How it's done, how it works, how it works. Perpetuum mobile and free energy - the taboo of official science

How it's done, how it works, how it works. Perpetuum mobile and free energy - the taboo of official science

It would seem that science has finally and irrevocably proved that devices with a coefficient useful action(efficiency) greater than one (the so-called perpetual motion machines) are impossible. Projects of perpetual motion machines have not been accepted for consideration by patent offices for a long time.

But nevertheless, devices that give out more energy at the output than they received at the input exist, contrary to all known laws of physics. And this is very disliked by corporations that use traditional energy sources.

Tesla Converter

Back in the 1890s Nikola Tesla developed new type an electric generator that does not consume any fuel and draws energy from the environment.

And in 1931 he tested passenger car, working, as one might assume, "on a perpetual motion machine".

Tesla took off Gas engine from a new Pierce-Arrow car and replaced it with an electric motor alternating current capacity 80 Horse power without any traditionally known external sources nutrition.

At a local radio shop, he bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires, a handful of assorted resistors - and assembled it all in a box 60 centimeters long, 30 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters high, with a pair of rods 7.5 centimeters long sticking out from the outside.

Reinforcing the box at the back, behind the driver's seat, he extended the rods and announced, "Now we have power." After that, he drove the car for a week, driving it at speeds up to 150 kilometers per hour.

The newspapers reported that the car was accelerated by a source of electricity with the so-called anomalous energy balance (converter), when the output is more energy than is supplied to the input. The exact scheme remained unknown, but it is certain that when introduced into production, this invention could bury all gasoline engines.

This is exactly what Nikola Tesla's financial backers didn't like. Having invested huge amounts of money in the development of traditional energy sources, they had no interest in introducing a nobler, more environmentally friendly, but less profitable energy supply system. Therefore, the mystery car, like most of Nikola Tesla's other inventions, was not put into practice.

Since the machine had an AC motor and no batteries, the question rightly arises: where did the energy come from in it?

The thing is that the space itself has an internal structure, therefore, it can serve as a source of energy, you just need to properly organize the process of extracting it. The physical laws that we study in schools and universities are true only for the former field of knowledge, but do not take into account the fact that there is a connection between space-time and energy, matter and fields.

And sometimes there are incidents that only confirm our ignorance in matters of space structuring. One such example is the fact of resonance in electrical engineering, which was demonstrated by the former secret physicist Andrey Melnichenko.

In addition, there are numerous experiments, powerful research developments both in our country and abroad, which definitely confirm that the system of previous knowledge is hopelessly outdated. But the fate of many developments and the inventors themselves is rather sad and even tragic.

Marsol's molecular engine

The ingenious invention was made by the Frenchman Jean Marsol. In the working cavity of his cylinder " molecular engine» on a hot electrical resistance, coated with a catalyst - a mixture of antimony and zinc, by a pump, when the piston is in top position, water is injected.

Bypassing the vapor phase, it decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. These gases occupy a volume about a thousand times larger than the water that gave rise to them. According to the van der Waals law, temperature and pressure increase. Gases expand and do work.

A superperpetual motion machine, - the scientists discussing this invention unanimously declared, - consumes almost nothing, but gives out a lot of energy!

But on the very first weekend after the publication of the patent for this engine, the inventor, his wife, father-in-law (Professor of the Sorbonne), children, governess, security chauffeur died in a car accident on the way to the beach. The next night, the laboratory and Villa Marsol burned to the ground.

The experimenter on duty, seven guards, and three firefighters were killed. Soon by different reasons ex-wives died, their husbands and some relatives, as well as students who carried out projects under the guidance of the inventor. The latest victim is a lab curator from the War Department. The surviving employees emigrated to no one knows where. Manuscripts of all people connected with Marsol were confiscated from publishing houses by investigators.

The very fact of such mass terror is an irrefutable proof of the significance of the discovery made by Marsol and the most important, possibly global level, information associated with it.

Searl's disc

According to the Western press, the flying disc, designed by the English inventor John Searle, is a working model of the perpetuum mobile. The generator, based on a magnetic ring with which the rollers are in contact, stopped consuming energy when a certain rotation speed was reached and began to self-accelerate.

According to the observers who were present during the tests, in this mode, the unit also lost weight - it simply took off. During field trials Searle lost several active space models in this way, until he learned to regulate this process. This was followed by a controlled flight of the generator from London to Cornwall and back, which is a total of 600 kilometers.

But when the BBC TV reporters filmed documentary about an extraordinary invention and showed it on television, the consequences were not long in coming. The local electricity board accused John Searle of stealing electricity.

