork and give best result in progress.

The main problem with such pastes is that they cannot be stored at low temperatures. At the same time, it is in our country that this issue is quite acute - transportation in unheated vans can take a long time, and the cold in some regions lasts most of the year, complicating the process of transportation and storage. After freezing, the polishing paste stratifies, loses its viscosity, up to a complete loss of the working properties of the product, and its consumption also increases significantly. As a result, the cost of the product and the time to work increase. To solve this problem, especially for Russian market a water-based polishing paste with increased resistance to sub-zero temperatures was developed. Such a paste does not freeze down to -20°C, therefore, it is not subjected to subsequent defrosting and does not lose its performance.

The color of the cap on the bottle will tell you which paste to choose for the respective polishing step. Also on the packaging you can find out the degree of abrasiveness of the paste. The larger the triangle indicating the grain size, the stronger the abrasive in the package. The letters NF on the bottle indicate that the paste can be stored and used at low temperatures. If we talk about the types of pastes, then for coarse abrasive the main indicators are the speed and completeness of the removal of scratches after abrasive processing, as well as the rate of gloss formation. For pastes of the second stage, the main indicator is the speed of glossing and its depth. Paste for the final stage can be evaluated by how well and completely it removes the effect of the hologram. Common parameters for all types of pastes are the drying rate of the product and the dispersion of particles, since these factors directly affect the consumption of paste during the polishing process and the cost of the service.

We polish correctly

The quality of polishing directly depends on how the car was prepared for this process - the body must be thoroughly washed before work.

Professional polishing requires a special machine with foam or wool pads. polishing machine is a professional tool high speed rotation - from 700 to 2500 rpm. If the machine is too high minimum speed rotation of the polishing pad (3-4 thousand revolutions), the polishing tool will not work. Polishing pads for each stage of work are distinguished by their rigidity and surface relief.

The use of inappropriate equipment leads to rapid drying of the polishing paste and overheating of the paint surface. At high speeds, there is also a risk of damage to the paintwork, for example, on the edges of parts (you can inadvertently cut off completely paintwork). For professional work with abrasive materials it is necessary to use an orbital sander. It is best to work on a special 3000 or 6000 grit 150mm foam wheel that will last for a long time and will leave behind a more uniform risk. Also, subsequently, the polisher will spend less time, effort and product at the stage of working with pastes and get best quality treated surface.

At self polishing The car owner will need a minimum of components: a polishing paste and a soft microfiber cloth with a high pile, which, while using the polish, will not damage the paintwork and leave behind a pile or stains.

Expert advice

For each polishing step it is necessary to use the polishing pad corresponding to this step.

At the first stage, you should not apply the paste immediately to a large surface, it is better to do it in parts, polish parts with an area of ​​60x60 cm. At the final stages, you can polish the entire body.

Material prepared jointly with 3M

Problems of how to polish a car begin to bother car owners already in the second or third year after purchasing a car. Even durable automotive enamels of premium foreign cars fade and fade over this period. Less durable paint budget cars not only loses its luster. paintwork without protective polishing starts to peel and crack.

Reasons for polishing and refinishing

The main reasons necessitating polishing, the natural aging of automotive enamel and dirt remain on domestic roads. All road debris raised by the movement of passing and oncoming cars leaves marks on the body of your car. Micro-scratches are difficult to see with the naked eye, but their accumulation affects the reflectivity of the varnish. More noticeable on the paint are traces of hard sand, gravel, flying stones, roadside branches getting into the body.

Scuffs and a dull color to car paint are brought by road chemistry, winter sprinkling of highways with salt, sand, and chemical reagents. Various bischofites and modified calcium have a destructive effect on the body paintwork. Acid rain, hail, dirty snow leave traces on car enamel.

Oddly enough, but auto mechanics consider arrivals at an automatic brush wash as an important cause of scratches and scuffs. From regular washing rotating brushes, body paint (especially soft enamels) loses its luster and tarnishes. And if the owner of a car wash saves on timely replacement worn brushes, hard ends of the bristles leave deep scratches on the paint. in micro-scratches and small chips road dirt accumulates, expanding and deepening the damage.

