How to repair scratches on a car without painting. How to remove various types of scratches from a car body

How to repair scratches on a car without painting. How to remove various types of scratches from a car body


There are several ways to repair minor damage to a personal vehicle. The question of how to remove scratches on a car without high costs and contacting service center, excites many motorists. Motorists always argue about whether it is possible to independently eliminate scratches on a car with their own hands.

Tree branches, stones falling under the wheels, minor damage often leave their mark on the paintwork. If defects are in plastic parts and don't spoil general view then you don't have to worry about them. But the damage on the body must be eliminated immediately after detection in order to avoid metal corrosion, because the reliability of the car as necessary funds movement must be top notch.

Before you paint over a scratch on a car with your own hands, you need to determine the nature and degree of complexity of the existing damage.

It is possible to repair only a strip or area around the defect, and if the damage occupies more than 30% of the surface of the entire part, painting should be done completely.

Removing scratches on a car can be done in a car service, but touching up in a company workshop is a very expensive process, and the service of a master from a small service does not inspire confidence and does not guarantee the desired result.

Weak scuffs can be masked with a special felt-tip pen

A self-taught specialist will not always find a way to mask scratches on a car and may not know how to remove them. The flaws of the car that appear on the body are of several types:

  • slight abrasions on the top layer of paint;
  • defects to the ground level;
  • metal damage.

The following tools will help you with the question of how to remove scratches from cars with your own hands:

  • sanding paper;
  • polishing paste;
  • paintwork. More about little tricks experienced car owners see in this video:

Painting car scratches

Painting scratches on a car is a serious procedure that requires maximum attention and concentration. Even the most caring car owner has faced such a problem as minor damage to the car.

Removing scratches on a car with your own hands is one of the hot topics among drivers.

It is necessary to determine the nature of the damage in order to answer the question of how to repair a scratch on a car. If the defect is shallow and insignificant, then it will not be difficult to cope with it at home. Using inexpensive, useful and practical tools, small scratches can be removed quickly and inexpensively.

Special paste will help to cope with medium-sized coating defects

You can get rid of defects with the help of a special tool, which is a paste that hides scuffs. The tool is able to restore the shine, color and glossy finish of the scratched area. This composition will help wipe the stains that appear on the body from interaction with reagents or sunlight.

The paste is easy to use and low cost.

This tool will solve the problem of how to remove a scratch from a car body in the shortest possible time. However, the procedure will need to be repeated periodically, as painting car scratches is short-lived.

Cosmetic polishing

Thinking about how to remove small scratches on your favorite iron friend, you can use a polish.

Polish is a multifunctional option suitable for any car.

Before you cover up the flaw, you will need to carefully clean the place of damage, this will help to more accurately determine its depth. The polish layer acts as a barrier that protects the car's paint from external environment. The composition of the polish can be liquid, solid, creamy or available in the form of an aerosol.

The polish will not only mask the scratch, but also protect the surface from corrosion.

Paste in liquid form is uneconomical, as it spreads strongly and cannot be applied in a thick layer. With the help of a hard polish, you can restore saturation and shine to the color. However, the staining process is quite long and laborious.

Cream polish is the best option on the market. The mixture will help remove scratches quickly enough, while bringing excellent results.

Aerosol polishes are effective at do-it-yourself scratch removal for the most attentive motorists. The tool will be useful if you use it strictly according to all the rules prescribed in the instructions.

A quality aerosol contains a high concentration of silicone. In turn, cheaper options do not have such properties and all the shine obtained during processing disappears after a week. Before you paint a scratch on a car, you should carefully study the composition of each necessary tool.

Choose the type of polish that suits you

Many motorists are also wondering how to remove scratches on the body if a layer of soil is touched. You can get rid of such a defect using a pencil, which has a special substance in its composition that penetrates into the damage environment and occupies all the free space in it.

