Dump trucks from onboard gazelles to a dump truck. How it's made, how it works, how it works

Dump trucks from onboard gazelles to a dump truck. How it's made, how it works, how it works

The absolute leader in this segment Russian market- this is a GAZelle. Without her participation, it is impossible to imagine either an office or apartment move.

This model is capable of extremely quickly delivering cargo from one point to another; with the help of such transport you can transport products, bulk and construction materials, electronics, household appliances and much more. It is for this reason that most entrepreneurs and private drivers prefer to use this model.

Thanks to convenient dimensions this model can easily drive up to the entrance of the house to load furniture and things. In addition, the manufacturer produces a huge number of modifications that can be convenient and beneficial in certain situations.

The length of the body can reach 6 meters. whereas the minimum modification is only 3 meters. GAZelles with a short body are more in demand today.

This may be due to the congestion of city streets and the impassability of some areas, but short bodies with lighter weight are purchased more often than other variations.

And here you can find out the characteristics of the most common tower cranes in construction.

Models with 6-meter bodies are capable of transporting up to 1.1 tons of cargo. If the car is equipped with a methane gas pump, this figure is reduced to 700 kilograms.

Main technical characteristics of GAZelles

For the above reasons and many more, short body models are very successful. The volume of such cars is about 18 cubic meters, while for 6-meter bodies this figure reaches 33 meters.

The latter type of car is more maneuverable in traffic jams, it is able to bring big profit in comparison with shortened models, however, this still does not affect its popularity.

All parts of such a body carry less load, so their lifespan is significantly longer than that of shortened models. The frame can last for ages if it is not loaded with weight exceeding 1500 kg.

The engine can travel from 250 thousand km without repair. Body models may differ in height. This indicator depends on the structure frame.

The GAZelle booth can be from 175 to 220 cm in height - the cubic capacity depends on the size of this value. This volume allows you to accommodate utensils from a 3-room apartment.

If the height of the GAZelle reaches 2 meters, you can safely place a refrigerator or cabinet in it in a vertical position.

Four-meter gazelles are actively used during transportation building materials.

Often, channels and metal profiles cannot be folded during transportation, so it is advisable to use 4-meter GAZelles.

When designing a dump truck yourself, it is better to make open cabins. since engineers must calculate the height of the bunkers, otherwise the dump truck may overturn at one moment.

In order to avoid such an incident, it is enough to follow only a few simple rules.

Is it possible to make a dump truck from a GAZelle yourself?

Inventive motorists have realized how profitable it is to have a GAZelle as a cargo carrier or dump truck, so they try to modify the model with their own hands.

You can find many tutorials and step-by-step instructions online. This article collects and describes the most popular and quality methods make a dump truck out of a GAZelle.

It should be immediately noted that professional performance of the work can only be guaranteed by craftsmen who have experience in this field and are well acquainted with the nuances and costs of working with cars.

But, if the GAZelle owner needs very little from his car, he can test his strength and try to assemble a dump truck with his own hands.

In theory, this is not difficult, because many people share their accumulated experience and post step-by-step instructions with photos and videos online.

For each person, these instructions may contain something interesting that he can use in his work, and which he had not previously suspected.

Examples of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle

To achieve the intended goal, it is also suitable old Gazelle. The craftsman will need: lifts, a jack, a welding machine, a platform (a bunker is possible) and paint. Advanced motorists call such a change in the car “tuning”.

The first thing to tackle when working on a car is the frames and wheels. because a dump truck requires more high power. In order to change the frame, you should use a jack and a welding machine.

You need to get rid of arched protrusions that may interfere with the wheels.

The second stage of work includes the removal of the old and, in a sense, unusable body. A bunker and telescopic lifts will be installed in its place.

The bunker can be purchased at automotive market comparatively low price, and lifts are sold only in stores or dealer centers.

After everything necessary components will be found and installed, all that remains is to work on the appearance of the resulting truck, remove the seams and smooth out the joints.

Before direct operation, the car must be tested.

As noted above, the body must first be completely removed from the chassis to allow the subframe to be removed or replaced.

