Daytime driving with headlights on. Let there be light or when and which headlights should be turned on

Daytime driving with headlights on. Let there be light or when and which headlights should be turned on

A fine for not turning on the low beam is one of the most common reasons for a traffic inspector to stop a vehicle.

In the rules traffic a clear ban on the use of a car that does not burn any lighting. It does not matter if they are absent or simply disabled. Even parking lights, if not included, may result in a fine.

Penalty for driving without lights

Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the fine for not turning on the headlights - 500 rubles. If the inspector good mood, and the driver can somehow explain his violation (for example, the light has just broken, and the driver is going to a car service), then you can do without verbal warning. But you should not count on this possibility.

If the switched off light became cause of the accident, then the fine will be higher than 500 rubles. The exact amount has not been established, and the traffic police officer has the right to establish it at the scene of the incident, assessing its scale and possible consequences.

Current data for today

Last on this moment the edition of the SDA, which affected the fine for not turning on the light, occurred in November 2010. Paragraph 19 now states that Lights must be kept on day and night, under any visibility conditions.

The amendment was adopted because a car with running lights on is more visible to other drivers and pedestrians, and the risk emergency greatly reduced. And these are not empty words. After the adoption of the amendment, the number of accidents in daylight hours decreased noticeably.

What exactly does the SDA say? Clause 19 states:

  • all mechanical vehicles, as well as bicycles and horse-drawn carts, must be equipped with lighting fixtures; however, for wagons this is not an obligation, but a simple recommendation;
  • trailers and towed vehicles must be equipped with marker lights;
  • lighting devices should always be kept on, and during daylight hours and on illuminated roads of settlements, in order to avoid glare, the dipped beam should be on;
  • after sunset and at night, as well as in case of poor visibility, the owner of the car can, at his discretion, turn on high beam.

Important! We must not forget about paragraph 19.5. It states that during daylight hours, any moving vehicle must have low beam headlights or daytime running lights on. running lights. If the running lights are on, then the dipped beam is not required! It can be turned off while the lights are on.

Unfortunately, many drivers still neglect to do this. simple requirement like turning on the low beam. The reason for the violation of traffic rules can be technical breakdown, banal inattention or something else. But the punishment for this offense is in any case determined by Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and this is a fine.

In what cases can you get a fine

In order to protect yourself from fines for misuse lighting, the driver must keep the navigation lights on at all times. Of course, during parking, they must be turned off: instead of them, it is worth turning on the parking lights. But on a moving car, the dipped beam must always be on.

The most common reasons for a chargeback are:

  1. Missing dipped beam when driving during daylight hours. This is the most common penalty case. Turned off low beam headlights, noticed by the traffic police inspector, inevitably entail punishment. Therefore, turning on the dipped beam before driving is very important.
  2. Turned on running lights at night. As you know, you can rely on the lights only during the day, and when darkness falls, you must turn on the low beam instead.
  3. Turned on high beam in the territory of the settlement. When the driver enters a populated area or enters a well-lit road, he must switch from high beam to low beam.
  4. Incorrect use of the fog lamp. The rear light is a lighting device, the use of which is only permitted when visibility is poor. If the road is well lit, and there are no natural obstructions to visibility (such as fog), then the switched on rear light is considered a violation.

Important! In addition to the fine for not turning on the dipped beam, there is a risk of experiencing a few more unpleasant moments. The traffic police inspector has every right to recognize both participants as the perpetrators of the accident, even if only one violated the rules. And the driver who has not had running lights on will have to answer to the driver who has suffered for nothing.

The subtleties of the use of running lights

Not all vehicles are equipped with running lights. A person who purchased a car without such lights must install them himself. But before that, you need to get permission from the local traffic police department. This is a standard document that allows you to make changes to the design of the vehicle.

Handicraft installation of navigation lights without prior permission - a reason for a fine. A traffic police officer may not detect illegal lights, but at a regular technical inspection in a service station, they definitely will not go unnoticed.

