Where to install the platon on the truck. What is an on-board device Plato

Where to install the platon on the truck. What is an on-board device Plato


From November 15, for the passage of each kilometer up to federal highways vehicles over 12 tons will be charged a flat fee. According to the government's order, carriers will first be required to pay 1.53 rubles per km. Gradually, the amount of payment will grow: for example, from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, the fare will be 3.06 rubles.

The authorities promise to send the collected funds to the road fund to eliminate the consequences of damage caused to the roadway from the passage heavy trucks. It should be noted that, according to the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor), a single passage of a truck with an authorized mass of more than 12 tons in terms of the load on the highway is equal to 40 thousand passages of one passenger car.

In case of “ticketless travel”, the carrier company faces a fine of 450 thousand rubles, and in case of repeated violation - 1 million rubles.

How will the fee be collected?

The process of collecting fees will be provided by the Platon system.

Its very extensive network will cover 50,774 km of federal highways and more than 2 million vehicles.

The operator of this system is LLC RT-Invest Transport Systems (RTITS). This company is implementing a concession agreement with Rosavtodor in accordance with the order of the Russian government dated August 29, 2014.

Using its own and debt financing, the company provides a full cycle of creating the Platon system, including design, creation and commissioning, operation and modernization of the system. The total investment in the project should be approximately 30 billion rubles.

The toll system itself is owned by Russian Federation. It should be noted that the total project implementation period is 13 years from the date of signing the concession agreement - 09/29/2014.

How much money will be raised?

Note that earlier, at a year-round rate of 3.06 rubles. in 2016, it was planned to collect about 40 billion rubles per 1 km of the road in Rosavtodor. However, it was not specified whether fines for violators were included in these calculations. A few days ago, the government of the Russian Federation decided to slightly reduce the tariff, and until March next year it will be 1.53 rubles. Taking into account the decrease, there are no new calculations yet. However, based on the figures announced earlier, it can be concluded that if the collection of fees from freight carriers begins next year, they will collect about 35 billion rubles.

At the same time, on the website of RT-Invest, which is responsible for collecting fees from truckers, says What

The launch of the system will result in the replenishment of the road fund by more than 50 billion rubles. in year.

Who is behind Plato?

The participants in the concession agreement, according to information on the company's website, are RT-Invest LLC and 42-year-old businessman Igor Rotenberg, who is the son of the famous billionaire Arkady Rotenberg.

As indicated in the same place, Andrey Shipelov is the general director of RT-Invest. Prior to this appointment, he, according to extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which can be obtained on the website of the Federal Tax Service, in 2010 established Tsaritsyn Capital LLC. The authorized capital amounted to 50 million rubles, of which 98% belonged to Shipelov.

In 2012, together with the state corporation Rostec, he created the company RT-Invest, the authorized capital of which amounted to 163.2 million rubles. At the same time, 74.99% of the shares belonged to Tsaritsyn Capital. In July 2014, RT-Invest together with Rostec established LLC RT-Invest Transport Systems (RTITS). The authorized capital amounted to 100 thousand rubles. - 50% on each side. The type of activity of the company was listed as "Development software and advice in this area.

Already in July 2014, the government of the Russian Federation appointed this private company as the operator of the Platon heavy truck toll system. And in September of the same year, a concession agreement was signed between RTITS and Rosavtodor for 13 years.

Already in 2015, the share of Rostec came under the control of Igor Rotenberg.

What does Plato do?

According to the concession agreement, the tasks of the operator include ensuring the collection of fees in the mode of multi-lane non-stop traffic. In addition, he is obliged to create a system of stationary control over the bed of the federal highway. These are the so-called frames, during the passage of which "Plato" determines whether the trip of a heavy truck is paid or not. A total of 481 units are to be built.

Note that on this moment, according to information from Rosavtodor, only 18 such frames have been built - all of them are located in the Moscow region.

In addition to fixed points, the operator will manage a fleet of 100 special vehicles equipped with a mobile control system. These cars can move freely along the tracks or stand at the side of the road and fix offenders. For information support of users, the operator must ensure the work of 103 regional centers in addition, such information centers will operate at 35 border customs points, which operate around the clock. The operator will also have to set up control and monitoring and data centers.