The electricians did not believe that his laboratory was powered by its own source. The scientist was imprisoned for 10 months. During this time, a strange fire broke out in the laboratory, but even before it, all the equipment, drawings and mysterious inventions disappeared.

The scientist's wife left. In 1983, 51-year-old John Searle was released from prison as a bankrupt. A film made about him is now impossible to find in the archives.

Searl's experiments were successfully repeated in Russia by Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin. But their installation also disappeared, and all publications about it disappeared, with the exception of the application for an invention.

The test of time

Why does the desire of inventors to give humanity an absolutely clean energy source (quite realistically feasible) encounter such insurmountable barriers? Of course, you can blame everything on the energy monopolies, who do not want to lose oil revenue, and the secret services, who seek to turn all innovations into weapons.

Those people on whom the fate of the entire planet could depend are satisfied with their position and the luxury that surrounds them, and clearly do not intend to change anything in the existing situation. Gas, oil and other industries bring them super profits. They don't care about the poverty and filth that they could only see from the windows of their limousines if they weren't rushing so fast.

They don’t give a damn about the environment: they believe that clean air will be enough for their life, and in extreme cases, they will build a bunker for themselves on a huge plot in a pine forest with clean air-conditioned air. The same tendencies and causes of stagnation in many structures where there are hierarchical ladders. Science is no exception to the rule.

But this is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Iceberg of human consciousness, which does not change in one moment. In this sense, everything new must not only be born, but also pass the test of time, earn its right to exist. There must be those who will be ready to understand and accept, and not just use.

And such like-minded people appeared with John Searle, who did not give up, did not bend under the blows of fate. He has a large and friendly team of associates in the UK. He is actively collaborating with labs in the US and Taiwan doing parallel research and development on his generator. Several private investors helped him not only restore the plundered laboratory, but also equip it with the latest technology.

There are many such people on earth. They dream of stopping the pollution of our planet, the cause of which they see in the irrepressible greed of man, leading to a lack of energy and material resources. They hope that a clean source of free electricity will solve the problem of people living below the poverty line.

Perhaps this is naive. But they believe and know that the world can be better, and with their conviction they inflame others. And this belief is the main perpetual motion machine.


Let's think together - is it possible to make a car engine clean in terms of exhaust gases, light in weight and even more versatile in application than it is now?

The bulk of engineers understand that the modern piston engine used in cars has reached its maximum limit of use and the ceiling of ingenuity. Practically nothing can be squeezed out of it. The reason for the limitation is crank mechanism, its inability to develop revolutions of more than 10 thousand per minute due to friction. And, as you know, the higher the engine speed, the more solidly the coefficient of performance (COP) grows, i.e. less fuel is required per unit of transported cargo, and the weight of the structure for the same power decreases in proportion to the number of revolutions. Thousands of designs were created to replace the piston engine. The most serious of the heat engines was the Wankel engine, which had an efficiency of up to 60%, but could not compete due to the high wear of the sealing plates. There were attempts to use a turbojet aircraft engine specifically for a car, but due to the large volume of gas generated behind the car, competition did not take place.

Known chemical rocket engines have a low efficiency of about 15%, which means that out of 100 liters of fuel consumed, only 15 liters are consumed directly for movement, and the remaining 85 liters fly out into space in the form of smoke, heat and various oxides, i.e. are not involved in the work. Low efficiency is obtained due to the fact that during chemical reactions of fuel with an oxidizer, the thermal velocity of molecules and atoms does not exceed 3–5 km/s, and this is top speed outflow from the nozzle of the combustion chamber, i.e. gas velocity limit, which can be called the outflow threshold for reactive and turbojet engines. For example, the speed of a bullet from a pistol, on average, is of the order of 0.7 km/s. For this reason, in order to increase the recoil pushing force in a rocket engine, designers are forced to consider the maximum per second flow rate of outflowing gases and large nozzle cross sections. This is the only reason why chemical rockets have an enormous launch weight of hundreds and thousands of tons of fuel, although the payload is a small part of this unit.

The situation is a little better with airplanes. The efficiency of their turbojet engines reaches 40 - 45%, since they fly in the atmosphere and, due to the rotation of the blades of a multi-stage turbine, compress the air in front of the combustion chamber to increase efficiency. The remaining 55% go to pollute the environment, which is also bad for the ecology of our living space. In addition, both rocket and aircraft engines have a high soundtrack, which is unfavorable for the population near airfields. Reducing the noise effect of flying objects is one of the most urgent tasks of our civilization.