Drivers of cars originally equipped with running lights were more fortunate. Most often, the lights are designed so that they automatically light up when the engine is started. Often there is another function - when switching to low beam, the lights begin to shine less powerfully and turn into marker lights.

Important! Paragraphs 19.4 and 19.5 of the SDA allow the use "fog" as running lights. If fog lights work in low beam mode, they can be kept on during the day. This will not be considered an offence.

If the dipped headlights are partially switched on

Many drivers have encountered the fact that one of their low beam headlights or one of their running lights breaks down. The second one remains on. Unfortunately, in such a situation, you will also have to pay a fine, and its amount will be the same 500 rubles.

But the reason for the fine is completely different. If one headlight does not light up, then this is no longer a violation of the rules for operating lighting devices, but a violation of the requirements of the list of malfunctions. This offense is described in Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Fundamental difference no, but the chance of getting off with a verbal warning in this case is much higher.

Paragraph 2.3.1 of the SDA states that even a partially turned off light can be regarded as an offense. This becomes possible in conditions of poor visibility or at night.


As a result, it turns out that the fine for not turning on the low beam is always 500 rubles. Whether it's headlights, running lights or dimensions, you will have to pay a clearly established amount for violating the rules for their operation. The money is small, so drivers should not be afraid of a fine at all.

The moral side of the issue comes to the fore. Unplugged lighting fixtures make vehicle less visible and increase the risk of an accident. Therefore, it is necessary to light the headlights and running lights, if only so that innocent people do not suffer through the fault of the car owner.

I am glad to welcome everyone to our site! Today, under the heading "" let's talk about this: is it a violation SDA use fog lights (PTF) instead of daytime running lights (DRL) as well as low beam headlights.

You all know that according to clause 19.5 of the traffic rules Russian Federation"During daylight hours, all vehicles in motion shall have dipped-beam headlamps or daytime running lamps switched on for the purpose of identifying them." In this regard, many motorists have counter questions, namely: is it possible to use dimensions or PTF instead of DRL and whether this will not be a violation of the rules, which may entail a protocol and a corresponding fine.

Some motorists were not just confused, they were outraged and puzzled by the question of why turn on running lights during daylight hours, and even more so dipped beam? The fact is that studies have shown that, moving along the highway on high speeds drivers respond better to vehicles with DRLs or low beam headlights on. This allows you to notice the approaching transport in time and perform the maneuver in time. In general, in a word, turning on the light during the day is aimed at reducing accidents that occur in daytime days.

This seems to have been sorted out, but what about the differences between DRLs or parking lights?

The problem is that the design modern headlights sometimes it seriously confuses car owners, who themselves do not fully understand that they have turned on the running lights or dimensions. Why is this so critical? Yes, because DRL is allowed to be used as a light source, this will not be a violation and will not entail penalties. What can not be said about the "dimensions" you can not use them instead of daytime running lights, as well as low beam headlights! That is why this moment is very important.

Why are side lights banned, what is wrong with them? The fact is that "dimensions", unlike DRLs, serve to designate a vehicle in the dark, while in the daytime they are of little use. The light that they emit is not enough in the daytime, because it is very weak and inconspicuous (power of the order of 5 watts), so it is forbidden to use them instead of low beam, as well as daytime running lights. Brightness according to GOST (GOST R 41.48-2004) should be in the range from 400 to 800 candela.

It would seem that there are simply no daytime running lights - turn on the dipped one and live in peace ... But, not everything is so simple. The fact is that the constantly on dipped beam leads to premature exit failure of lamps, the price of which can reach several hundred dollars. In addition, it has been proven that headlights increase fuel consumption (approximately 0.5 liters per 100 km), the cost of which has not pleased anyone lately ... In short, whatever one may say, it is not profitable to drive with the neighbor constantly on.

What about foglights, can they be used instead of low beam and DRL?

This question, as it turned out, worries many, and here's why. The fact is that not everyone has daytime running lights; But everyone has mail for fogs, and besides, they are less voracious in terms of energy consumption. But the question is, is it possible to use PTF instead of DRL? The answer to this question can be found in the SDA.

clause 9.4. Fog lights can be used:

  • in conditions insufficient visibility with a neighbor or high beam headlights;
  • at night on unlit sections of roads together with dipped or main beam headlights;
  • instead of dipped headlights in accordance with clause 19.5 of the Rules.

