The difference between a motor and an engine. Atmospheric engine: what is it, how does it differ from a turbocharged engine

The difference between a motor and an engine. Atmospheric engine: what is it, how does it differ from a turbocharged engine


On closer examination specifications engines internal combustion most motorists are faced with concepts such as injection, carburetor motor. Many have a fairly high knowledge of structural features such units, but when it comes to atmospheric engines, only a few motorists understand what the conversation will be about next. To dispel all doubts, this article will be useful.

What is a naturally aspirated engine

Despite the fact that this concept is not common in the automotive industry today, in fact, it is quite simple to understand. Oddly enough, but the atmospheric engine is one of the most ancient and common units used in the automotive industry for many decades.

He represents himself conventional engine internal combustion, however, unlike injection or carburetor, it does not have additional automatic units that provide more efficient fuel combustion.

Did you know? The first piston internal combustion engine was created in 1807 by the French inventor Francois de Rivaz.

Today, this unit under the hood of a car can be found infrequently, but only a few decades ago it was used everywhere for the production of cars and trucks. At the same time, the type of fuel for the “atmospheric” was not a key feature, since many models were created that work both on diesel fuel as well as on petrol. Despite its technical obsolescence, today such a motor is regaining popularity, since the advantages over modern models turbocharged there are significant.

Find out why the engine may run intermittently and what causes this malfunction.

Principle of operation

The basic principle of any internal combustion engine is to ignite the fuel in special chambers, due to which the pistons are activated, and then the subsequent components of the car. Gasoline of various brands or diesel often acts as a flammable liquid, but fuel should also be understood as a mixture of gasoline or diesel with air. This is the main condition for ignition in the motor, since without enough oxygen, this process is impossible.

The most optimal ratio for successful ignition is considered to be a mixture of 1:14 (flammable liquid: air). To solve this problem, any internal combustion engine has a special unit responsible for the mixture of fuel and air. In most modern cars, automatic air compressors or turbines (injector, carburetor) “take on” this matter. That is why they are often called turbocharged.

But in the "aspirated" everything goes by itself. Due to natural atmospheric pressure, air tries to fill any free space, on the basis of which the principle of an atmospheric engine is built. However, this is often not enough to achieve an air-fuel mixture, therefore, in the "aspirated" created mechanical system air supply. The pistons of the motor act as an air pump that tightens required amount air into the combustion chamber. To do this, a special air duct is equipped in atmospheric engines, which ensures an uninterrupted supply of oxygen from the outside.

Thus, the main difference between a turbocharged engine and an atmospheric one lies in an automatic air blower, which is not in the "aspirated" ones. In addition, do not forget that in turbocharged engines the air-fuel mixture is formed forcibly (due to the formation high blood pressure from 1.5 to 3 atmospheres).

Advantages and disadvantages of a naturally aspirated engine

Atmospheric engines are found under the hood of many popular brands cars. There are several reasons for this:

Reliability and unpretentiousness. First of all, this is due to the simplicity of the engine design, as well as the absence of additional elements requiring preventive care. Do not forget that "atmospherics" are able to function safely even on fuel Low quality(in most post-Soviet countries, this is the main condition for the absence of expensive repairs). High maintainability and low cost of maintenance. Most modern atmospheric motor often several times cheaper to repair than turbocharged counterparts. This is achieved due to the simplicity of design and the use of simple mechanical components. Even with a complete overhaul and replacement of leading parts, motors of this type are almost always recoverable. Huge resource of use. As practice shows, in most cases, even with occasional use, no quality fuel such motors do not need repair until they have "run" several hundred thousand kilometers. There are cases when "aspirated" managed to work for decades over 300-500 thousand kilometers without any technical support.

Like any other technical device, it is not without "aspirated" and shortcomings. Often, even the most expensive and high-quality motor loses in efficiency and power to units with an automatic supercharger. At low and high speeds, the "aspirated" fails to absorb air from the outside at the required pace, so the mixture of fuel and air is uneven. At high and low revs such a motor often loses power, and at low speed it can even stall at the wrong moment.