Information received about violations will be sent to the departments of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the regions of Russia.

How to pay?

To make a flight along the federal highway, the carrier will need to use one of the methods proposed by the operator. In particular, special on-board devices will be issued to cargo carriers free of charge. Alternatively, you can arrange for travel route map. Thus, the installation of an on-board unit is not mandatory for users of the Platon system.

Why are truckers protesting?

Although there are plans to introduce similar system It became known back in 2011 that most carriers announced that they were not ready to work on the proposed conditions, just before its launch. The main argument against "Platon" was the sharp rise in the cost of transportation and, as a result, the extinction of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

According to the carriers, small enterprises simply will not be able to recoup the growing costs at the expense of profits, as a result, they will be replaced by large monopolists.

“If the tolling system does work, then we will have to raise prices to pay for our trips. Then the cost of transported goods will increase by 12-15%,” truckers complained.

After several large-scale protests in different regions On November 11, the government already made concessions. Rosavtodor, in particular, announced that fines in the Platon system will begin to be issued not from November 15, but only from May 1, 2016. At the same time, fines in the Moscow Region will still be issued. Note that the protests held were not agreed with the authorities.

Authors: Stepan Stepanovich Sulakshin - CEO Center for Scientific Political Thought and Ideology, Doctor of Political Science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; Lyudmila Igorevna Kravchenko - expert of the Sulakshina Center.

The introduction of fares through the so-called Platon system was another government decision aimed at shifting the burden of the budget deficit onto the population. However, if earlier the population could still remain silent and endure the growth of economic pressure, justifying this with the needs of the budget, then this time the clearly opaque scheme of collecting fees from the population for the sake of far from state interests caused a wave of protests, which made it possible to partially mitigate the initial rigidity of this measure, but to achieve the desired abolition of the Plato system did not succeed. While one part of Russian society has stood up against arbitrariness, corruption and extortion, the other is passive, naively believing that this issue does not directly affect them. However, the situation with "Platon" has shown that this is the business of each individual citizen of Russia.

Let us dwell on the analysis in detail, identifying, firstly, who will experience the consequences of the introduction of the Plato system. Secondly, by substantiating the corruption component of the system. Thirdly, by analyzing its real, and not declarative, contribution to the construction of Russian roads. Fourthly, by revealing the latent goals that guided the Kremlin when deciding on the transition to the Plato system.

The Platon system is a set of measures, equipment and software for automatic collection, processing and control of information about the movement of trucks weighing more than 12 tons on federal public roads, and payment for the kilometers traveled. On November 15, 2015, the tariff was set at 1.53 rubles, although it was originally planned to be set at 3.73 rubles. Prior to the start of work on the project, its tariff was estimated at 3.5 rubles, but then its price increased. The current tariff in the Platon system is 3.73 ₽ with a coefficient of 0.41*rub ₽/km. The government has repeatedly planned to raise the tariff, but truckers' strikes have contributed to the postponement of this decision. In March 2017, Medvedev signed a decree dated March 24, 2017 No. 330 on an increase in the tariff to 1.91 rubles, that is, the coefficient will be raised to 0.51, and not to 0.82 as previously planned.


The direct impact of the introduction of fees for the movement of heavy trucks on federal roads experienced transport companies and truckers working either as individual entrepreneurs, or in the gray zone without IP registration. Indirect influence from the Platon system was also experienced by Russian citizens - food consumers. Let us analyze in more detail how the fare on federal highways hit these categories of citizens.

1. Truckers working for themselves as an individual entrepreneur or as a private individual were burdened with the following obligations under the Platon system:

A) the need to draw up route maps or install on-board equipment, for which the trucker must leave a deposit in the amount of more than 6 thousand rubles. Earlier in 2014, each heavy truck registered to a non-individual had to be equipped with tachographs, for which truckers paid an average of 35-40 thousand rubles. Nobody has canceled tachographs yet, but they asked to pay a deposit for on-board equipment. As for the itinerary receipt, in the event of a deviation from the specified route according to the itinerary receipt, truckers were faced with the need to pay for a new route.

b) direct payment for each kilometer traveled along the federal highway in the amount of 1.53 rubles, with a subsequent increase in the tariff from April 2017. If in the case of transport companies this burden could be shifted to the customer, then truckers who received orders for predetermined amounts from dispatchers or through websites were forced to write this into their costs. As a result, this led to the fact that truckers began to focus only on the most profitable orders, some private traders were forced to leave the market when their costs became too high.

