Soft suspension for your car: is it worth it? Do-it-yourself pendant: a simple instruction on how to make a stylish and beautiful jewelry.

Soft suspension for your car: is it worth it? Do-it-yourself pendant: a simple instruction on how to make a stylish and beautiful jewelry.


For many motorists is not important criterion. They pay attention to comfortable lounge, elegant appearance and of course powerful engine. Other details undeservedly remain in the shadows. And then, some time after the purchase, the question arises of how to make the suspension softer. And here it all depends on the financial capabilities of the motorist.

Why make the suspension soft

At present, almost all western cars released with a soft suspension,. This is driven by consumer demand. In our country things are different. Not every domestic car is equipped with a soft suspension.

In order to understand whether you need a soft suspension, first of all you need to decide on the style of riding that prevails in you. Ideally, the softness of the suspension should match the character of the driver.

A little about hard suspension

If you prefer a fast, sharp and intense driving style, then a firmer suspension can meet your needs for speed. It will make your driving safer. You can easily control the car.

On the other hand, you must understand that a stiff suspension has a negative effect on your body. Many motorists because of her long service life suffering from diseases of the spine.

Video about the benefits of soft suspension:

Also remember that with a stiff suspension you will feel every pothole in the road, which we have quite enough.

From the foregoing, it is easy to understand that a rigid suspension is not for.

Benefits of Softness

So soft suspension is all about smooth driving. It makes you feel very comfortable and cozy. But when cornering, the speed will need to be reduced. Otherwise, body roll is inevitable, and this is the creation emergency. The only drawback for passengers will be slight motion sickness.

Under the description of the driving style of a car with a soft suspension, the old, beloved proverb fits perfectly - you drive more quietly, you will continue.

However, do not forget that there is always a middle between two extremes. To date, cars with a medium hard suspension are being successfully produced. In addition, there is an air suspension. It differs from its "colleagues" in that its qualitative parameters change when moving, that is, it can be stiffer or softer.

Add softness to the suspension

To solve the problem, as you like, with excessively stiff suspension, you will need to make a financial investment. Their size will depend on which option you choose to get out of this situation.

So, if you decide to reduce the stiffness of this part yourself, then you have how to soften the suspension:

  • change tires;
  • change springs;
  • change shock absorbers
  • install fusible disks;
  • install air suspension.

Let's start with the cheapest options. Replacing the springs, or the so-called spirals, of the suspension consists in replacing the native springs with spirals with a variable pitch of turns. You can buy these in almost any store. car parts or at the car dealership. They are inexpensive, and replacing them will not be difficult and will not take much time.

Next, the shock-absorbing devices should be replaced. To soften the chassis of the car, install gas-oil shock absorbers double action . They will make your trips on rough roads more comfortable and enjoyable.

Another relatively inexpensive softening option is a soft sidewall installation. Don't be stingy here. The only disadvantage of such a replacement is the danger of contact with high speed into a big hole. Because of soft rubber you can break a tire. To avoid this, you can install high-profile soft rubber with a smaller radius.

You can also buy and install fusible wheels with a long overhang. They significantly affect the comfort of movement and controllability of the car. The disadvantage of such a replacement is the rapid failure of the bearings, since fusible disks have a very high load on them.

If desired, you can perform all four of the above manipulations at once and install new tires, discs, springs and shock absorbers. This will no doubt make the suspension softer and driving more comfortable.

The most expensive and, accordingly, the most effective way out is to replace the entire suspension with a pneumatic one. It's quite real. It is not advisable to perform such manipulations on your own, it is better to contact specialists. , of course, will hit your wallet, but its consequences will fully compensate for the monetary damage.

When replacing the suspension, you must always remember that it was balanced at the factory where the design of the car was developed. This means that it is for this model of car that it will perform all its necessary functions. Installing new part and changing the characteristics of the car, you will not be able to take into account all the parameters of your car as well as the designers. Therefore, replacement often leads to undesirable consequences.

Thus, in your garage, you can soften the suspension by installing new coils, special shock absorbers, or tires with soft sidewalls. To replace the suspension with air suspension, you will need the help of professionals. Which of these options is more efficient and best suited for your vehicle is up to you to decide. And in general, before changing something in the chassis of a car, think about whether it is necessary to do this.