The only caveat is that on some cars, fog lights work exclusively with low beam headlights, so many refuse such an alternative to daytime running lights.

Summing up

As you can see, there is a way out. You can drive close as long as you don't worry too much about fuel consumption and bulb life crushing. You can also use PTF if they are installed on your car, this will not be a violation of the rules and there will be no questions from the inspectors for you. The third option is to install daytime running lights. DRL consumes significantly less energy compared to low beam headlights, as well as PTF, while they shine brighter than the dimensions and are clearly visible at any time of the day - therefore, they are the most profitable and acceptable option!

A few weeks ago, another rumor circulated on the Russian Internet. Allegedly, Russia has amended the rules of the road, which make it optional to use dipped headlights or daytime running lights during daylight hours. Moreover, it is said about seasonality - from April 1 to September 30 of each year. Is it really true that from April 1, 2018, drivers are not required to turn on the dipped headlights during the daytime, is this another Internet fake?

Are the rumors true that drivers do not need to turn on their low beam headlights or DRL during the day from April 1, 2018?

So, what do rumors on the Internet tell us about changes in traffic rules. According to numerous articles, summer season- from April to September, in Russia it is allowed not to use daytime running lights or dipped headlights during daylight hours.

As the authors of such articles justify this, during the specified period of the year, the daylight hours are quite long, the longest in the year. During the day, the car is already perfectly visible, so there is no point in additionally highlighting it, including the headlights. It does not seem to affect safety.

An obvious question immediately arises - what, from October to March in Russia there is no daylight hours, and a car during the day winter period is it worse than in summer?

Obviously, this is not the case, and we are dealing with another fiction or an April Fool's joke. Indeed, if we turn to the current text of the rules of the road (namely, to paragraph 19.5 of the SDA), we will see that the paragraph of the rules regarding the use of daytime running lights or dipped headlights as their replacement has not changed since May 10, 2010.

The rules clearly require drivers to turn on headlights or DRLs during the daytime, there are no exceptions depending on the season in the law.

Some online publications that have also dealt with the problem of this rumor have discovered its possible source. Something similar was introduced a couple of years ago in the unrecognized state of Transnistria. Indeed, in the summer season there is no need to use headlights when driving during the day, although such a rule looks at least strange even for this country unrecognized by the world community. The Transnistrian rules, of course, have nothing to do with Russia.

What is the penalty for non-compliance with the rules for the use of lighting devices

All violations that relate to the use of lighting devices by drivers in Russia are punishable by one article - 12.20 administrative code. The article establishes for violation of any of the paragraphs of the 19th section of the traffic rules, which deals with the use of lighting devices, the same fine - 500 rubles.

Thus, it should be borne in mind that if you succumb to rumors and do not turn on the dipped headlights during the day in the summer season, then explain to the traffic police inspector that you read on the Internet about the new rule that you do not need to use headlights during daylight hours, will be useless.

Almost certainly, the state managed to replenish its budget during these weeks thanks to this rumor by a certain tidy sum. You should not become another driver who took advantage of unverified information and suffered because of this.

One of the next common traffic violations that drivers on the territory of Russia allow is the dipped headlights that are not turned on. Despite the fact that changes in traffic rules have been adopted for a long time, some car owners still make them, as a result of which they receive a fine for not turning on the headlights.

As a result different situations dipped headlights may not be turned on not only due to ignorance of traffic rules or simple forgetfulness, but also in cases of a non-working headlight. In all situations, the perpetrator will be punished with an administrative fine.

It is worth recalling that innovations regarding the inclusion of light lights, dipped beam or running lights during daylight hours were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on November 20, 2010. Starting from this time, drivers must drive with the dipped beam on their cars at all times, both day and night. Rumor has it that from April 1, 2018 this rule has changed and now you can not turn on the headlights during the day, but this is not true, there are no amendments to the law about this, here is the latest official version.