Let's analyze several offers from the Internet search system for cargo transportation customers to see how much the introduction of the Platon system influenced the life of truckers. Table 1 presents real data on orders that the customer places with the trucker. This is the so-called dirty amount, since the trucker spends money from it to pay for fuel and the Platon tariff.

Table 1. Real applications for the transportation of goods (according to truck-partner.ru for March 2017)

That is, at the current tariff, taking into account fuel costs, truckers lost 4–10% of their profits due to the introduction of Platon, and taking into account the inflation rate, we can say that the standard of living of truckers in 2016 decreased by 10–15%.

V) payment of fines that arose both through the fault of the driver and as a result of technical errors that the driver could not always immediately diagnose. Penalties were accrued in such cases as driving with a faulty on-board device, driving with the on-board device turned off, deviation from the route or time of movement indicated in the route map, driving with the device turned on if the balance of the owner's account is completely used up. After a number of revisions, the fines were significantly reduced to 5,000 for the first violation and 10,000 rubles for the second (for private traders, for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities other rates). However, in fact, 5 thousand rubles for truckers is a significant amount, equal to the payment for a distance traveled of 100 km for hired truckers (at a rate of 50 rubles per kilometer).

2. In transport companies, the introduction of "Platon" only indirectly affected truckers.

Their fixed rate remained unchanged, the transport company shifted the costs of Plato to the customer. This has led to an increase in costs. Except for the driver's fee, the costs per 1 km of the road increased by 15% (from 10 rubles of the fuel fee to 11.53 rubles of the cost of fuel and Platon). As a result, according to some reports, transport companies simultaneously raised prices for their services by 15–20%. According to Knauf CIS data, prices for cargo transportation increased by 5–7% on average, in some regions, for example, in the Southern federal district, - by 15–20%. According to AKORT (Association of Companies retail) tariffs for the transportation of goods and products after the launch of the Platon system increased by 6-28%. As a result, customers began to pay for Platon, who included these costs in the final cost of goods for consumers.

For truckers for hire, the blow was not so much Plato, but the introduction of the requirement for an 8-hour working day that preceded it, that is, drivers cannot work, which accordingly affects their income level. If earlier the driver's drive lasted 12–16 hours, then the standard of 8 hours reduced their income by 1.5–2 times. True, even here the most dodgy were able to find loopholes, but for such a system of fines is provided. However, truckers themselves often closely associate the Platon system with tachographs and the standard of the working day. For example, in March of this year, truckers in Chita were unhappy with the fact that after the introduction of Platon, they had to equip cars with tachographs at their own expense, each of which costs about 42 thousand rubles. In addition, they are fined for working more than eight hours a day.

3. Platon contributed to the rise in prices, however, taking into account the peculiarities of the methodology for calculating inflation, Rosstat showed an increase in prices by only 0.2 percentage points in the first two months. (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1. Inflation for the period 2015-2016 (according to Rosstat)

Official statistics, however, recorded an increase in prices for a number of goods during the first three months. If the prices for tomatoes and cucumbers have increased due to seasonal fluctuations (traditionally, prices for these vegetables rise during this period), then the prices for such fruits and vegetables, which are transported mainly by heavy trucks on long distance, increased: for cabbage by 26%, for carrots by 12.6%, for apples by 11.4%, for chicken eggs by 8.7% (Fig. 2). This is only a small visible part of the effect of the introduction of "Plato", which is already noticeable in official statistics.

Rice. 2. Data on the growth of consumer prices (according to EMISS). The period from November 2014 to February 2015 is not representative, as the price jump was caused by the devaluation of the ruble

Estimates of the contribution to inflation ranged from 1-2% to 5%, however, for the most part, analysts claim that Platon did not contribute to the price increase, substantiating this with a simple arithmetic calculation - by dividing the amount at the tariff by tons of transported cargo. With such calculations, the cost of transportation really increases by tenths of a percentage point. However, several important points must be taken into account.