Pencils are wax and gel. The wax version is similar to drawing chalk and features several color options. When using it, the scratch is literally "clogged" with the polymer.

After the procedure, excess wax on the body should be removed with a soft cloth. This method of car restoration is very budgetary, but it has controversial reviews.

Special corrector kits will solve the problem of how to get rid of scratches on the car, which are characterized by a more severe form of damage. The restoration site should be bound with mounting tape or other non-marking tape before removing the defect. For more information on how to deal with scratches with a pencil, see this video:

Repairing damage on a car with your own hands using such paint is quite difficult, since this process requires certain skills. The result can be noticeable, since finding the right shade of paint can be quite difficult.

Painting works

The removal of scratches on the car body, which are characterized by great depth and prescription, can be arranged by applying an anti-corrosion primer. If this component is neglected, then the process of metal corrosion under the paint layer will continue and entail the need for more costly repairs.

Before the beginning painting works get rid of rust and fill dents with putty

Before starting the process of eliminating the flaw, the surface should be cleaned of rust and dirt with sandpaper. If there is also a dent under the flaw, then it must be puttied with automotive putty. After that, the surface is leveled with sandpaper.

The next layer is applied primer, which is also important to smooth.

After that, we remove the flaws, tinting the cleaned places with a suitable paint. It is desirable to select it in a special store. This method will help to remove scratches on the car body by reasonable price and protect your car from rust for a long time. For more information on how to paint a scratch, see this video:

It is important to know how to remove scratches from your car in order to avoid large financial expenses. Painting a car with your own hands is best done in a dry, clean room. If this is not possible, then the weather should be dry, warm.

The area to be repaired must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased. To do this, use gasoline or white spirit.

Repair of scratches on a car should be started after studying the instructions for each drug used. The above tools and mixtures to protect a personal vehicle should be in every motorist.

Car scratches are just as inevitable as tire punctures or minor body damage. In all cities there are bushes that scratch vehicles, and pebbles flying out from under the wheels, and other "goodies" that can damage the surface of your vehicle. Do not run scratches, as they can lead to large negative consequences than a cosmetic nuisance.

Scratch polishing

Small scratches that most often appear on our cars include the consequences of “communication” with branches, road reagents, sun rays, bird traces. Especially the last factor: it can literally peel off a layer of varnish in a few days. You can get rid of these troubles on your own, and using the services of car services. In any case, polishing is needed here. Polishing, in addition to being able to eliminate visible damage, also protects body parts from rust.

If the scratches are hardly noticeable, and you can only see them on a dry and clean car, then a simple polishing will also suffice. Scratches are clearly visible, "thanks" to clearly defined and sharp edges. It is for this reason that it is important to smooth their edges. If they are deeper, then you should first apply a coarse abrasive polish, and then the so-called "finish".

These tools include "Antirisk" - this is one of the types of polishes. With it, you can qualitatively deal with stains that may appear as a result of various influences on the car, whether it be reagents, salt or sunlight.

In order for the method to work, it must be applied correctly. First of all, you will need fine abrasive polishing pads, which are sold in car dealerships, in addition, polishing wheels and special pastes.

Work sequence:

  1. Degrease the area and dry it. Pre-arrange high-quality lighting that will help you see even the smallest scratches and eliminate them in one fell swoop.
  2. Cover areas of the body that may come into contact with the product with masking tape.
  3. Gently sand the scratches with a sandpaper. In this case, rely on the depth of damage. If it is not very deep, then you can skip this step altogether.
  4. Start polishing. To do this, use a felt cloth, in the process it will be necessary to replace it with an increasingly soft one, while the paste also needs to be replaced with a finely abrasive one. It is necessary to achieve a matte surface.
  5. The final stage is the application of wax-based or Teflon-based polish.