However, in the bowels modern technology the electric propulsion was born and strengthened, capable of radically changing the existing situation both with the efficiency of engines and with the noise during their operation. Many electric propulsion engines are known; with thermal acceleration of the working fluid, with electrostatic acceleration and with electromagnetic gas flow. The whole value of electric propulsion lies in high speed outflow of a gas jet, on average, about 50 - 100 km / s. And from the theory of jet propulsion it is known that the pushing force of the engine is equal to the multiplication (product) of the mass of the ejected gas by the exhaust velocity. The higher the speed, the less the amount of gas must be ejected at a time, the smaller the size of the nozzle, the more economical the engine at the same power. This fact has also been verified at an outflow velocity of 1000 km/s - the conclusions of the theory are fully confirmed. All this is correct, however, it is difficult to use such electric jet engines, especially on airplanes and cars, since they operate at high discharges, i.e. without atmosphere, in vacuum conditions. In addition, they require a powerful current source, while available for space solar panels provide approximately no more than a hundred kilowatts of power.

Recently, all the attention of engineers has shifted to the electric car. It seemed that a universal replacement electric car was about to be created. heat engine. A particularly energetic boom was caused by the development of a unique current source - a fuel cell. Here, gaseous fuel and oxidant are supplied to the electrodes of the electrolytic bath. As a result of the decomposition of gases under the action of catalysts on the electrodes into two ionic and one electronic components, the necessary electricity for the drive motor. However, the electric motor itself turned out to be heavier than a gasoline engine of the same power and ... .. the electric car did not take place, despite the huge money invested so far in the development of fuel cells. What is the way out of this situation?

In the future, there is hope for superconductivity. Superconducting electric motors due to their own powerful magnetic fields do not need transformer iron to amplify the magnetic flux and are simple disks that are easily built into the wheels of the car, as is now done in trucks BELAZ with conventional electric motors. However, due to the fact that it has not yet been obtained even in laboratories, hopes for the use of superconducting engines in cars in mass production today are close to zero.

Let's express a seditious thought - it is quite possible to make an engine lighter than a gasoline engine with the same power and even more economical, but without rubbing mechanical parts. The development of technology at the moment allows this to be done. But what if we get rid of high frequency in a high-frequency electric jet engine? It is needed only for the ionization of atoms, in order to disperse them with a strong electric field, since the field does not act on ordinary non-ionized gas atoms due to their neutrality. To do this, it is reasonable to use a very interesting apparatus.

The talented Tesla gave us an original tool capable of ensuring the development of technology for 200-300 years ahead, however, due to our limited knowledge, we still cannot rationally use its design in technology. This is the so-called (), which is used mainly as a decorative device for obtaining beautiful discharges of electricity. Its device is extremely simple. It consists of the usual two copper windings without transformer iron or ferromagnet. The primary winding, having 5 - 30 turns, is powered by a voltage of 1 - 10 kilovolts (from a battery with a transistor converter) and has parallel capacitor. When the current of the primary winding is interrupted by a spark gap connected to its end, in it, thanks to the capacitor, as in the usual oscillatory circuit, a high frequency of current is created, which is transmitted to the secondary winding located inside the primary. The secondary winding has many turns, high voltages arise in it, Tesla himself received up to several million volts. Under the influence of voltage, if the lower end of the secondary winding is grounded, the upper end with an additional needle creates an excellent corona - the discharge occurs simply into the air. The whole secret is that this coil produces very high voltages, and we, due to the lack of a normal understanding of electricity (and therefore there is no room superconductor), are afraid to use it, although we have successfully reached voltages up to 1.2 million volts on power lines. So in engines, at voltages of 200 - 300 kilovolts, we can work calmly, experience with high voltages has already been accumulated. The corona formed by such a voltage creates an ionic wind, i.e. at the tip of the "secondary" air atoms give it external electrons and are accelerated by an electric field to speeds of tens and even hundreds of kilometers per second. This is the crown. All this is due to the high-frequency ripple current of the secondary winding and high voltage. The frequency of the current combined with high voltage is similar to the catalyst in fuel cell free of charge splits gas molecules into atoms and ionizes them. For greater effect, we can install 5, 20, and 100 needles on the upper end of the secondary - it all depends on the power that we need. Each needle has a heating limit during gas ionization, i.e. can pass a certain current up to about 0.3 Amperes (silver-plated).

Fig.1. circuit diagram needle mover devices.