Firstly, "Platon" led to an increase in tariffs by 15-20% at a rate of 1.53 rubles. This increase in transport costs has had an impact on inflation for goods with a low cost, but a high share of logistics costs in the cost structure.

Secondly, you can talk about percentages when it comes to deliveries with a short cycle. For example, vegetables from one point to another. But there are also more complex chains. For example, the production of food products, when trucks first bring raw materials, then containers for raw materials, and then they send the products to retail chains. In this case, the Platon tariff will be taken into account at least three times in the final cost of the goods. And this, for example, is the production cycle of all dairy products.

Third, rates on Platon will still entail a sharp increase in inflation due to a rise in the tariff by more than two times when brought to the initially set level of 3.73 rubles. For example, the general director of Danone Russia, Bernard Ducrot, said that when the tariff doubles, the price of one bottle of milk may increase by several percent. Prices will also rise as a result of the gradual monopolization of the market, when truckers who provide services at cheaper rates than transport companies disappear from the market. After the growth of the tariff, the final sanitation of the market of freight carriers will take place, when, as a result, only a few companies will remain in this direction, which will already be able to arbitrarily dictate prices, divorced even from the indexation of Platon's tariffs. The situation in the housing and communal services market, when public utilities renders mainly one private company, which rented infrastructure from the state, showed what happens with excessive monopolization. When the monopolist is the state, it will invest funds from the budget, moderately raising tariffs. When a monopolist is a private entrepreneur, his main motive is not social responsibility, but profit maximization. In general, we can say that in the freight transportation market, transport companies used the Platon system in an attempt to partially compensate for lost income during the crisis, when fuel prices rose.

Thus, the introduction of the Platon system has had or will have an impact not only directly on truckers, whose number exceeds 1 million (the registered number of heavy trucks in Russia). It affected the entire population, which in the future will have to face price spikes caused, this time, not by devaluation, but by increased costs in the supply chain.


The introduction of the system was explained by the government as a natural need to compensate for the damage to roads that heavy trucks have on them. From this point of view, the tax on trucks is quite natural, because society, like the state, must bear responsibility. In this context, the transition to the European experience of charging per kilometer traveled would be justified. But in the case of Platon, everything indicated that the restoration of roads was not a priority for the introduction of the system. There are many corruption components in the system itself, which give an understanding that truckers' money will not be used to restore roads, but to maintain a decent standard of living for the beneficiaries of the system.

What signs of corruption can be seen in this issue?

1. Initially, it was announced that all the funds raised by the Platon system would be used to restore the road infrastructure. On December 17, 2015, during his press conference, Putin stated that “All the fees that come from Platon do not go into someone’s pocket, but 100% go to the road fund of Russia, to the last penny. And from there, every last penny goes to road construction in the regions of Russia.” However, then information appeared that more than 10 billion annually from the collected funds would go to the system operator. At the same time, in 2016, the amount of collected funds amounted to 20 billion, that is, the operator received more than 50% of the profit. The initial opacity of the recipients of the collected funds has already put the issue of corruption on the society's agenda.

2. The announced competition for the development of the Platon system was canceled, and the project was entrusted to the structure of Rostec LLC RTITS. That is, the company entered into a concession agreement with the state without going through a competitive procedure, although according to the law “On Concession Agreements”, a partner must be selected on a competitive basis. Initially, the tender was announced in August 2013, then the requirement for experience in creating and maintaining similar systems was put forward for potential contractors. That is, the focus was on companies with foreign capital. After the government canceled the competition and appointed RTITS as the executor, in which 50% belongs to the son of a friend Russian President Igor Rotenberg. And this has already aroused suspicions in resolving the issue of what is called "on call" from the Kremlin.

The company has now filed an application with the government with a private concession initiative to develop automatic system weight control. It is possible that this time the company will win without competition, and the state will invest in this initiative. Apparently, the very form of the concession agreement initiative arose in response to Navalny's lawsuits. The initiative will formally run a competition with a minimal chance of third-party bidders winning or with minimal risk of bidding. Formally RTITS will undergo the procedure competition, in fact the result of the competition is already predetermined.