Did you know? The turbine is one of the most ancient technical devices used by man. The first turbine prototype was created in the 1st century AD. Greek scientist and designer Heron of Alexandria.

Which is better: atmospheric or turbocharged engine

The question of the advisability of installing turbocharged or naturally aspirated engines has been an unresolved dispute among motorists for a long time, since both have disadvantages and advantages.

Undoubtedly, turbocharged is better to use under working conditions at low and high speeds. In addition, their power is often 10-30% higher than that of the "atmospheric", which is to the liking of most lovers of high-speed cars. However, for this, units with an artificial supercharger require special and careful care, as well as the selection of high-quality fuel. Otherwise, they don't last long.

In turn, "atmospherics" are more suitable for use in medium conditions and are much more economical. So if for you a car is just a means of transportation from work to home, this is your choice. In addition, such motors will last longer and do not require careful and meticulous care, which for most regions former USSR is a decisive advantage.

Video: Atmospheric or turbocharged engine. What's better?

Do not forget about their simpler design, which will also appeal to most fans of "self-repair".

Important! Before choosing one or another engine system, it is necessary to determine for yourself for what final purposes the car will be used, as well as what exactly will be required from the motor during its operation.

Is it possible to install a turbine on a naturally aspirated engine

Increasing the power of a car is one of the key issues that occurs among motorists around the world. That is why many people are wondering if it is possible to install a turbine on an atmospheric engine of their car.

In theory, such an improvement should help increase the power of the machine, which will undoubtedly affect the performance on the track.

Despite the existence of various conflicting opinions, thanks to a simplified design, it is possible to install a turbine on an “atmospheric” even in the most outstanding auto repair shop.

This technique will make it possible to increase the efficiency of fuel combustion in the engine chamber, which will improve its performance by 10-30%. We recommend that you read more about the device and features of the operation of a diesel engine turbine. However, this car will require major modifications. Installing one turbine will not give any results, so the transformation of the engine must be approached comprehensively. So, in addition to the turbine, it should be installed on it:

exhaust manifold and pipe - necessary to remove an additional volume of exhaust gases; air supply line with a cooling system - a set of metal tubes with a built-in intercooler that carry out air intake and preparation (air must enter the combustion chamber cooled); nozzles - controlled solenoid valves(they are required for automatic atomization of fuel in the combustion chamber); blow off - helps to eliminate excess air from the turbocharging system.

atmospheric engine is one of the most popular types of motors used in the automotive industry.

Important! Installing a turbine on a naturally aspirated engine will result in additional expense fuel. This must be taken into account when calculating the feasibility of its modification.

Despite its simplicity and design unchanged for decades, it has significant advantages over automatic air supply systems. First of all, it is high efficiency, ease of operation and reliability, thanks to which the engine can function effectively for a very long time.

(internal combustion engine) is a heat engine and operates on the principle of burning a mixture of fuel and air in a combustion chamber. The main task of such a device is the conversion of the combustion energy of the fuel charge into mechanical useful work.

Despite general principle action, exists today a large number of units that differ significantly from each other due to a number of individual design features. In this article we will talk about what internal combustion engines are, and what are their main features and differences.

Read in this article

Types of internal combustion engines

Let's start with the fact that the internal combustion engine can be two-stroke and four-stroke. Concerning automobile motors, these units are four-stroke. Engine cycles are:

  • inlet fuel-air mixture or air (depending on the type of internal combustion engine);
  • compression of a mixture of fuel and air;
  • fuel charge combustion and power stroke;
  • release from the combustion chamber of exhaust gases;

Both gasoline and diesel engines operate on this principle. piston engines who found wide application in cars and other equipment. It is also worth mentioning, in which gas fuel burns similarly to diesel fuel or gasoline.

Petrol power units

Such a food system, especially distributed injection, allows you to increase the power of the engine, while achieving fuel efficiency and reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases. This became possible due to the precise dosage of the supplied fuel under control ( electronic system engine control).