In addition to the loss of gloss and brightness of the factory color, all damage to the paintwork is dangerous with more serious consequences. Scratches, superimposed on each other, completely cut through the paint layer and can become pockets of rust, the elimination of which will require expensive body repairs with repainting the car.

Every driver wants to restore the perfect shine of the body and glass, but the services of branded technical centers and road detailing studios are not available to an ordinary car owner every two to three months. With limited financial resources, many Russian motorists have no other choice but to polish the car themselves.

How to polish a car at home

Naturally, home conditions should be understood as a dry, well-lit garage. Polishing a car on the street or in the yard is impossible even in warm summers. Dust brought by the wind, fallen leaves will instantly spoil the results of your work. The uneven drying in the sun of many types of pastes and varnishes is also important, affecting the quality of work, general form cars.

Preparatory operations

The garage must be cleaned before work, eliminating dust as much as possible. Experienced auto mechanics do not advise polishing a car when sub-zero temperatures and in the heat (over 35 - 40 degrees). Before proceeding with polishing, a number of preliminary operations are required:

  • body wash (manual or non-contact);
  • removal of stains and stubborn dirt (oil, bitumen);
  • pasting decorative details(chromium, nickel, rubber, plastic);
  • inspection of a clean body (the choice of abrasives, grain size of polishing compounds depends on the degree of damage).

If you do not have space or conditions for self-washing cars near the garage, right before polishing you can visit a car wash, preferably contactless. After driving into the garage, you need to wipe the car again with a clean, dry cloth.

After washing, bitumen stains, oils are clearly visible, which are removed manually, with mild solvents, degreasers, white spirit. There is no need to use screwdrivers and knives. Having soaked the speck, it is easy to remove it with a fingernail or a plastic card.

In order not to hurt decorative elements(glass edging, moldings, mirrors), they are pasted over with masking tape. Professional polishers remove and nickel plated door handles, but it is not recommended for beginners during the first experiments.

Experienced amateurs of independent work with the car, simultaneously with polishing the body, also polish the glass of the car. Technologically, the operations differ little (only in the composition of pastes and protective agents), having gained experience, you will be able to polish the glass yourself. At the first attempt at polishing, it is better to glue all the glasses.

Restorative abrasive polishing of the body

Before you polish the car with your own hands, you need to take care of the tool and consumables. There are two ways to abrasively eliminate damage to the paint layer - manual and mechanical (using a grinder). For beginners independent work experts advise first to try their hand at manual abrasive polishing, which requires less material costs.

For manual polishing of paintwork you will need:

  • abrasive sandpaper (R-2000, R-2500);
  • sprayer for water;
  • special napkins or cotton rags;
  • polishing pastes and polishes.

Abrasive body polishing operations

Before use, the sandpaper is cut into small pieces and their edges are rounded to sharp corners did not leave deep scratches. Manual grinding begins with a small section of the body, later moving from it to different sides. Before grinding, the surface is moistened with water from a spray bottle.

Soaked with sandpaper, the paint is ground in two perpendicular directions, achieving an even matte color of the paintwork. The process is repeated several times, wiping the water with a damp and dry cloth. After the R-2000 sandpaper, the second polishing can be done with the R-2500 sandpaper. After that, a polishing paste is applied to the polished area with a fine-grained sponge or plastic card and rubbed with effort in a circular motion special tampons or napkins.

Polishing after grinding will be greatly accelerated if you use a grinder. Instead of a machine, you can use an electric drill with a special nozzle (only drills with adjustable speed).

For mechanical polishing, you will need to add the following tools to the original set:

  • grinder (with adjustable speed from 700 to 3000);
  • protective glasses;
  • grinding and polishing discs;
  • mandrels for fixing discs of various thicknesses;
  • felt or fur polishing wheels;
  • stiff brush to clean the circles.

In the process of mechanical polishing, the machine is driven in a circular motion. Start work with low speed, making efforts to rub in the polishing paste. In the future, the speed is increased, reducing the clamping force. Start work with pastes of greater grain size and hard circles. According to the results of polishing, they are successively changed to softer circles and pastes with a small grain size.

Working with a grinder requires proven skills, so before you start polishing the car body, you can practice on the removed body part. With the wrong choice of paste grain size, disk rotation speed and pressing force, car enamel can be erased to metal, burned (iridescent tint spots appear, paint swells). Particularly responsible places are the kinks of the body, curly stampings on the hood, wings, doors, which need to be polished especially carefully.