3. The legislative framework Russia is working to serve the interests of the Rotenberg family. After the start of mass protests against Platon, lawmakers announced the possibility of banning the registration of heavy trucks for individuals. In this scenario, heavy trucks will need to be registered at the IP, which means that, according to the law, trucks will have to be equipped with a time tracking system - tachographs, for which the trucker will have to pay about 42 thousand rubles. Given that the protests were attended by private traders, for the most part registering their vehicles to individuals, the state thus decided to punish and intimidate them for protesting. The official explanation is to improve road safety. In fact, this is a punishment for the protesters and a measure to force them out of the freight market.

4. Closeness of the concession agreement. Information about the content of the agreement came to the media through third-party sources, while the details of this agreement were hidden. legal action, a subject of Navalny regarding the invalidity of the concession agreement under the Platon system, was rejected. The court considered the case without the text of the agreement; no response was received to the arguments of the plaintiffs. In particular, the remark about the violation of the norms of the law on concession agreements in terms of the tender, in terms of the distribution of fees, remained unanswered.

5. The corruption component is also indicated by the fact that the main beneficiary of the system is the company RTITS, whose profit is fixed and does not depend on the collection of collected funds. It is 10.6 billion, while including VAT, 12.520 billion will be paid from the budget. Special attention causes, firstly, that the profit reaches almost 50% of the expected revenue. In fact, taking into account low revenues, the share of the operator's income turned out to be higher. Second, unlike pensions, 46% of remuneration is indexed to inflation. Thirdly, this amount can be reduced due to fines, however, despite the amount of fines, the system operator receives a guaranteed 4.978 billion rubles. Officially, the company's profit will be only 6%, the rest will go to repay the loan (35%), operating expenses (59%) and a one-time replacement of equipment over 12 years (8%).

6. The investor practically did not invest in the development of the system. Own investments amounted to 2 billion rubles, the remaining 27 billion rubles is a loan that was issued by Gazprombank, that is, a bank with state participation. The question is quite logical, could the state with the same success not itself invest these 2 billion? The Platon system operates on the free WordPress platform (according to the Autoplus website). And it took 29 billion rubles! It remains unclear how a system with such characteristics was approved by the government. She has a lot of flaws. For comparison, in Germany, from which it was copied Russian analogue, the launch of the system was postponed from 2002 until January 1, 2005, since the system was repeatedly debugged. In Russia, the system was launched in November, despite the fact that such problems were not eliminated. significant shortcomings her work as an undeveloped contractual basis between the carrier and RTITS; lack of on-board devices and failure of installed BU1201 during the trip in the absence of an algorithm for driver actions; unstable work site, etc.

7. clear sign The fact that the system does not meet the goal of replenishing funds for road rehabilitation is that the state's profit is not only lower than expected, but also inferior to the profit of the system operator. Considering that the funds are used to pay the system operator, and the regional budgets received less tax payments as part of the deduction of the amount of services from the Platon system from the transport tax, the bottom line is that the budget will receive about 4 billion rubles, which is less than the operator's profit. In 2016, Platon collected 18.5 billion, or 16.7 billion rubles for the period from November 2015 to November 2016, of which 10.6 billion rubles were given to the system operator, that is, the owner of the system - the state received only 36, 5% of the funds raised. If the rate remains unchanged in 2017, according to the calculations of the Ministries of Defense and Finance, the budget will receive 19.7 billion rubles from the system, that is, only 9.1 billion rubles will remain at the disposal of Rosavtodor, although the required amount for the implementation of projects is 83 billion rubles. Thus, it is obvious that it was the investor, and not the state, who became the beneficiary of the system.

8. "Platon" was introduced during the economic crisis, when the Rotenberg family fell under sanctions and was closed to them external source income. The concession agreement was signed in August 2014, that is, during the active phase of the tightening of the economic regime for the Rotenberg family. As a result, the "kings of the state order" began to expand the scope of their activities within the country. If earlier they were in charge of ports and bridges, now it has come to roads. In a crisis, the population bears the economic burden of sanctions, while people close to the president prosper thanks to the state order system. That is, it was to them that the Kremlin eventually compensated for the losses from Western sanctions.