More serious scratches that have reached the primer (white ball under the paint) should be "healed" with abrasive polishes, which also produce a restorative effect, or by painting over. Regarding the first ones, they look like pastes that remove the top layer, thereby making scratches less noticeable. You can use them in your own garage, rubbing the composition well in a circular motion V damaged place, or using a special polishing machine. When using this tool, you need to control that it does not dry out, otherwise it will lead to the opposite effect - more serious damage to the coating. After use, it is best to cover the surface with polish or wax.

There is another option to fix unpleasant scuffs on the car. Before proceeding with it, it is necessary to examine the depth of the scratch, and for this you need to wipe it with a clean, soft cloth. If you see a typical White color, then you can still apply painting. Numerous auto shops offer small amounts of paint just for this. Of course, the color should be as close to the present as possible. It is important that fresh paint does not get into other areas in the process - isolating them is ideal. In the case when the scratch is very small, staining can be done with a toothpick.

There are also whole sets on sale, which immediately include a degreaser, a rag, paint and, in some cases, varnish. The mechanics of work are identical to the previous option in terms of isolating and cleaning the site. And then - just staining and, if necessary, varnishing.

Car Scratch Removal Pen

The next option is scratch pencils. They are wax and gel. The first resemble children's crayons. They can be different color and just paint over the damage. Excess wax that has come into contact with undamaged areas can be wiped off with a soft, dry cloth. This method is short-lived, from time to time you will have to update the coloring.

Gel ones are more practical - the substance fills the scratch, as it were, “heals” it. After a certain period of time, it hardens, and the scratch disappears altogether, as if it never existed.

There are also highly advertised recovery pencils. They are expensive, their action is just painting over, or, as the manufacturers say, restoring varnish. This miracle device is similar to a regular marker, they just need to paint over a scratch. The damaged area must be washed first. But their effect on the restoration of varnish ends with this, however, the durability of pencils is doubtful, especially for the price they are asked for.

If the damage is deeper - they got to the metal, then you will have to apply radical measures struggle, and on your own, most likely, you won’t be able to do it if you don’t have the relevant experience behind you. Of course it costs more than self-elimination, but believe me, if you try to do these manipulations with your own hands, there is a high probability of doing harm. Specialists will do with your transport:

  • thorough cleaning of the damage site using a special car shampoo;
  • degreasing and priming;
  • isolation of undamaged places with a special tape;
  • painting damage with a color-matched paint;
  • covering the area with varnish or polish.

At first glance, everything is simple, but these processes require accuracy and experience in execution, so it’s better not to risk it and trust the professionals.

How to remove scratches from car glass

If with minor injuries you can fight on the body with your own hands, then if you find any on the glass, it’s better not to hesitate and immediately go to the specialists. There are many products that their manufacturers claim will get rid of such a nuisance as scratches on glass, but do not believe the ubiquitous advertising: there are none. Don't try to save where you shouldn't.

Scratch Repair Tips

  1. Carry out any operation indoors, where it is dry and clean. If the procedure will take place on the street, then it is best to do it in calm weather, always without precipitation.
  2. Before proceeding with the restoration, it is necessary to prepare the surface: dry, clean, degrease, in this case gasoline or white spirit will help.
  3. Before using any product, read the instructions and act in accordance with them. If this is not done, then it is likely to harm even more.

How to protect the body from scratches

As clichéd as it sounds, prevention is better than dealing with the consequences. It's easier for you to spend money on quality protection corps, rather than rake up the consequences later. So, if your car spends the night in the open, in a parking lot or even under the house, you absolutely need to use one of these protection methods:

Protective case. It is advisable to use this accessory if you leave your vehicle for a long time, since in the morning, hurrying to work, it is not very convenient to take it off, roll it up and put it in the trunk or in another place. But this item has clear benefits, in addition to protecting against scratches, it is a barrier against bad weather, the already mentioned birds and the sun.

