The most unusual car in the world. The most unusual production cars

The most unusual car in the world. The most unusual production cars


Chances are you've never seen the cars on this list before. This is because they are extremely unusual and even unique.

In the machine list different years, so that you can familiarize yourself with the concepts of both recent seasons and the beginning of the twentieth century. So, what are they, the most amazing machines on the planet?

In the early twentieth century, it was not uncommon for automotive designers to design airplanes, and vice versa. Perhaps this explains why many cars seem more suitable for flying than for driving on asphalt. This German car tiny sizes were produced from the middle of the last century until 1964. It was equipped with a small engine and weighed only a couple of centners.

Imagine that you can accelerate to a hundred kilometers per hour in 1.8 seconds! That you can go at a speed of more than five hundred kilometers per hour! Well, it all embodies this powerful car with an engine of 5000 thousand Horse power. It was designed in Dubai. Apparently, everyone loves it on a grand scale - not only is the tallest building in the world located there, but now the most fast car. However, not everyone will be able to get it, since the price is approximately one million dollars.

This is not the prototype of the famous "Beetle" from Volkswagen. This is an American-made car that appeared at the very beginning of the development of the automotive industry. It was released in the thirties and forties. It was developed by William Stout, a former director of Ford. Despite the intimidating appearance, the car was considered extremely innovative. He was the first family minivan, as well as the first car with independent suspension, which guaranteed a smooth ride, amazing for those times.

This is unusual Sport Car working on solar battery, and the first of its kind to be considered perfectly legal in Australia. The car can travel eight hundred kilometers and develops a speed of up to 150 kilometers per hour.

This is a micro car with a single cylinder engine, which was originally developed in Italy. Although production began there, the design was licensed in other countries, from Brazil to Germany. There were many manufacturers, but the BMW version turned out to be the most popular. It sold over 160,000 copies in its six years of release.

This three-wheeled car was produced in the forties in Los Angeles. The company that created this model lasted only a year. Glen Davis didn't know how to run a business, so the business failed. But the car could be popular - three hundred pre-orders were made! Only 13 cars were produced, after which Davis went bankrupt.

And here is another example of what happens when aircraft factories start making cars. This single-door microcar was produced from 1956 to 1958 by a German aircraft manufacturer called Heinkel. Before starting to produce microcars, the company created high-end bombers for the Luftwaffe.

This car stands out among others in this list the fact that it is officially the smallest. It is so small that modern smart cars seem like giants next to it. It was advertised as a means of transport designed for one person and his bag of purchases. It doesn’t even have room for a reversal mechanism – if the driver is at a dead end, he needs to turn the car over manually. Unfortunately, only 27 survived. original cars. Because of this, collectors buy the model at auction for six figures.


This alien looking car is something completely unique. The car was designed by Mike Vetter. The design either conquers or seems completely repulsive. However, in any case, we can agree that the look of the car is unique and worthy of this list. You can buy such a vehicle for a six-figure sum.

Modern standards would not allow the use of such a car, however, before they were available. This is a car that could move on water! This is an extremely original model, ahead of its time. Nowadays, manufacturers no longer have such a flight of imagination. A look at the cars of the past gives you an idea of ​​how innovative the golden years of the automotive industry were.

Surprisingly, this car can actually be driven on the streets, even though it seems more suitable for racing. The model was created for everyday life, not for the race track. But it will not be easy to acquire it, because only 12 pieces are produced annually, and the starting price exceeds half a million dollars.

This model was created by Rust Heinz, owner of the food company of the same name. This car seems appropriate in the 21st century, but the blueprint and prototypes appeared in the early 20th. The creator wanted to invent something different from all other cars. Now such a car would cost $200,000. Unfortunately, he never got into mass production, because Heinz died in 1939.

This futuristic-style car has been in production for a year now. In 2012, the model was presented as a concept, and then put into production. The hybrid car can travel 700 kilometers and reaches speeds of almost 300 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the car is much more affordable than it might seem - the novelty costs about $ 130,000.

This is a limited edition sports car that is not only the most expensive in history, but also the first to be produced in the Middle East. It was developed by a company based in Lebanon and now based in Dubai. For such a car, you need to pay more than three million dollars. It accelerates to a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour in 2.8 seconds. The seats are decorated with gold thread, and the interior lighting is decorated with fifteen-carat diamonds.

Buick LeSabre

The modern Buick no longer resembles its 1951 predecessor. It was a unique car inspired by the then-revolutionary jet engine, designer Harley Earle.