Truckers were forced to pay for roads under the formal pretext that they wear out the surface of Russian roads much more than cars. But a number of points point to the doubtfulness of this postulate.

1. There is no exact data on the pressure of heavy trucks on Russian roads. The government announced that 56% of the damage to the roadway is caused by heavy trucks. At the same time, the damage of one heavy truck was equated to 20 thousand cars. The Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) stated that a single passage of a truck with an authorized mass of more than 12 tons in terms of the load on the highway is equal to 40 thousand passages of one passenger car. The Ministry of Transport estimated the amount of damage at 6.8 rubles per kilometer. The calculation was carried out on the basis that the average annual mileage of one vehicle (12 tons or more) is 8.5 thousand km. However, at the same time there was an alternative calculation of the Ministry of Economic Development, according to which average mileage is about 60 thousand km, then the tariff should have been 0.97 p. And these are not the only examples of diverging data and information to justify the final tariff.

2. The economic contribution of "Platon" to the restoration of roads is negligible. The volume of the federal road fund for 2016 is 635 billion rubles. Trucks, according to indirect estimates, cause damage by 2.5 trillion. R. According to initial forecasts, the Platon system could bring 40 billion rubles, but it did not reach this figure either, and the system operator receives more than 10 billion of them. According to government forecasts, over the period of the concession, the state should have collected about a trillion rubles, that is, approximately 80 billion rubles a year. But the amounts turned out to be much more modest - 16-20 billion, that is, 2.5-3% of public investment in roads, which is even less than the forecast of 40 billion rubles. Trouble on the system turned out to be more costly than its effect. In its pure form, the amount was even less. Taking into account the payment to the operator and losses due to the abolition of the transport tax, the budget in 2016 received, according to the Ministry of Transport, about 4 billion rubles.

Calculate possible level income from the Platon system (Table 2).

Table 2. Calculation of possible income from the Platon system

We see that "Platon" was supposed to bring much more money, but the state is content with little. This suggests that initially the government did not care how much it would eventually collect using the Platon system. The main thing in this undertaking was to provide the Rotenberg family with income.

3. The goal of road rehabilitation cannot be achieved while reducing revenues for road repair to the regional budget. We are talking about the fact that in July 2016 amendments were made to the Tax Code, according to which a reduction in the transport tax payable to the regional budget by organizations and individuals owning vehicles with permission maximum weight over 12 tons, in the amount of the fee actually paid by them for travel on federal highways. If the amount exceeded transport tax, then the latter is not paid. 100% of the transport tax went to the budget of the region, but now the regions have lost this tax on heavy trucks, but the federal budget was replenished at the expense of Platon. The state not only filled the treasury, but redirected funds from the regions to the federal budget, and the latter to the budget of the system operator.

4. Now the government is reporting on the achievements of the Platon system - how much money was spent on repairing roads and building bridges in the regions of Russia. There is information that thanks to "Platon" 1000 km of roads, 24 emergency bridge crossings and overpasses were repaired in Udmurtia, Chechnya, Chuvashia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Samara, Voronezh, Bryansk, Orel, Penza, Tambov regions, as well as in Buryatia, Krasnodar and Altai Territories. Platon's contribution to the financing of roads at the level of 10-11 billion rubles, or even less, taking into account the shortfall in income from transport tax benefits, is simply not comparable with the existing amount of funding for the federal target program "Development of the Russian transport system (2010-2020)". This program is many times more important for the country's roads than the Platon system (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The amount of funding for the subprogram "Roads" in the FTP "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2020)"

And the increase in the length of highways common use of federal significance, corresponding to the regulatory requirements for transport and operational indicators in accordance with the targets (Fig. 4), suggests that Platon's indicators are far from advanced in this direction, however, it must be admitted that, by a strong-willed decision, the state redirected funds to the construction of regional roads , which is generally much higher than the parameters expected by the Federal Target Program for this indicator (Fig. 5).

Rice. 4. Increase in the length of public roads of federal significance that meet the regulatory requirements for transport and operational indicators (according to the Federal Target Program)

Rice. 5. Objects that are built and reconstructed at the expense of the Platon system (

The on-board unit is a key element of the Platon system. This small device is designed to automatically track the route of a large-capacity vehicle on federal highways. Vehicle movement control is carried out thanks to GLONASS/GPS or GLONASS satellite navigation.