Processing with liquid glass. This modern material when applied, it penetrates into the surface layer of the varnish and thereby provides excellent protective covering. In addition, this way you can provide your car with an unsurpassed shine for several years. And the occurrence of scratches on it is a very rare thing. Of course, this pleasure is not very cheap and depends on the type of car body, but, nevertheless, having calculated how much you can spend on repairing scratches, this investment does not seem so big.

It is possible and necessary to deal with scratches, and not only because it makes the car look untidy, but also for the reason that they can become the beginning of more serious damage which will then be more difficult to stop. In addition, there are methods that can reliably protect your iron horse from such troubles.

Video: remove scratches on a car

The company "Autoscratch" offers services in the field of damage repair paintwork. We use professional tools and apply modern techniques. Removing deep scratches on a car without painting is one of our main specialties. Depending on the type and severity of damage, we will offer the most affordable, fast and effective method its elimination.

So if you have a scratched car in your yard, near work, office or just on the road and you don't know what to do, contact us! We will remove scratches on the car and return the body to its original appearance!

Removing scratches on a car body without painting

Action: removal of scratches from scrapers with a 50% discount!

The process of removing scratches from a car body

If the damage affects only the top layer of varnish and has not touched the ground, it can be repaired quite easily by machining LKP.

First of all, the car must be washed and cleaned of complex contaminants - remove bitumen stains, bird droppings, traces of gasoline, etc. Without this, it is impossible to start removing scratches on the car body: polishing on a dirty surface will only harm the paintwork. That is why it is important to protect the room from dust ingress. IN this case It is best to use a professional spray booth.

Then, with the help of a special tape, the area bordering on the scratch is fenced off. It must be protected from accidental ingress of polishing paste. Only after that you can start polishing the car body.

Depending on the depth of damage, polishing takes place in two or three stages. Each of them uses softer tips and pastes with finer grains. Having eliminated the main damage, you need to remove the smaller ones. The process of removing scratches on the car ends with finishing polishing.

Also, after the repair of scratches without painting is completed, it is recommended to treat the car protective composition. This will fix the result and keep the shine for a long time.

Polishing repairs scratches not only on the body, but also on the bumper, disks and even headlights. Working with plastic parts, however, requires the use of special pastes and more thorough finishing.

Painting scratches on a car

If the removal of scratches with a polishing machine is not possible, then a much more sophisticated technology full or local painting of the part.

The process of preparing the body for the repair of deep and small scratches on a car with painting also requires it to be cleaned of all visible contaminants. However, in this case, this is necessary not only to exclude the possibility of additional damage, but also to select the right color.

If car scratch removal requires full painting parts, it can be dismantled or just cover the rest body elements protective film. The best option selected depending on the degree and nature of damage to the paintwork.

At the next stage, the area to be treated is cleaned of paint residues, leveled, primed and covered with a pre-selected paint. After that, it is necessary to carry out polishing to even out the color and texture of the part.

car scratch repair method partial painting other things being equal, it is cheaper, because less paint and consumables are used. However, doing this on your own can be problematic. After artisanal removal of scratches on the car body, places where new paint has been applied can be noticeable. This technique requires professionalism and accuracy.

However, to repair scratches on cars, manufacturers produce kits from small cans of factory paint and varnish. However, they cannot be used perfect result. They are not even suitable for removing scratches on car bumpers and other plastic parts - they can be easily damaged.

Removing scratches on a car: fix defects yourself or turn to professionals?

To successfully return car paintwork original view, you will need:

Also, the successful removal of scratches on the car body is impossible without a certain level of experience. To test your abilities, you can practice on the old household appliances, unused body parts or something else.

Thus, independent quality repair scratches car bodies practically impossible. Therefore, if you value your time and want to achieve good result, it is better to sign up for service at the Avtoscratch company. We carry out the removal of small and deep scratches on the car by reasonable prices. We work quickly and follow the technology. We always have in stock necessary equipment and consumables.

Centers with cameras prepared for scratch removal are located in SZAO, SAO, SVAO, VAO, YuVAO, YuAO, YuZAO of Moscow. Choose the most convenient, sign up and come!