Not many people know how to make the suspension softer, because often we are used to the fact that the manufacturer takes care of all the nuances of car operation in advance.

True car lovers always consider the type of suspension when choosing their favorite. A lot depends on the type of car. If this is an SUV, then you can hardly expect the suspension to be soft. The same goes for racing models. However, in virtually all cars designed for everyday use, the suspension is soft.

It's no secret that transport as a whole is a reflection of its owner. It depends on him what color the car will be, what its power will be and the same type of suspension. Last Feature determines the appropriate driving style. Nevertheless, if you made a mistake in this, then adapting it for yourself is a fairly simple matter.

The main plus is that the soft suspension provides a very pleasant smoothness of movement, but, nevertheless, the handling of the vehicle and its response to the driver's actions during certain situations suffer in some ways. This is especially noticeable at high speeds. This refers to the turns, in which there is a difficult handling and body roll itself.

A stiffer suspension is much more suitable for sporty riding than its soft type. Since for racing cars handling becomes an indispensable characteristic, everything is clear here. But even here it is not without disadvantages - more rigid suspension It has a rather negative effect on the body of every person in such a car. Smoothness is already excluded here, and you get the opportunity to feel every smallest pebble in your path. Fortunately, there is a pneumatic type of this system. He can adapt to any road conditions, under the weight of transport and its speed, but this is far from a cheap pleasure.

In general, the quality of the control of the machine is affected by all changes in the angles of the suspension when it rolls and responds while driving, and the whole reason is the displacement of the center of gravity itself. In turn, this means that it is best to achieve a stiff suspension that can reduce body roll during cornering maneuvers at speed.

Another way to achieve this effect is to install such a stabilizer. roll stability, as a torsion bar that prevents the movement of a wheel belonging to one axle relative to another. Although in this case the problem of changing the wheel alignment angles in turns is solved, the problem of unloading the inner wheel in relation to them appears, which entails an overload of the outer one. IN this case much more comfortable option is to achieve a rigid suspension.

Benefits of Softness

Soft suspension means less change in body position and limited ability to distribute the load between the four wheels when rolling. This saves energy, as there is no need to shift the center of the car up or down while driving. It also improves traction a lot.

However, such suspensions are significantly limited in such characteristics as compression strokes. They must necessarily be coordinated with the difference in axle load when there are passengers and luggage in the car, and with the load that occurs when there is an uneven road surface and when cornering.

By making the suspension too soft, when you turn, you will feel how the wheels on the opposite side simply come off the ground due to its too much compression.

That is why how to make the suspension softer requires knowledge of such nuances. In everything there must be a measure, which also applies to this case. The most optimal suspension is considered to be of low softness. Very often, such a range can easily migrate smoothly to stiffness, and the more significant the difference between the soft and hard parts of the suspension, the more difficult it is to adjust it for yourself. Any distribution of loads is the result of a drop in the quality of wheel adhesion, since additional loading of the front wheels does not mean compensation for all losses for the rear wheels when they are unloaded and vice versa.

Even when hanging such unloaded wheels, after which there is an improvement in grip on such a loaded side, even fifty percent of the losses are not compensated. Among other things, this situation implies not only a drop in the level of adhesion to the road, but also a general drop in the controllability of the car. This can be corrected by correcting the direct inclination of the rolling plane of the wheel according to the road. It means collapse. Thanks to appropriate operations, the soft suspension of the car gives its owner a pleasant and easy control. Although at high speed this figure is significantly reduced.

How to make the suspension soft - several ways

For soft suspension to become a reality, it is necessary to carry out certain work. That is, if the driver is not satisfied with his suspension, without much difficulty it can be adjusted to fit him. So soften the suspension, first of all, by replacing its parts. It is best to replace all the main ones at once. This will give you maximum results.

You need to start with springs. The old ones are replaced with those that have a variable pitch of turns. If you have enough money, you can buy them anywhere. In general, soft suspension requires a lot of details. Conventional standard shock absorbers should be replaced with gas-oil, which have a double action.