This is one of the few cars of the 80s that could still look appropriate on the streets. It resembles modern environmentally friendly cars, however, it is not equipped with the “greenest” gasoline engine.

Until 2011, this car was the most popular electric car in US history. All changed models from Tesla. Despite the fact that these cars seem small and compact, they have a fairly long wheelbase.

This unusual car resembles the shape of a shoe. It was developed for everyday use in urban environments. Unfortunately, you can drive on such a car no more than a hundred kilometers, but the car costs only $ 30,000.

This car was created for ordinary urban families. Unusual model with a rear engine stands out from other cars on the list.

Elegant and expressive lines make this car stand out. It seems truly gigantic, although its interior is not so spacious.

1957 Aurora

This American car was designed by the Catholic priest Alfred Giuliano. Before becoming a priest, he studied at an art school and dreamed of creating cars. Unfortunately, things did not go beyond the prototype.

Produced from 1956 to 1975 Czech car deserves its place on the list. It was created as a luxurious novelty, but it also performed well in the races.

This is a prototype racing car, created by the Italian master Pininfarina. The company created not only cars, but also yachts, trams, trains and planes. This model is the most famous creation of Pininfarina.

Chances are you've never seen the cars on this list before. This is because they are extremely unusual and even unique.

The list of cars from different years, so you can familiarize yourself with the concepts of both recent seasons and the beginning of the twentieth century. So, what are they, the most amazing machines on the planet?

Messerschmitt KR200

In the early twentieth century, it was not uncommon for automotive designers to design airplanes, and vice versa. Perhaps this explains why many cars seem more suitable for flying than for driving on asphalt. This tiny German car was produced from the middle of the last century until 1964. It was equipped with a small engine and weighed only a couple of hundredweights.

The Devel 16

Imagine that you can accelerate to a hundred kilometers per hour in 1.8 seconds! That you can go at a speed of more than five hundred kilometers per hour! Well, this powerful car with an engine of five thousand horsepower embodies all this. It was designed in Dubai. Apparently, everyone loves it on a grand scale - not only is the tallest building in the world located there, but now the fastest car has appeared. However, not everyone will be able to get it, since the price is approximately one million dollars.

Stout Scarab

This is not the prototype of the famous "Beetle" from Volkswagen. This is an American-made car that appeared at the very beginning of the development of the automotive industry. It was released in the thirties and forties. It was developed by William Stout, a former director of Ford. Despite the intimidating appearance, the car was considered extremely innovative. It was the first family minivan, and also the first car with independent suspension, which guaranteed a smooth ride, surprising for those times.

Sunswift eVe

It is an unusual solar-powered sports car and the first of its kind to be considered perfectly legal in Australia. The car can travel eight hundred kilometers and develops a speed of up to 150 kilometers per hour.

BMW Isetta

This is a micro car with a single cylinder engine, which was originally developed in Italy. Although production began there, the design was licensed in other countries, from Brazil to Germany. There were many manufacturers, but the BMW version turned out to be the most popular. It sold over 160,000 copies in its six years of release.

Is a car just a means of transportation or something more? Each car owner will answer the question in his own way and will be right. The desire to stand out among others is quite natural, but sometimes it leads to the most unexpected consequences. In a good way, of course.

Amphibious vehicles

If there are boats on wheels, then why not "plant" the car on a hydrocushion. No sooner said than done. Here are just some of the brainchild of engineering fantasy.

Gibbs Sports Amphibians released their version in 2012 transformer machines, which feels equally confident both on land and on water. Thanks to special system retracting the wheels of the car quickly switches to the "mode" of the boat or ATV. Reactive marine engine allows you to reach speeds up to 70 km / h. A great toy for lovers of extreme sports and unusual technology.

Cute amphibious convertible, developed German company Quandt Group in 1961 is the dream of every vintage car collector. Due to some technical flaws, the car was removed from the assembly line after a few years, but is still included in the list of the most interesting and unusual inventions 20th century.

From the Swedish firm Rinspeed, it's a prime example of how modern technology can fit perfectly into the harmony of nature. Ardent fighters for the environment, the Swedes equipped their amphibian with an engine powered by natural gas. No gasoline and harmful exhaust emissions - complete security for the environment. In appearance, a miniature sports "baby" is capable of speeds up to 200 km / h on land, and up to 50 km / h on water.