In addition to the fact that in the future it may touch the wheels, there is also the possibility that it will soon crack due to the thin material.

After all, the structure assembled at the factory was not initially designed for heavy loads.

It is also worth taking care of the length of the base, because factory models have too modest parameters. For subsequent installation of the MCU, the base must be extended.

By observing these simple rules, the master receives:

  • elongated body shape, which allows the installation of a hydraulic system;
  • automatic lifting of the load plane;
  • convenient system control mechanism.

Some drivers with experience in installation and welding work offer a different solution: removing the old body and installing a new one, assembled with their own hands.

The GAZelle cabin or bunker, which will be fixed on the platform, can be made of metal profiles and wooden boards.

The cabin is installed on a hydraulic system. which will regulate its movement when unloading materials. This solution can be used in the future as a loader of construction materials; it is also possible to transport furniture and much more indoors.

As noted earlier, for such purposes it is better to use an extended body, on which it is easier to install a cabin or bunker.

Generally long body improves performance indicators, it is more convenient to install hydraulics on it, because space is also needed for its movement.

Welding other components of the future body and axle

Attention! Poorly welded parts can simply “break” while driving and pose a threat to the lives of the driver, other road users and pedestrians.

The subframe can be welded from both internal and external channels. In this case, the planks should be bent so that they closely resemble the shape of the frame.

The small rail should be inserted into the large channel so that they form a rectangle.

After this, the structure must be welded along its entire length. After the body is fixed, you can remove the required length, which will allow you to adjust its position.

Then, using stepladders, you need to attach the prepared channel to the frame.

To level the plane of the frame and slats, it is necessary to lay a fire hose between the channel and the stepladder. Particular attention should be paid to welding, because the entire fastening of the structure depends on the soldered parts.

The cost of creating a dump truck from a GAZelle

If we talk about prices, it is worth noting that independent conduct the work is much cheaper, because the costs relate only to consumables and necessary parts.

The average price for services for creating a dump truck from a GAZelle varies from 60 to 100 thousand rubles.

Creating a dump truck yourself will cost about 20 thousand. provided that high-quality, expensive and new parts are purchased. A very noticeable difference.

Particularly advanced users recommend completely redoing negative wires on the frame and engine, because during active use they can simply burn out. To prevent this problem from happening, it is necessary to install thicker wires.

To ensure that there is no load on the body lift button, it is recommended to install a high-quality solenoid that will act as a relay.

From hydraulic coupling The fixation of the body depends, so you should change the spring to a weaker one. This solution will allow you to lift up to two tons of net weight.

From the following article you can learn how to choose an electric cultivator for your garden.

Despite such high performance, you should not load more than 1.5 tons of cargo, because then a very high load is formed on the body and the car can last a noticeably shorter period.

A few words in conclusion

The experience of converting a GAZelle into a dump truck during a collective discussion is extremely interesting. Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to find like-minded people in your city, but there are a huge number of resources where people share their experiences, post photos, give each other advice and provide assistance.

We invite you to watch a video that confirms that nothing is impossible and, if desired, a GAZelle will make a wonderful dump truck:

How to make a dump truck from a GAZelle with your own hands? Reviewed by Mikhail on Jul 06. Not only the services of heavy-duty dump trucks, but also light-duty solutions are gaining demand. The absolute leader in this segment of the Russian market is GAZelle. Without it, demand is gaining not only for the services of heavy-duty dump trucks, but also for light-duty solutions. The absolute leader in this segment of the Russian market is GAZelle. Without her Rating: 0

Today we will visit the Gorkovsky conveyor Automobile plant and see how they collect the most popular commercial vehicle in Russia.

1. So that viewing pictures is not too boring, I’ll try to dilute my photo series a short excursion into the past and present of GAZ.

2. January of this year marked the 83rd anniversary of its founding Gorky Automobile Plant- the largest enterprise in the Russian automotive industry, occupying a leading position in domestic market commercial vehicles.