On the basis of a needle electrode (Fig. 1) we will build our own Tesla propulsion unit. To do this, we place a needle electrode 2 in the porcelain case 1, on which an air-fuel mixture is supplied under the needles through the holes, as in a piston auto engine. Here, thanks to the high voltage and high frequency current ripples from the secondary of the Tesla coil at the tips of the needles, the gas molecules break up into atoms, which donate external electrons to the needles, and the ionized atoms (ions) are accelerated by the electric field towards the negative ring 3. This ring is screened with a porous ceramic ring 4 in order to pass electric power through the pores of the ceramic field, but not allow an electric arc to occur in a given air gap. A spark breakdown, sometimes, even slips through porous ceramics, but it is not terrible, ceramics hold the heating temperature well, although this makes it low. Only at voltages above the calculated ones, the arc bends around the porous ceramics in air and strikes the electrode for 3 s outside, therefore, a shoulder 4 is arranged on the porous ring at the exit of ions into space. Such a porous protection makes it possible to bring the electrodes as close as possible to a minimum distance, thereby amplifying the electric field to highest value, i.e., enhances the acceleration of ions. The resulting volume charge negative electrode 3 sinks into the pores of ceramics and does not interfere with the passage of the main flow of ions into space. In rocket electric jet engines, the same effect is achieved by vacuum, only for this reason these engines are not capable of operating in the atmosphere. With the use of porous ceramics, they can also be used. fuel mixture at the entrance to the combustion chamber is needed to increase the degree of ionization, since combustion in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe needles increases the probability of ionization to a maximum.

This design - Tesla propulsion - is quite logical to attach to aircraft. At first, you need to adapt them to light structures. By installing a pair of electric propulsion propulsion units at the ends of the wings of, say, a hang glider, we provide both additional lightness in construction, and an extremely simple launch in any weather by simply turning on the toggle switch, and vertical takeoff. This will grab attention right away. business people to purchase and use this transport. It's no secret that there are few roads in Russia, especially in the North and beyond the Urals. The spaces are huge. In winter - snowdrifts. In summer - many rivers, lakes and water, marshy barriers. In Russia, the market is empty not only for light aircraft, but also for any transport: for snowmobiles, gliders, devices on air cushion etc. Cheap and most mobile hang gliders will be happy to be used by the youth of the local population to move between villages and settlements instead of motorcycles, where there are practically no roads (and this is 2/3 of Russia), it is worth working for this. True at this use needle propulsion to neutralize the ion flow, it will be necessary to install a neutralizer at the outlet of the nozzle, as in conventional electric propulsion engines.

Fig.2. The location of the propulsors in the body of the Tesla engine.

Such electric propulsion needles with porous rings, with hissing jet output, are equally suitable for aircraft and rockets. High fuel efficiency will no doubt ensure widespread use in these areas of technology, as soon as at least one company starts producing them. When using needle propellers on aircraft, there will be a problem of supplying fresh air to the cabin for people to breathe. To do this, you will have to use the Tesla compressor, the device of which is described in the previous article.

For use as an automotor, it is necessary to place two needle propellers on the rim of an ordinary rotor in the form of a Segner wheel according to Fig. 2, with pushing nozzles in opposite directions. Due to this arrangement, there will be no excess pressure on the rotation bearings, except for the weight of the rotor. Using the experience of electrophore machines, it is not difficult to bring high voltage from upper end secondary winding for the turbine. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the copper ring on the fiberglass lower cheek of the casing, electrically connecting it to the secondary, and from the needle electrode of each mover, bring a brush with conductive hairs to the copper ring (not shown in the figure). High voltage and low transmitted current allow you to transfer the necessary energy from the secondary of the Tesla coil without contact and without a spark. With powers over 10 kilowatts, two or three brushes can be installed at the ring, depending on the transmitted power. A minus voltage is naturally supplied to the body of the protective casing from the lower end of the secondary with a common ground. Ions of gases receive the lion's share of electrons from the casing of the case, are neutralized and along the casing of the case go out into the atmosphere. A silencer is not required here, since the gases have a constant velocity, gas pulsations are not observed. True, there is a slight hiss and a relatively weak crack from infrequent spark discharges. Any gaseous or easily evaporating fuel, such as gasoline or alcohol, is fed through the tubular axle. Air from the atmosphere is also sucked in here, since the combustion chambers of the propellers work from the side of the needle electrode as vacuum gas pumps due to the high exhaust velocity. The increase in temperature due to the burning of fuel near the needles helps the degree of ionization of the gas in the volume of the chamber.