Choice of pastes or gels. How to polish a car.

In addition to polishing technology, the question of how to polish a car is no less important. Understanding the basics production processes, you need to choose polishing pastes, protective and restorative polishes. Polishing pastes are usually divided into powder and gel. The first type of pastes is chosen for hard coatings with numerous damages and they polish the enamel with a decrease in graininess.

Gel pastes work more gently, they are used to polish soft paintwork of budget foreign cars with relatively little damage. Gel (paste-like) and aerosol (liquid) pastes in cylinders are used for various parts of the body. Gel paste is applied to the polishing wheel, it is convenient to process side surfaces(doors, fenders) cars. Aerosol paste is sprayed on the roof, hood, trunk of a car, after which it is rubbed with a soft polishing wheel.

When using abrasive polishing pastes, it must be remembered that the number of polishings is not infinite. Each buffing takes off a layer of paint, buffing your car weekly will take the paint off in a year.

In the same way, abrasive polishing of the machine is carried out after body repairs and car paint. In this case, its goal is to level the paint layer, eliminate paint streaks, “shagreen”. After painting, it is better to use gel polishing pastes.

You can see in more detail how to properly polish the car in the video:

Protective paint finishes

After processing with abrasives, restorative polishing pastes, filling in micro-scratches, level the surface of the car enamel, correctly reflect light rays, which gives the paint a mirror shine. But restorative polishing does not protect the body from new damage. To prevent minor damage paints are designed protective polishing.

Manufacturers produce protective polishes based on:

  • artificial and natural waxes;
  • teflon;
  • tree resins;
  • silicone;
  • ceramics;
  • "liquid glass".

Before choosing a polishing paste for protective polishing, you need to carefully read the instructions for use. Some of them can be applied to the car by hand, others require the use of a grinder.

The principle of operation of protective pastes is the same. They create a thin layer on the paintwork that protects the enamel from ultraviolet radiation (the paint burns out less), repels water, dirt, and chemicals.

Simple soft pastes include wax formulations, which can be manually applied to the body and rubbed with a special napkin. preventive protection the car owner can apply on the car body in an hour, but the soft paste can withstand only two or three contact washes.

Polishing protective pastes based on silicone, Teflon are more durable. They can withstand 30 - 40 washes, but you need to polish the car with a grinder with interchangeable nozzles. The polishing technology is similar to abrasive, but requires precise time delay, depending on the drying of the protective composition.

For more expensive nanoceramic protective polishes, the hard outer layer is created by polymerized compositions containing the smallest crystals of silicon dioxide, titanium oxides. The polymeric ceramic layer fills the unevenness of the paint, tightens microcracks, and protects the enamel from peeling. The protective properties of nanocreams increase depending on the applied layers of varnish (up to ten layers are used). Professional polishers highly appreciate Ceramic Pro, NANO POLISH, CERAMIC PRO LIGHT, Restor FX polishes. Determining the effectiveness of protective polishing is quite simple. If you pour a ladle of water on the hood of the car, the liquid will collect on the surface in large drops.

Surely, every driver has encountered a situation where the appearance of the car has lost its gloss and chic, over the years of faithful service, it has turned into a banal workhorse, but once was an excellent model, worthy of attention and respect. A decade ago, one could only dream of high-quality do-it-yourself polishing without special equipment. Today, a great many polishing products have appeared that allow you to do it yourself, without spending a lot of time and saving the family budget on buying a machine. How, what is polishing a car without a machine, what nuances, features does this work include?

What is polishing and why is it needed?

To return the car to its former gloss, refresh the paint and, at the same time, create powerful protection against the effects of an aggressive external environment, one of the main auto-tuning procedures can be polishing. Today, car repairmen practice two types of car polishing: without a machine, by hand and with its use, each method is interesting and meaningful in its own way.

A condescending attitude towards external damage will not only affect your aesthetic feelings in the most negative way, but will also serve as a beneficial environment for the occurrence of corrosion of the car body.

Moreover, the work done by hand is considered even of higher quality and jewelry, because in this case a smaller layer is removed, and not so much applied. significant damage body surface, as when working with a polishing device.