Powerful car-boat from Gibbs Sports Amphibians is designed for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to test their strength on the roads. Equipped all-wheel drive and a V8 engine, this "devil" accelerates on land to 160 km / h and is able to change to water mode in a matter of minutes. In the role of a boat, it is able to cut through the waves "at speeds up to 65 km / h.

Special equipment

World amazing cars is not limited to concept saloon supercars or retro cars, but also has a lot to offer military equipment adapted for peaceful use.

Tank bridgelayer M 60AVLB- sounds threatening, and looks appropriate. But the usefulness of this unique "monster" is not in doubt. Thanks to a special folding design, the machine is able to lay a bridge 18 meters long. And not some ordinary pontoon, but a full-fledged metal reel that can withstand the passage of special equipment up to 60 tons.

Hybrid tank and excavator. Fully adapted for operation in peaceful conditions, although all the technical “stuffing” of this huge colossus came from the famous Challrnger tank. A bucket is fixed in place of the tower, with which you can perform various construction works- dig, dig, lift, drag, etc. The plow fixed in the end part allows you to quickly deal with blockages, clear the forest and overcome difficult areas.

self propelled ferryEFA. A product of French military engineering. It is a powerful all-terrain vehicle that can transform into water ferry. By coupling several machines, you can get a full-fledged pontoon bridge for the passage of construction equipment or the transport of heavy equipment.

Cars of the future

Looking at the exhibits of modern car exhibitions, it's hard to imagine that all these amazing cars can calmly settle on our roads in 5-7 years and become part of everyday life.

Toyota Funvii. Looks like an alien from some fantasy movie, breaking all stereotypes about modern cars. The streamlined body and the absence of a visible border between windows and doors look a little phasmagoric, but this is precisely what makes us want to consider all the details in more detail. Main feature machines - a touch case that allows you to display various video content on it. For example, change the interior colors and make an original virtual "tuning". And the “electronic concierge” function will cause real ecstasy in men. To communicate with the driver, a built-in program is provided, which is visualized in the form of a girl, the hologram of which can be configured independently. It is not difficult to guess where the male fantasy can lead.

Made of organic glass, completely exposing the entire technical "stuffing" of the car. And the driver looks at a glance, which at the same time causes a feeling of pride and embarrassment. In a word, no one will be bored on the road.

bmw Vision Next100 . Another alien from the future is a product of the creation of the German auto industry. Beyond cool external design, this high-speed handsome man is equipped with artificial intelligence and can not only control the car in autopilot mode, but also give the driver valuable instructions - warn about obstacles, traffic jams and other force majeure on the way.

cool cars

There is no limit to human imagination, and often it borders on elementary stupidity. Top 5 amazing cars created by self-taught Kulibins may look like this:

The strange word combination "live" looks no less eccentric. The baseball bat design on wheels will be appreciated by American football fans. But who really agrees to drive this "platypus" is a big question.

It moves with the help of motorcycle wheels located in front and behind under the heel heel. Moreover, there are only three of these wheels, so this ladies' “structure” cannot be called stable and safe. It is not surprising that the shoe car is not registered in any state database, but it deservedly received its prize for originality.

A multifunctional "all-terrain vehicle" that allows you to simultaneously enjoy driving on the road and playing billiards. Although not every driver can achieve such professionalism, which means that it is not worth testing yourself for weak - life is more expensive than unreasonable experiments.

At the sight of this tiny "nyashka" all romantics will sigh with an aspiration. And if you give such a car to your beloved only a wealthy groom can afford, then you can admire an amazing work of art for free.

Sausage in the dough, driving itself along the road? No, this is not a mirage, but everything is just another creation of American homemade ones. In addition to the crazy design, the machine has sufficient functionality.

The roomy interior allows you to accommodate several people at once and even use the miracle car as a minibus.

At the dawn of the automotive industry, almost every car was a work of art in which the master put his soul. Much has changed since then: unification and standardization have led to the fact that not every driver immediately recognizes his “swallow” if a car of the same brand is parked next to it. Not everyone likes this state of affairs, and many car owners are trying to give them individuality. As a result of tuning, the most unusual cars mobiles peace.

Today, the creation of an unusual car design is becoming increasingly popular.

Cars with an unusual finish

An easy way to highlight a car from the gray mass is to paint it with bright patterns. However, some people went even further and came up with an unusual coating for their cars.