The electrical equipment of such an engine is similar to that of a car. From the generator, driven mechanically into rotation from the axis of the turbine, comes out constant pressure 12 volts is converted by semiconductors into an alternating one, and instead of an ignition coil, it is fed to. The consumption for the crown is small, about 2 - 4 times more conventional ignition piston engine (depending on power) and these are the main losses, there are practically no other losses, except for bearings on the rotor axis, so the efficiency is at least 70 - 80%, which will undoubtedly affect fuel consumption in the direction of reduction. And this is relative ecological cleanliness, which means that it will be easier for us to breathe in cities. In addition, high rotor speeds of 20 - 50 thousand revolutions per minute make the installation two or three times lighter than a piston auto engine with the same power, which means that fuel consumption will decrease when driving. In general, the benefits of using the Tesla engine are quite obvious.

The biggest savings is the manufacture of such engines. Tesla coils are made by hobbyists in the kitchen. Purchased capacitor only. The windings are wound on a plastic water pipe. The rotor with propellers can also be freely made in any workshop with a lathe and a welding machine. The only difficulty lies in only balancing the rotor, but you can be sure that the “craftsmen from the garages” will come up with something right there, they will surely find an extremely simple solution, they are great at it. Porous ceramics for installation on the negative ring of the mover are available at many enterprises, they are used for cleaning compressed air, and the ceramic or porcelain case is cut off from insulators or old rheostats, which are lying in abundance in the shops of Soviet factories. Recently, fluoroplastic has been used as insulation for high voltage circuits. It is easy to process, holds tension in many cases even better than porcelain and works with temperatures up to almost 400°C. To reduce the size of the insulators, it is reasonable to fasten the wire as if inside the insulator (a notch is machined). Here, due to the recessed electrode fastening, the surface discharge over the insulator is extremely difficult, which ensures sufficiently reliable operation.

The absence of rubbing parts allows you to get rid of oils various types used on piston engines, which simplifies operation. If you replace the rolling bearings with magnetic ones, then you can generally forget about lubrication and the manufacturer can give a guarantee of work for 10 - 15 years in advance. Cooling occurs due to the rotation of the rotor in atmospheric air with blades mounted on the tubes for attaching propellers to the axis of rotation.

A simple device and repair scheme is especially conducive to operation in countryside. Previously, even with piston engines, gas generators were installed on cars, which, due to incomplete combustion in their small firebox due to limited air intake, gave excellent smoke-fuel. Despite the low Efficiency of piston engines, this smoke moved the car on any wooden scraps, even straw and old grass, suitable rotten ones were used. But in the fifties in Russia it became free with gasoline and gas generators somehow departed by themselves due to the fact that piston engines did not start well on smoky fuel. In our forested country, the Tesla engine, with its high efficiency, will definitely master the “wooden” specialty again, since it is too expensive to transport gasoline to villages for 10-20 houses for tens and hundreds of kilometers in the taiga along swampy roads.

The design of the Tesla engine proposed for consideration will probably appeal to many, since it is easy to manufacture and silent in operation, belongs to the field of mechanical engineering, and can be used on rockets, aircraft, vehicles to drive them instead of the chemical jet, turbojet and piston engines used, therefore in the title is the word universal.

It would seem that science has finally and irrevocably proved that devices with a coefficient of performance (COP) greater than one (the so-called perpetual motion machines) are impossible. Projects of perpetual motion machines have not been accepted for consideration by patent offices for a long time.

But nevertheless, devices that give out more energy at the output than they received at the input exist, contrary to all known laws of physics. And this is very disliked by corporations that use traditional energy sources.


Back in the 1890s, Nikola Tesla developed a new type of electric generator that did not consume any fuel and drew energy from the environment.

And in 1931, he tested a passenger car, which, as one might assume, "on a perpetual motion machine."
Tesla removed the gasoline engine from the new Pierce-Arrow car and replaced it with an 80 horsepower AC motor without any of the traditionally known external power sources.

At a local radio shop, he bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires, a handful of assorted resistors - and assembled it all in a box 60 centimeters long, 30 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters high, with a pair of rods 7.5 centimeters long sticking out from the outside.

Reinforcing the box at the back, behind the driver's seat, he extended the rods and announced, "Now we have power." After that, he drove the car for a week, driving it at speeds up to 150 kilometers per hour.

The newspapers reported that the car was accelerated by a source of electricity with the so-called anomalous energy balance (converter), when the output is more energy than is supplied to the input. The exact scheme remained unknown, but it is certain that when introduced into production, this invention could bury all gasoline engines.

This is exactly what Nikola Tesla's financial backers didn't like. Having invested huge amounts of money in the development of traditional energy sources, they had no interest in introducing a nobler, more environmentally friendly, but less profitable energy supply system. Therefore, the mystery car, like most of Nikola Tesla's other inventions, was not put into practice.