3. The car plant was built in 18 months, went into operation on January 1, 1932, and on January 29, the first truck rolled off the assembly line - a GAZ-AA lorry. Since then, the plant has given the country millions available cars, equipped Agriculture trucks, provided the army with military special equipment, tanks and armored personnel carriers. In October 2011, the 18 millionth car rolled off the GAZ assembly line.

4. Just like 83 years ago, the most mass-produced car In the car plant's lineup, the same lorry remains. Successful combination its carrying capacity and dimensions make it timeless. All upgrades and improvements do not change main point GAZelles.

5. And our excursion, as usual, starts from the welding shop. It is here, on the conveyor belt of the welding shop, that you can already view the first outlines of the cabin for the future bestseller of small businesses.

7. More than 120 industrial welding robots from the German company KUKA work on the conveyor.

6. A short video excerpt. You can see and hear the rhythm of the welding robots.

9. And it will not be an exaggeration to say that it was GAZelle that became one of those impulses that served as the beginning of the development of the entire economy of the country.

10. Work on improving and modernizing the GAZelle is ongoing. In order to improve the corrosion resistance of the body, the plant engineers purchased minibuses who worked in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. The cars were dismantled down to the last screw and sawed lengthwise and crosswise.

11. The result of the work carried out was the introduction of double-sided galvanization of forty-seven body parts. These details are clearly visible in the pictures of the unpainted cabin.

12. Let's return to the conveyor belt. Please note that the woman has a press in her hands, with which she knocks out the VIN number on the cab of the car.

13. Happy owners, take a look at your PTS. Maybe this is the number stamped on your car?

14. At the same stage, the future car is issued a quality passport, which follows it to the end of the conveyor.

15. After each operation, a mark of the shift and the area that performed the work on this vehicle is placed in the passport.

16. Polishing is the final touch and the cabin leaves the welding shop.

17. We will also move to the main assembly line workshop. First, let's see how the car cabins are equipped with everything necessary.

18. In 2011, GAZelle received new panel devices. There is even more space for storing personal items and nice little things in the form of cup holders, a cigarette lighter, an ashtray and an additional 12V socket.

19. Area for gluing windshields.

20. The operator applies adhesive to the windshield.

21. Before I can blink my eye, the glass returns to its original position.

22. Wipers are attached. By the way, previous owners There were many complaints about the operation of this unit. GAZ took into account the wishes and now installs BOCH geared motors on all cars.

23. In the “Lux” package, in addition to everything else, ABS, a proprietary CD MP3 audio system with control buttons on the steering wheel, electrically adjustable mirrors, a USB connector, air conditioning, and pre-heater are added.

24. Right there, next door to assembly line There is a practical training area. It is worth noting that the average salary at GAZ, based on the results of 2011, is approximately 24 thousand rubles. The car plant employs 25 thousand people.

25. Meanwhile, we are approaching the most interesting part of our excursion. The conveyor line on which components a single whole is assembled. Today the GAZ-3302 – GAZelle Business – is being assembled on the assembly line. The frames are still bare, waiting their turn on the conveyor.

26. One of the first parts installed on the frame will be the springs.

27. Two pneumatic cylinders compress them to the size of the mounting holes, and springs are on the base!

28. Front axle.

29. Rear axle.

30. Stepladders rear axle.

31. Stabilizer and shock absorbers of the rear axle. Since 2011, GAZelle has been equipped with shock absorbers from Sachs.

32. Also, since 2011, all cars have been equipped with maintenance-free cardan shafts, the Turkish company “Tirsan Kardan”, FORD also installs products from this company on its cars.

33. Until this moment, the frame on the conveyor was moving upside down. After installing the muffler and fuel tank it will make a revolution around its own axis.

34. In the video you can see the moment the frame turns over, then future car will move as expected.

36. Now on GAZelle they install gasoline: UMZ - 4216-40 and diesel: MMZ D-245 and Cummins ISF (pictured).

37. Every two and a half minutes a brand new GAZelle rolls off the factory assembly line. Thus, it is not difficult to calculate how long each operation takes.

38. Look how skillfully the worker installs the engine on the frame.

39. Perhaps my colleagues in the workshop will reproach me for the lack of portrait photographs, but by God, the rhythm of the GAZ conveyor did not allow me to distract the workers from their work even for a second.