Lawn on wheels

If the unforgettable Tolkien Tom Bombadil had own car, then it would undoubtedly look like this: four wheels and a body completely covered with living turf. Before you is the triumph of universal justice: the car poisons environment exhaust gases, and living grass in the process of photosynthesis purifies the air. That's just the care for this miracle of ecology needs vigilant: the greens need to be trimmed periodically, and without watering it will wither. The car in which Tom Bombadil would roll his Goldfinch would surely have been made of fabulous, rust-proof mithril. Modern cars made of a much more prosaic metal, unable to withstand constant dampness. In addition, a layer of turf on the body creates a truly tropical heat in the cabin.

No problem! For those who want to stand out, but are not ready to make excessive sacrifices in the name of the environment, a compromise option has been created: instead of natural turf, the body is covered with artificial. The impression is amazing, but no hassle. The 3.5 cm thick layer of artificial grass looks neat, does not turn yellow and does not fall off when driving. Owner Mitsubishi sedan The 1998 Magna, which finished its car in this way and put it up for auction on eBay (starting price - 510 Australian dollars), claims that such a car attracts much more attention than any standard Ferrari. Therefore, it is absolutely indispensable for both personal meetings and business negotiations.

Sysadmin's dream

System administrators are people with imagination and a sense of humor. A long stay in a server room with a lot of technology sets a person in a philosophical mood. And if the system administrator works in big company, where they constantly fail and are written off to the scrap of the keyboard, then there is one step before the birth of a design masterpiece. It's scary to even imagine how much time it took to paint the keys and methodically paste them on the surface of the body. But the result is impressive. By the way, the person who lined his car with keyboard buttons acted quite practical: plastic keys cushion and protect the bodywork from small pebbles. There is no such car country road not scary!

But even an ordinary user with experience is not a bastard. A person has a lot of unnecessary five-inch floppy disks. Don't waste good! So he pasted them over his car.


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Money can't buy good taste, as the unnamed businessman proved when he finished the body of his Porshe 911 with gold leaf.

Car in a leather case

Interior leather upholstery is an expensive and spectacular thing, but not so rare. Another thing is the car body trimmed with leather on the outside. Before you - a unique Ferrari, lined with material, and characteristics similar to genuine leather. The Latvian firm Dartz, which completed the sixteen-day finishing work, does not disclose the composition of this material, calling it "leather vinyl." In any case, the cover sits on the body like a glove. The machine was purchased for US$200,000 by an American rap artist with the creative pseudonym The Game.

Cars made from unusual materials

Who said that the car must be metal? No, you can, of course, veneer the body already finished machine something interesting and out of the ordinary. Or you can go even further and make the whole car out of wood or plastic. So, with the help of skillful hands and artistic taste, unusual cars are born from unusual materials.

Japanese wooden cars

The Japanese, as always, are original. A car based on Meguru with a bamboo bottom and doors made in the form of huge paper fans could not be created in any other country in the world. Thanks to the machine's very low stance, good cushioning and a top speed of 40 km/h on the substitute back seat on a soft sofa it is quite possible to carry out a leisurely tea ceremony on the way. The bottom of the car is made of natural bamboo. The cost of the car is $10,000.

There is another, samurai version. No soft sofas, glasses and fans! Only wood, hard edges of the doors, reminiscent of dragon wings, harsh outlines, solid seats - everything to feel like a medieval samurai. The maximum speed of the car Sada-Kenbi is 80 km/h, the cost is $44,000.

European wooden cars

The British company Morgan Motors is famous not only for unsurpassed quality, but also traditions: it started the production of wooden cars in the first half of the 20th century. The company's clients are as respectable and respectable as the company itself. Gentlemen are not in a hurry, so the order for wooden car done in a year. The company produces only 600 hand-assembled cars a year, the prices for each of them - from 45,000 pounds. The photo shows a 1938 model, still running.

One of the most famous and - made of noble tulip wood - Bentley's 1939 Lagoonda Rapide Tulipwood Tourer. A few years ago, this rarity was sold at auction for nearly half a million dollars.

Psychologists believe that adults are not quite grown-up children. There is still a curious child in each of us, who is interested in seeing how this or that device works. The curiosity of the public was satisfied by TRW, a large international corporation producing spare parts. In 2013, the company's delegation brought a car with a body made of Plexiglas to the Frankfurt Motor Show. The model is fully operational, and through the transparent material of the case you can see how they work various knots. It’s just not recommended to drive such a car down the street because of the glare, and the drivers of oncoming cars may not react to the transparent “ghost” in time.