Since the machine had an AC motor and no batteries, the question rightly arises: where did the energy come from in it?

The thing is that the space itself has an internal structure, therefore, it can serve as a source of energy, you just need to properly organize the process of extracting it. The physical laws that we study in schools and universities are true only for the former field of knowledge, but do not take into account the fact that there is a connection between space-time and energy, matter and fields.

And sometimes there are incidents that only confirm our ignorance in matters of space structuring. One such example is the fact of resonance in electrical engineering, which was demonstrated by the former secret physicist Andrey Melnichenko.

In addition, there are numerous experiments, powerful research developments both in our country and abroad, which definitely confirm that the system of previous knowledge is hopelessly outdated. But the fate of many developments and the inventors themselves is rather sad and even tragic.


The ingenious invention was made by the Frenchman Jean Marsol. Water is injected into the working cavity of the cylinder of its "molecular engine" on a hot electrical resistance, covered with a catalyst - a mixture of antimony and zinc, by a pump, when the piston is in the upper position.

Bypassing the vapor phase, it decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. These gases occupy a volume about a thousand times larger than the water that gave rise to them. According to the van der Waals law, temperature and pressure increase. Gases expand and do work.

A superperpetual motion machine, - the scientists discussing this invention unanimously declared, - consumes almost nothing, but gives out a lot of energy!

But on the very first weekend after the publication of the patent for this engine, the inventor, his wife, father-in-law (Professor of the Sorbonne), children, governess, security chauffeur died in a car accident on the way to the beach. The next night, the laboratory and Villa Marsol burned to the ground.

The experimenter on duty, seven guards, and three firefighters were killed. Soon, for various reasons, ex-wives, their husbands and some relatives, as well as students who carried out projects under the guidance of the inventor, died. The latest victim is a lab curator from the War Department. The surviving employees emigrated to no one knows where. Manuscripts of all people connected with Marsol were confiscated from publishing houses by investigators.

The very fact of such mass terror is an irrefutable proof of the significance of the discovery made by Marsol and the most important, possibly global level, information associated with it.


According to the Western press, the flying disc, designed by the English inventor John Searle, is a working model of the perpetuum mobile. The generator, based on a magnetic ring with which the rollers are in contact, stopped consuming energy when a certain rotation speed was reached and began to self-accelerate.

According to the observers who were present during the tests, in this mode, the unit also lost weight - it simply took off. During field trials, Searle lost several working models that flew into space in this way, until he learned how to regulate this process. This was followed by a controlled flight of the generator from London to Cornwall and back, which is a total of 600 kilometers.

But when BBC TV journalists made a documentary about the extraordinary invention and showed it on television, the consequences were not long in coming. The local electricity board accused John Searle of stealing electricity.

The electricians did not believe that his laboratory was powered by its own source. The scientist was imprisoned for 10 months. During this time, a strange fire broke out in the laboratory, but even before it, all the equipment, drawings and mysterious inventions disappeared.
The scientist's wife left. In 1983, 51-year-old John Searle was released from prison as a bankrupt. A film made about him is now impossible to find in the archives.
Searl's experiments were successfully repeated in Russia by Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin. But their installation also disappeared, and all publications about it disappeared, with the exception of the application for an invention.
The test of time
Why does the desire of inventors to give humanity an absolutely clean energy source (quite realistically feasible) encounter such insurmountable barriers? Of course, you can blame everything on the energy monopolies, who do not want to lose oil revenue, and the secret services, who seek to turn all innovations into weapons.
Those people on whom the fate of the entire planet could depend are satisfied with their position and the luxury that surrounds them, and clearly do not intend to change anything in the existing situation. Gas, oil and other industries bring them super profits. They don't care about the poverty and filth that they could only see from the windows of their limousines if they weren't rushing so fast.
They don’t give a damn about the environment: they believe that clean air will be enough for their life, and in extreme cases, they will build a bunker for themselves on a huge plot in a pine forest with clean air-conditioned air. The same tendencies and causes of stagnation in many structures where there are hierarchical ladders. Science is no exception to the rule.

But this is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Iceberg of human consciousness, which does not change in one moment. In this sense, everything new must not only be born, but also pass the test of time, earn its right to exist. There must be those who will be ready to understand and accept, and not just use.
And such like-minded people appeared with John Searle, who did not give up, did not bend under the blows of fate. He has a large and friendly team of associates in the UK. He is actively collaborating with labs in the US and Taiwan doing parallel research and development on his generator. Several private investors helped him not only restore the plundered laboratory, but also equip it with the latest technology.