The main reason for the adoption of the innovation is that cars with headlights on are more visible and attract more attention from both pedestrians and motorists themselves. The result was not long in coming - the number of accidents on the roads in some cases has significantly decreased. The adopted law in the SDA turned out to be effective, therefore, it requires compliance.

What is the penalty?

Before you get behind the wheel of a car and start driving, you need to check whether all the lighting devices are working, including the dipped beam, which must be turned on. You can’t drive without headlights on during the day, this is a violation and a fine is provided for this.

Based on Art. 12.20 of the Code of Offenses for wrong work lighting devices of a car, an administrative fine of 500 rubles is imposed on the driver or, in best case, the traffic police inspector can issue a warning.

In most cases, drivers who have committed this violation simply forget that they need to turn on their headlights during the day in the city. And due to the fact that the included low beam during the day is difficult to determine, then similar situations very common on the roads.

In addition to the fine for not turning on the dipped beam, there are other similar violations. Fines for incorrect operation of lighting devices can be issued in the following cases:

  • turning on high beams in the city. This problem relevant at night, when before entering the city, drivers forget to turn off the far. Therefore, a fine is also provided for such a movement;
  • improper use of the rear fog lamps. Rear fog lights, according to the traffic rules, are recommended to be used only in case of poor visibility, for example, in heavy fog, heavy rain, snow blizzard, etc.
  • driving with running lights at night. Due to their forgetfulness, some drivers make a mistake when, with DRLs turned on during the day, they forget to turn on the dipped beam during the onset of twilight, as well as at night.

The statutory fine of 500 rubles is now not so significant, so some citizens believe that this can be neglected. It is worth noting here that in the event of an accident between two cars, when it turns out that the victim did not turn on the low beam, the traffic police inspectors can recognize both drivers as the culprits. In this case, the issue of compensation by the insurance company will arise, it will either refuse the insurance payment to the victim, or compensate only half the amount for the damage received.

Can fog lights be used?

Based on clause 19.4 of the rules SDA fog headlights can be used in difficult weather conditions when visibility is difficult for one reason or another. They can be switched on on the car both together with the dipped beam in the city or simultaneously with the high-beam and parking lights.

In connection with the adopted new law in the SDA on the dipped headlights during the day and running lights, fog lights were equated to them. Based on this, it is allowed to turn on and manage only fog lights during the day - this will not be considered a violation traffic rules and, accordingly, there is no penalty for this. It turns out that during the day you need to drive with low beam headlights, DRLs or fog lights.

Penalty for a non-working headlight

On the roads you can often find cars in which one headlight does not light up, it can be like a lamp rear light and front low beam. In such cases, the offense will not be equated to a violation of the operation of lighting devices. The presence of a non-working headlight violates the rule of the list of requirements for the presence of a malfunction in the car in which movement is prohibited. Namely, paragraph 3.3 of the rules "on the presence of faulty lighting fixtures."

A similar penalty is provided for a non-working headlight - 500 rubles or a warning (Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Violations).

In addition, according to the rules of the traffic rules (clause 2.3.1), driving with incorrectly working lighting devices in the dark or without them and in their complete absence is equated to a violation. Which also further emphasizes that driving a car around the city in such cases is not allowed.


The fine for not turning on the low beam front lamps, and also if one of them burned out, is only 500 rubles. Considering that a car with a burning front light catches the eye better, this should by no means be neglected. It should also be borne in mind that if the headlight burned out, then it is forbidden to continue driving further.

A modern car is festooned with external lights like a Christmas tree with toys. And all this must be skillfully used. Those who think that to include one or the other are mistaken. lighting fixtures or not include, it's all at the discretion of the driver. The nineteenth section of the Rules strictly regulates when and what needs to be included. To deal with all this, let's simulate a real trip.

So, we start moving during the day in clear weather.

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.5. During daylight hours, on all moving vehicles, in order to identify them, they should includelow beam headlights or daytime running lights.

The rules divide the day into the following parts:

- Daylight hours.

- Evening twilight.