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2500 rub. Duration 2 hours

4500 rub. Duration 4 hours

3000 rub. Duration 1 hour

3500 rub. Duration 1 hour

2000 rubles. Duration 1.5 hours

1500 rubles. Duration 1 hour

2500 rubles. Duration 2 hours

4500 rubles. Duration 4 hours

3000 rubles. Duration 1 hour

3500 rubles. Duration 1 hour

Every car owner is faced with such a nuisance as chips and scratches on the car body.

Most often they occur as a result of mechanical influences small dust-like particles and larger ones, such as pebbles flying out from under the wheels of cars in front.

In addition, dangers lurk everywhere: hard branches of bushes, sand on dirty rags of car washers, accidental touches of objects when parking and opening doors, large hail, or even a cat on the hood. The most common are damage to the bumper and scratches on the car door.

First you need to have an idea which layers of the paintwork can be damaged and what consequences this entails.

All scratches on a car, or rather on its body, can be divided into several types: on the top layer of varnish, damage to the paint layer, scratches to the ground and scratches to the metal.

Usually you can determine the depth of a scratch with the naked eye, but sometimes it can be so thin that you have to look through a magnifying glass.


Wash the car or at least locally the place with which you have to work. After complete drying, degrease it, for example, with white spirit.

If tinting is necessary, it is better to do it at a positive temperature, in the shade, without wind and dust, otherwise the paint will thicken even before it lies evenly in the tinted flaw.

Basic scratch treatment

1. Polishing

Abrasive polishes will remove a thin layer of paintwork in the place of a scratch and level it to the same level. Their use requires accuracy and care, excessive zeal can remove too much paint.

For a more delicate effect, there are super-fine abrasives and even non-abrasive products (camouflage). But they are useless with severe damage.

When using a polish, it is necessary to follow the instructions for use exactly.

2. Processing with a wax pencil

One of the most simple ways. Swipe the wax pencil over the scratch, while the active substance will fill the cavities and the surface will even out. After complete drying, the treated area becomes almost invisible. Best effect With this method, it is achieved if, after applying such a pencil, treat the surface with a color-enriched polish.

3. Coloring

For this, a special paint is used, which must be selected according to the color code. Some automakers also produce official repair kits (bottles of paint + varnish). In this case, choosing the right color is even easier.

For greater accuracy during processing, you can glue the scratch on all sides with masking tape or adhesive tape. Usually a bottle of paint already has a brush built into the cap, but if not, you can use another brush. For a thinner application, the brush can be thinned out or a toothpick can be used.

The first thin coat of paint is applied. After about 10-20 minutes, a second layer is applied. It is not scary if the applied layer rises slightly above the surface, after a while the paint will “dry out” and even out. The treated surface needs to dry for several hours.

If, after the paint has completely dried, a convex or uneven tubercle remains, you can slightly undermine the unevenness with a fine-grained sandpaper (from the first numbers) until the surface becomes smooth. But you need to do this as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the factory paintwork!

After the paint has completely dried (better the next day), you can additionally apply a layer of varnish. When the lacquer dries (also, the next day is better), if necessary, repeat the procedure with the sandpaper, removing excess lacquer.

At the end of the whole procedure, you can lightly walk over the treated area with a super-fine polish.

Types of damage:

Scratches on varnish and paint

The first way - polishing the surface of the body by special means will eliminate light (“cobweb”) and other shallow scratches.

The second way is to treat the scratch with a wax pencil, if the polishing did not hide all the defects.

The third way is tinting. Even if the scratch has not reached the soil layer, but is quite wide, then polishing and a wax pencil can not be dispensed with, you will have to paint. Usually a shallow scratch is hidden in one pass.

scratches down to the ground

The first way is a wax pencil. But you should not rely on him, because over time the wax layer will become thinner, and the scratch will return to the field of view. Therefore, you will either have to repeat the treatment regularly, or go to method number two.