The basic rules for do-it-yourself polishing are as follows:

  • Be wise in your choice of polishing agents. Today, the market is replete with an assortment of materials, but not all are equally effective. Not only are they divided into categories, but also each brand offers the attention of the buyer a product of one quality or another, as well as additional functions to consider when buying.
  • Polishing work must be carried out in a warm, well-ventilated and well-lit room. Warm, so that the materials do not lose their consistency, in light, so as not to miss a tiny area of ​​\u200b\u200bcovering the car body, and thus not nullify all the work. Well, we all need fresh air when working with toxic materials.
  • IN without fail before starting, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the body so that the smallest particles of dirt and dust do not deform the paint surface during the procedure.
  • Never carry out polishing and other work at the same time in the same garage (for example, priming, puttying), as the smallest particles of other materials can settle on the polish and lead to big troubles.

When is polishing required?

Before polishing the car, it is worth sorting out the question: in what cases does it become necessary, because the procedure belongs to the category of aggressive mechanical damage. With frequent polishing, polishing can do more harm than good, in particular, the removal of layers during grinding contributes to the violation of the metal surface of the car body, as a result, the body begins to rust. So, always and in everything it is good to be guided by the rule: know the measure.

Experts say that you can polish a car no more than twenty times, after which it is recommended to completely renew the paintwork.

So, car body polishing is used in the following cases:

  • the presence of scratches, scuffs;
  • the appearance of streaks and tarnishing of colors;
  • the formation of shagreen;
  • color mismatch after poor-quality painting.

What is needed for work?

Having dealt with theoretical issues, we proceed to the work itself. In order to polish a car with our own hands, we need the following:

  • polishes;
  • grinding pastes;
  • sandpaper;
  • foam rubber;
  • flannel.

Not so many tools are needed to work manually, and now more about the technology itself.

Manual polishing technology

Do-it-yourself car polishing is carried out in several stages:

  • thorough washing of the car body;
  • degreasing (only after this simple procedure it will be possible to polish, otherwise, all work will be in vain);
  • applying a polishing agent;
  • drying.

The first and second stages, we think, are not worth dwelling on them, you will do it yourself. We will tell you more about how to apply the tool manually correctly. Shake the bottle with the product beforehand, apply in small portions in order to have time to grind the emulsion before it dries. After applying the product, rub it with a cloth (preferably a napkin).

Polishing a car by hand always requires physical effort: the more energy you put into your work, the better the end result will be. You need to polish the car until it shines like a mirror.

Remember: car polish dries within five minutes after application. So, you need to meet the allotted time, otherwise you will have to repeat the work again, but in a day.

Doing this with your own hands is not so easy, but if you learn a simple technology, then it is quite possible to do it right, saving a lot on a car service.

Restoring paintwork

If it is necessary to restore the paintwork, then the restoration polishing of the car is carried out. The preparatory stage is no different from the above, except that here, after the degreasing process of the car body, it is necessary to treat the surface with synthetic clay. In order to perform the processing correctly, follow the instructions:

  1. We knead the clay on the deformed section of the car body.
  2. Now you need to manually mat the surface.
  3. We grind. But you need to polish only on a damp surface of the car, only then polishing will bring the desired effect.

Final stage

The final step in polishing a car with your own hands is the final polishing. It is produced with special pastes, without abrasive content. With an automated approach, the paste is rubbed with a machine, if you do the final polishing with your own hands, then the paste is rubbed with pieces of foam rubber.

Now you know how to do it yourself. It remains only to wish good luck and a fair wind on the road!

Plexiglas is a material that has consolidated its position both in everyday life and in production. His specifications(strength, transparency, thermoplasticity) are not inferior to the properties of conventional glass. The operation of organic glass may lead to the need for its polishing. Is it possible to polish the material at home and how? What is included in the preparation and processing process? Everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Features of the material and scope of application

Organic glass is obtained from acrylic acid through various chemical reactions. This material is similar in various parameters to ordinary glass, but its nature is organic (hence the name of the material). There are several synonymous words - plexiglass, acryplast, carboglass, etc.

Among the main characteristics of plexiglass can be highlighted:

  • ease;
  • softness;
  • the ability to easily transform;
  • malleability during processing;
  • high throughput;
  • When exposed to certain chemicals, plexiglass decomposes.