Benedict Radcliffe, a British designer, creates unusual cars from steel wire. Having trained on Toyota and Subaru, he got to Lamborghini, using 50 m of wire to make it. The model is valid, designed for two. Currently defiantly red wire, the price is 40,000 pounds.

Lovely soft baby

The body of the Japanese subcompact Honda Puyo is made of soft, elastic and very pleasant to the touch material. In short, Puyo is what the Japanese usually refer to as lovely, delicate, and fragile items. The machine combines many the latest technologies. Here and the ability to view all 360º, and the complete absence of a steering wheel - instead, the driver will have to use the joystick - and a luminescent body, and LED backlighting of the bottom. There is no airbag, since the entire soft body is such a pillow. The little car consumes a minimum of fuel and emits almost no harmful emissions. In urban conditions, a low landing and a quiet ride are an advantage, and the designers are convinced that young girls will like their brainchild.

giant cars

The most unusual cars are obtained when ordinary ones are increased several times. Such monsters involuntarily attract everyone's attention.

Huge jeep

During World War II, General Patton rode a military jeep. Today, a functioning and very accurate, but four times larger copy of this machine belongs to the sheikh from the United Arab Emirates, Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan. Jeep weight - 4400 kg.

american monsters

Residents of the United States are known for their addiction to everything big and scary. It was in America that the fashion for powerful, menacing-looking and frankly ugly cars was born - monster trucks (bigfoot). These machines weigh from three to eight tons (only one wheel weighs 350 kg), (600–1300 hp) and are capable of speeds up to 100 km/h. Bigfoots are used mainly for auto shows, during which they crush their huge wheels small defenseless cars. Some like…

Cars of an unusual shape

Cars of an unusual shape are often created for advertising purposes, and for some reason shoe manufacturers are especially guilty of this. But even ordinary people with wild imagination can give their car a resemblance to a pet, a cartoon character or some fantastic beast.

Cars in the form of shoes

The American footwear manufacturer LL Bean was founded by passionate hunter and sportsman Leon Lenwood Bean at the beginning of the 20th century. By the centenary of the company, in 2012, a car was released in the form of a comfortable “all-terrain vehicle” boot Maine Hunting Shoes, the top of which is made of foam camouflaged under the skin. You can ride in this car for one dollar, and all proceeds go to American national parks.

Today in different cities of the planet you can find unusual cars that have the shape of shoes:

  • "shoe on a stiletto":
  • "boot":
  • elegant "sports shoes":

Cars in the form of animals and movie characters

Look how cute it is:

  • funny duck:
  • turtle:
  • pink cat:
  • dragon (not to say that it's lovely, but how good it is!):
  • Uncle Fester from The Addams Family (horror, of course, not to watch at night, but what a performance!):

comic cars

Like a car. It seems to be driving. And for everyone who saw him, it causes either a smile or an attack of laughter. There are such unusual cars, at a glance at which the mood immediately improves!

Riding, bent over in three deaths, is not very pleasant. But the most small car in the world, made by an American car enthusiast, certainly deserves admiration.

They say that a woman, settling in a man's house, turns everything upside down. Prudent husbands prepare in advance for marriage not only a house, but also a car. As a result, each of the spouses feels at ease: the husband is in ordinary car, wife - inverted.

"Golden" car

The golden Porsche is surprisingly good. And how it sparkles in the sun! Is it real gold? Alas, not even "samovar". The body is made of plastic, pasted over with a golden film. Maybe even drive? Of course he drives! Only the pedals need to be turned. Because inside is a bike! A wonderful gift for a friendly rally bears the proud name of Ferdinand GT3 RS.

For some, the consciousness that he will never have a Ferrari is a reason for despondency, for another, it is an incentive to act. Venetian carpenter Livio de Marchi carved an exact copy of the body of the Ferrari F50 from wood and hung it on his motor boat. Now James Bond can chew his tie from impotent envy, looking at how Signor de Marchi cuts through the channels.

Even if cars that today seem too strange because of their appearance and internal device, tomorrow they will become fashionable and will be mass-produced, people with imagination will create more and more unusual cars.

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An article about 10 very unusual-looking cars, their features and characteristics. At the end of the article - interesting video about wooden cars!

Every day it becomes more and more difficult to understand the country of manufacture of a car by its appearance. The influence of the consolidated currents of design and engineering make cars more and more impersonal. That is why we decided to make a list of the ten most unusual-looking cars.