- Night time.

— Morning twilight.

Movement during daylight hours with a transparent atmosphere is the most comfortable and safe. However, even during daylight hours, for various reasons, drivers may not see each other, and an accident occurs, as they say, “in broad daylight”.

In order to ensure b O For greater safety, the Rules oblige all drivers to mark their vehicle while driving ( not only at night, but also during the day!). At the same time, during the day, that is, during daylight hours, to designate their vehicle, drivers are required to turn on either dipped beam headlights or daytime running lights (if any).

Daytime running lights are a novelty that has recently become increasingly popular, because they have noticeable advantages:

- Better recognizable.

– Automatically turn on when the engine is started and turn off when the engine is turned off.

- Differ in economy, high reliability and durability.

– Extend service life conventional system lighting.

The rules singled out daytime running lights as a separate term and gave them the following definition:

Rules. Section 1. “Daytime running lights” are external lighting devices designed to improve the visibility of a moving vehicle frontduring daylight hours.

Please note - daytime running lights indicate the vehicle only in front!

And during daylight hours, this is absolutely correct.

During the day, the vehicle ahead is clearly visible to you (without any additional lighting). And at the same time, you can easily, without particularly straining, continuously monitor events from behind, thanks to the fact that the car driving behind has daytime running lights on.

Or due to the fact that the headlights of the dipped beam are on at the rear.

Or due to the fact that the rear fog lights are on.

Students. Excuse me, where are the fog lights? In paragraph 19.5 there are no fog lights! Paragraph 19.5 refers only to dipped-beam headlamps and daytime running lamps.

Teacher. Yes, you are absolutly right. Paragraph 19.5 does not really say anything about fog lights. But they are mentioned in paragraph 19.4.

instead of low beam headlights in accordance with clause 19.5 of the Rules.

Let's summarize:

During daylight hours, on all moving vehicles, for the purpose of their identification, the following must be included:

– or low beam headlights;

– or daytime running lights;

Or fog lights.

Have you forgotten yet? We move during the day in clear weather. But there's a tunnel ahead!

In tunnels on a moving vehicle low or high beam headlights must be on.

It doesn’t matter at all whether the tunnel is short or long, whether there is artificial lighting there or not.

In all cases, when moving in a tunnel, drivers must turn on exactlylights near or far light.

And rightly so - in any tunnel, lighting is always not enough. And then artificial lighting is not the sun and can go out at any moment. And then daytime running lights or fog lights will not help you much. Here you will need headlights (dipped beam or high beam).

There is such a problem in Tickets, and here you are often mistaken:

In a tunnel with artificial lighting, the following must be included:

1. Low beam headlights or parking lights.

2. Low beam headlights or daytime running lights.

3. Low or high beam headlights.

Task comment

Some of you are beginning to doubt - is it possible to turn on the main beam in the tunnel? I'll blind everyone!

Of course, if the traffic is dense (at least in the tunnel, at least not in the tunnel), drivers are required to switch to dipped beam.

But if there is no one to blind (at least in the tunnel, at least not in the tunnel), who will forbid you to turn on the high beam headlights. The rules meant exactly that.

We left the tunnel, you can continue driving on the dipped headlights,

you can switch to fog lights, you can switch to daytime running lights.

But suddenly the sky was covered with black clouds, everything around darkened, and it began to rain.

Or, let's put it this way - there are no clouds, it's just evening, twilight, not yet night, but visibility has become insufficient .

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.1. In conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the illumination of the road, a moving vehicle must turn on low or high beam headlights .

That is, the Rules do not make any difference between traffic in a tunnel and traffic in conditions of insufficient visibility. And, in general, it’s right - in both cases, the illumination is insufficient, and the requirement “dipped beam or high beam headlights must be turned on” is quite justified.

But, on the other hand, the conditions of insufficient visibility are not only a decrease in illumination, as, for example, at dusk. The conditions of insufficient visibility are also a temporary deterioration in the transparency of the atmosphere, as, for example, in fog - it is light, but nothing is visible! So, maybe it's time to turn on the fog lights and rear fog lights? Let's see what the Rules say about this:

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.4. Fog lights can be used in conditions of insufficient visibility with low or high beam headlights .