Using the "on-board" is much easier than using the route map. Money is debited from the account automatically for each kilometer traveled, there is no need to clearly follow the route. To date, almost 350 thousand such devices have already been issued. At the same time, more than 6.5 million route cards have been issued. The reason for the insufficient distribution of on-board vehicles is that many companies are dissatisfied with the complexity of the procedure for obtaining it.

Obtaining a tracking device in the Plato system: procedure

To get a tracking and payment device for installation in a truck, you need to register in the system registry. It is not difficult and, moreover, completely free of charge, it can be done via the Internet on the website www.platon.ru or in customer support centers. You must provide:
  • an identity card, or a power of attorney from the owner, or the constituent documents of the company (attach scans when registering online);
  • car documents - certificate from state registration, registration certificate (in the online application, you still need to indicate the VIN, maximum weight, model and brand of the vehicle, license plate number);
  • contact details - email address, phone number.
Verification takes from 15 to 20 days, after which access to the personal account on the site opens. After that, the registration is completed and the client passes into the status of an authorized user.

You can start getting an on-board device. An unpleasant surprise awaits here - you won’t be able to do it online, you will have to pay a personal visit to the company center (138 such institutions have already been opened). An agreement is concluded with the user in the center free use on-board device, for which you need to provide copies of the following documents:

  • for individuals - a passport or other identification document (also the original);
  • additionally for resident legal entities - certificates of registration and registration with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation;
  • additionally for legal entities that are non-residents of the Russian Federation - provisions on a representative office or branch (all documents must have a notarized translation into Russian).
If an authorized representative of the owner of the truck is applying for an opinion, a certified copy of all documents by the owner must be provided. There must be an inscription “True”, a signature with a transcript, a seal, a date, information about where the original of the certified copy is located.
Now you can get on-board unit(type BU 1201) and consult the specialists of the center for installation and use. Several interesting facts and recommendations for working with the on-board device:
  • remember that the on-board unit is attached to specific car, and not by the owner, its installation on another vehicle, even in emergency illegal and entails a fine;
  • together with the device, the control authorities must enclose the passport of the device for verification (numbers must match);
  • do not place various shielding materials near the device (foil, aluminum cans, etc.) - this may lead to loss of the satellite signal;
  • if you notice that the device is not working properly, immediately contact the support center, since driving with a faulty (albeit not through your fault) “on-board vehicle” is illegal.
As you can see, this feature called "obtaining an on-board unit" is not so terrible!

In Russia, from November 15, drivers of trucks weighing more than 12 tons will have to pay for each kilometer of federal roads traveled. It will control special system"Plato". The day before the adoption of the new rules, Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov presented it in Rostov-on-Don. Radio Rostov journalist Maria Pogrebnyak, who was at the presentation, told Dozhd how the Platon system works and what drivers need to know about working with it.

Photo: Andrey Stenin / RIA Novosti

From November 15 to February 29, 2016, drivers of cars weighing more than 12 tons will pay 1.53 rubles for each kilometer of federal roads traveled. The tariff will be changed from March 1, 2016: 3.06 rubles will be paid for one kilometer. These rules are valid until the end of 2018.

The presentation of the Platon system in Rostov-on-Don was not announced. A few days earlier, in forty regions of the country, truckers protested against new fare rules.

The fine for unpaid travel until May 2016 will be valid only in the Moscow region. After that, it will be introduced in other regions.

To work with Platon, drivers will have to send a package of documents to the address Email, which can be found on the website of the system. After that, the registration of the car will be confirmed. The driver will be able to choose how he will use the system. You can order a special on-board device that will record kilometers. Another option is to make a route map in the system that will calculate the route. After that, the calculated kilometers must be paid. To use Platon, a special current account must be opened.

In trucks, the on-board unit is connected to the cigarette lighter. Its indicator displays the balance, communication status and the number of satellites. The system calculates the kilometers traveled using satellite communications. Money is debited online, so the driver needs to top up the card balance before leaving.