40. Now on the assembly line, a car is being serially installed gas equipment company "OMVL" (Italy).

41. Also, from the top, cabins arrive.

42. Two minutes and the cabin is on the frame.

43. The rhythm of the conveyor belt is so fast that sometimes I simply did not have time to follow the workers. But it was clear that with every move they made, new parts appeared on the car.

44. The radiator and headlights have already appeared.

45. The second floor of the assembly plant is used exclusively for the purpose of transporting components and assemblies to the assembly point. From above, with the precision of the second hand, the wheels descend.

46. ​​Another moment, and the wheels are already on the car.

47. Local gas station.

48. Each new car gets ten liters of fuel.

49. Bagels.

50. Installing the bumper. Perhaps the most noticeable difference between the GAZelle Business series and its predecessor. With its appearance, the visual perception of the car has improved, and technological gaps have been significantly reduced.

51. Body. Since 2011, bodies have undergone 100% priming of the sides and base of the platform using cathodic electrodeposition.

52. Metal sleeve, with its help, in brake system a vacuum is created in the vehicle and brake fluid is supplied at the same time.

53. The car is on wheels. Now the engine will start for the first time, then the car will move under its own power.

54. A run-in is taking place in a closed space - a three-kilometer run.

55. A freshly assembled car arrived at the acceptance point of the quality department.

56. A department specialist conducts a final inspection, but that’s not all.

57. At the end, the car will go into a chamber to check the body for leaks.

Cars ready to be shipped to customers are waiting for car transporters.

Like any other car, the Gazelle is often tuned. Moreover, tuning is done on any model - be it flatbed truck or all metal van. What are the first improvements that a commercial vehicle undergoes?

Tuning the cab of a Gazelle truck

There are car enthusiasts who believe that a fairing is installed on the roof for beauty. The spoiler may be a decoration, but first and foremost it is intended to improve technical characteristics car. With the fairing, 5-10% of fuel is saved, and the car becomes more stable on the highway. And this is not an advertisement for a product at all - the spoiler is actually a useful improvement for the Gazelle.

It is especially effective on vans or tall Gazelles, where the resistance to oncoming air flow is quite high. It is the fairing that reduces resistance to headwinds.

Interior tuning

Basically, the Gazelle is needed not for beauty, but for business. Therefore, car owners strive to improve their cars to their advantage. A useful addition is the installation of a security alarm. For " workhorse"it wouldn't hurt anti-theft system with auto start. Drivers of commercial vehicles need their car to start in the morning without problems in any frost. Autostart will come in handy here.

For ease of driving, drivers change the interior steering wheel– with sports steering wheel Some people find it more convenient to drive a car. But the convenience is debatable - most likely, many people like it appearance such a steering wheel.

Original tuning of the Gazelle interior

Many people install beautiful covers on their seats - they look aesthetically pleasing, and the seat upholstery does not get dirty or deteriorate. The seats themselves on the Gazelle are not changed often; they are already quite comfortable. If someone changes it, they install only one driver’s “seat” - from some cool foreign car, or a seat sports type(for example, Recaro).

Read also

Technical characteristics of the GAZ-2705 car

The interior of the Gazelle Farmer is often subject to tuning. For example, an additional table is installed in front of the rear row of seats. Of course, they don’t forget about installing an audio system with good speakers - it’s bad without music on a long journey. Tuning also includes installing wood-look inserts on the instrument panel, illuminating the instrument cluster with LED lamps, and installing a steering wheel braid. Motorists do a lot with their own hands.

To prevent road noise from entering the cabin, sound insulation is installed.

To apply soundproofing material, the entire interior is dismantled; the most popular “noises” are “Splen” and “Vibroplast”. Another type of tuning is installation additional stove in the cabin. Especially additional heating necessary on cars with an all-metal body and minibuses GAZ 3321.