The second way is to use a repair kit of paint and varnish. If the scratch is to the ground and also wide, you can forget about the wax pencil. Here you need to paint the damage with at least two layers of paint.

Scratch down to the metal

These damages are the most unpleasant, since ignoring them can lead to body corrosion.

Prepare the processing site in the above way. If there is already rust or a suspicion of it, you must use a rust converter. These products convert rust into a primer. The place of the scratch (chip) is lightly cleaned with a very fine sandpaper, then the preparation is applied. When the color of the rust changes to black, dark gray or another (specified in the instructions for use of the product), the surface is ready for further processing.

If the rust is not removed and paint is applied over it, corrosion will continue to develop under the paint layer.

For many brands of cars, the body is galvanized, so even if it is chipped to metal, it is not threatened with rust. However, it is better to repair the damage.

If there is not even a hint of corrosion, apply a thin layer of ordinary primer to better hold the paint. Next, proceed to painting in 2-3 layers, plus varnish.

Some Features

Most often, during the operation of the car, the bumper goes, but due to the fact that it is plastic, it is not in danger of corrosion. Scratches and abrasions on the bumper are eliminated, depending on the depth of damage, in the same way, by the above methods, with the exception of metal processing.

Another common problem along with scratches is chipped paint. Even shallow chips have a large enough area, so the wax pencil will not help here.

With a shallow depth of chip, treatment of the problem area with a color-enriching polish can help, after which a layer of protective polish is applied. In the case when the chip has reached the ground or metal, touch-up cannot be avoided, the polish as the main tool is useless here, but can be used as a finishing touch.

Selection of means from scratches on the body, depending on the damage

Types of scratches Actions Means
Simplified instructions (option for the lazy)
All types shallow scratches on varnish

Apply Kizz Clear Revitalizing Polish to the bodywork. Without waiting for the surface to dry, quickly wipe off the product with a towel. After use this tool wait 24 hours before using other polishes.

Light scratches that become invisible under water drops

2.1. Treat the scratch abrasive polish Rubbing Compound. To do this, fold the supplied pad into a pad, apply Rubbing Compound to the bodywork and rub across the scratches until the surface is smooth. Do not make circular movements, as in this case, bumps may form on the surface! Then carefully wipe off the abrasive polish with a dry towel.

2.2. Use a polish with micro abrasive - Micro Rubbing Compound. If there are no light circular scratches, treat the damaged surface in the same way as with Rubbing Compound in step 2.1. 2.3. If there are circular scratches on the body, then treat the entire body, including the damaged area, with Micro Rubbing Compound polish, and then apply Kizz Clear, as described in paragraph 1.1. and 1.2.

For economical and / or lazy - enough Rubbing Compound or Kizz Clear (temporary masking).

Small scratches visible even under water drops

3.1. Use the Kizu Pen. From the offered colors, choose the most suitable for your car. Paint over the damaged surface with a pencil. If the scratch is deep, repeat the procedure several times. Each new layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. Wait for the product to dry completely.

3.2. Treat the damaged area with Rubbing Compound as described in section 2.1. 3.3. Use a polish with micro abrasive - Micro Rubbing Compound according to the method from paragraph 2.2. 3.4. As a final step, you can use New Scratch Clear Wax-Mirror Finish with an ultra-fine abrasive (relevant for dark cars where any defects are more visible).

For economical and / or lazy - enough Kizu Pen (narrow scratches) or Rubbing Compound.

Kizu Pen

4.2. After touching up with paint and varnish, according to the instructions, it is necessary to wait for complete drying (usually a day), and then treat the place according to the scheme of paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 and 3.4

For economical and / or lazy - Kizu Pen (narrow scratches, temporary masking) or Touch-Up or paint from the car manufacturer is enough.