There are many such people on earth. They dream of stopping the pollution of our planet, the cause of which they see in the irrepressible greed of man, leading to a lack of energy and material resources. They hope that a clean source of free electricity will solve the problem of people living below the poverty line.
Perhaps this is naive. But they believe and know that the world can be better, and with their conviction they inflame others. And this belief is the main perpetual motion machine.

Nikola Tesla - legendary creator in the field of electrical and radio engineering, creator of alternating current. In his honor, in 2003, a company was opened for the production of cars that run on electricity.


Founder car company Tesla became Elon Musk, JB Strobel and Mark Tarpenning. First of all, the founders of the company needed to develop powerful electric motor and batteries to power the drive wheels. It took almost 3 years to create the first prototype of the car.

First Tesla electric car Roadster was presented on July 19, 2006. The presentation of the car was successful, but the sporty electric car had a number of shortcomings. 2009, the 5-door Model S was presented, the engines of which are installed on vehicles to this day with minor modifications.

Specifications power unit Tesla electric car:

Maintenance and operation

Maintenance of the power unit begins with the diagnosis of the performance of the electric motor, which is directly connected to electronic unit driving. If errors are found, then the wizards find the immediate cause. Service and maintenance of Tesla engines should be carried out at a certified station, since only they have the necessary equipment for all repair, diagnostic and restoration operations.

Faults and repairs

Repair, as well as maintenance, should be carried out on special equipment by specialists. Basic and frequent malfunctions is a rapid loss of battery life. The first Tesla models had too little energy, and therefore there was a high probability of "getting stuck" on the track.

Another fact is a malfunction in the autopilot system. This problem caused the death of American citizen Joshua Brown in 2016. Investigation of the causes of the accident showed that the autopilot does not see the transverse traffic. This bug is under improvement.

funny facts

Whatever a person does, another person is able to change and modernize it. So it is with classified automobile technologies. Jason Hughes is a big fan of Tesla and the company's electric vehicles. But he likes not only to ride such electric vehicles, but also to know how they work. Jason is a fairly well-known figure in the Tesla fan community. For example, it was he who managed to extract some data about a new model of an electric car from the updated firmware of a car. More specifically, we are talking about the discovery of the entry "P100D" in Tesla firmware 7.1.

But now he has achieved much more. He was able to get a rear wheel drive Tesla Model S, and learned how to manage it. Where the drive came from, Hughes does not say, but this is not so important. Much more importantly, he was able to gain complete control over all the functions of this node.

The first step in this complex project was to power up the drive while sniffing the CAN bus to detect individual control commands. It took about 12 hours, but in the end, the motor was able to turn. The master had to tinker - not only did the data of the engine work have to be decrypted, but Jason also wrote special software to control his work. At this stage, it was only a matter of getting the engine running. It took him another 3 hours to intercept and decrypt the CAN commands.

After that, things got easier - Hughes managed to find a complete package of control commands. For example, he was able to connect a water cooling system, and put it into action while the drive was running (in a certain mode of operation, the system declared a speed of 188 kilometers per hour). The engine was also able to be put into power generation mode. The energy recovery system introduced by Tesla engineers allows the car to act as a generator during the time. Now James can set various parameters for powering the engine and generating energy for it at its discretion.

As a result, he even managed to create his own control board rear wheel drive. Interestingly, the motor was removed from the car with firmware 7.1, which included a number of security circuits to prevent interference with the normal operation of the system. But Jason managed to get around these obstacles.

The most difficult task was to make the engine obey the commands of a homemade controller, but this, too, turned out to be within the power of the craftsman. According to him, he literally collected his board from garbage. In order to protect the engine, the master used a relatively low amperage. This isn't the first time Tesla's Model S engine has been hacked. Eleven months earlier, another hack, Jack Rickard, also managed to make an electric motor obey commands from a controller of his own invention. But here we are talking about using only the engine and the controller.

It is worth remembering that the updated model of the Tesla Model S electric car comes with a 70 kWh battery, which actually has a capacity of 75 kWh, but part of the battery, so to speak, is software-locked. The company has been selling these cars for a month, and only now it became known. How can the owner of such a machine get 5 extra kWh? It's very simple - pay $3250 for "unlock".

The upgrade process is completely software-based, and is performed "over the air". Employees of the company need physical access to the car only in order to change the Tesla Model S 70 badge to the Tesla Model S 75 badge (done in service center). The company's idea is simple, albeit a little strange - to allow Tesla Model S 70 buyers to pay $ 3,000 less than Tesla Model S 75 buyers. And the hardware for both models is exactly the same. The company reasoned that not everyone needed the increased battery capacity, and those who did not need it were allowed to pay less. The difference in the distance that both models can drive autonomously is about 35 km.