Roof hatches are installed on Gazelle vehicles. The hatch can be like mechanical drive opening, as well as with electric one. Even if the car has air conditioning, a sunroof will not be superfluous - it can be installed on the roof of a cab or an all-metal body. The only negative is that the hatch can leak. But it has many advantages:

  • Significantly brighter interior;
  • In hot weather, the car is comfortable, and the wind does not blow from the road;
  • There is virtually no road noise, much less with the side windows down;
  • There is visually more space in the cabin.

An example of installing a hatch in a Gazelle cabin

When choosing a hatch, you cannot make mistakes with the dimensions, and you need to cut the roof with great accuracy. If you do everything carefully, the roof will not leak, and all the advantages of such tuning will only be a plus.

GAZelle dump truck is a standard chassis commercial truck with an installed folding platform, which is equipped with a movable tailgate. The carrying capacity of the machine does not differ from on-board vehicle. Small-sized dump trucks are used to perform a range of jobs where the use of full-size trucks is impossible or economically infeasible.

Design features and technical characteristics

The official conversion of the GAZelle into a dump truck is carried out directly by the Gorky Automobile Plant and various organizations. New cars are used to build equipment. Owners of used trucks independently convert their vehicles by installing special bodies or by modifying standard onboard platforms. The design of dump trucks includes a hydraulic system with a pump driven from the gearbox using a separate power take-off shaft.

Dump trucks based on GAZelle are equipped with bodies with 1- or 3-sided unloading. Agricultural machines are produced in small batches, the platform of which tilts only to the side. To control the unloading mechanism in the cabin there is a special block of spool switches that direct hydraulic fluid into different cavities of the power cylinder.

Factory dump trucks based on the Next model are equipped with an original aluminum platform and imported hydraulic system components. Basic option provides 3-sided unloading; other options are not offered by the factory. To control unloading, a joystick installed in the driver's cab is used.

How to remake it yourself

The owner can make a GAZelle dump truck with his own hands; For this you will need materials:

  • steel channel type 10U or 10P;
  • 2-link hydraulic cylinder from tractor trailers;
  • electric starter from passenger car or a truck with an operating voltage of 12 V;
  • limit switches for brake signals from VAZ cars;
  • starter control relay (from any passenger car);
  • gear hydraulic pump NSh10;
  • splined bushing for pump drive;
  • ball distribution valve type D15;
  • water pump drive pulley from a UAZ car (2 pcs.);
  • alternator drive belt from a passenger car (2 pcs.);
  • front wheel bearing from VAZ 2108/09;
  • fuel tank from starting motor tractors;
  • various fasteners.

After preparing the materials, you should develop a diagram or drawings for converting a GAZelle into a dump truck. You can search for documentation in open sources, since the manufacture of a dump truck from a GAZelle with their own hands has been done by more than a dozen owners.

Some of the prepared parts will need to be modified or made independently, so you need to find a lathe or milling machine in advance.

Used to drive the pump Electrical engine, but it is possible to connect the unit to the gearbox or standard hydraulic booster pump.

To assemble a GAZelle dump truck with your own hands, there is step-by-step instruction with recommendations:

  1. When using a hydraulic cylinder, the trailer is required to provide a pump speed 4 times lower than the speed of the electric starter. The use of cylinders from full-size ZIL or GAZ dump trucks requires an increase in fluid supply. In this case gear ratio is selected empirically.
  2. A belt drive is installed between the pump and motor pulleys; the type of belt depends on the configuration of the pulley groove. Can be used timing belts from the engine timing gear drive. The tension is adjusted using a roller mounted on an eccentric support. Allowed to use chain drive, in this case the tension changes by changing the number of chain links.
  3. Since the gear pump does not have bearings, it is not suitable for use in side thrust applications. To install the unit yourself, you need to manufacture and install a bearing assembly. Similar elements need to be made for an electric starter. When installing components without modifications, they quickly wear out.
  4. It is necessary to make a ladder frame from the channel, on which the standard side platform of the body will rest. It is necessary to provide a power cross member on the frame to which the hydraulic cylinder rod is attached. The opposite side of the device is secured to a separate bracket that is welded or bolted to the truck frame. The relative position of the bracket, cylinder and body frame must ensure that the platform is raised at an angle of at least 50°.
  5. To make a dump truck from a GAZelle, you will need to install special earrings on the back of the frame in which the supports are placed cargo platform. The mechanism must be strong enough to support the weight of the body when fully loaded. It is recommended to install grease nipples at these points, which will allow periodic maintenance node.
  6. It is necessary to install limit switches on the frame of the car or body, which are used to turn off the power to the electric drive of the pump in extreme positions. Installation locations are determined experimentally; Installation points should not be placed in areas subject to mud or water.
  7. To power the electric starter, it is necessary to install a separate power wiring that goes to the car's standard battery. It is possible to install an individual battery in the cab or inside the frame, which will reduce the length of the cables and the voltage loss in them.
  8. Rubber dampers are installed between the frames of the vehicle and the body, reducing noise when an empty dump truck moves. Guide elements made of steel angle are also installed. The parts are necessary to eliminate vibrations of the dump truck when the vehicle is moving.
  9. The fuel tank from the starting engine is used as a reservoir for working fluid. The unit is placed inside the frame and connected to the pump using metal or rubber lines. Used for refueling industrial oil for hydraulic systems.
  10. IN hydraulic system installation must be provided check valve, preventing oil from draining from the cylinder cavity under pressure. The element ensures safe operation, since in the event of a break in the supply line or failure of the pump, no sharp drop platforms on the truck frame.
  11. The button for turning on the retractor relay of the electric motor is displayed in the car interior. After pressing it, pressure is created in the hydraulics, then you need to manually open the ball valve mounted on the frame, and the body lifting begins. The rear side of the platform is pre-folded; when moving with a load, it is locked with standard latches.

Today we will visit the assembly line of the Gorky Automobile Plant and see how the most popular commercial vehicle in Russia is assembled.

1. So that viewing the pictures is not too boring, I will try to dilute my photo series with a small excursion into the past and present of GAZ.

2. This January marked the 83rd anniversary of the founding of the Gorky Automobile Plant, the largest enterprise in the Russian automotive industry, occupying a leading position in the domestic commercial vehicle market.

3. The car plant was built in 18 months, went into operation on January 1, 1932, and on January 29, the first truck rolled off the assembly line - a GAZ-AA lorry. Since then, the plant has given the country millions of affordable cars, equipped agriculture with trucks, and provided the army with military special equipment, tanks and armored personnel carriers. In October 2011, the 18 millionth car rolled off the GAZ assembly line.

4. Just like 83 years ago, the most popular car in the car plant’s line remains the same, the lorry. The successful combination of carrying capacity and dimensions makes it timeless. All modernizations and improvements do not change the main essence of the GAZelle.

5. And our excursion, as usual, starts from the welding shop. It is here, on the conveyor belt of the welding shop, that you can already view the first outlines of the cabin for the future bestseller of small businesses.

6. A short video excerpt. You can see and hear the rhythm of the welding robots.

7. More than 120 industrial welding robots from the German company KUKA work on the conveyor.

8. The first GAZelle rolled off the assembly line in 1994. We can say that thanks to the launch of the car into series, difficult conditions transition period, it was possible to preserve the staff and production potential of the plant.

9. And it will not be an exaggeration to say that it was GAZelle that became one of those impulses that served as the beginning of the development of the entire economy of the country.

10. Work on improving and modernizing the GAZelle is ongoing. In order to improve the corrosion resistance of the body, the plant's engineers purchased minibus taxis that had left their service life, which worked in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. The cars were dismantled down to the last screw and sawed lengthwise and crosswise.

11. The result of the work carried out was the introduction of double-sided galvanization of forty-seven body parts. These details are clearly visible in the pictures of the unpainted cabin.

12. Let's return to the conveyor belt. Please note that the woman has a press in her hands, with which she knocks out the VIN number on the cab of the car.

13. Happy owners, take a look at your PTS. Maybe this is the number stamped on your car?

14. At the same stage, the future car is issued a quality passport, which follows it to the end of the conveyor.

15. After each operation, a mark of the shift and the area that performed the work on this vehicle is placed in the passport.