According to Maxim Sokolov, all major retailers have already connected to the system. Earlier, the Guild of Logistics Operators said that after the launch of Platon, many carrier companies would be forced to suspend work, because they still did not understand how to work in the new conditions.

More than 400 thousand cars have registered in the Platon system.

Earlier, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin is aware of the protests of truckers, but questions about them should be asked to the Ministry of Transport. In Rostov-on-Don, Maxim Sokolov commented on the truckers' strike, said Maria Pogrebnyak. The minister said that the protests were carried out only by unorganized private carriers, and this would not happen again. The journalist noted that Sokolov and the governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev presented the system quickly, they left only a short time for questions and left immediately after.

“The drivers themselves do not agree with this. In the office of "Platon" I was told that on November 15 some of them were not going to go on the route. Almost everyone I spoke to in the registration queue was critical of the system. For many participants, this amount is unbearable. In addition, some of them receive money from customers after their work, sometimes they are not paid at all immediately. It turns out that by new system drivers must pay the money before they receive it,” Maria Pogrebnyak told Dozhd.

The company "RT-Invest" will collect money Transport Systems". Its co-owner is the son of businessman Arkady Rotenberg, Igor Rotenberg. The state will pay for the services of this organization - annually transfer 10.6 billion rubles. The company entered into a concession agreement with the Federal road agency for 13 years.

The creation of the Platon system cost 29 billion rubles, 27 billion of which was a loan from Gazprombank, the rest of the money was the shareholders' own funds, the company's CEO Alexander Sovetnikov said in an interview with Kommersant.

Almost six months have passed since the launch of Plato, and during this time, past passions and disputes about it have already subsided. Carriers began to register en masse from the beginning of spring 2016: already more than 95% of well-known freight carriers began to use the toll system on federal roads (in total, about 70% of the country's large-capacity vehicle fleet is registered).

However, a significant number of companies have not yet switched to a new track, and many do not even fully understand how the Platon system works and how to use it.

How does the Plato system work?

To become a full-fledged participant in the toll collection system, it is necessary to go through a certain cycle of procedures.

Registration is free and quite simple, but some documents will be required. The procedure can be carried out in 3 ways:

  • through a personal appeal to the customer support centers of the system (138 such centers operate throughout Russia);
  • by registering online in your personal account on the Plato website;
  • by issuing a route card at special terminals (to date, more than 6.5 million such "travel cards" have been issued).
In all cases, you must provide:
  • data on the owner of the vehicle - an identity card (passport) or a power of attorney from the owner, a registration certificate and a document on tax registration (for a foreign company, notarized copies of extracts from the register of companies of their country and a registration certificate will still be needed);
  • data on truck- certificate of state registration of the vehicle, when registering online - additionally license plate number, make and model, unique vehicle code (VIN) and maximum curb weight of the vehicle;
  • contacts - phone number, email address.
In case of online registration, scans of the specified documents must be attached. After that, all information is sent for verification.

Getting and replenishing a personal account

The verification lasts from 15 to 20 days (sometimes faster), after which the client is provided with a login and password for the personal account on the site. It is much more convenient to work with a personal account than through direct calls to support centers: you can remotely register and exclude a vehicle, pay a fee, issue route maps, etc.

Before sending the car on a flight, it is necessary to make a payment (for Russian carriers from April 26, 2016, post-payment for 1 month is possible). You can do this in 5 ways - bank card or by transfer, through the terminal, mobile app, Personal Area or support center. Today, the tariff for trucks with a maximum weight of more than 12 tons is 1.53 rubles/km (an increase to 3.73 rubles/km is expected soon).

Installing the reader

Next, you need to decide how it will be more convenient for your company to use the system - using an on-board device or route maps.
You can receive and install on-board units of the BU 1201 type at support centers by submitting a special application. When driving along a route that is tracked by GLONASS or GPS satellites, funds will be debited in automatic mode. You need to remember the rule: one "on-board" - one car, installation on another vehicle will result in a fine.

Another way is to issue a route map. It includes the start and end points of the route, the date and time of the start of the trip, the state and registration number TC certificate.

The surest way to understand how Plato works is very simple - start using the system.

Good luck on the roads!

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