By the way, not so long ago, for the same Tesla Model S, special software was released that allows the driver to control the car using the “power of thought”. With mental commands, you can make the car drive a little forward or turn on reverse gear. In this case, the signals of the electrical activity of the brain are read using a special helmet. Signals are analyzed special program, after which they are transferred to the on-board computer to control the vehicle.


The Tesla engine is a representative of electrical automotive engines, which is . Maintenance and repairs are carried out only in the conditions of a car service. This will help you avoid trouble.

An important factor in the growth of TSLA shares on the NASDAQ was the way the electric motor works.

How does an electric motor work?

Tesla roadster uses three-phase asynchronous electric motor with variable voltage. Unlike some other motors that use permanent magnets, the Roadster motor is based on a magnetic field generated entirely by electricity.

The Tesla electric motor has a rotor and a stator. The rotor is a steel sleeve through which copper plates are passed, allowing current to flow from one side of the rotor to the other. Electricity is not supplied directly to the rotor. Current occurs when a conductor of copper plates passes through a magnetic field, which is created by an alternating current in the stator. The rotation of the bushing sets the wheels in motion.

The stator is a thin steel plate through which a copper wire winding is passed. Through it, electricity is supplied to the engine from the power module. Wires are divided into three types according to the number of phases of electricity, which can be imagined as waves of sinusoidal oscillations, a smooth combination of which ensures an uninterrupted supply of electricity.

The alternating current in the copper winding of the stator creates a rotating magnetic field and induces a flow of particles in the rotor. The current generates a second magnetic field in the rotor, which follows the moving stator field. The result of this process is torque.

When the driver presses the gas pedal, the power module places the stator field behind the rotor field. As a result, the rotor has to slow down in order for its field to reach the level of the stator field. The direction of the current in the stator is reversed and energy begins to flow through the power module back into the battery. This is called energy regeneration.

The motor acts either as a generator or as an engine, depending on the actions of the driver. When you press the gas pedal, the power module senses the need for torque. If the pedal is pressed to 100%, the available torque is fully selected, and if not, then partially. If not throttled, the engine will be used to recover energy. It becomes a motor only when the power module sends the right amount of AC current to the stator, which generates torque.

The Tesla motor is designed to run at high speed, but even so it requires heat dissipation. For this purpose, cooling plates are made, through which the fan drives the air.

The traction motor is very small, about the size of a watermelon, and is as light as possible thanks to the use of aluminum. The power module delivers up to 900 amps of current to the stator, which is wound with significantly more copper than a conventional motor. The copper wires are insulated with special polymers that provide heat transfer and durability when driving in extreme conditions.

Unlike conventional induction motors, which use aluminum as a conductor, copper plays this role in the Roadster electric motor. It is more difficult to work with, but it has less resistance, so it conducts current better.

Top drivers for TSLA shares on Nasdaq

TSLA securities on Nasdaq are also rising under the influence of other factors besides the motor:

  1. Settlement of vehicle safety issues. State Security Administration traffic The US has confirmed the safety of Tesla electric vehicles.
  2. Height Chinese market electric vehicles. The formation of a sales market through the volume of orders is becoming more and more transparent. The company managed to get a significant number of orders in China. China is the largest market for luxury cars, despite the difficulty of charging electric motors and getting license plates. The obstacle in the form of a lack of ready-made options for charging a car is likely to be eliminated at the expense of the Chinese themselves, who agree to seek the installation of charges in garages. The regulation of license plates in China has reduced their issuance from 500,000 to 150,000 per year, of which 20,000 are reserved for cars that drive alternative sources energy. The total number of plates issued will remain unchanged, but the number of plates reserved for alternative fuel vehicles will increase to 30,000 in 2015 and 60,000 in 2016. Few in China available brands luxury cars, so expanding the quota gives TSLA a competitive advantage.
  3. Increasing the financial stability of the company. TSLA can be expected to improve its net sales margin. The target assembly rate of 800 cars per week is likely to be exceeded, despite the fact that in the 3rd quarter of 2013 the company assembled 510 cars per week. Management and R&D spending in the second half of 2014 should decline as a percentage of revenue. Costs will also come down as battery supplier Panasonic will first expand supply moderately in mid-2014 and then increase it sharply after a refurbished plant is put in place that will build about 1.8 billion batteries between 2014 and 2017.
Based on a $10 EPS forecast for 2017, at 30 EPS discounted at 10% per year, TSLA could be expected to rise to $205.

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