Standard tires should be replaced with tires that have a soft sidewall. What will it give? The driver will not feel all the roughness of the road surface. But do not forget that if you get on such tires high speed into the hole, they will burst. You can reduce the risk by installing a high-profile type of rubber with a smaller radius.

Native wheels can be replaced with alloy wheels, which have long reach. But this part of the reconstruction has its drawbacks. Handling, of course, will increase, but at the same time, the load on the wheel bearings will increase. Because of this, they will serve less. Some are beginning to think about replacing the usual car suspension to pneumatic. If you have limited funds, then this option is not suitable. Everything, of course, is nothing, but it costs an incredible amount. Although the soft suspension of the car is worth it.

The deeper we go into ... progress, the more difficult it is ... for us to imagine our existence without a car. However, if quite recently about 20 years ago, we had enough: Zhiguli, Muscovites and Volga with UAZs, today the sharply increased number of automakers has spoiled us and our fantasies to the limit. For your money, they will do everything you wish, they will realize your most “unrealistic” fantasy, it would be something to pay ...

Psychologists have long been saying that the choice of a car corresponds to the character of a person. The shape of the body, the color in which it is painted, as well as specifications his motor and driving performance auto - one way or another correspond to our internal state.

The softness of the car, or it would be more correct to express it, also corresponds to our character to some extent. For some, those who like unhurried movement with a slight swaying prefer a soft suspension, while others, those who crave speed and in all their affairs love efficiency and restraint, on the contrary, strive to move without excessive swaying and rolls when cornering. In general, how many people - so many opinions.

Running suspension parameters are selected either immediately when buying a car, or are finalized after purchase, this is called car tuning. Riding style is in many ways a fundamental factor when choosing a suspension.

Influence of car suspension on movement

Rigid suspension - a pledge safe driving, as well as the ability to control all the nuances of maneuvering, are claimed by fans and experts of this suspension option. However, no matter how hard the suspension is, it also has disadvantages, for example, most experts believe that this option is harmful to human health, especially to those who have problems with the spine. Especially if we take into account the quality of our roads, we can imagine what the “fifth point” will experience when moving in such a car.

Soft suspension, it is primarily comfort and a soft smooth ride. A car with a soft supple suspension will comfortably and comfortably overcome all the bumps, occasionally swaying from side to side, but this lull will last only until the first turn. If it needs to be passed at high speed, the driver will have control problems due to the large body roll. In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that excessive softness creates a wave effect that causes motion sickness.

Serial cars leave the assembly line already with ready-made suspension parameters, soft, hard or medium suspension. However, the magnitude of their characteristics is constant. Air suspension is able to change its parameters during movement: becoming harder or softer. The cost of such a suspension is appropriate, it is rather difficult to call it cheap.

How to make the suspension softer yourself?

If you have come to the conclusion that your car is not comfortable enough or that it has a rather stiff suspension, then you should ask yourself the question: are you ready to sacrifice sharpness of reaction and excellent handling in the name of regularity and solidity while driving? If the answer is yes, then this type of tuning is quite easy to make even at home. Below I have provided a few good advice with which you can achieve the desired result.

There are such ways to make the suspension of the car softer:

1. Replacing the springs. Old springs are being replaced with springs with a variable pitch of turns; buying these on the car market is not a problem.
2. . Regular shock absorbers are changed to double-acting gas-oil, this allows you to significantly increase the softness and smoothness of the suspension.
3. . Need to buy new good ones, maybe expensive tires having soft sidewall. This type of rubber perfectly absorbs all the bumps in the road, but if you get into a hole at high speed, big troubles can arise. Tires can simply break. The second option with tires is the installation of high-profile soft rubber with a smaller radius.
4. . Replacing conventional disks with alloy wheels with a long flight. They are able to increase controllability, while they will contribute to the comfort of movement. The disadvantage of these disks is the increased load on the bearings, and their premature failure.
5. Pneumatic suspension. Replacement conventional suspension on pneumatic - quite effective way. After such tuning, the suspension will become very soft, but there is one “but” - its cost and installation. Although, if we take into account the comfort that it will provide, then the costs will be fully justified, because as you know. you have to pay for pleasure...