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.7. Rear fog lights can be applied only in low visibility conditions.

That is, in conditions of insufficient visibility, first of all, it is necessary to turn on the dipped or main beam headlights! If desired, fog lights can be added to them, and if necessary, you can also turn on the rear fog lights.

Here we have to make a small digression. Experience in a driving school tells me that not all students have a clear idea of ​​which lights are located in front, which ones are in the back, how they work and, in general, how a headlight differs from a lantern.

The main purpose of headlights is to illuminate the road. And they are, of course, located in front and they white color. True, fog lights can shine and yellow light(it is believed that yellow light breaks through the fog better).

The main purpose of the lights is to designate the vehicle itself. And they are located at the back and are all red. The only exception is headlights. reversing and license plate lighting - they are white.

In addition, the car (motorcycle) also has side lights. The front marker lights are white, the rear marker lights are red.

It is extremely important for the driver to know exactly how the work of headlights and lanterns is coordinated. In particular, it must be understood that it is possible to turn on the parking lights without turning on the headlights. But it is impossible to turn on the headlights without turning on the parking lights!

That is, when we say that the driver turned on the side lights, this means that two white lights are on in front, and two red lights are on in the back (but the headlights are not on).

If we say that the driver turned on the headlights (no matter which ones), this means that the headlights are on in front, and two red marker lights are on the back.

But back to "our sheep". So, in conditions of insufficient visibility, the driver must turn on the dipped or main beam headlights (and since the headlights are on, it means that red side lights will definitely be on the back).

But in heavy fog (snowfall, rain), the main beam of the headlights does not reach the roadbed!

This is where it's time to go to the middle and connect foglights. A flat and wide beam of fog lamps beats under a veil of fog, highlighting not only carriageway, but also the curb.

See how well the logo of the “autoschoolhouse” has become visible.

Just do not try to move on some foglights. Fog lights illuminate the road 5-10 meters from the car. Driving in conditions of insufficient visibility on foglights alone is dangerous and therefore prohibited by the Rules.

But there is another problem.

In conditions of insufficient visibility, the rear position lights already at a distance of 10 meters turn into inconspicuous dots, or even become invisible.

In this case, the rear fog lights will help out the driver. They burn incomparably brighter than side lights.

That is why the Rules allow the use of rear fog lightsonly in low visibility conditions!

If you turn them on in a transparent atmosphere, you will blind the drivers behind you.

There is one problem in the Tickets about the rear fog lights. It is frankly provocative, and you often make a mistake here:

Twilight faded into night. The dark time has come.

But the fog cleared. The atmosphere is absolutely transparent.

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.1. IN dark time days on a moving vehicle, the dipped or main beam headlights must be turned on.

I emphasize! – if the Rules say: "In the dark time of the day" and they don’t add anything, which means that it’s a dark impenetrable night in the yard, but that’s all. No fog, rain, snowfall, etc.

Since we already moved with the onset of twilight with the dipped beam headlights on, then with the onset of the dark time of the day we don’t need to do anything. True, two points remained unclear. First, are fog lights allowed at night? And, secondly, in what cases can high beam headlights be used?

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.4. Fog lights can be used at night on unlit sections of roads together with low beam or high beam.

As you can see, driving at night on foglights alone is strictly prohibited by the Rules (as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility). But you can add fog lights to the dipped or high beam headlights if the road is not lit.

Now about when you can use high beam and when not.

We already know that both low and high beams can be used, firstly, when driving in a tunnel, secondly, when driving during the day in conditions of insufficient visibility, and, thirdly, when driving at night, no matter what kind of visibility (sufficient or insufficient). It remains only to understand when you can use the low beam, and when the high beam.

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.2. High beam headlights must be switched to low beam:

- in settlements, if the road is lit;

- at an oncoming pass at a distance of at least 150 meters from the vehicle, as well as at a greater distance, if the driver of the oncoming vehicle periodic switching headlights will show the need for this;

- in any other cases, to exclude the possibility of blinding drivers of both oncoming and passing vehicles.