It is worth noting that unusual concepts, as well as cars for various festivals and advertising campaigns, have always been distinguished by their bold design and original design, but we will consider those models that nevertheless went on open sale and became at least small-scale.

Rating of unusual cars in the world

The 50s and 60s of the last century marked the era of aerospace style, which was especially pronounced in the American auto industry. Huge curved glass, an abundance of chrome and obligatory taillights, made in the form of fins - that's distinctive features of that era.

But Buick Centurion stood out even against the background of compatriots. In addition to the extraordinary design, made in the style of jet aircraft of those years, which is especially evident in the narrow rectangular shape of the radiator grille and the general streamlining, which required even the headlights to be shifted to the sides of the car.

A distinctive feature of the model was an incredibly curved windshield and a panoramic roof, which actually turned the cabin into a wheelhouse. spaceship. The equipment was also to match - already in the mid-50s in basic equipment included a rear-view camera and a screen on the instrument panel, and the front seats automatically shifted for easy entry and exit.

It was this actually experimental car that laid the foundation for the whole Buick Centurion family, which existed for decades, changing generations. But subsequent models completely lost the uniqueness and originality of the first Centurion, which became a hallmark, as well as excellent engine advertisements for subsequent vehicles.

2. Start

There was a place on our list for domestic auto industry. Moreover, the sample we are considering is not just exhibition copy or a product for the party nomenclature, this is a completely utilitarian serial minibus. It was produced at several factories, more precisely in several workshops, since the assembly was carried out almost manually and piece by piece.

Its key feature was quite advanced for the cars of those years car layout and rear engine placement. What's more, the engine compartment is designed as a protrusion in the stern, decorated in an aerospace style. The body is made of fiberglass, which was an advanced material for those years, and the main components and assemblies were borrowed from 21 Volga.

The profile of the car is no less original, in which the driver's cabin and the first passenger row are separated from the rest of the cabin by a massive central pillar, which evokes associations with a modern pickup truck with a closed cargo compartment. The total production volume is about 160 pieces, and the surviving copies are of great value as an example of realized design ideas.

Few people know, but Tatra, now known for the production of utility trucks, was also engaged in the production cars, which could not only compete with others, but surprise and even shock an ordinary motorist.

The Tatra 87 appeared in 1936 when aerospace styling was out of the question, but a quick look at this model makes it clear that it laid the foundations for many subsequent cars. Particularly impressive rear end body - despite the impressive dimensions and equipment, quite powerful engines, Tatra had a rear-engine layout, which required the placement of air intakes in the stern and lengthening of the overhang, which was generally crowned with a full-sized fin.

The front of the car, which has three headlights instead of the usual two, did not lag behind in originality. The profile was remembered by the rear wheel fairing, which created the appearance of a thorough study of aerodynamics.

A sensational car that became famous all over the world even before the official start of sales. The fact is that the manufacturer declared a record low cost- 2000 dollars. This could not be offered by any concern in the world.

But if we ignore the cost, safety and level of equipment, then the one-volume body will immediately attract attention, the hood line of which smoothly passes into the windshield, and then into the roof, forming an almost perfect circle in profile.

Attract attention and air intakes in the area rear fender liner, which is not only not justified from a practical point of view, but also breaks the entire plane of the sidewalls. On early versions of the car, access to luggage compartment was only from the passenger compartment, so there was simply no familiar fifth door. Later, this controversial decision was abandoned, but along with it, the car also lost some of its originality.

If the Indian designers who created the most cheap car in the world, you can forgive a lot and attribute it to the search for new ideas, then the Italians from FIAT took the risk consciously. Multipla, which appeared back in 1998, looks too bold for a production car to this day.

The first thing that attracts attention is the low line of the hood, so low that it does not reach the lower edge of the windshield, resulting in a kind of step in the bow. Contrary to the trend that originated in those years and has survived to this day, the door glazing line is also made very low, which makes the interior as visually open as possible.

Add naivety to the appearance and tiny round headlights located in the frontal part in three rows: fog, dipped beam and daylight running lights. The salon, visually concentrated around a futuristic center console, seems simple and standard against its background.

The layout did not lag behind in originality. The car had two rows of seats, but was six-seater, since there was a full-fledged sofa in front. Low sales volumes forced the concern to carry out a restyling in 2004, which deprived the look of originality.