Long gone are the days when jewelry was worn only by women of the lower social class due to the lack of the opportunity to buy expensive jewelry. Well-known designers of the world are working on the creation of modern collections of such jewelry and they cost an order of magnitude higher than the usual products made of precious alloys.

Today, jewelry is made from a wide variety of materials - wood, metal, glass, beads, plastic, ceramics, leather, etc. As already mentioned, many of them are beyond the reach of modern fashionistas, but what to do if you always want to look good?

Arm special tool, material and start creating the masterpiece of your dreams yourself.

Bead pendants

The first thing you can do with your own hands is bead pendants. It is enough to buy an ordinary chain in any stall and hang beads on it in a variety of quantities and color scheme. If you are with knitting needles and yarn on “you”, you can tie these beads with cotton threads of different colors.

Depending on the ensemble with which you plan to combine them, they can be made in a specific theme - for example, in the form of fruits or animals.

If you have a lot of things at home that your mother or grandmother inherited, you can breathe into them new life and alter for yourself, diluting your wardrobe with a vintage dress or set. And from the remaining pieces of fabric.

To do this, you just need to sew a long case from each individual piece and insert wooden beads into them one at a time the same size. In order for the beads to sit firmly each in their case, their edges must be tied with a knot or pulled with a cord. The ends are simply sewn together.

And if we are talking about a pendant, then it is made long by sewing ties to the ends, for example, from a satin ribbon. Bracelets with handmade fabric charms will perfectly complement a summer bag made of the same material.

You can make a pendant from an ordinary neckerchief by stringing large irregularly shaped beads with a wide hole on it, as well as wrapping round analogs around it. In this case, the main pattern should be concentrated exactly in the center.

Today on sale you can find glass beads obtained by melting glass in the fire of a gas burner. From this unique material, unique in its color and shape, you can create wonderful pendants with your own with my own hands as well as bracelets and jewelry for watches.

To make a pendant, the role of which will be played by a wooden spool of thread, you will need the spool itself, decorative material, a chain, a pin with an eyelet, a lock, two connecting rings, a chain and a flat separator.

In addition, you need to purchase any pendant or make a beaded pendant with your own hands, as well as prepare pliers, nail polish and glue.

Manufacturing steps:

  • wrap the coil with decorative material - paper, cloth or something else and fix it with glue;
  • thread the pin into the hole of the coil, directing it with the loop down;
  • thread a flat spacer through the top of the pin so that it is located on the top of the coil. Then its remainder must be twisted with pliers and inserted into the loop formed by the connecting ring;
  • cover the decorative material with nail polish;
  • attach a hand-made pendant to the lower loop of the pin, you can make it from felt, leather, beads and anything that comes to your mind;
  • it remains to put the finished jewelry on a chain with a lock. Such a suspension is impossible better fit to vintage style.

Pendants from other materials

You can weave baubles from beads and beads, which are very common among young people. Not everyone knows that it is not difficult to get voluminous jewelry from beads - cords and harnesses for the arm or neck.

The country and western style is answered by jewelry made of suede and leather. How to make the simplest decoration out of this material? Take scissors and cut out pieces of leather of various shapes. Passing a cord mixed with beads through them, we get a simple and unpretentious necklace or bracelet.

Lovers of leather bags probably have unnecessary long straps lying around somewhere that come with the accessory. Of these, you can weave a pigtail and wear it on your hand as a bracelet.

And here is how you can make a leather pendant with your own hands:

  • to make a pendant you will need two pieces of leather different shades. From the darker one, you need to cut out the upper part of the "cameo" with a female profile. Sprinkling it with gold paint, stick it on the lower part of light skin;
  • I must say that the lower part of such a medallion can have any shape - round, oval, rectangular, etc. When the glue dries, a hole must be punched in the upper part of the medallion for hanging;
  • if desired, the medallion can be pasted around the perimeter with a roll of the same light leather. To make the pendant look neat, it can be lined with cardboard or leftover leather. By threading the cord through the hole, the medallion can be worn around the neck.