Further development of fuel supply systems led to the emergence of engines with direct (direct) injection. Their main difference from their predecessors is that air and fuel are supplied to the combustion chamber separately. In other words, the injector is not installed above the intake valves, but is mounted directly into the cylinder.

This solution allows you to supply fuel directly, and the supply itself is divided into several stages (sub-injections). As a result, it is possible to achieve the most efficient and complete combustion of the fuel charge, the engine gets the opportunity to work on lean mixture(for example, engines of the GDI family), fuel consumption decreases, exhaust toxicity decreases, etc.

Diesel engines

It runs on diesel fuel, and is also significantly different from gasoline. The main difference is the absence of a spark ignition system. The ignition of the mixture of fuel and air in a diesel engine comes from compression.

Simply put, air is compressed in the cylinders, which heats up a lot. At the last moment, injection occurs directly into the combustion chamber, after which the heated and highly compressed mixture ignites on its own.

If we compare diesel and gasoline ICEs, diesel is more economical, the best efficiency and maximum, which is available at low revs. Taking into account the fact that diesel engines develop more traction at lower crankshaft speeds, in practice such a motor does not need to be “turned” at the start, and you can also count on a confident pickup from the very bottom.

However, in the list of disadvantages of such units, one can single out, as well as more weight and lower speeds in the mode maximum speed. The fact is that the diesel engine is initially “low-speed” and has a lower rotational speed compared to gasoline internal combustion engines.

Diesels also have a greater mass, since the features of compression ignition imply more serious loads on all elements of such an assembly. In other words, the parts in a diesel engine are stronger and heavier. Also diesel engines more noisy, due to the process of ignition and combustion of diesel fuel.

rotary engine

Wankel engine ( rotary piston engine) is a fundamentally different power plant. In such an internal combustion engine, the usual pistons that reciprocate in the cylinder are simply absent. main element rotary motor is the rotor.

The specified rotor rotates along a given trajectory. Rotary ICE gasoline, since such a design is not capable of providing a high degree compression of the working mixture.

The advantages include compactness, high power with a small working volume, as well as the ability to quickly spin up to high speed. As a result, cars with such an internal combustion engine have outstanding acceleration characteristics.

If we talk about the minuses, then it is worth highlighting a noticeably reduced resource compared to piston units, as well as high flow fuel. Also rotary engine It is characterized by increased toxicity, that is, it does not quite fit into modern environmental standards.

hybrid engine

On some internal combustion engines, to obtain the necessary power, it is used in combination with a turbocharger, while on others with exactly the same displacement and layout, such solutions are not available.

For this reason, for an objective assessment of the performance of a particular engine at different speeds, and not on the crankshaft, but on the wheels, it is necessary to carry out special complex measurements on a dyno.

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  • What is the difference two stroke engine from a four stroke? The most noticeable difference is the modes of ignition of the combustible mixture, which can be immediately noticed by the sound. A 2-stroke engine usually produces a piercing and very loud rumble, while a 4-stroke engine tends to have a quieter purr.


    In most cases, the difference is also in the main purpose of the unit and its fuel efficiency. Two-stroke engines ignite with every revolution. crankshaft, therefore, they are twice as powerful as four-stroke ones, in which the mixture ignites only through a revolution.

    Four-stroke engines are more economical, but heavier and more expensive. They are usually installed on cars and special equipment, while on devices such as lawn mowers, scooters and light boats, more compact ones are more common. two-stroke models. And here gasoline generator, for example, you can find both two-stroke and four-stroke. can also be of any type. The principle of operation of these engines is basically the same, the difference is only in the method and efficiency of energy conversion.

    What is tact?

    Fuel processing in both types of engines is carried out through sequential execution four different processes known as clocks. The speed at which the engine goes through these cycles is exactly what distinguishes a two-stroke engine from a four-stroke engine.