Touch-Up, Kizu Pen or other ink pen

Deep scratches (to metal)

If there is already rust or a suspicion of it, you must use a rust converter. The place of the scratch (chip) is lightly cleaned with a very fine sandpaper, then the preparation is applied. If there is not even a hint of corrosion, apply a thin layer of ordinary primer to better hold the paint. If there is no primer, we paint over only with paint in several layers - actions according to the scheme of p.p. 4.1., 4.2., 2.1, 2.2 and 3.4. Touch-Up, Kizu Pen or other type of repair kit (paint + varnish)

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One careless movement - and a scratch appeared on your favorite thing. Do not rush to despair or throw away an object dear to your heart. Not too deep scratches can be removed on their own.

We are in website We've put together a few tips to help you save at home. different surfaces to make them shine like new again.

Glass surfaces

To remove or mask small scratches on glass surfaces , use one of the following methods.

  • Apply a little toothpaste(without granules and bleaching effect) on a cotton pad or cotton cloth. Gently rub it into the glass in a circular motion for 10 seconds. Remove traces of paste with water.
  • If applied to a microfiber cloth or cotton wool thin layer of vegetable oil and gently rub it for a few seconds, you can temporarily get rid of shallow scratches. To achieve the same effect, you can use a small amount of vaseline.
  • Make a polishing paste by mixing regular baking soda with a little water. Apply to glass and wipe using a cotton or wool cloth. Gently remove the remaining paste with a damp cloth.
  • Deal with scratches on glass surfaces car glass polishes. Follow the instructions, after making sure that the composition of the reagents is suitable for the surfaces on which you apply them.

Leather Products

Scratches on leather goods Not unusual. If the damage is not too serious, fix the item yourself.

  • Apply to the scratch with a cotton swab vegetable or baby oil. Rub it in in circular motions and let dry. Wipe off any residue with a clean cloth. Repeat if necessary.
  • You can mask the damage on the leather surface using nail polish. To do this, apply varnish of a suitable color with a toothpick on the damaged area.
  • A special tool will help remove scratches. wax for the skin. In its absence, you can use the usual bee, for example, from a candle. Heat the wax and apply to the scratch. Wipe with a flannel cloth. Paint over the treated areas on colored items with a felt-tip pen, marker or shoe polish of the desired shade.

wooden surfaces

To mask or remove defects from wooden surfaces the following tips will help.

  • If scratches appear on a dark tree, it will help out iodine. Dilute it with water, apply on a cotton swab and paint over the defects. Lacquer if necessary.
  • Take half the core walnut and rub it on damaged areas. When the scratch darkens, wipe with a napkin and cover with a colorless varnish.
  • If the wood is cracked, try using it for restoration mayonnaise. Apply it with a cotton swab to the damaged area and leave for 2-3 days, removing excess. The wood will swell a little and the crack will heal.

plastic surfaces

Remove scratches from plastic surfaces A few tricks will also help.

  • Defects on smooth plastic surfaces help remove regular or building hair dryer . Turn it on to minimum power and direct hot air along the scratch. Raise the temperature as needed to start smoothing out the dashes. Wait 10-15 minutes and polish the surface to completely hide problem areas.
  • Remove scratches from plastic polishes and pencils designed for cars. Remove the dirt from the scratch, apply the product. Polish with a soft, lint-free cloth.

metal surfaces

metal surfaces differ in diversity and require a different approach to restoration. Get rid of scratches jewelry safer in jewelry and watch workshops. Try to fix defects on stainless steel surfaces yourself.

  • A scratch on brushed stainless steel can be removed with block for polishing nails.
  • Can be used as an abrasive whitening toothpaste. Apply it to the damaged area and rub with a soft-bristled brush or soft cloth along the metal texture. Wipe off the paste with a clean damp cloth.

When experimenting with any of the above methods, remember that none of them will help to cope with deep scratches. In such cases, it is better to contact professionals or replace the damaged product.

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