Since we have touched on the topic of the original layout, it is worth mentioning such a legendary car as the BMW Isetta.

The appearance of this ultra-compact car was bright and memorable, but did not stand out too much against the background of classmates of those years until the doors were opened. More precisely, the only door located in front, instead of the hood. One can only guess what prompted the designers to take this bold step, because it was not economically justified. I had to develop a special steering column, which allows you to fold at the moment of opening the door on which it was fixed, as well as solve more whole line problems. However, it is worth recognizing that the car turned out to be unique.

As for the profile, the almost flat line of the “hood” and windshield, as well as the small angle of inclination of the aft part, make the monocab very specific. The same feeling arises when you look at Tata Nano. So it remains to admit once again that all design trends are cyclical, even with regard to the most extraordinary models.

But back to relatively fresh samples and fast forward to the United States, where the most common body type is a pickup truck. No less popular in this country are various tuning studios that reshape production cars beyond recognition.

Due to this Chevrolet company decided to launch a model on the market that would not need modifications, as it would embody the most daring ideas and concepts. As a result, the Chevrolet SSR was born - a light pickup convertible built on the platform of a sports car and stylized as an American classic of the 50s.

It was the epitome of the hot rod style launched into the series, and its equipment made it possible to tickle the nerves of sports car owners without any tuning.

Eight-cylinder engine with 390 hp had serious potential, and the lightweight body, combined with excellent aerodynamics, allowed him to accelerate the Chevrolet SSR to 100 km / h in 5.3 seconds.

The car was a two-seater and formally had a cargo compartment, the volume of which was not at all large for a pickup truck. Moreover, access to it was complicated by the use of a special hinged cover. In total, the model lasted on the assembly line for about three years.

An even more unusual roadster from the USA was the Prowler, which fully embodied the concept of hot rods of the 30s of the last century. That is why the front part of the body is made narrower, and the wheels are moved beyond the wings and only as a tribute modern requirements covered with motorcycle fenders.

At the same time, the two-seater roadster was not at all archaic, its technical equipment and trim elements clearly demonstrated that this is a modern car.

Despite its unique design and extreme impracticality, the Prowler was produced in an edition of 12,000 copies. Structurally, the car did not surprise at all - it was good, but it did not differ in anything outstanding, except for the design. Despite the use of aluminum components in its frame, the weight exceeded 1300 kg, which is quite a lot for a very modest size. The double cabin is quite cramped, and the suspension is very stiff, so to speak of comfortable ride do not have to.

But all these disadvantages become quite logical and justified, given the fact that the ancient Ford A was used as a prototype, which at one time served as the basis for the emerging hot rod movement. It was he who had a cramped and narrow interior, stiff suspension and a minimum of body panels. One way or another, Prowler can be considered a successful reincarnation.

The desire to revive the retro style in America has reached the point that the Chrysler PT Cruiser compact minivan was released in the hot rod style, which is extremely extraordinary for a family car.

A key design feature is the narrowed frontal part, which is built around a large grille, made in the style of cars of the 30s and 40s.

The profile had pronounced profiled wings, visually connecting the front and rear parts. The stern is the height of minimalism, which, until the complete completion of the image, lacked only a spoked spare wheel on the fifth door.

The car was based on the Neon platform, quite old at that time, from very utilitarian models, which predetermined the absence of outstanding speed and handling indicators.

The maximum speed of the car reached 176 km / h, and acceleration to hundreds took 10.3 seconds, which fully confirmed the purpose of the Chrysler PT Cruiser as a family car.

And the car completes our rating, the existence of which many did not even know.

Morgan specializes in the production of automobiles based on technical solutions mid-1930s. True, small circulations predetermine the need to use the main components and assemblies from more massive modern models other brands.

The design of the Aero 8 is the embodiment of steampunk ideas, a combination of ancient and ultra-modern, embodied in metal. The front part is somewhat reminiscent of Bugatti, but if you look at the general style of those years, it is obvious that this common features automotive industry.

Morgan, as in the old days, has a wooden frame, combined with aluminum elements bodies connected with aviation glue and rivets. And a huge hood and a cabin shifted back, together with hypertrophied large and voluminous front fenders, complete the conceptual image of the 30s.

There are also versions with spoked wheels, made in strict accordance with the technology of the time, which gives the appearance completeness.

Thus, even now, despite the desire of manufacturers to maximize target audience, on the roads common use it is quite possible to meet a truly unique car with a design that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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