    The first stroke is injection. The piston moves down the cylinder and inlet valve opens to let in air-fuel mixture into the combustion chamber. Next comes the compression stroke. During this stroke, the intake valve closes and the piston moves up the cylinder, compressing the gases there. The power stroke begins when the mixture is ignited. In this case, a spark from a candle ignites the compressed gases, which leads to an explosion, the energy of which pushes the piston down. The last stroke is the exhaust: the piston rises up the cylinder and the exhaust valve opens, allowing the combustion chamber to exit so that the process can begin again. The reciprocating motion of the piston rotates crankshaft, the torque from which is transmitted to the working parts of the device. This is how the energy of fuel combustion is converted into translational motion.

    Operation of a four-stroke engine

    In a standard four-stroke engine, the ignition of the mixture occurs every second revolution of the crankshaft. The rotation of the shaft drives a complex set of mechanisms that ensure the synchronous execution of a sequence of cycles. Opening the intake or exhaust valves is carried out using a camshaft, which alternately presses the rocker arms. The valve is returned to the closed position by means of a spring. To avoid loss of compression, it is necessary that the valves fit snugly against the cylinder head.

    The operation of a two-stroke engine

    Now let's see how a two-stroke engine differs from a four-stroke engine in terms of the principle of operation. In two-stroke engines, all four actions are performed in one revolution of the crankshaft, during the piston stroke from the top dead center to the bottom and then back up. The release of exhaust gases (purge) and fuel injection are integrated into one stroke, at the end of which the mixture ignites, and the resulting energy pushes the piston down. This design eliminates the need for a valve train.

    The place of the valves is occupied by two holes in the walls of the combustion chamber. When the piston moves down due to the energy of combustion, the exhaust channel opens, allowing the exhaust gases to exit the chamber. When moving down, a vacuum is created in the cylinder, due to which a mixture of air and fuel is drawn in through the intake port located below. When moving up, the piston closes the channels and compresses the gases in the cylinder. At this point, the spark plug fires, and the entire process described above is repeated again. It is important that in engines of this type, the ignition of the mixture occurs at each revolution, which makes it possible to extract from them more power, at least in the short term.

    The ratio of mass and power

    Two-stroke motors are better suited for applications that require fast, sharp bursts of power, rather than steady operation for long periods of time. For example, a two-stroke jet ski accelerates faster than a four-stroke truck, but it is designed for short trips, while a truck can travel hundreds of miles before needing a rest. The short duration of two-stroke engines is offset by a low mass-to-power ratio: such engines usually weigh much less, so they start faster and reach operating temperature. They also require less energy to move.

    Which motor is better

    In most cases four-stroke engines can only work in one position, while two-stroke ones are less demanding in this regard. This is largely due to the complexity of the moving parts as well as the design oil pan. Such a sump, which provides engine lubrication, is usually found only in four-stroke models and is of great importance for their operation. Two-stroke engines usually do not have such a sump, so they can be operated in almost any position without the risk of sloshing oil or interrupting the lubrication process. For devices such as chainsaws, circular saws and other portable tools, this flexibility is very important.

    Fuel efficiency and environmental performance

    It often turns out that compact and fast engines pollute the air more and consume more fuel. At the bottom of the piston movement when the combustion chamber is filled combustible mixture, some fuel is lost in the exhaust port. This can be seen in the example of a suspended outboard motor, if you look closely, you can see multi-colored oily spots around it. Therefore, engines of this kind are considered inefficient and polluting. environment. Although the four-stroke models are somewhat heavier and slower, they burn fuel completely.

    Purchase and maintenance cost

    Smaller engines are usually less expensive, both in terms of initial purchase and maintenance. However, they are designed for a shorter duration. Although there are some exceptions, most of them are not intended for continuous work for more than a few hours and is designed for not very long term operation. The lack of a separate lubrication system also means that even best motors of this type wear out relatively quickly and become unusable due to damage to moving parts.

    Partly due to the lack of a lubrication system, gasoline intended for filling in a two-stroke scooter engine, for example, must be added a certain amount special oil. This leads to additional costs and hassle, and can also cause a breakdown (if you forget to add oil). A 4-stroke motor in most cases requires a minimum of maintenance and care.

    Which motor is better

    This table briefly describes how a two-stroke engine differs from a four-stroke engine.

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