The impact resistance of many types of plexiglass is 5 times greater than that of ordinary

Polymeric transparent material is used in various areas of human life, so the operation of organic glass can lead to a change in its appearance- deterioration of transparency, decrease in gloss, appearance of scratches, roughness and other unfavorable moments. Carboglass with large damage from glass turns into ordinary plastic. In this regard, the question often arises of the need for polishing plexiglass at home.

Ways to polish plexiglass at home

It is possible to give plaxiglass products their original appearance without resorting to complex tools or expensive materials.

There are several effective methods combating the "non-commodity" type of plexiglass:

  • Felt + GOI paste.
  • The use of dichloroethane.
  • The use of polishes.
  • Home recipes (wine vinegar, toothpaste, etc.)

Using GOI paste, sandpaper and felt (with detailed video)

You should know that there are coarse, medium and fine types of GOI paste


  1. Isolation of plaxiglass from other structures and elements. If possible, separate the plexiglass from other structures (glue the adjacent areas with adhesive tape, detach the plexiglass parts, etc.)
  2. Using 2000 grit sandpaper, sand the organic glass, periodically wetting the surface with water (under running water or using a spray bottle). Uniformity and slowness are the main characteristics in the performance of this work. A matt, uniform surface should be the result of this time-consuming step.
  3. The part wiped dry is polished using felt with GOI paste applied to it. This should be done slowly, achieving the highest quality result.

This method of repairing plexiglass is suitable for plexiglass with large scratches on it.

Following step by step instructions video material, you can easily cope with the task of eliminating defects in plexiglass.

Home helpers (toothpaste, chalk and others) + video

As polishing agent some craftsmen use chalk or toothpaste, applying these substances to felt or other soft cloth. How to polish - manually or with the help of technology - each specialist decides independently. The main thing is to get the result in the form of a smooth and shiny surface.

You can use ordinary towels made from natural materials. Apply a little dentifrice paste on them and rub it in a circle into the surface to be treated. After that, rinse the plexiglass with plain water.

Below is a video demonstrating the polishing process car headlights with toothpaste.

Is it possible to polish with your own hands using dichloroethane

The use of this substance is appropriate when processing small areas of plexiglass. Dichloroethane dissolves the top layer of plexiglass, thereby improving its appearance, leveling the surface and eliminating scratches. The chemical is applied with a spray gun to the acryplast and wait for complete drying.

But using this method requires a good work skill, because when removing scratches, you can add bumps to the glass, and chemicals are not useful for a craftsman who changes the appearance of plexiglass.

Other scratch remedies

To give a smooth and shiny look, the product can be treated with any automotive polishing products.

  1. It is advisable to test the action of auto polishes by trying to process a small area first, so as not to spoil the entire product.
  2. If the result is satisfactory, then feel free to get to work. To do this, apply auto cosmetics to a soft cloth and wipe the product in a circular motion many times.

You can speed up the process with the help of power tools - a polishing wheel, grinders. When using such devices, do not forget that the rotation speed should not be too high so as not to “burn” the surface.

The Japanese Compound paste received good reviews in terms of polishing carboglass.

Also included is a special polishing pad.

The choice of glass cleaning chemicals is very important process, because some chemicals, instead of being useful, can cause severe damage to the surface, simply destroying it. Therefore, be very careful when using these tools.

Any action to improve the appearance of acrylic glass will be in vain if it is harmful to your health. Therefore, when working, it is necessary to remember the safety precautions:

  1. When working with a sandpaper or a grinder, wear protective goggles so that possible dust particles do not get into your eyes.
  2. Do not neglect the use of gloves, they are mandatory for safe work(when sanding the surface, when using chemicals). Match them to the size of your hand to avoid getting excess cloth into the polishing wheel.
  3. Using chemicals, do not forget about the supply of fresh air to the room in which the work is carried out.
  4. When working with special devices, be sure to check their serviceability and reliability of electrical wiring and sockets.
  5. When spraying dichloroethane, use a respirator or medical personal mask.

The process of polishing plexiglass at home is time-consuming and time-consuming, especially if you work manually. But the result will surely reward you for your efforts. The surface of the plexiglass will become smooth, even, without nicks and scratches and will please you for a long time.