Let's deal with each of these requirements separately.

1. High beam headlights must be switched to low- in settlements, if the road is lit.

Let us leave this requirement of the Rules without comment. Everything seems to be clear here anyway - we drive along city streets at night with low beams (unless, of course, they are lit).

But if we climb into a place where we can’t see a single light, then even in the city it is allowed to turn on the distant one.

2. at an oncoming siding at a distance of not less than 150 meters to the vehicle as well as with more if the driver of an oncoming vehicle indicates the need for this by periodically switching the headlights.

The main beam (if it is correctly adjusted) reaches the roadbed at a distance of 90 - 100 meters from the car. Rules have generously set a minimum distance between converging vehicles - 150 meters. By this time, the drivers of both vehicles are required to switch the high beam headlights to low beam, so as not to blind each other.

But it may happen that the headlights of one of the cars are not adjusted, and the main beam hits, as they say, “into the sky”. In this case, oncoming drivers from afar will ask (flashing their headlights) to switch to low beam. And the rules oblige the driver to do this , even if the distance between approaching vehicles is more than 150 meters.

3. High beam headlights must be switched to low beam -in any other cases to exclude the possibility of dazzling drivers, as oncoming as well as passing vehicles .

High beams can create problems not only for those who are driving towards, but also for those who are moving ahead in passing direction. No minimum distance has been established by the Rules for this situation, but a competent driver will always dip his headlights when approaching the vehicle in front.

And by the way! How should a driver behave when dazzled by headlights?

We have already discussed this situation in the seventh topic. Let's repeat it again. Night time.

road outside locality without artificial lighting. A car is driving towards you with the headlights on. Just imagine - you do not see the roadbed, you do not see the markings, you do not see the roadside. It's deadly!

The most correct now is to portray a forced stop. That is the sign emergency stop no need to set, just turn on the emergency light and stop smoothly without changing lanes. I assure you, this is the most correct and safe solution. Moreover, the Rules require the same:

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.2. Last paragraph. When blinded, the driver must turn on alarm and without changing lane, slow down and stop.

And finally, the most difficult conditions movement!

Not only is it night outside, there is also insufficient visibility!

In this case, the Rules did not come up with anything new, because all the possibilities of a modern vehicle have already been exhausted.

That's whyin low visibility conditions the procedure for using external lighting devices is the same at any time of the day. You can turn on the high beam, you can turn on the low beam, you can add fog lights, you can turn on the rear fog lights.

Another thing is that experienced drivers when driving in heavy fog, rain or snow, never use high beams. They know full well that in such conditions, the high beam is ineffective - it simply does not reach the road surface, and the driver sees nothing but fog, snow or rain.

In such conditions, the most correct thing is dipped beam plus fog lights. And, of course, the speed must be such that stopping way was less than the visibility distance.

A special case - towing!

When towing, two vehicles move as one at a close distance from each other. In this case, they should designate themselves as one whole.

Towing - in front, and he has includedlights, towed - at the back, and it has includedparking lights .

Rules. Section 19. Clause 19.1. At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of road lighting, as well as in tunnels, a moving vehicle must turn on the following lighting devices:

- on all motor vehicles and mopeds - driving or dipped beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts– lights (if any);

- on trailersand towed motor vehicles - parking lights.

The rules forbade the towed person to turn on the headlights even at night and even in conditions of insufficient visibility (only side lights!). And this has its own logic. After all, the towed one will also have an emergency flasher turned on:

Rules. Section 7. Clause 7.1. emergency light signaling must be turned on when towing (on a towed motor vehicle).

To designate your vehicle, this is quite enough, but it does not need to illuminate anything - a towing vehicle is driving ahead at a maximum of 6 meters.

There is one such problem in Tickets, and here you are often mistaken:

What external lighting devices should be turned on at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of road lighting, as well as in tunnels on towed vehicles?

1. Daytime Running Lights.

2. Parking lights.

3. Rear fog lights.

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