16. Polishing is the final touch and the cabin leaves the welding shop.

17. We will also move to the main assembly line workshop. First, let's see how the car cabins are equipped with everything necessary.

18. In 2011, GAZelle received a new instrument panel. There is even more space for storing personal items and nice little things in the form of cup holders, a cigarette lighter, an ashtray and an additional 12V socket.

19. Area for gluing windshields.

20. The operator applies adhesive to the windshield.

21. Before I can blink my eye, the glass returns to its original position.

22. Wipers are attached. By the way, the previous owners had many complaints about the operation of this unit. GAZ took into account the wishes and now installs BOCH geared motors on all cars.

23. In the “Lux” package, in addition to everything else, ABS, a proprietary CD MP3 audio system with control buttons on the steering wheel, electrically adjustable mirrors, a USB connector, air conditioning, and pre-heater are added.

24. Right there, next to the assembly line, there is a practical training area. It is worth noting that the average salary at GAZ, based on the results of 2011, is approximately 24 thousand rubles. The car plant employs 25 thousand people.

25. Meanwhile, we are approaching the most interesting part of our excursion. A conveyor line on which a single whole is assembled from its component parts. Today the GAZ-3302 - GAZelle Business - is being assembled on the assembly line. The frames are still bare, waiting their turn on the conveyor.

26. One of the first parts installed on the frame will be the springs.

27. Two pneumatic cylinders compress them to the size of the mounting holes, and the springs are on the base!

28. Front axle.

29. Rear axle.

30. Rear axle stepladders.

31. Stabilizer and shock absorbers of the rear axle. Since 2011, GAZelle has been equipped with shock absorbers from Sachs.

32. Also, since 2011, all cars have been equipped with maintenance-free driveshafts from the Turkish company Tirsan Kardan; FORD also installs products from this company on its cars.

33. Until this moment, the frame on the conveyor was moving upside down. After installing the muffler and fuel tank, it will make a revolution around its own axis.

34. In the video you can see the moment the frame turns over; then the future car will move as expected.

36. Now on GAZelle they install gasoline: UMZ - 4216-40 and diesel: MMZ D-245 and Cummins ISF (pictured).

37. Every two and a half minutes a brand new GAZelle rolls off the factory assembly line. Thus, it is not difficult to calculate how long each operation takes.

38. Look how skillfully the worker installs the engine on the frame.

39. Perhaps my colleagues in the workshop will reproach me for the lack of portrait photographs, but by God, the rhythm of the GAZ conveyor did not allow me to distract the workers from their work even for a second.

40. Nowadays, automotive gas equipment from OMVL (Italy) is being serially installed on the assembly line.

41. Also, from the top, cabins arrive.

42. Two minutes and the cabin is on the frame.

43. The rhythm of the conveyor belt is so fast that sometimes I simply did not have time to follow the workers. But it was clear that with every move they made, new parts appeared on the car.

44. The radiator and headlights have already appeared.

45. The second floor of the assembly plant is used exclusively for the purpose of transporting components and assemblies to the assembly point. From above, with the precision of the second hand, the wheels descend.

46. ​​Another moment, and the wheels are already on the car.

47. Local gas station.

48. Each new car gets ten liters of fuel.

49. Bagels.

50. Installing the bumper. Perhaps the most noticeable difference between the GAZelle Business series and its predecessor. With its appearance, the visual perception of the car has improved, and technological gaps have been significantly reduced.

51. Body. Since 2011, bodies have undergone 100% priming of the sides and base of the platform using cathodic electrodeposition.

52. A metal sleeve, with its help, a vacuum is created in the brake system of the car and at the same time brake fluid is supplied.

53. The car is on wheels. Now the engine will start for the first time, then the car will move under its own power.

54. A run-in is taking place in a closed space - a three-kilometer run.

55. A freshly assembled car arrived at the acceptance point of the quality department.

56. A department specialist conducts a final inspection, but that’s not all.

57. At the end, the car will go into a chamber to check the body for leaks.

58. Cars ready to be shipped to customers are waiting for car transporters.

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