Stainless steel objects have firmly entered our lives. These are interior elements on the street and at home, various dishes at home and much more. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with an admixture of special elements. Steel acquires high resistance to negative environmental factors thanks to these elements. But under the influence of various factors, even such a strong metal can lose its original appearance. How to polish up mirror shine? If such a need arose, then you have two options:

  • Contact a specialized company that provides this kind of service.
  • Do it yourself at home.

Let's take a look at how metal is polished to a mirror finish with our own hands. different ways at home.

Polishing at home

At home, you can also get a shiny and smooth stainless steel surface. There are several ways to help us with this.

Preparing for polishing

First you need to properly clean the product. You can use dishwashing detergent for this:

  1. Dilute detergent in water.
  2. Clean the stainless steel surface with soapy water.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and dry the product.

Polishing with olive oil

This method is suitable for polishing tarnished products. All you need is some olive oil and a soft cloth or tissue:

  • Apply a little oil to the cloth and spread it so that the entire surface is covered with an oil film.
  • Press the cloth firmly against the surface and polish the stainless steel product with smooth movements.

Important! Continue until you see a noticeable change in structure.

  • Now you need to remove the remaining oil. For this, napkins or a dry towel are suitable. Wipe the surface until it is completely dry.

Flour polishing

How else can you polish metal at home? For these purposes, you can use flour, however, this method is more suitable for flat surfaces, for example, for pots, knives or sinks:

  • Dust the entire surface with flour and spread it evenly over the metal.
  • Polish with a soft cloth in a circular motion.

Important! For greater effect, you can use an old toothbrush.

  • Shake off any remaining flour.

Chemical method

You can polish metal at home by chemical means. To do this, you need to prepare special liquid. There are several ways to do this:

  • For such a solution, you will need 230 ml of sulfuric acid, 70 ml of hydrochloric acid, 40 ml of nitric acid. In 1 liter of solution, add 6 g of acid black dye, 10 g of wood glue and 6 g of sodium chloride. Bring this mixture to a temperature of 65-70 degrees and place your stainless steel items there for a period of 5 to 30 minutes.
  • The solution is prepared in the following ratios: orthophosphoric acid 20-30%, hydrochloric - 3-4%, nitrogen - 4-5%, methyl orange - 1-1.5%. Put the product for 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 18-25 degrees.
  • Per liter of the composition is 660 g of hydrochloric acid, 230 g of sulfuric acid and 25 g of orange acid dye. Heat the solution to a temperature of 70-75 degrees and put a stainless steel object there for 2-3 minutes.

Important! All these components are very aggressive, so it is necessary to provide full eye protection. hands, face and respiratory organs.

The stages of polishing with chemical solutions are as follows:

  • Immerse the previously cleaned stainless steel item in a container with a chemical solution.

Important! Adhere to the strict dosage of the substances included in the solution to get the desired concentration.

  • The liquid must be constantly stirred.
  • After the expiration date, the product must be removed and the remnants of reagents washed off with clean water.
  • Wipe the part with a polished cloth.

Under the influence of chemicals, all roughness will be eliminated and the product will acquire its original shine and radiant appearance.

Mechanical polishing methods

These polishing methods involve the use of tools and devices such as:

  • polishing machine;
  • Sander;
  • electric grinder;
  • grinder with lock.

Important! The method has a number of advantages. This is fast, efficient, you can change the frequency of rotation of circles and ribbons, use additional nozzles made of leather, fabric, wool and other materials.

The tool for polishing metal to a mirror finish with your own hands depends on the brand of stainless steel:

  • Diamond paste showed itself best of all, but it has one significant drawback - a rather high price.
  • If you don’t have one, then you can use GOI paste. It comes in four types, depending on the grain size.

Important! For manual grinding, you can use the same diamond paste or GOI paste. Its effectiveness depends on the quality of consumables.

This is done as follows:

  • Apply a little product to the felt pad and drip a few drops engine oil to dilute the paste.

Important! For metal, it is best to use a coarse-grained paste.

  • Polish the surface in a circular motion, being careful not to rub too hard.
  • Do this until you are satisfied with the result.

Important! How can I polish a knife to a mirror finish at home? So smooth metal surfaces polished with an ordinary file - a wooden beam covered with a cloth, on which a polishing paste is applied.

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