There are a lot of options for making decorative pendants with your own hands! With a certain amount of ingenuity, you can make jewelry from improvised means that have long been lying in the drawers of a chest of drawers or walls and were preparing to go to the trash can. There would be a desire, and the possibilities are countless!

What home craftsmen just do not currently do. Of course, in the old days they also did a lot, but still they cannot be compared with modern talents. What beautiful things girls do at home. And they sew, and embroider, and knit, just to please themselves and make a unique thing.

Today I will tell you how you can make a beautiful pendant at home. Indeed, you are not mistaken. If you can make any thing out of clothes, then why not make a small pendant that will be an original gift for loved ones. There is nothing better than a handmade gift.

In order to make a pendant, you will first have to consider all the smallest details. What are these details you ask me. Well, quite a lot can be attributed here. To begin with, we will need to decide on the size of the pendant, its shape, pattern. How it will be decorated, and what will be in the center of the composition.

Yes, and the main detail. What will it be made of. What material will you take as a basis. There are a lot of options from which you can make a pendant. It can be wood, or metal, wire, and you can also tie or sew a pendant.

As you can see, there is a lot of material to work with. The main thing is your imagination. You can make it from any materials. Can be combined various materials. For example, wood and metal, wire and fabric.

Pendant for beginners

For a beginner, you should first decide on the choice of material. After choosing it, you can already begin to manufacture it. In the vastness of the global network, there are many instructions with detailed description for beginner craftsmen. For young craftswomen, it is best to opt for a knitted pendant. This pendant can also be given a twist.

Now I will give an example of how you can make a pendant using steel wire and crochet thread.

First we need to come up with a composition for the pendant. I will take the simplest, this is a pendant in the shape of a flower. You tell me why you need a wire if you can embroider it and so. You can knit, I do not argue, but it will be too light, will not hold its shape, and will constantly wrinkle.

To prevent this from happening, we need a wire. We take the wire of the required length for the flower with a margin and begin to tie threads around it. Now it turns out that the wire will not be visible, but at the same time your pendant will gain weight and will not deform.

When you have finished knitting, it remains only to give it the shape of a flower and tie a thread. That's it, your pendant is ready.

Master Class

On the Internet you can find many photos of various handmade pendants. Indeed, some are truly fascinating. How many varieties of species, shapes, and patterns. But this was done by ordinary people, just like you and me. Yes, there are things that professionals have done, but they did not immediately achieve this.

Yes, how much unprecedented beauty is inherent in them. Now I will tell you one master class on making a pendant with my own hands.

I will say right away that this is more suitable for men, since it will require a lot of work with carpentry tools. Although perhaps now many girls already have the skills to work with them.

To make this pendant, you will need a piece of solid wood, a sheet of brass and brass wire. Of the tools you will need a hacksaw for metal, a jigsaw, sandpaper, a grinding wheel, pliers.

First, print out the drawing of the pendant. I have this heart with a phoenix inside. We glue it on a piece of wood with PVA glue, and then we drill a hole along the inner edge of the heart, and cut it out with a phoenix jigsaw, it will not be useful to us. We also cut out a pendant along the outer edge, and give it a certain shape with a knife.

Then we glue the phoenix onto a sheet of brass and cut it out. In a wooden blank on the side with an awl, we make a hole for a wire ring. We grind the whole product and give it a shape. After we pass with fine sandpaper, to eliminate all flaws. We insert the ring into the hole and securely fix it with special glue.

Next, you need to insert a phoenix into our wooden heart, and also fix it with glue in several places with inside. Wait until it dries completely and apply glue again. At the end, you can apply varnish on a wooden heart so that it will serve your family for many more years.

That's it, your pendant is ready. Such a pendant will serve as an excellent gift for your loved ones, and will be more expensive than any diamonds, because it is made with soul.


Now I think you will no longer have the question of how to make a pendant with your own hands. There is a lot various schemes to create beautiful pendants. All of them can be found on the Internet, and find the best option for you. Whether it's a metal or fabric pendant, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that it is made by hand, and not everyone can boast of this.

Remember, only your patience and imagination will help you create amazing and truly exclusive things.

DIY pendant photo

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